Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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" Entered at Omaha postofflce as sceond-
issa matter.
Sunday He, one. year
Satunlsv Uw, one year
Daily He without Sunday, one year. J.W
Dally ne, and Sunday, one ytns......
Evening arid Sunday, per month...... wc,
KenlnR. without Sunday, per month.. o
Pall Uee, Including Sunday. ler mo . ow.
ntl Hee, without Sunday per mo ,!c
Address all complaints or irregularities
n d. livery to City irrulatJonJJpt;
Ittmlt by draft, express or fnc.V
a. ablr to The 1 Publishing c"yn:
nt J-eent stamps received In pnj menl
ar small accounts. Personal check, ex
cept en Omaha and eastern exchange, not
I'eptcd. -
rtm.ha--The Ilea building.
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l.ll.eoln-M Little l""'d.ln1M,nl.
riuVagc 1041 Marquette bulldlnR.
Kansas Oty-Uellaneo bul ding
New York-W West Twenty-third.
St luls-40i Frisco building.
Vashlngton-7i'. Fourteen thjst. J
correspondence. .
r-ommttnlcatlons relating to new. and
editorial matter should HaTtMta
Dmha Hee. Editorial Department. .
KOlte of StbT&.CMrpif
Dnlght wiiiiama. wn.-ui..... r-r-L.
i,hiihit,ir oomoany. twin
me uee ".'" rfllv
vorn. ssys.mav ne ----
circulation for th monin 01 "V.'g""
1- ' circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my Present
to before me this 1st day of ? Nojember.
41 U V J
Snbacrlbera lenTlna: Me el,r
lemirrlly .tionld hare Thfc
Bee mailed to them. Address
will be chn;-d a often requested.
If old
Leonldas could only bo
Every littlo coal combine bus an
apology all Its own.
Senator La Follotto can have the
last laugh If ho wants It.
The cures for tuborculonls are not
as numerous as the treatments.
The foot ball season has at least
the merit of brevity to commend It.
Following Columbus, the next
great discoverer Is Colonol George
General Apathy It seems, was
mortally wounded In the lato encounter.
Jack JohnBon compares himself to
Napoleon. He will soon meet his
Watorloo If he keeps on.
Notice, that It took a man with
an "O" and apostrophe in front of
his name to boat Undo Joo. ,
Some folks find It hard to realize
that I'rcHjdont-olect Woodrow Wll
son now occupies the ccntor of tho
political stagp.
What of the Ballot?
The Interminable bnllot with which
Nebraska voters woro compelled to
grapple at the recent election has
given now impetus to tho demand for
shortening It. Hut how In the short
ballot to bo obtained?
One suggestion Is that the national,
Ftnto, and county tickets be printed 1
separately. That would not glvo us a
short ballot, however, but merely tho
same old ballot rut Into thrco pieces.
It seems that while we have been
talking for a short ballot, as a mat
tor of fact, without realizing It, wo
have only paved the way for a longer
ballot. Assuming that the constitu
tional amendment for biennial elec
tions has been adopted, ufter next
year the officers now elected In oft
yearn will be chosen along with all
the others now elected in tho even
year. Worn this already in effect In
our last election instead of being re
quired to make eighty-eight cross
marks to express his choice on each
Individual candldato or measure, the
voter would havo had to make about
thirty more, or approximately 120
crossmarks. And this does not allow
for any Increase In lultlatlvo and
referendum moasures.
From all of which It will bo read
ily seen' that the ballot problem In
Nebraska Is fast becoming acute, and
tho need of a radical reform Imperative.
Hard Faota About Hard Coal.
According to report of producers,
October shipments of anthracite coal
exceeded all records in the history
of tho Pennsylvania mlnos.
Yet consumers In different locali
ties aro told that, owing to short
supply and the difficulty In getting
conl at all, prices must rise.
People aro also told that large
eastern centers are suffering from a
shortage of coal now.
