Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Announces the
Greatest Clothing Sale in the History I
'lilh Uhb: OMAHA, JWhhM)A, MAlvMBhR. U liL2.
At 8:00 A. M. Sharp
Through a Really Wonderful Purchase From the House of Kuppenheimer of
Made to retail at $25 to $40. A big portion of these .suits are silk lined. Sale prices, $17.50 and $22.50. We are enabled to offer the men of Omaha
The House of Kuppenheimer makes the finest clothes in America. Every suit offered in this sale is absolutely perfect.
The sale stands unprecedented in Omaha's history. These are unheard of reductions for Kuppenheimer clothes.
We Announce This Great Sale of Men's Suits Tkat Were Hade To Sell at
$12 and $15,Now
$18 and $20, Now
$25 and $30, Now
SH 2 i il
VJ? Z L mm
$35 and $40, Now
"Losses on Ranges Last Winter Have
Brought About Conservation.
' Wyoming; nnncher Gives IntprentliiR
Tlfw of the Sltiintlon nn lie
Here It to Kxlst In the
Htockrnlslns Con 11 try.
"Those who complain of high prices
'-of meat win see the prices higher yet
before spring," said John Flndloy.
sheepman frpm Tender, Wyo., In
Omaha Tuesday. "The republicans, demo
crats or bull moose will not nave any
thing to do with It, cither. The live
stock supply la simply not In the country,
find for that reasons meat of all kinds
Kill be scarce.','
Mr. Flndloy said the sheep run for this
fall Is about over, as practically all the
fhoep have been cleared out of Wyoming
land tflo other sheep states. Very few
range cattle, he said, 'ure now left on
the ranges, and he called attention to tho
fact that the hog crop Is especially short
n the hog raising states.
Sheep IlnnlncnH Dwindle.
"'There will never be flocks of Bheep
on the ranges again like those of the past.
Rankers are growing conservative because
they are beginning to reallzo that there
Isn't as much range to pasture sneep as
there used to be, and consequently the
Josfc3 H winter are greater. It is
harder now loget a bank to advance
money on a large flock of -sheep. They
learned something last winter when they
found that after advancing money to
tarry the sheep, they had to advance
larger sums to the ranchers to buy hay
jto keoR the sheep through the winter.
.-Way was tSO a ton, but the sheep had
to have It. because the range grass had
been cropped too short In summer. Then
"came the worst blo- of all. After the
uheep had been wintered through at great
expense, there came heavy storms In
April during the lambing season, which
killed sheep by tho millions. It Is no
wonder .that the bankers are conservative
now. There are many largo ranchers
that went so far in the hole last winter
that It will taken them ten years to get
I, noli for Sninll Crop.
"But while the crop of sheep was short
this year on account of tho storms, I look
for even a smaller crop next spring. The
bankers have crowded tho sheep growers
for money and forced them to sell every
thing that Is saleable, forcing many ot
them to reduce the large flocks down to
1,600. Fifteon hundred owes for a ranch
man are not enough to restock the ranges,
as you can't flguro on more than 75 per
cent as many lambs as owes."
Arthur rtugh, national student secre
tary for China of the Young Men's Chris
tian association, will 'deliver an address
Wednesday noon at tiio Young Men's
Christian association before a number ot
Omaha business men. In the evening lie
will be the principal speaker at a dinner
to be given at the same place.
Mr. Hugh Is a nativo of Pennsylvania.
lie was born In 1873. He attended Witten
berg college nt Springfield, O., and was
graduated In 101. He has been In China
for six years and visited practically all
the provinces In the Interest of the asso
ciation. He will talk on China at the
meeting Wednesday night.
CLAUEMOUE, OI0., Nov. li.-A Jury
for the trial of H. O. Jeffries, editor of
the Nowata Advertiser, charged with tho
murder of Mis. Irene Goheen last April,
was obtained today. The taking of evi
dence will begin tomorrow.
Mrs, Ooheen was an advertising solici
tor employed on Jeffries' paper, llor
body, with the skull fractured, was
found in a pasture. Near the scene were
footprints of a horse, shod with racing
(hoes. Plaster casts of these prints were,
It Is said, found .to correspond to the
shoos of Jeffries' race horse.
$100,000 Window is
Displayed at Store
Of Fred Brodegaard
Fred Hrodegaard Monday observed the
twenty-eighth anniversary of his Jewelry
business by giving away souvenirs and
holding a general reception for the pub
lic at his new store, 203 South Sixteenth
street. Mom than 1,000 beautiful sou
venirs were given away in three hours.
The reception was begun nt 12 o'clock.
Many thousand perrons visited the store
and Inspected tho largo stock.
