TIII-J BKK: OMAHA, WKDXESDAV, NOVEMBER 13, VA2. B UY YOUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES AT A BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOE STORE This Balcony shoe depart ment of ours is busy shooing boys mid girls. Our export fitters linve had yours of experience In flttlnp. chlldrpn's feot with comfortablo, perfect fitting shoes. All shoes are indelibly ninrkccUin plain figures with the sifcos ami price-the long-wearing qunlitie.s leave an Impression Just as Indelible. Shoes in all leathers, either button or lace styles. A paternal duty you owe that boy or girl is to bring them hero whore each fitting Is given direct Individual attention, Growing Girls' sizes, SIX KILLED BY EXPLOSION S i Ton of Dynamite Set Off in Plant at Gary, Ind. ! SHOCK IS FELT FOR MILES Boys' sizes, 2 to C, 2.7n-$!J.r0 Little Gents sizes, 10H to 13 . . . . .$2.00 to $.1.00 Children's sizes, 8 v. to im . . . $2.25 t $:.oo "V, to c $:i.oo to JM.no Misses' sizes, 111 to 2 $2.7." to $!J.7n TOE VOUNfr PEOPLE'S OWN 3TORC 1518-20 FAR NAM STREET. tf the newspapers way be Our great i m in to prevent any Issiii ot the in rrom becoming a mutter between the riple alliance (Germany, Austria-Hun-mry nnd Italy) and the triple ontcnlc France, Oret llrltaln and ltussla). Whatever dlscusslonB, may have taken place between theso ifroups, It Is a fact that no official utteranco on their bolialf has been mad. 1 "One thing In absolutely certain nnd that ,1s on 0110 wans wnr. On tlto con trary, wo are all determined .to have peace, and do you think 11 Uesllon audi as that between Austria and Pcrvla would bo worth 11 general conflagration? AVc all think not." Inquiries In other quarters add to the Impression thaf modcrato counsels are prevailing. lleeervWta Arrive from Ainrrlen. ATHENS. Nov. 1I.-A body of l.COO Creek reservists from America nrrlved today. A detail of 300 military police has left for BolonIM to police tho city, Irnclrc MolillUntlnii hi KnKlnnil. ALDEIUMOT. Kngland, Nov. 12.-A iractice mobilisation of the whole of tho troops stationed at thn military camp hero, has been ordored by U10 war office. 1 ha troops compose 11 11 entire army corps, with infantry, cavalry, artillery and the jstlary services complete. Tho troops ot the Aldorshot military camp are virtually always on 11 war fool ins. Tho command Is the most extensive in the British Isles and tho "troops of the London garrison ure uttached to it. Tho various arms are represented by twenty-four battalions, of Infantry, twen ty, fuur batteries of horso and field itrtll- lery. two regiments 01 cvu lUt thlrtyflvo miles from year-old ton of Joseph Hallos of the imiuo town Thn shoiitiiiKi which took place Ximday night, nn dolio with 11 shotgun, tho iharge taking effect In the boy's Ickm. Pulnka tlalms the shouting was accidental, LAY CORNERSTONE OF REBELS' MONUMENT (Continued from Pago One.) length the causes and events of the civil wnr. lustier (or Itrliels. "Tho present," hn said, "In the era not only of honors to tho dead, but of Justice, to tho motives and patriotism of both union and confedrrato soldiers," Jlr. Bryan praised the work of tho Daughters of the Confederacy In erecting the monument, and lauded tho spirit that prompted north nnd south to join In licnl Ing wounds catisd by tho war. "Let this monument," ho said, bo em blematic of our nation's unity ot aim and purpose. 