Yet dispatches from Philadelphia
and New York say no coal famine or
oxtremo scarcity exists there or in
any large eastern cities; that, on the
contrary, no alarm Is folt and that
so far as domestic coal is concerned,
tho supply "Is nbout as plentiful as
Reports frpm Chicago say that
tho prlco of coal will again advance
with tho flrBt touch of roal wlntor.
Yet tho commltteo of operators
authorized to speak for tho produc
ers gives out the Htatoment that "tho
lnrgor mining companies are holding
absolutely to their circular prices;
that they havo not advanced theso to
tho dealors to whom they sell and
havo no Intention of doing so." 1
Thnso Interesting sidelights on the
coal situation tend to dlscloso tho
Husptclon that a dealors' combine
may have moro to do with the ar
rangement of prices j than wo aro
given to bollovo.
looking BacWard
'Iks Day to Omaha
"NOV. in.
Matters of Moment Noted By Army and Navy Register.
Delnrhetl ftert Ice.
Ilcmcmbor those ancient wlntor
evenings munching wlnosaps and
cracking nuts by tho cruckllng of
tho back log?
It will bo Interesting to know
what Prosldont-olcct Wilson has to
.B&y about that one-term plank in tho
platform on which ho was eloctcd.
Paving promoters must gq" Is
tho edict of tho Omaha city council.
Paving promoters havo bcon going
nomo as long as we cau remember.
Tho royal commission would make
divorce more easily (procurable In
forest Britain, ;Como over here, and
Nebraska will show you how to
lido it.
What will tho religious fanatic,
who predict Christ's coming im
mediately upon tho fall of Turkoy,
toffor as his excuso? Or will Turkoy
save him by not falling?
Already it appears Ban Francisco
lis to havo trouble- again with labor
fin building for the Panama-Pacific
exposition. It Is to bo hoped justice
land not avarice will bo tho guiding
, star.
Thirty Years Agi
Hon. J Sterling Morton, the defeated
candidate for governor, la In the city.
The Young Men's Christian association
Is conducting a week of prayer with!
services afternoon and evening.
The school board accepted the bid ot
A. II. Donecken to build 133 feet of fenc
Ing for the Third ward school house
for 120.
The November term of the United
Stated court began Its sitting with both
Judge Dundy and Judge McCreary
E. K. Lane, superintendent of bridge
of tho Union Pacific and E. E. Bltck
ensdorfer, chief engineer, left for
Dr. 8. M. Knowlea of Creston, Minn.,
formerly of Omaha, ha recently been
appointed surgeon of tho Chicago, Mil-,
waukee and St. Paul railroad.
The official canvass of the election re
turns shows what Douglas county did
to woman suffrage. The amendment re
ceived only 1,324. In its favor as compared
with 4.0SS against It.
James II. Kernaham, a popular Union
Pacific conductor, and Mrs. M. A. Wells
were married at the brlde-s restnence,
southwest corner of Ninth and Pacific,
the ceremony being performed by Rov.
E. II. Graham, of the United Brethren
Twenty Years Ago
E. C. Calkins of Kearney spent the
day at the Paxton.
Charles Crate, night clerk at the Mercer
hotel, crated his goods for a vacation at
The official vote In Douglaa county
showed for president: Harrison, 10,701;
Cleveland, 2.8SI; Weaver, ,:r; Bldwell.
fW. "For governor: Grounae, 10,331; J.
Sterling Morton, 7.3U; Van wyck, 4,378;
Uentley. 309. 1
Plans were maturing among the
churches for big revival meetings under
the conduct of Rev. B. Fay Mills, a young
evangelist with a method all his own, but
said to resemble Moody somewhat In his
manner of wopk.
New Arrival at Pie Counter.
Thoy aro gathering thick nnd fast
about tho .democratic festal board,
whore tho plo soon is to bo divided
and apportioned among tho hungry.