In addition to giving away souvenirs,
Mr. Brodegaard also made a special dli
play In one of his show windows, having
on view there more than 1100,000 worth
of diamonds, watches and pearls. Ac
cording to Mr. Brodegaard this Is tho
first J100.000 window that has over been
displayed In Omaha.
During the reception In the afternoon
a band furnished music, playing many of
tho most popular airs of tho day and at
tracting a large crowd. Each fall Mr.
Brodegaard has a Christmas opening, it
which time ho makes a special showing
of holiday goods. He this year combines
the fall opening with his anniversary
Five Men Killed in
Hunting Accidents
VIRGINIA, Minn., Nov. 11.-Five per
sons have been killed In hunting acci
dents In northern Minnesota nnd Wis
consin, according to reports which reached
Virginia today. Near Sand Lake, Joseph
Kuskl, aged 15, was shot and killed ac
cidentally by Kmll Jacobson, n hunting
companion, and at Mountain iron Arthur
Hill fatally shot J. W. Nelson, a mem
ber of tho sume party. August MnrUnr.
aged II, near Knife Valley, dropped his
I gun on a stump and the Jar discharged
it, a load of Bhot killing the boy. Carl
Nelson and Qeorgo Fehrenbeck were
drowned when the canoe In which tlnty
were hunting ducks capsized In Oremi
Bay, Wis.
At Chrlsholm today a reckless hunter
fired point-blank at a group of workmen,
but they, accustomed to working In tho
woods, during the hunting season an
ticipated his act nnd escaped Injury by
dropping flat on tlV.-lr faces.
For Dandruff, Falling Hair or
Itchy Scalp 25 Cent "Danderine"
SaVtNhe hair! Danderine destroys dandruff and Btops falling
hair at once Grows hair, we prove it.
If you care for heavy hair, that glistens
with beauty and Is radiant with life: has
an Incomparable softness and is fuffy
and lustrous you must use Danderine,
because nothing else accomplishes so
much for the hair.
Just one application of Knowlton's
Danderine will double the beauty of your
lialr. besides It immediately dissolves
very particle of dandruff; you cannot
have nice, heavy, healthy hair If you
have dandruff. This destructive scurf
robs the hair of Its lustre. Its strength
ui.d its very life, and If not overcome It
produces a feverlshnesa and itching of
k" scalp, the hair roots famish, loosen
and die; then the hair falls out.
If your hair has been neglected and Is
thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily,
don't hesitate, but get a 25-cent bottle ot
Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store
or toilet counter; apply a little as di
rected and ten minutes after you will
say this was the best Investment you
ever made.
We sincerely believe, regardless of
everything else advertised that If you
desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and
lots of It no dandruff no Itching scalp
and no more falling hair you must use
Knowlton's Danderine. If eventually
why not now? A 25-cent bottle will truly
amaze you. Advertisement.
May Call Militia
To Suppress Strike
Among Students
STAIUCVILLE, Miss., Nov. ll.-Declar-ing
that If necessary he would call out
the state militia to protect loyal stu
dents, Governor Brewer today took a
hand In tho "strike" of classmen at the
Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical
Institute, who "walked out" after Presl
dent Hlghtower had refused to rescind
an order prohibiting men from visiting
young women students in classrooms out
of study hours. It wan announced today
that 250 men students had left the college.
Governor Brewer, who attended' today's
session at the Institute, asserted that the
contention of the students was groundless
He said writs ot arrest had been Issued
for striking seniors and that they would
be taken Into custody unless they left the
college grounds. -
It was reported that young men stu
dents did not consider President High
tower's order unfair.
Ilenth on tho (inline
Is sharp, short agony. The lame back of
Kidney trouble Is dally misery. Take,
Electric Bitters for quick relief. 00c. For
ale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement,
ST. PAI'I,, Minn., Nov. 11 -The Denver
City Tramway company Is entitled to the
uso of every street In Denver until 1920,
according to a decision of tho United
States court of appeals handud down to
day. The deoislon was filed in litigation of
tho Mercantile Trust company. New York,
mortgagee of the tramway company,
agalnBt the city nnd county of Denver.
Tho trust company nought to have the
franchise granted In 18S6 mode final In
all Its parts.
The court holds that under a special
agreement ratified by the. voters In IPOS
tho matter cannot be adjudicated until 1J24
and that the prcsont franchise Is not
WASHINGTON, D. C Nov. ll.-Charles
Page Bryan, United States ambassador
to Japan, today tendered his resignation
to President Taft, who reluctantly ac
cepted It. Mr. Bryan gave ill health,
hrought on by a carriage accident In
Japan, as the reason for his resignation.
He Is now nt his home In Eimhurst, IU.
receiving medical treatment.
