Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Rain; Colder
will Interest erery woman who
likes good hcaxt-to-hoart talks
with other sympathetic women.
IT" 7
VOL. XLH-NO. 126.
Hears Noise of Power House Job
While at Station Waiting for
Train to Chicago.
' Thinks Ho Was Folowed by Watch
man and a Dog.
Blew Up Car Shop Instead of Bridge
at Mount Vernon, HI.
Hired njnnnillrr ' Says Secretary
Jlrlcl Out f.'iOO Unr Him for Other
' ' Work McAnmarna Sn
pccteil Uoekln.
Trap Laid By Conservatives for Rul
ing Party Proves to be Partly
, INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 11. From
that part of ms career when ho had dis
carded .dynamite and was resorting to
' tlip use of nitroglycerin, which ho carried
abjut on passenger trains by tho dozens
of quarts, Ortio K. McManlgal related at
.tho "dynamite conspiracy' trial today
how l-.e had causd explosions at Cleve-
j land, O., Jersey City, N J., Pittsburg,
Omaha and Superior,. Wis.
He named Peter J. Smith, Cleveland;
( Georgo "Nipper" Anderson, Cleveland;
Charles AVachtmelster, Detroit; Hiram
. Cllnc, Indianapolis; William E. Reddtn,
Milwaukee; Fred Mtney, Duluth, Minn.;
and Eugene A. Clancy, San Francisco,
t nil labor union ofcials, besides those lie
pruvlously had mentioned, as being
( among . the forty-five defendants who
knew, he was employed by the Iron
workers' union to blow up work under
construction by "open shop" contractors.
Carrying twelvo quarts of nitroglycerin
In the company of Herbert 8. Hockln
from a hiding place In an old cooper
shop at Rochester, Pa., McManlgal tcstl-
fled, he delivered the exploslvo to Smith
1 by them In blowing up a building at
Akron. O., July 4, 1910. The witness salrt
ho was to have done the "Job," but
Smith Insisted It had been promised to
someone else.
"They did not know how to use the
alarm clock arrangement we had for
. setting off bombs," said McManlgal, "so
1 wub sent to Chicago to forward 100 feet
of fuse by special delivery. It arrived In
' time, and tho Akron Job was blown up
July 4.
- "On my going again to Indianapolis J.
J. McNamara said lie had talked to Frank
. . U. TdnhTflrth. Irflti wnrbani'ttln An nhnitr
. HocUlroW n&jcmtjirtrj. ,qf . my jpay, fop
each' Job.McNamara said $00 a job had
been set aside for a Job by the Union, and
l.reaftfcr I would work dlredtlv for lilm,
vTa said Iio had Just received a lottei; from
Friinit C. Webb of Now York asking lilm
to send me to blow up a Phofcnlx Bridge
company Job at Greenville, Jersey City.
I was to return by way;of Pittsburgh and
look over the McKee's Rocks Job, and
also by way of Scranton, Pa., and set In
. toiich with Michael J. Hannon, local bust
iless agent. McNamara told mo not to
talk much to Hannon, as he was not sure
of Hannon yet.
"'Webb met me In Jersey City and took
, mo out to show me what to blow up.
. While I surveyed tho Job lie stood back,
saying tho- workmen knew him around
there. That night after waiting two hours
to learn that tho watchman made a round
only once an hour, I placed two bombs
In some girders after midnight July 9,
In tho morning I saw Webb with a news
paper giving an account of the explosion
"On my way back I stopped at Scranton,
i.ut did not see Hannon. At Pittsburgh
1 bought a dozen, alarm clocks, and on
July IS blew up the McKee's Rocks Job.
"When' I got back to Indianapolis Mc
N'Uinnra was talking to his brother, Jamoa
II., who ald he had received a telegram
from Clancy at San Francisco and that
he (James B.) was going to the coast.
J. J. said to his brother: 'Look up Clancy
us soon as you arrive and "he'll put you
In touch with the hunch and the old man.'
' ' "On the war to Chicago, when I left
Itlni, J. n. tald he expected to bo three
months on the coast, that they wanted
someone to go out and clean up the coast.