This task of feeding a political fam
ily has always taxed the Hklll and re
sources of tho most artful
diplomats, but a now oloment prom
ises to complicate the situation more'
than over. A now arrival in the
pnrfeon of tho femlulno voter stands
at tho counter and demands food,
nor Uko Lazarus of old In alio con
tent to take the crumbs that fall
from tho table. Mrs. Clara Short-
ridgo Foltz, loading suffragist of
tho tempestuous state of California,
sends tho presldont-oloct this note:
Accept my congratulations. In making
up your cabinet please conrider tho
women of the ten suffrage ftntes. As a
member of your cabinet, a wise,
scholarly woman would bring to your
council great assistance for tho universal
good ot the people.
And will tho now executlvo daro
Ignore- tlto claim? Prior to Novem
ber C, six states gave woman the
right to voto. Thoy woro Wyoming,
Colorado, Utah, Idaho, California
anu Washington. Four more -
Michigan, Kansas, Oregon and Ari
zona -Joined tho list at tho Into eloo-
tlon, making ton in nil. President
elect Wilson has a now puzzlo to
Ten, Year" Agi
Edward O'Connor, to years of age, ded
at the family home. 110 Jackson street.
and the funeral services at 8t. Phllo-
mena'a church were announced with In
tcrment at St. Mary's cemetery, South
"The Tide of Life," which flowed Into-
tho Boyd last night, might as well have
been called "The Tide of Death," for
while one or two members of the. cast
escaped nllve, most of them- w!nt up In
smoko at the roaring climax
Several members of tho central com
mittee of the Order of Railway Train
men were hero to present demands to
the Union Pacific for more wages. Those
In the delegation were: J. E. Murphy.
Grand Island, chairman; Charles Bogue
North Platte, secretary: E. P. Ferrynmn,
Omaha: Robert W. Cain, Kansas City;
J. F. Campbell, T. T. Oarrett, Cheyenne,
The district court onco more lassoed
the official heads of the municipality of
Omaha with a restraining order. Issued
upon petition of Dr. 8. -D. Mercer and
other proporty owners nVnr the site of
the old market place, which stopped work
for the tltpe on, he Capitol avenue mar
ket project. The "ase was before Judge
Dickinson, and the order ran ngatnst
Mayor Moores. City plerk Elbourn,
Treasurer Hennlngs, Comptroller West
berg and members of the Hoard of pub
lic Works,
The secretary of war has been giving
his attention to a draft of legislation
nhlch Is likely to be sent to the house
and senate military committees as soon
j as conrress reconvenes In December. This
(draff relates to a proposed amendment of
the existing law concerning detoehed serv
ice. The military authorities have en
countered considerable trouble In prepar
ing the list of changes of station which
must ensue by December It, In accordance
with the terms of the new statute. It
Is not only a difficult matter to provide
succesors to officers who are relieved
from dnuty. but It Is equally difficult to
find suitable assignments for some of the
lattfr. It Is felt that the situation would
be less perplexing If It were possible to
make an exception of regimental staff
duty prior to December 15. It Is realized
that congress Intended to Include this
rlass of duty n detached service, and this
can be done without trouble If It is per
mitted to start nfrcsh from; any given
date. In the recommendations of the
War department to congress on this sub
ject, therefore, It will be pointed out that
an advantage will ensue If It Is possible
to disregard. In connection with existing
law, on tho subject, service rendered prior
to December IS, 1912, as a staff officer of
n tactical command not higher than the
regiment or Its equivalent. It is also de
sired by the War department to dlsre
gard service as student officer at the
service schools at Forts Riley. Leaven
worth and Monroe. This class ot service
It Is intended, shall be without restriction
as to time either before or after Decem
ber 15.
Aott Appointments.
Now that the excitement of the presi
dential campaign Is over, It Is expected
that tho president will give his attention
to nominating army officers for exist
ing and prospective vacancies in senior
grades. The appointment of a brigadier
general to fill the existing vacancy is
expected to be announced as a recess ap
pointment shortly. The Impression pre
vails in Washington that Mr. Taft will
appoint as general officer, with tho
rank of brigadier general, Gen. William
Crosier, now chief of ordnance, and
recently assigned to duty as president of
the Army war college. It has been com
monly understood that General Crosier
wou.d be made a general officer, as was
General C. R. Edwards, former chief of the
Insular bureau, and that he would ulti
mately become chief of staff of the
army. officers who have been
mentioned in connection with the appoint
ment arc Colonel Charles A. Booth of the
Infantry arm, and Colonel H. O. t
stand of the adjutant general's
tnent. If General Crozlcr Is appo'.r..
will leave a vacancy at the head ot
ordnance department, which position
destined to bo filled by Colonel Hogo.
