Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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By MELLIFIOIA. Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1912.
N OMAHA man who returned from Europe within the Inat fow
weeks, hns decided that Kuropo Is not the only place the traveler
can be "held up." In act ho has been abroad so many times that
he Is now ablo to accomplish the feat, missing; very few of the In
teresting cTcnts over there, and still have shillings, francs and marks,
literally speaking, In his pockets.
Returning on this last trip, he landed In New York feeling qijlto
Jubilant over tho fact that he had spent the summer In Europe without
being short-changed or overcharged to any great extent. But upon land
ing In New York, ho gave a messenger boy60 cents of Uncle Sam's coin
of the realm with which to send a telegram to the folks at homo tolling
of bis Bafo arrival.
The small boy ovldently put the money In his pocket, for .no message
came to tell of his safe arrival, and aoon tho steamship company received
several telegrams asking if said traveler had arrived.
His next experience was nearer home. On the dining car, he gave
the waiter a five-dollar bill to pay for his breakfast. After waiting for a
considerable time, he called tho waiter and asked for change. "There
nin't no change, sah," replied the-waiter, "you gave me a dollah and your
brcakfant was a dollah." A passtmger across the aisle witnessed the
episode and came to his assistance, but to no avail; tho waiter kopt tho
Silver Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mr. Henry Mlelke celebrated
their twenty-fifth or silver anniversary
of tbelr wedding Sunday at their home
tm riercn fitreet. The house was decor
ated In pink nhd white. Tho table had
for centerpiece a cuke trimmed wllri"llver
roses and bells. After dinner the evening"
ias pcnt In music and cards. Mr. arid
Mrs Htlelke were the recipient, of many
,.niitifiil nrpmntn among, them a client
nf ullver from Mrs. Mlelke's
Those present were:
Mr and Mrs. Matt IVets.
Mr. and Mr. John Engel,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Smith,
Mr. and Mr. Oeorgo flteltvert,
r. and Mrs. Otto Btarr,
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond,
Mr. and Mr. Schenck,
Mr. and Mr. Boyer,
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer.
tr and Mrs. Knrtlnlck.
m. . . . .
Anna Kamrnxlnd.
Annie Johnson,
Mnry Knmonzlnd,
M. Oreencr,
E. Hammond.
If. Iloberts,
J. Knelfer.
Mary Elcke,
Anna Kochem,
Carrie Mlelkc.
Amelia Mlelke.
Helen Kamonzlnd,
"Klmer Anderson,
K Reynolel,
urcener, jr.:
Family Dinner Party.
Mrs. Frank A. Kennedy save a family
.dinner party at her home, 2210 Capitol
avenue, Sunday evening. Those present
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cox,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Ingalls,
Mr and Mr, Dixy Diamond.
Mr and tin, mink A. Kennedy,
(jrnce Cox,
Violet Cox.
"Florence Cox,
Carlton Ingalls,
Thomas Ham,
Margaret Kennedy,
Rtola Kennedy.
Herbert Cox.
Party at Welcome Inn.
A party was Riven last weak at "Wel
come Inn." Those present were:
Berenice Hankson,
Hllrn Knnn.
Ilia Whitfield,
" Misses
Margaret Whitfield.
Anna Ilaokus,
JCdlth Cundlff,
Dagmar Poulsen,
Theresa Morlarty,
Anns Nelson.
Harry Tliomsen,
Albert Elliott,
lUchard rirlnser,
Arthur BorenBen,
Royal De Vol,
TJoyde Harmbacker,
Irene Underbill.
Hazel Whitfield.
Frank Davis.
Henry Wenlnghoft,
Ilobert Carruthers,
Alfred lUder,
Ilenjamln dlvler,
Allan Van Dyke.
Large Bridge Party.
Mr. Joseph Itosrnfald and Mrs. Julius
Drclfus have Issued Invitation for an
Afternoon bridge to be given Saturday,
November 23, for Mis Blanche Cohn .and
for Mrs, Lambert Oppenhelm ot Cleve
land, who will arrive the latter pari of
the week, to be the guests of Mrs. Dielfus.
Bridge for Miss Rousnopoulos.
