14 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER y, 1012. S H IS - MO a n 5 2 I Till OMAHA DAILY BE1S VOL Ni)EUuOltVAKD nOSKWATgir Mi'TUTt hO.SreWATBK. KDlTult. uk k m.ii.uNQ. kaunam and lrni. bnlered at Omaha postotflee as second- i js matter. Sundav W. one year ijSlfrom Tonuossoo, whoro a republican Knturriav IIm. nnn veer. laily Hee without Bund. one year, Dally ice. and tmnday. one :, ' Evening and Fundny. rr montn..... Kvenlng. without Bunds j-. per month. lally Uee. Including Sunanr. per mo. .. ....-,. Ciinitai rwr me 4.09 1 6,03 oc J 8? I &' ' Address all cwnplalnt orirwrutarltles In delivery to City Circulation ueut nBMITTANCBb. Hemlt by draft, express or loal order, payable to The Bee Hubl hlnij Lompany. only S-cent stamps received n :m? of small account.. Personal check", ex cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, noi n rce pted. okfice& Omahn-The nee building. South OmahaUIK N street. . Council Hlufis-14 North Main street. Llncoln-M Mltle fculldlnic. Chicago-1W1 Marquette building. Kania ty--Reliance building New York-M Went Twrntv-thlrd. Ht. lxnils-W2 Friro bulldlrur. v w Washington T2 Fourteenth8t - 1 r.uiinfr to nflWfl HTI1 editorial matter fhpuld be addressee Omaha Dee, isouonai . 3 OCTOBER cmCUUA-TlON 1 51,898 c ciia nf Knhrojka. County of Douglas, S Dwirht wifitoms circulation maijaner 5 o( PThe Deo Publishing company. S dub .wo"n; fay. that the vraM dally 3 circulation for the month of October, " ffllSSSSSr. C RnJxirTlbM In my presence and sworn H ( 5 (Seal.) otary rublic- Subscribers learlnn the cltr Jempomrllr -boold hhre The tier mailed to them. Addre 111 ,be chima'd na often mm re qneited. Also, do not forfiot to shop early. That matt Lobock was always a lucky fellow. Governor Aldrlch Is mad; that's vory evident. 5 Somehow or other the sun seems 3L to shtno as It -did before, f - Tho world Is afways ready Ideas, but not for excuses, . for If jthe Golden Uulo wore absolutely enforced, whom would ye lawyers got off! Dr. Wilson asked tho voters to give him a team. Thoy did. Then, play ball. Mr. Debs fcredlctod bis party would olect twelve congressmen, What aro their names? Tho last Thursday In Novombor will be observed as Thanksgiving day, Just tho samo. The coal men's explanation for ad vancing tho price Is that thoy can do It and "get away with It." "Bryan for 1P1G," says someone alroady, GoodI Republican luck la bound to return somp. tlmo. Governor Aldrlch Is sura ho knows who Is to blamo for his defeat. Hot ter' take A slant at tho looking glass. It seems that the legal profession not only furnishes most of our pub lic officials, but also gets them, back again. What's thU about, tho teachers using a steam roller? - We thought their favorite weapon as a hickory switch. "I'll lick fiomoono two years from now," says an also-ran, ''Let the people rule, provided they rulo the way I ant thom to." Inasmuch aa bo many havo already 1 rloked PresUenUalec.t, Wllsona cab Must for mm, he will, not , have to ; bother sibont that task. . .i i: to. 2TOTra I cald of hlm before, and may.-'tbore- ' fore, be-6xpected to weather success. , tally the il&tsst bruptIons.t v That.niahfcuro flrl wlio refused to marry, because b .wa's''to, fond, of my customers'" imust: havo 80019 good angels among them. There Is some gratification, any! way, 4n, knowing that other states also have troublo In keeping their election returns on straight. afahmout, tho Turk wreatlor, has Jeft tho sultan to save Constantinople while, ho gathers, up a fow moro of those good old American dollars. Those Turks and Ualkaus chose the very worst time of the year to pall 6ff their little stunt. It they will repeat tho performance now they may command attention. It Is a high privilege for Omaha to entertain the Nebraska teachors. Why not Omaha Join wltK :oflncil Uiuffs to got the Iowa teachers' to Jiold a meeting in. our neighboring city across the river? We win sing a To Doura of thanksgiving in the Mosquo of St. Sophia next Sunday, boast Bul garian, leaders. A very wise man onto said that "Pride gooth bofore destruction and a haughty spirit be fore a fall." For State, Superintendent Uelzell to be re-elected as a republican lu a democratic landslido, and then made president of the Nebraska Teachers' association, air In the same week, w llkw piling. Oisa on Pellou. A good The South' Still S61id. k It Is still "the solid" south," and from surfaco Indications nioro solid