Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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r Altai .t UA.NCII I.AMIH poll SALE I
H Mil -I I
No part of the west offers such an opportunity for farming or for
Rood Investment as Western New York. You can buy improved farm lands
there at less than you can buy unimproved farms In the West. An Im
proved New York farm means good buildings and plenty of them. It means
orchards and vineyards. It nieanB near towns, churcheB, schools and paved
roads. The soil Is fertile, producing big crops of alfalfa, clover, corn, oats,
wheat, cabbago, beans, buckwheat and potatoes. '
Ontario and Senaca counties are in the heart of the apple and grape
belt. An orchard on overy farm. Crops net $50 to $125 per, acre. Ap
ples this year produced 5 to 10 barrels to the tree. New York is produc-,
ing one-seventh of the nation's apple crop. Sour cherries produce threo
tons and more to the acre, worth $100 per ton. Peaches, pears and grapes
pay a big profit. You can buy these farm and fruit lands at $75 to $125
per acre.
Get near the world's greatest market and the Bavlng in freight alono
will make you a living. There is a constant demand for everything the
farm produces. You make more money, Hvo more comfortably, on a New
York farm than In the undeveloped West. Investigate.
Special excursions leavo Omaha every Monday for Genoa, New York.
For further particulars apply to
Corner 15th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Lands adapted to the. widest range of
crop. All the money crops of the Month
plentifully produced, For literature treat
ing with this coming country. Hi soil,
climate, church and fcohool advantages,
V. 11. LI1AHY, Dept. K.
General Passenger Agent.
gain,, S6H acres three miles from Council
Hlutfs postofflcoj good house, barn and
buildings; flvo acres grapes, six acres
apples, ono aero of alfalfa; oak posts for
rale. DAY & HESS CO., Council Bluffs,
la. Phono 3341.
Gurdon and Fruit Tracts.
Farms of any size, just & mllea north of
Council Bluffs, at bargain prices. 806
acres, known as Orchard Heights, subdi
vided and for Bale at from J50 to $100 per
acre;, easy terms. Lot us show you this
land. Day & Hess Co., 12S Pearl BL.
council Bluffs, la.
THo Des Moines Capital l Iowa's most
widely circulated and most Influential
newspaper.- Its dally clrcu.utlon exceeds
43.000 copies. The classified advertising
rate Is 1 cent a word or ti cents a line.
You can sell your farm In Iowa or you
can buy ia.nd In Iowa by the uso of the
Des Molnil Capital. The rate by the
month U VI. 20 a line. Address Tho -Des
Moines Capital, Dos Moines. To. '
FOrt BALE 70 acrca best farm land,
unimproved, mll from layman, Miss.
Noted for truck farming. Vf. W. Byrne,
Holt, ria.
SNAP-200 acres .near ' Mankato, Minn.
J5.0C0. Steam heated brick residence. All
plow laud, orchard, flhe 'grove. $30 per
acre. Morehart-Atchlson Land Co.,
Mankato, Minn.
y Missouri.
FLATTE county, Missouri 77$ acres;
27G acres blucgraas and timber pasture,
balance In corn, alfalfa, clover, rye, oats,
etc.; S-room house, very (large barn, 4
tenant houses, stables, creamery, etc.,
etc.; 2 miles from large town and al
most adjoining railroad .station price
$75,000; $20,000 cash, balance long time, 8
per cent. Address Owner, Box b6S, Kan--as
City, Mo.
160-ACRE fr-it and stock farm. Shan
non county. Mo., Improved. For prlco
and terms address H. F. Crays, Mon
toer, Mo.
HOMESTEAD 100 acres Tlch farm land
for $175, filing fees and, all. Just over Into
Colorado good stuff, not sandhills. Laud
uround Kimball, $15 to $25 an acre. Agents
wanted. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb.
Wa have for sale over 20,000 acres of
Cheyenne county, Nebroska'8 choicest
farm land, where the crop yields for 13
years, Including 1910 and Mil, average
with the best In the state. Alfalfa, also
a leading crop. Better soil, water and
climate cannot bo found. Write for full
Information. Agents wanted everywhere,
Mlt. INVESTOR, Mr. Man with small
means: For sale, 12 quarters ot choice
lurm land close to Sidney, Nub., one
until cash, fcal. ten years, in ten equal
payments. Krnest liaaach. Sidney, Neb.
South Dakota.
