Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 12

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131 EM KM VBl III. n. T
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Brandeis Stores
The first to present new models in women's apparol the first to import the exclusive European novelties.
This Store.Specializes in "Merchandise for Service"
Women's Wintfer-Apparel That is Thoroughly Practical
Tho Coats, Dresses and Skirts that are strictly Fashionable no matter how moderate thq,prico.
It-Is porfect equipment and, a knowledge born of thirty yearn experlcnco that enables thlB store to maintain Its leadership.
Genuine Sealotte Plush Coats Imported Persiana Coats
at $25 . at $25
m-- 4: ;x '
Women's New. Velour Coats
at $29, $35, $39 and $49
New Lots -of Women's Wiiter Coats From a Recent Special Purchase at $12.50-S15.$i9
...woo niuiiiniiji un ciiiiiciiiuu, voiuur anu yiusu cunis, as wen as mo oxiremo novelties In black
uuutiu, kju uuvuuy luiAiuruD, uiv. mo dubi imormea women wiu boioci tneir winter coats here.
Select Furs -of Quality SSS-gfiSSS
and white
New Mid-Winter Models-in Tailored Suits
New stylo Ideas that you will find only at nrandels Stores. Suits that
wero made to sell regularly at $39 may bo selected from
theso groat assortmentB, at p0
Practical Winter Suits at $15
Long Pony Coats, beautifully 2f
flowered,- at . ..... . .. . .; Oz)
54-inch Heavy Rich. Near Seal Cnr
Coats, at ... .::r.'. . .;. . . . :z)o
Full Length Striped 'Marmot- (CQn
Coals,, at,....,.., . .......... ?0)
Fiiio Silky Curly Astrakhan Crm
Coats, -at : ; . , . ; ... . Obf
54-jnch , . Heavy , Gurly , .Gray $Q q
Krimmer Coats, at ZO
fole Coney and Hudson Seal Cifjo
Novelty Coats, at lO
Novelty Striped Mole Coney
Coats, at
Genuino Scotch Mole Novelty
Coats, at
54-in. Nobby Kolinsky Sable
Coat, at
Mole Coney Fancy Throw and Qin
Pillow Muff, at ...... :
Beautiful Red Fox, 2, 3 and 4- rjr-
skin sets, at $35
Blue Wolf Sets,, straight
fancy scarfs, at $25 to
Jap Mink Fancy Scarfs and Nov
elty Muffs, at $49 to
Beautiful Selected Mink' Sets,
your choice, at $69 to
Black Fox Sets, many styles,
your choice, at $35 to
Special Canadian Marten Sets,
your choice at $15, $19 and .....
Special Coney Sets, novelty and
plain scarfs, at $5 to
This Is a splendid valuo Kvory suit Is a sorvicoablo,
now model, mado to sell at $2G, at . .
Now Marabout and Ostrich Feather Sets
In natural, whlto and black, at $10.00, $12t0, $115.00 and
up to $4G.OO a sot.
Now Arrivals of French Hand Mado Lingerie and Silk
Crepe Underwear
Varieties that you will find nowhoro else. A most attractive
Bhowlng of theso now undergarments.
Silk I'otiiconts Messallnes, Jersey tops and
taffotos, oil sizes, blacl and colors, at
Special Showing and Fitting
W. B. 3 La Vida Corsets
Miss M. Virginia Whlto, special flttor, di
rect from tho Now York manufacturers
of Uicbo well known corsets, will bo with
us in our Corsot Department all this
week anil will bo glad to moot any wo
man In Omaha or vicinity who haB had
,. corsot troubles. Sho will glvo hor ad
vice and Bpoclal attention In fitting all
Wt B. and La Vlda m a CVrr
CT. - .Ka.c.h-. $3 to $25
La Vida Corset No. 2209
(Liko Illustration)
Low buflt, extremely long skirt, trimmed
with fancy laco and boned with very
best quality oxcelon boning, which is
guaranteed not to rust and seldom ovor
breaks ThlB model Is mado st r
from firm ttnportod coutU
slzos 19 to 30, at ,K-'
Fine Filmy Shadow Laces Net Top Oriental Laces
Also 18-Inch shadow allovers, In white, cream and ecru worth up to 75o ir or on
Threo very special lots, at yard ibC'ZoC'OyC
New Gold, Silver and Steel Metallic Laces, Insertions and Bands
Itlchly ombroldorod and shadow effects on our main floor or r-rv rn
worth up to $2.50 a yard, per yard, at .OC-OC-"oC
Women's Fine Neckwear New Creations
New Queen Ann Itiiffs, Robcsplcrrp collars, in silk and satin, with dainty filmy laco Jabots- also dress
and coat se b, collars in sailor Dutch and caplshon shapes in crochet and Vealse effects fancy laco
chomlsottes'and yokes, laco jabots, etc. worth up to $1.00, at each .......... ....... . . .?5o"
50c and 75c Net and Shadow Laces, Pleatings at 25c and 39c yd.