Btrnle, now on duty as acting chief ot
ordnance and the senior officer of his
grade In the ordnance department. Gen
eral James Allen, chief signal officer o!
the army, will be retired by operation ol
law on February U, and the Impression
prevails that he will be succeeded by
Colonel George P. Scrlven. the nxt rank
ing officer of the signal corps. Others of
that branch of the army who have been
mentioned In this connection are Lieu
tenant Colonel William A. Olassford, who
retires a year before Colonel Scriven, who
will reach the retiring age In February.
118. and Major Samuel Reber.
Xrxt Vmr'a Retirements.
There remain for 1912 but two retire
ments In the army by operation of law.
Those arc. Colonel F. W, Mansfield, Sec
ond Infantry, on November 11 and Briga
dier General Edward J. McClernand on
December 29. The retirements during the
year 1912 arc:
Colonel William II. Miller, quartermas
ter corps, on duty at Seattle, January M-
Colonel George R. Cecil of tho infantry
nrrny, February 12.
Brigadier General .James Allen, chief
signal officer, February 13.
Lieutenant Colonel Frank Greene, slg
nal corps, on duty at headquarters west
ern division, March 16.
Colonel Louis A. La Garde of the medi
cal corps, on duty at the Army Medical
school, April 15.
Brigadier General Walter S. Schuyler,
commanding Department of California
April 26.
Colonel Arthur Williams, Eleventh in
fantry. April 29.
Brigadier General Frederick A. Smith,
commanding Department ot Missouri
May 1J.
Colonel Calvin D. Cowles, Fifth In
fantry, on duty nt Plattsburg Barracks
June 2S.
Brigadier General Edgar 'A. Stoever,
commanding Department of Texas, Au
guest 20.
Colonel Cornelius Gardener, Sixteenth
Infantry, on duty at tho Presidio of San
Francisco, September 4.
Colonel A. R. Paxton of the Infantry
arm, on duty In the Philippines, Octo
ber 5.
Brigadier General Ralph W. Hoyt. Com
manding department of the Lakes. Octo
ber 9.
Colonel William T. Rossell, corps of
engineers, on duty at Now York City,
October It. '
Colonel Frank Baker,, ordnance depart
ment. on duty at Bethlehem. Pa.. Octo
ber 29. ,
Colonel A. O. Brodle. adjutant general's
department, on duty at .the headquarters
of the western division, San Francisco,
November 13.
Chaplain Samuel II. Bell. First field
artillery, on duty at Schofield Barracks,
". T., November 15.
"riKadler General William H. Blxby.
' of engineers, December 27.
ing the year there will be among
.-a I officers four vacancies, all in the
, mdt! of brigadier general. None of these
will occur before the end of the term of
President Taft on March .
Edith Serins to nie that you are buying
itt awful lot of clothes even for your
.Marie Welt, von e tmiut lit Mtiernl
when lie thinks that he Is getting me off
his hnnds. and therr's no telling what
he'll do when he finds that he lias Fred
dh his hands Boston Transcript.
'In this great and glurlou country ot
ours. exclaimed the political orator.
there Is no north, no south, no eest, no
No wonder we don't know where we
are at," came a querulous voice from the
outskirts or the crowd Town Topics.
there's note on the bill of fare."
We are not serving steak today, sir.
You see. wo have a new cook, and he
has not as yet arranged for his bond."
uouisvmc courier-Journal.
'Ma, does pa help to clean the streets?"
'WhBt a question? Of course, he
'But I heard him telling .Mr. Jaggs
that he fell off the water wagon the
other night." Baltimore American.
Wife (dining at restaurant) John, dear.
can you see what those people at me
next table are outlng7
Husband Can't see nt all, but It sounds
like celery. Life.
