The Omaha Sunday Bee PAET ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TWELVE THE WEATHER. Fair; Warmer VOL. XLH-NO. 21. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1912-SIX SUCTIONS - - SIXT!C--PA&H6. SINGLE COPY" FIVE CENTS. M'MANIGAL BEGINS TO TELL OF HIS WORK ASJllREDDYNAMITER 3tar Witness of Government in Trial of Alleged Bomb Plotters Takes Stand. DIRECTLY ACCUSES HOCKIN Says Secretary of Iron Workers Threatened Him. FIRST JOB IS IN DETROIT He Set Three Bombs in Building with. Fuses Attached. HOES TO CLINTON, ILL, NEXT IlocUIn Told Hint that They Ilnd Something on Him Now and that Ho Mutt Continue Told Mend Clluplusa. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. D. For the flrtt time In public since his arrest nineteen months ago, Ortlo K. McManlgal related Rt the trial of the accused forty-five "bomb plotters" today his experiences as a. hired dynamiter. The confessed accomplice of the Mc Namara brothers, as a government wit ness, directly accussd Herbert 8. Hockln, now International secretary of Uio As oclatlon of Bridgo and Structural Iron Workers, of Inducing him to do dynamit ing under pay of the union. Ho said Hockln had threatened to boy cqtt him from every Job If ho refused to accept the dynamiting commission McManlgal told how for more than four years he caused explosions about the country against employes of nonunion labor. At the outset McManlgal asserted he at tempted to protect tho lives of people whenever setting off a bomb. Vt his first Job In Detroit June 25. 1907, ho told of pushing a garbage barrel against the rear door of a restaurant so the people would not run out and be Injured or killed In an explosion across an alley. What Hockln Snld. "I had been" a' member of the Iron work ers' union since 1903," said McManlgal. "In June, 1907, Hockln came to mo while I was working on the Ford building in Detroit arid said that the union had de cided to clean out tho open shop con cerns and that I was the man to do It. " 'You used ,to work In a stone quarry and you know how to use explosives,! he said. '1'ou'U bo paid by the union.' "I protested, but ho told me that It I didn't do as the executive board said he'd sec that I was boycotted against getting i iob.pso I finally consented. "I tv ent. Jatllfi. otono quarry of my uncle, William Benin, at' Blbomvlllo, O., Juno" and brought back to Detroit, In a , suit case," thtrty-flvo pounds of dyna mited some fuses and caps. "I 'told Uockln I had .tho dynamite In my rom. Ho said: 'All right, You'vo gone this far and you had better pull oft tho Job between 1 and 2 a. m. in the morning.' "In my room -I prepared three bombs, each with fifty feet of fuse. I then went back to the Ford building and waited In an alley to see If there were any police about. Seeing none I put one bomb In the fire box of the boiler In the building under construction, another In an air compressor, and a third near the cylinder. Plant Pint llombs. "Joining the ends of the fuse at ono point, I lit all of them. They were fixed to go off at about 1 a. in. It was then 10 p, m. "I again looked about the alley. I no tlced a kitchen dbor at tho rear of "a restaurant opened on tho alley opposite where the bombs were, and thinking some people might run out at the first explo sion and bo Injured by the second or third, I Bhut the door and Jammed a barrel of garbage against It. Then I went to my room and waited to hear the noise. "It came about 1 o'clock. Later I heard the newsboys calling 'extra!' "It reminded me I still had some ex plosives In my room. What should I do wltfi. thorn? I didn't dare to go out with a package. That would excite suspicion. So I took what dynamite I had left to tho bathroom und cutting It Into small pieces flushed It out.' "Did you see Hockln tho -next day?" asked District Attorney Miller. "Yes, he paid me JM for expenses to Bloomvllle. He said I would bo fully compensated for my work as the execu tlve board had set aside a certain amount for each Job but, he said, I must keep at it. He said I would receive $125 for a Job it first, and I was to send a newspaper account of each explosion so he could (Continued on Page Two.) The Weather Temperature at Oinnlm Yesterday. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair; warmer east and cen tral portions, colder northwest portion, 1 Hours. Deg. If fm 6 a. m 43 (ml? yJi 7 a. m VktJlCI 8 i"1 43 l Vr' 9 a. m 6 i&JsS. m TfP 10 nl 6i )F-A it " m g (JTJ i p. m... ........... C8 rJtffr' T7 3 P- n 87 'Trwtof j -k p. m .'.64 ' ''4(wk K? 6 P" m Co6yarHv . I.ocnl' -It coord. - t" . 1311 1911, 1910. 1909 nignesfcyesterday'...,.., G9 69 ED W tJ3Weatye'sterday.4,i. 43 35 is U Mean temperature.,.,,.. 8 47 43 60 Vreclplttlon ."i" 'w T T T f Temperature t&nd precipitation depar Hes'from the, jiormal at, ip man a since, March 1," and 'conmarcd wltnnhe last two Vjarjir V Normal temperature'.. .u. 40 Excess for the day.. .....,. 16 .Total deficiency since Mturch 1 74 Narmal Precipitation. 01 Inch peflciencT for the day ... .01 Inch 'Hrcli l,.?".' - hes Uef clency TSlrice March 1. ...s . 3.4S Inches Dc lei ncv for cor period, 1911. H.C9 Inchcr Defjcltn'c? foti cor. period, 1910 U. 97 Inches U A. WELSH. Local ForecmtMr, Bandit Killed by Trainman Had Flask of Nitroglycerin ' DELTA, Cal.. Nov. 9. When the un identified bandit, who held up the Shasta limited here last night, pitched headlong from the engine cats dying, he carried In his coat pocket a pint flask of Nitro glycerin. If the bullet that killed him had struck the flask the resultant explosion would havo killed the engineer and fireman, al most beyond doubt, and possibly It might have blown up the locomotive boiler, Tho shock of the bandit's fall from tho cab, had he struck otherwise, was more than sufficient In Itself to set off tho Pint of destruction .he carried, but the flask was not even cracked. Fuller details of the robbery today show that Jim Yoakum, the head brakeman of the train, not Thorb San ford, as first reported, shot tho robber. His bullet bored him through the neck. Mortally wounded, the bandit fired three shots from the cab at Yoakum, none of which took effect. Then he stumbled head foremost to tho ground where he lay In his death agony nnd hatred gave him strength to fire twice more. Yoakum escaped untouched and did not reply to the fire. Sheriff Montgomery- and a posse nl rlved here from Itcddlng this morning, but thus far they have no clue to tho fugitives. i All Grades of Coal Will Be Advanced in Price in a Few Days CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 9.-Pr!ces on all grades of coal wlU bo advanced with the first touch of cold weather, according to men closely connected with the coal mining Industry, who summarized the situation hero today. It was also argued that becauso of the shortage of anthra cite coal, due to labor difficulties and tho lack of a reserve supply, the eastern and middle west producing districts could tup- ply only their Immediate territory. Producers of anthracite coal, It was said, faced a shortage of 20,000,000 tons at the close of tho summer becauso of labor difficulties and becauso the reserve supply of 6,000,000 tons had been consumed during tho extreme cold period of last winter. To overcome this jshortago, the produc ers are confronted with the necessity of 2,600,000 tons' among more, than tho nor mal production, the statisticians esti mated. G. W. Clarke Elected Gvernorof Iowa on Complete Eetnf ns DES MOINES, la.. Nov. 9.-Accordlng to complota, .return .from-nll counties ot the state, most of them vorlfied by county auditors, George W. Clarke is governor-elect ' of Iowa. These' figures, subject to only .the .slightest possible re vision, give Clarke 184,007 and Dunn 181,- Changes came thick and fast In tho count Friday, but by nightfall accurate, returns left little doubt of the election of Clarke. The official count will be needed to establish his exact plurality, With the returns upon governor out of the way, politicians turned, their atten tion to the other state officers. The first complete compilation Indicate that the smallest plurality the other repub lican candidates will receive Is 10,000 votes. Race Riot at Fort Stockton, Texas FOUT STOCKTON. Tex., Nov. 9. The fact that this town has the only saloon In a radius of