than ovar. In the whole row or states south- of Mason's and Dixon s i lino the only gleam of light comes govornor lias noon re-oiectea. mil so rar as tho presidential lineup Is concornod the democratic candidate could count evory southern stato cor- inU tn IiIm, mih tint ,lnv nt nnml. nation without further attontlon. The big talk of a now party break ing the solid south Is proved with out foundation. If the republican party, trying laboriously for moro than forty years to build up around a stnunch and loyal nucleus, could make comparatively little headway, It would be foolish to oxpect a now born party to rally dominant Btrength In tho south over night, even though its slogan of social Jus tice should thcro bo modified to re duce tho negro again to suojoctlon. The south has remained solid through nil tho long scries of repuo- llcan presidents, and nothing short of a political miracle will break Its solidity with a democrat in tho Whlto House. Clean Streets Before Snow. For tho snko of sanitation and ap pearances, overy street. In tho city should bo put In as clean condition as possible before tho snow files. Thoro is no special complaint about downtown streets, but thoro Is a good deal about many thoroughfares in resident sections, sotno of which hnVo been badly neglected by tho cleaning department. Now that tho leaves have all fallen and a complete Job can bo mado- of It, thoy should ail bo cleared of tho trash beforo tho precipitation of winter' comes to pack it dow'n Into an. 'tjgly, un hoaljhf ul 'mass.' tiu't' this is riot 'a ma'ttcVfor 'question ordetmlo,' Itis simply orie tor action. Our Overworked Election Boards. Fault Is being found with election boards for keeping tho outcomo In suspense by delayed returns. Thoro may bo, nnd. doubtless Is, warrant for complaint in some cases, but on tho wholo our election officers aro entitled to credit and commiseration Thoy aro entitled to crodlt for doing a difficult Job In a fairly offlclont manner, and thoy aro ontltled to commiseration for tho mistreatment thoy havo to endure bocatiBO of our barbarous election laws. An eight-foot ballot, with olglity olght places onrMt to bo counted, nnd' many candidates for each placo, is enough to try tho paticneb of a Job Tho .election officers, morcovor, aro compelled to servo. In a -stuffy, ill Y.entllatod,.t)oatli, constantly crowded wn voters coming anu going, from 8 o'clock in tho morning until 0 o'clock in tho evening, and then to bucklo down without Intermission to the task of counting, tabulating and certifying for a strotch of from twolvo to thirty-six hours morp.. Our oloctlon laws sadly need re vision lor tno roiior or tho over- "workoa oloctlon oftlcors. Lot ub' havo, aa In onstern states, an oxtra corps of courtors, beginning their work, say, at 2 or 3 o'clock In tho afternoon, so that tho roturns may bo In within n few hours after tho polls aro closed and no hardship put upon anyone. As to Meat Frioes. . Tho ' American farmer and tho American olty man naturally vlow tho -matter of moat prlcoa from op posite angles, Tho farmor being the producer, is content to lot well enough alone and tho city man being tbo consumer, demands . lowor orJCtw, l(J fcdt-iherb 4sHtno'routfd to too'pa for a -'iriatbrla drop; hi rncaV prices' 1 1 . . ppn -.over J ami,, pretty , well m.oceptcd, Iivoryfibdy realizes that thn nvolu. jionarycjitrigea IWroifgntIn tho di vision of tho groat 'rang'os or itho; West. tbgolh"er',wl(K"itho"lnaltont d nana loryoung meat aro two prime factors". la' ,.ror?ing' puces yp;- oniy: tlmo will work a relief by lotting tb; cpwntry cntcn up on tho supply of finlshod boef product To, tho . suggestion of ,roclprocUy the roply comos that Canada lsln' much tho same position as we and this minimizes tho likelihood of that contingency. ..It must bo said for Canada, though, that It Is taking moro systematic means than tho United States to roplonlah Its meat supply by resorvlng ranches In the west. In this wo might learn some- At. J . luing to our auvantago rrom our northern neighbor. State university students aro4bej lng scolded for not attending,, the classical numbers In tho convoca tion program. We fear that class! cal exhibit Is not being put up on the right linos. Try a moving picture show depleting. tho "Wpoden llorso at Trov.. or - "Iloratlus at the Urldgo," or a Roman gladiators' car nival, .and wo guarantee thoro will be something doing. Well, It you had an eight-foot lial lot cast by about bX)0 voters to count aud tally in a poll book between dusk and daylight, what do "you think you- would do? The colonel and some of his (jatel lltes suy they will stick to Armaged don. Will Bosses.