FOH SALE 10 acres good farm land;
40 acres broke, balance all tillable; 7
miles from Dallas and 6 miles from
Colorae. Price J0 per acre, payable 11,60)
cash, 1200 March 1, 1813; 12,400. March 1.
11)17. Address Box 180, 'Dallas, South
CHHAlP patented state school lands,
south Texas; fban acre cash, balance ten
yeais. For full particulars! write F. A.
Connable, trustee, ' 4Si Commercial Bank
lildg-.. Houston. Tex. '
One acre that will soon be worth $1,000
for 600; terms. Write
j Peach. Wash;
Ship live stock to South' Omaha. Savs
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. !llock Commission Mr-rt:Unnls.
BYEttS BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co. 222 Exchange Bldg!
Snyder-Malone-Coffman Co., 169 Ex. Bldg
LAVERTY BROS., 138 Exchange Bldg.
MARTIN BROS. & CO., Exchange Bldg.
Cloy, Robinson & Co., 200 Exchange Bldg.
lMO. STATION Tenth nnd Mason.
L n I on Pacific
. . , . DP"t. Arrlte.
Bin. Fran. Overland Ltnl.,.,a 1:45 rta a 7:M pm
China tt Japan Mall ...a 1:14 pm a 5:45 pm
Atlantic. Ezpreaa , a J;j5 am
Portland A t-uset 8. Bip alj:04 am pm
Lot Angalea Limited all: pm a l:U pm
Denver Special , .a 7:15 am altsSOam
Colorado Special ....alt:01 am a 7:69 am
Colorado Bxpreaa a 1:50 pm a 4:00 pm
Orefen-WaBblncton Limited... all :50 pra a 1:20 pm
)rtb Platte Local.. a 1:15 am a4:4ipm
Oram bland. Local a lito pat alO;M am
giromanun Local. , .bltai pm b l.U pm
CblcaKO, MllwnuUre? & St. Pan I -
Overland .limited a T:10 pa a 1:11 ara
twUieago vprciai ;uv pm a 7:40 pm
Denver-Portland Limited a 5:04 pm all:l4 pm
Chicago Dejllfbt dpectal a I M am allies pm
CotoVCalllornla Xipreaa. a 1:2a pm
Perrj Local , .a 1:20 ara all W pm
IV. 1, as ot. Milieu..! t win 1 ,'Q) im
K t a tt. Louis Esrrtii. all IS pm a 5 ti pm
K. L. ti 8L Loula Limited ill U am . i -it r,.
I !! II
CUlcuuo A. Northwestern
Mlnneil'ollii-St. Pul liipr. .a 7:00 im
M)nnepoll-Ht. Paul Umlttd.a 7:00 pm a t
Tftln City Local a l;2i pm alo
Sioux Clly Local a 1:13 pm a 1
Minneapolis it Dakota Eip..aJ:oopm a
Twin City Limited a 1:W pm u 7
MluoetQta Exprvaa. i all
Carroll Local... a 7:00 am a
Utylliht Chicago a 1:40 am
CalcaiQ Local all:M pm a 1
CWcaaM-Coloraflo a 1
Chicago Bpeulal a : pm a
r-acltto .Coast-Chlcafo a t:U pm a 3
Lua Aniles LlralMd .... l:h) pm all
Orerland Lliclted a Lit pm a I
Carroll Local ..a;Jlpm all)
Fan Mall pm a 1
i'.f!r KaDldi. Sioux Cltr and
.00 am
:I0 pm
: pm
:ll pm
:S0 am
;0u am
110 pm
:1J pm
.1) pm
:4S am
.IS pm
:I0 pm
:li am
:0 am
: pm
:3S pm
:ls pm
:00 am
omasa al
Ccntannlal EUta Liraltfd all :10 am all
Lonr Tin S:W am, all
Kiorlolk-Dalloa a :ou am all:
Lont pine-Lincoln. a t:)a pm a 5
Haatni-6.uptrlor h till il
Dtadwood-Ilot Bprlott a 3:S pm a 5
Caspar-Lander J;M Pm aid
Fiemont-Alblon b (IM via ti 1
Omaha-BL Louis Express.. ..a 1:10 pm a
Uall and Kxpreas a 7:01 am all
Slanberry Local (from C. II ) .b l:UJ pui big
ClilcaKO Orent Western
Twin City Limited a 1:10 pm a S
I'erry Local a 1:10 am all
Twin City Eiprwa .a TiSO am a I
Chicago Kipres a b:vo pm a 3
Ciilcnso, RucU Inlnnil & 1'nciflc
EAST. 00 am
:20 pm
:0 pm
:10 pm
:15 pm
3 put
:1S am
:1S pm
:15 am
:10 am
:00 pm
ISO pu
.10 pu
.30 Dm
Clilcago Local Passenger. . ..bl0:S5 am bio
:18 pm
:00 pm
cmcago JJ m v.. a am a 0
Chicago EipreM a 4:10 pm a 1
Des Molnea Local I'asaenger.a 4:27 pm a 12
L'hkago-.Nebraska Limited ..b6:08 pm a l
Chicago-Neb. Ltd. to Lincoln. a S;K am a C
Clilcsgo-Colorado Eipresa ...a 1,10 pm a4
Oalshoma & Texas Kpreaa..a 4:40 pm all
lloclty Mountain Limited, .alo :47 Hm alt
AO pm
,li Dm
:oo am
47 pm
.00 Dm
:25 pm
:U am
UorlluKton Station Tenth .t Mnaou.
