Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Fair; Colder
VOL. XLU-NQ. 22.
Turkish Government Fully Realises
Further Resistance Will Only
.Prejudice Its Position.
Banks Taking Stock of Interests in
Conquered Provinces.
Surgeons Say Many of the Wounds
Are Self-inflicted.
Xnnc of Patients Sent to ConstnntN
nople, but No l'rccmitlottH Arc
i TnUrn to Prevent HeftiKcea
IlrtiiKltiK 1" Disease.
LONDON, Nov. 10.-Rumanla Is re
ported to have placed strong bodies of
troops at three points on tho Bulgarian
frontier. Tho movement la believed to bo
tho result of diplomatic arrangements, so
that pressure can be applied to Bulgaria
In order to keep Uio terms of tho armis
tice within moderation.
or Kustendjc.) An armistice with tho
Bulgarians will In all probability bo ar
ranged within tho next few days, and
this will bo followed by direct negotia
tions for peace.
The Ottoman government fully realizes
that further resistance can only prejudice
tho position of Turkey still more, while
its outcome Is extremely problematical
and might lead to even more humiliation.
Hitherto only a few of tho soldiers
badly wounded In battle havo arrived,
hero. A number of the Invalided men
are Infected by gangrcno and blood pois
oning. Physicians say that many of tho
wounds have been self-inflicted.
Nono of the cholera patients are sent
to the city, but little precaution Is taken
to prevent refugees bringing In the dis
ease. Fugitives continue J.o crowd around the
city's walls. Tralnloada of them ure
being sent off dally along tho railroad
into Asia Minor.
Many of the foreign residents who were
willing to risk tho chanco of a fanatical,
outbreak are departing for Kuropo be
cause of the cholera.
The departuro of. prominent members of
the'Xung Turk fcarty for Europe Is con
sidered by many as foreshadowing a pos
sible return of tho old regime.
The bulk of public opinion la. beginning
to rally to tho view takenby responsible
statesmen, and It Is generally hoped that
the best possible conditions of peaco will
be secured. It Is' recognized that prac
tically tho whole of European Turkey Is
lost, so much so that tho banks and tho
council of tho Ottoman public debt are
already taking stock of their own Inter
ests In the lost provinces In View of pro
tecting themselves when tho final settle
ment comes up for discussion.
Tho foreign military attaches here are
of tho opinion that tho Bulgarians are
finding many difficulties and they havo
been unable to bring up a sufficient army
to Insure a successful attack on the
Tchatalja lhnes. which must be mado di
rect on the front.
Tho scheme of defense drawn up by the
commanders of the foreign warships here
provides only for tho protection of for
eigners and not the preventlln of mas
sacres, tho fear of which, however, has
now been largely dissipated. The German
cruiser, Ooebcn, arrived today.
News from the Interior of Asia Minor
shows that there Is some unrest, and
fears aro expressed that fanatical and
revolutionary outbreaks may accur there
If tho central Turkish government should
become greatly disorganized. y
llulenrln Coimultn Allies.
SOFIA. Nov. 16. The Bulgarian cabinet
communicated to the allies today tho
contents of a letter from tho Turkish
grand vizier on the subject of an armis
tice and an Interchange of views between
tho Balkan governments is in progress.
It'lsVUd that unless peace conditions aro,
accepted by Turkey within twenty-four
hours after their presentation hostilities
will be continued, as tho Bulgarian gen-,
rrals are not willing to permit Turkey
to gain valuablo time by wrangling over
the conditions.
A prompt acceptance may avert the
entry of the Bulgarian troops into Con
stantinople. It Is believed Bulgaria will
not object to Turkey retaining Constanti
nople and the Dardanelles.
King Ferdinand of Bulgaria Is now at
Ktrk-Killisseh. but It is reported ho Is
prcparng to start for TchataUa.
Warner' lleiiorU AH False.