Miss Daphne Peters and Mss Bertha
Dickey will entertain at bridge this even
ing In honor of Miss Venus lloussopoulii
of ft. Paul, who attended school at Kly
Court Just year with the two hostenses
and who Is now visiting Miss Mlldrril
Butler. Those present will be:
Misses Misses
Venus Itouxsopoulos, Mildred Butler,
ruiinenne -inummcu Jieicn tseooie,
Mary Burkley,
Alice carter,
Margaret Oreer
Dorothy Hall,
John Daugherty,
Ware Hall,
Frank Keogh,
Gerald Wharton,
Gladys Peters.
Dorothy Morgan,
Bertha Dickey,
Daphne Peters.
Hal Yates
Wlllard Butler,
Taylor Belcher,
Paul Gallagher.
Ilalph Peter.
Behtmeyer-Hess Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Agnca "Winn Hess
to Hans Godfrey Itohtmoyer was cele
brated Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock
at tho rcsldrnco of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Duncan. Bev.
K. It. Curry of Calvary Baptist church
The bride wa gowned In white crepe
meteor with draped sktrt. The bodice
waa trimmed with princess laco. A band
of lace held the tulle veil, and she car
ried an arm bouquet of bride's roses.
There were no bridal attendants. Miss
Lillian Ilehtmcycr ot Chicago wa an
out-of-town gupst.
About sixty guests were present.
After a brief western trip, Mr. and
Mrs, Ucutmayer will reside at !15 Hurt
etreot. '
Luncheon for Debutante.
Mrs. William T Burns was hostess at a
beautifully appointed luncheon today at
the Omaha club In honor of Miss Daphne
reter. who Is ono of the debutantes.
Govern will bo placed for:
Misses Misses
Daphne Peters, Grace Mlddleton of
Gladys Peters, Washington, D, (.'.,
Bertha Dickey. Helen Pcoble.
Mary Burkley, Carolyn Congdon,
Kathcrlitu Thummell,Kllr.abeth Congdon,
Alice Carter, Helen Davis,
Margaret Greer Elisabeth Davis,
Baum, ICathrrlne Ueeson.
Venus ltoussopoulos Kllzabeth Bruce,
of BL Paul, Pauline Burke,
Mildred Butler, Dorothy Hall.
Carmellta Chase,
Mesdames Metdames
W. D, Hosford, W. T. Burns.
W. J. Foyo,
How to Beautify
Complexion and Hair
To retain a charming complexion,
tender skins need better protection
e ugaJnst harsh, cold winds than la given
by face powder. There Is no finer com-plexlon-beautltler
to bo had than a lotion
mado by dissolving 4 ounce of apunnax
li a half-pint witch haxel (or hot water),
and adding 2 teaspoonrul of gtyoertne.
While this lotion cannot be detected when
applied to the face, neck and arms. It
transforms an ordinary complexion Into
one of girlish attractiveness. It does not
how cr rub off Ilka faou powder and I
leuch raster to apply. This tpurmax lo
tion will clear up and whiten any sallow
win and make It youthful and charming.
It la unequaled for overcoming that-shiny,
if-easy look which Is so troublesome to
all many ladles.
Qute a risk Is taken la using "dry
aimmpoos,' for unless, the powder 1 n
rtrely brushed out It will clog up the
jrorrai In the. scalp and cause dandruff.
Una can ahampoo thoroughly only by
Using water. As It Is danguroua to us
Wan and most ready-nrecared sharnooa.
owing to the "free" alkali thay contain,
whloh tenda to kUI the hair, making It
dull, faded and streaky, most pleaiung)
nrauiis win oe expenenceq jrom ft. snsJtv
Sbo made from one teaspoonful of can
tsrox dlsaolved in a cup of hot water.
'Rhis shampoo lathers splendidly, cleanse
thoroughly and dried quickly. It will
Kop Itching scalp, remove dandruff and
leave the lialr bright, soft and fluffy,
'this shampoo has given such excellent
Kattafactton that It Is now belnsr used r.
sustveiy oy many nairarossen. AAvt.
