Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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Shoemaker's Search for Helpmeet
Lands Him Behind the Bars.
Will inherit Portnnr If llr Cnn Kind
Woman Who Will Slurry Him
Ilrtnr M September
l DIMhnrsril.
lAit tor homo and IIS,) to
hlch he would fn.ll hMr provided ho
narrled by next September, caused Cnrl
Shoemaker, who wm arrested Sunday
night for annoying a now well-to-do
)miha woman by sending her love let-
rr.. to try to win a home and secure the
arse Inheritance by Inducing the woman
o marry him. 1I was dlscluirged In
xtllee court by Judge Foster.
Shoemaker Is an ex-convlct, having
erved five yearn In the Port Leaven
north penitentiary 'or killing a man In
(Minnas City six years ago over a wpmnn.
He was attracted to tho Omaha woman
it first by an artlclo which appeared In
tn evening paper aomo weeks ago stating
the the church in which she was an
ictlve member had started a collection
IHp take care of her three small
hililren. who were left almost destltuto
l) the sudden death of their father aomo
,i j prior. The story gave the name of
thr woman and her address.
Hrllevlng he would be doing un act of
lntnes toward the woman and the three
mll children and also nccompllsh hli
rd Shoemaker wrote a letter to the
woman In which he told of reading tho
newspaper article and telling of tho in
heritance which would revert to. him nt
ti e time of his marriage, providing It did
lot lake place later than Heptember 1.
Anmtcru Ilia Letter,
ctordng to Shoemaker the woman an
iwered his letters and encouraged him In
he belief that she was willing to ontor
ta'n the (ilea of marriage. Rich rela
tives of the woman had Detective Flem
ing address a letter to Shoemaker, mak
ng ait engagement for him to meet her
M the I'uxtou hotel. Shoemaker was at
he hotel on time and won promptly nr-
enled by Fleming.
Shoemaker's cousin, Mlns Lauretta Hen
Mtw, S29 North Twenty-third street, ap
peared In behalf of Shoemaker In police
ourt Kho Interceded for him and so
ured his release.
It appears at the time of the death of
lh woman's husband she was left almost
Pennlltss, but rich relative caino to her
aid and are caring for her. '
Hlx years ago Shoemaker fell In love
with a woman of doubtful character. At
he time ho had several thousand ilollars
which he Inherited from his fowler mother
it tho time of her death. This ho soon
spent upon tho woman, who played false
to Mm and later won tho cause of his
serving five years on the chargo of man
slaughter. Tho woman and n man played
(he old badger game on him In n St.
(.mils hotel. The man drew a gun and
shot at Shoemaker. Shoemaker flrod In
self defense and fatally wounded tho man,
who died several days later.
Hhoomakor'a foster father loft him
111,000 at the time of his death. Thu
money was placed in trust with a sister
with the agreement that if Shoemaker
was unmarried at the time alio was 18
yearn of ago tho inheritance was to revort
to her In case ho was married and set
tled dawn he was to rccelvo $10,000 and
hlx wife. S.(X.
Shoemaker's cousin says.sha has tried
many years to get n wlfo for him, but
"as failed. Shoemaker says "novor
gain ,-'
Man of Many Names
is Given Time in Pen
Oresto Papinlnl, ullux "Dago Dob," nllas
'Loop tho Loop," bIIuh "llobort Flsher-V
lias "Robert King,'' itllas "Hobert 1J6I
'enoy" alias "Robert Dcluius," alias
Rober Davelle," alias "Pacallcll," alia
Robert Uo Parmer," pleaded guilty In
he I'nlted States district court to n
banco of Impersonating n. United States
ifflcer "Dago Hob" Is said to havo swin
dled a woman In drum! laland out of
WO. T. t Mungur sentenced him to tvo
rears and six montha in tho federal
Tlton at Leavenworth, Kan.
Oapt, Young's Mother
is Dead at Santee
Mrs, H. 11, Voung. mother of Captain
Uriiyumln J. Young of Hanteo, Neb.,. dim)
at fcantcs last week, liesldcs Captain
Young she left two sons and 'two daugh
ters. They are: J. M. Young and F. Jl.
Voung. Mrs. Kmlly Wormwood and Mrs.
J 21. Rockwood.