a !10 am
a 4:10 pm
a a::o am
a 4:10 pm
b t:20 pm
..all:15 pm
..a 8:15 am
..b 7:05 pni
a :lt am
..alliao pm
..a 7:15 pm
..11:15 pm
..a 5:08 pm
..a S;3o pm
.b 3:30 pm
..a 4.55 pm
..alO:4S pm
..a :U am
a 3.-43 pta
a 3 MS pm
a :10 pm
Denver ft California
l'uget sound Expreta
Nebraaka Folnta
Dlack Illlla
Lincoln Mall
Northweat Eipreaa
Nebraaka Eipreia
Lincoln Local
Chicago Special
Denver 8ieclal
Chicago Kipress
Chicago Kaat Kipreas
Craiton Ua.) Local
St. Louis Expreaa
Kanaaa Clty-at. Joaph...
Kansas Cltr & St. Joseph.
al2:is pm i
n 9 .(h, . . 1
- -w. am
a 6.10 pnt
bi0:0) am
tlO:2S am
3:M am
tm am
all. 15 PIa
7.M am
a : f,m
a 1:00 am
1))0:45 am
jl:50 am
C:4i am
:10 pm
Wcliater Sintlon 15th .t Welmtor.
Clilcnno. St.
i'nul, Itllnneupolla i
Sioux Cltr Eipreas
Twin CHr Paaaenger
Bloux City Paisonger
Eraerson Local
Mlasonrl Pacific
Auburn local
(a) dallr. tW dally ticept
Depart. Arrive
..b ;25 pm M1:5J am
..b :!5 am b :H pra
...o 1:25 am c c:j pm
..b S:li pm b .io am
..b 5:30 pm bl0:4J am
Sunday, ic) Sundi).
SHENANDOAH. Ia., Nov. U.-(SpecIul.)
Mr. and Mrs. a. E. Griffin drove to
Northboro Sunday In tnelr automobile.
Near Northboro, Henry Siindcrman'ri team
became frightened nt the cur and rnn
away, upsetting tho buggy on top of Its
occupants. Mrs. Sundcrmnn wuh consld- 1
erably hurt and tho autolsts took the '
injured woman In their car and started '
for a, doctor's 'office. They hud gone but
a short distance when the engine balked i
and tho car started to coast dpwn hill
backward. Guided Into a hedge It upset
and Mrs. bunderman was thrown out a
second time. After the car was righted
they reached town safely.
An automobile belonging to John Mc-
Qaw of Rlvcrton struck a cow and upset
near Farragut last Thursday evening.
Mrs. Millie Helm, a nurso who was going
to the McOaw household, had nn arm
dislocated In the smash.
SHBNANpOAir, la., Nov. 12. (Special.)
Henry Pltjer, riding a high-power motor
cycle, collided with a touring car owned
and driven by Dr. Armltage, late Sunday
afternoon, at a corner two miles southwest
of Shenandoah. Piper was hurled head
long through tho windshield of. the auto
mobile and was horribly cut, but es
caped serious Injury. The motorcycle was
demolished and a part of It thrown over
a hedge fence. Tho collision took place
at a corner on top of a hill wbero the
roadway Is screened by a hedge nnd
neither saw the approach of tho other.
.Minced limit Klllat Tiro.