nearly 1(0 miles has caused a Mexican-American raco outbreak. Two Mexicans were killed and three wounded last night and today all Americans are a pistol. When tho smoke cleared Fran strcets. ' A band of Mexicans last night idls armed Constable Tom Scott and wcro BhootlnfC at him when Sheriff Baker came upon the scene and opened fire with a pistol. When tho smoko cleared Tttn clsco Salinas and ' Brubenclo Gonzales were dead and six others were wounded. The trouble was the outcome of & week'B drinking and gambling debauch by a squad .of Mexican railroad laborers who had been working In prohibition ter ritory for several months. It Is planned to keep Mexican railroad laborers from entering tho town tonight Rangers from El Paso are expected to arrive tomor row. John Schrank Will Be Arraigned Soon MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 9.--John Schrank, who shot Colonel Theodore Itoosevelt, when the former president visited Milwaukee on October 14. prob ably will bo brought Into court next week for trial, Schrank is undecided about en gaging a lawyer. "If Roosevelt comes to Milwaukee, then 1 will certainly get a, lawyer," he Is said to havo remarked. "If he does not, then I do not think I will get an attorney, but will take my medicine." Unipn Label League Elects Its Officers ROCHESTER, N. Y., Nov. 9. With the arrival of President Samuel Gomperw and Secretary Frank Morrison today plans for the annual convention of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, to open here Monday, began to assume definite shape, Tho open'ng session of the convention Monday will be addressed by State Labor Commissioner John Williams, Mayor Ed- gerton and the fraternal delegates from Great Brituln and Canada. The union label department elected offi cers as follows; President, John V. Tobln of Boston: first vlcn president John W Hayes qf Indianapolis, secretary-treasurer, Thomas F. xracey of Washington. SCRAMBLE FOR PLACE BYDEMS IN CONGRESS Extra S& April SENATORS LEAD IN BATTLE Have Greatest Shakeup in Sight and Want Place. NOTHING LIKE IT IN MANY YEARS Opportunity Will Be Made Most of by Nebraska Member. EMPLOYES READY FOR CHANGE Max Ilnehr of St. Paul, on tlve of Departure for Culm, Say a ltri ticnntloii In Itrndy at Any Time. ; (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-(Spuclul Telo gram.) Unless President-elect Wilson should suddenly shift around from u po sition taken shortly before tho election, an extra 'session of congress will bo called early In April, primarily torovlso the tariff. This comes to The Beo corre spondent as authentic and from a source closo to the president-elect. With an extra session called and tho democrats tn Control of both branches of congress, as now seems certain, the fight over cfimmltleo places, especially In tho sen ate, will. transcend anything Washington has seen In years. And In this scramble for desirable places the senior senator from Nebraska will by no means take a back seat. Sen ator Hitchcock Is assertive and a stickler for his rights and, having four more years to Berve, ho will undoubtedly got a better chairmanship than ho now has. Max J. Baehr of St. Paul, Neb., consul to Clenfuegos, Cuha, who hus .been In Washington slnco yesterday, loft today far New York, where ho will spend a few days before salting an.Npvpmbcr n for his post. Mr. BachtV- while greatly la menting the defuat of "President Tuft, stands rca'dy at .auy tlmo to tender Ids resignation at the option of tho Incoming administration. Whtlo tho consular serv ice is presumably out of politics! still the 8t.,aPu! man realizes that great pressure will bo brought on" tho new president for important consular places such as Clen fuegos. Kansas City Court is Looking for Heirs to Estate of a Million KANSAS CITY, ov. 9.