Keep the Cwnpkxitm UuAM.
me Face Powder
(fa Om Saw Om i
Produces a soft, vahretv
appearaaca to much ad
mired, sad remaint until
washed off. Purified by
a new process. Will do
clog th pots. Harm len.
PrevtnU sunburn b
return of dlscotomtlfiBi.
if toiki counter or mall, 50c Mtmy
Lrt if Htt ttttlrtlj pltaiJ.
fsU lurau-Mntptl Vnm Ck. Owl Dru
For Visitors.
Mis Katharine Thummell will entertain
at a small Informal luncheon at her home
Thursday In honor of Miss Vonua Bous
sopoulos, guest of Miss Mildred Butler,
Miss Margaret Oreer Baum will enter
tain Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss
Mlddleton, guest of Miss Carmellta Chase.
Mlsa Dorothy llnll will be hostess at
luncheon Wednesday at her home for the
For the Future.
The Crelghton medical students will
irlvo their second Informal hop at Cham
bers Tuesday evening.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. A. Wycoff, who has been unite se
riously 111, loft Monday for California,
where she will spend the winter.
Mr, and Mrs. It. IS. Sunderland leave
Thursday morning for San Franclrco for
the "benefit of Mrs. Sunderland's health.
Mla Bugente Whltmore returned honle
Monday morning after spending several
weeks, visiting friends In New York, Bos
ton- and Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Buell.rnturned this
morning from a two months' trip In a
private car, They spent most of their
tlmv tn the south visiting Memphis, New
Orleans and Savannah. They also vis
ited Mra. M. C. Bathbqrn of Hprlngfleld,
III., formorty of Omaha, and Mrs. ButU's
parents in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur D, Brandels and
llr, Brandels' sister, Mr. Cohn, have
decided to give up the Dr, Porter house.
Mrs. Brandels ha taken apartmtnta In
New York and Mr. Brandels will spend
part of each year In New York and part
n Omaha. Mrs. Cohn will probably tak
apartments at' tha Hotel Loyal for a
Violin Maker
JL rasmusssn
Xooaa 83 BoagUs Slack
ArtSstlo XUv&lrtag ot sHrtsgsd
Ir AsscirtsawLt ot Oil
Advanoe Guard of
Manufacturers is
Here for Convention
Delegates and visitors to the convention
of Nebraska manufacturers whioh begins
a two-day seaslon Thursday morning are
already arriving In Omaha and accept
ances to Invitations sent out are oomlng
In by every mall to the Commercial club.
Thlrty-clght acceptances came In the
mall Monday morning which la taken by
thosa In ohtrga of the convention to
mean that the first convention of the
state association will assure Its success.
C B. Belnert of Wymore and G. W.
Darner of Lincoln are In the city to co
operate with ths program eommlttea In
arranging the final datalls. With the
eaoeptlon ot Mayor Dahlman, who Is
absent irom the city, the speakers will
participate In the program In accordance
with the announcement iaetit out. -
One of the Important Issues taken up
by tha convention will be the endorse-
ment or non-endoraemejit of the "Made
in Kewasxa- snow which will be held
in the Auditorium ten days beginning
isrcii . in luuns aim piogram for the
show win ue suomilted to the cuntentlon
and im.,dUbt will U unanimously u
Visit our Greater Cur set
Section second floor.
All contts $. 00 or more
fitted free of charge.
m iiitti
fWf Am.A Al 11.... 1 J. TP-.. .
Goods Dept. tecorid floor.
til liree lesaom-witli all ma-
, Uriah purchated.
A Notable Showing of
Suits, Coats
and Dresses
Specially Priced for Wednesday
Women's and Misses' Corduroy and
Plain Velvet Dresses.
J.atest Ideas white collars and cuffs, braid trimmed.
Drown, taupo, navy and black Wednesr qi r rr
day special plO.UU
Wool Serge and Eponge Dresses
Now smart modcla, high and low .natln collara, fancv. 1 -1 a -
,.$10, $15, $25
girdles, long sleeves.
new shades. Prices
Chiffon Dresses
Charmeuse, crepe do chine, crepo meteor and messa
line. New draped effects, beautifully trimmed with
InceB. Prices
$19.50, $25, $39.50
Novelty and Plain Tailored Suits
In finest materials. Smart lines, reproductions from Paris
models. Navy, taupe, brown and black. Diagonals, serges
two tono materials, and men's wear serges.