'Standing on the line that once separated thn two friendly sections, It becomes a bond of unity and breathing thn spirit ot lllm who laid the founda tions of a universal brotherhood, It wttl bo to tho country a promlso of novcr ending good will." About tho enmerstono ns It was lowered Into place stood Colonel Herbert, Mrs. Frank O. Oldnnhclmcr, first vice president of tho Daughters of . tho Confederacy; Corporal Tanner, and Miss Mary Leo. dlfughtpr of the southern commandcr-ln-chief, nbellrt 13. I.ee. Following tho laying of tho cornerstone arnty service corps and mcdlcat corps, 'work on the confederate shnfjlsto bo I.ondoii and thtfrlfta 'battalions, are ......... i,.r. hv railroad 111 case of ,n...fliel.ed there by railroad in cae mobilization. Ch-racd WiY. 'Stl..K "' , YANKTON. H. 1.;W- 12.-(BlK Clal ) Joseph Peclnka of l.estervlllo Is under Birost on the charge ot shooting the 1- jiusheU without tfejarrnnd officers of te Paugliter )f the. Confederacy i,oj& 10 unveil tho monument beforo tho re union of union and confederate veterans ut Gettysburg battlefield next July. Rlr Moses" Kieklel, tho sculptor.' lui practically completed tho dcslBn, in whlcli a woman typifying the jouth extends a laurel wreath over tho graven of the dend, whllo her left hand rests upon 11 plow. llrtlm AVcrr In I'nrklnic I'lnnt t!n unsril In ItrpnlrhiK Mnehlnr Wlirn Arrlilrnt Occurred i (Inr Injnrril. flAItV. Ind., Nov. lu Fix men were kilted by an explosion of 3.000 pounds of dynamite in one of the hacking houses at tho plant of the Aetna Powder tom- pany near Gary, Ind. The dead Include William Halpln, fore man, Charles Hohmldt, C O. Carlson and tlireo unidentified workmen. A number of workmen woro reported to liavo been ! Injured, but officials of tho powder com pany sold this was Incorrect. Tho men who lost their lives were re pairing n packing machine when tho ex plosion occurred. Tho dynamite was loose In 100-pound lots on thn packing tray and but for this tho accident would hftve been much more severe. A South Khoro Intrrurban train was within a few hundred yards of the plant, but no one on the train was Injured, al though tho shock broke windows In the town of Miller, a mile distant, The build ings are sunk In the ground, only tho skylight being above tho surface, and are widely separated. This arrangement of buildings prevented complete destruction of the plant. Noted Surgeons Wield Scalpel for Charity NKW YOIIK, Nov. 12.-Ncnrly 200 lend ing burgeons of tho world wielded the stvilpvl for charity In New York's hos pitals today. In 171 institutions In the city cj! riles wcro held by mombers of the Congress of Hurgenns of North America, gatlicred here moro than 2,000 strong, for their third annual convention. As their guests havo como eminent surgeons from abroad, Thn operations covered a broad field In alinost'ovcry branch of surgery. In many hospitals hero unusual cbsca havo been uccumulutlng'for days In order that tho country's most famous Burgeons might perform -tho operations. Thcro will be 100 or moro operations dally, until tho congress ndjourns Satur day night, or approximately 1,000 alto gether. WOMAN FATALLY SHOT AT R0SEDALE, KANSAS 1 KANSAS CITY, Nov. 12.-Mrs. Florence IJarber, shot through tho abdomen last night while wheccllng her baby nlong tho street nenr her homo In Itoscdalo, Kan., a suburb, cannot recover, physi cians tiuld today, Police and county of ficers Institute a thorough search for her assailant, whom sho said she wounded with his own revolver in her strugglo to protect herself and baby, Tho pollco believe the aj-sallant was a burglar who shot, tho woman for protec tion after sho had seen him leaving a homo ho had robbed. Litters of a Slim-Mads Wanart to Har Fat Sister Seyentb; X-tt.n On tb. rat worn--. mlmbl-cf-Watr aatli. Dear Bis: -Just out of he;-' omted-BlowtiiB and hungtlly uwiiluiu he dinner sonc with the appetite and di gestion of a stevedore. And such a bath us 1 had-you remember that before 1 took 6ff that W pounds excess weight there used to be a tubful-of-me-aud-H-St"of.watcr and 1 J" mywlt through several "rliislnKB to bet rid of the excess soap. Yon Inow, st. -bat a 4ll mlMrr-ena n-f.iltr-tlhnf ucl ta b thin 1 M ft. Jul YkT. 1 h. rotten rid ot lht "dl. V,'m to Srom.trlMl DtU,." I c.n sot onlr t4k a rl Uta In rl water, brt en wu6 "nTSu ir. o.n't fertt to follow th.t .. .A. ...1. 