New York Times.
Down there In the valley, the city lies
Clear ami loud l hear the call the wind
bears up to me
But. ah! upon the hills the purple night
Is falling,
And breeswi lull the Unds to sleep upon
the swaying tree.
Down there In the alley, my unfinished
work is lying,
Book and pen He Idle there throughout
the livelong day
But. ah! withjn the west the opal light
is dying,
And from the upland meadow comes the
fragrance of the hay.
Down there In the valley, the world's
work Is a-stlrrlng;
The air Is thrilling with the noise of
forges nnd of mills
But. ah! 1 hear tho pound of the night
birds' wings a-whlrring.
And fnr away the blue-gray mist lies
heavy on the hills.
Down there In the valley, the city lies
With weary tret nnd troubled heart the
beaten paths are trod
But on the silver lake the veil of night H
And over the hill and wood there Hob
the brooding peace of God.
I And now, tho defeated democratic!
! candidate for governor In Iowa Is
declaring that victory "has bcon
stolen from me." When beaten,
charge theft. With such Illustrious
fprecodent, that is tho propor caper.
iWlth a margin of control ot only
one in tho lower houso of tho coin
ing Nebraska legislature, it behooves
Ltho democratic organization to take
out life insurance policies on all the
democratic members.
One of the aftermath thoughts is
that all but one of those states pre
sided over by those seven blessed
.little governors went agatnst the
colonel, Michigan alone voting for
fhlm. A governor is not without
thonor save in his own state.
According to the McManlgal
(Story there would have been two ex
iploslons In our new Omaha court
'house, instead of ono, woro it not for
the watchman and his dog. Score
loan for tho watchman, and two for
the dog.
k Thomas Gray's lines, "Full many
ka gem of purest ray sereno the dark
Sunfathotned caves of ocean boar;
ifull many a flower is born to blush
Passine of the Pavinsr Promoter.
The decision ot the city commis
sion to levy an embargo upon tho
paving1 promoter will meet stron
approval from proporty owners who
have had experiences with theso
men, or, moro to the point, with the
system under which thoy havo oper
ated. It has becomo a lucrative bnsl
ness to induce taxpayers to sign pav
ing petitions and petitions designat
ing ono kind of paving material und
also to change from ono to another
For Instance, hore Is a street whero
one material haa been ordered by
petition of the property owners and
along comes a promoter In the em
ploy, probably on commission buls,
of a contractor or dealer In another
material and by peculiar methods
persuades abutting owners to potl
tlon for a change to his ware.
Nor is that all; the Bjatom has
made possible even moro obvious
irregularities, uut the commission
should not stop with abolition ot the
promoter; It should provide an ado
quato substitute system. Why would
It not be well to have an employe of
the city with no Interest as to paving
materials or concerns to secure from
each properly owner an unbiased
nnd unbonght expression of choice
as to paving material ho prefers?
unseen ana waste its sweetness on
itbo desert air," might apply to some Would this not bo the cheapest way
(of those Balkan warriors lately un-'to avoid dissatisfaction nnd prevent
People and Events
Hie Bees Letter Box
Mr. Bryan ana the Now York World
agree on one proposition "Murphy
must." Tpe Washington Job Is not In
dicated. .
The salary' of Buttons socialist mayor
has been attached tor a laundry bill of
173. This seems a spectacular way nt
demonstrating that tho mayor Is one of
the great unwashed.
A 1 very Augustus A,dee, whose name at
tests the president's Thanksgiving proc
lamation, has been In the government
service forty-two years and In the State
department twenty-eight of the number.
Ills grip Is not an Adee fable.
Premier Asqulth affirms the Jacksontan
doctrine; "To the victors belong tho
spolU," rending Joyful thrills not only
to the Balkan allies but to every demo
crat from Cape Cod to Desolation Point.
One touch of "pie" makes much of the
world kin.
Andrew D. White, was the recipient of
marked tributes from Cornell and the citi
zens of his home town, Ithaca, N. v., on
his eightieth birthday annlvoriary laat
Thursday. Mrssagea of greeting and good
will from many psrta of the world
poured In on the distinguished American.