Wednesday s
terialfl, and men's wear serges. COCT Cf
Pclal 3)ZO.UU
Novelty and Plain Tailored Suits
Volvots. corduroy, two-tono worsteds, thistle cloth, English
SrSi:.$39.50, $49.50, $59.50
New Coats
Manufacturer's cleanup of choicest materials. Three-quarter
Johnny nnd full length coata. All wnntod materials in dif
ferent models. These, are all the very latest models. Women's
nnd misses' sizes. Q1H -TC C 1 Q Cf 1C
Wednesday special ...,PU, iplO. pl)7.0U,
Black Velour Coats
One style. Lined with fine quality satin. Embroidered col
lars nnu currB, Now collars and revere, a A r . C i rr
to qiou
All sizes, Prlcos range
Wednesday's Specials from
Children's Apparel Section,
Children's $8.50 Coats $3.00
Extra quality black caracul, double breasted style, finished
with fancy buttons; high neck, sizes 2 to 0 Qr- rf
years, Wednesday spoclal P0.UU
Children's $10.50 Corduroy
Coats, $7.98
Navy bluo silk corduroy, lined throughout
with sateen, sizes C to 14 yoars, qr7 QQ
Wednesday Bpeclal 4) I ,yO
'Children's $4.98 Dresses, $3.98
All wool serge, one piece stylo, whlto braid
finished sailor collar, full plaited flo HQ
skirt, sizes C to 14 yrs Wed, Bpecial.pO. !70
Children's $3.98 Dresses, $2.75
Made of shoor lawn, long waist style, elabor
ately trimmed, satin ribbon bow fart ?p
at waist, Wednesday spoclal &Ct. I O
Children's $1.50 Knitted Leggings, $1
Whlto, red and gray, all woo), with (T -1 rr
or without feot, Wednesday Bpeclal .tpJLUU
Infants' $1.98 Wool Sweaters, $1.25
Fancy weaves, high neck, turndown collar,
rod, white and gray, sizes 1 to, 4 J1 Of"
years, Wednesday special 41.D
Wednesday Specials
bhoe Section
Women's $3 and. $3.50
Shoes, $1.89
Several hundred of theso fine
high grade shoes at this re
markable reduction. Gun
metal, patent colt, tan calf
and vlci kid. Lace, button and
blucher models, with high or
low heels. All styles, sizes and
widths - Wednes- A 1 QQ
day special pl.O
Women's $4 Evening &
Party Slippers, $2.45
Dlack and colored satins, deml
kid, black velvet and patent,
with or without straps. Hand
turned soles, low vamps. All
sizes Wodnes- Q0 A f
day special ....... tO
Girls $2.50 Shoes $1.39
Gun motal, vici kid and patent
colt. Laco and button styles.
Wednesday spe- (T i or
dm, ibl.iiy
Remarkable Purchase and Sale of
Dress Goods
and Silk
Wednesday Morning 8 O'clock
Thousands of yards of beautiful silks, com
prising the entire surplus stock of Chicago's
largest jobbing house. Our ability to handle
the entire stock enabled us to secure these high
grade silks at exactly
Charming New Silks, 49c, 59c, 65c, 79c
Worth to $1.50 per yard. A great assortment of all
kinds of plain and novelty weaves messallnes, taffeta,
poplins, Jap weaves, plaids, checks, stripes, dots and
Special Sale of Black Silks
Black taffeta and messallne. The greatest Bilk bargnrn
of the season. Eyery yard guaranteed to wear; regu
larly sold at $1.25, special, jr
per yard lsC
The entire surplus stock of dress)
goods was bought direct from a prom
inent manufacturer at
50c on the dollar
This immense array of high grade fab
rics will be placed on sale Wednesday
at extraordinary savings.
Choicest Dress Materials, 39c, 49c, 59c, 75c
36 to 54 inches wldo, worth to $1.50 per yard. Plain weaves,
serges, whipcords, diagonals and many novelties.