Dainty, now designs an endless variety In white, cream and black, worth up to 75c per yard.
Special Sale of Silk Foulards
Spot proof foulards In CO dlfforont patterns 85c and $1 values
per yard, at 59d
$1.20 Silk Poplins All popular shades, Including black, 42 in
ches wldo, yard 08d
42-Inch Cropo do Chine All shades, including cream and black
$2 quality, yard 81.50
Taney Silks for Scarf Ings Most exquisite designs and colors
Por yaM 4S 5Q and 98
Special Offers All Wool Dress Goods
54-lnch and CG-inch Diagonals, whlpcordB and wldo walo suit
ings, worth $3 and $3.50, por yard, at, S1.05
Navy Uluo Sorges, 42-Inch width. $1 quality, yard 7Q
Navy Dluo Serges, 5 4 -inch width, $1,50 quality, yard 08 d
3G to 40-Inch all wool Auioskoag Sorges and Novolty Weave
Suitings, per yard, at 506
:-lnch Imported AH Wool French Tuffetua, apcclal at, yard 70o
DO-lncli All Wool IlroadclothB, at, yard ., 59o
r.O-lnch f 1.50 Cream Serrros, at. yanl. 8 So
CO to 64-lnch Mannlph Bulttnjro, novelty serges, etc, at, yd. 70 o and 38a
, We offer all the Women's
Wool and Silk Dresses'
From the Hyman-Karp Slock
of Canal and Broadway, New York
In Our Bargain Basement
I $3i
All the Pretty Silk and Wool
and misses ; made to sell to $12.50 J J
ah tne stunning-, silk and Wool ) (t s QO
T)rosipo All a
Wf : Jj
m i
25 mm
House Robes and Negligees
Separato and complete section de
Voted to garments of this character.
Wool Uath Robes and Lounging
' Robes, at $3.08, $3.98, $5 and $6.50
Now Silk Lounging Robes and Long
Kimonos, at 93.93 up to 925
New Chiffon Blouso Waists, In all
colors, at $6.98, $8.98, $10, $13.50
Stunning Hew Tailored Silk Walits
At $3.98, $5 and $6.98
Women's New VoUe and lingerie
Waists Effective new models, at
$1.50, $1.98, $3.50, 5X98 and $3.98
Klosfit Petticoats 1
Brandeis Stores are official agents in Omaha- for these
famous Petticoats with Elastic Tops that fit the fig
ure like a' glove. There
l is no sagging, bunch
ing or wrinkling in a
1 ' Klosfit garment. Wo
offer a great variety of
Klosfit Cotton Petti-
' .Tta.$l to $3
All the Women's Wool Dresses in
up-to-date styles Mado to sell
up to $10 Basement. ..
e rnn
Dresses All sizes for women I Kuu
wooll $98
women V
to $15 J
Dresses All sizes foi women
and misses made to sell
. Tuesday All tho Silk Petticoats and
Wool Dress Skirts from the stock.
Wednesday All tho Furs and Children's
Coats from the stock.
Thursday All the House Dresses and
Kimonos from the' stock.
Klosfit Silk Taffeta,
Silk Messaline Petti
coats and Jer
sey tops at. . .
Tlio Post Master Has Ilequosted Every Ono
to Put Up a
Mail Box
Hero is a special at our - Notion Counter.
Largo Japanned Metal Mail Boxes, arrang
ed for papors and padlock, spo- i A
cial at lUC
A Msil Box Bavss Dlsy sua X.obs of MaU.