-An adminis trator's report qf the cstato of J. K. Zimmerman, a, cattleman, at Waco, Tcx, who'dTe'd In Excelsior Springs, Mo., Oc tober C, filed In the probate court here today, values', the estate, at' $1,140,j& Ad ministrators, found that 20O',OOO of this amouht represented loans' to Texas, cattle men in sums of (S.000 to J25.000, of which the only record kebt was a penciled no tation upon a slip of paper. All were found to bo glltedgcd. Mr. Zimmerman died Intestate Ho was burled In his old home tn Hanover, Pa. He was unmarried atid often had told friends' he never would make a will be cause of a superstitious dread' that once a will Is mado death for the maker fol lows soon. Soveral probable heirs have been located, among them Mrs. Emma Chance of Kewanee, 111. President Sustains Cancellation of Oil Leases in Oklahoma WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 9. At a hearing In the White House late today. President Tuft sustained tho action ot the Department of the Interior In can celing leases entered Into by the tribal council of tho Flvo Civilized Tribes ot Indians with the Uncle Sam Oil com pany ot Oklahoma, for several hundred thousand acres of oil land, owned by tho Indians. The oil company appealed the case to the president. Secrotary of the Interior Fisher said after the hear ing that bids for leasos ot the same land In smaller quantities than those made out to the Uncle Bam company would be opened In Oklahoma; next week. Mine Boss is Killed While Fighting Fire LA FAYETTE, Col., Nov. 9.-In an ex plosion tn the Slmpson-Brooxs coal mine here last night, John W. Hlgglus, 45, a. shift boss, was killed while superintend ing n fight against a fire that hod started In an entry late tn the afternoon Five others were seriously burned, but will recover, It was said early this morn ing. HIgglns and his men hart the t're practically under control, nnd as they started Into another entry, HIgglns In the lead, tho explosion occurred. Hodges Leads for Governor in Kansas KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 9.-Oeorge H. Hodges, democrat, was leading for governor of Kansas by but 124 votes over Arthur Capper, republican, according to returns, official, from all but a few of the 103 counties complied this afternoon by the Kansas City Star. This count Included the bulk of the absent, or mall vote. Mr. Capper Is quoted by tho Star as having conceded early this afternoon that tho mall votn was breaking against him. ROOSEVELT'S LEAD IN SOUTH DAKOTA GROWS PIERRE, 8. D., Nov. 9.-On latest re turns received here the majority of RynW Is 3,903 over Johnson, democratic ' (tpponent In the race for'-rhe governorship. Rockovelt's majority has been Increased J to S.1OT. WILSON IS GETTING President-Elect Reads Letters and Editorials, on Tariff. CONTINUES LISTENING POLICY He Ham ArKunicnt tliut I he Country Una .Nut Voted tn Fli.vyi; .of Jlo. vision pf Tjtrtrt 'it, .Vdt ' ' ' Oood. RKfCETON. nTX, Nov. 3.-"Vcry useful and important Indeed," was iliu Lcomment which President-elect Woodrow Wilson made, today, on ' tho array of editorials, statements and, , doa'arntlons from prominent parsons being published in various newspapers advocating or op posing an extra sdsniun of' congrces to revise the tariff. "Are you going to take all theso clip pings with you on,your vnc,tlon7'.' he was askud. "Oh," no," replied tie sb.vernor. "1'vo read them already. .Tho newspapers cer tainly aro whelplg mo- In my' listening policy." The attention ot tho prcsidcnt-oloct was called to an argument In an cdtorlnl that Inasmuch as ho had not received, a majority of tho popular vote np.ii that slnco both tho republican and progrcsslvu parties favored u policy of protection, thereforu the country hud voted aguliist tariff revision. "That's queer reasoning," remarked Mr. Wilson. "They overlook the fact that many stato legislatures went, democratic, which means democratic senator, and ltkcwtso that there weje a great number of democratic congressmen elected." Mr. Wilson attended the Prlnee.ton-New York university foot ball game here thin afternoon. Poindexter Will Act With Progressives SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 9.