THE BEE: OMAHA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, lo, 1912. 13 lUJAL ESTATE pAnsi a iianch liAMis von salh REAL ESTATE rAtlSI A II AN 1711 LANDS FOIl SAt.U Neva- York. NEW YORK STATE FARM HOMES No part of the west offers such an opportunity for (arming or for good investment as Western New York. You can buy Improved farm lands thero at less than you can buy unimproved farms In the West. An Im proved New York farm means good buildings and plonty of them. It means orchards and vineyards. It means near towns, churches, schools and paved roads. Tho soil is fertile, producing big crops of alfalfa, clover, corn, oats, wheat, cabbage, beans, buckwheat and potatoes. Ontario and Senaca counties are In the heart of the apple and grape bolt. An orchard on every farm, drops net $60 to $125 per acre. Ap ples this year produced 5 to 10 barrels to tho tree. New York Is produc ing one-seventh of tho nation's apple crop. Sour cherries produce three tons and moro to tho acre, worth $100 per ton. Peaches, pears and grapes pay a big profit. You can buy these farm and fruit lands at $75 to $125 per, acre. Get near the world's greatest market and the saving in freight alono will make you n living. There is a constant demand for overything tho farm produces. You make moro money, live more comfortably, on a Now York farm than lu the undeveloped West. Investigate. Special excursions leave Omaha overy Monday for Geneva, New York. For further particulars apply to PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Corner 15th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Lowest Price of Season. Beached in Chicago Pit Wednesday. TREND IS STILL DOWNWARD Hrpard on Xptt Crop of Corn Con tinue Favorable and Heavy Tte crlpu Arf Kspectrd (he Latter Part of .Month. Idaho. FOR SALIi-Sacriflce, fifty ncres fine Irrigated land, forty in crops, half-mile from Dietrich, Idaho, on main line; (food Hcrtools; price $3,300, part cash. IV. H. Barnes, lit 7th Ave. East. Twin Kails, Idaho. town. DO TOU DO ANY BUSINESS IN IOWAT The Dos Molnt-s Capital Is Iowa's most widely circulated and most Influential newspaper. Its dally circulation exceeds 43,000 copies. Tho classified advertising rate Is I cent a word or 6 cents a line. You can sell your farm in Iowa or you can buy land In Iowa by the use of the Des Moines Capital. The rate by the month' is $1.20 a line. Address The Dca Moines Capital. Des Moines. la. CHICAGO I.IVR STOCK MAJIKBT FRUIT AND TRUCK FARM at bar gain, 35V6 acres three miles from Council Bluffs postofflce; Rood house, barn and buildings; five acres grapes, six acres RPPles, one acre of alfalfa; oak posts tor sale. DAY & HESS CO., Council Bluffs, Is. Phono 3344. Xanana, SO ACRES ALFALFA, $4,S0O-HAMIL-ton Co., Kan,; rich Arkansas river bottom land, about 1 mtlo from Kendall (main lino Santa Fe Ry.); good fence; no build ings. $1,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. James L. Lombard, Owner, Kansas City, Mo. Minnesota. SNAP 200 acres' near Mankato, Minn. $5,000. Steam heated brick residence. All plow land, orchard, fine grove. $S0 per acre. Morchart-Atchlson Land Co., Mankato, Minn. Missouri. 1G0-ACRE fruit and stock farm, Shan non county, Mo., Improved. For prlco and terras address 11, F. Crays, Mon teer, Mo. Nebraska. HOMESTEAD 1C0 acres rich farm land for 9175, filing fees and alt. Just over Into Colorado good stuff, not sandhills. Land around Kimball, J15 to $25 an acre. Agents wanted. J. A. Tracy. jura Dan. neo. 40-BUSHKL WHEAT LAND, $25 TO $35 rK ACRE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, whero tho crop yields for 13 years, including 1910 and 1911, average with the best in the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soli; water and climate cannot bo found. Write for full f nfnrmntfnn. AsrpntM wanted everywhere. FUNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT CO.. SIUNfcJY. NUM. ) South Dakota. FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land id nr.rf-ft broke, balance all tillable: ' miles from Dallas and 6 miles from Colorae. Price $40 per acre, payable $1,600 cash, $2,500 March 1, 1913; $2,409 March 1. 1917. Address Box ISO, Dallas, South Dakota. . Texas. niRAP patented state school lands. south Texas; $1 an acre cash, balance ten years. For full particulars write F. A. Connable, trustee, 481 Commercial Bank IJYK STOCK MAKKET OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha, Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants BYERS BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg. Snyder-Malone-Coffman Co.. 158 Ex. Bldg LAVERTY BROS., 1JS Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS. & CO., Exchange Bldg. Clay, Robinson & Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg. The Persistent and Judicious Uso of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. OMAHA GENEItAL MAItKKT. Prices for All Kinds of Stock Tend Upward. CHICAGO. Nov. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,600 head; market steady to 10c up; beeves, fi.35flll.00; Texas steers. $4.30 Jp6.G0; western steers. f5.60r31).0O: stockers and feeders. $4,1047.16: cows and heifers. $i7W7.40; calves, J6.50ariO.60. uuus Receipts, zz.uoo neau; marKct mostly fc up, but closed weak: light, $7.35 fc'9.00; mixed, $7.50fj8.124; heavy. $7,400 b.10; frough, $7.40oj'.b); pigs, o.00$ji7.0o; bulk of sales. $7.71x58.00. MttU' AiNU LAMB5J Receipts, 2,UUU head; market steady, generally 10c up; native. J3.30fl4.6o; western, $3.6&gn.t; yearlings, $4.W4j.uO; lambs, native, $5.60 G7.60; western, $5.75ft7.40. .St. LouU Live Htork Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIB. Nov. 14.-CATTI.K Re ceipts, 6,700 head, including 1,700 Toxans; market steady; natlvo shipping and ex porting steers, I8.wyii.wi dresseu ana butcher steers. $S.2Mi-8.70: stockers and feeders, $3.757.00; cows and heifers, $4.60 150.10; canners, S2.75tH.00; bulls, $4.00g.60; calves. I6.uik)ii.od: Texas and Indian steers, $4.60&7.:6; cows and heifers, $3.25 5.00. HOOS Receipts. 7,100 head; market 5 Q'lOc higher; pgs and lights, $6.6Os.0O: mixed and butchers, J7.7OS8.O0; good heavy. J7.908.00. HHlOEH' AND LAMH-IlecclPt3. 5.SW ncaa; market steady; muttons,; lambs. So. 50417.00: culls and bucks, u.ww 3.25; stockers, $2.763.60. ' ' I Kanm City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 14.-CATTLE Receipts. 