CHICAGO. Nov. U.-Unlted Slates Dls-
trlot Judge K. M. Iandls was doflnd by a
woman today In the Inquiry Into the man
ner In which her husband conducted his
private banking business, Mrs. Margaret
Klrby was tho woman and she refused
for ten minutes of steady questioning by
the Judgo himself to answer.
"Why not?" asked Judge Iandl.
"Because," she roplled,
Tho court finally entered a rule requir
ing her to nnswer by tomorrow.
Mr. Klrby Is under arrest on a chnrgo
that she continued on Insolvent banking
biiHlnesa after she knew she was Insolvent
and after her husband had been ndjudgod
ninke Hhut Ur Trumps.
MOBEKhV. Mo., Nov. ll.aeorgn
Blake of this city was killed hern to
night by two trumps, who had robbod
him a half hour before. Blaktvand three
companions were hold up by the tramps
and Blake later secured his shotgun and
went In search of tho robbers. They were
hiding behind a pile of nteel rntls and
shot Blake ns he came suddenly .upon
NEW YORK. Nov. 11. Theodore ncoee
velt made a formal statement tonight
bearing upon the election and the future
progressive party. In line with previous
expressions of his own and of his col
leagues, he reiterated that the "Progres
sive party has come to say," and "So
far from being over, the battle has Just
He regards the party's showing In poll
ing rnore than 4,000,000 votes In the face
of numerous obstacles naturally In the
path of a new movement as "Literally
unparalleled In the history of free government,"
Carefully selected at the seasons of their greatest medicinal value, are
skilfully and harmoniously combined with other valuable1 ingredients in
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Making it, in our opinion, the strongest and safest, the most thorough
and most successful, and the most widely useful medicine for the.
Blood, Stomach, Liver and Sidneys
It contains not only SarBaparilla, but abio thoso great Alteratives, StiUingia
and Blue Flag; thoso great Anti-Slllous and Liver remedies, Mandrake and
Dandelion; those great Kidnoy remedies, Uva TJrai, Juniper Berries and Pipsissewa;
those great Stomach Tonics, Gentian Root and "Wild Cherry Bark; and other
curative agents harmoniously combined. It has been found of -wonderful benefit
For Rheumatism, Sciatica, Catarrh, Stomach Troubles,
Kidney and Liver Affections, Scrofula, Eczema, Skin
Diseases, Blood Poisons, Boils, Ulcers, Jill Eruptions,
General "Debility, Loss of Appetite, That Tired Feeling,
and other ills arising from impure state of the blood.
Over 40,000 Testimonials in Two Years warrant your entire confidence
and warrant us in urging YOU to give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial.
GET A BOTTLE TODAY. fMparsd by C. 1. HOOD CO, Liwolt, Mat;
Toothache Gum
Uied by Million! the World Ortr.
All drus .tore, or by mail. 15c
Darken the Hair
Naturally With
Simple Remedy
A feeling of sadness accompanies the
discovery of the first gray hairs which
unfortunately are looked upon as heralds
of advancing age. Gray hair, however
haudsomo it may Ixj, makes a person
look old. Wo all know tho advantages
of being young. Aside from the good
Impression a youthful appearance makes
on others, simply knowing that you are
"looking fit" gives one courage to under
take and accompllsti things So why sur
fer tho hundlcup of looking old on ac
count of gray hairs, when a simple rem
edy will glvo your huh- youthful color
and beauty In a few days' time?
Moat people know that common garden
auge acts as a color restorer and scalp
tonic as well. Our grandmothers used a
"Hage Tea" for keeping their hair dark.
soft and luxuriant. In Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur lialr Jtrnedy we have an ideal
preparation of Sage, combined with Sul
phur und other vegetable remedies for
dandruff, Itching scalp and thin, weak
hair that Is split nt thn ends or constant
ly coming out. A few applications of this
valuable remedy will bring back the color
and In n short time It will remove every
trace ot dandruff and greatly improve
Uie growth nnd appearance of the hair.
Get a, fifty cent bottle from your drug
gist today, and notice tiro difference In
your hair nfter a few days' treatment.
All druggists sell It, under guarantee that
the money will be refunded If the rsmedy
li not exactly as represented.
Agents, Sherman & McConnell Drug
Co., 103 So. 16th-324 So. I6th-207 N. 16th
and 24th and Farnam Sts. Advertisement.
w 11 sw rxssssssL
of all varieties cured in
In a few days without
pain or loss of time. No
pay wlllbe accepted un
til the putlent l.i cured.
Write or call,
"Fidelity" Rupture Cut
Rig U. 8, fit. Offica
Prank X, Wray, M. D,
B Building, Omaha