-That tho republican party' cannot longer count on Senator Miles Poindexter of Washington, whether that party has a majority In the senate or not, was his own statement here today. "I tan for congress and the senate as o progressive republican," Senator Poin dexter said. "I supposo now I shall leavo off the last word. It Is my Intention to start the next session of oongress as n member of the progressive party. I de clined to caucus with' the republicans when they were strong and I fall to see why I should do so when they nre weak." Senator Polndexter's statement was made In answer to a query as to whom he would support for president pro tem pore of the senate when congress cony venes In December. DAFFYDILS Another prize congest for the home-made variety." Come on into, the game again.. You can pick 'em as well as any. Prize book worth a dollar to the three best each week. Just write on piece of paper with name and address and mall to "Daffydll Editor, The Dee, Omaha." Contest starts next week. MUCH "Pudding Cometh" JOHNSON IS JtEFUSED WRIT Negro Pugilist Must Spend Sunday in Jail, PRISONERS RAISE A BIO ROW Wlittr Mrn Ohlect to Ills i'renenec nnd' Hp' lift'l'nVrn Into the Sec- tlo;i Ilprvod, for the 1 Ulndk Jlon. .ClttpAQO. jfiov..T-Baotituq ck John sonifyiiJIeUiJ the. Mttnni Inif.Vwaii riot placed tn the' ngro 8eot(on,df"cJilU white pr soners at the couhty 'Jail today caused disorder, that only the steel .bam prevented from bo'comlnr mutiny and forced the Jailer to remove tho pugilist from the white department. Vbhriso.nkcjffthlhoyea by the epi thet shoUtcit at him "by Other membors and by tho tieccsalty ot being locked .with other members of 'hiif race' In the sgm gated section ot cftlla. Johnson was iJlaoed in tho same cell with a murderer, Jariier Hr6wit, a ngri steamship coolt accused "of stabbing a man to death.. United Btalcs District' Judgo Cirpcnttr rettised to ImIio it lialub corpus Writ sued ror by Johnsdn'.s attorn6ys. Judgo tahdis left the city tddity to bo gone" until Monday, which practically re moved Johnson's chanced ot gaining his freedom untl) next week. It was declared by the federal district attorney's office that only the provision of a bond satisfactory to Judge Iandls Monday or an appeal directly to thtf United States suprrme court could affect Johnson's release until the courts passed on his case. The newspaper photographer who tried to take pictures of Johnson yesterday and was attacked by the pugilist, today obtained a warrunt charging Johnron with assault and buttery. Fire Breaks Out in Milling District of Minneapolis MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 9,-Klro broke out this afternoon In the New Occidental mill, owned by the Occidental Milling company, ono of the oldest mills In Min neapolis nnd In the heart of the milling district. A general alarm was sent In, It was feared for a time that the en tire district w,ould be set afire, but aided t'i't a wjnd, tho cntlro Minneapolis fire department succeeded In preventing a spread of. the flames. The Occidental mill was destroyed at a los- approximately of JW.Oto. The fire started supposedly of spontaneous com bustion, As It had shut down for repairs last night there was little grain In It. The few employes In the. building easily escaped. Woman of 113 Takes First Ride on Train JOPI.IN, Mp Nov. .-Mrs. II. Keith, aned 113 years, and her youngest son, 89 years old, took their first ride on a pas senger train yesterday.. Tho train brought them from their home,- several miles from a railroad In southern Arkansas. Charles McManamy was the first patrolman In uniform they ever saw. "Aro you a pollccmanf asked Mrs. Keith. "Well, we want you to show us how to get uptown. This is the first time my son and I have ever been In Joplln. Wo came up to sea the sights and are going back homo tomorrow morplng. "My, Isn't 'this a big town!" exclaimed Mrs. Keith, as she got her first -glimpse of Joplln's busy thoroughfares. Mrs. K(lth needed no assistance as she walked, Hhe appeared much younger than she Is and walked with a quick step and with shoulders erect. The son. too, was active. Mrs. Keith said she hat three sons older than the one who accompanied her here. Tlin eldest Is M. she said. All llv with their mother, or near her home. Her hus band was killed In the civil war. NEBRASKA CLOTHING COMPANY Swanson nnd Holzman Take Over the Great Retail Store Located on ' Fnrnam Street. BIO MONEY' IN TRANSACTION liitliiea