MASON CITY. Ia., Nov. 12.-(Speclal
Telegram.) John Davidson, aged 19
years, and Kenneth, his brother, aged 17,
are both dead at Mil ford as a result of
eating minced ham bought at a local
shop. Ptomaine poisoning quickly de
veloped, both were attending school when
taken sick,
Mlnerd 1 1 am in Katnl,
MASON CITY, Ia., Nov, 12. John, aged
19 years, and Kenneth, aged 17 years,
eons of A. pavldson of Mllford, near here,
are dead from ptomaine poisoning, due. It
is said, to rating minced ham which un
purchased at a local market. Kenneth
died last night and John todsv
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns,
Cut This Out
nclp that Breaks a Cold tit a Day
and Curei any Curable Cougn.
r rom your uriiKKini nci imn uuiur
Otobe, line Compound iConecntrated
Ai 1 . . 1t....rln. T.iL'i.
i... - . i . . . . t ......
these two Ingredients home and put them
.... . .. 1 ... I. I ..1. .. !...!..
inio a nan pini m kmixi .
well and use In doses of one to two ten-
spoonfuls after each meal ana at. ia
time." Smaller doses to children accord
ing to age. nut ue sure 10 gei- oiny uin
genuine Ulobo line Compound (Concen
trated Pine). Kach halt ounce- bottle
comes in a senlc-d tin screw top case, it
your druggist does not lnwe It ho win
quiCKiy pet 11. .Many iuimuiks h
large qunnuiy ana cnetiper, u;u iv
Hsk to experiment Thlj formula come
mini t iTn.'it" uiiv 'i onw .v ....... .
TIUs was first published here six year
ago una loeni, urugKisis u
in constant uemniui ever nw.
SORB rUBT, Corns. Callouses, Hun
lon. Frost Bites, AchliiK and Sweaty
Feet A spoonful of Caloclde In the foot
bath gives Instant relief. Qet a. 3.hj box
at any drug store.-Advertisement
rxiou crxiOAOO to
Washington, Baltimore,
Philadelphia and New York
9,1" I ci rrom ChlcRffo, via
10 A. Mi Ptttrturtrh. A Hew
ana Hew York BxpreiB." Drnwing;
room aleepsra to Maw York.
11:00 A. M. wrciVT-T
clal." Drawiuff-room sloapera to
Washing-ton and New York.
5. AC n Ifl I'rom Oblootro, via
40 "i Mi Plttfburm. The
i-ru ii mi iipltubnr(rh . wiU-
ington-Naw York Xilmlted." Drawing
room SleePera to Plttabnrirn and New
York. Observation Cars.
9:30 P. M.5w.-,we
u,uu ' ' "Nlg-ht Express."
Drawlnff-room Sleepers to Fittsbnrffu,
Wheeling and New York.
Tor particulars consult nearest Tioket
Ag-ent or address
EDYV. EMERY, T. P. A., Omaha, Neb,
Your choice of
The World's Best Magazines
at About Half Price
Mnaa-rine- Cntinnnn enabo yu cet yur choica ot
magazine coupons thn worid-B beBt magazlnca on a
monthly payment plan, at a groatly reduced price, :: :: u
Send ua the coaponB In advance tor noxt month's luaue.
Do tills every month, and you will get your magazines as v
soon as they are published, the sanio as yearly subscribers.
Save money on your magazines
By using these Coupons, you save about one-halt ot tho subscript
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send us tho coupon prlco for as many months as you wish. Out out
ono and sond It to us" NOW.
The following 15c magazines
McClure's Magazine
Women's Home Companion
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Mark (X) opposlts your choice
The following 25c magazines
Review of Reviews
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Hark (Z) opposite your oholce
Tho following magazines are
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McCall'a Magazine "
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Vark (X) opposite your choio
The following magazines are,
Twentieth Century Farmer
Amerloan Poultryman
National Irrigation Journal
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Successful Farming:
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You can get any Combination of Magazines you
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Enclosed find cents for coupon Nos
Magazines for the month of to be sent to:
Name :
Addretitt Twentieth Century Farmer, Omtthft. Nob.
I Council Bluffs.
Judge Arthur Holds that District
Court Cannot Correct Mistake.
Urrnr of Count nf llnllota In tin- I'M rat
I'rorlnot of First Wnril Urfrnta
Kimlmll for Itfflrc nf
Slntp srnntr.
