Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Place on Sale Saturday, November 16,
Women9 s Coats and Suits
Real Bargains
Suits for smull Women, nlso regular sizes to 40,bust,
innny $22.50, $25.00 and $29.75 suits from regular
stocks, on sale at $19.75
Some Sample Suitt Included.
Junior Suits that were $17.50 and $19.75, ut $14.75
Small Women's Coats, formerly $22.50, $25.00 nnd
$29.75, now at your call, at $10.75
Junior Coats that were $17.50 and $19.75, at $14.75
A Flurry in Girls9 Coats
$6.50 and $7.50 Girls' Coats only $5.75
$8.75 and $9.75 Girls' Coats at $7.50
$12.00 and $13.50 Girls' Coats at $10.00
The full significance of this
parent when you see the garments now being arranged fdr
marked in plain figures so that ho who runs may read.
(Continued from Page Ona.)
fp hern to get rid of a man Just shoot
lilm and the coyotes will eat up his body.
"Ha replied he Just did It to ftcare mo
Thro, wo being alone for the flrirt time,
he sat down and told iSo about the Los
Angeles Job. He said when he went to
the coast In July he got Into touoh with
'reltmoe end fclancy, according to In
structions from Ma brother at the heaI
kjuartcra of the Ironworker' union In In
kllanapoll. Tveltmoe and Clancy, he
raid, put Caplan and Schmidt at Ills dls.
(posaJ, because they had been worklnjj
jfor the California Budding Trades coun
k II. Schmidt waa too much of a talker,
fio aald, nnd whe nha blow up a job In
Jakland August SO he made Schmidt stay
In San Francisco.
When he returned to San Francisco
Fchmldt was waiting for him end on
jlio strength of the fact Uiat the bombs
(had been set In Oakland, went to see
Tvellmoo and got K-OO from him that
Jilfiht. 3. II. said -he also, did tho Seattle
Job August 31.
"Lending up tg tho I.os Angeles explo
sion J. B. said ho found you could get all
the money you wanted on the roast. Ha
.raid Tveltmoe was the big paymaster
nd them was never anything to fear,
,for Tyeltmoe was a friend of Mayor Mc
OaHy, and, In fact, Tveltmoe was the
mayor of Hon Francisco,
"He said Schmidt had a scheme to set
ioff bombs by chemicals which he had
learned from n, friend of Tveltmoe's, but
when he (McNamara) showed thorn the
ularin clock scheme they all decided It
jwaa beet Schmidt and J. It, went to
Angeles and looked over the IJewel
llyn and Itaker Iron work plants and the
Times building. James n. sent baok to
Hits brother a postcard on which was
iPartly written and partly printed) "It
now reads! The Times for the news. It
will soon read the news for the Times."
Use. Launch to Get ICzpIoalvr,
"I naked him why he went after the
Times. Hoanswered that Tveltmoe had
put him onto It. Then he told me about
how difficult It was out there to buy ex
plosives; how they decided at lost to
(Kt a launch and buy nltro-glyccrlne of 85
per Cent strength from n powder com
pany on the representation that It was
to bo used for blowing up stumps on a
ranch j how ho sent Ills men to arrange
for buying (he explosive. He said the
clerk at the powder company reported
they did not make an explosive that
strong. He told mo how at last ha got
K)0 pounds of the explosive on the launch,
after changing the name of tho launch.
nd how. when they got In the bay they
attracted the attention of other vesssls
'.because the launch would not make any
'headway and got In the way of others.
,11b said when his stuff was ready to
take to Los Angeles he had a talk with
Tvuttmoe. tolling him either he or Schmidt
would have to do th) Job alone, not both
or them; for Schmidt was too much of
n talker and had a woman friend In
ii'O Angolca that he (McNamara did
not want to get mixed up In the Job.
Tells of tMHctiiur Dimil,.
Then ho told me he had set the bomb
in what Is known as. Ink in h
, Times building in some Ink barrels and
Od oatmr. fJnl,,- l u. "II
mtnnLJ tl. , V . . . 0 dlannpolls nnd procured ten more quarts
.topped by the night watchman. whoof m,. mttUlnK lWrty '..
