Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1912, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
witl interest every woman who
likes good heart-to-heart talks
with other sympathetic women.
, Fair; Warmer
VOL. XL1I NO. 128.
Merchant Vessels to Pay One Dollar
and Twenty Cents Per Net
Authority Given to Taft by Congress
Last August.
. .
Warships to Be Charged Fifty Cents
Per Net Ton.
Expert Who Makes Investigation for
' Government Asacrts Ills Hitch
Will He on Pnylnjc Unsla
In Twenty Yri,
WASl UNGTON, Nov. 13.-Presldcnt
Taft tonight Issued a proclamation fixing
the rates that foreign ships shall pay
for passage through tho Panama canal.
The 'proclamation, made under authority
of the canal bill passed by congress In
August, establishes a merchant vessel
rate of $1.20 per net ton In actual carrying
capacity, with a reduction of 40 per cent
for ships In ba'last.
The provisions of tho proclamation are
as follows:
"On merchant vessels carrying passen
gers or cargo, $1.20 per- net vessel ton-
each 100 cublo feet of actual earning
"On vessels in ballast without passen
gers or cargo, 40 per cent less than the
rate, of tolls for vessels with passengers
or cargo.
"Upon vessels other than transports,
colliers, hospital ships and supply ships,
j0 cents per displacement ton.
"Upon army and navy transports, col
liers, hospital ships and supply ships, J1.20
per net ton. tho vessels to be measured by
wthe sumo rules as aro employed In deter
mining the net tonnage of merchunt ves,
"Tho secretary of, war will prepare and
prescribe such rules for tho measurement
of vessels and such rcgulattlons as may
bo necessary and proper to carry this
proclamation Into full forco and effect."
American coatwlso shipping was ox-
impted from toll payment by congress.
It was on this provision of the act that
Great Britain protested, but no reference
to the 'protest was made In tho president's
oroclamation. American naval vessels ore
exempted without specific mention cither
In tho act of congress or tho proclama
tlon because tho .authorities believe -It
jnnocqspary to explain the usclessnesa of
- ' . ; ... HT...... 1 nnntr.n.t fr'nt
-.6 the one belotiglns" to tho Treasury de
partment. " itait Sninc n nt Sue.
Tllo "rates', named In tho proclamation
are practically tho same as those which
wlil be in force at the Suez canal next
Tho 'president based his declaration of
rates upon the report and Investigation of
I'rof. -Emery R- Johnson of the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, an expert desig
nated by executive order for the task.
Tho report has been awaited with in
terest by shipping Interests throughout
the world.
According to Prof. Johnson's report to
the president, also made public tonight,
tho Panama canal should be upon a self
mstalnlng basis In twenty years. It
rhould competo successfully with tho Suez
route for traffic of Europe with South
American west coast points and with
New Zealand, but cannot be expected to
compete successfully for Europe's trade
tj the far cast.
Taking the estimates of the canal com
m'stlon .for expenses of operation and
maintenance of tho canal and for the
Improvements held to bo necessary at the
' Tnd of a decade Prof. Johnson figures
that the rate pcr-.ton $an bo reduced at
the end of ten years to SI. Even with
thN rate.' Which ho says probably will
correspond clpscly with the rato that
may thcr) bo enforced through the Suez
canal, the United States will obtain
enough revenue from foreign vessels to
pay all fixed changer, provide a sinking
(Continued on Page Five.) .
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair. -For
Iowa-Fair; slowly rising tempera
ture. Xcmprratnro nt Oinnlm Yesterday.
Hour. fee.
6 a. m 32
6 a, m 32
Comparative Local Itrcord.
. 1912.1911.1910. 1909
Highest yesterday 5 43 45 41
lowest yesterday 33 14 29 37
Mean temperature 44 28 37 39
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 1.88
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from tho normal at Omaha since
Starch 1, and compared with the last twjl
Normal temperature ; 3g
Excess for the day. C
Total deficiency slnco March 1 27
Normal precipitation 01 inch
Dolclency for tho day 04 Inch
iota! rainfall since March 1... 24.60 inches
Deficiency since March 1 3.27 Inches
Deficiency for cor7 period, 1911.14.80 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1910.14.13 inches
lleporta from Statlona at 7 1. jr.