7.000 head. Including 1,200 south erns: market steady, strong and active: dressed beef and export steers, $7.S5 10.75: fair to good. J6.W5f7.75: westorn steers, $5.0038.00; stockers and feeders, j5.w37.60; soutnorn steerH. i..oy.tu; southern cows. t3.EOS-5.2o: natlvo cows. $3.6067.00; natlvo heifers, S4.764j8.00; bulls. S4.6O0ifi.76: calves. X5.bOjllO.00. HOGS Receipts. 10.000 head: market steady and active: bulk of sales, $7.00 7.80: heavy. $7.75fii7.S7H; packers and butchers, $7.6MCT.So; light. S7.60Sf7.72H; nllEEi ANJJ iAaius Jicccipis, o,uw head: market 10fi25c higher: lambs, $6.00 jp7.50; yearlings, $4.50y.00; wethers, $4.00 (ju.oo: ewes, j-lbc.w; stocicers onu ieea ers, $3.0084.60. St. Joseph I.lvc Stook Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 14.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,900 head; market steady to strong; steers, JG.bOijl0.60; cows and heif ers, $3.60a.75; calve, $5.009.75. HOQS Receipts, 6,500 head; market slow: top. $7.85: bulk of sale, $7.604,,. 80. SHEEP AND LuVAltta Receipts, 1.ZW head: market 10S25C higher; top, $6.0031 7.25. Stock In SlKht. Receipts of live stock at th five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha. 4,000 10,600 7,600 St. Joseph 1.000 6,600 1,200 Kansas City 7,000 10,000 8,000 St. Louis 6,700 7,100 6.800 Chicago 6,600 22,000 22,000 t , OMAHA, Nov. 14. 1912. The lowest prlco of the season was reached in the Chicago wheat market yesterday and the trend was still down ward at the close. Hovering over the wheat at present is an enormous lino of the May futures, and this, It may bo said, is the restricting power against the bears, who would hammer the values much lower were It not for these holdings. There Is little doubt but what quick speculative support would run In many shorts. The May option was fairly well absorbed by strong hands yesterday, but this, it may be said was not because the present holders of that month bellevo it Is to advance to a level high enough to allow them to get out without losses, but because thero Is not enough specula tive business to absorb tho wheat that was placed on sale yesterday. .There was a general desire on the part of hold r nf T tiui. whn.i in Hten down and out. The large receipts and smalt demand from millers, shippers and ex porters shows that this wheat will be sent around on contraf U when the month of December puts In lt" appearance. Cash wheat unchanged to ic lower. There Is still a fair-sized sort interest In December corn, although a sood num ber of shorts have shifted from that month to May. Reports on the new crop continue favorable and, heavy receipts are looked for during the latter part of thin mnnih. Tho hn1ln were free sellers of all months during the seaslon yesterday and on tho lowest prices or tne wee 1110 bears absorbed everything in sigm. Tho sentiment Is so bearish that It , has led a few traders to believe that the December option Is heavily oversold. One trader who has been making ln- VMllnnlliin. nmnncr ttio olevator DCOPle says that so far as he -an learn they do not Intend to carry any corn of con sequence this winter, as wheat and oats are more profitable, and they lost money in carrying corn lost winter, as u koi out of condition. Cash corn unchanged. The December oats snows me mm weakness. The discount for that month yesterday was 2 cents under the May, compared with IK cents earlier in the week. Shorts havo covered freely In the December, owing to the. smsll mcreaso in tho stocks. 0sh tuts. Ho loner. Clearances of wheat and flour, u 4.000 bushols; corn, 2,000 bushels; oats, 7.000 bushels. Liverpool closed: Wheat. WJlc lower; com, 9tlV4a lower. lrlmary wheat receipts were 1.625,000 bu. and shipments 1,603,000 bu., against re ceipts of 725,000 bu. -and shipments of 725.000 bu, last year. Primary corn receipts were 46o,000 bu. and shipments 163,000 bu., against receipts of 436.000 bu. and shipments of 179,000 bu. last year. , . Prlmnry oats receipts wero 831.000 bu. and shipments 1.110,000 bu.. against re ceipts of 241.000 bu. and shipments of 622.000 bu. lust year. The following cash sales wero reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter. 3 cars. Mc. No. 3 hard winter. 1 car, lc. No. 4 hard winter, 2 cars, 80c. No. 2 spring, 3 cars, S2c. No. 3 spring, 1 car, 81c: 1 car, Slii: 1 car. 81 c; 2 cars, SOfcc. No. 4 spring. 1 car, 7894c No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 81Hc. No. 4 mixed. 1 car. 79V4o; 1 car, 79o Corn No. 4 yellow. 1 car (now). 47W. No. 3 mixed. 1 car. MV4c: 1 car. 66c. No. 4 mixed, 1 car (new), 47c. Oats-Standard, 1 car. SOWc; 1 car, 30V4. No. 3 white. .1 ear (local), SOHc; 1 carSOUc: 6 cars. J0c; No. 4 white. 2 cars. 2c; 2 cars. 29Hc; No grade, 1 car, ISc. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 81HSS2Vc: Js. 3 hard. Sl(B2cf No. 4 hard. 784f80Ho; No. 2 spring, 8114082c: No. 3 spring, SOVjASISc; No. 4 spring. '8V4SW8c CORN No. 2 white, 564t66?c; No. 3 white, 66BC6c; No. 2 yellow. 6Rc; No. 3 yellow. 57HQ'67c; No. 2, 66HS"66c; No. 3, 61VS66V4C. (lA'l.S No. 2 white. .Wi331e: standard, 30V43O?ic; No. 3 white, SOBJOtfc; No. 4 white, 29H?29ic. . BARLEY Malting. bUOO; iceu, 4663c. RYE No. 2, Olc: NO. 2, VK. Carlot Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oats. hard. $smf$Jc; No. J hard. TSc: No. 1 northern, SSi9He. No. 2 northern. S6 84c; No. S northern. R"tMHo, No. t spring. S6S7c; No. S spring. St)5c; No. 4 spring. T&lSMo; Velvet chaff. JOtfRSc; durum. Com No, !. 6tiHfl67c; No, 2 white. 6SfJ6SHci No. 2 yellow, old. 68tf 6SV40; No. 1 yellow, new, Wire; No. J, Ht tIGSc; No. 3 white, 57V,fifo: No. S yellow, 67t4uWc; No, 4. MW-Oo; No. white, old, MHej No. 4 white, now 6tmi2c, No. 4 yellow, old, 6ifiS7o, No. 4 yellow, new. ntyUHc. Oats-No. 2 white. 34c; No. 3 white, 90VtMI!ijc: No. 4 white, S730ic: standard. MyiJ3tic. Rye No. 2, MUc Barley 4SJ4c. Seed Timothy. $I.7MJ j.76. Clover. $Uvffl7 50. HITTER Steady ; inamerlcs, 2Stjac; dairies. 3Mik 1-XlOS-Steady; receipts. 1,602 cases; at mark, cases Included, 2i(ic, ordinary firsts, 24c. firsts. 2Tc CHEKSB-fltearty; daisies. ITUfinWe; twins. l$aVla; young Americas, 16t117c. POTATOES-eteadyj receipts, 30 cars; Michigan. 3SWMc; Minnesota, 47Sc; Wis. consin. 450620. POULTRY Alive, firm; Turkeys. 