Komidcd by at. Levy TiTen- .ty-SI': Yen'rs Aon "l'nmm .to Sr' Owners, Who Prnlno Many tiiiprnreiiienta? Tho purchase of the Nebraska Clothing comimnV ono of Omaha's . ltrgeBt nnd oldest' retail establishments, with' an nounced late yesterday,, the 'now' owners being' John A. Hwojihom nnd William I. Honiui. Tho change ot ownership consimmates a' business deal which is understood to InVolVo over $.K)6,C00',, mol lijg It ono of tho ' largest transactions that has taken place. In Omdlia' In many months. ' "ThA Nebraska," as this storo Is fa miliarly gknnwn, has had twenty-six yfara of uninterrupted success and la gpilchilly admitted to bo ono of tho ten greatest clothing houses In America. During the last four years two of the three members of tho old Tlrm have passed away, leaving tho founder and orlglnntor, Mr. Levy, who decided to trnnsfer the burden of the business to younger shoulders. Although besieged with propositions to ink over this onor motis nntorprlso, Mr. Levy had, however, one fixed idea regarding tho disposition of the business, that those who succeeded him must bo men of uniiuestlonablo honor and Integrity; whon who would keep intact tho good name of the flrnt established through a quarter century of' honorable merchandising. In an Interview Mr. Ievy stated .that by soiling to Messrs. Bwanson arid Holz man, he felt Huro hn could retire know ing that' the business would bn conducted Mpon thn most modern and progressive lines, and contlnuo to hold tho ahsoluto confidence of the public, which tho Old firm valued abovo nil olso. Tho rain of "Tho Nebraska" bring back Jnto the Hmollglit a iflgure, who has rondo a largo share' of tho clothing history of Omaha. John A. -Bwanson, the president of the now firm Is ono of tho most pro gressive inerohaiits In- tho west, being actively Identified with tho clothing busi ness In Omaha foe over twonty-flve years, retiring last Tebruiiry as . president of the Klng-Hwansou company, of which he was tho foundor. Mr. Swnnson stated that ho considered "The Nebraska" of fered tho greatest opportunity In tho coun try and that many Improvements would bo made, presenting to the public by next spring a completely romodoled, mod ern, new clothing establishment that wpuld bo & still greater credit to 'Omaha. It might be said with good grace that the people of.. Omaha havo a world of confidence In Mr. Hwanton and from the past performance of promises fultulled look forward with eagerness to the great est work he has set out to accomplish. William It. Holzman. the new treas urer of "Tho Nebraska," was born In New York City. Ho Is u graduate oC the publlp schools and the college of tho city of New York, entering at an early age Into one of the largest wholesale tailor ing establishments in tho cust. At 21, Mr. Holxman was admitted to the firm of 'Kprn, Holzman & Company, 733-735 Broadway, New York. .Mr. Holzman has made the manufacture ot clothing a life study, and In all his experience has put quality above every other consideration. Mr. Bwacson Is particularly fortunate In having an associate of Mr, Holzman's experience, creating as It does a combl nation of expert retailer, manufacturer and woolen buyers, making an organiza tion of unusual strength. The . Nebraska Clothing company was the first modern, wearing apparel houso' In Omaha. Occupying as it does tho en tire four floors and basement of one of the handsomest clothing store buildings in America, It has for years been one (Continued on Puge Two.) CRISIS IN IS THREATENING THE PEACE OFALL EUROPE Frenoh Cabinet Holds Seoret Meet ing, at Which Cablegrams from Chancellors Are Read. ARE DIVIDED INTO TWO CAMPS Triple Alliance is Baokinrr Austria in Stand Against Scrvia. LATTER DISREGARDS WARNINGS Advance Into Albania Continues De spite Notice to Keep Out. TRIPLE ENTENTE NONCOMMITTAL Urent llrltnlu, France nnd llnaaln, While AKitlnat Austrlnn Policy, Will Not Outline Their Posltlou. . IIUM-KTlN. yilCNNA, Nov. ?.