Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1912, Image 1

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will intorcst oyery woman who
?u good hoart-to-heart talks
with other sympathetic women.
VOL. XLII-NO. 129.
JIary Foy, Democratic Candidate in
California Asks Court of Appeals
for Mandamus.
She Also Alleges that Return Sheets
Were Abstracted.
Counters Accused of Discriminating
Against Wilson Ballots.
Indication Are that Klrctornl Vote
of Stnte Will lie Split Wilson
Left da on Knee ot the
LOR ANGELES, CaL, Nov. 14,-Allcglng
that ballots cast In several precincts ot
los Angeles city and county had been
tampered with and that return sheets
had beyh abstracted, Mary Floy, a demo
cratlo presidential olector, obtained from
the. district court of appeals today a writ
of mandamus to compel tho County Board
of Supervisors to bIvo "a, fair and hon
est count of the ballots cast In the clec
tlon of November 5." Tho writ was made
returnable ntxt Monday and will have
the effect of delaying until after that
dato tho announcement of the result of
the presidential vote canvass by th"6
Board of Supervisors. .
"We contend that, technically, 2.G00
votes are Involved In the mandamus pro
ccedlngs," said Democratic County
Chairman Cotton, "but there are between
600 and 600 which wo contend will bo di
rectly affected. I am satisfied that
many ballots have -Wen thrown out
on technical errors which should havo
been counted, and that others In favor
of the progressives wero counted when
they clearly wero defective."
lloom for Doubt.
J. O. Davis, democratic stato chairman,'
and .Rudolph Sprockets of tho Woodrow
(Wilson lvepubllcan league arrived today.
"I do not charge fraud," said Mr,
Spreckels, "but I do think thcro is room
for doubt."
Democratic watchers of tho canvass,
now in progress, asserted today that a
difference of 1C0 votes had been found
in favor of Wilson, while tho progres
sives were equally strong In their claims
that absolutely no change had been mado
In tho totals as announced by County
Clerk Leland.
Vote, WIH lie Divided.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. With but
one precinct missing and only nttX court
He remaining1 to be canvassed officially.
California gavo Roosevelt today a plural
ity over Wilson of fifty-six. Tho final
result remained,, however, in tho keeping
of three populous counties, which had not
certified to their returns.
In Los Angeles county the best unoffi
cial Information was that Wilson had
gained soventy-two votes on a canvass of
the county nearly completed. In Alamedu
county, containing the cities of Oakland
and Berkeley, similar sources gave Wll.
son' thirty-two. In San Francisco, .al
though democratic- headquarters an
nounced a Wilson gain of thirty-four, tho
rcgisterer bellovnd that corresponding
clerical errors In tho Roosevelt colunjn
would leavo thn net result negative.
In the missing mountain precincts the
registration records show twelvo republi
can voters, ono socialist and one recluse
w ho refused to stato his party affiliation.
an unofficial lead of fifty votes.
In point of fact, no figures that can
now bo complied seem of much value,
i Tho highest republican or democratic
(lector In oho county Is shown by tho
returns not necessarily to be the highest
in another county, so that a split clec-
toral representation Is almost certain.
and hojv California has gone will not be
known until the secretary of state certl-
j fles to tho voto by Individual electors and
lit appears whother Wilson or Roosevelt
' has a majority of tho delegation.
AURORA, 111., Nov. 14.. Four hundred
and eighty Illinois club women, delegates
to the Stato Federation of Women's clubs,
now in convention here, undertook today
i to prove that th'ey could keep a secret.
They elected a president soon after con-
ivenlng In a secret session, but her name,
they announced, would not be given out
until tomorrow. "Because," was tho
only reason assigned for the determlna-
'tlon to keep silent.
However, a most persistent rumor was
,that Mrs. Frederick A. Dow, president
of the First district, had been chosen by
'a big majority. ,
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Nov. 14.-Mrs.
Pansy Hastings Lesh, the young woman
'who told the police she hod poisoned two
-nomen In Missouri, one at Greenrldge
land another at Scdalta, started for the
latter city today In company with Sheriff
Henderson of Fettos county.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair, slightly warmer.
For Iowa Fair.
Temperature ot Onialm Yesterday.
Hours. Deg.
C a. m Si
6 a. m 3!