17c; chickens. He; springs, l!Hc VliM-Steady at SfiHe. MJW VOItK CF.?n:itAt. MAUKKT OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Stronger, with Feed ing Cattle Slow to Lower. K0GS OPEN WEAK, CLOSE STEADY Sheep and l.nmh In Very I.laht Sup ply, While Demand In flood and Trade Active Kt erythlnK Sells Fifteen lllshrr. Totals .,20.100 66,200 42,600 1 BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 54c; No. 1, m-iD. tuns, MYtc; rso. z, .ac. CllEEBK trnDorted Swiss. 33c: Amerl can Swiss. 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins. toe; daisies, jk; inpiei, sue; xoung Americas. 21c; blue label brick. 21o; Um berger, 2-lb., 21c; 1-lb., 22c; New York white. 21c. BEEF CUT PRICES Ribs: No. 1. 20c; No. 2, 13ic; No. 3, lOWc, Loins: No. 1, 22c; No. 2, 15c; No. 3. HHc Chucks: No. 1. 9c; No. 2. 7c; No. 3, 7iic Rounds; No. 1. 12c; No. 2, 9c; No. 3, 9c. Plates; No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 7Hc; No. 3, 6fcc. POULTRY Broilers. $i Per uuz.; hen. 15o; cocks. He; ducks, 18c; geese. 16c: turkeys. 25c; pigeons, per doz., $1.20. Alive, broilers, 16c; hens, 9410c; old roosters, 7c; ducks, full feathered, 12Hc; geese, full feathered, 10c; turkeys. 15c; pigeons, per dot., 60c; homers, $2.30; squabs. No. !, J1.30; No. 2. 6vc. FISH (fresh) Pickerel. lie: white. 14c; trout, 12c; large croppies, 12c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; eel, 16c; haddock, 13c: flounders, 13c; green catfish, 13c; shad roe, per pair, 30c; saimon. So; halibut, 12c; buffalo, so; bullheads, 13c. FRUITS. ETC. Missouri apples, in bbls.. $3.0033.25: New York Greenings and Baldwins, $3.26. Spanish onions, per case, $1.60. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch. $2.2562-60; Jumbo, per bunch, $2.75 03.75. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In box, per box, $2.25; Dromedary brand, new. 34 1-lb. pkgs. In box, par box, $3.00. Figs, California, per case of 13 No. 12 Pkgs., SSc; per case of 30 No. 12 pkgs, $2.60; per case of 60 No. C pkgs., $100; bulk, in 25 and 60-lb. boxes, per lb.. 10c; new, Turkish, 6-crown. In 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 15c; 6-crown, In 20-lb, boxes, per lb., lc; 7-crown. in 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c. Lemons, Umonelra, selected brand, extra fancy, 300-360 sixes, per box, $7.50; Loma Umonelra, fancy, !tm..Vd sixes. ier box. $160; 240-420 sixes. Oo per box le&s; California, choice, 300 v.n txH. tier box. $4.00. Oranges. Cali fornia Red (C) brand, extra fancy, 96-185 sizes, per box, $1.25; extra fancy, all nr box. $4.75. Florida grape fruit. all sizes. $3.60. Cranberries, per bbl ig.uu; per uvi Bank of Unglund Statement LONDON, Nov. 14. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes:. Total reserve. In creased 414,000; circulation, decreased 837,000; bullion, Increased 77,229; other securities, decreased 2,342,000; other de posits, decreased 4.448,000; public depos its. Increased 2,560,000; notes, reserve. In creased 462,000; government securities, decreased 3,000. The proportion of tho bank's reserve to liability this week Is 49.95 per cent; last week it was 47,46 per cent. ' 1 Hank of France Statement. PARIS, Nov. 14. The weekly statement of tho Bank of France shows the follow. Ing changes: Notes in circulation, In creased 110,660,000 francs; treasury de posits, increased 22,550.000 francs; general deposits, decreased 71.700,000 francs; gold In hand, decreased 1.781,000 francs; sliver in hand, decreased 2,732,000 francs; bills discounted, decreased 30.475,000 francs; ad vances, decreased 7,125,000 francs. tv York Mining Stocks. ' NEW YORK. Nov. 14 Closing quota tions on mining stocks wero: Com. Tunnel stocn.. juiiin 176 do bondt anuria TOO Con. Cl. & V Ophlr (a Iron 8ll'r ISO "Slindard loo 1etdvlll Con S Yellow Jicket 10 Mttl Chief 4 Oftmd. Chicago 97 Minneapolis v Duluth 653 Omaha 65 Kansas City 84 fit. Louis 8T. Winnipeg 941 160 7 85 8 22ii CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS PhlladelphlRProdure Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov, J4. BUTTER Finn; creamery ttc nigner; western creamery extra. 34Hc: nearby prints, extra, sacstic. tancy. sic, KOGS Firm, good demand, unchanged. CHEESE-Unchongfcd. Metal Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 14. METALS Lead. dull at $4.65: spelter, steady at $7.30. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. METALS Cop per, very firm; November. S17.12V4S17.60; December. January and February, J17.12W, 017.45; electrolytic and lake. $17.62 17.87U; casting. $17.25017.37. Tin, firm; spot, November and December, $50.2&8 50.60. Lead, weak: $4.70g.4.75. Spelter. firmer, S7.357.45. Antimony, steady; Cookson's, $10.60. Iron, firm and unchanged. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 14.-COFFEE Fu tures market opened steady with prices 2 points lower to 1 point higher. The close was steady at a net decline of 207 Dolnts. Sales. 118.250 bags: November. 13.65c; December, 13.61c: January and Feb ruary, 13.90c; juarcn. u.bsc; April, us.vtc; May. 14c: June. 14.02c: July. 14.05c: Au gust, 14.07c; September and October, 14.09c Spot quiet; Rio. is ic: nanios s, ibuc; mild, quiet; Cordova, l6V4l8o. Turpentine and Itoaln, SAVANNAH. Oa.. Nov. 14. OIL Tur pentine, firm at S7tc; soles, C64 bbls.; receipts. 891 bbls., shipments, 2,211 bbls.; stock. 31.343 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 2,636 bbls.; receipts, 3,640 bbls.; shipments, 3,167 bbls.; stock, 1I5.G99 bbls. uuoiauons: a. u. j. v.vjh'. D7 $S.0CV4: E. $6.07; F and O, $6.10: H and I, $6.12Vi: K, $6.45: M, $7.00; N, $7.60; w a, .; w w, ys.i. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 14.-COTTON Spot closed steady; miaanng upland. 12.10c; middling gulf, 12.25c; sales, 31 bales. COTTON Futures closed barely steady; closing bids, November. 11.45c. Decem ber, U.G5c; January, 1179c , February, 11.83c, March, 12.00c, May, 12.04c; June. 12.03c. juiy. tu.iic, August, u.