Station and Stata Temp. High- Rain-
1 of Weather. 7 d. m. cat. foil
jneyenne, ciear.......
"Ms. (It At- 7 m 32
4XJkrv3' r 8 a. ni 32
jerr . 9 a. m Si
M. V- 10 a. m.... 40
Asfifa&tK J. n a. m 43
VurJ$. f 12 m 40
ZT uu TviW II 1 p. in 49
fk tv J-L 2 J1- m "
QuUt I 0 J V.m 55
6 p. m M
40 62
38 40
48 60
44 CO
38 48
48 64
SI 65
62 6S
44 2
44 &2
42 63
48 64
41 63
60 60
Denver, dear.!
Lander, clear ,
North Platte, clear.
Omaha, cloudy ,
Pueblo, clear
ftaDld City, clear...,
Salt Lske City, clear,
i-anta re, clear...
Sheridan, clear....
Houik City, clear..
Valentine, clear .
I A. WELSH. Local Forecaster,
Five Alienists Begin
Examination of Man
Who Shot Roosevelt
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 13.-Flvo
alienists today began examination of tho
mental condition of John Schrank, who
pleaded guilty yesterday to attempting
to slay Theodore lloosovclt. Moderator
Richard Dewey of the sanity commission
appointed by Judge A. C. Backus, an
nounced that tho sessions would be se
cret, and only the defendant, his uttorncy,
witnesses who might be summoned and a
representative of District Attorney Wini
fred C Zabel would bo admitted.
The prosecutor today turned over to the
commission all the letters and papers
found on Schrank when he was searched
after the assault on Roosevelt and copies
of letters lie had written In the county
Jnll slnco that time. It tentatively war.
agreed that tho members of tho commis
sion would visit Schrank singly as writ
as In a body and then compare Impres
sions beforo reporting to tho court.
District Attorney Zabel said he would
call as witnesses only tho tollceman and
deputy sheriffs who talked with Schrank
after tho assault October 14 and soveral
reporters who had conversations with tho
prisoner. Schrank will bo Interrogated at
length and Attorney J. C. Flander, ap
pointed by tho court to represent Schrank
at the sanity hearing, said he knew of no
now witnesses ho might call.
Dunne Will Champion
the Public Utilities
Commission Bill
CHICAGO, Nov. IS. Govcnior-elcct
Dunne today announced that he expected
to champion passage of a public utility
commission bill by tho next legislature,
which convenes tho first of next year.
A Joint committee appointed at the last
session of the leglslaturo to investigate
the subject and headed by Senator John
Dalley of Peoria Is expected to make a
report to tho assembly when It convenes
In January. Tho commtttoo as a body
has visited New York, Massachusetts and
Wisconsin, which states have such com
missions. Lato this month Senator Dulley will
hold a meeting of tho committee In Chi
cago and. a series of hearings will bo
conducted at which nrguments for and
against such a commission will bo made.
It Is said that tho committee favors tho
Now York plan, where tho law jn-ovldcs
for two commissions, ono for New York
City and tfio other for the state at large.
The committee thinks thero should bo a
commission for Chicago and another for
tho state, and It Is probable that the
bills will bo drawn so.
Colorado Club Wants
Woman in Cabinet
DENVER, Colo., Nov. lX-At a meet
jng of tho Why club, an organization o
business and professional women, a
movement was launched yesterday to
have a woman appointed to the cabinet
which President-elect Wilson wjlf'namo.
Mrs. Hetty Green as secretary of the
treasurer was a popular choice of the
Tho club met for the purpose of cele
brating tho ontry of four new states Into
the column of woman's suffrage. Mrs.
Mary C. C. Bradford, elected state super
intendent of Instruction nt tho recent
election declared that women now hold
a large enough vote to bo entitled to a
placo In tho cabinet.
Suggested for Mr. Wilson's secretary
of state wero Mrs. E. II. Harrlman and
Mrs. Russell Sage. Miss Ellen Wither,
land attorney of Denver, was mentioned
as a candidate for secretary of tho In
terior nnd Miss May. Lathrop and Gall
Laughlln for attorney general.
At the next meeting of the club a na
tion-wide movement will bo planned to
try to bring about tho appointment of a.
woman to the cabinet.