Two More Men Shot
in Oox and Truby
Feud in Colorado
DURANGO, Colo., Nov. 11. A feud of
long standing between tho Cox and Truby
families over tho right to use Cox canon,
located on the lino between Colorado and
New Mexico twelvo miles south of here,
wni. revived vesterday. Details of tap
trouble were received early today.
Samuel Truby and David McCullougn
were shot from their horscB as they rode
through Cox canon. Three rifle shots
were fired from tho rim of the canon by
That Little One-Term Joker,
Will Make Demand for VoS
fidence in House Tod?
Dissatisfaction Over Home Rule Bill
is Manifested.
A ii n on n oe in r lit Declare Adoption of
Aiiiriiiliurnt Clearly Due tii Sunn
Division mid Overturn
Former llmnlut ton.
LONDON. Nov. 11. White the House of
Commons wus debating the financial pro'
visions of the home rule bill In commit
tee this afternoon an unexpected vote on
un amendment offered by Sir Frederick
Uanburj a unionist member for tho city
of London, resulted In an opposition vic
tory by a majority of twenty-two.
Tho conservatives were Jubilant and
loudly demanded that tho liberal govern
ment resign, which, according to prece
dents, it should do, if tho vote, which was
22S to 1XW, was a genuine stest of tho
(Strength of the government on tho
The temporary defeat of the government
caused a great political sensation, but did
not result In its retirement. The cabinet
held u meeting tonight and decided to
present a resolution In the houso tomor
row, which will be practically n demand
for a voto of confidence, and after soma
ihr. mnfi who had hidden behind rocks
seventy-five feet above. Truby fell from parliamentary red tape will endeavor to
th muldln with a bullet tnrough his neck nave oir rTcoencK nannurys amendment
nH nnnthor throuuli his cnest. while ; resubmitted and expunged.
llli MgniM
Present Week Will Determine if
Peace is to Prevail or War is
to Involve Continent.
UmJUJ ?vi!iiiJiiiiiiihkiiiiiliiliii
Ship Sent to Durazzo to Take Off
Subjects When Servians Arrive.
Ciar Inclined to Support Position of
Servia in Albania.
Hnaaln Will Object to. Occupation of
Constantinople br BnljfrirUiia
Kuropean Waxahlpa to Cnr
(or Americans.
1JSKUP, Turkey, Nov. 11. The van
guard of the Servian army has reached
the coast of tho Adrlatio sea. It met no
armed resistance during- its march
through Albania, but Its progress was
slow on account of the deep snow.
McCullougn received a bad wound In his
right leg. It is said Truby'a wounds may
prove fatal.
"The men who fired on us were Ike
Cox, John Graves, a cousin of Cox's, and
Jess Carmell." said McCullough. "They
thought Sam and I were dead, so they t
didn't try to conceal their Identity when
they rode away."
No warrants for the men accused by
McCullough had been Issued early today,
because It was sold the officers are 'not
certain "whether the shooting occurred' In
Colorado or on tho New Mexico side.
The feud began when William Truby.
brother of Samuel Truby. was shot and
killed in April.. 1911, by Ike Cox.
On June E, 1311, whllo riding through the
streets here, Andrew Rudy, aged 17, shot
Cox. seriously wounding him. The boy
a cousin of Truby!- -Rudy was arrested,.
as also was Samuel Truby, ohargeuwitn
conspiracy. notttVre'tried and acV
quitted.- mie charge or muraer against
fnv for kllilhir William Truby Is still
Feeling Is .said to be Intense among mo
friends, of both feudal factions, and fur
ther trouble Is expected.
Truby, who was brought to a hospital
hero last night, died today.
Baer Says There
is Plenty of Coal
for Everybody
PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Nov. 11. "If tho
peolpe are patient I seen -no reason why
the public cannot be fully supplied with
coal without any suffering," said George
F. Baer, president of the Reading com
pany, In discussing today the reported
shortage of anthracite coal. Ho said the
difficulty In the way of Increasing the
output of coal was primarily due to mlno
1'Our company," Mr.. Doer said, "has
made an honest effort to supply the public
and to keep down the price of coal.
