2-B THE OMAHA STTXT)AY BEE: NOVEfBEB 10, 1912. SEEKING SOUTHERN CLIMES Approach of Winter Months Turns Omahans Toward South. CHURCH WEDDINGS PLANKED One of thr Moat Important Among Thrip 'Will We the Ceremony t'nltlnir MU UnichU Dudley nnd Sir. narmand Conner. Social Calrndnr MO.VDAT-Debutante Bridge club, Mil Zola Dellccker. nftrrnon tea, Auss Kathcrln Moorliead. Ort'hcum party for Major and Sirs. Carl F Hnrtmann, special mcetlnic of the Equal PranchUe society at tho home of Mr. T. K Kim ball. Tt BSDAT Sirs. William Tracy Hums luncheon at the Omaha club for Miss Daplino Peters: Sir and Mrs. Joseph jiaJdrlur d nnrr: in itary parade and nt home day at Port Omahn; wedding of Miss FUsebla Dudley of Council muffs to Mr. Raymond Connor of Dennlion, CrvlKhton Medici dance at Chambers'! wedding of Mini Aunt's Winn Hayes to Mr Hans Oodrrey llchtmoyer of t'hl enjro. Mrs. J. Van Nm, hoites of the WJ Card club; Miss Daphne Peters, dinner party. WEDNESDAY Sin. Dnlo Hnrkalow, luncheon for Sllss Oertnnlo Smith of New York, who Is thn cucst of Miss Carolyn Barkalow; StUs Dorothy Hall, luncheon for the debutante; brides Party at Fort Crook for tho benefit of the army relief fund. THURSDAY Weddlntt of Ml Zola Del lecker, daughter of Mr. O. K Del lecker, to Mr. Robert Anderson Oantt, Miss Fitch, studio tea for the Coburn players; Et-A-Vlrp dance at Chambers; c c, dancing party at the German Home. FRIDAY Mrs. J. J. Dickey, afternoon tea for Miss Bertha Dickey; Prairie Park club banquet. SATURDAY Mrs. J. J. Dickey, dance at the Country club for Mies llertha Dickey; Sir. and Sirs, J. L. Ilaker, Har mony club. Many Omaha people are planning de lightful southern trips. Home of them will leave shortly and others will not leave until after the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard left last week for Oal VABton. Han Antonio and other point In the south. They will be go no a month. Miss Mildred Slerrlam left with them and wilt spend a month visiting friend In Shrevejtort. Sirs, St, K. Barber, who has been mak Ins her home with Sir. and Mrs. F. P. Klrkcndall for several months, will lravo soon for California for the winter. In February Sir. and Mrs. F. P. Kirk rndal) and son, liurdette, will sail from New York for the Mediterranean. They will be Rone two or three months. Mr. Lewi Ii. Rood, who la the guest of Mr, and Mrs. James Chadwlck and Is renewing old friendships here after nn absence abroad for reveral years, ex pects to remain until the latter part of the month, when he goes cast for one of the biff Harvard frames and later Is planning a trip to Panama. Mr. P- ni'y ind daughter, Mrs. lo of New York, both formerly of Omaha, will sail Tncsday for a winter abroad. They had planned to go to California and visit Omaha friends enrouto, but gave up that plan In favor of a Uuropcan trip. Omaha Colony at Excelsior Springs. An unuiaally large number of Omaha people are (pending tho week at tho Kims nt Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mr. John A. McShane and Mrs. A. U. lova loft Wednesday to spend a week at the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Diets nnd Madame Dlesare expected home tho early part of tho week from "ExcoUlor Springs. Among olhors aro Mr. nnd Sir. Frank Johnson, J, H. Brady, C. IS. Speiis, George Keellne, I. AV. Carpenter and lid gar Allen. Flans for Connor-Dudley Wedding. One of the largest church weddings of the week. will be that of Mlsu Kusobla Dudley, daughter of Mr. and Sir. W. II. Dudley of Council Uluffs, to Mr. Ray mond Connor of Denlson, la, which will take place Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock nt St. Paul's Episcopal church. Mrs. Mel Vhl, KJr., of Omaha will be matron, of honor. Miss. Ilaiai Nell of Chicago maid of honor and Miss Ilolene Smth. brides maid. Ml Smith and Miss Nell ar rived Thursday and are guests at the home of Miss Dudley. Sir. Chester Dudley, brotlier of the bride, will be best man and tho Ufdiers will bo Mr. Mel Unl. Jr., and Mr. Jleed Peters of Omaha, Mr. Paul Wadsworth and Mr, Geo r go Agncw of Council liluff. Sllss Marlau Macrae entertained at luncheon Saturday for Mis Dudley and In th eve.nlng Mr, and Sirs. Dudtoy gave a dinner- for tho wedding party, following the rehearsal. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Uhl, jr., entertained at dinner for the weddlsg party Friday evening. Quiet Home Wedding. One of the November weddings to be celebrated this week will bo that of Miss Zola Dollecker, daughter of Sir. and Mr. O. IC DelUcker, to Robert Anderson 0antt which will tako place quietly Thursday afternoon at the home of the bride's father1. There will be no attendants. Both young people have been promi nent In university circles. Miss Dell tcker. who la a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, has held different offices In the local association of col legiate alumnae, 0. H. S. Rube Party. The four-year seniors of the Omaha High, School of Commerce hold a "rubo party" thai' home of Miss Kthol Shorn', K1S Spencer street. The house was ar tistically decorated with the senior colors. Dellfhtfut refreshment were served while -the evening entertainment con rtxted of games and music Thoie present were- Misses Mary Nygard, Mary . aoodland, Nora Nelson, Adena Jerpe, Kdlth Week. 8 Ua Smeaili Edith Cuiidlff. Dagmar Paulsen. Tren MoriaJtyv Mtsirs. Robert Goldberg. Isadora Klnkensteln, Hiooilore Palm. Gerald A. Rodman, Kd Fehrs. Louis ston, Jack; Sprague, John- McKarland, Slr and Mrs- J. C. Mr and Mrs. C. Q, Connor-Dudley Bridal Party i i i F. F, Rouse, Schneider, W. l Nlohol- son, N. H. Osborne, R. H. Neeloy, F. A. Jones, C. I Babcock, K. Oahrle, 8. A, Collins, O. Y. Krlng. T L. Comb, Misie Luella Allen and Grace Conklln Dundee Dancing Club. The Dundee Dancing club gave tho sec ond of a scrle of dances Friday evening In Harte's hall, Dundee. Those present wcroi Misses SIIS8CX Helen Cliesncy, Gusslo Droste, Ruth Hartc, Udna Alstadt, Marguerite Prentiss, Bessie Wall, JOvu Johnson, Dora Olson, Hazel Slurle. Qua Kreil. Anita Nancoll, ICdna Bennett, Ruth Dolan. l,ticllla Dunnli. Josephine Bwolla, ljolriomess. JIer Meniir Curl Kpplln, Louis Harte, H. C. Lucke. (leorco Palmer. Clinton Morrill, Lawrence Dooda, Howard Steele, it. N. Booth, K. Mac.Murtln. Herman Hathaway. Marshall Dillon, Stanley Noyce, Karl Pott, Karl Heddlng, Hurley Deems, Almont Llndborg. It. II. Donahue, Mr. ana Airs. h. a. aikii'c. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. 1). F. Palmer. Str. and Sirs. Charles Slcfkcn. Dinner for Quests, Mr. and Sirs. M. D. Cameron had as their guests last week Mrt and Sirs. Samuel W. Green of Kwlng. Friday even ing a dinner was grven In their .honor at the Hotel Loyal, und among the guests was Marlon Qrcen of Chicago, soloist tor tho Mendelssohn choir concert Friday to the visiting teachers, and a brother to Mr. Bamucl W. Qrcun. Sir. Green Is a nleco of Sir; and 'Mrs? Cameron. The guests at dinner Were! '' Mr. and Sirs. Samuel W. Oreeri. ' Mr. and Sim. Thomas J, Kelly. Sllss Newlean. Mr. Marlon Grcon. Str. F. O. Newlean. Mr. Chester Welle. Gross-Perdue Wedding;. Robert H. Gross of Omaha and ,Sllss Bess 8. Perdue of Lincoln wero married Wednesday evening at the homo of Rabbj Frederick Cohn In Omaha. Sllss Perdue j Is the daughter of Sir. and Sirs. Frank 8. Perduo of IJncoln. 