She was the wife of J I. A. D. Young,
one of tho oldest residents of St. Paul,
Minn. Mrs. Young's father, Scott Camp
bill, was h I'nlted States Indian Inspec
tor from ISIS until 1851.
erotlutlon fnr n aMtlntn,t litur..
hv Caldwell & Drake, county building gon-
-cai contractor, ami the county were
iegm yesterday. It waa agreed tho
t contractor shall report this morning
all the details of work atllt unfinished,
f then win be determined Just how much
the county owe the contractors. -"Tho
arno'int Is In the neighborhood of 1123.CU).
tieorge W Caldwell of Caldwell &
) ake tearhed the cltr yesterday. lie say
t 1 t'rm has tost more than II0.O00 on
Ilia Job
Lieut, Post is Whole
Thing at Pago Pago,
on Tutuila Island
Lieutenant X. V. Post, who for several
years was In charge of the naval recruit
ing station In Omaha and who left Julv
for the Samoan Islands, ban written a
letter to the boys at tho station. In which
he claims hn Is the whole show, big
noise and everything else thrown In.
According to the letter received hero
Lieutenant Post Is not only the chief
naval officer on the Island and the main,
representative of tho United States, but
Is also the following: Captain of the
yard, chief customs officer, sheriff, roads
superintendent, member of the board of
health, member of the school board,
pound master, collector of revenue, man
ager of 'the schooner and member of aev
era! auditing boards.
Lieutenant Poet, who was very well
known In Omaha eodety and al.'o in
sporting circles, left Omaha tho latter
part of July. Ho was sent to thu naval
station at Pago Pago, Tutuila, Samoa,
for a pcrod of two years. Two years'
service on the Hamoan Islands Is equiv
alent to three years' service In Kuropcan
wnters or Jand or Ameilcjin waters or
Lieutenant Post writes that v. 1th nil
his numerous positions ho cannot find
work enough to keep him busy. Just
before writing the letter to Omaha, soir. 1
time In Heptember, he was detailed 'for
a cruise to Sydney, Australia, and will
be back nt Tulullit nlKiut November IS.
Commissioners May
Eefuse to Pay for
Douglas County Jail
Despite tho fact that two men failed to
cut their wny out of the now county Jail
after trying for four days, tho Hoard of
County Commissioners may refuse to pay
for, the Jail without 11 legal battle nnd
tho courts may be nsked to Interpret the
specifications. '
Architect John Iktenscr will file his
report on the Jail next Thursday morning.
The board then will decide whether or
not tho Jail will be accepted nnd paid for.
Tho specifications provide that nil
outer parts of the Jail shall bo of tool-
proof steel. They are, hut the angle
Irons or "knees" which connect sections
of tho Jail which Join ot right angles are
not of tool-proof steel. II. II. Miller,
reprcsentatlvo of tho Pauly Jail Ilultdlng
company, St. Louis, which constructed
tho Jail, says tho angle Ironh aro not
outer parto. Ho admits they aro not
tool-proof. Mr. TAtenscr will not say
whether in his opinion they are "outor
parts" i If ho should say ho only would
bo giving an opinion,
The county commissioners will not say
what their position will be. They with
held Judgment until tho time fur action
City Must Talse Poor
Grade of Coal Under
Its Present Contract
L. It. McCoun ot the McCoun Coal
company appeared beforo tho city coilt
mission to tell tho mason why tho com
missioners should draw up now specifica
tions fur coul bids. McCoun was charged
by lllchard Grotto, city purchasing agent,
with falling to Uvo up to his contract In
furnishing tho city 11 certain grndu of
Mr, McCoun said ho was living up to
his contract and that the contract was
nt fault., the specifications being ho
loose that bidders could tako advantage
ot tiie city, bid low and furnish a poor
grade of conl. Ho Said no dealer could
furnish high grade coal to tho city It ho
was successful blddur Under the present
Ills caso was referred to Commissioner
Wlthnoll and Mr, Orotic to decide
whether tho city will tako away tho con
tract or permit him to furnish coat under
It during tho flint halt ot the winter,
when it wilt expire.
Sundcrlund Brothers will cvlebruto their
formal opening at their new offices in
the Omaha State Dank building, Seven
teenth nnd Harney streets, from S o'clock
until 10 Saturday.