So far as I know, none of the large
producing companies has sold coal above
circular prices and In a number of In
stances they have warned the dealers
who buy coal from them that any at
tempt to advance prices would result in
cutting qff their supply. So far as the
Reading lrf concerned, this policy will be
Trap for Home Hale.
The younger conservatives prepared the
trap for tho homorulor.8 and succeeded
In getting a voteVwhen' many members
were In the country.or absent from the
house, not expecting that Important busi
ness would be taken up.
ThT?"government's average majorities on
previous details of tho bill havo.bcen In
tho neighborhood of 1C0. There has been
much dissatisfaction, however, among'
members of all parties over tho proviso
ion compelling other sections of the
United Kingdom to contribute to the sup
port of Ireland, without a voice in tho
expenditures of tho money.
Tho cabinet council held after the gov
ernment's defeat tasted two hours,. at, the
end of which ' Its decision 'nqt'b reflgi)
was announced. An . ofridlnl statement,
whlchv was IssuedTLdecIares that the'
"adoption of the a fi rn en . ' wu lewAy
Que. o. a snap uivjaion ona motion wnicn
; was not even put on tho order paper and
which was destructive of the resolution
passed November 7 by a majority of 121.
"Tho government, therefore," tho
statement concludes, "does not consider
that Its defeat necessitates any change in
its program, which, in respect to home
rule,- has been cupportcd by majorities
seldom short of 100."
From the St. Paul Plouecr Press.
President-Elcot Will Announce His
Intentions Soon,
He FnTiin Creation of Department
of Ijibor Wnnhinston Clmrelics
ItlvnU for .Membership of
' Nciv Kxeeatlvr.
(Continued on Page Two.
The Weather
FOR IOWA Local rains; colder.
5 a. m
6 a. m
7 a. m......
8 a. m
9 a. m
10 a. ni E.9
11 a. m 62
12 m 66
1 P. m 67
2 p. m 63
3 p. m cs
4 p. m 67
o p. in GO
ti p. m ..... Eu
i p. m m
S p. m 55
19161 E11. 1910. 1309.
Highest yesterday 6$ 41 25 63
Lowest ycbterday M 6 4 43
Mean temperature 64 23 30 53
Precipitation 00 .05 .00 .15
Temperature and precipitation depart
nies from the normal compared with the
last two years:
Normal temuerature 3It
1'xcess for the clay 22
MASON CITY, la., Nov. 11.-15. G.
Dunn, democratic candidate for governor,
in a statement issued here today de
clared that he had been "fairly and
squarely elected governor of Iowa," and
"proposed to fight It out along that line."
"I don't propose to have the victory
literally stolen from me and the wish of
the people of Iowa thwarted," said Mr.
Dunn. "The figures have been juggled
in a good many counties and In a num
ber the vote was held back until the
end of the week, thus giving every kind
of an opportunity for .unscrupulous poll
tlclans to Jutrglo them. Wo will wait until
the final official count Is completed be
fore taking action after which it Js highly
probable contests will be entered In cer
tain of the counties where frauds are pal
May Call Militia
To Suppress Strike
Among Students
STARK VILLE, Miss., Nov. ll.Declar
Ing that If necessary he would call out
the state militia to protect loyal stu
dents, Governor Brower today took a
hand In the "strike" of clasHmen at the
Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical
Institute, who "walked out" after Presi
dent lllghtower had refused to rescind
an order prohibiting men from visiting
young women students In classrooms out
of study hours. It was announced today
that 250 men students bad left tho college.
Governor Brewer, who attended today's
session at the Institute, asserted that the
contention of the students was groundless
He said writs of arrest had been Issued
for striking seniors and that they would
bo taken Into custody unless they left tho
college grounds.
it wax reported that young men stu
dents did not consider President High-
tower's order unfair.
PRINCETON, N. J., May -Presidentelect
Wilson Indicated today that he
might .inako an announcement within 'a. J
fewdays'iAttJwMtirre'ni6t-.'rntJt -ire-, will'
pJI artextra session of congress to revise
liojtaMf, lie intended delavjntfjany an-J
nouncotnent HJoiig tnis nne mini aner
lils retUm from hi propped vacation,
about December 16.