LONDON, Nov. 16. Utter discredit was
thrown today by local military experts
on reports published In Vienna papers of
(Continued on Pago Two.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. ra. Sunday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair tonight and Sunday; colder to
night Uijf Temperature
nt Omaha
. 6 a. m 39
S V 6 a- m 33
IJiWr 7 . m 37
Si. MVS m -
9 a. m 37
NTTh 10 m 10
' IsA 11 a- m 40
12 m 44
1 p. m 46
, Local Weather Itevord.
1312. 1911. 1910. 1909.
Lowest last night 37 K 20 IS
Precipitation T
Normal temperature for today, 37 de
crees. Deficiency In precipitation since March
1. 3.35 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period of 1911
H.M Inehe.
Deficiency corespondtng period of 1910
14.3 Inches.
Insinuation that
Schrank is Being
Railroaded Resented
MILWAI'KEK, Wis., Nov. 16.-Cognlx-anco
of Insinuations that officials of
Milwaukee county were hurrying John
Schrank, confessed assailant of Theodore
Iloosevclt, through the form of a hear
ing without giving him a fair trial was
taken today by Municipal Judgo A. O.
Backus. Ho directed that tho flvo alien
ists who are examining Into Hchrunk's
mental condition continue their observa
tions until such time next week as they
aro convinced there Is no possibility for
an error In the Judgment they shall form
as to his mental responsibility.
"Tho appointment of the alienists was
an extra measure to assure to the de
fendant that he havo every safeguard of
his rights thrown around him." said
Judge Backus today. ' Then, 1 appointed
for him an attorney of highest stand
ing In Milwaukee, and the attorney has
bcou constantly watchful of his client's
"The alienists havo not reported to this
oourt, moreover, which Is evidence that
they aro not forming a hasty opinion."
Taft Will Spend
Three Days in New
York and Vicinity
NEW YORK, Nov. 1G. President Taft
arrived from Weshlngton this morning
to spend threo days in this vicinity,. visit
ing soveral institutions and attending
meetings. Tonight ho will be tho gueat
hero at a dinner- of tho Lotus club and
on Monday he will go to New Haven to
attend tho meeting of tho Yale corpora
tion. Ho will return to Washington on
Monday night.
The president accompanied by Carm)
Thompson, his secretary, arrived at 7:15
a. m. After breakfast at a hotel he started
uptown to, attend a reception and assem
bly at tho College of the City of New
York. From that point he planned to
motor to Dobbs Ferry to visit tho child
ren's village of the New York Juvenile
Orphan asylum.
Tho president expected to tako lunch
eon at Ardsley with Adolph Lowlsohn. In
tho afternoon ho will contlnuo his motor
trip to Pleasantvlllo to visit tho Hebrew
Sheltering Guardian Orphan Asylum. He
will spend Sunday in Now York.
Suffragette Army
Finishes ItsvFour
Hundred-Mile Walk
LONDON, Nov. 10. Tho suffragette
army which started from Kdlnburgh on
October 12 completed Its 400-mtlo tramp
to London this afternoon, having token
exactly five weeks to do tho Journey.
CndeiJ ine leadership' df" "Mrs!1 1 05 'Pont
Blanque, who travelod on horseback, they
proceeded Immediately to tho prlrrio min
ister's residence in Downing- street nnd
presented their petition demanding tho
suffrage for women.
Premier Asqutth, profiting from his
experience of previous meetings with the
vote-seeking women, had retired to tho
country for the week-end. His secretary
however, accepted the document and there
was no untoward Incident.
Tho little band of women mado a
triumphant progress during the last mile
or two of their long march, A band
headed the procession through tho, Lon
don streets playing "See, tho Conquering
Hero Comes," while thousands of suf
fragettes and men sympathizers lined up
behind them.
Mrs. White Heads
United Daughters
of the Confederacy
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 16. The
United Daughters of tho Confederacy, In
convention hero today, elected as presi
dent general Mrsj Alexander B. Whlto of
Paris, Tenn.; recording secretary general,
Mrs. Roy Weaks McKlnncy, Paducah,
Ky.S registrar general, Mrs. Orlando
Hallburton, LIttfe Rock, Ark.