Ilalph Sundorland, who was to have
Ictt Omaha tor San Francisco a week ago,
postponed his departuro because tho firm
whs unablu to get Into the new offices
until this week. Ho will leave with his
family next Sunday.,
Announce a Special Sale of New Styles in
Women's Neckwear Si 50c
New-Hobpspierrc collars in black nnd colored satins and silks, daintily
trimmed with net and shadow lace frills nnd jabots, collar and cuff sets
and sailor and Dutch collars in crochet, Venise effects; also net mid
lace chemisettes, jabots nnd fancy stocks all the newest style
creations worth up to $1.00-:-on big bargain square, at, each . . . .tf "C
Demonstration, and Sale of La Vida Corsets
Miss M. Virghm White, special representative of thojnakers in New York, will conduct
a showing nnd fitting of W. B. and La Vida Corsots in Brnndeis Stores throughout
this week. She will explain the many points of advantage in the new models of these
higtrclnss corsets.
W. B, CORSETS, $1.00 to $5.00 LA VIDA CORSETS, $3 to $25
Two Specials for Wednesday in Our Art Needlework Department
PILLOW CASES Made of fine quality
casing, stamped to embroider in eyelet,
French nnd punch work designs, anal
loped edges with floss for working,
size 4 2x80 Inches, nt, per pnlr
PILLOW CASES Stamped on best qual
ity tubing in pretty, new designs, with floss
i .v,u:.i.. in-')? : i A
iu uiuuiuiuui, Biau t.ou incut's, lie-
6Dc values, at, per pair
Final Week of Free Instructions in Kiittii aid Crocketintf
Thousands of women have attended these free classes under the direction of Miss
Strange, who is a representative of the Fleisher Yarn Mills. Miss Strange instructs in
tho knitting nnd crocheting of sweaters, shawls, robes and other desirable articles from
Brandeis Store for Men
is Outfitting the Best Dressed Mei in Omaha m'
That aro designed and fashioned in the shops
of the best Wholesale Tailors in America.
This 1b Omaha's most popular store for men. Wo
show greater varieties of clothes that possess real
stylo and dependability than any other houBo In this
section. We provo our leadership every day.
Hirsh-Wickwire and Stratford
System Clothes a't $25.00
At this price, no other lino of overcoats and .suits can
hopo to compete It is our assemblaco of tho newer
'styles In clothes that possess genuine Now York class at much CftS
loss than Now York price specinl, nt... pri
Drandels StoroB aro offUlal and oxel usUo agents for this territory for th
clothoB that merchant tailors cannot surpass.
Kvory extreme model as woll as every conservative stylo 1b adequately represented In these new linos
for fall nnd winter.
Kxamlnatlon or Kamam school pupils
U scloo no indications of diphtheria, and
It 1 believed the pupil who was reported
etrlcken with the disease waa affocted
with anothemnalady. However, tlm rooms
a her children Vere exposed will bo fuml
(aled. No other cases have ben reported
ly the prlncliwja of schools.
The Ak-Har-Ben chorus will present the
opera, "Ttw Wlxard of the N'lle," this
winter- Rehearsals will begin at once,
the first belnr held In the council chant
lr at the city hall next Tuesday even
The implicit confidence that many peo
ple have in Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and piarrhoaa Remedy la founded on
Hielr experience in the use of that rem
rdy and their knowlelse. ot the many
rtrfcarkabte cures ot colic, diarrhoae and
t)ysnter' that it has effected. For salo
all dealers -Advertisement.
Soap Will Ruin
' Most Elegant Hair;
Am one tan easily liavc a luxuriant!
hrutl of bright, WHVy hair by rIvIiik It
the proper caro. Hut the first rule Is,
novcr, under iny clrcumstuncos, uso
soap, as tho Alkali 'fades the hair and
makes It ntrlniry, besides Injuring the
roots ami scalp. You can discard all
tonloei nnd growers if you persistently
nrtheru to the following directions,
which rome from a French hair
dresser ot International tamo: "Dis
solve a' tcuspoonful of Coconlde In a
cup of hot water, shampoo tho hair
with Hi la thoroughly. That Is all,
absolutely nothing more. The first
time you try It you will see tho rea
son. The lwdr becomes fluffy, wuvy
and silken. The scalp is wonderfully
refreslted and all dandruff disappears.
Hut the best part is the arter-arroct.
The scalp la tualotl. the hair roots are
Invigorated and falling hair Imme
diately stopped. Use thta treatment
a few times and you will understand
the secret ot hair health and will en
thusiastically Import your knowledge
to all your friends. Coconlde Is made
from the coooanut and other vegetable
oil. A fifty-cent package Is suiftclent
for ten or more delightful shampoos.
ou can get Coconlde from ajiy drug
gist. It he doea not have It In stock
he can uulcklv iret It from hln ui.r.i..
sale houro. Hut if you care for your
l.ui .1 r ti' lu. ,n . .. 1 .
thing else Instead of the Coconlde. a.i
there la nothlnsr else vn imilor t..