H has boon aald "Contentment" U the greatest part of
life, and wo believe, and know It (a true regarding Diamond
Contentment.. It can only exist when one has positive knowl
edge that the jewels they own aro above crltlclnm, and If value
had been received. Twenty-two years of. satisfactory Dla
raond buying and selling is the record of this house, and It
i has been gained only through persistent adherence to the
policy of offering only suoh gems as would bear the most
critical inspection.
Wn aro always pleased to show them, for ,the more you
know about them the mora you will appreciate our method
In selling them.
$5.00 to $600
announcement will bo ap
nskrd him whnt he wanted there. He
replied he was going to tho composing
room. The watchman let him pass. He
was again stopped by a boy, but he also
told the boy ho was going to the com
posing -room.
The boy directed him to a door, or a
stairway, I think he sold. He reached
tho basement, npd while passing through
It lore off m gas Jet. I askod: 'Why did
you break off the gas Jet?' He replied,
'Mocause I wanted the whole building to
go to hell.' I said I was surprised ho
would do It. knowing there were so many
people In tho building. He answered,
'What's the difference? I was to rnako
a good cleaning out and I did It' Then
he thought for a while and added, 'Hut
I nm sorry thero were so many people.
I wanted to set rOneral Otis.'
"He told me to put tho Infernal ma
chines at tho resldjnces of General Har
rison Cray Otis, proprietor of tho Tltrfes,
nnd of Felix J, Zeehandlaar, socrctary of
the Merchants' and Manufacturers' as
sociation, nit to go off at 1 o'clock In
the morning. He said on the way back
ast ho was frightened by tho people talk
ing of tho explosion. Ho said ho could
not bear to look anybody In tho face nnd
ho thought cveryono on the truln wan
looking at him. At Salt Lake City ha
said ho could not stnnd It any longer, m
he stepped off tho train and got In touch
with J. K. Munsoy, who hid him In his
house for wo weeks." '
Charges Aitnlnst Hfsm.
. Dlroct ohnrges that Frank M. Itvan.
president of inn International Association
uf Bridge nnd Structural Iron Workers,
hod full knowledge of explosion" and
that ho even ndvltcd tho dynamiters to
disguise themselves were made by Mc-
I had blown up tho Kansas City Job
August 21, 1910, and at I'eorln, on tho
way back." McManlgal testified. "Hd
ward Smythe, business agent of the Iron
workers' union, showed me some nonunion
Jobs he wanted mo to blow up. Ho said
J. J. MoNamara had agreed I should do
It. I told Smythe I had had bad luck at
Kansas City, where I lost four quarts of
nitroglycerin and threo alarm clocks.
Smythe said a dyamlter, known as the
New York Kid, had been around Teorli.
and hu (Hmythe) wn suspicious of him.
thinking he might bn a spy of the Na
tional! Krectors' association.
"When I returned to the Iron workers
headquarters In Indfanajolls McNamara
was not here. I saw President Ryan. I
told Ityan about the Kansas City explo
sion and showed him a newspaper ac
count of It. Ilyan said.
I want you fellows to stop coming
around this office so openly, and you
don't chanbo your appearance enough.
When anyone gets a good look at you he
will be suro to know you the next time,'
"I told him we were not reckless and
that no olio knew what we wers doing.
"Ityan said, he did not know the 'New
York Kid.'"
McManlgal spoke of the time J. J. Mo
Namara was In Kansas City and Omaha.
While liu Kansas City on this trip, the
government alleges. MoNamara had a
talk with W. Heft Urowu, a. local bust
nes agent.( and a cltiieu about J. D. Mc
Namara'a being on the Pacific coast pre
paratory to "cleaning up" Los Angeles.
"Later when J. J. returned lo Indian
apolls," said McManlgal, "he arranged
for greater secrecy In my reporting to
headquarters. At nlxht he was to put a
light In the window, signifying the coast
was clear, If there was no light I was to
stay away."
McManlgal testified he returned to In-
. -". , i w
convenient inspection all
for tho Jobs at I'oorla and lCnst Peoria
on September 4, 1910. Ho said he paid
his expenses out of $300 given him bq Mc
Namnra for the Kansas City Job.