Basement Bargains
Fancy Figured Fleeced Flannelettes, in strip
ed and Persian patterns, at yard . . . .6M;C
Now lots of Serpentine Crepo Remnants, in
kimono lengths new styles, at yard,.10c
Persian Cotton Cuallles, niakoa protty quilts, dressing
sacquea, etc., yard........... 3Hi
Bea Island Percales In light and dark grounds, yard
wide, best quality, yard 8H
Good, heavy, soft and fluffy Outing Flannels, protty,
new patterns, from the bolt, yard 7Ji
S6o Mercerized Pop
lins In all the new,
desirable shades
at. per yard. . .180
Yard wide, fine and
heavy grsde un
bleached Muslin. In
desirable length,
at. yard 8
I- .-aU . -
'iiiai!ii'i'",,m,n'l'"innrisapn'il) lHmTmTrr.Ttf.Tnr
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Sale Begins Monday
And continues until the 23d inclusive
Thanksgiving Linen Specials
$4 TABLE CLOTHS $2.50. $5 TABLE CLOTHS $2.98
Fine Satin Damask Pattern Cloths, 8-4 -size, regular
$4 values, at $2.50
8-10 size, regular $5 cloths, at $2.98
22-inch Napkins to match the ahove cloths, doz. $2.89
$2 TABLE DAMASK $1.39 Yd.
Best quality 72-inch Irish douhle Satin Damask war
ranted p. $2 valuo Monday special, at yard, $1.39
$5.50 quality, 24-inch Napkins to match, at doz. $3.98
$1.(10 Talilo Damask at UOc a yard Excellent quality of table
damask, full 71! Inches wldo, In bleached or unbleached Im
mense assortment of protty patterns, at yard 69 d
- Choice of all our finer, grades of linen guest towels,
wreath designs for Initials or monograms Our 50c,
59c and 75c values, Monday special, at each., 39
$8.50 scalloped edge nod Spreads Very heavy grade
crochet bed spreads with cut corners for metal bods
large size, at each SI, OS
The remarkable savings our Annual Dlnnec Waro Sale of
fers haB been takon advantage of by hundreds of Omaha women.
Hero are now, up-to-date dinner sots at prices far below tholr
regular figures. Every set Is from our regular stock and can
bo replenished year after year.
This Bale Includes all our English, Freuch, Swedish, German
and domestic china. Only a few of the bargains are mentioned
100-piece Austrian
Ohina D'nner Sets
Beautifully , treated
with pure coin gold
regular price is
$35.00, go at solo
Pnce $25
100-piece English
Dinner Sets
Formerly priced
at $18.50, sale
100-piece English
Dinner Sets
White and gold
worth $IJ).85, sale
price . ..$14.50 J price
Encrusted Gold Stem Glass
ware for Thanksgiving table
C h a m p a g n 0 s , goblets,
tumblers, wines, cocktails,
cream do mints, clarets, etc.,
choice, at each 50c
100-piece Haviland
China Dinner Sets
Handsomely decor
ated on now plain
shape, with, delicate
pink roses, treated with
pure coin gold aalo
Price $2.3.50
100-piece Dinner
Sets of fine Do
mestic Porcelain
new shapes In white
and gold regular
price 113.85, 50.85
KXTUA SPECIAL Jnpancso China
llrouil anil Huttcr Plates Imported
direct from tho Orient, beautifully
tinted with delicate blue back
ground and handsomely decorated
Limit ono dozen to customer,
erfch at
or, per dozen,.,.. "7K
lOO-plece French China
Dinner Sets, regularly
worth $40, sale price
Por set 35
lOO-plece French China
Dinner Setij, regularly
worth 915, sale price
Per set 33.50
100-piece French
China Dinner Sets
With wide
bands of encrust
ed gold worth
regularly $138.00,
at $95
Brandeis Stores West Arcade.
Sale of Blankets
$3.50 Beacon Bath Robe and Wrapper
Blankets largest size made, with cords and
frogs to match absolutely fast (?Q CTA
colors complete at p-.OU
$3.50 extra fino 12-4 size Cotton Blankets
This is ono of tho finest cotton blankets
made, finished like finest wool
Monday, at pair "
$1 all clean feather filled
pillows, size 18jc25 In
ches, covered with best
grade fancy art ticking
each at 50i
$3 SUkoline and Bateen
.covered comforters, full
size, pure white cotton
filled, a regular $3.00
value, each. .. .SI. 50
$7 and $8 Strictly All Wool Blankets, pr. $5
St. Mary's and Wal
1 a c e & B !!'. 1 1 h'u
Blankets ore all
wool, both warp
and filling. 11-t
and size and
Welsh C and 6 lbs.
to pair, o m.
at, per
jpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimMrnih.J rr . itt. t,. Tr,..K :,. t .Hf"? R