7 a. tn 32
8 a. m 32
9 a. m 3
10 a. m 33
11 a. m 3?
12 m 3)
1 p. m St
2 p. m 33
3 p. iri 31
4 p. m 34
5 p. m 3
C p. m 34
7 p, m
8 p. m . ..
,. 33 j
Ettor Says He Gets
Jesus and Lincoln
SALKM, Mass.. Nov. ' H.-Joscph J.
Ettor, on trial hero with Arturo Ulovnn
nlttl and Joseph Caruso for the Anna
Loplzzo murder during tho I-awrenco tex
tllo strike, declared on the witness stand
today that Jesus Christ and Abraham
Lincoln wero sources of inspiration to hint
as a labor leador. ,
Asked on redirect examination by At
torney Fred II. Mooro of tho Industrial
Workers of tho World as to his religion.
Ettor replied:
"1 am an early Christian."
"What Is meant by that?"
"I mean I bellovo In Christianity as
Jesus Christ taught It Himself."
"Did you ever read anything by Abra
ham Lincoln?"
"Did nnythlng of Lincoln's that you
read havo anything to do with your Idea
that labor should get tho full product of
its toll?"
"It did." said Ettor.
Ettor said that in reference to rebel
lion ho meant "economic rebellion." Mr.
Mooro asked Ettor his purpose when ho
went to Lawrence.
"I went there with ono definite pur
pose," said Ettor, "to seo that tho tex
tllo workers got better conditions. To get
them I realized that they must com
pletely tie up tho mills, keep them tied
up nnd be able to keep tho strikers out
of tho mills long enough to show tho
employers that they could not mako cloth
without them."
"And with such a purpose,' what would
be tho effect of violence?" Mr. Mooro
"It would completely disorganize tho
plans," said Ettor.
'Did you, mako any reference to the
pollco and soldiers thcro being armed?"
Mr. Attwlll asked.
"I did," replied Ettor.
"And then, didn't you say, 'and you,
too, will bo armed,' and, after a pause,
with a smile, 'by tho power of your
labor?' "
"I did stato that," said Ettor.
Court was adjourned early owing to
tho Illness of GlovannttU's attorney, W.
Scott Peters. Glovanlttl is expected to
tako the stand tomorrow.
Contract System in
Prisons Condemned;
Outdoor Work Better
BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 14.-Tho con
tract system of prison labor was con
demned In tho report of the Commltteo
on Prison Labor presented today at tho
congress of the American Prison asso
ciation In annual session here. The com
mittee, however, recommended the sys
tem when no other means of employment
could be provided, believing It preferablo
to Idleness.
'Tlfocfoyincnt of. prisoners, the re-
port maintained, should be directed en
tirely by tho state, and tho products of
this labor should be disposed of by tho
Tho first consideration of every or
ganization, the report continued, should
be the training of tho prisoner, and nfter
that, financial results. Every prison
should bo so classified that a certain
group of men should at all times bo pro
vided with work, on farms, roads and
other outsldo work, and a larger portion
of each prison should bo employed on
tho state account system.
Tho commltteo believed It possible for
every stato having a population of 2,000,000
Inhabitants or more to employ all Its
convict population In tho manufacture
of articles for tho use of tho stnto aid
its political divisions.
James H. Leonard, superintendent of
the Ohio Stato reformatory at Mansfield,
was eledted prqsldent ot tho association,
and Dr. D. C. Peyton. Jcffcrsonvlllc,
Ind vlco president. The secretary, Jo
seph B. Beyers of Trenton, N. J.; Finan
cial Secretary II. H. Shlrer of Columbus,
O., and Treasurer Frederick H. Mills of
Now York, weer re-elected.
Tho congress will end Its session this
House of Commons
Adjourns to Monday
LONDON. Nov. 14. Tho Houso of Com
monsthls afternoon odJourned"-tmtll Mon
day, acting on a suggestion which is be
lieved Jo havo cmlnatcd from King
Georgo himself.
Tho proposal was made by ' Speaker
Lowthcr, who Intimated that It would be
advisable "for tho house to take further
time to consider the points at Issue" be
twecn the two factions In regard to tho
home rule measure.
A graceful apology from Ronald Mc
Neill, Mho unionist member who hurled
the book at Winston Churchill, first lord
of the a'dmlralty, during tho dlstrubance
last night, helped to cdol the atmosphere
today. Churchill accepted the apology
awith equal heart-noss.