"On tho night of the explosloi Smythe
raid ho- was going to n thutler nnd would
keep his seat stubs so ho could provo his
alibi," said McManlgal.
Kays MrNaniarn Threatened Illni.
"When I returned to Indianapolis J. J
McNamara complained because I hnd
caused only threo explosions nt I'eorta
and another Infernal machlno failed to
explode, thus leaving a clue. I told 33
If he didn't like the way I was doing, I'd
quit dynamiting. I told him I felt like
quitting anyhow, and go working for the
National Krectors association. He replied
my Ufa wouldn't b6 worth anything If I
On the way to the Iron Workers' con
vention at Rochester, N. V., In September,
McManlgal said he accompanied McNa
mara as far as Cleveland, taking thirty
quarts of nitroglycerin for I'cter Smith
nt Cleveland. ,
McManlgal said he and Hcrbort 8.
Hockln bought 120 quarts of nitroglycer
in at Albany, Ind., and hid It In an old
house at Muncie, later removing It to
Indianapolis. At one timo when eighty
quarts of the explosive were stored In
the vault of the Iron Workers' office
the witness sold McNamara remarked:
"If this should explode therfc would not
bo enough people left In downtown In
dianapolis lo tell what happened."
McManlgal then roturncd to Peoria.
"I asked Smythe what ho would do If
there was any trouble In Peoria on ac
count of the explosion," suld McManlgal
'Smytho said ho stood In with tho police,
and nothing would be done. I took
twenty quarts of nitroglycerin for the,
reonn oxpiosiuns. -
The witness said McNamara spoko of
the success of tho plan of blowing up
i nn-unlen Jobs, saying the railroads were
beginning to be afraid to handle non
union Iron and steel.
McManlgal testified this afternoon:
"On the day of tho tan Angetes Times
explosion I took a newspaper account of
It to J. J, McNamara's office. I asked
him If he noticed people had been killed.
He replied: 'Yes. I have no doubt J. R,
did It. He went out there to glvo Los
Angeles a good cleaning up and I sup
port) he got in touch with those state
building trados council people and they
put him on nn to what to do. It will
make them sit up out there.'
'I asked J. J. whether hq thought they
caught his brother. He said he bet his
brother was safe and was a couple of
hundred miles away when tho explosion
(Continued from Paso One.)
Metropole. All flvo of them then walked
over toward the Metropole, Webber and
VaJlon first.
Three Men Old Sli tint Inn.
"All of' a sudden we heard a shot. We
saw Harry A'allon nnd Rrldcle Webber
and the strange man shooting."
"How many men did you see shoollnsT'
"Thoso three. Harry Vallon, Hrldjrte
Webber and tho strange man,
"As soon as we saw them firing".' con
tinued "Qyp," "we ran for the subway,
A train was just pulling In and wo
boarded It without paying faro. Wo rodo
to HSth street and Lenox avenue and
went to our flat."
Clroflcl ("Daeo Frank - was then at
the flat, tho witness said.
Tho witness denied that Roie had ever
asked, him and his companions to murder
Rosenthal. Rose' motive In seeking them,
he said, was to' assure them that he had
had no part In tho "framlnif up" of "UIb
Jack" Zellg.
On cross-examination "Oyp" admitted
;that ho had been convicted five times
for larceny offenses nnd had served sov
era! terms In penal Institutions, but do
nled participation In various Hast Side
I. led to I'ollee.
"Gyp" detailed his movements with
"Lfty" from the time of tho flight the
I day after the murder until their arrest
. In September. Mr. Moss then read from
stenographers' notes taken at police head
! quarters the night of their arrest. There
jwere several conflicts with today's tes-
"I lied at headquarters," admitted
"Oyp." "I wanted my fate In the hands
of a Jury and an honorable Judge, not
with the police."
"Why didn't you say then. If you knew
It, that Vallon and Webber and tho
strange man had killed Rosenthal?"
"I would have been a fool to tell it
then," aald "Clyp." "You didnlt want that
anyway. You offered me Immunity if ra
accuse' the others."