8ho wan educated In tho Lincoln High school und University of Nebraska aftor which alio engaged In teaching. Str. Gross wua graduated from tho University of Nebraska School of Agrlculturn In 100T. and Is now engaged In the live ntock. commission business In South Omaha. Tho young couple will be at home after December 1 at tho new residence the groom has built at 1910 South Thirty-second avenue, Omaha. George-Haas Wedding. The wedding of Miss Badle M. Haas to Sir, Riley IC. George was celebrated Fri day. Tho bride la the eldest daughter of Mr. nnd Sirs. Fred Haas, formerly of Des Stolnes, la., now residing In Omaha. Mr. George haa been tor several years In structor of the educational department of the Union Pacific Railroad company in Omaha and Waterloo, ,1a. He severed his connection with tho Union Pacific on Novembor 3 to enter the Typewriter In spection Supply company at 1KB Farnatn street, of which his brother-in-law, Mr. PROMINENT KAPPA ALPHA THETA TO WED THIS WEEK. SItsses Georgia Glaun, Iva Wright. Helen Horton. Ruby Davidson, Jessie Dearmont, Hate! Lcavertoo, Meta Von Krog, Jennie Dearmont, Stegncr. Mesir- Robert Dally, Roy Platx. Brneet Blhler. Albert Ramaclottl. Herry Newman, Egbert Weeks, Stark 'Hughes, Arthur Smith, Sherry, Linn, Studio Tea for Coburn Players, At' the studio tea given by ths oratory Jep4rtment of the Omaha Waman's club for Mr. .and fSrt., Coburn and the Coburn player Thursday Silts Fitch will Us atslsted by Mrs. C. W. Hayes, Sirs William, Mrs. Franklin Shotwell and Mrs. Kamuel Keea. ' Mrs. Darr and Mrs. Wagner will pour ea, Aaslstlng, In the rooms U1 be MesdAme George Kelson. E. SI. Syfert, Ia M. Lord, C H, Marley. J. II, Yclscr, m asBBSSMMBSMSSBSBBK J; ' D. Orris1, Is manager. Mr. and Sin. George will "oo at home at tho Ivy apart ments on Sherman avenue. Afternoon Tea, Mrs. George A. Kcellno and Sirs. Con rad Spens wcro hostesses at a tea, Satur day afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at thn latter" home on Thirty-second avenue. Assisting were Sin. Frank Plnney of Council Bluffs, Mrs. John Keellne, Mr Lougeo and Miss Kllxaboth Beno, all of Council Bluffs; Mr. Glen Wharton, Sirs. Harry Tukoy, Mrs. A. V, Klnaler, Sirs. Arthur Keellne, Mrs. C. W. Turner, 1r., and Silas Klla Slue Brown. A pretty floral decoration was used. Small yel low chryatnthemums were used In the dining room and pink chrysanthemums In the living room. Pierce-Smith Wedding. The wedding of Sllss Olga Smith, daugh ter of Sir. and Sirs. G. Smith, to Roy Pierce, iook place Wednesday evening at the home of the bride, 10M South Forty eighth street. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. O. D. Baltxly. Following the ceremony a wdedlng dinner was served. Tho decorations were rotes and palms. The bride worn a gown of white chif fon over cream messaltne. Miss Ellen Smith, the bride' sister, was bridesmaid, and Str. George Andersen acted as best man. Creighton College Activities. The Creighton Medics will give their second of a series of five informal dances at Chamber's Tuesday evening. Tho flrit dance was well attended. Kxtenslve preparations are being made by the Seniors of the Creighton Arts col lege for their annual hop, which take place November 19 at Chamber's. Elab orate programs have been orderod and an attempt will be made to surpass the stan dard set by the former graduating classes. The Creighton Dental college will give their third Informal hop at Chamber's on the evening of November S. Pleasures Past. Sin. P. Hansen entertained at cards Thursday afternoon at her home. Prises were won by Mra. J. Holmes, Sirs. G. Kerr and Sirs, R. Ruby, Those present were: which savored of aentlmonts both grava. and gay, as Sllss O'Brien's absence will be keenly felt. A handsome traveling bag was presented ,to Sllss O'Brien as a small token of the affection In which she Is held by tho members of the staff. Engagements Announced. Sir. nnd Sirs. Joseph Stlllard of Slusko gec, Okl., announce