Speaker Lowther In his remarks sug
gested that tho members take a period
for reflection and emphasized the undc-,.,
sirablllty of Parliament departing from
Its established precedents. He could not
help thinking, he said, that corn rolutlon
of tho difficulty might bo found which
would be acceptable to all parties and
would bo more In accordanco with prece
dent. Premier Asqulth and Andrew Bonar
Law, tho leader ot the unionist, both
welcomed the speaker's 'Interposition,
which Is, tho unionists claim, a victory
for their . contention.
New Treaty with
Russia Arranged
WASHINGTON. Nov. 14. An agreement
between tho United States and Russia to
take the placo of the commercial treaty
of 1S32, tho abrogation of Which becomes
effectlvo January 1, next, has beon vir
tually reached, according to information
from high official authority. Nothing asrnr William Larrabee is gradually ap
to the exact naturo of tho agreement Is" proaehlng death, according to attending
announced. It was declared probable. 1 physicians, lie has been unconscious
however, that It would be worked out 'since yesterday It is stated that the end
I UA.l.f., i.ll. , .. 1. . . . J .. . . 1 . .
day when tho old treaty wpuld expire, j
Omaha Daily
Detailed Account of Los Angeles
Times Horror and Motives for
Hoped to Get Otis, but Sorry for
Killing So Many.
Says Iron Workersy President Knew
About Explosions. ,
Snld 'I"h- Would lip Sure (o lie Iteo
oicnlscil If They Continued to
Come to the Office Sn
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 14,-For the first
time since twenty-ono persons were killed
In the blowliiK up of tho Los Angeles
Times building on October 1, 1910, James
B. McNamnra'a detailed confession to
having caused tho explosion, with his mo
tives for doing It, and his comments on
the fact that so many persons were filled,
was related on tho witness stand In tho
dynamite, conspiracy trial today.
Ortlo 10. MoManlgal testified that tho
confession was "given to him whlo ho was
hdlng McNamara In tho woods flvo miles
from Conover, Wis., both of them having
gone to tho Wisconsin woods on tho pie
text of being hunters.
Olnf V. Tvcltmoo and Eugene A. Clancy.
Snn Francisco labor leaders. McManlgnl
testified, wero named by McNamara as
having mudo arrangements for tho lju-i
Angeles explosion and as having furnished
tho two mon-F. A. Schmidt and David
Caplan money to assist In buying tho
high power nltro-glycerln "because
Schmidt and Cnplan had been regularly
employed on the coast by tho Building
trades council of California."
Tvcitmoe and Clnncy aro among the
forty-five defendants.
Caplan und Schmidt, named by McMan
Igal, wero Indicted In Los Angeles county
with Jumcs IJ. McNamara on'chnrirM nf
murder, but they never havo been cap
tured. Government agents have been In,
formed that Caplan was killed.
IlrciiU Off (2a Jet.
wncn no asked McNamnra whv he
twisted off a, gus Jet In tho basement of
the Times building before tho oxploslon,
MuManlgal testified that this convorsn-
ton ensued:
McManlgal Why did you break off the
gua jut?
McNamara Rocauso when tho exnlnMnn"
occurred I 'wanted the wJiWTiulIdlng to'
go to lip u.
MoManlgal And you know thcro were
so many peoplo In there, too?
McNamara "What's the difference?
was to mako a good cleaning out and I
did it. But I am sorry so many wero
killed. I hoped to got General Otis."
McManlgat said that on Novomber G,
1310, ho was at his homo In Chicago and
cxpocted to leavo the next day for Keno
sha. Wis., when ho" was to start with a
hunting party- In ohargo of Marion
Sharpo. That very day, ho said, John
J. McNamara, brother of the Los An
geles Times dynamiter, asked htm to take
James B. on tho hunting trip. McManl
gal hald he had learned that James B,
had been In hiding on the way back from
tho Pacific const and was two weeks
with J. K. Munsey In Halt Lnko City.
Ho fold ho went to Kenosha and James
M. Joined him there. They procured
hunting licenses nnd went with tho party
to Conovcr nnd then to a camp five
miles In tha cdnntry.
Bullet Fired n Joke.
