2 THE BEE: OMAHA, Till RSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 101J. QABY OUTFITS COMPLETE S10, S15, S25.0Q Whole wardrobes furnished, comprising every little thing for the new babe from curly head to poky toes. We are able to fur nish outfits costing a hundred dol lars , but those at $10, $15 and $25 are the rule. Lot the baby clot lie 8 como from this Lilliputian shop it's u yllolc store in itself. Baby Toilet Sots 50c to $3.50 Bibs 5c to 50c Baby Baskets . .65c to $1.95 Bootees . . .25c to $1.00 Baby Blankets, 50o to $1.95 Sacques . . .50c to $1.50 Baby Buntings, $3.95 to $5 'Sweaters, $1.25 to $2.25 Fur Robes ...$4.00 to $5.50 Afghans, $2.45 to $5.00 Moses Cradles, Bassinets and Hampers. Everything Babies ever wear daytiino or nighl. IK V0VH6 FEOPUC5 BRIEF IN JAMHNSON CASE Solicitor General Tell Why Puplist Should Be Held. OFFENSE IS NOT EXTRADITABLE Cotirt Justified In MnklnK Huvli Con dition an Will 8conro Annenr iiiipc of tho Accnucil for Trlnl. WASIUNOTON, Nov. IJ.-N0 rwwon txWht ivccortlliiK to a brlof tiled today on hebflf of tho government by Solicitor Uoneral Iltillltt why Johnson, tho ncsro pullll confined In Jail In Chlcngo on a charKo of violating tho white lavo act. KhouM bo udmltted to ball by tho sli rem court of tho United Btatoe. TJ19 solicitor ccneral iolntfd out that wllle .violations of tho whlto lavo act ur ptinlshublo by HVo years' Imprison mcnt, pr 13.000 fine, o both, they aro not UAIIUUIiUUIV, I , 1 IA utility offender rfilaht bo quite will-1 lnik. iij'itimn any small amount of ball so as"! tAfce'H 'refill Hii" 'ft'1 forejBfi 'conn trp hhd thu .rivolil punishment for n crlmo wlllo'n 'tho public policy of thl country 'tlcnuiihcod with a heavy pen ulty." ho iald. 'The administration of thi criminal law 'would be-brought Into dls repute if tone1 committing such; tin In famous crlmo ts-thst for which' Johnoi) had bech Indicted could by forfltlnn evort a conatderable mini Of money, oHCpovt u itlo.ee -where 'ho "Would 'b fro from; fUithdr prosecution." IntrniU tu I.r'rtTP Country. A telegram from United Mntcs Attor ney WllUerson to tha Department of Jus. tlce Is Included In the brlof, as dlscloulng facts which fully Justified the nctlou of tho United, matea district court in Aw ternilnlpj the conditions under which It woutd admit Johnson to ball. Mr, W'll Icerson stated that "parties representing tho defendant attempted to obtain his ro lease upon absulgtely worthless ball." ' Attention was called to the fact Unit defendant had stated that It was his In tentlon to leave this country on Novem ber 30, and this statement was not con tradicted either by tho defendant or nny of his counsel," added the telegram. , Amount Not Prohibitive. Referring; to the possibility of Johnson leaving the country the solicitor isvneml'H brief adds; 1 'Thirty thousand dollars, while a larue sum, Is not excessive, because It Is obvi ously "not prohibitory. Tho very fact Unit Jobnspn Is willing to deposit rush to that amount is conrluslvo evidence that the umouut fixed Is not prohibitive." Replying to the complaint that the trial court refused to accept a 130,000 certificate of deposit, or 139,000 cash In lieu of ball, Solicitor General Ituliltt stated that tha federal statutes did not provide for the acceptance of cash In lieu of ball a ml that the court would have no power to do so. "Ball" was defined by Mr. llullltt as "an undertaking, guaranteed by sureties, that the defendant shall be produced at proper time In court." .Hrfusva to llrducr lloml, CUlCAaO. Nov. li-Ahlther attempt to procure the release of Jack Jdhnson. the pugilist, from Jail failed today. Tedera .Judge Carpenter denied a motion to r (luce the $30,000, bond under which tho negro. Is held on a charge of violating the Mann act. W. O. Anderson, Johnson s counsel, then asserted that he would offer new securities later In the day. CORNSTALK DISEASE 1N.S0UTH DAKOTA MITCH ICI.U a D.. Nov. lS.-8peClal.)-The cornstalk disease which has worked dire disaster among tho cattle In past year, ha again made its appearance thl fall In the central and southern section of the state. The heaviest loss has fallen upon dottlob Auch. living In Hutchinson county, when nine head of fine steers died In one day. and for which he had been offered an exceptionally good price. The steer were turned Into tho corn, field and in less than two days the nine had died. John Decker, a neighbor, was ready to turn twenty head of cattle Into Ids own field, but 011 learning of the dis astrous results o Mr. Auctt he changed Ms mind. Other losses have been re. ported Xrom that section. Farm Lads Inferior Physically to Boys from the Cities COI.U.MHIA, Mo., Nov. U Men from farms attending tho Unlvorsltylof Mis souri urn Inferior pliyalcally lo tho students from cities, according to O. Field, Instructor In athletics, who today opened n class