Auto Bandits Are
Taken After Figh't
IOLA, Kan., Nov. 16. The three bandits
who Impressed a motor car, a chauffeur
and a mechanician hero Thursday night
and went on a raid of farm houses and
villages In this vicinity, were captured
by a posse today near here and brought
to the Iola Jail. The men guvo their
names as Richard Victor, who nays he
worked In the railroad shops at Argen
tine, Kan., nnd W. J, Van Bibber and
McCauley. Victor was taken early today.
Tho two others were captured at noon
after a fight In which one of them was
Tho names of tho bandits were given to
the officers by Mrs. Bessie Van Bibber
of Iola, sister-in-law of one of the rob
bers, Ehe said her brother-in-law was
the head of the gang. The bandits all
aro under 30 yearB old. Victor said tho
raid was planned in a saloon In Kanbas
City, Mo.
The bandits obtained very little booty
in their raids. They raided mainly farm
houses and garages. Thursday night they
tried 1o kidnap C. R. Hoyt, cashier of the
Earlton bank. Stopping their motor car
In front of Hoyt's house, they asked him
to lend them tools to repair a puncture,
Hoyt declined to leave tho house and the
bandits departed. They told the chauf
feur they had Intended to carry off the
cashier and hold him for ransom.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., Nov. 16.-With tho
committees hard at work behind closed
doors, the American Federation, of Labor
held no session today. Among the fifty
resolutions to be presented to the con
vention are;
That the United States rhould not In
tervene In Mexican affairs.
That the International Typographical
union be asked to organlte the news
wrlterB of the country.
J. B. Asked Frank Eckhoff to Set
Bomb Under Miss Mary C. Dye,
Employe of Iron Workers.
Witness Tells of Visit to Dynamiter
at Ballagh, Neb.
Extensive Purchases by Dynamiter
Aroused Jeweler's Suspicions.
Mtiittifnrturrr f Allroul) cvrln nt
.lloutprller IiU'iitlflCK llockln na
Man Who I'lircftnitril
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. lfi.-James B.
McNamara'n flight from Los Angeles
after ho blew up tho Times building
thoru on October 1, 1910; his expressed
hope that the explosion would bo at
tributed to escaped gas In tho basment
and his reported purposo to murder a
woman stenographer employed by tho
Iron Workers' union "because Bhe knew
too much," were related nt tho "dyna
mite conspiracy" trial today by Frank
Kckhoff, a neighbor and "friend of tho
McNumara family In Cincinnati, testi
fied that two weeks after tho Los An
geles explosion ho was sent by J. J.
MeNamara to tho homo of Mrs. Alice
Nabbj McNumaru's sister, at Bullagh,
"I met James B. there," said Kckhoff,
"He had disguised himself as much as
possible. Ho nppcared desperate and
talked of killing himself. Then ho asked
mq . if I noticed In tho newspapers
wiotljer people thought the explosion
was caused by escaping gas In tho base
ment. "One thing ho said ho wanted dono
was to kill Miss Mary C. Dyo, a stenog
rapher at union headquarters in Indian
apolis. Ho said she knew too much
about dynamiting, and ho proposed to
talk to J. J. about having her gotten out
of the way. Ho said he thought It would
bo a good idea If I followed her on a
train and put a small bomb under her.
timed so that It would cxplodo after 1
got off the train.
"At tho Nabb homo was J. B.'s mother
and Howard Nabb, his brother-in-law.
The mother wanted to' know what her son
,was worrying obout. He told her It wasj
owy a nine iruuuiu uuuui umuu
Th next day, I started with J. .lB;i4 for
Indianapolis by ay" Vr OTnalia ahd Chi
cago. Wo remained about four hours In
Eckhoff said ho refused to enter into
tho plan to put a bomb under Miss Dye.
(Continued on Pago Two.)
