i THE HEK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, XOVKMBKR in. IMS!. 11 7 V he jecg jne aazire p)a SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT Tke Suffragettes Now Eule in Emmny's Court Drawn foi The Bee bv Tad Copyright. 1912, National Nes A'n. DID VO'J ICMow THAT" TbOJrAV PLACE AiOvJ H-AaP-V I UfrE- I THOUGHT" I'D (rtVE TKAT A TWAA- 1 ( ORDER W WE rT. . ' 1 C fAV OFAR. MAM VO . APE WddSP VNiTH MOOCHMO- UPON ( THE PU.DI-IO V HI CS-MWAv ' SEk BUT 3U0r LI STtM - i ONLV AJKO FOP- ME POOR LITTLE , WIFE FfcOt STARv'A' A cop jMrusr.o mf OUWEOHMwtiP. .1 r -4i A poo-Moo I O-H - J 'I 'l tL3UiT PCANORR. A UP TMAr ivc jo I WOO ffO MCrMT taT DoUtCMA ,A talkiajo- TQy 1 VaEIIS V0l ELECTED FOP I The Unwelcome Wife IJy DOItOTHY DIX. I pet a great mnny tearful letters from women who say that their husbands aro a-weary of them, and wish to be rid of them. These wives wrlto that their hus bands are brutally frank, Bind tell them to their faces what burders they nre, 'how they hato them and how they long for death or 'divorce. On of the. women writes, "My hus- baml says that ho must c e r t a Inly have been drunk when ho picked me out fOjwlfe," Another .woman nays that' her hus band Is1 always w o n d erlng why some kind friend didn't put him 111 a lunatic asylum when he announced .that he was going tb marry her. Still anoUier says her hus band Is' always saying that If ho hadn't been .fool enough tto tie up' with nor he could' marry a rich widow. After relating thcs,o' Insults, and tell; Ing hdw tK'ey aro" neglected and mis treated jby1 their .husbands, these women t wind up" tliejr letters by saying; "What. ' lhall I dqYJIShall I leave mV husband or : not?" .y' That depend! on whether a woman has the soul of an upstanding human being ar of a dogs To any woman wun one arpp jt free. Independent blood In her veins, or one shred of self-respect In her char acter there) should bo no such question. She would, have packed her trunk and left at the very first Intimation that her husbaVid no longer wanted her and felt her a burden upon him. Ono can no more understand a woman lingering along as a palpably unwelcome wife than one can understand a woman continuing to re main at a ploco where she knows herself to be an unwelcome guest. That a wlfo would stay on with a hus band who Is tired of her and who wants to be rid of her Is the more strange, be causeshe'.Is in sucha bad situation tnat nothing could bo worse. Whatever Ills she might fly to would be more endur able than thoso she suffers. Certainly to a, sensitive woman there can be no torture worse ttm'h to live In the cloBe relationship of marriage with 30 Million Pounds of Persil used in Germany last year. It shouldn't be 'necessary to say another word about it in our advertising. Persil is a self-acting Oxygen washing compound for all laundry pur poses. Persil saves Time, La bor, Clothes 10c at your grocer's a man who hates her; to be forced to note his averted glances; to know that he begrudges her even the very bread she eats and the clothes upon her back. Her only chance for happiness, or oven peace of mind, under such olrcumstances Is to go away where her heart will not bo stabbed dally by cold looks, where she will be free of Insults and reproaches, and where sho can live her life In quiet and self-respect, as she cannot do as an undeslfed wife. If a man has money the law will force htm to provide for the wife he wishes to discard, As a maUer of fact, he will be willing to pay out good money to get rid of her, and If the woman is wise she will put aside sentiment and come down 'to brass tacks and drive a hard bargain with him. If he Is poor and has no money with Which to pay for his freedom, she does well to go anyway, for there Is no other laborer on earth who works so hard and gets so llttlo pay as a poor man's wife. Her only reward Is the love and appreciation of her husband, and If she doesn't get these her labor is profit less Indeed. There Is no woman of ordinary sense ami .health who can't make a living In these days and be treated decently In the . bargain, and so there Is no reason for a wlfo remaining with a husband who tells her how tired hels of her and reproaches her yith being alive, except that', she wants to stay. Unfortunately there are 'Plenty of wo men who Justify the old adage, "a wo man, a dog and a walnut tree, the morn you. beat them the better they be." Such women simply thrive on Ill-treatment, and the more they are kicked and Insulted, the tighter they cling to a ma'n. Nobody need waste any sympathy on them, for they are having the time of their lives, when they are bedewing your parlor carpet with tears, and taking up your time telling you how their hus bands neglect and llluse' them. They are spaniels that crawl back to the hand that Bmltes them, and they are subjects for our contempt rathor than our pity. Nothing can be done for these women except to