-kjc; eep tember, ll.65c, October. U.4ia Features of the Tradlna; and Cloalnac Prices on Ilnard of Trade. CHICAQO. Nov. 14. Wheat prices to day broke under tho season's low record established only twenty-four hours be fore. IIopo of speedy peace In Ruropo was responsible In tho main. At tho end of the session a feeling of steadiness prex'alled, but the market showed a, net decline of -Ho to wmo. -:orn nnisuea lAfi to a down, oats off HTUc to Vlo and provisions varying from 6c lower to fin tilvance of 17v4c. Peace prospectH caused a stoppage of American wheat exports ana inauceo foreign speculators to sell here and dis couraged longs to unload. Big primary receipts, news of an Argontlno harvest riirllpr than expected nnd of curtailed milling operations at Minneapolis worn bearish factors. Absorption by commis sion houses on tho decline provontod i worse drop. December ranged from 87a to 88Vic with sales 0o net lower TitPHt tradtnir In corn was at the lowest prlco of the season, increasing reenirjts nnd Improved duality had somo- thlnir to do with weakening the market and the break in wheat and fine weather did the rest December fluctuated do. i-veen 47T4o and 49c. closing heavy at. STio, a loss of c net. Cosh grades were slow. No. 2 yellow was quoted at ISfp raVia for old and WVic ror new. Dats eased oft on accouni ol n urn dieted liberal Increase in stocks. Upper nnH lownr levels reached for Decembet wero 30HJlOio and aoyc, wntn mo cioBe HtJ'Vic down at 30c. Shorts, who had been hammering down provisions, turned to the buying side after announcement that packing in the wfnt for the woek amounted to nearly :5,000 fewer hogs than a year-ago. There was an irregular cjose, wwuii. uunww, averaged about tne same as last, nigni. Quotations closed a-, lollows: Artlclelppen.l Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yes'y, tliiotatlonn of the Day on Vnrlnus Commodltlr. NEW YORK. Nov. 14.-K1X)I R-Qulet; Snrllur iiatoiits. 14..V'fi4.Sl: winter stralchts. Jl.knH.tW; winter patents, $4.70Uti,15: spring oleais, St.SiMiS.SO; winter extras No. 1. $4.10 n.w; winter extras ko, 4.wg(,iu; Kan sas straights, $4.164r4.2u. Ryo flour, quiet; fair to irood. tt.TMiS.W: choice to fane v. $3.95J.M.10. Buckwheat flour, quiet; $2.00 -.w per iw 1 us. CORNMKAI-Stcady ; fine white and yellow. $1.5o1.60; course, $t.60a,1.55; kiln dried. $4.00. 1 RYK-Qulet: No. 2. 6tc. c :. f. Buffalo. WIIHAT-Kpot market steady: No. 2 red, $1.0, elevator, nnd S1.09'i, f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth. 97Uc. f. o. b afloat; futures, market closed if Vta net lower. December !s i-iawc; closed at 95 ll-16c,' May. S9UtJ!Wic; closed at ittHa CORN Spot market easy; export, 65c. r. o, u.. atioat; iH'ccmncr to Ainrcii. UAT8- sioi luurKei easy rtiuuinnt white. 37Hc: No. 3. T,ie. No. 4. 5Hc; nattirnl white, 305r3Sc; white clipped, 3.H ti40c. FEED Stendv: western snrlmr brntt. 100 pound sacks, rs.w: btnnuaru miuuung, $22.60: cltv. $22.60. hay isasy prime, nominal: ivo. 1. fl.l5; No. 2. $l.fl.05; No. 3, S5'. hui'k-isnsy; stule, common to Choice, 1912, 27f53c; 1911, 12AT170! Pacific coast, 1912. lMifito: 1911. lMrsoo. jiiuiis vnm, central America, sstc; Bogota. 28029c. L13ATHER Finn: hemlock firsts. 27U1 c; seconds, 264370; tniius, KJUio; re jects. ISc PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess. Jis.73 niu.w: ramus', KB.005j24.oo; snort clears, $22.orvsy2t.60. BecfTflnn: mess, $18.0O19.00; family. $22,0OSC3.O0: beef hams. $JS.0O!a31.60. 1 ui meats, easy: p ckled bell es. 10 to 11 lbs., tl3.6OIjl4.00; pickled hams, $14.00, nom inal. Lord steady; mlddln west prline.$ll.S0 Vii.4o; rerincd barely steaoy; continent, $11.80; South Amurlca, $12.60; compouiul, t8.0CHl'S.25. TALLOW ljulot I prime city, hhds., jc: spccini, 7hc; country, 6oc. IIUTTKR-iFlrm: reeelnts. 4..68 tubs Creamery, extrns. SlV4c: firsts. 3iU1lXltto; neia extras, 32fiia2',sc; stale dairy nneet, :3:hc: factory, curent moke, firsts, 24 Ho: seconds siVktrsic. ciiisisHis Htcaay; receipts, l.sit ioxea; state, whole milk. hold, colored snoclols. ijiiiso: sKims, 4tfitic. HGuS Weak: receipts, 5.896 cases; fresh gathered, extras. 39tf41c: re frigerator, special marks, fancy, 24c; neiirbv hennrrv. whites, funcv. now laid. Uiuwc; nearoy selected wmtes, gooa 10 prime, 43igwc; western garnered whites, WiH.'(l. poultry Alive. wca: western cnicit ens, l&313c; fowls, 1213o; turkeys, 18c. Dressed, dun: fresh killed western onick ens, 12fl8c; fowls. 13tt310Kfl; turkeys, 1011 24C. .St. I.onls General Market. ST. lOUIS. Nov. 14. WHEAT Steady track. No. 2 red, $1.061.U9; No. 2 hard. ossrwo. corn steady : track, wo. i. wiic; no 2 white. 66c. OATS-Lowcr: tracK, no. ai;c; no. 2 whlto, 32HC uiowng onccs or rutures: WHEAT lxiwer,' December, SSWa88ttc May. 94a94c. corn Lowor; Docember, 4cc; May, 47io. OATS iAjwer; Deojmoer, sic; May, 32Uc 11YK ITnchiLiiseil at C4e. FLOUR Quiet: red winter' patents, $1.75 QG.OO; extra fancy and straight, j4.ioin.oa hard winter clears, SEED Timothy, J10.W. CORNMEAL-$3.10. BRAN Dull and weak; saoked cast track. OUfi'Mc. HAY Steady; timothy, $13.0OKI7.6O; oral rle, jiz.ooii6.w. BAGGING 10 3-lCc. TWINE Hcmn. Sc. PROVISIONH Pork, unchanged; Job bine. $16.50. lird, unchunged, prime steam. $10.72HO10.82H. Dry salt meats unchanged: boxed extra snorts. Jll.tcu clear ribs, $11.62H; . short clears, $12.00. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra Hiioris, $12.62M: clear ribs. $12.2H; short cloars $13.00. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 9 springs. 11c: turkeys. 16c: ducks, 12c geese, lOc. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 28S330. lSriflS St..adv at 26c. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 11.000 7.000 Wheat, bu 102.000 66.000 Corn, bu 34.000 10,000 Oats, bu 85,000 S6,0o0 Kansas City Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITY. Nov. 14. WHEAT Cash, waic lower: No. 2 hard, 82MS7V4c No. 3, 8208414c; No. 2 red, 98c$1.00; No, 'CORN WQWc lower; No. 2 mixed, old MtAtamic: now. 47(24So; No. 3, old, 6J0 new, 47c; No. 2 white, old, 64QC6c: new, D3Wo: No. 3. old. 63V44ifilV4c; now. 61fi2c OATS Unchunged: No. 2 white, 32VJ) 33c: No. 2 mixed, 31H032',4". Closing prices of futures: WHEAT December, 81Ks; May, Kin 87Vio. CORN-Decembcr, 45f?45ic; May, 46o; July, 4646Vic. OATS-Deccmber, Smc; May. 33V4033Vc. RYE-c. , HAY Unchanged. BUTTER Crenmcry. 31r; firsts. 28c; seconds. 26o; packing stock, 23MG3H,c. EGOS Extras, 28o; firsts, 27c; seconds, 19c POULTRY Hens. lOWSllc; rosters. 9c: springs. limri3o; young turkeys, 16HQP 16V4c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu Sl.OOO 118,000 Corn, bu 25.000 10.000 Oats, bu 12.000 16,000 OMAHA. Nov. U. 1912 ItcrrlDtn vro rrnil. linen. Sheet) Official Monday S.C44 6.208 2S.P51 Official Tuesday 3.65S 8.KW 24.091 vjiuriai Wednesday.... 4.17T risiinutte Thursday.... 