"On November ," said McManlgal, "I
missed James B. and started out alone
to look for some deer. Standing on a
tree stump I suddenly heard tho crack,
of a plstdl, but looking nroiind saV no
one. Uvoryono was supiosed to -cur n
red cap to distinguish peoplo from deer
I saw no red cnp. but presently I saw
James B. Suspicion flashed into my
mind. I accused him right out
"'I thlnkyou wero taking a shot at
me,' I said. 'If you do you had lettot
be quick about it. Thl is a flno place
(Continued on Pago Two,)
Violent Snow Storm
Sweeps Lake Huron
DETROIT, Mich., Nov. H.-Reports
reached hero today that tho passenger
steamer City of Mackinac II, plvlng be
tween Detroit and Mackinac narrowly
escaped destruction In the violent wind
and blinding snowstorm that swept Lake
Huron yesterday afternoon and last
j night. Owing to tho Into season there
wero only six passengers aboard the
steamer. It required thirteen hours .to
makA thn mn frntn Rhflhnvifnn In A
lr,n osuniiv m,i in .7, ,.,,' 'Z
when tilt. VP88e, 8teamed feebly' into
Alpeifci early today Its beams were
strained, Its forward deck was torn loose
and practically1 every window looking on
the main deck was broken.
"It was the worst storm that ,1 have
experienced In, twenty years," said Cap
tain LlghtKidy.
8AULTI5 STB. MA BIB, Mich., Nov. 14.
It was reported here today that tho tug
Inman sent to tho aid of the steamer T.
U Weeks, which grounded yesterday off
White Fish point, has been unable to
reach the steamer because of tho heavy
tea. Another tug and a lighter aro to bo
sent out. Tho grounded steamer Is said
to be In no serious danger unless tho
wind shifts to the northwest.
Former Governor
Larrabee is Dying
CLBRMONT, Ja- Nov. 14. Former Gov-
I. 1 .. , , . . . , ... - . .
members of the family are at tho home, J
Hands In Resignation After Talk
with the President.
Uiimor Unit t'hnrlfN I). Illllex Will
Return to the White House iin
.Secretory to the t;h,.f
WASHINGTON, Nov. H.-Announce.
ment of the resignation of Leo Mct'lung
as flvasurer-of ti,u United States was
, ,n .
, . . ro8l,,UHt T" today. McClurg
.im resignation to thu president
at a conference at thy executive mansion
today and Its acceptance was later an
nounced by the president from tho execu
tlvo office, with the explanation that Mr.
McClung resigned voluntarily It Is be
lieved that Carml Thompson, now private
tecrctary to tho president, will succeed
.MeCluiiRj Will Mot TnlU.
Iho treasurer declined to dlBcuss his
retirement In any way today, but It wa
rumored thci his resignation camo as the
result of continued friction with Secre
tary MaoVeagh. Mr.(1McClunK waa one
Haldht fiecroiary A. Piatt Andrew 'as;
haMng been in continued controversy
with tho secretary whon Mr. Andrew, lii
a letter nccompunylng his resignation,
declared that the secretary and his as
sociates were not In harmony.
Tho appointment of Carml Thompson
to succeed him would bo followed, It Is
believed, byu tho Immediate return nf
Charlos D. Illllea to the White llouso uu
secretary to tho president.
Former Foot Hull hlnr.
Mr. McClung held a two-hour confer-
enco with Sccretury MacVcagh at the lat
ter s homo yesterday and said tho result
ot that conference was (liu offer of his
resignation to tiio president today.
Mr. McClung was appointed treniurer
(Continued on Page TtwcO
Three Thousand
Teamsters in
Chicago Strike
CHICAGO, III., Nov. H.Posllilllty nl
a stiiko of tho :,000 teamsters, chant
fours and helers composing the local
Teamsters' union developed today when
5,00) members of local Union No. "OC
went on strike because of a wago dis
Tho men declared that they would not
submit their grievances to arbitration un
der any conditions. Also they announced
that they would attempt to get a general
sympathetic, strike. Tho strikers were
employed by ton contracting teaming con
cerns. s
Tho question at dlsputo was a II In
crease a week for single teamsters and
RC0 for double teams, sot by the Inter- ,
national Brotherhood of Teamsters to go
Into offect November 1. Two of tho small
est of tho ten teaming firms accepted th'
Increases, while eight others refused the
Trix book worth a dollar to three
btit aach wk. Mall yours to
"DaffydU Editor, Tha Baa, Omaha."