Martial Law Declared
in West Virginia
mTAm;rcSTON. W. Va.. Nov. 16. Gov
ernor Glasscock today again placed the
strike districts of tho Kanawha coal neias
nrwinr martini law. Only a short tlmo
ago tho strlkcra and, their friends were
Induced to give up tneir arms ana iuu
tntB soldiers, who had been In the dis
trict since last summer, were withdrawn,
but Thursday night a tralnload or striKe
breakers being Imported by tho mine own
ers was fired upon. This incident caused
today's proclamation. Blnce tho strlko
began many of the miners havo loft for
other fields and their families have been
evicted from cottages owned by the com
panics. Governor Glasscock ordered four com
panies of militia Into the district and
eGnerat C. D. Elliott, placed In command,
today established his headquarters at
Paint Creek lunctlon. A military court
was named to try ail offenders taken In
the martial law zone, which extends for
ten miles along Cabin creek from Paint
Creek Junction to Eskdalo and on Paint
creek to Holley Grove, a distance of four
miles. Two cJYs filled with strike breakers
brought from the west and turned back
from Cabin Creek by armed men last
night were escorted to the mines today
by state troops.
Chicago Cabman
Robbed by Bandits
CHICAGO, Nov. 16,-Henry Howard,
though ho has been a night cab driver
In Chicago for thirty years, was held up
early today for tho first tlmo and lost
In tho robbery money and Jewelry valued
at $700 In addition to hat and shoes. How
ard evidently mado cab driving a profit
able business, the list of articles wldch
ha told the police three bandits had taken
from htm Included: A diamond ring, a.
diamond and pearl stick pin, gold watch,
gold eye glasses, gold handled knife,
fountain pen, amber cigar holder, gold
cigarette case, tobacco pouch, J1S.W In
currency, new fall' hat and new tan shoes.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 16. The Jury In the
cose of li G. Lewis, charged with using
the malls to defraud, reported to United
States Judge Wlllard today that It was
unable to agree on all counts In the In
dictment. Judge Wlllard sent the Jury
out again with the statement that If no
verdict was returned today the Jurors
would be held until Monday;
STURGIS. 8. D., Nov. 16. (Special.)
Edward Gantz of this city last night shot
and klned himself, the deed being caused
by trouble with his divorced wife. Gantz
shot himself twice, one bullet entering
below the left eye, the other In the breus
Urforn shooting hlniM-lf he shot the
woman in the back, She will recover.
Speed the
Aged Iowa Pioneer and Statesman
Passes Away at Cler
He W Seventeen Vcurn In the
Stnte Heimtc nnd' Vfs, Twice
lSIeeteil Governor of '
CLERMONT. Ia., Nov. le.-fr'Snft
Governor William Lnrraboe. died at his
homo near' hero -at ibsaii d'clock todn
at 30:.'C o'clock todajfe.
(j.Uj. unrtjj(jffli
( r,tfif!'TOAi!hicolast
Governor Larraboa
practically all of
Monday. Only his rcmnvkahle vitality
kept him allvo so long, according to his
physicians. The funeral will be held from
tho home mar here Monday nfternoon
ut 1 o'clock.
The governor's public career nt De
Moines was marked by much progressive
legislation, particularly In reference to
the control of railroads and other puhlla
corporations. Ho was nn nrdent tern
pcraucc advocate.
Slteti'li of III (,'nrcer.
'William Larrabeo, business man, legis
lator, governor of Iowa, was a nativn of
Connecticut, nearly 81 years old. HoM
dent of Iowa for sixty years, he had been
a largo factor In tho growth and devel
opment of the state.
Governor Larrabeo was born January SO
1832, son of Adam Larrabce, soldier of
1812, resident of Ledyard, Conn. The fu
ture governor got a common school edu
cation nnd had two months at a private
academy, but his father taught him a
good business education, He left New
England nnd landed In Iowa in 1853. Ho
taught school In Hardin and Allamakee
counties, then was a farm hand, but In
1855 becamo a miller ut Clermont, Fay
ette county. He begun his public career
In 1SCS when ho was elected to the state
senate, remaining a member of that body
until In U85, when he was nominated for
governor of Iowa. Ho was elected and
re-elected nnd served four years, giving
the state a thorough business administra
tion. In the senate he had long been
chairman of tho ways and means com
mittee, and no man ever camo to the
chair of governor of Iowa, more familiar
with ull the varied activities of the state.
itr-IJlitrrn I'nlillc l.lfr.