4,ooq 10.0m iv Four dnvs thl wV l JSS 90.029 77.111 Same dnvn tnt wmV.. fi azi lLttl 65.164 Same days 2 w'ks ao..S0,820 23.441 144.031 Samo days 3 w'ks ago.. 31.811 S1.878 M1.9&I alno uays 4 w'ks bko..m,S7 jsame days last year.. 2J.TBJ The following tahU ihnvi the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at hillh Omahu lor tno year to date as comparea whb last year: 1912. mu. inc. dj Cattle . . SS5.649 1.045,728 160,079 Hogs 2,542,19!) 2.056.479 48S,7SO Sheep .. .2,666,506 '751,31 ..... M.T20 The followlnc labia slions the range ot prices for hogs at South Omaha for (hi last few days with comparisons: hogs on the day previous. As the market progressed, however, the packer buyers suemrd more anxious to fill orders nnd in consequence business gradually beoame more active nnd prices Improved. What hogs were unsold at the close changed hand on a basis fully steady with yes tcrday's best time, thus making the gen eral market about steady with the way the majority of tho offerings wero dls liosed of on the day before. Whllo the early business was somewhat slow the general movement wss active and a clearance was msdo In very fair season. The big bulk of the sales weto made at n range of $? 76447 S5. with several loads jf the best offerings bringing $.), Identical with yesterday's top price. Receipts were very liberal, being the largest fur any day since tho third week In July. The supply nmounted to nbout l.M cars or 10,601 head as compared with 4.3SS head last Thursday, 4,905 two weeks ago and 7,664 head on tho corresponding day lost year. The general quality of the offerings showed a llttlo Improvement over yesterday NEW YORK JiTOCR MARKET Trading1 in Most Essentials Rcpcti tion of Preceding Day. DEALINGS ARE PROFESSIONAL a Further Clearing; of Knropean AY no Clouds a Factor nnd London Market Strong Grrmnn Bank Rale Rises. Date. I 1112. I1911.IMU.I1SXI9.IWS.U907.I1XX. Nov. 4.. I 7 nu Nov. 6..1 7 S3 Nov. 6.. I 7 72H Nov. 7.. 7 7S1 ' 67H Nov. t Nov. 9.. Nov. 10. Nov. 11. iMiv. II. Nov. IS. Nov. 14. 7 66S 1 t.i 7 83 131 8 071 7 741 ft tl 6 2 7P5 770n5$ 13 7 70 6 79 5 15 6 14 7 90 578.490 WS02 7 7 4 75 6 12 7M 7 79B62 4I4 6 21 7 K 7 73 6 5S 6 27 7 84 7 76 6 $1 4 95 "88 7 84 5 79 4 83 6 37 7 S8 5 74 4 70 6 25 7 74 t 68 4 88 Sunday . Receipts and dluookltlnn nt live stork at the Union Stock yunls. South Omaha. lor twenty-rour hours ending nt s o'clock p. m Thursday. Novoniba" 14 RECEIPTS-HEAD. r'llttl. I ttn-m QltMn C. M. i St. P Wabash Missouri Paclflo 2 Union Paclflo at C. & N. W.. east 1 & N. W.. west.... 23 C. St. P. M. A: O U V. B. fi Q., rust :t v. !. W- west 73 C. R. I. gs P.. east 4 C. R. 1. & P., west Illinois Central C. G. W 1 Total receipts... ..1M 0 1 1 38 I 14 ? 3H 7 S 3-1 II 8 4 2 8 .. 4 1 Ti 34 1.741 137 2,685 853 4,838 S.ail 2.698 1,723 I (! 3,723 Wheutl Dec. May. July. Corn Dec. May. July. oats I 874881. 93V44iil 90a)V 49ii4w 4SH 49-1.1 Dec.l30-iaiVi May. July. Pork Jan.. May. Lard Nov, Dec, Jan., May, Ribs Uov. Jan.. May, .1 881. 93M 90H 49W 48 494' 32. 18 65 18 27V4' 11 05 10 87Vt 10 60-62 10 27-30 10 55 11 07HI 9 85-87 80&844 32 18 80 18 40-42 11 17Vi 10 11 70 10 37 10 biy, 10 20 9 95 87. 93 I 48T4 4SU 490 49H I aovil 32V 32V4QH 18 62 18 25 11 05 10 85 10 60 10 27H 10 65 11 07H! 9 85-87 87ttfcK 93Q03H mi 30H SV44SH 824 18 6T. 18 90 11 10 10 92Vi 10 62V4 10 32 10 674 10 12H 9 90-92! 88H 94094H 49. 4414 49V4ii i30viei 32Viei 32HQH 18 70 IS 30 10 77W 10 62V4 10 30-32 10 10-12 9 90 Cash quotations ranged as follows: FLOUR-Slow: winter patents. St.SOft 4.75; winter straights, $4.1064.60; spring patents, $4.254.60; spring straights, $4.00 4.25- bakers. J3.6033.83. RYE NO. Z. WC, BARLEY Feed or mixing. 45flilc: fair to choice malting, 6U70c. , SEEDS-Tlmotny, $2.7&ff3.75; clover. $13.0ftS17.60. PROVraiONH .Mess pork. J1B.62V4W17.00. Lard (In tierces), $11.15. Short ribs (loose), S10.254M0.62Vi. Total clearances of v;lieat and flour were equal to 774,000 bu. Primary receipts. were 1,625,000 bu., compared, with 725,000 bu. the correkponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow Wheat, 133 cars; corn, 155 cars, oats, 230 cars, nogs, i6,ooo nead. Chicago Cash Prices' Wheat No, red. Sl.03ttl.06; No, $ red. 91cJjJ1.00; No. 3 Allnnrnpolls Grain Market. MINNEAIOL18. Nov. 14. WHEAT IWi-mhar. 83W83ic: Muy. SS4a8SC Cash: No. 1 hard, ,8614c; No. 1 northern, 84M85!4c; No. 2 northern, 82JjS314c; No. CORN NO. a yeuow, d-.ijoiu, nrw. UATB-WI, 3 wnue, t. RYE No. 2. 6600c BR..N-$18.CS'18.60. .,.,. vr.mtliKlriit patents. $4.25I4.65; sec ond patents. $4.104.35; first clears, $3.10 8.40: second clears. $2.30iC.GO. SEED Flax, BA RLEY-4Si0c. Milwaukee Grnln 3IarUrt. MtTAVATTKEH. Wis.. Nov. 14. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 88V4800c; No. 2 north- ern, sjomc: no. ; nru winivr, December, soc; may. vow,c. CORN No. x yeuow, dc; o. j wnue, Mc: No. 3, CTVic December, 4'4o; .May,. 48H?48Hc. OATH otanoara, eiivaac. BARLEY Malting, 6472c. . , 1 Liverpool Grain .Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 14 WHEAT Spot weak; No. 1, new, Manitoba, 7s 8Vid; No. 2, Manitoba, 7s 6V4d; No. 3. new, Mani toba. 7s 4Vid. Futures weak; December, 7s 4Wd: March, 7s 44d; May, 7 2d. CORN Hiot easy; new, American, nun dried, 6s 9d. litures weak; December, 4s 11'. id; January. 4s HV4d. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Nov ll.-CORN-Old. 2ie lower; new. 1c lower; No. 4 white, 4Io; No. 2 yellow, 65Vic; No, 3 yellow, 66c and 49c, No. 4 yellow 47c; No. 3 mixed. G5c; No, 4 mixed, (c and 4iC, sample, l-WK-' OATS Market ',Vie lower, No. ! white. 32tc, standard, 31s4r. No, 4 white 29c Key to tho eituaUon-Ben Advertising. DISIOSIT10N-HEAD. Cattle. Hon. Sheep. aior-ris t co toa Bwlft ft Co 7 Cudahy Packing Co.... 686 Armour & Co 202 Morrell ..v 28 South Omaha Pkg. Co., 18 Armour (from Denver) 117 W. R. Yansant Co 18 Benton Vnnsant & Lush 63 Hill fc Son lot D. Lewis 75 Huston ft Co 191 J. B. Root A. Co 70 J. H. Bulla 112 L. F. Hlisx 47 Rosenstock Bros 98 McCroary & Kellogg.... 1 Werthelmer gs Degeu... 