Sao Sunday Baa for prixa winners,
T. Hammer, Benson-We were having
a meeting oi the building trades coun
ell with a number of new faces tliere,
whom no ono ecognlxed. When the roll
call was finished, tho secretary pro-
qeeded to question each of the newcomers,
Who are you?" and these
aro the
answers ho got:
'in me nooo mat laid floor In Flor
"I'm the boob that hung the boll In
"I'm the boob that built the mill In
"I'm the boob that placed' tho sill In
Council Bluffs."
"I'so de boob dat put do doah
"I'm the boob that stuck tho awl
"I'm tho boob that laid tho stone In
"I'm the boob that put tho oak In Rod
"I'm the boob that raked the ash In
"I in tho boob that fanned the air In
Blair "
Mora Tomorrow.
From tho Cleveland rialn Dealer.
15)12 FOl'KTKIOX 1A(JKS.
Thanksgiving Proclamation
Ohio Police Admit
Torturing Girl Into
Confessing Murder
COLUMBUS, O,, Nov. 14.-l'o)loo offi
cers today admitted on tho witness stand
In tho Farley trlnl that Cecelia Farley,
tlip young stenographer who Is charged
with the murder of Alvan R Kolllngcr, an
advertising solicitor, did not confess to
having dono the shooting until she was
told that Jerome Qulgley, tho matsho
was to marry, was accused.
I nmniifjn iwi uiu uvivii.i .(nun mill iimt
j kM made a false confession because of
Attorneys for tho defense claim Hint the
her love for Qutglny, who she featcd
would have to suffer for tho shooting.
Jerome Qulgley, who waa engaged to
Miss Farley at tho time of tho shooting,
probably will be brought face to face with
his sweetheart In tho court room today
when he takes tho wllnoss rtand for tho
prosecution. Tho young people havo not
mot since last May.
Qulgley, when he was called, told the
Jury he had liocomo engaged to Miss Far
ley after she.had told him of Improper
relations she had had with Zollinger.
Qulgley went Into d.qtaj (of, how; Zol
linger had. kept Miss Farley awiiy from
homo over night at tho point of a roi
votvor so that she could not keep engage
ments with him (Qulgley). Of the actual
shooting Qulgley could tell hut little, al
though he wan In the park at tha time
about 1W feot away from where tho
shooting took place.
Unfair Sales Laws
in South Dakota and
Other States Valid
WASHINGTON, Nov. H.-Tlio Hlipreme
court of tho United States today decided
It was not necessary to hear arguments
In favor of the constitutionality of tho
South Dakota "unfair sales" law. This
was generally accepted aa equivalent to
a decision In support of tho law.
Tho coiilfs action wus taken at tho con
elusion of-arguments by attorneys for
the Centtnl Lumber company, who hud
attacked tho autl-mouopoly statute. The
law made It a crime to sell In one com
munity cheaper' than In another with the
Intent to destroy competition.
Minnesota. Iowa, Noith Dakota. Kail
Ban, Michigan, Tennessee, Oklahoma and
Nebraska have laws similar to the South
DuUota statutes.
Count Romanes is
Selected to Form
Cabinet for Spain
MADRID, Spain, Nov
14. Count Alvaro
Do Romanes, president of tho Chamber
of Deputies, has been selected by King
AlfntiRft tn ffirm ii now rulilnet 111 Con.
ti(iii'p of the assassination of Piomler .
Canalejas. It was announced that Count
De Romanes had decided to retain all tho
CanaleJiiH ministers,
Count. Romanes has held portfolios In
various cabinets. Ho was foimcrly min
ister of the Interior, minister of Justice
and minister of public Instruction.
Senor '.Moret y Prendorgast, former
premier and minister of Justice, has been
appointed president of the Chamber of
Feudists Surrender
and Are Locked Up
DL'RANGO. Colo., Nov. 14,-Isaac Cox,
Jess Hcirmbn nnd John Graves, (eudists
ot the Cox Canyon country, camo across
the New Mexico Una last night and sur
rendered to. the sheriff, who had war
rants for their arrest, on tho chargo of
shoot'ng to death Samuel Truby, as he
rode through the canyon last Sunday,
The men asked for an' Immediate hear
ing, which was denied. They are In Jail.