He was called from his retirement nt
his homo in Clermont to become head
of the newly created board of control In
1898, a position which he filled out of u
senuo of public duty, aiding In establish
ing the system on an enduring barls for
Iowa. Again, later, he was called to be
como head of the commission In charge
of the Iowa exhibit at the St. Louis ex
position. A few years ago ho was given
recognition by tho legislature setting
apart a duy to celebrate his birthday and
Inviting him to appear before It.
Governor Larrabee was married to Ann
M. Appleman In 1SC1. They had teven
children Charles, Augusta, Julia, Anna,
William, Frederick and Helen. The old
est daughter was the wife of Victor Dol
llver, and the second was the wife of
Mayor Don Love of Lincoln. The younger
married Judge Bobbins of Cedar Rapids.
"William, Jr., has Just been re-elected to
a third term In the Iowa house, and
Frederick has been elected to a second
term in the state senate. Mrs. Larrabee
Is almost an well known as her husband,
a woman of much force and character
and always closely associated with the
governor In all his life work.
Krpt Htrp nlth Tliurs.
The feature of Governor Larrabee's life
was that with advancing age he always
kept step with the times In which he
lived. H remained youthful -and vigor
ous of mind and ready for the new Ideas
and the new duties. He was the Ideal
business man In public life. He was al
ways practical, direct, simple and sensible-
He believed In economy and Indus
He insisted that public busjness
(Continued on Page Two.)
Parting; Greet the Coming Guest
DanielO'Reilly, Once
Prominent Lawyer,
Begins Prison Term
NEW YORK, Nov. I6.-Danlnl O'Reilly,
Unco prominent as a lawyer and personal
Counsel for Harry Thaw In his trials, de
livered hlmsalf to the authorities of tho
penitentiary on Blackwell's Island lant
night to serve a term of seven months'
Imprisonment. O'Reilly was convicted
last year of haying received Htolen prop
erty In connection with a robbery In tho
Produce Rxchango building.
An appeal In O'Reilly's behalf has been
pending for some time, and O'Reilly hus
beep free under a stay of sentence.
For some unknown reason ho went to
tho court this week and asked that the
stay be. vacated. It W understood that
tho appeal- will be argued before the ap
pellate division next week.
Hamilton Club to
Exclude Women
CHICAGO, Nov. 10. The Hamilton club,
ono of tho leading republican organiza
tions In tne west, will .vote on an amend
ment to its constitution Monday, which
Ih Intended to restrict the membership
to men only.
A "Joker" wbb discovered last March In
the constitution to the effect tjjat "citi
zens" aro eligible, Inusmuch as amend
ments have to be posted for six months
before thuy are pctrd upon tho members
held their contenplated action a secret
until tho time arrived for voting on It.
Members declared women might apply
for membership and there Is nothing. In
the constitution to prevent them from
becoming members. The amendmont
will specify that only "malo citizens" are
eligible for membership.
Wilson and Family
Sail for Bermuda
NBW YORK. Nov. 16,-Woodrow Wil
son, president-elect; Mrs. WlUon and tho
Misses Eleanor and Jessie Wilson, left
New York for Bermuda shortly after 3
o'clock this afternoon on the steamship
Bermudlan. They will be gone till De
cember 16. A throng of well-wishers saw
them off
Jannus on His Way
Through Missouri
IHnnv .Ifinnita tt tiprA Milt ati nritrtrin nt
j g.,s O.clock , tle hydroaeroplane Tor Ht
Charles, ilo.
- - T" T ""'7""'?'"""
Speedy Accomplishment of Routine
Preparations Expected to Facili
tate legislation,
Proposition J Mmle fur Joint Coin
inltr of llousri mill HtMinttt
llcmocrnU to Harmonise
Difference. .