It was suggested to hltri. today, how
ever, that congressmen would benefit by
an early1 announcement In that they could
arrange for accommodations at Washlng
Inston for a definite period, "I hadn't
thought of that," said the governor. "Of
course, I don't seo any public need for
announcing my decision now except, per
haps, to quiet any speculation as to
whether there Is going to bo early ac
tion or not." '
Governor Wilson expects to name, along
with tho -other members of hli cabinet,
an executive for the proposed depart
ment of labor. ,
"I hope there will be a new member of
the cabinet for the department of labor,"
he said. "It will be a very Important
Senate Must Ratify 1
Board of Control
LINCOLN, Nov. ll.-(ttprdal.)'-A pro
vision contained In the amendment pro
viding for a board of control for state
Institutions, which was passed at thq
recent election, will prevent a republican
governor this fall from chooBlng the
members of the board before his demo
catlc successor conies Into office.
The'amendmmlt .provides, that tho np
.iiolntlnfnts toUhe .board must bu ratified
by ii two-thfnls n-otb .of 'HuWrtilolc.
LONDON, Nov. 11. Europe I facing
one of the most critical weeks In Its his
tory. It may end In a war In which the
whblo continent will bo involved or It
may be remembered as week In which
diplomacy succeeded in solving problems
that appeared Insolublo to many.
On one side of the Balkan peninsula
there Is an acute conflict betweon the
alms of Austria-Hungary and Benin
which, If It I not, arranged, might start
a general European outbreak. On tho
other lde King Ferdinand's nalgarlan
army Is on the point ot entering Con
stantinople and that will be resented by
The existing Jealousies are so Intense
that it will Uke much pressure to Induce
either Austria or Bcrvla to recede from
Its demands. Austria, In fact, takes so
seriously the advance of a Servian force
toward the port of Duraszo that It has
FORTY-TWO ARE BADLY INJURED despatched n steamer there to tnko off
41 UDl I PIllVlltD 1TIIVH IU V '
Freight Train Dashes Into Excursion
Train at Montr, La.
llodlrn Recovered nnH
Mnn- Mupposrd In lnclner
nteil Moat of the Injureil
Are White I'rrlinna.
the state somite this year I composed o(
eighteen ronuhlleans and fifteen, demo-
ernbr Aldrlch to secure the necessary
votes to ratify his appointments.
The governor refused to" discuss tho
report current on the streets of Lincoln
the last fo days that he Intended to at
tempt to appoint tho members of the
board Just before stepping down from
office. Last night Governor Aldrlch said
he hud nothing to say In regard to the
The board of control will be by all
means tho most powerful or nil stuto
boards. It will have the oppolntment of
alL of the state Institutions In Its hands,
meaning that practically a small jirmy
of men will bo dependent upon It for
political favor.
The following list gives some Idea of
tho number of Institutions coming under
troops arrive.
Bervla'p friend, Russln, also Is prepar
ing for eventualities. Ileslde keeping It
time-expired men In the army It Is
mobilising Its forcrs, At Bebastopol
transports have been prepared to convey
Russian troops across the Black sea niul
Its , arsenals and r ommtsrarlnto depart
ments p e working nlijht and.duy.
Atmtrln I'rrpnrliiK to Aft,
VIKNNAf Nov. ll.-Contlnuous audl-
NWW OHLEANH, l4., Nov. ll.-A
wreck In which fourteen, ierons war'
killed anil forty-two" vne seriously. In',
juied oiid . fjfty were sllnhtly hurt, 6C'1
curred on The raxoo c M'.ssisMpi'i vai-
loy.ruUroad near Monti, La., twpnty-sovtn ,..0 i,., woen IJmueror Francis Joseph
.1 miustnorth' or,.w ur eans -etmyaoqy,u, j.. ,,.0, AiurtfttTtunlmrlaii minister ot
hvhoh' a through1 freight train-craano;! w(fr aha tn general staff of tho army
Intu the rear or an excursion train 01 are l)eeveil Jo portend a definite step
ten coaches. Uoon by Austria In regard to tho Balkan
Five or the coaenes or tno passenger .nation. I
train were burneu ami many 01 tno wrecK Jpri ncneff. president of the Bulgar-
viotims were nenoyoo 10 nave oeen ro- M) (,ftmi,er f Deputies, la here, bca"-
mated, though thirteen Domes nave neon , , Hn(1 lironoBRi,, from ki,,.. Fer
tile turlsdictlon of the board:
.1 1 l,n,.i. fnlli- Mfufn anVlUlllH. In-
TI. n,..,M.nl1 fUHHCIO ."7.....' .I.-
selection to make
expects It and I have been told that all j mind, industrial schools, Institute ta
sides in congress favor the new depart- r.?, -nlSln SrHtLt,
Orozco's Father is
Arrested at Ft, Bliss
Peerless Leader and
Wife Are Visiting
in National Capital
WASHINGTON, Nov. ll.-Wllllam J.
