Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Here's the Full Announcement of
Starts Thursday Morning, Nov. 14, Promptly at 8:30 'Clock
Will be Sold at...
Think of it! One-third to one-half Nebraska
Clothing Co.'s. well known, extremely low prices, and
Nebraska Clothing Co.'s regular prices have always
been 25 per cent less than elsewhere.
in the History
of the
AFTER being closed for three days to take inventory and mark down sto'cks, the doors of -this big establishment will be thrown open at 8:30
o'clock Thursday morning. At the same time, the Nebraska Clothing -Co. enters upon a new epoch in its career under a new management.
The first move of the new management is a determined and complete disposal of the stock acquired in this big purchase of the Ne
braska Clothing Company.
Change of Ownership Forces a Radical, Resolute Sale
There will not be anything "half way" about this snle. A big and important achievement ib at stake and we've not hesitated to make the most
sweeping price reductions in order to guarantee the success of this sale. They will bo wise people who buy not only for the present, but antici
pate requirements of the future.
This Gigantic Stock Consists of Over $300,000.00 Worth of
High Grade Wearing Apparel from the World's Best Makers
Choose From all of the Nebraska's Choose From all of the Nebraska's
Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats
Men's and Young Men's Pants and Raincoats
Boys' and Children's Good Suits and Overcoats
Men's and Boys' Finest of Furnishing Goods
1 1
3 2
Women's and Misses' Beautiful Cloaks and Suits
Women's and Misses' Handsome Dresses, Gowns
Women's and Misses' Fine Fur Coats
High Grade Skirts, Waists, Muslin Underwear, Etc.
Will Attract
for Hundreds af
Miles to the
A Clothing Sale in the Middle of the Season -It's Folly to Pay Regular Prices
It happens that this extraordinary sale comos at the most opportune time for you at the very height
of the buying season. Thousands of dollars are going to bo saved the people o'l this city and State and thd
clothes that will bo bought at sp much less than thoyshould regulraly sell for, are dependable, stylish, of
the finest quality and were produced by the first-class clothing makers of America.
Tney are tnis season's cnoicesi oiiecis ana wouia oe Dig values at me regular prices. At the prices
to prevail in this sale they come pretty olose to being given away. You are the gainer and to an extent
you will iiot fully appreciate until you come in' and see for yourself how prices have been pruned to a
marvelous extent.
Statement to the Buying Public by the New Management of The Nebraska Clothing Company
"Wo havo purchased this businoss bocauso wo wanted it, bo
cause wo beliovo ill you people of Omaha and our ability to meet
your requirements and servo you satisfactorily in this line, be
cause wo aro confident wo can build this into a much larger and
more influential business.
Now that we havo socurcd control of the Nebraska Clothing
Co., by right of purchase, wo naturally desiro to conduct it in the
future according to our own methods. For one thing we desiro to
havo only merchandise of our own selection. 1 This is not any re
flection whntovor on the former management, for wo havo had
turned ovor to us what is probably one of tho best and cleanest
stocks of high-grndo merchandise in tho United States. Never
theless, wo shall get it out of our way with all possible speed and
make way for now goods selected by us.
Of course we could not accomplish this gigantic selling feat
by any ordinary method. So tomorrow morning wo will throw
the entire stock on salo to tho public. Everything will liave been
re-marked with sharp reductions from the original prices.
If wo could only sufficiently impress upon you our anxiety
to be rid of these stocks and the drastic price-cutting measures
we've adopted, there would be no keeping you away from this
v Our doors will be open at 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning.
Come early.
Careful Service Even in This Great Sale
Even at cut prices, our servico will be of tho
best. You will bo waited on by competent
painstaking salesmen, all alterations will be
made with the same dogreo of caro and ac
curacy as if you were paying full price. Wo
want you to havo pleasant memories of this
"getting acquainted with tho now manage
John A. Swanson,
Wm. L. Holzrnan,
If the Doors Are Closed,
Wait Just a Little
We shall, when tho crowds get too big, be
compelled to close our doors. Don't become
discouraged, however, if you find it neces
sary to wait a few minutes. We shall admit
as many persons at one time as can buy in
comfort, and re-open the minute the depart
ure of customers permits.
Caldwell & Drake Want Balance on
Court House Job.