Bald Jack Rose v
Repeats Story to
Gun Men's Jury
NEW YORK, Nov. 13. Tho Imperturba
ble "Jack" Rose, tho bald-headed gam
bler whoso testimony was mainly respon
sible for the conviction of Charles
Becker, took tho witness stand today as
the stato's chief witness against the four
gun men. charged with slaying Herman
Rosenthal at Becker's bidding. Generally
speaking,- Ills testimony was a repetition
of his rcmarkablo narrative at the Becker
trial. Under Becker's orders, ho sworo,
lie threatened the gun men with a
"frameup" and Importuned them to take
the "squealing" gambler's life, Cross
examination fulled to shake his story.
Forty Thousand for
Breach of Promise
CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 13. Miss Alma
Broderick of Detroit, a former Chicago
school teacher, -won a J40.C00 breach of
promise suit In common pleus court here
today. The defendant was Jerome
Probst, a Ietrolt lawyer. ,
In 1910 Miss Broderick obtained a Judg
ment by default from Probst In a New
York court and a settlement agreement
won filed here by which she agreed to
accept the contents of Probst's safety
deposit box In full settlement of her dam
age judgment. Her suit here was to
have the agreement set aside on the al
legation that she was defrauded because
the contents of tho box wero valueless,
whereas they had been represented as
securities of value.
Judge Eetep set asldo the agreement
as fraudulent.
CINCINNATI. O.. ..ov. U. Disap
pointed by their 10-day-old baby being a
boy when they wanted a girl Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kopp. each 22 years of age,
wrapped the child In a shawl and tossed
him Into the Ohio river, When they
were arraigned today the husband con
fersed, blaming his wife for wanf'ng to
dispose of the child. The body was not
Passenger Train Runs Into Open
Switch and Strikes Heavy
Freight at Indianapolis.
State Inspectors Point to Laok of
Block Signal System.
AH Who Are Killed Are in Smoker
and Day Coach.
llend llrnkeiiinn Taken to llimpltnl
it lth Ilrokrn 1,1-b l'lr.t Mia) a He
I" ll-ionalll- mid Then
lfiitcn It.
INDIANAPOLIS, Iiul., Nov. 13.-Plf-
teen persons were- killed und seven
teen seriously Injured this morning
when an In-bound Clnelnnattl, Hamilton
und Dayton passenger train ran Into nn
open switch and crashed Into a freight
train at Arlington avenue, lrvlngton, n
suburb. The train was coming from Cin
cinnati and was running forty miles an
According to Inspectors for tho Indi
ana rallwuy commission, a block signal
system would havo prevented tho dis
aster. The wreck was caused by tho
failure of tho head brnkemau to close
the switch to a siding on which a heavy
freight train had been run. Carl Gross,
the 'head brakeman, has assumed blamo
for tho disaster. Ho has not been ar
rested, but Is under jiollco guaid nt a
hospital, whero ho lies with a broken leg.
Later ho denied ho was responsible, say
ing ho was under tho Influence of an
According to the , commission, this
nwltch could not have been left open had
a block system been In operation.
The dead:
C. F. ORUENOllOEFEIt, 4410 Darrow
avenue, Cincinnati.
WILLIAM SHARKEY, single, engineer
on the passenger train; Indu'nips!!".
1RVIE M. WIGGINS. tmirrliMl. mmliin.
tor cm the passenger train; Indianapolis.
CLEM IMHOLT, theatrical man from
Los Angeles, Cal.
HORACE B. WHITE, brakeman on tho
passenger tralij; Indianapolis.
.1. L. PALMER, Itawuw, Tenn.
nil A 1J I PIIPVL'l'
nckson, Ky.
JULIA CHENEY. WUo of Clifton
Cheney, Jackson, Kv.
CHESTER CHENEY. G months old, son
of Julia and Clifton Cheney.
JOHN CHENEY. Ki yoars old, Breathitt,
Ky.; died at Deaconess hospital.
ton Cheney, Jackson, Ky.; died at Dea
coness hospital.
C. BERG, fireman on tho passenger
Tho injured:
BurtoniJooes, Dayton. Ky.. mall clerk;
lnjhred abort head nnd back.
Clifton Cltenoy, Jackson, Ky.; Injured
about .body.