leave them to enjoy their misery, and to revel In whining. They are spineless creatures, worms of the. dust without enough backbono In them even to turn, but tho woman who has few sections of vertabrae, enough to make her resent being an unwelcome wife, has Just one chance to get back her lost hanplness. And that Is by leaving her husband and giving him a chance to find out that the blessing he has despised is more necessary to his wellbelng than he has realized, Nothing makes a woman of such value to a man's eyes as to be un attainable. Also nothing makes a man so Indifferent to a woman as for her to be always Sally-on-the-spdt. The chief reason that men make negligent hus bands Is because they cherish the Idea that a wife Is something you can't lose. Therefore, a wife's one and only chance to win back her husband who frankly tells her he Is weary of her and sorry he married her. Is to go away and leave him. and give him the opportunity to find out how much he misses her, and how much she Is necessary to his happl- jiefisr K.H cares for her at all, absence win quicKen love, ana ne win come nacK to her -repentant and a chastened hus band. ' . If he doesn't come back, If he really docs loatho her, as .tie says, then the sooner she knows It, and can set about making a life of' her own, the better fey hef. &tLNCE MflV DC GOLDEtl IOT IT WOiyr Ruey the FrtL&e head w;Noora WfS WrtTCHNG R .MOVfE WHEN THE FILM BROKE. IT WW-3U&r at me P01HT vvweic-e thc 3ErtTENCaX FOR LIFE. RU0y 'WWIT WBO- CX)THN6 NEXT SVDDEHLy THE PICTURE TfRTEX fIGfiiri AND THERC IH RGflT BIC LETTERS IT "IF O r)f)N STtCK HIS HRWD in THE CoflL HRE WOOL DNV HE FEEL John! feed the kitjv! 'DOe6- MlSIMH JOHW60N, Cf you tc?l t r4e why me, t-itce ft U&l NESS RROFOSt 1 irrnz&L otu tor- no bomcb WHV IS IT 7 BON CS-BE CftUSe ITS ON DC fN mKLz ft lot!! TAKE TWO im&SSh Tfe LiH?oe Gc)HeKrS DRtr.V wci-o&c ne, t-wrf6oT up on THE Pu mrWM to ftfinouHOil the etc or i on retort nnnovnee 7wr? 73e?t?e to vow t HtE Qie&rion i WOWi-D TO fl&X- 17 & 7M-T&- If TWe WDOD5MBD & OUT tti THC VARJD WHERE MA THE CCVW. 0lN T yOU UTILE RRSCFiL When is a Lie Not a Lie? "Often Justifiable to Live a Lie," Says a Psychologist Too Ilrallstlo an Imitation. The- occasion was a choice little tei party on the lawn, and the hoitess was beamln Band busy among her guests. "Yes," she remarked, "my little girl U very clever. She can Imitate almost any one." "She can, my dear," echoed the host, delightedly. "Come. Alice; show what you can do. I'retehd to be the house maid. The little girl, eagerly enough, cama forward and bowed, to one of the guests. "Will you take some more tea ma'am?" sho asked politely. Then she turned to another guest, "May I move your chair, madam? The sunlight Is very strong." At this the guests were exceedingly In terested and asked for more. Backing away from her father, Alice exclaimed. In a terrified tone: "Sir, let me go.. Don't touch me, sir. Give you a kiss. Indeed. Supposing tho missus was to hear you?" Then the clever little darling was wafted away suddenly, New York Sun. Too Much of a Good Thing. Kberton L. Wlnthrop, at the end qf one of. the meeting of the Board of Education in New York, said, apropos of severity In the schoolroom: "These over-severe teachers always re. mind me of an over-severe parson. He, at a dinner party durlnir Int. xalrl in I one oi in buchib, a lamous raconteur. My dear sir. as It Is Lent and a Friday to boot would you mind If I asked you to confine your efforts ex- ' ihislvely to Hull stories?" Boa top Her- By MAKGAltET IIUUBAUI) AY1JU. When Is a lie not a lie 7 AIlss Vlfla Faulkner Page was Just dis missing a class of women who had come In the pouring rain, many of them from out of town, to propound their individual problems and solve them with Miss Page's help. As the last of the problems swept out Into the dripping night I put my ques tion to the psychologist. "Iet me see, what is the corroot defini tion of a He? A statement with Intent to deceive, Isn't It?" said Miss Page. "I have a right to deceive people under cer tain very limited circumstances," she an nounced boldly. "For Instance, a writer of promlnenco wonted to study the problems of the working alrl. Sho disguised herself, lived and worked with a class of girls whose salaries aro among tho smallest In the city. She wished to Investigate the con ditions of the boarding houses, homes and co-operotlvo Institutions where thtse girls live In order to Improve them. "She was living a He, but that He was Justifiable.' "In another case, n sick womon had a friend who was dangerously 111, and who eventually died. Tho friends of the first woman told lier that her friend ws get ting better in order to save her a shock which might have caused a relapse of her own illness, Again tho He was Justifiable. "Queen Kllzabeth snld 'a Ho Is an In telligent way of getting out of a dif ficulty.' In tho Infinite complexity which comes