That's not true,-' shouted Mr Moss.
The answer waa stricken out.
Pendstent Advertising it the Road
Ulg Return,
New Jersey Executive Issues His An
nual Proclamation.
Prr.ldent-F.lrot 1VII1 Itr Knterlalned
by Krllovr Stmlents nt the Uni
versity Club In .New
Vnrk City.
PRlNCFro.V. N. J., No. H.-As gov
ernor of New Jersey President-elect Wil
son today issued his annual Thanksgiv
ing proclamation, drawing attention to
the conduct of tho political campaign Just
closed "without violence or passion." The
proclamation said:
Another year of peace and prosperity
has passed by. Tho life of the state and
of tho nation has been undisturbed by
War or pestilence or disaster of 'any kind.
We have been free to choose our own
ways and have gone through the varied
action of a great political campaign
without violence or paxslon. Tho hope of
our people has arisen with nn Increase of
their life, and Ood has been very fitaclous
to us In all His dealings.
Ilnnquet Trlilny Night.
Members of the class of 1873 of Prince
ton, Governor Wilson announced today,
have arranged to give him a dinner at
the University club In New Pork Friday
night It will bo a private affair, but
will bring together ono of tho moat dis
tinguished classes that has graduated
from Princeton. Resides Governor Wilson
some of the prominent members of the
class Include Mahlon Pitney, associate
Justice of tho supreme court of the
United Stntes; Cleveland II. Dodge, the
banker; Cyrus II. McCormlck, president
of tho International Harvester company,
Dr. A. Woodruff Halsey, president of the
board of foreign missions of tho Pres
byterian church; Robert Bridges, a mag
azine editor; Lynn Helm, president of the
California Mtatc Rar asoclatton and mem
ber of the executive committee of tho
American Rar association; Robert H. Mc-
Carter, formerly attorney general of
New Jersey; Dean William F. Maglo of
Princeton;' Congressman Charles Tal
cott of Utlco, N. Y., nnd a number of
othors who have become prominent In
their respective communities.
Tho class has contributed a dormitory
to tho university and Its Individual mem
bers have been among the chief financial
supporters of the Institutions. The dinner
will be tho first occasion on which the
class has li.dlvldually honored Woodrow
Wilson since ho entered public llfo. When
he was president of the university It fit
ted up a suite of rooms In "Seventy-Nine
hall" for his office.
(Continued from Pago One.)
against Alesslo and the port of San Gio
vanni Dl Modua.
Tils majesty, admitting that ho had no
authority from his allies to give a defi
nite answer on the subject, continued:
"For my part, I at once cmphutlcally
reject oven tho suggestion that tho two
Serb kingdoms will not be allowod to oc
cupy Ulovannla Dl Mcdua and Alesslo,
all the moro so as at present neither Tur
key nor autonomous Albania exists. I
consequently consider thfc' 'communication
of the Austro-Hungartan. minister null
and nonexistent.""
King Nicholas refused to receive a
wrltton nolo repeating the communication.
To the Italian minister, who made
Identical representations to those of his
Austro-Hungarlan collnaguc, King Nich
olas said:
"Tho Itnllan government would be act
ing contrary tb Its usuul perspicacity and
solicitude for its most' vnluable national
Interests If It persisted In demanding that
Montenegro should eliminate from Us
military operations tho port of San
Giovanni Dl Medua and the city of
He added: "According to tho under
standing reached by tho whole af Europe
tho territorial status quo lias ceased tq
exist and consequently Italian engage
ments toward Austria In regard to the
political status quo of Albania have
I'ortr Decides to Yield.
CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. . .-(Mld-nlght.)That
.the Porte has entered Into
direct negotiations with Bulgaria for an
armistice Is confirmed.
Nazlm Pasha, the Turkish commander-
in-chief, has received Instructions to open
communication with the Rulgarlan gen
erals and he has sent an envoy to the
Rulgarlan headquarters.
Tho Porte appears resolved on tills
course, owing, on tho ona hand to the
delay of tho powers in handling the
mediation proposal, and on the other
hand, to the divergence of views the pro
posals have occasioned among the pow
ers. The Porte according to official clr-
cles Is unwilling to add to the existing
embarrassment of the powers.