Ill an all-iUy conlrovrrsy. In which
court tlfclslmis were piled on lop of 'te
clslons to inouiitnltioilK holchts, ooiiflrni
Inn and conflicting, Judno Arthur lute
yeterduy afternoon unstained the demur,
rer etitered by tho attorneys for Mack 0.
(looilwln, democratic cnndldato for istnto
A Sour, Gassy,
Upset Stomach
"Papo's Diapopsin" Regtlatos
Your Stomach and Ends In
digestion in Five Minutes.
Wonder what upnet your Monmeh
which portion of tho food did tho dumiiKo
-do you? Well, don't bother. U your
Motnach Is In u revolt; If our, Rnsiiy ami
upset, and what you Just ato has fer.
mented Into stubborn lumps; your hend
dltr.y ami aches: belch gases and nrlds
nnd eructato undigested food; breath foul,
tonctlo coated-just tuko a llttlo Dlupepsln
and In five minutes you truly will won
der what became of the Indigestion and
distress. ,
Millions of men and vjomcn today know
that It Is needless to have n bad stomach.
A llttlo niapcpsln occasionally kcopa this
dellcato organ regulated and they eat
their favorite foods without fear.
If your stomach doesn't tako care of
your liberal limit without rebellion; If
your food Is a diVinKo Instead of a help,
remember tho quickest, surest, most
harmless rollef Is l'apo's Dlapepsln which
costs only fifty cents for a large case nt
drug stores. It's, truly wonderful 4 1 d.
Rests food nnd sets things Ptrnlght, so
gently nnd easily that it Is really aston
ishing, rleasc, for your sake, don't ro on
and on with a weak, disordered stomach;
It's so unnecessary- 'Advertisement.
Oonpon Ko. 1
Class A Magazines.
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2 Class D Magazines.
coupon ho. o " 30 cents
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Ooimoil Bluffs,
fenator. and held that tho district court
had no Juriwllctlon to order tho Judges
and clerks of the first precinct of the
First ward election board to correct the
error that Is claimed to have been made
in the ballot eountlng by which Clem V
Kimball, republican candidate, lost 10i
votes, causing his defeat on the face of
the I .tin nr. by forty-eight vote. The
court siiitatlieil the contentions of thn
Goodwin counsel that tho proper method
to get nt the facts was n contest as pro-
Mded b the "stale law. which carries It
into the senate. And hero It will g.
according to the declaration of Mr. Klin
ball last evening.
Tho merits of tho controversy over the
missing ballots were not entered Into at
any stogo of the proceedings, tho only
question presented to the court being that
of jurisdiction. The same question was
n a mcnMiro raised boforo Jlldgo
Wheeler on Saturday afternoon and thn
demurrer on whlcJi It was based was
overruled. In urgtllng the demurrer In
thn Interest of County Auditor llimnan,
Mr. Organ, attorney for Goodwin, con
tended that If the, auditor wis compelled
to surrender tho ballots to tho Judges for
a recount he would be forced to do an
act that would bo plainly in violation of
tho .tato law, No lown decisions flc.
ured In tho great mass of opinions sub
mitted to support the contention.
While the hesrlng was under way tho
Hoard of County Supervisors was busily
engaged In the work of canvassing the
election returns. nVold'ng. however, tha
l-'lrst ward books, eighteen of the forty
Mx precincts were canvassed when tho
hour for adjournment came. The only
change made In tho senatorial situation
was In the returns from Hoomer town,
ship, wheie an error ot four votes in
Kimball's favor was discovered Tho Un
official returiiH from tho precinct upon
which tho voto In tho county for sen
ntor won figured gavo Kimball eighty
two. On tho back of tho election on
velope ninety-two had been written.
Atlantic Northern
Will be Financed
Notwithstanding reports ot an entirely
opposite character that havo been sent
out from Des Moines In thn last fow
days former Governor losllo M. Shaw
announced yesterday that the plans for
financing tho Atlantic Northern rullroad
would be curried out. Today I tho tlmo
set for hearing tho application mode to
the supremo court by two of the hcavlost
creditors of tho Atlautlo road for nn or
der restraining Judgo Arthur from grant
ing any further tlmo to Governor Shaw.
Judgo Arthur loft for Des Moines last
evening, where he will meet Attorney J.
J. Mesa, counsel for tho Hhaw syndicate
and tho now lowa Short; Une, In an
swer to u telegram from Governor Shaw
saying that nrrangnmontn had been com
pleted satisfactory to the creditors.