WAH!NOTON, Nov. 18,-Clerks of tho
housn Ways arid means committee began
work tftday upon tariff rnvlslon bills for
tho Bix'clal session of congress, which
lrrftl(lcnt-elcrt Wilson lias stated ho will
summon to meet next April. Democrntlo
lenders havo been confident for somo
tlmo that tho Incoming administration
would force tho turlff Issue to an Imme
dlata trlul and much of the dotoll 'of th
work of preparing tho bills Is under way.
Suggestions have been mado by influen
tial members of the scnuto within th'.
lust week that a Joint committee, repre
senting house and senata democrats, bo
informally selected before tho special ses
sion begins to go over tho turlff situa
tion and harmonize whatever difference
may exist between the democrats of tno
two bodies upon tho moro Important
tariff schedules. Such action would re
sult In speedy disposition of tariff revi
sion next April, It Is believed.
It has not been determined as yet
whether one general bill will be Intro
duced embracing tho wool, cotton, Iron
nnd steel revisions which the domocrutlc
houso has previously passed, or whether
eucli of theso turlff schedules will again
bu brought In In" tho form of a scparuto
Democratic leaders are not ngrccd over
the sugar tariff, and this situation 's
puzzling tho uinnugerH of tho party Jn
both houses. The houso freu sugar bill
passed nt tho last session did not meet
the upprovnl of tho democrats In tho sen
ate, and It still rests In a conference
Tho April session will perfeot a record
of practically continuous work on tho
tariff since the peclul sesHlon called by
President Taft In ltHM. Following the
general revision of that yeur, embodied
In the Puyne-Aldrlch bill, there havo been
attempts to devise a Canadian reciprocity
system uud to rovlso certain schedules
of the tariff law, but no changes In tho
turlff havo been effected slncn the pas
sage of the Payne-Aldrlch law.
Van Camp tacking
Plant is Burned
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind Nov. 15.-Tho
plant of tho Van Camp Packing company
was partly burned early tills morning,
the owners estimating tholr loss at f 400,
WO. The loss is fully covered by Insur
ance, The cause of the fire has not been
determined, The flames spread rapidly
111 the buildings which covered so vera 1
acres of ground and had gained great
headway before the arrival of the fire
department, which had been called out
by a general alarm. The company em
ployed about 1.SU0 persons.
Family Cat Great
Menace to Birds
. LAWRENCE, Kan., Nov. 16,-Prof. L.
L, Dycho of the University of Kansas
Will recommend to tho next legislature
changes In the laws designed to protect
birds from the family cat.
"I know of no greater enemy of the
birds than the domestic cat," Prof, Dycho
said today. "Legislation to protect all
birds exojpt those classified us 'game'
and 'outlaws' would save tho farmers
millions of dollars each year. I believe
it may be necessary to haw a cat license
law lu Kansas,"
Brakes Fail, Sending Heavily Lader
Vehiole Off Rails at Fortieth
Street Curve.
I Structure Gives Way and Roof Falls
Upon Street Car.
Grocer J. W. Welch of Passengers is
Hurt by Crash.
IIiilltlliiK nnd Tin) Automobiles Am
llmlly Dnmnuril, ThmiHli Van
Hirr In t'nr Mlrneti
liiimly Kcnpt.
Half a dozen persons narrowly r
enpen serious injury, two valuablo electric
automobiles wero totally dcmollchoJ, Will
iam T. Trleber, a motormun, nnd John W
Welch, 41K1 Cnss street, painfully hurt, n
heavy Farnam car wrecked find ono cor
ner of the now 130,000 ganigo nt Fortieth
and Farnam streets caved In Is tho re
sult of a runaway street cur Jumping the
truck at Fortieth street nnd crashing into
tho building a yestordauy morning.