It Is understood hero tha only four of
the powers agreed to submit the media
tion proposal, whllo two, presumably Au
trla and Oermany, abstained from par
ticipating. In these circumstances the
Porte elected to apply direct to tho prin
cipal belligerent, Rulgarla; and there Is
reason to believe that tho same course
will be adopted in tho negotiations for the
terms of peace.
No KIkMIiik t Tcliatnlja.
In tho last forty-eight hours, accord
ing to advices received here, there has
boon no fighting on the Tchatalja linos,
owing. It Is believed, to the fact that th
negotiations for an armistice are proceed
ing direct with the Hulgarlans,
Another factor which probably has con
tributed to upset the Rulgarlan plans. Is
the outbreak of cholera.
Tho Englishman in charge of the Kara-
buruu lighthouse reports that Rulgarlan
scouts fired upon e, tug loaded with refu
gees from Stllvrl, wounding one
Several Young Turks were arrested here
today. An attempt was also made to
find David Rey, the ex-minister of ft.
nsnoe and salonlkl deputy, for the pur
pose of arresting him, but he had dis
Powers Make Agreement.
LONDON. Nov. 13. The powers at hut
liavo arrived at some kind of. an agree
ment with respect to mediation. It Is
assumed, however, that now the Porte
has opened negotiations with Rulgarla,
Kuropean Intervention will not be needed.
The diplomatic situation is easlsr, but
the French premier. M. Polncare. tn an
Important speech delivered at Paris to-
WKhl. q'd not speak, too hopefully, and
proof that all danger Is not past Is seen
Intha ominous reports frpm Austria and
Russia of unusual troop movements and
mobilization In Russia's western prov
inces. M
Polnntnt rirlM ra.' it w ...
ultUat Europe should advance no pre en-
! slena a the fruits of th llis victories.
Culp-Horton Clothes Shop
City National Bank Building, Omaha.
Bougkt Frtm the Trustee at 52ic on the Dollar
Together With the Surplus Stocks
Of Two Eastern Manufacturers.
Priced by the Culp-Horton Co., at
$12.50 Up To $35.00-Will Go
in Three Big Lots, Saturday
and he expressed the fervent belief that
It would be Impossible that the Balkan
difficulties could lead to a war, the most
frightful that ever laid Europe low.
Tho report that the Servians have
reached Nurazzo Is not confirmed, and
no news has been received from other
Serious internal difficulties aro devel
oping In Constantinople and the guard
ias taken strong action In arresting the
Young Turk leaders,
Rrd Cross Srnils Sfoney.
WASHINGTON, Nov. U.-A second
15,000 for the Balkan war wounded and
sick 11,000 for the Turkish Red Crescent
and a like amount for the Red Cross
Boclety Ih each of the other countries.
Rulgarla, Bervla, Greece and Monte
negrowas cabled by the State depart
ment today from the American Red
Hervlaim Murder Albanians.
RERLIN, Nov. 14. The reports of atro
cities committed by the Servian troops
on the Albanians are confirmed by Cap
tain' Perslus, the correspondent of the
Tagcblatt. writing from Uskup.
Ho says he witnessed tho burning of
Albanian villages and heard from eye
witnesses of the reckless shooting, not
only' of men, but of women. The' Ser
vians, he adds, admitted they were car-
rylngon a war of extermination against
he Albanians, whom Servian officers de
clared "must be swept from tho face of
the earth."
The Albanians in Uskup hospital begged
the Sisters of Mercy In churgo to permit
them to remain because they wero certain
they would bo shot down on the streets.
An Albanian came to Captain Perslus
one night and excitedly narrated that the
Servians had Just entered the house
where he lodged and had sabred threo old
unarmed Albanians.
Evidence Is to be collected after tho
war from the parish priests between Nit
rpvltza and Uskup to prove that tho Ser.
vlans acted on orders to kill all men
above 18 and that they often murdered
women and children.
(Continued from Page One.)