Double 'Faced Cloakings at Greatly
' ' Reduced Prices
$4.50 Cloakings, Wednesday, per yard S2L&8
$3.50 Cloakings, Wednesday, per yard j2 48 '
$3.00 Cloaktngs, Wednesday, per yard Sl98
$2.00 Cloakings, Wednesday, per yard 3129
Boys' Greater
Clothing Department
Balcony- Main Floor
Special for Wednesday
Boys' Fur Collar Overcoats
Sizes 3 to 10 years, a A no
Wednesday Jpf.O
Boys' $5.00 Overcoats
Sizes 3 to 10 years, qo QQ
Wednesday P."0
Boys' $6.00 Winter Suits
Sizes 6 to 17 years, flo QO
Wednesday tPJ.O
Boys' 69c Wool Knickerbocker
Sizes 5 to 16 years,
Boys' 39c Blouse Waists
Sizes 6 to 15 years, -t q
Wednesday XC
Boys' 69c Hats & Winter Caps
Wednesday, at, Af
each 49C
V fir
In lai
This Overcoat 94.98.
Will Maupin Has Plan to Give Ne
braska Some Advertising.
Lturoln Mnn llrllvrrs Address Hi-fore
Omulin Ail Club anil l'ro"e I,c
Ulntivc Artluu Mr Taken
t llolil Olrlirntlon.
A seml-centennlal exposition and cele
bration for Nebraska to be held In March,
1917, waa' proposed at the Omaha Ad club
meeting by Will M. Maupin of Lincoln
In an address to the club on "Publicity
for Nebraska."
He proposed that the state start tn now
to prepare the financing and managing
of the exposition, and that the first
move toward that end should be the es
tablishment of a state publicity bureau
sustained by state appropriations,
A bill for a publicity bureau was of
fered to the Inst legislature, the speaker
said, but beqause evoryone was In favor
ot It and there was no chance of trading
support ot some other bill for support
of the publicity bill, the proposition died
out. He suggested that the Omaha Ad
club start a campaign to scours a state
publicity bureau by legislation at tha
coming session ot the legislature.
Several SUnrt Tnlka,
8veral other visitors at the Ad club
luncheon made short talks on advertlt
liiij and publicity, A. V. 1'enso of Kalr
bury was introduced by President Kodrea.
as "A Himivor of tho battle of Annegnd
don." Ho talked on small town advertis
ing. Stuto Auditor W. B. Howard and
II, T. Folsom, former president of the Ad
club, also mndo short talks.
The Ad club lantern slide lecture course,
it was announrttt, will start Tuesday
evening, November 26. It will be held In
tlitf dining room ot the Commercial club
and will bo an Illustrated discourse on
the "Advertising Man." The "Know
Omaha" motion pictures also will be
An amendment to the club's constitu
tion was voted at tne meeting, changing
the tune of the election from Januury
to June. An election will be held next
January, but thereafter the annual elec
tion will bo held tn June.
Hoagland Asks County Board to Cast
Aside Assessment.
OriKlnnlly OwiimI by V. W. l.ntre,
AVho Gave tin- City 1'ermUsloii
to f.ny Si-wit Some Heir-
Wish ti .Sell.
Oeorge A. Hoagliind lias petitioned the
Hoard of Countv Commissioners In run.
eel the $30,000 tax assessment valuation
against the alley running between Harney
and Howard streets from Sixteenth in
Seventeenth streets. Mr. Hoaeland owns
the building on the northwest corner of
sixteenth atiu Howard streets.
While this alley for yearn has been
used for public purposes It never was
formally dedicated to the city. Origin
ally It was owned by the late Oonerar W.
W. Irtiwe. He gavo the city the right to
lay a sewer under It and deeded -it to
other parties with the provision that
they would keep It open for an alley for
ever. Most of the heirs of the Lowe estate
are willing to give up all claim to any
Interest In the property, but some think
tfiey have a chance to recover It for
private possession, lit which case they
might sell ut at a large price.
Heretofore the property has been as
sessed at a nominal figure and the taxes
have been ptdd by William A. DeBord,
trustee for the Iwe estate heirs. The
assessment at W0.0CO will precIpttaU
litigation, Whereas lta cancellation prob
ably would result In continued use of yia
ground as a public alley.