especially plnnncd for tho physical development of farmer lads. Sir, Klcld buses his conclusion upon examinations mado In the gymnasium.. Students from farms, ho says, aro de veloped unevenly. The muscles of tho arms ntid shoulders usually uro overt developed, while tho grip Is weak. The" city man, who has had some physical training, usually has u much better physique. The special class opened In the gym nasium today Is for students In the short course In agriculture, who practically all are from Missouri farm, liy addition tu trttlnlhtfln rvcQmtyirp)ijMW faults, 1M members wllt"bo Rlvprn Instruction In rural reerciMlonji-and ln'utlilhpwwi6iulatf rid, 'direct rural i playgrounds., which Prof. Mold snys should bo established In all rural communities. Lorime.r'i3 Condition Continues to Improve CU1UAOO.. 111., Nov. U.-Hurgcons t tending William Iirliner, former Vnltei fitutes eenator, who was taken to a hos pltat yesterday suffering from nppendU cities, were 'to hold a conference today to determine, whether nn operation wll bo necessary. Continued Indications of Improvement, it' was said, did not Justify all operation ut once. Mr, lormer was reported to have passed a restful night Dr. Ilcvnn Issued 11 bulletin this after, noon stating that the proposed operation of former Senator Lorlmer had been de layed Indefinitely. MRS. KIRBY AGAIN DEFIES JUDGE LANDIS OJUCACIO, Nov. 13.-Mrs. Margaret Klrby, wlfo of the south side physician, tanker whose affairs huve. been under Investigation In United States Judge Ijui dlt.' court, may be sent to Jail as 11 result of continued defiance of Judgo lnndlt' orders, The court Itu, ordered her to turn over CC.0Q0 of missing unset of the defunct Klrb) pavings bank at 11 certain hodr this afternoon, itrs. Klrby failed to obey this order. Judge l.andls thou entered an order ill tectlng Hint Mrs Klrby appear before him tomorrow and show cause why Hie should not be went to Jail for contempt Omaha lice 11-1 3-13 175,000 PIECES OF WEARING APPAREL LAUNDERED EACH WEEK That Bounds like an awful lot, but In figures It actually shows tho number of pieces of wear ing apparel laundered here each week and many , weeks It exceeds this amount by ten or twelvo thousand. Juut think of tho number of satisfied customers tho ubovo fig ures represent and you wilt be jtblo to concelvo tho reason why this laundry has succeeded so rapidly. THE "WAIKWOSD" or THE KOKE m No interest added to this m 5 Regular terms on pianos like the Orkin Brothers club pianos are 25 dollars cash and 10 dollars a month. The Or kin Brothers club terms are 5 dollars cash and a dollar and a quarter a Week QT The terms given to members of this big Orkin Brothers Inaugural Club are the easiest " ever made on a really high-grade piano. f Go into any piano store of repute in New York, Chicago, cshmW then H wook nu,aueiP"ia' rittsourg, aan Francisco, Den ver or Minneapolis, and' buy a piano of the grade and class of these we are supplying to the Orkin Brothers Club, and you will be asked to make payments of $25 as a cash payment, and then $10 a month. Maybe, in some instances, these terms can be brought down as low as $20 cash and $8 or $6 a month, and then, in addition to this, interest will be charged at the rate of 6 per cent hut never to our absolute knowledge have pianos of this grade sold as low as the Orkin Brothers Club terms 5 dollars down, then a dollar and quarter a week and there is positively no interest added to this. Five dollars is all it takes to join the Orkin Brothers Club or less than one-fourth as much as it usually takes to make the first payment on a piano of the same grade. ff After the first payment is made, one dollar and twenty-five cents a week is all it takes to. make the weekly payments, or one-half as much as regular or customary payments. H You pay 5 dollars when you join the Club. 1 his is credited to the Club price of the piano ($257.50), leaving $252.50 to be paid . at the rate of only $1.25 a week, or seventeen cents a day. v J.Only in big 'deals like this, can such terms be made on such pianos.. Cheap pianos can be ,spldson cheap terms, but it is only where a deal of great magnitude is made; whete pianos are bought by the hundreds; where great savings are made in the buying; where a great market can be made in a short time at a little expense, can such terms as these be made on such high grade pianos. You can get 15 cents a week back, in cash, if you pay faster than $L25 a week m You are not compelled to take 202 weeks in which to pay for your pianothe life of the Orkin Brothers Club. If you pay $1.25 a week, straight a long, it takes 202 weeks to pay for piano. If you do take the full time 202 weeks the piano costs you $257.50. If you take less time, the piano costs you less. flF Every week you reduce the time you take to pay for your piano, you reduce the price IS cents. For instance, if you pay for your These are the club's special privileges arid conditions. Read this. 1. Bvery (Instrument is guaranteed without re serves for five years. There aro no. ''ifs" or "arids" In tho guarantee just a stralghfout guarantee as strong as wo know how to make It In writing. 