Bryan looked over the recers quiet of
Washington today. The democratic leaner
made a number of calls while visiting
with Ids wife and son, W. J. Bryan, Jr.,
at the letter's home. His day's program
Included an oration at the dedication of a
new building at Sibley Memorial hospital.
Mr. Bryan avoided politics today, but It
I believed that during his stay In Wash
ington he will talk over , national legis
lative matter with the few members of
congress now In the capital,
Tomorrow he will deliver an 'address at
the laying of a cornerstone of the con
federate monument In Arlington National
ment. The Immediate creation of the de
partment In of course, dependent on the
action of tho approaching session of con
greta." The governor said he was turning over
In his mind Ideas for his annual message
to the New Jersey leglature, which
convenes on January 1. lie a d ho would
urge especially the adoption of resolu
tions favoring amendments proposing an
Income tax and popular election of
United States senator. ,
Presidant-eleot Woodrow Wilson has
not decided which one of the Presby
terian churches In Washington ho will
Join. Both the new president and vice
president are Presbytci laps.
"I'm glad there are enough churches
to go around," said tho pre'ldent-elcct
today with a smile when ho was told of
the rivalry that had arisen among the
The prealdent-c:ect has a number of
requests fqr speaking engagements. If
he granted them all he woulfl be speak
ing every night from now until March 4.
"1 haven't given a thought to these
things," he remaiked today. It Is not
likely that he will tackle them until he
returns from his vacation, which begins
the end ot this wek and continues until
tho middle of December.
penitentiary. "Jl.other state charitable In.
riiiuuons nii mi umci
or pem. lrnUtUttomi.
Official Returns in
California Are Slow;
Roosevelt. in Lead
PASO. Tex., Nov. It-Colonel Pas-
Total deficiency since March 1 34 I cusal Orozco, sr., father of the leader pf
m1Vn..,r?.PrltVh1ftnH;v"-"'" i the Mexlcon revolution In the north, was
arrested here today by military author!-
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.. 34.29 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 3.50 Inches
ivflcncy for cor. period 1911. .14.73 incites
DefVjiejicy for cor. period 1910,. 14.05 Inches
HeportH from Htstlona nt T I. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, snow 30 46 . 4$
Davenport, cloudy 66 70 ,rti
Denwr. snaw 32 4$ .W
Dr.s .Molneo. cloudy 64 itf .00
Dodge City, c)oudy. 6t 74 .00
launder, clear 36 44 .18
North Platte, clear 42 M .00
Omaha, cloudy , 54 6X .00
Pueblo, cloudy 46 62 .00
llapld City, part cloudy... 44 1 i .01
Ball Lake City, clear. .. 42 46 .32
hanta Fe. clear ,..31 42 .-10
Hherldan. clear 31 46 .24
Kloux City, cloudy 41 4 .00
Valentine, part cloudy... JS 44 .00
L. A. WELSH, Local Forccaiter.
ties and detained In the guard house .at
Fort Wins. Army officers and secret ser
vice men refuse to give the charge on
which he aged revolutionist Is held.
Orozco recently was freed from local
courts after forty days detention without
KANSAS- CITT, Mo., Nov. Il.-Tony
Jaunus, who arrived here Saturday on
his flight In a hydro-aeroplane from
Omaha to New Orleans, on account of the
Kansan Charged With
Killing Parents and
Sister Discharged
WKLLINOTON. Kan., Nov. U.-Otto
McKnelly. 21 years old, was dlsMiarged
today following a preliminary hearing on
the charge of murdering his father,
mother and sister. Gretta, aged 19 years.