Tho arrangement provides for tho tak
ing over of tho claims of tho Bhugart
llrothers and tho Alleles company, con
struction companies whoso claims for
building tho road approximate, nearly
fcMO.MO. Other claims that have been
pressing for paymont will bring tho total
amount Mr. Shaw Is to hhhuiuo to-np-proximately
JJJO.OOO. If thcto claims nio
satisfactorily disposed of there will bo
no objection to granting continued tlmo
for the final maturing of the plans for
financing the new lino and tho pretence
of Judgo Arthur was desired to niako
wlmtovcr order Is agreed upon.
A mutter of almost trivial Importunes-,
culled to tho attention ot the Intetutato
Commerco commission by tho llafor
Lumber company of Council Bluffs,
promlsos to miiko Homo clmnges Hint may
bo ot considerable importnnco to tho ship
ping lntercstH ot Council Bluffs and
Omuha, ns well as of ecvoral other MIs
fcourl river points similarly situated.
Hoverul months ago tho Rock Island
railroad made an rror In printing its
tariff Hhcets, wheru a lumber rate from
tho auiith of 25V4 cents was printed 2G(4
cents, Attention of tho company wus
culled to It by tho Ilufor company as
well as other Hhlppers and corrections
promised. Several months elapsed und thu
Hnfer company mndo shipments under
the higher rato und when a refund wus
called for tho rullroad company an
nounced that it could not make the small
rebates duo without tho sanction of tho
commerco commission. Tim llufer com
pany then laid the matter before tho com
missioners and also submitted tho ques
tion of Injustice contained In tho ly, cents
Treatment for
Nervous Men
Coming from a source of unques
tioned authority on the ailments
ot men It is presumed to bo Infill-
nuie, wnuo the proiecslon general
ly endorse tho Ingredient and nru-
HcrllKi them In many different
lornm of various dlHcanea, 'i'hu
following formula Is highly effici
ent lu uulckly rontorlmr In norvous
exhaustion, melanchollu, anxiety,
timidity In venturing, dizziness,
heart palpitation, trembling limbs,
Insomnia, thinness, cold extremi
ties, tlrcd-nll-in feeling and general
Inability to do those natural and
rational nets upon which depends
a niHu'H succehs and happiness lu
social nnd every day life.
'jiio ini-tructiona ror mixing at
home secretly so that no embar
rassment may bo felt, ore as fol
lows: First get three ounces of
syrup Bursapurllla compound and
oiwt ounce compound fluid balm
wort: mix and let stand two hours.
Then add one ounce compound es
sence cardhil and one ounce tinc
ture cadomeno compound (not
cardamom), and mix all together.
Tho directions are to ono tea
spoonful alter each meal and one
when retiring, until bounding
health nnd full strength are re
stored, Kven a few weeks will
witness most wonderful results.
Astonishing nervous force and
equilibrium follow the treatment,
no matter how serious the case.
This contains no opiates what
ever nnd may also be used by, wo
men who suffer with their nerves
with absolutu certainty of prompt
and lasting benefits. Advertisement
Council Bluffs,
bridge differential chiirgcd on lown ship
ments west and Omaiia NhtpmriitH en-it-ward,
Tio vlalm of Inciiuullly was Hint
this into affected lumber only.
According to press reports from Wash
ington on Saturday tho commission an
thorlxcd the correction ot the en'or In tho
tariff Bhect, but sustained tho ohni-Ko of
tho bridge differential on thu theory of'
the extra cost ot brldRn maliieminc'.
The decision places the commission lu
tha ruther uwkward position nf permit
ting discrimination ngnlnst one c!asa of
freight nnd also against ono locality. At
St Jowph, where exactly the snmo con
ditions prevail as here, thoro Is 110 such
charge, neither is there at Knnsas City.
Lumber, however, Is accorded 11 lower
rnto thun uthor classes of freight, but
owing to freedom from damugo or loss
yields 1U1 uvorago bettor return per cur
than other higher rlars freights. It Is
probable that some of thu lumber whole
salers ut severul points discriminated
against will ask the Intcrstatu commlH
tlon for an opinion that will attempt to
explain tho rather singular reasoning
upon which this decision appears to bo
Minor Mention
Word was received hero yesterday of
thn denth ot William linker at Han An
tonio, Tex, Mr, linker wuh a well known
business mnn of Council Illuffs, for many
years engaged In the lightning rod busi
ness, but for several years past In thu
southern laud business. Ho htul large
Innd Interests In Toxns and on the gulf
coast. It Is prpbablo that tho body will
bo returned hero for burlnl.