2. If, after 30 days' trial, tho piano is not sat isfactory, wo will give you your moneyliock, "3. If tho piano Is satisfactory after 30 days' use, the Club Member has eleven, more months In which to satisfy himself as to tho character of the piano. If it does not then prove to be everything that ho expects', he has tho privilege of exchanging it without onp penny's loss for any other Instrument of equal or greater valuo that wo sell (and we sell a dozen different representative makes) . i 4. If a club member dies during tho life of his contract we will Immediately send n receipt In full to his family for the instrument. 5. A beautiful stool and scarf to match the piano is included without extra cost. G. The piano will bo tuned twlco without charge 7. Club Members have an opportunity to still, further reduce tho cost of their piano by pro curing other Club Members. Orkin Brothers player-piano club Wo have inaugurated a I'layer-lMano club In connec tlon with our 600 piano club. Tho price of thoso club Tl Player-pianos Is 395 dollars the terms are 0 dollajrs tho first payment and 2 dollars woek without Interest added, These l'layer-planos have never bec sold for lss than $650, with terms of $25 down and $16 a month, with interest added at the rate of 6 per cent. This Is tho first time, so far as our knowledge goes, that such trustworthy Instruments havo been offered for Bale upon such popular terms as O dollars tho first payment and - dollars it week without Intert'st added. These I'lnycr-phuios are ataiulartl 88-note players that Is, these Club Player-pianos play every note on tho piano when tho music roll is In motion. Wo Rive you nn unconditional guarantee with these Club Player pianos. 1. Tho PUyer-plano cluh will consist of 100 members. 2. The Player-piano for club members Is one of tho best Player-pianos on the market. 3. Tho Plnyer-pluno club prico Is 395 dollars. 4. The saviug In price to each Player-piano club momber Is 156 dollars. 6. Tho Playcr-plano club member has no interest to pay. C. The terms to Plano-playcr club members are 9 dollars cash and 2 dollars a week or, putting It In an other way, Player.phWo club members havo 193 weeks In which to pay for their Playcr-plano. 7. Each Playcr-plano club momber has the use of 1,000 rolls of music fw, 8. lMayer-plano club members secure the free use ot the great Orkin Brothers Music Roll Library the larg est Music Koll Library In Omaha. I. If a PUyer-plano club momber dies during tho life of his contract we will immediately cancel all future payments and send a receipt in full to his family for tho Instrument. piano in 201 weeks instead of 202 weeks, the piano will cost you $257.35, instead of $257.50. If you pay for your piano in 192 weeks, instead of 202 weeks, you will save ten times 15 cents or $1.50, making the piano stand you $256 instead of $257.50. You save 15 cents (which we hand you in cash every week) each and every time you pay one week in advance You will thus see that if you were to pay two weeks' dues straight along instead of one, or, in other words, if .you were to pay $2.50 a Wfflr incffir1 rf S1 o imrr irnn nmnlrl fn.r- i..i.v, nSnv J 1Z it oww tituiwuv vi Vi.faO U J KJl tTUUlU iJily 1U1 yUUl JlUllU III & LUC time, or in 101 weeks instead of 202 weeks, thus saving $15.15, or making your piano cost you $242.35, as against the club member who takes the full 202 weeks. In the same svay suppose a club member would like to pay spot cash. He would be paying 202 weeks in advance of the time allowed him wouldn't he? Two hundred and two times 15 cerits is 30 dollars and 30 cents. Take this amount from $257.50, the 202 weeks' price, and the spot cash club member would get his piano for $227.20. r Did you ever see a fairer proposition? Fair to the spot cash man. Fair to the club member who wants to take the full life of the club. i r iL. n .-.I anu iair 10 me ieuow who wanis 10 pay up in oeiween times. For the convenience of people wkm cannot come in daring the amy appointments will be made to show the pianos evenings. Formerly The Bennett Co. m lbtn ana uarney oireeiB Omaha, Neb. Colli Cnu"- Hnili",H -n Crli, IVKATIVB BHOMO QU1N1NB rmovei the auc Thr U only one "DUOMO Ql'IKIftB Look for the signature ot B. "V. OHOVK. Kc. Advertisement I ) Bin Waffoas. Ftaons Dour, t13. r li Copyright 111 by 8ton tb McCarrtcK. Inc. Unauthorised uu tn whole or In urt or colorable mmnirlu thereof roruicuen. I7j p coior&oie nmnviu uitrmi loru.uu.n. -- - cy Chickens Kurzman, Ivers & Pond. Aato Pianos and Player Pianos-and Victor Talking Machines.