1 ran. iou tfiaint-r It Kjwoarul . null wOl tl l; 4lw111 b asked not only to Investigate the ,4 ffuTOMW!:' cnus"' '"to the re. pllon an4 r t oat hat jo lllie. b. ; laljr too cnoow ' DEATH LIST OF WRECK GROWS TO EIGHTEEN MiW CITIIjTjANS, Iai.. Nov. 12,-The total death list of yesterday's wreck on the Yaxoo & Mississippi Valley railroad nt Monti, La., today Includes eighteen. Feven of the ninety iasseii6era who suf fered Injuries were In o critical condition. Mark Cunningham, tho brakoman on whose shouldeta railroad officials yestcr dey placed tho blame for tho accident, declared today he would not suffer for the responsibility of others. Cunningham claims that when he was sent-back to flag the train It was only a few minutes behind the excursion train and that the collision was unavoidable so far as he w concerned. The Interstate Commerce conlmlsnlnn Army Orders WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.-First IJeu teuant I-w1h II. Wntktns, corps of engi neers. Is relieved from station In this city and will take station at Washington barracks. District of Columbia. Captain llenjamlu J. Tillman, Twenty seventh infantry. Is detailed us n mem ber of Cj army retiring board at Fort Unynrd.ilce Captain Walter 11. Klllott, Infantryr hereby relieved. . Lieutenant Colonol F.uolld 11. Friclc. medical corps, Is detailed a a member of tho army retiring board appointed at Ban Frnnclsco, vice Lieutenant Colonel James D. Clennan, medical corps, horoby cue ru. Warm Overcoats feel comfortable these chilly days. We make good coats of kersey, mel ton or cheviot at $25 to $45. Every garment well lined, skillfully tail ored and guaranteed perfect in fit and style. Good business suits to order $25 and up. ASK MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. Plow,, When and What to Wear. .'iOI-ilOO .South Kith St. 3 , Murders Her Young Daugnter and Then Tries KiU Herself CHICAGO, Nov. 12. To take it vcnge on bis wife, with whom he had qua-riled, Charles noes killed his 2-car-uM daughter today. The child had been smothered to denth. A note pinned to tho pillow on which the child lav w.vs signed by the father, who admitted his deed. The jiolle were unable to find lilm Continuous Stream of Hot Apple Pies 8POICANK, Wash., Nov. 12,-Tho spec tacle ot a continuous stream ot hot apple pies coming by means of an endleM chain arrangement out of a lingo oven at the rate of 2,&0) an hour, and then given away to spectators, will be a fea ture every afternoon this week ot the fifth national appte show now being held here. According- to a statement made by President 11. B. Btrahorn of tho Fruit Growers' nssoulatlon today, the apple crop In the United States fell from 70,000 (Kin barrels in lfUW to 22,00,00 In ISM, but now Is steadily Increasing. Tho produc tion this year, ho said, Is estimated at 4S.OOO.O0O barrels. OIt Marowla a periUWnt trial "4 In tha .ni ou will win aa r 411, jour Slim Mad. . Adrtlaiant. IT'S FINE FOR Catarrh XUlions of CaUrrh Victims Xava Vsa Booth's KYOKEX with Wonderful Results Thla picture showa tho little hard rubber JIYOMKI Inhaler the ex uct slie. If you own one you tan get a bottle of 11Y OMK1 lliquld) for only 0 cts. If you do not own one, ! 