J. C. Sklllman, Indianapolis, baggage
man; bruised about legs.
Willis York, Indianapolis, fireman on
freight train; left leg cut and bruised.
carl uross, Indianapolis, head brake
man on freight train; right leg broken.
F. E. Emberton. Indianapolis, fireman
on freight train; bruised about body.
Fred Hutcheson, Madison, Va.; scalded
about face and arms.
Mrs. Mary Sears, 2927 Indiana avenue,
Harry Sell, 2137 Indiana avenue, Chi
cago. Mary Hutcheson, Madison, Vn,
Mrs. J. C. Sklllman, Indianapolis.
J. W. Jefferson, negro porter, 3TO9 For
est avenue, Chlcngo.
Hugh Kemp, Berlin. Ky.
W. J. Filer, Liberty, Ind.
A. C. Filer, Liberty, Ind.
Joseph Gross, Indianapolis.
Huimliiir Fort)' Jlllm 11 11 Hour.
Tho passenger train was from Cin
cinnati, bound to hClcago and tho en
gineer was trying to make up time. Ho
was running more than forty miles an
hour. oBth ho and the fireman were
found dead In tho cnb of their engine.
All of tho dead passengers wero In tho
smoker and day ocach, which were Immo
dlutely behind the steel reinforced mall
car which acted as a battering ram. Both
of these cars wero of wood and wero de
molished. Tho Injured, In many cases,
had to be chopped from beneath tho
wreckage with axes.
The Injured were taken to tho Deacon
ess' hospital here. Several died thero.
Passengers who wero not injured con
tinued their Journey.
Six Carloads of
Oranges Are Seized
CHICAGO, Nov. 13. A tralnload of Call-
fornla nrunges was seized by United
States deputy marshals In tho Proviso,
Illinois freight yards today because of
alleged violations of the pure food and
drug net. United States District Attorney
Wilkerson filed suit in tho federal district
court here, alleging that tho oranges had
been artificially stained and colored to
conceal Inferiority.
Five of tho cars were shipped by the
Lindsay (Cal.) Fruit association to
brandies In several eastern cities. Tho
tixth car In the train was billed from
Central California Citrus exchange of
Lindsay, Col., to tho California Fruit
Growers' association of Toledo, O,
Six suits wero filed by tha district at
torney. Each suit caused tho confiscation
of a car. The shipment was mode over
tho Southern Pacific railroad.
"Old Frazier" Found
Dying in Barn Loft
CHICAGO. Nov. 13. Walter E. Frazier,
once a wealthy Inventor and Board o'.
Trade operator and scion of an old New
England family, was found at tha point
of death In the hay loft of a aouthslde
livery stable last night. He was penni
less and was removed to a hospital. On
the board of trade ho was known as "Old
Frazier" and lost In speculation a for.
tune made from a machine he invented
for making, hooks and eyes for button
f-iofcs. In this work he was associated
with former United States Senator Mor-
gun J Buckley of Connecticut Of Tfeiyt
J tars l'raikr had worked as a cab Oliver
When Your
From the Indianapolis News.
Vast, Silent Crowd Pays Respects to
Murdered Statesman.
Aaaaaaln, Who Waa Heeently l!i
Iii'Ileil from Iliirnoa Ayrca, Re
turned to film 1 11 I'ollop
Trace II In Movrmrutn.
MADRID, Nov. 13.-Tho body of tho as
sassinated Premier CnnaleJas lay In
statu from an early hour this morning on
a catalfalque, which hud been orec(cil n
a tomporary chapel In tho chamber1 nt
Deputies, Tho body was dressed In' dlploi
matlo uniform and beneath tho corners
of the gray silk canopy 'covering the
catafuluuo stood r military guard of
honor, tho men with heads Inclined on
their arms, which rested on their re
versed rifles.
A vast, sllont crowd of people gathered
bo til In nnd outside tho chambar to pay
their last respects to the dead statesman.
Tho population of tho capital appears to
bo deeply Impressed by the crime. Work
has been almost entirely suspended and
nearly every business housu Is closed,
whllo most of tho houses In tho residential
section aro draped with mourning decora
tions. I.llirrnl Cabinet Will C'ontlnne.