November I, 1900. Refore that Mr. Mc
Clung, who was .a noted Yale foot ball
star, had been Identified with tho South
ern railway and from 1904 to 1909 had been
treasurer of Yalo university.
The treasurer of the United States Is
not appointed for a fixed term. Accord
ing to his commission he serves until his
successor is appointed.
Money Mast lie Counted.
The resignation of Mr. McCiung means
that the money and securities for which
the treasurer is responsible must be actu
ally counted and receipted for. This will
be the greatest single financial transac
tion In the history of the world. When
Mr. McCiung assumed the duties of treas
urer he gave a receipt to his predeces
sor for I1.3U0.1J1.9W.WH.
Till was the. largest single transaction
from man to man on record. While the
exact amount of the treasurer's fund Is
not known. It Is expected It will exceed
those figures by many millions. The two
thirds of a cent Included In Mr. McCiung!
receipt to his predecessor was due to a
fraction In one of the Tennessee state
bonds for which the treasurer Is trustee.
It will require probably three months to
oount thn . money and securities. This
Makes the Hair Grow
And Scalp Itch Vanish
Every Woman Can Have Charming Hair Full of Life and
Luster by Using Parisian Sage Hair Tonic 50 Cents.
Look out for Imitations. Parisian
Sage does not contain any poisonous lead
and Is not a dye. The b'irl with Auburn
hair is on every bottle.
Hair must have nourishment or die.
If It does not have proper nourishment
It will lose Its vitality, grow weak, and
become an easy prey to the ravages of
the vicious germs of dandruff.
Parisian Sage Is a hair nourlsher; it
Is the .result of sincere study and ex.
perlment by one of the world's leading
It should b used regularly as a hair
dressing by everyone with healthy hair,
because It never falls to prevent dand
ruff, falUnc hair, or any scalp disease
But Parisian Sage Is not only a pre
ventive It Is a certain cure for dandruff,
it stops Itching of the scalp instantly,
created a remarkable situation because,
presuming that Mr. McClung's successor
will retire on March 4 with the Incom
ing of Woodrow Wilson, tho count roust
bo made all over again for the new treas
urer. . Whllo responslbje for over $1,000,000,000,
tho treasurer of tho United States re
ceives a salary of $3,000 and is bonded
for only M60.000.
OTTAWA, Ont., Nov. H.-Elovcn per
sons probably perished when the steam
boat Mayflower sank In Madewoako,
river. A dispatch today from Harry's
bay, three miles from the scene of the
disaster, said that there was little or no
hope that any more of thoso aboard the
Mayflower when it wept down Tuesday
night would bo found ailve.
Tho survivors are so weak that they
can tell little about how the accident
occurred. They were found last night half
frozen on an Island three miles below
whero the boat sank. A searching party
has found only two bodies. A snowstorm
raged last night and this morning.
The Paris Medicine Co Pine street,
St. Louis, Mo., manufacturers of Laxa
tive Hromo Quinine, have' a new and won
derful discovery. GROVE'S SA-NARB
CUTIS, which they guarantee to cure
any case of ECZEMA, no matter of hpw
.long standing, In 10 to 30 days, and will
refund money If It fails. GROVE'S SA
NARE CUTIS Is perfectly clean and does
not stain. If your druggist hasn't It.
send us Wo in postage stamps and It will
be sent by mall. Advertisement.
Movements of Ocean Steamers,
rort. ArrlTtd. 8llt
NEW YORK.....Volturno FlnUnH.
ROUTHAMPTON"..., K. W. der 0.
LIVERPOOL Frtncoola.
IIAVRK Ntciricu.
GENOA rrtnelp 41 P
KVSHllU) Verons
OE.SOA Peruils
PLYMOUTH.... -K. FTl0Ktn...,. Cocllle.
VICTORIA Tseorav Mru.
. Fnocoola.