- Perkins. KHnn Hanna end .Sliyisoy oontlnUo to fur- BE otan Backward Iks Day taQmaha 1 COMPILED FROM DEC FILE- novT Thirty Vears. Ago In the election the democrat carried both renators and flVe of the lKht rep resentatives on the' IdBtatatlvo ticket, alj I'arke Goodwin for dlatrlct attorney, and Dick O'kee'fe for county cornmfs"' nloncr. Judge Neville made a record by Rrathv Ing three divorce at one glttlnc of the court ' The city phyftlclanV report Ahow thirty-eight deaths and eighty-three blrtha. among them two palra of twins, for October, Hon. Arthur U Thomas, territorial secretary of Utah, paa.icd through Omaha on hla way from the cat. Tho Ileo comes valiantly to tho rescue editorially of O. M. Hitchcock agnlnut tho vlcloua onslaught! on him by Phoebe CouiIrk. William Hagcdorn, 5ne of the old timers of the German colony of Omaha. nd proprietor of the Palace meat mar- Vet on Fifteenth near Farnam, died. The Unitarian conference ha been In peeslon with devotional meetings and addreaies. This la the first Unitarian conference ever held In Nebraska. ,'wrnfr Years Alt' Tater returns show Crounre, republican, eloctct governor over Van Wyck, fuslon 1st, by morn than 10,000. A. T. Cady, re publican state chairman claimed tho elec tion of the entire republican state. ticket. Uouglan county, later returns showed, disappointed the democrats, who counted on 2,000 plurality for Weaver. All they saved was one sonator-W. N. Uabcqpk, manager of the Houth Omaha stock yards; two stato representRtlves,"'Ames and Jlorrow; two county commissioners and five or six councllmen. Republicans got Lobeck, and either Clarke or Noyca for stato sonato and these rcpresenta-. tlvcs; Goss, Button, Crane, ICyner, Tyjck inr, Tfason. IUcketts. Telegniphtc news brought the almost ertalnty of Cleveland's election over Presldonf Harrison In tho nation at large. Dr. Gcorgo L. Miller changed his of ccs, leaving thoso of tho Now York Ife Insurance teompany, of which he luul been the local manager, for rooms In the park board's quarters In tho city hall. Colonel Corwln of the Chicago Tribune left Omaha for hla home. It. A. I. Dick returned from n repub lican campaigning tour in west Vir ginia and, Maryland, where he was kept on tho ko all tho time. Contain William It. Hams left for Ohio In response to tho hews of a sister's Ill ness. Assistant Chief J. J. Barnes of the fire department left for Pino Bluff, Ark., on a ten-day leave of absence. Ten Years Aj?o Members of tho Grand Army of tho lie- public, WofnaWa Belief Corps and Knights of Pythias united in honoring their old friend and comrade, William nawltzor, at .tho grave. Borvlcos were held at tho residence of his son, A. II. Rawltzer of tho Omaha Tent and Awn ing company, and Babbl Blmon of Tom pla Israel-made a short address. Burial was In Forest Lawn. George Munro was laid up with a broken leg. It was announced that tho general com mittee of telegraph operators represent ing the craft on the Union Paclflo hod reached satisfactory terms for the key men after a prolonged conference with officials of that road In Omaha. The committee lyo headed by D. C. Ieach of Junction City, Colo. rtev. D. K. Tindalt of Trinity Meth odist church sold thre was a divine law governing revivals and they did not como by chance. He took hi text from Ha- bakkuk, 3:1, "O, Lord, revlvo thy work." It developed from tho canvassing board's count of the election returns that J, A. C. Kennedy was the only demo crat In Douglas county to break Into the lower house of legislature, and John Wallace tho only republican to lose out. People Talked About Pressure for admission to the Ananias club has diminished sufficiently to per mit charter members to fratornlxe with, the .founder, ,;, OJd, .Uncle. Joe Cannon. Is numbered among'' the, dead. . 'that havo tears icpywo to. shod thcm"now"i . OKisjor ivi jto i can do naa on me propos(lon hsh'e ulgsrs will camp at Armageddon fjrst, Notikers. There are still a few political surgeons whf disagree i with Dr. 'Abbott on the valuo ofa.tlurd cup of coffee as a nerve onlc, r Chicago 'Invested, H.MO.0W In voting ma chines which were tried.out laat Tuosday. Two-thirds df the ytitera passed' up the Inactitries, preferring to mark a blanket jbaltot. The 'men and women voters of tho stats if AVnahlngton 'didn't do' a-.tK.lhg to the bull1 rrwose Jean'dldAto for governor. Sim ply .