00 will secure for you a complete outfit. In cluding Inhaler. And now you have In your possession something that haa banished nyrj xasea of catarrl) than all the catarrh special Itfta on earth. - Jujit breathe 11 Y OMPI thafa alt you liave to do no stomach dosing. The soothing, Healing air passes over the Inflamed membrane, kills the: germs andheals the inflammation. It Is guaranteed to end yie distress of catarrh, coughs i roup and colds, or money back. Dis tributed by druggists everywhere. Uooth'a 1IVOMEI pronounce It High' o-mel la Australian Bucalyptua and other grand antiseptics. It contains no ocalnp or other injurious drugs Advertisement rusiil- of the railroad officials to rive Information of the accident to tho press und police until nearly seven hours after It occurred. Investlgntlotf of the delay In getting the wounded to the hospitals will bo requested. I'll.HH CITHK11 I.- O Ttl-t-t 1,YS Your i druggist will refund money AZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itchlnc. niind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles In to H dayi tOc-Advertlsement. A Arciisril of Kllllnu Wlff. AulllTQl KHQl'K, N. M.. Nov. 11.- incunio .vecarate, wn of a wealthy Mcsllla valley rancher. Is In lall at l.n Unices without bond, charged with tho murder of his lS-ycar-old wife. The vie. Mm whs found dead In the family home yesterday, with u bullet through her neart. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS George T. Wilson, manager for Hrown Ing. .King Co., and Mr. Charlevllle, cnuareirs doming riuyer. went east las evening on a business trip. C P. Howard of North Platte Is visit lug his brother, W. li. Howard, slut iiuimur-tiiwi. ne i manuger or Air Howard's ranch at that place and states that Mi western part, of -the state la In fine condition and Is well prepared for the coming of winter, with plenty of feed tor the stock Cattle and horses are an in line condition Translated the name of John II Gross mann means "great man." which Is not Inappropriate to the lone winner on the democratic legislative tKket. Fortunately or unfortunately tho mtch Vnan and dag did not know they were scaring the dynamiters away from the court hoase when the "Job" was pulled off Ip Omaha. If there were any votes that missed Dr. llolovtchtner, the retuma do .not record them. T W McCulIough of The Dee Is one of the delegates In attendance at the session ot the American Federation of Labor In progress at Itorheater. 4 PLAINTIFF AND DEFENDANT HAVEJHE SAME NAME DBNVHR. Colo., Nov. 12,-"The ense of Mux Newman against Max Nownmn will now bo heard," culled Magistratb Clifford Mllln yesterday. Counsel for Max Newman, plaintiff, and Max Newman, defendant, full blood brothers, began in an effort to enlighten the court on which was ono Max New man and which was the other. When tho nttornrys consumed nn hour explaining which "Max" was which, the magistrate onlorAl that the two Maxes bn designated as "plaintiff" and "de fendant." The magistrate decided for Mhx New man, planutlff, who sought to foreclose a mortgage held against 'Mux Newman, de fendant. Tho brothers had different names In Kusslfl, but when .they camo to America each choso "Max,"' both 'refusing to sur render that ns mo, even. (whcn Implored by 'I'their attorneys. ,fho . suggested, (ex pediency In intention. Man wlil not spenk tuMaxflhl's4brother,' -Jl v. . HYMENEAL I CHICAGO. Nor. 11. Mrs. Klla Craw. ford! formerly of Danville, 111., murdered , her 9-year-old daughter, Hlenora May I Crawford, and then made two unsuccess ful attempts to kill herself at her home hero today. Tho mother, said by the police to havo becomo Insane, drowned her daughter In a bathtub. The woman then attempted to hang horsclf, and fall- i Ing In this, she struck herself on tho head several times with a hatchet. Mrs. Crawford then Btaggercd out ot tho door and attracted the attention ot policemen, who took her to a hospital. Mrs. Crawford's husband was said to havo died three years ago. Sho derived her Income from Chicago nnd Danville real estate. 