Tho liberal cabinet will contlnuo to
hold office, under tho temporary presi
dency of Foreign Minister Marquis Man
uel Garcia Prleto, at lnast until the slg-
natuie of the Moroccan r treaty with
Franco, which should liaVe been coin
plctod today. Premier Polncure of France,
however, telegraphed this morning to tho
.Spanish government to defer tho matter;
until u more convenient date.
Thu assassin, Manuel Pardlnas, Is a
man of distinguished appearance. He has
regular features, Is smooth shaven and
has luminous eyes. When arrested ho had
soveral manuscripts In his pocket. Oim
In cypher was Inscribed 011 tho outer
sheet, "Tho International Conflagrotlon."
Another was a thesis 011 "Tho Anatomy
of the- Human Stomach." Ho also car
ried ono of Flammarlon's astronomical
books and- the photograph of a woman,
on which wan written "To my unforget-
tablo Matrucl."
Tho assassin attempted suicide and It
was first thought ho was dead, but.
when ho had been carried to tho hospital
he was found to be living.
Tho recent movements of Pardlnas are
known In outline to the Spanish police.
Ho was expelled from Buenos Aires last
March on account of his participation In
anarchistic agitation. He returned to
Spain and stnyed for a few days In
Madrid, whence ho traveled to Paris,
London, Blarltz, Bordeaux and Mar
seilles, and then again to Paris, which
city ho Jeft teu.diiys ago for Madrid. The
Paris police notified the Madrid author
ities of Pardlnas' departure and Informed
them of an article he had written against
King Alfonso for an anarchist paper
published In Paris. Tho Madrid, police.
(Continued on Page Five.)
Another prize contest for
the home-made variety.
Gome on into the game
You can pick em as well
as any.
Prize book worth a dollar
to the three best each
JuBt wrlto on piece of paper
with name and address and mall
to "Daffydll Editor, Tho Bee,
Omaha." Contest starts this
Girl Raves About the Hero of the Team
Prix book worth a dollar to thrss
bast asoh watk. Xalt yours to
"Daffy dU Editor, Tha Baa, Omaha."
Saa Sunday' Bta for prtia winters.
C. J. Palm, 4324 Ersitlno Streot-If
Bryan should fall out of the boat, who
Woodrow Wlison.
R. F. Greenslet, Ravenna If Governor
Aldrlch could choose his successor, would
no nave aioroncaa.
If you can buy "The CaNIng p, Dsn
Mathews" for a dollar 'anda half, Whit
Is "The Winning of Barbara WorthT"
If win fall,! it vi ri. m. alt.. ..t.
- ' w, illl.ll.NUCIItVI
am pnsedjilnl,pn the' street, should h&
I. a 1,V- .l., I
jk nurriif, c fit.
Mrs. Josenh Barker. i0 South Thlrtv.
fifth avenue If a girl wanted to get up
In tho, world, would the elevator.
F. L. IlattpraMi. KS TllirriMi Rli.l
if ttiu siring broke, would the banjo-fret
xora Tomorrow.
Ettor Testifies that
Socialists Object
to All Violence
8ALI3M, Mass.. Nov. lS.Joseph J. Et
tor of" the Industrial Workers of th
World ond tho Lawrerieo strlko leader
on trial here wlth'.Afturo Glovannlttl and
Joseph Caruso for mu.rder.cdntlnulng his
own defense today 'declared that ho could.
not conceive of any, way In. which tho
violence or destruction of property cguld
bring lesults In attaining tho social Ideal.
"Did you ever preach or counpel force
or vlotcnco?" asked Attorney Mahoney.
"No, sir," Ettor replied.
"Because," Ettor answered, ,, "violence,
does not bring results. Tho power of tho
worker Is not In destruction, but' In con
struction. In controversies Involving
wages, the greatest power of the workn"
Ik In doing nothing. I believe that all
maphlnery to produce wealth should bo-
long to society and to destroy property
,w;ou,ld leave that much less tor; Hocloty
when It attains Its aim. Destruction, not
being n utility. Is barred from nny pro
gram to attain tho social ideal."
Telephone Operator
Hears Explosion and
Stops Bank Robbery
MEDARYVILLE, Ind., Nov. 13.-A tele-
phone receiver blown from Its hook by
a charge of nitroglycerin set by safe
flowers In the First National bank here
wao the means of preventing the theft
of many thousands of dollars last night
The large doors of the rault. had been
torn away, allowing access to J75.000 In
cu'rrinoy, when Mrs. Theodore Uraomer,
a telaphone operator, answered a signal.