Mrr Hulxer, wife ot the guvernor-eleot
of New York, agrees with Bill that the
simple life will have the rail at the ex
ecutive mansion at Albany for two
years. If there be doubters Mrs. RuUer
will give them a whiff of th,e cooking
odors of ''corn beef and," circulating In
the executive kitchen.
Mrs. Madeleine Talmage Force- Attor
was appointed general guardian or her
son, John Jacob Astor, until he la 14
yenra old. by Surrogate Fowler ot New
York. The order permits her to spend
I30.0U0 a year for his support tor the
next three ysara and she It required to
give a bond of 120,000.
Wells college girls know all about It
and their atsurances that Mre. Cteve
land's fiancee. "Arty" Preston, is the
real goods." and "4 good rcout." will
ease the conscience' of "Mother Grundy."
The professor is described as a man of
SO who looks leas than 40; he's forceful
and refined, almost too refined; he's re
tiring and hates publicity he has black
hair streaked with gray and a black
mustache; he haa twenty-eight suits of
'clothes and In the parlance of Wells, li
"some clasiy dresser."
The man who beat Uncle Joe Cannon
tn the race tor congress Is Frank T
O'llalr, a husky youpg lawyer who
schedule himself as a "progressive dem
ocrat without strlngr," He Is , born
on a farm In Edgar county, Illinois.
graduate of Purdue and formerly mayor
of Paris, where his "shingle hangs out
Some Idea of his nerve may be had from
the fact that after winning the mayoralty
of Parla. O'Halr paid court to the only
daughter of the man he defeated and
.mad he Vrr p'JIair
Election .vrteriuntli.
BRADSHAW. Neb.. Nov. 12,-To the
Editor of Tho Bee: Ono more national
and stnto election has come and gone and
the results are fully known, and It was
a deniocratlo landfllde, such as has not
been known since 1892, and It looks some
thing llk a repetition of that eventful
year; but It Is certainly hoped that the
results will not bp as thoy were then.
However, we tire not going to fall Into
the Idea held by Mr. Clark, tho bull moose
defeated candldato itor congress, and
predict bad for the Incoming admlnlstra
tlon. Our partisan bllndnesj does not
lead us to want any such results to fol
low this democratic landslide as befell
the one ot W92. and we aro not going to
predict any kind of a disaster whatever,
Roosevelt and his h'trd of bull moosers
havo given us Mr. Woodrow Wilson for
our next president, and while the gift Is
not to our liking and much against our
will, we are going to accept him as our
president,- and be Just as loyal to our
government, both state and national, as
If our own choice, President Taft, had
been elected. .
We do not believe that Mr. Wilson and
democratic congress Is liable to com
mit any such overt acts as was com
mitted In the Cleveland ndmlnUtratton.
Mr. Wilson Is a conservative man. and
with ligh aspirations and a desire, no
doubt, to maVo a good record for him-
relf and his party, and looking back to
that eventful time of l?9!-9, ro fresh In
every mind, certainly good Judgment will
bid his administration go slow anu con-
ilder well, especially when tinkering with
the tariff and money questions.
Nebraska did not go bull moose as some
of our most sanguine bull moose friends
seemed to think It would-some so strong
that they let quite a wad slip through
their tinge: s. The democrats got the
electors and the governor, while the re
publicans got the rest of the state offi
cers. That the democrats would get tho
presidential electors and the governor
was a foregone conclusion long before
election day; nevertheless the governor
seems to blame almost everybody and
everything for his defeat, even to Colonol
Bryan, the state . university and the
churches everything except himself but
If the governor will take as mucu time
anl give ns much thought to some of the
things he has so heroically Indulged In
during the last campaign, beginning In
April, he will certainly discover where
he, by his own acts, had laid the very
foundation upon which, his defeat was
built. We do not rtfer to hla adminis
tration we have no right to do that but
we do refer to his unwonted activity In
bringing about the disruption ot the
republican party, which he, with others,
have accomplished, and his defeat lays
directly at the foundation ot his wisdom,
or the unwisdom, of his own acts, and it
certainly sounds childish for him to try
to lay the blame elsewhere. 'Nuff said.