'ine first person whom Mrs. Crawford addressed after she staggered from the house sho said: "Oh, God, I've killed my little minora. She's dead Insula on the bed." Ulead was streaming from wounds the woman hud mado In her head with the hatchet. Policeman and neighbors entered tho house. On a bed lay the body of the child, clad in dripping undergarments. On n table in the room wero two shrouds, ono Intended for tho child and tho other for the mother. Hoth wero of white silk nnd tho smullor was trimmed with lace. Ileslde tho hhrouds lay a note telling: of tho use they were to bo put. The note concluded: "Put the body of Kllnora between he r papa and- I. I always said she wanted to be burled besldo lilm. Put mo next to her." Another clement was added to tho trag edy when the pollco learned that John Buchanan, 72 years old, father of Mrs. Crawford, nnd with whom he lived, ds apjwared yesterday. llelnnp-ll-liiiii. CHL'YUNNK, Wyo.. Nov. 12.-Spcciul.) I. J. Pelnnp, a prominent business man of Hastings, Neb., and Mrs. ICstelle Bel nap of Kvunston, Wyo were united in marriage hero this afternoon by llev. L. C. Hills of tho First Presbyterian church. Mrs. Bclnop Is nn aunt of Bow Hills and tho widow ot Mr. Belnnp's brother. Key to the Situation Bco Advertising. Piano Sales Break All Records Onr announcement last Sunday ot our 64tli Annual Wovember Clear ing Sale brought ont a record number of shrewd Piano purchasers dur ing the past week. Many new bargains "have been added tor this week, however, as wUl be seen by .th bargain list below. Come tomorrow! Don't Put off buying another day, as this Sale Positively Ends Saturday Night Was $350 Now $145 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Free Stool Free Scarf Free Lifo Insurance If os L these same wonder ful terms, even though the prices have been slashed to the limit. Don't miss this opportunity, and than be sorry later. No rin.no house In the world can make easier terms than this old established house. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SUCH PIANOS AT SUCH PRICES? $200 Schoinnrkcr STREETS BELONG TO THE PEOPLE, NOT AUTO OWNERS PHIIiADKLPHIA, Nov. 12. Tho rights of tho public against tho reckless run ning of automobiles are defined by Judgo Sulzberger ot the criminal court hero In a decision which holds that an owner of a car who occupies It when an acci dent occurs la equally guilty of man slaughter with the driver. Incidontally tho Judge notes that tho streets of tho city belong to the people and declares that tho speed of the automobiles should be regulated "to tho walking power of pedestriuns." ' DEATH RECORD (ienernl lllrnm V, 'llevol. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov'. 12;-Brevet Brigadier General Hiram F. Devof, a Ve't. crari of the civil war, died at his homo here today of pneumonia. Ho was 61 yearn old. General DvoI served through tho entlro rebellion with the Thirty-sixth Ohio volunteers. Ho was born In Water ford, O., and In his youth operated u flat boat,, between New Orl cans and the Ohio' river points. When tho war opened ho enlisted with tho Army of tho Potomac and was given command of tho Thirty sixth Ohio volunteers, '; Fred Mo.M lllon. BL PASO, Tex., Nov. 12.-(SpccIal Tele gram.) Fred McMUIen, a carriage manu facturer ot Nebruska City, Neb., died here today. $2.