TAMPA. Fla.. Nov H.-Precch Nells,
the negro arrested for double murder at
Mcintosh, Fla.. yesterday, was lynched
by a mob nt Ocala this afternoon.
More than 200 men surrounded the Jul!
early this afternoon. An attack at that
time not being expected no one was on
guard except the Jailer, who wan over
powered. The negro was taken two miles
north of Ocala turned loose and told to
run, As he fled bullets from mm- than
Hrt guns we(ie dlsMnr-. d jt,j .jy
liootlnif him to '
Dandy of Gunmen Denies All Charges
Against Him.
He Hnym ltruttint Won Killed hy
llnrry Yiillon, llrldule Welilior
nnd Another Mmii ll Dock
Not Know.
NIOW YORK, Noy. R-TIarry Uurowlts,
otherwise known as "Gyp tho Blood,"
the dandy of tho four gunman on trial
rharged with murdering Herman Rosen
thai at Charles Becker's bidding, took the
witness stand today and swoio that the
shots In front of the Hotel Metropole wero
filed by Hurry Vntlon, "llildgle" Wobbor,
Informers for tio state and a third man,
mysterloSisly unnamed. Ho donled every
Incriminating statement made by "Raid
Jack" Rose and suld that lie and lilt
companions did nut even hear of the mur
der until soven hours after It had oc
curred. They wero within a stone's throw
of the fceiie, whither they had gone at
tho stranger's Invitation, ha said, and fled
when thoy heard the shots. ,
"Qj'Pi" Mndcr the questioning of his at
torncy. Jold, of being In Webber's poker
rooin with Boso, Schepp.1, ValToh, Clroflcl
and a strange man whom hn did not
,Vcbbcr went out with Iho, stranger, but
thn two returned In fifteen mlnutci. Tho
stranger was a man about 5. feet fl or 10
Inches tall, nf stocky build and wore a
black slouch lint.
"Gyp" '.vns not allowed to t nil what tho
stranger said.
The four gunmen left tho poker rooms
wth the stranger, "Gyp" said. "Dago"
Frank said ho was going, home and tho
others, Including the stranger, walked to
the Hotel Cadillac at Forty-third street
and Broadway.
"Wo stood thero by the Cadillac," tho
witness declared, "and the strango man
walked across Forty-third street. Ho ap
proached Rose, Webber, Valton and
Schepps, who Wero standing opposite the
(Continued on Pago Two.)
Wreck Victim Loses
Large Sum Because
Ticket Agent is Busy
LRXINGTON, Ky Nov. 14.-A special
fron W.lnchester says that Clifton
Chancy would bo $30,000 richer today If
the ticket agent at the Union depot had
pot been busy when he bought railroad
tickets from Winchester to Pelican, Wis.,
for himself and family of flvo. Ho tried
to purchasn accident policies for himself
and the five members of his family who
were killed in the wreck at Indianapolis
I yesterday, but the agent was called away
to attend to, other buslnoss nnd Chaney
left without obtaining them. Chaney left
Winchester on tho next train nnd Is tho
only one of tho family alive.
Conditions Imposed
on Grain Shippers
Are Unreasonable
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, - Conditions
Imposed onshlppers of grain and grain
products west of the Mississippi river
nnd In tho territory northwest of Chicago
are "archaic, unreasonable, cumbersome
and without Justification," according to
a supplemental report by Commissioner
McChord given out by the Interstate Com
merce commission toim on tho subject
of, transit privileges. n,f. commission
suggests that 'efficient tumult bureaus be
established by the railroads to give th?
shippers the relief they are demanding.
Cigarette Smoker
Acquitted of Murder
POTTBVTLLU, Pa.. Nov. 14,-Judgo
llrumm In charging Iho Jury- In tho caso
In which lCdward Radlcr of lUzcfton Is
charged with tho murder of Charles Wil
liams, following a quarrel over a girl,
Instructed them that tho fact that Radler
la a cigarette fiend must bo tuken Into
consideration. Tho Judge pointed to tho
tobacco-stalnt-d flngera of tho defendant
and said tho fact that ho smoked a pound
of tobacco each week In making cigar
ettes was proof n his mind that Itadler'a
brain was affected and really caused the
Tho Jury returned a verdict of not guilty
and requested tho Judge to mako tho de
' f, ndant to ewear never to smoke another
jilgarette. ,
It Requests Suspension of Hostilities
Pending- Negotiations for
Peace Preliminaries,
Report Fortress is in Hands of the
Allies Not Confirmed.