No Voice came over the wire, but she
heard a second blast and gavo the alarm.
Three thieves, who were engaged In loot
ing the place, made their escape with
Virginia Girl Kills
Her Mother on Train
PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Nov, li-Mrs.
Elizabeth Meyers of Nsw York was shot
and killed by her daughter on a Penn
sylvania railroad train near here today
The girl says she shot her mother In mis
take' for a robber.
They wero on their way from Halem,
Va., to Nw York. The girl. Gladys, and
a passenger, W, II. Cuthbert of Lynch
burg, Vo., were detained. The shooting
occured near Bristol, Pa., and tho train
continued Its Journey, when tho injured
wotnar was hurried to a liofnltul, where
alio died.
Iowa Authorities Hold Conference
Over Strike Situation.
lie la Naltl to lluvr I'reclpltiilrd
Tronhlr on Mtreetn by I'ltU'liiK'
Armed ilepntli'M on the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE.S MO IN ICS, la., Nov. 13.-(BocIhI
Telegram,) A prolonged conference, was
held. In thu, office of tho governor tills
afternoon lu 'consider tho , Des Moines
strlko situation, -partlo'lpatSd" In' by- him,
tho attorney general ntid city und county
Officials. IfTi'm iirAnllpnllV Unit
nn effort should be made to get city nnd
oounty officials to. working In harmony
and to Increase their, force sufficiently
to maintain neace. and resort will tint.
bo hud to tho mllltla until other means
aro exhausted for keeping order In tho
The city authorities are placing tho
blamo oil tho sheriff fur having nlaced
armed demitfes in cluirirn nf tlin wiiirntiM.
The sheriff threutons also to call out tho
local companies on his own motion If
thero Is not some kind or settlement.
flftwrnnp form!! nftrmnti .inllfla.l
of Police Jcnnoy that ho would call out tho
siato mllltla unless tha pollco Immedi
ately dispersed crowds gathering lu tho
streets as a consequence of tho team
sters' strike.
Just prior to tho Issuance of the wnrn.
Ing by Governor Carroll, a crowd of
more man a thousand peoplo had sur
rounded Deputy Shorlff Josh Raneotia nt
Hlxth and -Walnut streets. Runeous had
cantured a mnn wlinn. a nmui nt i.n.
Ing Wrowntti brick at a strlfto, breaker on
a transfer 'wagon. The union svmuathlz.
crs snouted that the deputy had tho
wrong man and that only nn apple had
been thrown at tho teamster.
In the oxcltement tho arrested inn 11 ant
away, ond 'the' denuty was oblleml tn
,tako refuge In a nearby bank to escape
rough treatment at tho hands of tho
The saloons wereiallowed to monen nt
10 o'clock today. 8. C. Wure, president
or tho ware Transfer company, nnd
managers of other tranafnr eiitnnimii.ii
arrested yestorday, charged with rlioot-
ing nrearms, pleaded not guilty td the
charges In police court today.
Husband' of Actress
Sues Rube Marquard
NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-8ult for iK.nfln
damages wus filed today against "Rub"
.Muniuaru, star pitcher of the New York
Giants, by Joseph Kane, husband of
Blossom Seely. an actress, aliening thai
Marquard alienated her affections. The
husband recently traced the nalr to nn
Atlantlo City hotel, but thoy eluded him
and escaped. The summons on Marquard
was served while ho was dining with
Mrs. Seely, Tor somo time thev hv
been appearing In a vaudeville sketch to
CHICAGO, Nov. llt-Two derjartmenta
of the United States government-the
Postofflco and the Department of Jus
ticetoday began Investigations of tha
"Black Rose" cult, whoso members oc
cupied an old mansion at 3340 Mirhlm.n
avenua as a "temple" until the nollea
raided tha place Monday night and ear
ned away men and women, whites anij.