-0 Marshall & Practfco l'liinn, SjSHOO O. M. Steck L'priRlit PlanO, $:t2i llohmniin lprlfht I'lnnn, $:!00 Columbus Upright I'liuio, $100 Klinbnll Upright Piano, $3-5 Gnyloitl Upright l'lnno, $275 Kstcy Upright JMntio, $n.",0 Mueller Upright l'lnno, $:25 Norwood Upright Piano, 9JJ00 Krhc & Co. now 25 Smith now 35 now S 50 now 75 now $100 now 110, now 125 now $130 now 138 now S1'40 now 145 $275 Llghto & Co. Upright Ulniio,. now Sl50 $fi00 Weber Upright I'lano, now 165 9.125 Arlon Upright I'iano, now 175 $.150 Krutziniiim Upright Piano, now 180 9350 J. & O. Fischer . . Upright Piano, now 3100 $400 Art Stylo Upright Piano, now 210 9150 Stegcr & Sons Upright Piano, now 225 9425 Kincrson Upright I'lano, now 290 $000 Knabo Upright Piano, now 320 $800 Ilanliuan Grand, now . S495 9050 Player Pinno. now S320 Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-1313 Farnam Street Oldest and Most Reli&hle Piano Eoose in the West Est 1859. Omahat Keb. DEVON an A Y.rTI AMl'SEMKSTS, r t COLLAR 2. FOR 25 CENTS CLUETT PEABODY& CO.TROTN.Y "OMAHA'S rUN CEHTES." Selling out at Every Performance of sliding BILLY WATSON and "TiiRoinr.a from happyland EXTRAVAGANZA AZTO TAUDEVttLE A,??J?ld i,,y m'K laying at tho W2i0r4umttll'-n H'ayb.c, everybody de mk 'Muld .get .In. 'itftB on tho Gayety's small capacity, tadles' Dime Matinee Every Weak Day. TT--.n5 Dou8'1" Street, at lBtti -HYTONE VATJDEVHiliEIncludes.The Casters , ($350), Musical Qoolmilnt Kiiio); jonnny i-nK (S90); Stepp, All man & King ($325); Bella Hally ($90); mpposcope i'leturos THE $1,130 Per Week Show ($100) Before you i- . HiPT run tt i i mmMiimm jjyill .noara your car m' TBg It refreshes your mouth brightens your t- mfS IHL teeth eases digestion after breakfast lunch 7pTf- ilK The fragrant mint leaf juice purifies your fi$$ jfif breath for the evening kiss makes your gg "X Douglas Auditorium We wish to draw the attention of the publlo to the fact, that the Pastime Pleasure and Dancing Club can give you the best even, lug's entertainment to be found In the city, at the Douglas Audi torium, 17tli and Douglas streets, Each Thursday evening we have Geo. Rohan's Orchestra or eight pieces, which has mads the hit of tho season. Each rriday you can donee to the lnuslo ,you love so well, fur nished by Carl lamp's Eight Art ists. Competent committee In cmurge that guarantees a moral orderly dance that you oan bring your wife and family too any time.. Under management of DAVID H. EKRENKEICX. i-UMUux, wea. Mat. and Night DeWolf HepPer Blanche Duffleld, Eugene dowles, Oeo. MacFarlane, Xate Condon, Ar thur Aldridge, Viola GilUtte, Arthur Cunningham and -.oulsa Barthel in a Revival restlval, of aiLBERT & SDXZ.ZVAK'S Greatest Operas. Jonhrht Patience Wednesday Matinee .... Pinafore Wednesday Night . . . The Mikado BRANDEIS THEATER. Mat. Today. "Tonight. The Best of All Book Plays, "The Common Law" Mat., 35c, Oo. Tonight, 35c to 81.00 THE COBURN PXUVYEB8 Thnrs., Twelfth Night; Prlday, Iphlgsnla; Sat. Mat., Merchant of Venice Sat. Night, Othello. . Seats at Popular- Prices Krug Theater Matinee- Today, 2i30 Night, 830 Best Seats, SOo CHERRY BLOSSOMS EXTRA Thursday Night, Chorus Olrls' Contest; Prlday Night, Country Store Saturday Night, Amateurs hone . Doug. -104. Mat. Every Day, 2:15; Every Night, 8:13 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Thli Vek TUOTfl PAKA, llowsM't KeveKr, Kd'1y H'-winl, lUrrlion Armolrons't rUyfri. I'arl llcfullouth. Van llrotbfr, Brtdthtw Brother, Paf.e'i Wceklj Uerltw ot World'a KTnu. rrlrceMat , Otllery, 19c, btit mti Stc. tiorpt Siturdir ant SunJr. M(ht, luc. SU, 6c. He. THAVI'.I.S, BERMUDA All Eipcdm Tours tr om 5 ilira in.M up. Cuba, Jamaica, Panama Canal sd othr Wwt laJU Poru For prtleuir tldrtu The Royal Mall Steam Paektt Co., Eaadinoo t Son, Grn. Ada.. 11 glatt St N Y 18 South L Salle St., Chicago; W. e! Boek, 1317 Parnam Street, Omaha. br " i jnanltr Lamnla, Feb U Tl ill M P. F ludlns hntaia, ua d-t ra ,' trip Btop-oitra Rnuad W r'l acl 6 A-'i-Ira Toura W B. BOCK HIT aTxam F Os-' J,b. t ( tLAKK Tim a B.5t N y '