Several Young Turks Are Arrested
in Constantinople,
Toner Relieved to Ilnve Arrived nt
Nome Kind of ITiiilerNtntulloK
with Itenpeet to Mediation
In llnll.iiii War,
LONDON. Nov. R-Wlth tho TurkM.
armies boaten In every bnttlo during thn
month's war and now behind tho fortlfl
cations a Tchatalja defending yio capital
of tha ejnpirc. tho Ottoman government
has appealed to Bulgaria for an armlstlco
pending tho opening of negotiations for
peace, according to an official dispatch
received from Constantinople todny.
What te,rms, If nny, Turkey has pro
posed have not been disclosed. They must,
however. In the opinion or diplomats, be
unlimited If they urn to prove acceptable
to Bulgaria. With' tho last defenses on
Constantinople nlmost In Its hands, Bui
garla Is unlikely to consent to nnv
armlstlco except on conditions giving It
full military advantage.
Turkey will havo tho suport of tho
Huropean powars In Its request for u
cessation of hostilities, Tho represonta-
lives of tho various nations nt Sofia hav
now rocolved full Instructions regarding
tho proposal of meditation 'and thoy held
a meeting at noon today to discuss the?
method to bo adopted for making tho
communlcatloir- of the Turkish request
to tho Bulgarian cabinet.
Thn armlstlco asked for by, Turkey will
affect only tho fighting at tho Tchatalja
fortifications, while tho stop tho Ruropr.t i
powers have taken has tho object of put
ting an end to tho war In all parts of the
liiilkan pbulnaula.
Pntll the powers succeed In Influenclrg
tho allies In tho direction of peace th
fighting nt Adrianoplo, Munostliv ScutuM
and lu other portions of Turkey's Kiu
pean dominion will continue no mutter
how Buliturla regards tho appeal mado !
Klamll Pasha.
lllg Unestlons Wt ljiettleil.
Whle, therefore, .Turkey's recognition
of tho realities has smoothed thu path or
diplomacy and may result lu Coiistan
tlnbplo, tho Dardanelles and perhaps Hony
other parts of Its lCuropean possessions
being loft It, and prevent a scramblo for
them by tho powers, thcro still aro some
serious questions to bo dealt with. Among
these are, notably, those of tho position
ot Albania nnd of tho Servian amblCon
to have a port on tho Adriatic, sea.
Tho Albanians aro taklngsteps to mak
their country Independent and besldi s
publishing a proclamation haa Issued a
protest against any attempt to Interfere
with tho freedom and Integrity of the
country, Tho organization also makes
tho chargo that the Servians havo se
cretly murdered all tho Albanian prison-
ers of war.
As to tho Adriatic, which, according ti
a report from AleBslo today tho Scrvlaiu
havo not yet readied, there Is no offi
cial change cither In the Austro-ltnllau
or tho Servian attitude.
A dispatch from Alcsslo confirms tho
previous reports that tho Montenegrin
army advancing on that town haa auf
fcred a reverse. The Montenegrins wero
unable to tako thn town owing to the
Mlrdlto tribesmen Joining forces with tho
Turks. Tho Montenegrins wero driven
back aa far as tho Boyana river.
Note Presented to lluluiii'lu.
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Nov. 14. Tho Turkish
request for mediation by tho powers wna
presented to tho Bulgarian premier this
afternoon by tho ministers ot tho great
Premier Oucchoff promised to submit
It at headquarters Immediately and also
to confer on the matter with tho cabinets
of thn nl(led Balknn nations. Tho ne t
ot the note follows:
"Tho Ottoman government having np-
proached tho great powers of ICuropo to
ak for mediation, wo aro charged to In .
quire of your excellency it Bulgaria Is
disposed to accept this mediation, and It
so, to what conditions Its acceptance will
bo subject."
Klnir -Nicholas Drflea Auatrlii.
Itll-ICA, Montenegro, Nov. 14. King
Nicholas of Montenegro guve a curt and
pointed reply to tho Austro-Hungarlan
minister when he mado representations
with reference to Montenegro's action
(Continued on Pago Two.)
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