of our modes of living there Is often occasion to withhold the truth, and people use that way of doing It. "You often have some knowledge which you are not free to give to others, or the meaning of which it is not in the power of the other Individual to comprehend. in such cases the evasive answers is a sign of tact, and Is necessary In fact. "The telephone has become the easy means by which many of a certain typo of person not only endeavors to find out what does not concern them, but tries to get others to do their work for them," "It is said, Miss Page, that the tele phono Is conducive to more lying than any other agent of modern life. Do you consider that true?" Miss Page avoided a direct answer. "People try to shift their work on the shoulders of others, using the telephone to call up for advice or Intelligence which they are not going to ubo, or are too lazy to get for themselves, and on the other hand, people are not fraplc enough to say straight out that such and such a thing Is not the business of the, person questioning. The persons who ask too many questions do not feel that thny aro transgressing, and for myself I would not hesitate to be quite frank and outspoken. 1 "One of the most serious phases of this question of lying Is the attitude of parents toward the Imaginative child. Now a child has no notion of lying, be cause It Is that which Is In your heart that makes the He. The pure-hearted child is like Billy, who told hi mother that a big black bear had eaten the chocolate cake, that was In the pantry. "Billy couldn't be persuaded that It wasn't a bear, and that evening when father came home, Billy's mother In formed him, with a long, sad face, that Billy had told a dreadful lie. "So Billy's father questioned the boy, and Billy repeated his story with beau tiful elaborations changing the bear to a cow, But all to no purpose. The father tried to persuade him that he was lying, but Billy wouldn't give up, and only won dered what was the artistic point lack ing In his story Poor Billy was whipped i,v hu no renin and still he Oulin t see rr Babes from the Woods Uy llKAUICK FAlltFAX. Here are three letter written by babes who Imaglno they are In love. "I am keeping company with a young mull of my Jige, which I 17 years. He calls on me fnvrry night, but he does nut show any loVe to me. What, can I do to make htm show his Joy?" "I am IK years and In luvo with h girl one year my Junior 1 think she doesn't pny me the attention she ought to, I love her, but she has never told mo sho loves me. ( would Ilka to know a plan by which I could find out It she recipro cates my love for her." "Is It any harm for a boy and girl of IS years (o keep steady company? Some people say that at the hko of 18 years children Hhould nev,r thluk of tho op posite sex." Boy ond girl love, called calf-love by thosf who have survived Its nttneks with out lasting scar., may develop Into some thing fine, but every chance In the world Is against It. In tho first place, children of that age don't know their owni minds, They are In love with love, and think they are In love 'with the boy or girl who at that moment plenses them best. In six weeks, still In lovn with love, fhl mushroom offspring of s romantic brann'l attached to some other person. Indeed, given op portunity mid environment', the oujert of one's undying lorn when one Is 1(1 year changes ns rapidly ns tho scene In a moving picture. ' This love Is serious while It last. It takes time, Is n waste of emotion mid Is fostered and encouraged when one's Judgment In hasty nnd Immature. Therein the danger lies. ' Youth Always swings too far bdth ways. Ono Is uncontrollably happy, or danger ously depressed. Iaivc, never an off spring of reason, behaves as If of Insuno parentuge when those under Its swuy aiu ndrr 16 years. Time that should be spent III making a valuable storehouse of the brain Is de- ated to making that valuable part of the anatomy a lumber' room filled with seless odds and ends of romance, 1 Wlin one Is 16 years' old the brain l strong and active and Impressionable.. ml lessons are easiest to master and rastrt to retain. H Is a harvest time. ml It is more than a misfortune It Is a tragedy If girls nnd boya at this period uf their lives moon around like half-sick calves and think, sing and prate of love MISS VILLA KAUIiKNEH PA OH what was the mutter, and, as hu lay sob. blng In his little bed, after the ordeal, he called his father and said; "It wasn't a cow, It was a angnl that ato the cake," having no Idea what the punishment was for ond what It was all nbout." "How would you deal with un Imag inative child of this kind, Miss Puge?" "I nxjuld enter Into the spirit of thu story," said tho psychologist and teacher of psychotherapy "I would let Hilly tell mu the story and elaborate to his heart's content. I would go Into details about It. Oh, I have done it a great many tlmcic, and know that It's