Rev. Joseph Moss nt I-ovolund, thli
county, atul n resilient of tho vicinity
for sixty years, died yesterday nt the
home of his daughter In this city, Mrs.
W. K. Hnyt, 2rtii Avenuu II. Mr. Moan
wns 78 years old, nnd for more than half
a century Imcl been a lluptlst minister.
He had been III seven weeks, lie Is
survived by his widow and eight children.
The no'iy will no tnKim today to Love
land for burial.
Or O. O. Hmlth. who played golf on the
Council Bluffs links while he wns pastor
of tho First Congiegntlonnl church, has
lost none of bis Interest lu the great
crime ijlnee his removnl to Houth Da
kota to become head of the Congrega
tional church ut Kort Pierre. On tho
contrary his attachment has been
strengthened, Tim 1'lerro Golf club, tha
lending one In tho xtate, bus been re
organized, new nnd lurger links seemed
and IJr. Smith has beoh elected president
of tho organization.
The monthly report of Dr. nowcr. city
health officer nt tho meeting of the
board of health Inst night showed that
there had been thirty-four deaths from
all cnuwii In the city during tho month
of October. During the month there
were twenty-four cases of diphtheria and
four deaths from the disease, eight rases
of smallpox nnd five of typhoid fever
with no deaths. No other contagious dis
eases wrro reported, There were un
doubtedly others, but owing to tho weak
ness of the state laws that do not mako
It obligatory upon physicians to report
the health officer Is obliged to hunt up
all of tho statistics contained lu his
monthly mid annual reports.
Smoke that densely filled all parts of
the three-iitory building on North Main
street on Indian creek bunk, now oc
cupied uu sn automobile garage and re
pair shop, called out the fire jlepartmen
Sunday night and completely baffled nit
atteinptn to find its origin. The smoko
was Been pouring out of tho windows pn
all floors whon tho alarm was turned In,
The building Is located less than 109
feet from No. 3 flro station and Fire
Chief Nicholson has an Iritarost In tho
garage, and tho firemen were reasonable
diligent In their efforts to find the source
or ine rire. The smoKo hod the odor of
burning pine, but an hour's search failed
to reveal any fire. The uillolnlnir Imllil.
Ing, occupied by tho Novelty Manufactur
Ing company, was tho sceno of the stub.
norn pnospnurus fire last summer, and
the fear was that soinu of the phosphorus
had again flamed up In some concealed
place. Another theory was tho smoko
hnd come from the city building's smoke,
stuck, which enveloped the outsldo of
the factory buildings for ti few minutes
half an hour previously.
Arthur Hayes, tho young negro who
fled from town two or tlireu jcafs ago
after robbing the cash drawer and tnfe
at the Grand hotel nnd wns suspected
nf looting the two telephone booths- In
tho hotel nnd later sent to the penlten
tlary for snatching a purse from it
woman nt the Northwestern passenger
station, s again In tho city Jalt. Yes
terday afternoon the puilcu department
was notified that Hayes had escaped
from the Anatnosa penitentiary on Sat
urday, in just half uu hour later I)c
tectlve Callughan came Into tho ttatlon
with the negro, whom ho had found on
tho street. Hayes will now be returned
to tho penitentiary' to erve the full
period of his five-year term. Hayes was
captured lu Tennessee after the Grand
hotel robbery, but owing to the Impossi
bility of getting jiouittvi! evidence, was
permitted to plead guilty to a minor
charge and was given a short 'all sen
tence Within a week after he was out
of Jail he committed the last robbery.
The fellow Is also said to havn u crimi
nal recoH on the Pacific coast.
Drawn for The Boo by Merlo Johnson,
Iowa Supreme Court Sanotions the
Atlantic Road Extension. i
I 1
.Strike Sit tuitlun In Den Molnr lrov."r-.
Involved and Apprni Mnite for
-Mayor to Clour All Nnloonn ' '
I'rmlliifl- Settlement.