In a tent in this town, Heptember 26. The
family was clubbed and shot tn death.
. RKNO, Nev. NoV. 11. W. D, Jones,
author of the statute which made di
vorce easy In Nevada, was one of the
candidates defeated for re-election to
tho state senate, and It is believed that a
new law requiring a year's residence In
.... V.A.-A V.,.,. I . - .
iv ... .n........n ....wB KOUT DOUGH, la.. Vnv n.-.lKii,ll
ceedlngw. Instead or six months, as at, , . ,, , ,,
. .in ,.. , .i.. ... Telegram.) Tho condition of ex-Governor
present, will be enacted when the now , . . .. .. ,
! . i .!. . i I.-...,,., Larrabee. many t ines nca rdrath this
"22-1 Jl j summer durlng'a leng Illness I. today
HI pnii Aniirp Tn TUP i"10 most "erluiw et. Physicians hay the
WILbUlM UUIYIL& lUinn ,tll)1 wU1 come ,n tl ,,ay ,urt proi,aoy
FRONT IN IDAHO ' tew lurM. Charles Larrabee hurried to
' i his f Hi heir's bedtddf, summoned fiom here
BOISK. Ida., Nov. 11 Wilson Is leadlnt? ! tally this morning Bunator Ficderuk
on the presidential election returns now Larrabeo who could not bo found at the
In and two small counties yet to rejiort
and which are normally democratic are
high wind today postponed continuation i expected to gle him a plurality of nearly
of his trip untU tomorrow t.tx9 over Taft
time the message came, took a later
train and hurried to Clermont from Post
vllle In an automobile tonight
asvtcoBuropelhurrledhomc( y yoyoyoyby
SAN FRANCISCO,' Nov. ll.-Counly
clerks ot California were tabulating
Afresh today thel.r latest return on the
preslderjtlal election., tho result or wmqn
H 111 dOUDl.
These new totals were to be certified to
by the various county boards of super
visors and forwarded to the secretary ot
state at Bacramento.
The latest figures available gave Roose
velt IslM. Wilson 2029, Rooievelt's ap
parent plurality 875. with slxty-thfee
scattered precincts missing In firteen
counties. ,
Of these missing precincts flfty-slx
were In counties giving apparent majori
ties for Wilson and seven In counties giv
ing apparent majorities for Roosevelt.
Inasmuch ns several of the rmot
mountain precincts must send their re
turns by roundabout routes to the county
seats, distant In some cases four days
Journey, whence they must again be sent
to Sacra meiito, the official count of the
state may not bo at hand until late this
Capper Will Contest
Election in Kansas
TOP1SKA, Kan,. Nov. U.-Arthiir Cap-
per.republlvHii candidate for govornor,
admitted today that he was twenty-tight
votes behind George H. Hodges, democrat.
with all counties In. although Six of tho
counties are not official,
"1 am not giving up the fight by all
means, h"ever." said Mr, Capper. 1
shall content the case, and have evsry
confidence that I will win by cloe to
3,000. Several thousand ballots wuru
thrown out through a misunderstanding
over the marking. Most of these wcrn for
mo lind I urn quite sure tho election
commissioners will permit them to bo
The State Journel table gives Hodges
(dem.). a lead of 274 over Capper for gov
ernor. Official returns not In from Craw
ford and Cherokee counties, An error In
the Jackc, c ''ft Baturilay cost
Capper (rep.). 1" votes. Capper may
100 from Crawford, but that still will
leave lilm 174 behind.
The excursion train, hauled by two en
gines, left New V. 11 p. ni. On
approaching Montr, one locomotive broke
down and the engineer signaled to the
brakeman. It Is said, to go back and
wurn tho freight train running twenty
five minutes behind the excursion. This
order, It Is charged, tho brakeman failed
to execute and the freight tore Into'the
rear of the crowded passenger train at
a speed of about thirty miles an hour,
Relief trains were sent from New Or
leans and Baton Rouge, Thirty of the
Injured were taken to Baton Rouge. The
dead and thn more seriously Injured
among the whites Were brought to New
Orleans and placed In hospitals,
Of the fourteen bodies recovered nine
were negroes and five whlto persons. The
majority of the injured un? white.