ioslbIe, und In a little while he would admit that he had helped the bear eat up the chocolate cake', and so the truth comes out, at last, and tho child can be made to under stand the difference. "Many grown up people continue to live In the Imaginative realms of child hood, and deviate from tho truth, like children. They are the people who al ways exaggerate, who never maku mi absolutely truo statement of facts, and whove live In a vague, negative condl-t!on-the condition bred of untruth; these deviations weaken and degenerate and undermine the character, showing tljo pernicious effect of lying. "In themselves such people huve the childlike temperament that refuses to grow up and to learn the difference be tween truil, und untruth, and the habit. that will not live longer, than tomorrow 1o the writers of these three letters I urgest ft careful perusal pf K. J, Hardy, wno s.i is; "Precaullousness In love-maklnr Is a great mistake.. It prevents the enjoymsnt of youthful years, which should be free rrom anxiety and leads to cntanirlemeiUs and hasty attschments which cause much uisiross thereafter. We. do not ad't girls to put off matrimony until they Kra MO year? old-whleh was, I believe, the aga of the daughter of Knoch when she on tcred that statebut wo think they do not consult their best Interests In allow ing thoughts of lovo and marriage to oc cupy their minds Jn their 'salad days,' when they nro greon In Judgment." Head this quotation ugaln: "It prevents the enjoyment of youthful years, which should bo free from nnxlety, and leads to entanglomenls and hasty attachments wjilch csuho much distress." The writers of theso letters, one. Wo and three, will find no nrgumont fayqr Ing calf lovo that can offset this argu ment against It. So I urge tho writer Of tho first letter to make no attempts to get a boy of U years to show his love, but refrain from showing her own, and try to overcome It. 1 want the Ii6y who. wrote the sacoml letter to put an jnuch worry Into his les sons at school at' he Is putting ln(o' a precocious love,, and I want tho writer! of the third letter to take the quotation from Hardj' foi nh utisWer. Don't regard this opportunity to lorn and bo loved a" the last! And don't, If lit or 20 years of ag, ir older, look upon the present as all tier r m future. I.ove will coma when you are reody for' It. , And Ijito trove's even sweeter Thsn First Iive's tender dream. ' J ' A Ilnehelar'j) Hrtleqtlona. A man believes In principles so' as. tt argue ubotit them. Thu only time a clrl nnlrstnnd hn.e ball Is at u foot ball game. No bed could ever be built big enough: to' keep cold feet' out of reach. a woman's idea or a successful hat la If It looks to her husband aa If It cost fi and to her frlonds KM, The most extreme instanlty Is being 4n gnged, hut a sure cure for It Is marriage. j i n man can niuion nis wire up the back ItV proof to .her now smart he mOt no in nusinrss. The thanks a man gets for paying rot ducks for his family Is he also gets thl Jolt of carving them. of exaggerating and lying beepmes like at drug, to which they ure addicted and which they cannot do without. j "Characters llko thesu und they often belong to tho seemingly pleasant and I amiable people, ate destructive to so cletr. "Many of tho people who come here to inn to have thujr troubles analyzed and get at tho root of the matter, can trace their misfoi tunes to such people, and It Is for that reason that tho training of the imaginative child who does not know the meaning of a He, and does not In tend to deceive, must be undertaken by the tuctful, Intelligent person who can correct tho tendency to untruthfulness tiy showing tho child what It really Is without Intimidating him by punishment. In a child of this kind a He Is not a He, but the child is father to the man and to him a Ue Is ii lie Indeed." Tt'HchliiK Ibr Youiik Idea, A keen-eyed but obviously scantily edu cated mountaineer led his gawky, over grown son Into a country school house. "This here boy's urter larnin'." he an nounced, "What's yer hill o' fare?" "Our curriculum, sir," corrected the schoolmaster, "embraces geography, phy. slology, arithmetic, algebra, trlgonoma-tr-' "That'll do," interrupted the father. "That'll do. Iood him up heavy with triggrrnometry He's the only poor shot n ti rauilly, V-A'outh'a Companion, I m Cut down the cost of living 1ADIES, it is in your power to reduce the ouday for food in your households and feed your families better. Serve less meat on your tables. Let a nut-brown diuh of delicious FAUST BRAND take its place. It has all the nourishing elements of meat at about one-tenth its cost, and is ever so much easier digested. Faust Spaghetti is made from Durum wheat, so rich in body-building gluten. And there are so many delicious ways in which it can be served. Write for free book of recipes. At all grocers Sc and 10c packages. ' III I J Maull Bros., St. Louis, Mo.