It. Tills you will see after giving it a
ifi. j i is equaiir as Denencial for
men's and children a hair.
SOXS TEST, Corns, Callouses, Bun
ions. Frost llltes. Aching and Bwettty
Keet spoonful of Calocldo in the foot
bath given Instant relief, act a Sue box
at any drug atore. "Advertisement
A Series oi Remarkable Special Sales
We?hrM Entire Stock of Hyman Karp
Women's Suits, Cloaks, Dresses, Furs
Waists, Skirts, Petticoats and Children's Cloaks
Next Thursday is Brandeis Extraordinary Sale of
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes
AVo secured two entire surplus stocks and floor room samples
pf Men's, Women's nnd Children's High Grado Footwear from
two eastern manufacturers at less than actual cost of produc
tion. Thursday you can buy smartstylish Winter Footwear,
well made from dressy, serviceable leathers, at lower pfices
than you will pay at tho close of tho reason.
Brandeis Are Omaha AgeaU for
Munsing Underwear
What you have been looking for in Under
wear, quality, durability, washability
garments that fit and cover tho form per
fectly; that' improve iu appearance and
feeling with each trip to the laundry.
Warm, cojnfortublo Union Suits at
50c-$l-$1.50 to $2.50
Saturday We Place on Sale
All the Sample Lines of
From Herman Scheuer, New York Importer
At Just Price
All tho Leather Traveling liolls, Toilet
and Manicure Sots, Leather Novelties,
Playing Card Sets, Drinkiug 'Cups, Collar
Dags. Muslo Holls, Mcdl'lno Canes, KlaBks, .Etc.
It Always Pays to Buy Where Satisfaction
and Savings Are a Certainty
Get the Hoy n
"Zero" Suit
They're the
IJest Kvcr nt
the I'rlco
S3.50 & S5
Lots of Snnppjr
Style, Superior
Qunllty In the
'Zero" Suits
53.50 & S5
Best Assortment and Values in Men's,
Women's and Children's Sweater Coats Shown in Omaha-
Don't Miss Wednesday's Specials
Children's Wool Sweaters,
$1.00 and $1.25 values, in
all sizes nnd colors. 69c
Children's Toques and
Caps, all styles and col
ors, grqat values
at 49c to $2.00
Ladies' Heavy Wool
Sweaters, m ado to sell up
to .3, cardinals or white,
at $1.98
Boys' and Misses' Sweat
ers, $1.50 values, coat or
jorsey styles, at ...98c
$11.00 Siventcr Conts Boys or misses, In rough neck, military col
lars and other Btyles, In corduroy, gray or navy blue, at S1.45
Sale of Sample Tailored
Soils Wednesday
A magnificent lino of elegant Tailored
Suits, all manufacturer's samples, nearly
all of them received within the last three
Suits worth $40
Suits worth $50
Suits worth $60
No two alike, all
go at one price
Seldom if ever before was an oppor
tunity equal to this for selection of high
class, distinctive tailored suits offered.
No matter which you select you'll havo
a bargain and a suit you may well bo
proud of.
Several Other Delightful Specials.
Stylish New Tailored Suits,
made to sell at $16.50
$18.50 and $20.00, choice
Wednesday $8.90
Several Hundred Beautiful
Long Caracul t Cloth Coats,
lined throughout, regular
$15.00 values, in all sizes,
on salo at $7.'50
Dresses in daintv chiffons.
Ci I , "tlllllM IIUXUIIU,
batin ennrmeuse, prettv nets and firm snrrroQ vnhmc tn
$25.00, suitable for afternoon or evening wear, all sizes
and most wanted colors, at $10.00
Wednesday's Specials
in Wash Goods
Kino French Voiles, GOc and
59c grades, yd. 25d & 38$
Fancy Jacquard Silks, a com
plete dssortruont of colors, 50c
quality, yard 25
Dotted silk mixtures, all tho
season's newest, shades, 25c
quality, at j-gfj
Foulc Serge In black and white
Btripes and plain white, 32
Inches wide, at yard . . 15J
Wednesday's Specials
in Linen Dept.