407 Sullivan Bros 13 Sullivan BroB 1$ Mo. A. Kana Calf Co.... 1$ Cllnn Christie 1 Other buyern 363 Totals 4,325 11,263 10,430 CATTLE Cattle receipts wore light again this morning, only 166 cars being reported in. Tno mini ror tne weeK roots up only a little over 20,000 head, being a snarp ral nir off as compared with most recent weeks, as welt as being consider ably less than a year ago. The demand for beef cattle was very good and ns supplies .were moderate tho market opened early anil active. Every- tntng uesirabio in the way ot Killing cat tle changed hands In very good season at good, strong prices. Cows and heifers wero also In good de mand and they. too. commanded prices that were strong. The trade might bo summed up as being strong and active on all kinds of killing cattle. Feeders, which have been selling very high all this week, were not so active this morning ana the tendency was a lit tie lower. Possibly the most desirable cattle may have sold steady In some coses, but the tendnnoy was weak to 10a lower than yesterday. . Quotations nn nntlve ruttlet Good to choice bftnf stenrs. 1S.1M210.00: fslr to good beef steers, $7.2598.25; commox. to fair beer steers, J6.ootf7.; good to cnoics heifers, $S.0Ofl.00; good to choice cows, $5 IM16. 40: fair to irood grades. $4.609.50; common to fair grades, 63.SMf4.40; good to choice steckers and feeders, $6.W7.60; fair to good stockers and feeders, $5,769 0.25; common to fair stockers and feeders, $5.0006.75; stock cows arm heifers, $4,500 6.00; veal calves, (t.wv.w; puns, sings. etc.. 8l.oouo.60. Representative sales: WESTERN 8 NEBRASKA. No. A v. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 20 cows 869 4 60 8 heifers... 658 5 W 6 cows 10O4 6 65 3 cows 73$ 4 65 2 calves... 390 6 75 8 heifers... 786 6 90 6 feeders.. 810 46 81 steer MO 6 M 12 steers.... 83 0 10 10 steers.... 844 6 10 6 steers.... 748 4 60 J6 cows 8.KJ 5 15 1 calves... 182 S 00 9 sts& hfs.1066 7 25 heifers.., 916 6 45 6 cs & hfs.1025 6 00 I. T. Lewellen-Neb. 46 steers.... 9)8 0 75 43 COWS 9U 6 So S cows 912 4 80 WYOMING. 40 feeders. .1043 7 10 3 feeders. .100 7 10 3 cows 943 3 65 7 cows 900 6 40 J2 steer 825 7 15 9 cows 8(1 e w T. Brown wyo. 29 Steers.... 928 6 80 16 cows 933 6 70 R. 8. Van Tasseii vvyo. 22 feeders.. 1153 7 25 7 COWS 933 6 60 E bulls 1482 4 7b M. Qucaley Wyo. 37 cows 1063 6 00 M steers.. ..LTC 7 20 33 COWS 1M ll T. II. Reavis co. vyo. 7 cows 1004 6 85 2 steers.... 920 6 25 2 helfcrs...l006 0 30 CO steers. ...1261 T 40 19 steers. . 910 C 73 14 steers.... 865 6 W 6 steers.. ..1048 6 60 u cows ow 1(1 steers.. ..1133 7 26 8 steers.. ..110 7 25 W steers.. ..1064 6 85 7 steers,...1019 6 45 j. w. uean wyo. 10 steers.... 622 5 90 8 cows 916 6 w V ri. Ausion wyo. 9 steers.... 831 76 0 cows 1036 6 60 Antlers Cattle Co. Wyo. 21 steers.... 821 6 40 26 steers.... 874 7 15 94 cow 953 6 60 24 cows 935 6 10 15 bulls 12C1 4 S5 SO cows..... 876 4 75 j. b. Kendrlck-Wyo. 20 blears,. ..1191 6 75 13 steers. ...1146 fl 10 SO steers!. :.1273 7 40 12 steers. ...ISO 8 CO nrowi low e -11 twna w ,1300 4 00 3 bulls 1133 4 25 BEEF STEERS. At. FT. No, Ar. TT. . nt I o it iui s oo Ks 1.. t. It.. 41 SC AT. 8h. rr. ISO ... 7 (0 . is ... : 4 . ,tm no t ts ...ti to 1 to .. tIS . 7 70 .. Ill MO 7 TO ..IH . . 7 to ,J ... TTI ...til . . T 11 . .111 40 T ...ttS 40 7 H .,tM 10 t t5 ...til tOO 7 It ...lit 111 T 73 t n ... t ' It. Kt ll 1 71 It 141 ... 7 11 U, ... ..til 13 7 Ti it... til 1M 7 7744 TO... til 10 7T7H TI. 40 til 10 7 0 07. Tt,. It,, IT.. ,. II It.. II.. n.. u.. 11 No. IS.. I.. 14.. 7J.. II.. :.. i.. !.. r,4. 77. 31.. 11.. !.. M. . II.. II.. II. 14.. II ...III 10 Tt . ..Ill ... 7 10 ....147 ... T 10 .. .314 10 T 10 ... 100 ... I N .',..t4 110 T W ...tM ... IM ... t 10 .US 1W T to .147 40 7 10 .Mt 110 T 10 At. 9h. rr. . .IK IM T 10 ..Ml 110 7 0 ... 7 10 . .tM 0 T '0 , . .MS Kft 7 10 ..111 IM 7 10 ..III .. 7 10 ,.M7 110 7 Kli .111 J00 ill . .MT 114 7 H . Ill 110 T IS 111 . T IS .in ... 7 n . 144 . 7 IS . Ml 150 T IS ..IS) 110 T Si . .101 40 ? IS . IW IH ..111 10 T IS ..111 ... IN ,..111 100 7 tt TT !4S HO 7 IS 44...,. .110 110 II ,... TI. .... 0.. ., 71 IT I I 17 .. , ,... ... . II..... SI,... 00... 14.... II.... TI. . 1 , 10... W... .117 im T 10 ..111 110 7 10 -.501 ... 7 14 ...:oi .. 1 10 ...til 40 7 t ...111 10 T 10 ...Ml IM 7 10 ISO 40 7 10 . 111 110 7 10 .11 ... 7 SO . .Ill WO 7 10 ...tit ,., TtA ..III IM 7 It ..141 110 7 10 ..IM 1 7 10 . m 110 t to lit no t 10 10 7 M ... 7 IS (0 7 IS 7 IS 20 t sr. ... 71s . . ,117 uo T xs . .:s in t is ..141 110 7 IS ...Ml 40 7 M ...111 IW 7 M a ..111 .941 ..111 Ml 1 is ... 7 IS ... 7 IJti 10 7 ll'i ... 7 0 7 Kl 7 10 SO ' N T 10 . . I M . . 7 W 40 T M . . T M ... T 0 40 T M . . 7 N ... T 00 . 7 00 l'J cowr.. bulls.. No. II.. 7.. It.. 1.. to.. IS.. ro.. 11.. 1111 7 04 II 11 I 11 . .....1110 7 71 10 mi to ...1 7 71 It IHT SIS ...1M 7 W 7 1171 T V) 14 IM1 J0 1 1H Tie II "TI 174 1104 7 LU W O. I! J 71 ISO 4 15 7 110 4 4 1040 00 II 109 5 W II HEIFERS. 740 II 11 Ill 4 M 1 4SS 6 M 411 4 10 I 110 4 7S BULLS. 1113 4 7J 1 1110 t " CALVES. :ti t o 1 IU 4 io- 1 ((4 4 to RTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I in Tt 44 1004 4 U J' ,. 411 4 M II 411 4 t I Ill It) 4 707 I 14 J " IK 4 00 1 741 4 10 . Ill I 10 21 131 I W HOGB The Ui t appearance ut the opening of the hog trade this morning was In marked contrast to the mad rush for hogs on the part of buyers during most ot the morning yesterday Buyers started out bidding prices fully CflhM trnvvr than yesterday's general trade and succeeded In making quite a few of their early purchases anywhere from weak to a blc nickel lowr than the coH of thtlr 10.. li... 1 1 . ' 10 71 .. 11... 14 114 14 117 70 Ill 41 Ml 41 til II 114 44 Ill 41 141 It HI 10 Ml 117 44 Ill 41 174 17 1ST SI 111 TI Ill PIOH. II ... Ill 71 Ill 110 , . 7 w u m 1 ... in HMKBP Trade In sheen and lambs be gan early nt an advance of 15c. As re ceipts were very moderate even for a Thursday and thero being a good deninnd ror anything that would inaito tieconi Killers, tne movement was rainy uvniy must of tli 11 mornlnr. There were only about four loads of lambs on the market and thov consisted entirely of either fed or native stuff. A load of cornfed lambs brought ns much as $7.00, which Is just 15o higher thnn the way the same kind of lambs sold yesterday. A doublo deck of native lambs weighing around 91 pounds also brought $7.o0. Thero were more fat wethers nnd owes than anything else In the killing linn nn sain nnd prior on them showed the snme advance us on lambs. A six-car string of fat weathers, the same ns brought $1.20 on Wednesday, sold as high as $4.35. with nbout 140 head out this morning. According to early nd. vires the general trade at other market points also showed some improvement. A clearance or today's orrorings wbb or fected cnnniaratlvelv