marked Its spirit. As a collocation of
autobiographical utterances bearing on
tho pathological, neurotic and erratic side
of Strlndberg's wild nature, the speaker
was In his tights. But since this wius all
tho lecture conveyed In order to evalua
tion of this tragic genius. It was factl
tlvely not Strindberg the literary genius
we wero Introduced to, but a pathological
figure w(th the name Strindberg. And
when the lecturer then added: -"And this
la the man that Sweden honors." my
heart rose In gentle revolt, pr say. would
It be thinkable that such a mere mass ot
error, immoralities nnd neurotic extrava
gance would busy professors of HterpUure
nil over the world of culture. If Strindberg
woro no more? If he were not also a
literary genius? If he were not also, as
we who know the Swedish language know.
li recreator of the marvelloui language
of beauty? Our poor farms are full of
pathological figures. The literary schol
ars do not lecture on them"
No. not the Strindberg of tho lecture
does Sweden honor! ' Personally I abhor
the spirit of most of Strindberg. But iv
literary genius he was, though he had
debauched himself. The Swedish language
has by him been molded In new forms.
A literary estimate of the man ought at
least to have made that clear. That be
longs to what Walter Pater so nobly calls
"appreciation." Moreover, In speaking of
the pathological side of that broKen
genius, why wns not the. Inner spiritual
struggle of the man set forth In a clear
nnd genetic manner, and almost only
fragmentary utterances of his repugnant
self and his pitiable childhood training.
To grasp the great pathological natures
like poor Strindberg and tho equally
pitiable great philosopher. Nietzsche, to
name no more, we must feel those souls
from within. For had they not hail a
message, tho world would not have
thrown itself for and against them.
Strlndberg's spirit Is not typically
Swedish. In Its bitter revolt. Then the
world's greatest woman writer, Selma
Lagerlof, Is so Infinitely more. Even her
kinswoman, tho world's most profound
woman thinker. Ellen Key. Is bo, far
more than Strindberg, perhaps, radical
as Ellen Key. Ala, may be. So with all
my cordial gratefulness to the lecturer
for what he meant to give, for awaken
ing thoughts and noblo language. I really
wish we might have been made deeply
acquainted with the real Strindberg. man
of frratlc literary genius, and not only
wlth a figure of pathology called Strind
berg. That the lecturer takes time to give
this series of lectures In Omaha merits
the appreciation of all who havo literary
Interest. The writer of this letter fer
vently looks forward to the next lecture
of the series, even If It also nhould set
his mind debating. ADOLF HULT,
Prflf.t.rnmiiiuiMi'a Strlndbergl Lecture
OMAHA, Nov. 12,-To the Editor of The
Pee; The splendid courtesy of Mr. C, N,
Diets has made possible a scries ot lit
erary and historical lectures, begun last
Monday afternoon by Prof. Paul Grum
mann of the State university. August
Strindberg, the late Swedish author, wna
the theme.
Aa the purpose of public lectures must
be Information, education .nnd Inspiration,
and on safe grounds, public criticism Is
certainly pertinent The lecture was In-
Washington Post: Judging by the wa
those Balkanera have been handling the
terrible Turk, one can well understand
why the powers are cautiously refrain
ing from any hasty Intervention Just now,
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Turkey, an
ticipating Its own carving, intimates Its
intention to friszle a few thousand help
less Constantinople Christians In advance.
The Thanksgiving feast ot the Balkan
allies should be advanced on the calen
dar. Chicago N'wa: War correspondents
should go a llttlb slow1 on their massacre
stories or they will soon tell how the
Turkish armies In their mad flight
through Constantinople paused only long
enough to murder their wives and chll.
Boston Transcript: King Peter enters
the ancient Servian capital, where na
sovereign ot his land has set foot In 500
years, but he that ruled there so long
ago was not Peter's ancestor, for even
some centuries later the Karageorgevltch
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