-Tho entry of tlu Itulgarlan unny Into Constantinople 14 considered doubtful, the Netto Frcl Prcsso today says It has learned, as Hussla lit protesting against such notion. NUI-MCTIN. PAIIIB, Nov. 0. Austria Is sending to the provinces of Dosnla und Herzogvina, or In other words toward tho Kervian frontier, eighteen butaltlons drawn from tho fourth and tho eighth urmy corps, according to tho correspondent at Delgrudo of tlui Temps, who says ho has obtained the information from n reliable source. It Is boJtovod at tho Servian capital, tho correspondent adds, that Ilussla nnd pcr hnps the other powers will nsk Austria tor an explanation . PAIIIB, Nov. 9. Tho European situation Is considered In official circles hero to be precarious. Tho French cablnot met today nt tho palaco ot tho Elysoc, with President Kallleres. Premier Polncnro read to his colleagues tho latest dis patches received from the French ambas sadors at Bt. Petersburg, Vienna nnd other' capitals, led to a discussion lasting soveral hours. Nothing ot what occurred ut the cabinet council was made public and much ob fccurlty continues as to the prcclso in tentions ot the various great powers. "TIiIh Is no tlmo for irony," snld Norn dughntn Pasha, Turkish foreign minister today, "tiut If lt,wu!, I would paste on evory ' wall of tho capital and print In big type In. every Turkish newspaper ills solemn declaration nuula thrco weeks hgo by tho Eufopnnu powers that they wpuld not' poVinlt tho seizure ot Turkish territory. At the same tlmo I would publish tho toxt ot tho twenty-seven treat leu concluded, during ifio tttqt cen tury by tho nations ot Europe guarantee ing ,thc Integrity of tho Ottoman empire. Ntillnti Will Nitt I'Mee. "Neither I nor thp suttatt will over abandon Constnu'tlnopls-. My sovereign will await death In his palaco; I In my office." Thus Klnmll Pasha, grand vizier of Turkey, addressed tho ambassadors ot tho powers. 4 Klamll Pasha Informed tho ambassadors ill Constantinople, that he would maintain orifttr there until tho ond according to u dispatch to the' Ttfatln today, If, how ever, tho Turkish capital should bo oc cupied by the lnvaderH the grand vizier declares that ho could not bo answerablu for what tho exasperation of the popula tion might lead to. Anythliig Uutt might happen then wodld be on tho consclenco ot Europe, he said. Noradunghlan Pasha, Turkish mlnUter for foreign affairs, la directing affairs with singular tenacity and devotion in splto of his EG years. Ha appears to bo infusing new llfo Into th population ot the Turkish capital. For eleven daya ho has not left his office. Her eats thcro nnd sleops tharo, throwing himself in the early hours of the morning upon a mili tary bed In order. to snatch a few hours repose. General Mahmoud Mukhtor Pasha was sont to Noxlm -Pasha, the commander-in-chief, to notify tho grand vizier that tho Turkish army would not aecopt 'cither mediation or Intervention. Ac cording' t'o a special dispatch to the Jour nal from Constantinople tho commander-in-chief declared that if the government did not heed tho wishes of tho army tho soldiers would come to Constantinople and ennhonade tho. office to' provent tha dismemberment of the empire. Tho loaders ot tho committee of union and progress also Informed tho grand vizier tlvat there would be a terrible revo lution unless the Turkish army continued to fight till tho lost ditch. As a rosult of this and the attitude of the army, It Is understood Klamll Pasha, decided to abandon the Idea ot asking tho powers to Intervene. Tho officers who were sent! Into rettre ' (Continued on Page Two.) The Real Estate Mas Itoro is the man, of all men, who should understand the use ot Witnt Ads. He. should real ize rand most real estate men do that everyone In Omaha who wants to rent or to buy looks first at ' the Want Ad pages of Tho Boo before mak ing other effort to satisfy their need. This Is only natural, bo cause The I3oe. is the great classified modlum ot this state. If the real estate man knew . of a corner whore prospective real .estate buyers passed all -day-long It's a safe botthatbe would bothero on the ground about fifteen hours each day. Well, bore In tho Want Ads Is the corner where every pros pective buyer in Omaha passes each day. He not only passes but stops, looks And reads, LET THEM HKLP YOU, Tyler lOOO