early In the day. Tno nupniv or feeders consisted tnaiuiv of feeder sheep, thero being very few feeding ionics in evidence. There was a verv fair outlet ror tne amount or stnex here, but values exhibited no Improve ment over yesterday's trade. While a doo in inn tendency una lower prices featured the- market on Killers during most of the previous days of the week today's advance makes uotn rat sheen and lambs no morn than about 25a tower than prices prevailing at the end of last week. The feeder trade tins held up well and If anything feeder lambs ami sheep are now selling at stronger prices thnn compared with a week ago. Quotations on sheen and lambnr Ijvmbs good to choice, 18.765(7.10: lambs, fair to good, T0.WQe.7b; initios, renders, j5'V0.iD yearlings, light. S5.OOff5.40: yoarllngs, heavy, J4.65fltl.00; yearlings, feeders, $4.60 Q&00; wethers, good to cnoice, ji.0W(4.33 wethers, fair to good, 13.2Mjs1.76! wethers, feeders. S3.76S74.25: ewes, good to nholco. S3.6OU4.O0: nwev. fair to good. J3.25fl3.G0 ewes, feeders, $3.00013.25; ewes, ynarllng breeders, S4.6O4J&O0; cull sheep and bucks, WI-VOV3.W. Representative sales: No. A v. Pr. 640 Wyoming Iambi, feeders.. . 63 6 65 214 Wyoming Iambs, feeders.... 4S 5 73 164 Wyoming lnmbi, feeders.... 64 6 26 161 Wyoming lambs, feeders..,. 57 6 25 360 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... C6 6 25 102 Wyoming lamos, reeciers,... 4:1 in 94 Wyoming lnmbs, feeders,... 60 0 23 705 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 66 6 10 103 Wyoming ewe's (1 3 65 197 Wyoming ewes, fesders 85 3 00 228 Wyoming ewes, feeders..... 8t 8 10 06 Wyoming ewes, feeders JI7 2 80 230 Wyoming yearlings, feodnrs 78 4 90 644 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 77 4 75 254 Wyoming yeafllngs, feeders 90 4 75 134 Wyoming yenrungs, reeners i 4 00 360 Wyoming lambs, fenders.... 49 6 00 119 Wyoming lamns, reeocrs..,. 49 bw 165 Wyoming lambs, fnnderH.... 4'J 6 00 392 Wyoming lambs, feeders,... 89 6 00 453 Wyoming owes 85 2 65 665 Montana yearlings, feeders.. 85 4 60 i Montana yeaning", reoners.. n- iki 60S Montana .yearlings, feeders.. 90 4 85 110 native lambs 88 7 00 8 native amos iw " 107 native lamb 94 7 00 133 fed lambs .68 6 60 64 Wvominr wethers iw .0 629 Wyoming wethers 103 4 35 675 Wyoming wethers 104 4 sr. 69 native ewes j v 124 native owes no 3 60 26 natlvo ewes, cuus 64 natlvo lambs .Tl 0 2a 7 bucks " " w London Block Market. 11NDON. Nov. 14. Turkey's appeal for assistance preliminary to negotiations for peace made the stock market strong to day. The continent bought gold mine shares. Rio Tlntos and Brazilian rolls freely and local opumuonn inipruvru con sols a quarter of a point Home rolls were strong under tho lend of the south eastern roads and war stocks advunced. The settlement was concluded without trouble. ... . American securities opened firm and n frar.tlon higher and later In the forenoon Improved under the lead ot Canudlun Pacific. New York accepted tho higher level and bid up slocks, which continued to advance until the closing. The market finished firm and at the highest point. Money was dearer and discounts wore Nearly $10,000,000 In gold was received from India, but It goes to the bank of Bngland on Indian account ana win not be available for use in tho money market, Ixtndon closing siocko. NEW YORK. Nov. 14.-ln most of in essentials today's stork market was a repetition of the preceding day's sessior, . Irregularity was no less pronounced and, thero were frequent periods of dullness, although tho total output was larger Trading was broader, but plainly profes slonal, some ot tne speculation running Into issues supposed to be manipulated by pools. Further clearing of tho European war clouds was an Important factor, the tnltlar rlso of 1 to 2 points bolng a natural se quence at the strong Loudon market, dc splto Increasing firmness In money an') discounts nt that center. Both Paris and llerlln displayed renewed strength, anil those markets, with London, were buyers here to the extent ot probably 25,000 shares on bnluncc. Soiko surprise was expressed In local banking circles at the rise In the Ocrmnn bank rate from 5 to 6 per cent, making, the second advance in less than a month nnd to tho highest figure quoted by that Institution slnro January of 190S. Private cables from London and Paris suggested resumption of copper buyltii; ror iiuropenn consumers, which prouaDiy nccountnd in large measure for the strength of thosn shares. Pressuro against united States Steel persisted throughout the session, but American Smelting re covered nil of Its early decline, with gen eral firmness nt tho close. BnndH wero Irregular nnd dealings light Total sales, par value, aggregated $1,65.' - 000. United Stales bonds wore unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading auotauons today were as foltows: Stlro. linn, uow AmtltnmilH Copprr .... 40,400 ISH H ISH Amtrion AtTtcultaro! ,. II Amerlcin Ilrct ft nr.. . I.I00 M't (41i MS Amerlcm Tin 11,000 il 40 41H Amrrlrm Cm pM 400 lim i:l'i IM'4 M0 0H 40 4.M0 tlH 100 ro !0 900 U4 1IH 1,100 44H S' 717i 71 ID'l 47 U 1 11 . vs 104 VXi UIH Ull 131 soo Km in in, soo ri z;m :7?t 4.40O 441, US 4444 1,100 10SH lOT'i 107V, 100 ioih iont tor, 100 lit HI lilt, 100 104K 10114 104U i.too is 4:h : 400 1114, l!!t 4.100 114 :4T4 1,004 31 34Uj 1.400 11 I1U 100 tli ll'i 4, SOU IU'4 11SH 114 00 lit 1I0H 110 1,100 IT 11H 14 S M 1411 141H 1I1U 4,404 1H 14H 1444 10O 117 14T 24J 4 1H 10O 41 100 ITTi 2,000 l?t 100 tl tOO 41 41 1711 3 lit 61 44 1,704 SOU 10 1,000 iiu e4; 400 novt no 1,000 iovi to too 14K 11 100 im 33i 404 ISM tlH 11... 11... 1... I... 1... 4... ... . IS1 I 45 .111 1 18 1IH 4 44 . 401 4 44 .170 I 13 .Ml 4 74 .711 I 00 . IW I 00 .704 1 44 410 4 00 IM 00 110 109 Amnrlrtn C. P... Amerlrin Cotton Oil. Am. ten Rcurltli... Atnfrlon LlnurM .... Amrk'n LwomoIlT Amrrlon . & It 24,100 Am. s. ii, no.,. Am. Imir ll(lnln.,... Amrrlrnii T. ft T...... . American Towicco Amrnnda Mining Co,... Atchlion ..t.i Atchlmn pfit Atlintlo Conit IJn...... llilllmore A. Ohio........ Ilct hlrhem tt(l Htoohlvn Uopld Tr...... CnJIn rsrltte rntrl LfMhrr ....... . Chouprnko & Ohio ,. Chlcuo O, W.. HitMso. M. 8t. P.... niicacfl r w Colorado P. tc I......... ConiioUJiU'l On Corn Prnlut Dtlanar A HuiUOn Dner Illo Orandn... Drnvar R. O. vti nittllltra' HaeurltlM .... Rrln . Krla lit pM nrla til ir.. .............. ...... ..... nnral . Bltolrlo ... , Orrtt NortMrn tta 1.100 Ulli 13l Oirat Northarn Or ctfa. llllnola crntral InUrborouih Met. ...... Intar. Mat, iM International IlarTtatar.. Intar-Martna p(4 Intrrnatlonnl Papar International Pump ..... Kanaaa City Bomharn... liarletf Oat Ihlh Valley LoulaTlll Xt NaihTlll... M., fit. P. ft B. H. M.... Mlaiourl, K. 4k T... MlMourl Paclflo 1,. National lllacult National Lead 1.400 llli 40V, 60 N It. It. of M. til aid.. too IT 11U IT Now York On! ral 100 HSU, luli HUt n. r.. o. & w, NUrfolk t Watern,. Mirlh American Northern racltlo Paclflo Mall .... TVnnarlTania Paopla's Ola P.. C, a Bt. L ritlabursh Coal rraM rllrfl Car Pullman ralaca Car Rtadlnc i:,S00 1T11, niu nm Rrpubtlo I. A B tot 21H 14T4 ll, Ilapubllo 1. 8. pro.,., 300 VI Rock Iiland Co 1,404 14K Hock Itland CO. pfd TOO 40 Bt. U A K. V. 3d pld... 1,100 UVi Seboril Air Una Beobourd A. L ptd Biota. Bhetfleld it. & 1... Southern Pacific ,. noiinarn liauway Ho. Hallway pfd Tenneinea Copper ....... Tanas TacKlo Union Paclflo tC.704 llllt 173U 1T2'. union j'acino pro. ....... Mil sin iiu ras United Btatea Jleally,.,. 100 11 United Btatea Hubbtr.... 4,300 44 United Biaiet meal 74.700 ti U. B, Blael pfd Soft 111 Utah Copper 4,700 14K Va, -Carolina Chemical u, Wabath 700 Vt Wabath pfd waitrm sianuna ..... Weetara Union WattlnxhouH Eloctrlo .. 400 Silk Wheeling & I E , Ki-dlvldand. Total 4M tor tbe day, 401,100 ajitrti. rrn,.... HI'k MV 4H 1S 3I, H, 4H, lit llt'i 411. 1U, Wk 44 Ti ll :os 14H IV i 5IH 10SH 3,100 ITCH 1TIH 1TIV 400 14IH 1I1U UVi H!ti 300 :ik i :i S.TOO 4414 44H 44t 300 1UW 113 131 100 Hti 4SK UU- 1.400 1141k J1S. 115(. 100 II 11 11 1,M0 lU(k IMlk 1134, 100 IS IIS 34r 400 niw. mu ivk 300 mi tun 111 ; , 104V1 300 13Tk M iit 1,300 37 3744 100 llllk U4H IHVk 100 S0 4 4IVa 104 El 1H Mk 411 34V, 0H 4) 44 1411 41, 34, sou 49 44 llOtj Conaolt, money do account. Amal. Coppar, Anaunda ... Atchlton do pfd 74 Uulatllt 4k N 1S3 1SV4M., K. U T t ISkNtw York Central. .IllVi I Norfolk & w u 1114 do pfd.... ,103 Ontario & w.. lultlraoro Ohlo...l0 "FinnayUanla, cinadltn Paelflo, . ,174 lland Mln... ttiBttnoaVa A O.... 14 Readlns . ChltVwH H I W , lmsoutharn Hr- Chi.. Mil. "4. r- V4 do ptl. pa llaari,. penier 4c Rio O. do pld Brie do lit P'4 - -do 14 pld.. ..- Orand Trunk.. Illinois Central,. ....1I1S Lll tos Southern racltlo. 21U Union Paclflo, ... 41 do pfd 3114 U. B. Mrl 41Vi do pfd 44 Wabath in, do pid ti .. nvt .. 41V .. 41i .. im .. UHt ... im . 11144 .. 14 7IVJ ...lilt, 1.. 4Vk -.. UVi tAv.riohea aeiixwllvldend. PILVRIV-Har. steady at S9d per ounce. trxjirv au.'filt: iur cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills U 4 15-ltvrtG per cent! for three monins oum. jo- mm. Trensury Hlotcnirnl. WAHHINQTON, Nov. 14. Tho condition of the United Ktates treasury at the be- i l.nnaiia Iniiu V U'Sl' KT fitL. Kinninu u$ iiiriiivn , w y - iw. Intf VmlnnPA. tfiO.h0l.G28: In banks and Phil loplne treasury. $30,719,357. total of gen eral fund, $lW,a08.771. receipts yesterday, $2,60S,M7i disbursements, $3,541,375. deficit this fiscal year. $4.S,86I. as against a deficit of $l4,64t)X,0 last year- These fig urts for receipts, disbursements and deficit exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. 1.404 IU'4 111 1,400 M!k 3I( 19 V IWl ll'k I1H lit, 400 41U 40U 4AV 104 341k 34i 14v 41 11 C4 IHi' 75 H IIS iii4t n:u Mi 41 4V4 I1VI 44 its 4S 71 SIM Nov York Sloney Jlnrket. NEW YOUK. Nov. 14.-MONKV-On rnll firmer: 5-VflO per cent: ruling rate. hii per cent; closing bid. 5- per cnt; of. fercd nt &H per cent, 't ime loans, etrongi, sixty days, fl per centj ninety days, 45i 0 Per cent; six months, WifuH per cunt. l'JU.Mi; AIUllUANTll.lS i'AI'r,ll- cent. .Sterling oxchango, heuvy, with no tuul business In uanitor-j bills at SI.SI for sixty day bins and ut ;i.soL f u- de imtlid. Commercial bill, ll.v)'i. aiLVUH-Hur, Kj;o, Mexican dollaiu. liOND uovemtnent, sMnuy; rnnroad Irregular. Cloning quotations on bonds today wero an follows: U. B. ret. z, rei..-.ioi -jtptn us . ... . sou do coupon 101 K. C, So. ref. Ca,, 174 0 U, C. 9'. re( 10114 U 8. deb. 4a IMI n do coupon 101HL &. N. un. tt... rr U. B. 4t, rf tllKM. K. . T. lat 4a. lit, do coupon .........1114k do gen. 4a..,. , lit, Panama la, coupon. .101". Ato. 1'acltle 4a. 71S A.-C. Ut la ctfa.... 11 do cony. St.. . Amer. Ac it 10 N It H of M 41k A. T. A T. c. 4..IN. V. C. . IHa.. I4S Am. ToUcoo 4a.. ..HO da dab. 4a... ... K Armour '4b C. 4H 4N. Y. N. Jl. II, Atchlaon son. 4 1 ct. 3Ht . . K do cv. 4 1K0 l6Vi N. w. Ut e, 4a, 17 do cv. tt 147V do cr, 4a. , 115V, A. C L. Ut 4l IS No. Paclflo 4a. , . Ill, Dal. ft Ohio 4a lili do 3 4I1 do Slit 0. 8. L. rtdl 4a, 911, Rrook. Tr. cr. 4t... WSPann. ct llil 1115 44U Can. at Ot. St.... 1071k do con, 4a... 101 Can, leather 3a. OSSItaadlnc gen. 4a . Ml, (Tliei. & Ohio 4Via. ! B. V. & 8. F. ft 4a 77. do cost, 41kt. .. . 11 do n. 4a. I34 Chlcar.0 & A. Ilia. . 14 "St. L. a. W. c. 4a to C. II. & Q. J. 4a,.. MSB. A. L ad). Is. .. 71 do sen. 4a.'. 444 Bo. 1'tc. col. 4t. . ti C M ft B P or 41ia.. 1044a do cr. 4 P34( C It. I. & P. c. 4a. 4714 do lat rat. 4l ., 14 do tfc 4a 171. Bo. Railway ta , 105', C. & 8. r ft 4Ha. MV, do tan. 4a TlVt D. ft II. cr, 4 tlli Union Pacific 4a. Mt, O. & It O. rat, II. Ill, do cr. 4a.. . ..loll, DlitlUora la Tt do lat & rtt, 4a , K Krte p. I. 4 IT V, fl, Kubbar 4a. , 1034, Mo sen. 4i TIKU. S. Steel td (a,. 103 do cr. 4i. aer. u 77MVs.-Car. Chm, fa ITli 111, Can lit rcf. 4a MHWubath lit tt ex. 4a 441, Inter. Met. 4Ua.. . SOI, Wtatero. Md. 4s. 4S4 Inter, M. M. 4lk.-. 4UTk'eat. Elpc. cr. Sa. J, llld. Offered. Wla. Central It 1; llosluu Closlnu Hlueka. liOSTON, Nov. ll.-Closlnc quotations on stocks wero as i".iws; Allouaa 41 Mohawk .... Amal. Copper 44K Nevada Con. .... A, Z. L ft 8-...... 31 Mplailns Mines Arliona Com 4 6-14 North Butte .. U. ft a C. ft 8. M. 41iiNorth Lake ., , Cat. ft Arliona 7V 014 Dominion . Cal. & Hocla 444 Oacaola zu uuincr .... 441, Bhannon Centennial I'nn. Itanae C. C, Kaet HUH l. iniannniir Franklin Olroux Cou. Oranbr Con. Greene Cananaa 41 W't 4U J4I. ' t'4 ill 1. 1 V I 104 Superior & B. M I l i ti 444 Tamarack , 741, V. S. S. It, ft M ilk do !' 4 4 . SI 1 ' 1 4i' 4'a lair, llomlo Cooper. 34HUUh Con. Kerr Lake ,. Hi I'tth Copper Ca lake Ctopper . ... Sltt Winona m tftlle t:oppcr 6,,Volvorln Miami Copper 34 Key to tbe Bltuatlon-B AavtrtUlng.