Comiululoiirrs Mar Try to Knlorce
tliuir AVIiloU Cull tor S10
liny irou.. Dal" Ilnlldln
Wat (o lie Finished.
In ii corarnuulcallon couched in superla
tive terms of respect cwciwell &. Drake,
ounty building general contractors asked
0i Hoard of County Cotnmlsitlonera to
them the 13,to0 balanoa dlie on the
oulldlng. T)ie communication U the first
official step toward a settlement be
wren the county and the contractor.
SexotiMlomi were begun yesterday after
pooh. George W. Caldwell of Caldwell Ac
Drake, Included In the communication a
tatement of unfinished work, which he
stirnatea at J1.7SJ.IS. The Hoard of
ounty Commissioners probably will at
tempt to exact from Caldwell & Drake h
penalty of about IW.OOO under tho clause
In the general contract penalizing the ,
contractors J100 u day for every day re- j
qulrtd to complete the building lifter
tho contract tine. The building should
havo been completed a year and it hulf
uk'Jl Some other financial difference) be
tvecn tho contractor and the county
riusf ba -adjusted and tho settlement
'probably will require a month.
County l'rcamta Couutr r-f'liiliit.
Drawing lines of battle over the settle
ment was begun when the commissioners
laid before Mr. Culdwull it claim of (63,947
to counter against tho 1,W the con
tractor claim Is duo them. TliU claim
on tho county's behalf Is comprised of
IM.6C0, interest on the 1, 000,000 bonded
debt for a year, and P.3S1, miscellaneous
expense to tho county through delay of
It occupancy of tho new building. This
claim docs not Include the $10,000 penalty
under tho 100-a-day clause.
Sessions to Be Held Most of Next
Week at Temple.
On Friday Hrenluoi Monn Will
Attend tUr Orphrnm Tb.en.tcr In!
it Un.l, Harlnir llnnaht AH
Ticket In the House.
x Nobody U Too Old
to learn that tho aura way to oure a
cough, cold or sore lungs is with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 60o and 11.00. For
ale by Ueaton Drug Co, Advertisement
rerslsient Advertising Is the Iload to
Dig Iteturn.
I Losing Hair? Go To Your Doctor
I Ayer'sHairVIgor is composed of sulphur, glycerin, quinln, sodium
chkmd, capsicum, sage, alcohol, water, pertumc. not a single
Injurious ingredient In- this list. Ask your doctor if this is not so.
A hair tonic. A hair dressing. Promptly checks falling hair. Com-
pletely destroys all dandruff. Does not color the hair. tutd?L'2S:
Tho corntrBtone convocation class of tho
co-ordinate order of the Ancient and Ac
cepted Scottish' Illte of Freemasonry will
sit In the valley of Omaha, orient of Ne
braska, beginning Monday noon, Novem
ber 18, and concluding November SI at
Mnsonlo temple, Sixteenth and Capitol
The occasion will be known as tho cor.
nerstone reunion, because of the laying
of tho cornerstone to the new temple last
spring. A clasa of over 100, tho largest
In the history of tho lodge In Nebraska
will have conferred on them tho degrees
of tho rite from the fourth to the thirty,
second Inclusive. ,
Master masons' affiliated and in good
standing aro urged to.jcjn in uud make
t She occasion one to be long remembered
ju'rand Master J. It. Cain,.' Jr., of Stella
I Neb., will probably". be. lit attendance at
' tho meeting. Tho lodge will assemble at
, 1?:W o'clock and the first order of bu.
ners V.HI be the balloting, which will !e
followed by the conferring of the fourth
to the fourteenth degree, on Tuesday flf.
tfii tcentecith and elBli"'". ,u
grees will bo conferred on the candidates.
On Wednesday the twenty-first to thlr.
tletll degreo Inclusive will b taken up
and on tho last day the thirty-first and
Ilnmiuet Thursday Mnht,
Tonight a banquet will bo glvon In
the banquet hall of the Masonic
i.mnl. nf I'M. Addresses bv distin
guished visitors Interspersed with music
will be on the program. Qeorgo V, West
K, C. O. II. Master of Kadosh, will have
chargo of the ceremonies. Among tho
speakers will be James D. rtlchardson
thirty-third degree grand commander,
Ii"rank C. Patton. Joseph S. Davis. 1C, C.