The board has the matter under con.
President Eugene A. Maffevney, S. J ot
Crelghton university, will celebrate his
annual feast day next Saturday, in honor
of his patron saint, fit. Eugene, and tho
students will be free on that day. A
short program will be. rendered In honor
of the president In the university -audi-torium
Friday afternoon.
Wllltum Hoffman, a carpenter living at 1
Thirty-first and W streets. South Omaha,
was severely Injured when he fell from
' a scaffold on which he waa working at 1
the Jetter brewery building Monday night. I
Hoffman waa repairing a window, when
he lost his balance. He fell a distance
of fifteen feet, landing on his head. He
waa taken to his home, where It was
found he was suffering from concussion
of the brain.
Simple Herb Quickly Cures This
Dreed Disease te Stay Cured
Dlib(M hat bsreUtor twi huMM Incur.
M, ut the only bop hrU out to to tttllrt
ml has ba t lroloof thetr 7n bj strict
A plut rwwiUr 4lxmr) la Metteo, callpj
Dlatotot Harb, bas b (ua4 to be a itcltl
tn lb Irutnut erf dlkWta. qulealj raduciac
tbe apaclfts gravity, ana ausir, YtatortSK vigor
and bulUlog up Ua Vam.
Tbla barnltaa Trgatable remadr will rclltr
tba pattant et hll warat ajmploma, la tba moat
argratklad caaa, within a aak, sua t ftoi
It will mall tb first 10c patkag tor tic,
with tn booklet ot spaoU! ills to tha dla
Ulle. containing lataat dlatllat an4 tttluWa
table ot to4 Tainan, tiling ptrreatag of atarcb
and augur (carbnhydraltal la M dltltreut toads.
Tall ur amiclod ftlaoda at Oil" ottar aai
Mod JVC tadajr tor a Mll-aliaJ Ma packag
AMK8 rtlBMU'AU CO.. Box JM-L, WblUajr
Point. V X
Tau Hi tat VlaM'ol la uu.u ui iwii
j Urug Cp a atora at tha itgular wlca, JLliarv
I IhMit
. Maggie Au France of Douglas, Aria..
I was arrested late Monday afternoon by
Deputy United .States Marshal Haxe on
Information from Cheyenne charging her
vriin viuiuiins ma nuersiaie laws i.
transporting women for Immoral pur
poses. With the France woman, when
arrested, was a young Jewish girl who
was being taken to Chicago. Captain
Hase took the woman and girl bark to 4
Cheyenne tonight.
Kmll J. 8trahl of St. tauls. a traveling ,
salesman, who was Injured whlleeecap- '
ilng from the Millard hotel fire, was given 1
, a verdict of tC.UO against Homo Miller,
(proprietor ot the hotel, by a Jury before
' Judare Leslie in district court. Attorneys
for Mr Miller wilt ask for a new trial
One ut their contentions will be that the
verdict was excessive
Ky to tu SituiUou-Ilee Advertising, j
You dislike polled gloves
then why weqr'them, when for
ten or fifteen cents you can
Lave them cleaned llko new,
with their original look and
Wo spend twice the time I1
'inning gloves that most cleu
vih do but the Job Is mud.
better than the average, too.
Just Try Us On
pair or Two
A1.I our cleaning and dyelnz
receives the most careful at
tention of expert workmen and
d guaranteed satisfactory oi
no pay.
Send us your next order and
note tho difference.
goodGleanersand Dyers"
1515-17 JONBS ST.
Phones Doocus 963 In d. A-3168
Caayrlikt Hart Scbafaa; it Mars
Here a a very lively style for young
men. a two-button sack suit, with high
cut vest, trous.iu with good turn-up.
tsuU ia uoi tsm iu ua
YOUNG men are
especially invited to
see the new models we
have brought out for
them; the latest, smartest
things from
Hart Schaffner & Marx
You want these clothes
for what they are, as well
as for what they look
Jike: you'll take to the
styles; there's a snap and
"go'" to them that will
please you; and a qual
ity that will keep them
Suits $18 up
This store Is the home of
. Hart ScUaftaec Mux clothes.