The Keynote of Health
Is the Liver
Science has definitely learned that
the Liver is one of the most important
organs of the human system. It is tho
sieve whic'h separates the good from the
bad, the nutriment from the poison. Al
low the Liver to become torpid or Inac
tive, the poison Is sent through the sys
tem and disease Is the result. First you
become bilious and, constipated anil later
the consequences ore more serious, No
body can live as regular as a clock. In
order to enjoy life we subject ourselves
to dietary Indiscretion. If the proper
remedy Is then used the trouble Is quick
ly ended. A remedy which cornea nearest
to the heart of the people is a natural
remedy. The patural remedy most widely
used Is Hunyadl Janos Water, the
Natnral Laxative. Its natural combina
tion is wonderfully effective In Bilious
ness, Torpid Liver and Constipation V4
tumblerful cleanses the Liver, flushes
the Intestines, purities the system and Is
gentle, speedy and sure. Don't take sub
stitutes; they are worthless Imitations
and may be harmful. Advertisement.
1 11 niakes hair grow thick and luxuriant.
It Is especially in demand by ladles, be
cauBo It makes tho hair beautiful, soft
and fluffy. It Is offered by druggists
and department stores everywhere, un
der a positive guarantee to do all that
Is claimed for It, or money back.
American makers, the Olroux Mfg. Co.,
Buffalo, N. y. The rlrl with Auburn
hair Is on every package.
On That Honorable Basis Gat
a-Battle ef Parisian Safe
Hair Tonic. Today
A Good
Large, progressive Omaha con
cern wants salesman to take rich
territory. We want a man who Is
a success. This Is a splendid op
portunity for a producer who had
a few thousand dollars, to make a
permanent connection, and to de
velop a business In his territory
he can call his own and on which
ho will bo protected.. Wo want
reliable man who knqws he is a
business getter.
Address P. O. Box 816.
This Coupon and
good for the next
number of ALL the
following; mkVRUlnes:
Run set Magatlna.
Hectare's aEafMin.
' Ths Xdls' VTorld.
ZTltloaal Irrigation Journal
Address, Magazine Coupon Dept.,
Twentieth Century Farmer,
Omaha, Neb.
iryr EvgS, 15-35-60-760
Selling out at Every Performance of
Vi? Jad B1Jly lan,t ""-ylns at the
Auditorium then maybe everybody de
siring could get in. Curses on tha
'badlss Bias HatTus Every Week Say.
J -J c a capacity.
Mat., iocs
On Beus-Iaa Rr. t iRth
i Casters ($350): Musical Ooolman,-)
(tu&j; Jonnny Fink
t0): Stepp. All
man & King ($325);
Bella Hally ($90)
Per Week Show
Hlpposcope Pictures ($100)
Douglas Auditorium
Wa wish to draw the attention
of the pnbllo to the fact that the
Pastime Pleasure asd Ban cine
Club can rive yon the best even,
lug's entertainment to found
In the city, at the Bonglas Audi
torium, 17th and Bong-las streets.
Zaoh Thursday evening we
bar Oeo. Rohan's Orchestra ot
eight piecss, which has made the
hit of the season.
Xach rrtday yon can dance to
th muslo you lovs so wall, fur
nished by Ctrl lamp's Eight Art
ists. Competent committee in charge
that gruaraatesi a moral orderly
dance that you cu bring your
wife and family too any time,.
Under management of
Th Coburn Flayers
Sat. Mat. ..The SCarchast of Venice
Bat, Evening Othello,
.JT1" Tlm oPttlar Prices.
Mlrhts, aso to $lt Xat. 35e, 60c 75c
Bams excsllsnt cast and production.
The lirl, the Man and the Game
Prioes $1.00, 875c, 60o, 83c.
Krug Theater
Katlns Today, 3i3o Wight, 8t30
Best Beats, 60e
XXTKA Thursday JTtght, Chorus
SiMs' Contests Priday Might. Ceuatry
Itorsj Saturday Might, Asaataurs
Doug. 494
atat. Every Bay, 3U6; Every Wight, ails
I Tttts Wttl-twra PAKA, Howard's .Voirltt
Zii) llvward, HirrUos Annitront'a PUrrr
, tart UcCulloush. Va DroUars, Braaihaw
, Bratsara, PaUa'a WttkJj Kctltw of Werld
KresU. JTicas Mat, Callair. Mc. bjt
j Sc. ricepl Satortar u4 ita&ij. MjW,