Lauron do Laurence, who calls himself
'doctor" and claims to be a Chnetnw
Indian, is charged by the nollco with
violations of the Mann act and use of
tho malls to defraud. Also, the police
asserted, that Laurence Is a negro and
not an Indian. Among the trappings of
the cult found at the "temnle" bv th
police was a wooden cigar store Indian,
which was a fetish bfore which mem
bers of'' the cult prostrated themselves in
Much More Hopeful Feeling: Prevails
Throughout Europe, bnt Situa
tion Pull of Difficulties.
It Pays Not Attention to Warning
from Austria-Hungary.
Czar Notifies Servia He Will Not
Support it with Arms.
Una MlreiiKltiruril lta Garrison llnrk
of Tehnlnljn mill Mnr " Able
tn Hold the Mnr fnr Sev
ern! Days. .
8T, PETERSBURG, Nov. 13.-The Turk
ish council of war has decided that the
position of tho army defending Con
stiuitlnoplo' Is hopeless, says a dispatch
from tho Turkish capital.
Tho decision was .reached after tho
council hod received a communication
from tho Ottoman commander In chief.
Tho vlow Is also endorsed by a represen
tative of tho Red Cross society.
CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. tt-Thcro ts
good reason to bellovo that tho Turkish
i;overnment lias decided to nogotlato di
rectly with tho Balkan allies, as thu
mediation of tho powers scorns to be
LONDON. Nov. 13. A much moro hope
ful feeling prevailed today In regard to
thb International sltuntlon created by tho
Balkan war. Tho situation Is stilt full
of difficulties, but tho attitude, of all of
tho powers In working for n peaceful set
tlement, will, It Is believed, result tn
avoiding an actual conflict.
Servia, however, has not yet replied to
the Austro-Hungarlan suggestion that a
Sorvlnn occupation of Albanian territory
or of a port on tho Adriatic sea will not
he tolerated. At (ho sumo tlmo a Servian
army continues Its march toward tllo
Adriatic coast, and In ono report from
llelgVudc Is snld actually to have reached
Thu Rusttnn government, acting In
direct disregard of public- feeling In Rus
sia, hun notified tha Hervlan minister
at St. Petersburg that Russia will not gr
to war over the question of an Ardlatt
port. Tho Russian forqign minister, Ser
gtus Satonnff, at tlin snmo time In
formed tho Servian mlnjster that Russia
.would glva friendly support to Hcrvlu In
Its negotiations with Austria-Hungary.
' I'rniMiMiil of Auatrln.
It Is understood that Count Von Berth
old, tho Aiistro-Hungnrlun foreign min
ister, hns proposed to give oxtciistvo
privileges to Servia In connection with
the projected Adriatic-Danube, railway,
..It ts said Dr. Daneff, Jrcsldcut .of tho
Bulgurlun Chamber of Doputlcs, proposed
that Austria should ullow Servia to go
to soma Mrt oil tho Adriatic, without ob
taining tho territory at tho back of It
or tho right to fortify tho port, which
would bo connected with Servlun terri
tory by a railway. '
Hervla has yet to bo heard from In re
gard to these proposals. It believes that
Austria alum at Its political and oconomlc
subjection, which wrould break up tho al
ltanco of tho Balkan nations. With an
Independent Servia, Austria fears that Its
Sorvlnn subjects will want to Join their1
In the meantime tho Albanian chiefs at
a meeting at ,tho seuport of Avion, hava
proclaimed tho autonomy of their coun
try. Turkey Is once more reported to
havo mado 11 direct appeal to tho Balkan
allies for medlatlo'n, and Constantinople
also hears that tho European powers
havo submitted to tllo Balkan nations
Turkey's request for an armistice pending
negotiations for peace.
Turkey Wnnta Armistice.
Turkey ts now In better position to ask
for an armistice, as it is understood
strong reinforcements of fresh Turkish
troops liavo reached Tchatalja and might
hold out thero for days If not weeks.
Tho abscuco of nows from that quarter
suggests that tho Bulgarian army Is not
walking over Turkish fortifications, as It
waa expected to do. The duel between tho
Turkish warships and tho Bulgarian ar
tillery appears still to bo In progress at
Rodosto, on the sea, of Marmora,
Tho garrison of Adrlanople has mado
another desperate sortie, and according
to Bulgarian accounts has been driven
buck Into the fortifications.
Tho little Jealousies existing among th-
(Continued on Pago Five.)
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