Everybody on tho cur was shaken up
and some of tho pnnmgcrs mistulned In
juries. Wllllum Trleber, motormun on
tho cur, wns unable to escape from his
prison-liko cub nnd was burled bono;itli
the wreckage and he could not bo re
moved until soveral fire companies luul
dug tho debris away. Ho wus taken to
police headquarters for medical attention
u nd It was found that his Injuries con
sisted only of lacerations of tha face nnd
body and bruises. Ho said the accident
wus caused by u lack of compressed air
for tho brakes.
Street cur employes wero the first to
tho scone of tho accident and socurcd
namos of all tho passengers uud persons
hurt. When tho police wero notified, all
of tho hurt hud been taken euro of with
tho exceptlpn of tho tnotorman, nnd b
ordora of Gcnoral Manager Richard A.
Lmlsslor thuy refused to give tho authori
ties and nowsptipcrs uny information
Tho cur was No. 812, twenty-tvo tons
weight, of tho Furniuu line. It wns In
churgo of Conductor Goorgo Jordan of
niR South Sixth street and Motorman
Trlebor of 1913' South Thirty-fifth street.
Cnr AVurUliiK Ilnilly
, PussotigcrN told Thn Boo shortly titter
tho accident that tho car won not In good
worjjlnir ordor when, It loft tho downtown
dialrlct. They snid' that tho car seemed
to stop with u sudden Jcrl: and often did
not stop on signal until It was past the
corner desired. Soveral times between
Twentieth and Thirtieth streets, they
said, tho controller box In tho motoi
man's cab "blow" nnd trouble was nisi
experienced with the "overhead" control.
At Thirty-ninth street tho car begun t
pick up speed and aa It ncarcd tho curve,
whoro usually most rars slow up. It bu
ituu to go faster.
As tho car hit tho curve, tho front
wheelH sklddod off and tho heavy car
crashed Into tho new clectrlo garage,
caving in the corner of tho brick build
ing as though It wero an egg shell. Tho
front of tho car was Hmushcd and nearly
every window In It wus broken out. Two
largo plata glass window In tho garago
wero reduced to fragments In a twinkling
George Klmmol of 1405 North Forty
first street held Ills wife free from dan
ger, but received a badly bruised leg as
a result. L. E. Nebersall of 330 North
Forty-first street received an Injured log
and John W. Welch, a grocer living at
41C9 Casn street, received painful cuts
about the hetid and hands from fulling
glass, and possibly Internal Injuries. Ho
was hurried away in an uutomobila to
tho Wise Memorial hospital and uttended
by Dr. Stuart McDalrmltl, who hupponed
to bo In the neighborhood ut tho time.
At ikiIIco .hcudnuurters, tho Injure'!
motormun said that his cnr .was In good
(Continued on Pago Two.)
1 Mr. Quy Eldrldg-o, 1S0S Binney
3 Mr. S. r. Oreenslet, Ravenna.
3 Mrs. J. M. Johnson, 3534 Cass
?rls book worth dollar to threo
btst each wsek. Mall yours to
"EaffjdU Editor, The See, Omaha."
Joo Goetz, 3123 Mosqn street When
Wilson was ehictcd president, I wonder
how Roosevelt?
lllunclio Johnson, 253t Cass street II
you were in debt to tho chief of police,
would Henry Dunn?
Gertrude Aitman, 1813 JVillls avenue
I'm the boob that put tho glass in Glas
gow. H. E. Calkins, 3303 Woolworth avenue
If a burglar got In the cellar would th
coal chute? No, but the kindling wood.
If you won 00 cents at a dolly con
test, would you say It was a tidy sum
Mrs. George L. Colson, FremonN-I!
Maude Malono Interrupted a speech ot
President Wilson's, what will the suffra
gette? Henry Klrschbrauu, 403 South Thirty
eighth avenue If gas : is out of date, is
electric light current?
J, R. Porter, Northboro, la. If money
balks, will tho cash register?
If Roosevelt Is shrewd, Is Dr. Harvey
If tho heavens full, where will the sky
light? "W. M. Ryan, 8outh Omaha-If the ho
tela raited their prices, would the aelioa
More Tomorrow,
0. jt