tho engagement of their daughter, Julia B., to Mr. Frederick I. Halstcd of this city, 'The woddlng will take place during the holidays. Sirs. George Embree, 2012 North Twenty sixth street, announces tho .engagement of her daughter, Bess Eleanor, Xo Mr. Carl C Terrell, formerly of Atlanta, Oo, The wedding will take place in tho near future. Social Settlement Benefit. For tho benefit of the Social settlement an entertainment will bo given on Satur day tho S3d of this month at the Jacobs' Memorial hall at 3 o'clook In tho after noon. The program will be one of Aes thetic dancing under the direction of Miss Swett and Sllsa. Cooper and planologues by tho Misses Van Bant and Ratchford and. a group of "talking songa" by Sir. John Williams Jonc. - -: Luncheon for Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. 13. M. Falrflold, president of thn Equal Franohlso society, gave a luncheon Friday at her homo in honor of Mrs. Stewart of Chicago. The guests at the luncheon were limited to tho officers of tho Equal Franchlso society and Included Sirs. George Havcrsttck, Sirs. Charles Kountze, Sirs. T. St. Orr. Mrs. Lowrlo Chllds, Sirs. II. C. Sumnoy and Miss Dewey. Second Tea for Miss Baiun. Sirs. David A. Baum entertained Satur day afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at the second of thn series of teas In honor of her daughter, Sllss Margaret Greer Baum, who Is onfl of the debutantes. Tho rooms wero abloom with cut flow ers sent by the many friends of the de butante. Several friends assisted and about 100 guests were present At Fort Omaha. Lieutenant and Mrs. Karl Truesdell of Fort Omaha gave a dinner Friday even ing at their home, when those present veres Captain and Mra Vorts, Lieutenant and Mrs. Leonard, Lieutenant and Sirs. Truesdell. Mrs. Carl F. Hartmann, Sirs, John Hoffman Thompson, Sirs. Rubottom, For St. Paul Guest Sllss Daphne Peters will entertain Tuetday evening at her home for Miss Venus Roussopoulous of St. "Paul, Minn., who is the guest of Miss Mildred Butter. Luncheon for Debutante; Sllss Dorothy Hall will entertain at luncheon Wednesday, when hor guests will be tho debutantes of the season. Tom Moore Club Dance. Tho Tom Moore club will hold its b- 2SSS ZOLA DELLECZE& Mesdames F. Hurley, T. Nichols, H. Miller, J. Holmes, J. H. Johnson, R. Ruby, O. Kerr. Slesdames Rooheford, a Hodges. S. Belsle. J. St. Finn. " A. BaumeUter, A. Sillier, P. Hansen. Wedding Anniversary. Members Of U. fi. Grant Wonun'i Tie. lief corps and draml Army post gave a surprijo party to two of their memben. Mr and Sin. Andrew Traynor. at their home. Fortieth and California streets Friday evening, the occasion being their forty-sixth wedding anniversary. A box supper provided b'y the corps women wa enjoyed, A handsome bouquet of Amer ican Beauty roses was presented to the host and hostess by Post Department President Mr. Lillian P. Eddy. Dinner for Mils O'Brien. The dinner gtven last evening by the memben of the publlo library staff In honor of Miss O'Brien was a very en joyable affair. Covers were laid for tiv teen. Each member responded to a toast monthly dancing party Monday evening. November 11, at Turner hall, Thirteenth land Slartha streets. Holiday Luncheon. One of the large holiday affairs for the school set will be given by Sirs. John Towle who will give a buffet luncheon In honor of her daughter, Marlon and Naomi, Saturday, December 21 Columbian Circle Entertains. The Columbia Circle will entertain Wednesday afternoon at their hall, Twenty-second and Locust streets. The host esses will be Miss T. A. Tlerney and Sirs. J. N. Remmel. j Prairie Park Club. Elloulco Sheppard, dramatic soprano, will oe heard In song recital Friday even ing. November 22, at the club. The third annual banquet will take place Friday, Novomber 15, at the club house. For the Future. Sirs. Denlse Barkalow will entertain at bridge next Wednesday afternoon at her home in honor of Sllss Gertrude Smith of New York, guest of Sllss Carolyn Barkalow. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Sllss Hazel Degon left Thursday for an extended visit In Philadelphia. Sir. and Sirs. II. J. McCarthy left last evening to spend the week In Chicago. Sirs. J. N. Reynolds of Sioux City spent tho weelc visiting relatives and friends in this city. Mls Stella Slurphy will leave Sunday evening for Chicago, where she will visit for several week. Sir. P. H. Phllbln has returned from a trip to St. Mary'a college, Kan., where her son, Philip Phllbln. is a student. Sire. Wright of Lebanon, SIo., who ha'i been the guest of her son. Sir. George R. AVrlght, left for Kansas City Satur day. Sllss Harriet Stern of Milwaukee, who has benn the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bernstein, will leave Monday for her home. Sir. and Mrs. Harry Wllklns are ex pected over from Chicago for Thanks giving. Sir. Wllklns and children will remain for a month when they come. Sirs. J. E. Baum Is expected home Bun- day from Baltimore, whore she has been spending several weeks with her daugh ter, Mrs. John Rouse, and her new grand son. Personal Gossip. Sir. and Mr. Philip fouer nave re cently sold their home and will move to Dundee in the near future. Sllss Lynn Curtis sprained her enkle last week In Kansas City, but wlh leave there today with Mr. Karnes for Chi cago, where they will be at the inacg- stone for a few days before going to Now York. Sllss Isabel Lowden, who I In Chicago putting on an elaborate production of the "Princess Snow White" In German to bo given at tho Auditorium therp November 23. will return to Omaha to taho up her work hero the latter part of. the month. Sirs. R. B. H. Bell arrived Thursday from Des Moines and Is spending a week here with her parents, Sir. and Sirs. Peck, Canon Boll will come to Omaha tho Ant of December to remain until April when ho goes to Kearney, Neb., to take charge of the Boys' Industrial school In which Bishop Bcecher Is In-terested, TEACHERS VISIT THE UNION PACIFIC SHOPS Union PaclflQ officials are delighted over the large attendance of teachers Friday afternoon at the headquarters and the company shops. Some 400 teach ers took advantago of tho opportunity, going first to tho headquarters building. They vltltod tho offices on the lower floors and then were escorted to the of fices of Prcsjdent Mohler. There In the outer office he extended a welcome to them, after which he made a short speech, telling them some facts relative to tho magnitude of the Union Pacific. Leaving the offices of President Sloh- ler, Dr. Slllllner piloted tho teachers to thi roof of thp building, whero the my terlos of the wireless telegraph was ex plained. Then they got a blrd's-eyB view of tho city, after which they went to the shops, where Superintendent Hats took, them In charge. At the shops the teachers were shown the huge cranes that wcro handling loco motives and cars with as little effort as If they had been toys. They were shown the great forges, tho hammers that weigh from ten to twenty tons and given an In- sldo ylew of tho furnaces whero the Iron Is melted for caMlng. There was no attempt at show, the work in tho shops being performed ao- sordlng to th every day schedule. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED PRETTY OMAHA GIBX. OF FEW NAVAL APPLICANTS FAIL TO PASS IHfc tAArflb riiii n( tax onnUcanta JS3 were accepted for aorvlce In the United BtateB army at the recruiting station in Omaha during the year ending October 11, Tht mean that 61 per cent of the applicants pass ho in! nnd nxa accented. The recruit ing officers ray this Is a fair Indication of the percentage of oble-bod'ed men. It is a fact that many are rejected for roasonB other than that they are not able-bodied, and on the other hand, a number of those who know tnenneives Jo be too, far from able-bodied men d not make application at all. Often an able-bodied man la rejected because he 1. not familiar enough with the reading and writing of English to pass the edu cational test. SUSS BESS ELEANOR EMBREE. Good Corsets Make Good Figures Graco of figure 1b a matter of proper corseting. Norda Model coraota aro superior. Wa give you a fitting uorvlce and choice of models not obtained elsewhere. Corsets made to measure and fitted like your tailor does your gown. Appointments by phone will always receive proper atten tion. Corsets Cleaned and Repaired. Ida C. Stockwell South Side 'Kntranco of Jlrandcls Theater. 'Phono for appointment. Doug las 4749. PortUtent Advertising Is the Road to Rig Returns. I Albert Edholm Omaha's Oldest Established Jeweler Sixteenth at Harney THE real vhluo of this storo to this com munity hns never been so conspicuously emphasized as in tho presont unusual showing of now diumond creations. , All that is new, correct and fashionable in dia mond jewelry is here the new flexible diamond paved bracolets the beautiful new combination pendants, watches, lockets and scarf pins. We most cordially Invite you to come, and see them, and to have any of them laid away for Christmas; it you wish. Compart prlcitt compart quality. The store- of beat values. $187.50 "When wo offer a Piano for $187.50, and recommend it to our customers, our recom mendation alone should bo sufficient. But when wo back' tho Piano with a 25-year guar antee, without any ifs or ands, it is positive proof that the purchasers of these aro getting dependable Pianos. If, after having one of these Pianos in your homo for one year, you prefer any other now Piano that tvo sell, you may ox change, and full credit will bo gtven for tho amount you have paid. This will give you the $187JJ0 Piano on trial for one year. We want you to see and hear these Pianos before you make a selection elsewhere. Western Representa tive Maion fe Hamlin, Xronloh a; Bach, Xrak auer, Bush As aue, Kim ball and other leading make. 1013-1515 Douglas Street. We've 31 people who know HOW to ALTER Clothes It doesn't mako a bit of difference whether your frock camo from Europe and Is worth a-cool thousand; neither does it matter if your Ladies' Tailored suit Is a $150 -affair gotten up by Now York's tontest Bhop;'sond It HERB for cleaning, repairing, altering, etc., and It will como back to ybu PERFECT. The head of our Ladles' Dept. has been with us six months and we've not had a single garment returned dur ing all that time. (We might add that we maintain 25 to 30 tailors In tho same department.) Dresher Brothers 2311-1J213 FsurBAin St. Phone Tyler 3-4-5. Dining Room Furniture At a Saving of 20 to 40 Per Cent Buy direct from the factory. Let us act as your agent. A groat quantity of furniture in tlie display room may bo improssivo, but remember that only one piece can bo look ed at at a time and we havo tho samples and aro furnish ing some of tho finest homes in the city at a saving of 20 to 40 per cent for the purchaser. D.F. Corte Furniture Co. 24th and Farnam Streets. Any Portrait on a handsome burnished copper WatcMob Reproduced from any photograph you send engraved on the metal and abso lutely Indestructible. A fob that may bo worn by any one who dresses in go id taste, at the same time a lasting novel picture. Price $1.00 Ssndpkato and$l.QQ. Photo teX bi ftumtd with ear. BEE PTJBJ3SHItf(3 CO. Engraving Dept. BEE BLDG., OMAHA, NEBr Orders saay fee left at Bet Office.