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
DliH MOINKS, Nov. 12.-(Hpeclnl Tele
grnm.) Tttorneyn for creditors for tha
Atlantic railroad pleaded with the si;,
preme court this afternoon for a writ ot
prohibition to prevent und further con
tinuances to ox-Qovernor Shaw In tho
matter ot completing tho purchase of tho
railroad nnd aftor listening to Qovornor
Hhaw tha court Itself granted an ex
tension of tlmo until December li. T!ri
was substantially what waa agreed to Itf
tho nttoi-neys and by Judgo Arthur of
tho lower court against whom tho wrt
wns asiten. :
Hhnw gnVe absolute nssurancet thKV"H
tha money Is forthcoming and that wllhfn.
thirty days tho purchase will bo conV " y
.SlrlUr Hltnntloii 'Worse,
With about twonty-flvo persons nr-i
rested today for disturbances In cdiy
nectlon with tho teamsters' strike, muofi'
difficulty on tho part ot tho police In dlsj
polling crowds of strlkors and a threat w
of calling out tho militia tho strike slt-
nation In Des Moines is decidedly biui"
tonight. A committee of citizens liaa ru-i
'incited tho mayor to close all saloonn"1
for n time. Tho Trades arid Labor As-'""
numbly Is holding dally sessions and there 1
Is danger of a general strike of union
men In all linos out ot sympathy for
tho teams t nis.
Alleued Car Robbers lndlutnl. ,
LOOAN, In., Nov. 12.-(8peclol.)-ThiM.
Biund Jury returned Indictments against
the following named parties: George Ryan
and Stephen Ryan and Roy lfuyes, ntt
for tho ulleged offense of breaking and
entering und robbing cars. Tho graifd" ' '
Jury also returned nil Indictment against
Joo Vundcen for tho alleged offense of
rohbliig a dredge bont hi or near Mon
dumlii. Thu warrants aro now In tha
hands of Sheriff Rock and the men nru
In tjio Logan Jail.
town NrvtB Notes. ,
1H3RT DODOK-More than 2,000 peoplf.
who revered August Weuble, prominent
general storo merchant at Rolfo. when '
woh killed Instantly In an automobile ac
cident, uttended his funeral yesterday, ,
Mrx. Weitble, who waa thought to be fa- .
tally Injured In tho accident, Is now as
sured of recovery unless complications
FOKT DO DO 13 Mrs. Anna Coyle, -n.
former resident here, was burned tu .
death at Spencer as the reoult of a gaso
line explosion. Mrs. Coylo was employed,
nt a restaurant and was washing win
dows with gasoline ut tho tlmo of the ac
cident OTTUMWA-Ottumwa's now 225.000 fed-,
era building was formally opened re
cently by Judge MaPlieron, former Colf-
uiossmnn John F. Lacov and D. W. Ilain--'
llton, members of the Wapello County .
nar HBPoeiation, una pronouncea uy juuku -Alol'herson
one of the best appointed fed
eral courts over which his Jurisdiction ex.
tends. Many or tho other speakers spoko
111 a. similar vein of the fine structure.
OR1KNT A large number of nnstotV
over tho Crouton district of the Methu- '
(list Church association met at Orient fpr'
a two unya svstion last, ween ann an in-J
tercstlng program was carried out, TImv 1
keynote of tho association was evangel
ism und It will, the unanlinouu decision
of tho minister" present that the best
method or earning on tne worK was lit
co-oooratlon among themselves ratheri
than In outride help from evangelists.
Prescription that Soon
Knocks Rheumatism
Tho only logical treatment for rheumai
Usui Is through the blood. The poison? .
that settle In .muscles. Joints and biuR.
causing cevern pain, must be dissolved .
und expelled from the system or thenf
can be no relief. This prescription from
a noted doctor Is sold, to be working won
ders all over the country. Hundreds of
the worst cases were cured by It liera
lost winter. "From your drugglat get ona
ounce of Torts compound (In original
(.ruled package) and one ounce of syrup
of HarBuparllla compound, Tuko these
two Ingredients homo ftnd put them Into
a half pint of good whiskey. Shake tlv
bottle and take u tablcHpoonful beford
each meal nnd at bed time " Result'
come the first day. If your druggist does
not have Torts compound In stock ho
will get It In a few hours from his whole
tulo house. Don't be Influenced to tak?'
homo patent medicine Instead nf this. In
Blst on having the genuine Torla com
pound In the original, one-ounce, sealed,
yellow package. (
BOBS FBBT, Corns, Callouses, Bun
ions, FrOBt lilies. Aching and Sweatj
Feet A spoonful of Caloclde In the Xootr
ha tn gives Instant relief Oet u box
at anv drug store Advertisement,