C. H. and Avlngton A. Eddlngton, IC C
C. II.
On Friday night tho members of Tan
gier temme. A. A. O. N. M. &. will com-
bine with the Scottish Illte lodge and at
tend the Orpheuin theater In a body. The
Shrine have bought tho entire house.
1,(00 scats, tho attraction being Ethel
Pdrrymore. Manager William Ifyrne hat
reserved a few seats for those who have
season tickets for Friday nights.
The annual election of tho United Asso
ciation of Postofflco Clerks was held
Tuesday night at the federal building and
resulted as follows: President. Thomas
'. White; vice president, 1 D. Mots; re
cording secretory. Elmer Matson; flnan.
c!al secretary. J. J. Curtln; treasurer, C
IJ McUlll. The secretary's report for the
ear Just Oosed showed a Health.) jsrowth
1 1 1 Ilia fctsantainciv.
"Movie" Magnate on
Trial for Employing
Children in Theater
Nicholas Amos, Omaha and South
Omaha motion picture theater magnate,
was placed on trlul on a charge of em
ploying children In violation of tho child
labor law In the criminal division of the
district court.
It Is alleged that he employed a little
girl and a little boy to sing In his bouth
Omaha theater, the Besse.
Amos Is being tried on an Indictment
returned by the February grand Jury.
He and several other motion picture thea
ter owners woro Indicted for alleged em
ployment of children as entertainers In
violation of tho child labor law, A writ
ten statement of another caso of em
ployment of children In a theater, giving
names, dates, wages paid and other de
tail, was placed before the grand Jury,
and referred to Juvenile Officer Mogy
Bernuteln, but no Indictment In that case
was returned.
Id. T. Sunderlnnd, vice president of the
Sunderland llros. company and general
manager of tho Lime and Portland Ce
ment company, will arrive In Omaha to
day from Knneas City to attend the' aev
eral forms of celebration which the Sun
derlands aro planning In honor of
opening their new quarters In the
Btnto bank building. The program con'
slsts of n directors' meeting Friday noon,
a banquet to members and employes Fri
day night at the llcnshaw, and a publla
reception from 2 to 10 p. m. Saturday. A
unique display of flowers, birds and musia
will be Hhown nt the reception.
M. Downing nnd family start for Lo.
Angeles Thursday, where they will re
main till spring.
President A. U Mohler of the I'nlon
Pacific has returned from Chicago, wher
he went about a week ago on general
business. llt announces the ornaniz.1
tlon of tho Denver I'nlon Depot compariv
In that city a fefr days ago. which win
Immediately begin active work.
When S. S. S. Cures
"Who lost SSu? That Is the question
which Is puzzling the authorities at the
postofflce. Some time Tuesday the
' "nUU" department received from a rail
I way mall cleik, whose name they with
jheld, a little equare envelope containing
1 four J3 gold pieces. Tho envelope bore
no name and was found loose In a mn'1
mere is no "come back" vben S. S. S. cures Contagious Bipod Poisort-J
because this great blood remedy bo thoroughly cleanses the circulation M
that not a particle of the old virus is left. After the blood has been ouri
Bed by S. S. S., this vital fluid i3 a3 free from infection as it-was before the
disease was contracted. One reason why S. S. S. is so successful in the
treatment of Contagious Blood Foison is that this medicine strengthens
ana, builds up the stomach and digestive members while it is purifyinsr the
blood. Thus all the systemic strength is left to assist in the elimination
of the virus. S. S. S. is the one certain cure for this powerful blood disor
acr, xms claim is noi Dasea upon xue treatment of a few cases here and
there, but its success extends over a period of more than fortv vear! n,
I.. 4l.J : 41 -.1 . 41 l 1 r , ' UUl-
U tuia tiiuc wuuwuiuii ujiuu luuuawus uuvc IOUUU a CUre bv thn
f t-1 - 4. J -It Iff" 1 a ' J
u una creak icmcuy uuu un were wining 10 lesiiiy mat there
rorae-pacK aiicr o
any one
use. ,
S. S. had driven the virus out. S. R ?N
a particle of harmful mineral; it can be used with perfectsafetv bv
. Home Treatment Book and any medical advice free to nil y
inn ontet orcurit; tu AILANTA GA.