Pure Linen Table Damask,
grass bleachol, $1.50 values,
Tard S1.00
Pure Linen Dinner Napkins,
full size,- grass bleuqhecj, ,to
match, $5 vals., doz. $6.50
Pure Linen heavy double Da
mask, dew bleached, $2.00
values yard S1.50
Pure Linen Dinner Napkins to
match, full 24-lnch, $7.00
values, dozen $5.00
Wednesday's Specials in Domestic Room
58-lrich Mercerized
Table Damask, 39c
values 25d
3G-lnch Unbleached
MiiBlln, "c vals., 5(i
Poplins, all the pop
ular colors, 25c val-
ies 15(J
Amoskeag Ginghams,
MsC values , . . ,5
Farmers Choice half
bleached muslin. 36-
ln. wide, 9c values,
at G&d
Cretonnes for Com
forters, 10c values,
at 7
Curtains, snow whlto
and colored, 15c val
ues Amoskeag Outing
Flannels, good
weights and patterns,
121fcc values . .10
Silk striped
hams, 25c
sorted colors
Percales, '3C
wide, 12V6C
weight, 10c
Sugar Down &ga"m
30 pounfli Beat Oranuated Sujrar, $1.00. Uvcry propect'of going still lower,
Wednesday will lie a special riour sals Day. We want every liouewlfo In
Omaha to try h sack of our Bpeclul lilRh trade Diamond ji Kjour. niaiio from
the heat delected wheat, nothliiK finer fcr bread, plea or cakes Ah a special
Inducement we will sell It for Wednesday only, per 18-lb suck 1.15
10 bnra Lennox, Ueats-'Km-All or
Diamond (' Soap 25c
10 Iuh. best WlilU-or Yellow Corn
meul t 17,4c
4 lbn. fancy Japan Rice, Pearl or
l ine Tapioca 25c
Tho best Domestic Macaroni, Vor-
inacilli or Spanliottl, pku. 7 He
Vnre Strained Honey, pint Jars ..25c
S cans Oil or Mustard .Sardines, ,25c
Grape Nuts, package 10c
The best Hulk Peanut Butter, lb. 12 ',4c
Jellycon or Jello, pkp 7c
Large botttes Worcester Sauce,
Pickets, Pure Tomato Catsup or
Horseradish, bottle 8 l-3c
12 Oxco or Hterro HoulUon Cubes 25c
2-11). cans fancy Sweet SuRar Corn.
Was, string, green or Lima Beans,
;'or 7!4o
The host Tea Sifting, lb 10c
Ooldrn Santos Cofee, lb .250
The Greatest Vegetable Market In
the West.
New Potatoes, per sack, 16 lbs.. 15c
Fancy Greening Cooking Apples,
peck, 12c and 20c
Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb 2Hc
Largo Head Lettuce, per head., 7 He
Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips or
Rutabagas, lb jijo
2 heads Fresh Loaf Lettuce- ... .5c
2 bunches Fresh Hothouse Ba'dlsheH
tor i 50
Vnncy Denver Caullglower, lb ..10c
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb ..8.4c
.I large Soup Bunches 10c
1 bunches Fresh Parsley 5c
Large bunches LouIhIhu.i Shuliotu 7 He
Large bunches Louisiana Radishes 5c
6 bunches Home Grown Onions ...5c
2 btalks Fresh Celery 5c
Fancy Rlpo Tomatoes, lb 7V4c
X'ancy hothouse Cucumbers, each, 10c
nnd 7Ho
Fancy Capo Cod Cranberries, qt, 7Hc
iargo Grape Fruit, each 60
New Fard Dates, lb...,, 15c
New Hallowe'en Dates, lb 1O0
New 7 Crown Imported VlgiC lb. 20c
New California Figs, it! ot. pkg. 7,4o
See our big display of- new dried
Buy Box Apples now for Wjjiter
This Is extra fancy Idaho hand picked
,'ruit. put up in bushel boxes Jon
athan, Baldwin or Wagner nothing
finer or ftable use, per box,.$l.S5
Pays BIJr iwj mvsi i a uii.
I1 I
Tan Shoes
Are "Always Good"
Always smart-looking and
practical. Your foot feels
well and looks well in a
Our showing of Tan Foot
wear has the qualitv, the
fit, the comfort, th.e REAL
('Li ASS. Distinctive
styles are horo for
void? selection at from
$3.00 TO $4.50
lOfu a M
JL7 JtLm?