An official statement Issued by the
railroad company ploctvl the blame of
thn wreck op a brakeman named Cuu
nlngham, who was charged with falluro
to signal the freight train,
The two rear coaches which were tele,
scoped by the freight engine caught fire
Panengers who had escaped injury
nulicd Into the wrecked coaches and
dragged dead and Injured from the
flames' reach. Beveral nf the occupants
of .the front coaches who escaped injury
were 'badly burned In their efforts to
save thopo less fortunate.
White men risked their lives to save
Injured negroes from the rapidly spread
ing flames and negro men rushed Into
the steam and tlamei to rescue white
dlnaud and King Peter connected with
Servla's desire for a port on the Adrlatio
To these significant occurrences are
addeil the arrival at Budapest ot Arch
duke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to tho
Austro-Hungarlan throne, and his forth
coming visit to the German emperor
Dr. Denetf also Is supposed to be em
powered to make a special agreement
with Austria-Hungary concerning Bulgar
ian Interests and Roumanian claims.
A local newspaper, the Bonn Und Mon
tage Zellung, sums up the position ot thai
. , I .. . . l .... I ,1,- Yfeatlrnn'
question In tho following four points:
First Assured and unrestricted facili
ties for access to the eastern markets!
nd free commercial transit to Salonlkl.
Second Tho integrity of Albania,
Third The protection of Austria-Hun-,
gnry'n political Interests by the creation.
of local relations with Servia and the
exclusion of political antagonism.
Fourth Compensation for Roumanla.
Will Cure for Americana.
WASHINGTON, Nov. ll.-Tha Euro
pean powers have undertaken to extend
protection to Americans in Turkey. The
various. American embassies In Buropn;
were Instructed when Informing thei
various nations ot the decision ot the
United Btates to send tho cruisers Ten-,
lessee and the Montana to the coast of
Asiatic. Asia, to Inquire whother provls-.
Ion had been made or was contemplated!
by them,ln the Interest of American dtl-i
zens In Turkey. Replies Indicate that ln-1
structlons issued by Great Britain and
Russia, anticipated the aesires ot tno
persons as well as members of their own American government.
Union Pacific and
Hard Coal Cases
Again Go Over
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, The supremo
court or the United Btates did nut give
Its decision today In the Union Pacific
merger suit, the, hard coal cases or any
of the other big esses now ponding. The
court announced It would take Its annual
Thanksgiving rcccul from after Novem
ber IK to December !.
Hnttlr Continues nt Teh at U a.
IX)NtJON, Nov. 10. The Bulgarian at
tack on the TchataIJa lines goes on un
relenlngly. Accordingly to a correspond
ent at the front, further Turkish posi
tions have been captured, but their lo
cation has not been Indicated In accord
ance with the Invariable Bulgarian plan
never to reveal Information to the enemy.
There Is another unconfirmed report
that Monosttr has been captures. This
and tho capture of Dlbra, an Important
(Continued on Page Two.)
FOIIT LOGAN, Colo., Nov. 11 Sixty
members of the Ninth recruit company
United States army, stationed here were
placed under rigid quarantine yesterday
as a. result ot the death from spimtl
meningitis late Saturday of Joel F. Iltn
shuw, who enlisted In Denver three weeks
Army nurgeons are taking every pre.
caution against possible spread ot the dis
ease which would doubtless mime many
deaths. There urn approximately 100
soldiers at the post. Those known to
have come In contact with Hlnshuw or'
being closely guarded und tho kurgeons
are maintaining vigilance over the entire
command. ,
1 Ilnsliiiw complained of a violent head
ache Saturday morning lost conscious
ness within an hour and dtath followed
eight hours later.
Another prize contest for
the home-made variety.i
Come on into the game
You can pick 'em as well!
as any.
Prize book worth a dollarj
to the three best eachi
JttBt write on piece of paper
with name and address and mall !
to "Daffydll Editor, The Bee, i
Omaha." Contest starts this
week. j taJs