(tossed ptlm into the. tureen. From Whlc It may be Inferred that- a bull moose halo doei not gild wife desertion with righteousness. 'The boy fanners o(,Iong Island are being urged. -.to. orc&nU plubs for grow ing com. potatoes and cauliflower. In opposition to this movment is the boy scont Idea; -which is more deeply con cerned with the science of fun. Fun gets moet of the recruits. , lgnora Pfleter, the American wife of a retired-Italian naval officer who com mitted suicide In Rome last Tuesday, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lauffhlln of St. I.ouls and waa the first to' receive be honor of being the Veiled Prophet a queen. Her deatn is ascnoea to- prolonged neurasthenia, , Hiram Johnson of California is -retreat ing from Armageddon to the Pacific, Ukjnt"alohg a package of souvenirs con tributed by admire ra4 Among thi souve nirs is a fountain-pen with whleh he la 1o "sign your first official document at "Washington' and a device for meaaur- Jrig. th pressure of caloric wasted on the stump. Canton, X. T., and Freeport, j N, T., are two up-to-date villages that call patrolmen day and night to tee tel phone boxes by flashing red lights In the street. A mn was recently caught fourteen minutes after he -had stabbed another in a Freephrt saloon, and Mayor Hanso of that village is re.cetvinz; the warm congratulation nt his fellow lqw ntmen for the splendid use he IS making of the lighting department as an Auxiliary of his small police force. IN OTHER LANDS THAN OURS Stirring Events Featured in the Theater of War in Turkey. to-oitorntUa fltrntrjtr. The vigor and dash of the Balkan allies In their advanco .upon Turkey affords a striking leesoV 6ri .the value not only of brcparednnss. but -of co-operativo strategy In attacking tho enemy while partially crippled. Asia Minor is the army recruit ing camp at the Ottoman' empire. The mepace. of IIu-hIr on tho Persian border patjsed a concentration of- two Turkish orm y corps In that vicinity. The fear of Bustla, the war" over Tripoli and political discords at the capital YjtAlUe'd tho oppor tunity which the Halkan ntatos embraced with an Irresistible onrush that In five weeks has startled Eijropo, dszed the! tiujst for mediation. "On to Constanti nople" is tho slogan of tho'vlctorlous IJul- gars. In the last war 'with France the Gefmans, 'having cooled up In'Metz Gen-, cral Bazalne,.apd tils. Krrriy". corps, struck directly for .Prl. the lieaft of the oncjmy. similarly tho UulghrJans block the exits noplo Is' 137 miles from Adrlanople. Ile- Cohstantlnopla. 'The Greeks nro striking at Balonlkl from two sides and have cut the" lines of communication with Mon astic tho headquarters of tho army of western Turkry. Scutari has not yet fallen ln,lo thq hands of tho 'Montenegrins, but the surrounding country to tho shores of the Adriatic Is tlicrs. Tho capture of Uskub 'by tho Scrvlai.- practically1 clears' their frontier nnd enables-, the latter to rush strong . reinforcements to tho Bui. garlan fighting lines. Kvcry day's ad vance carries thr allied- hrjnles farther from thulr, several Irate?, necessarily In creasing the burden on the commissariat, the moving of art!l(ery and c-scntlal mu nitions. ProBrefl.hereforc, cannot bo as rapid aa In thft' earlier days. Constanti nople Is 137 milesfrom Adrlnaople. .Ke portB indlcato that the Bulgarian advnnci has covered twclhlrda of the distance, driving- tlje. .-Mattered Turkish army from place to ploct. '.''Fifteen mlleu outside of Constantlnpplp k'r the Tchatalja heights, nhcrc tho Turks aro expected to make their last stand in defenso of The capltaf and tho empire. Will thf Allies (Jet the Prlr.-f . Forty-flvo years ago tho Russian army' reached tho Tchatalja line of. defenses extending across tho neck of tho penin sula rrom tho Black to tho Marmora sea. Hera tho Turks had their backs to tho wall, a sen. beyond tho wall, and Itus- s:an bayonets on thrco sides. The canltal was doomed. --Rather than witness the profanation of tho temples of OsmanU oy naiea Heretics tho rorto agreed to the trcatr of San Stefano, so-called in honor of the town, a suburb of Constanti nople, where the treaty makers deliber ated. Before the Ink was fairly dry Disraeli and Bismarck objected to the Jze of the Russian prize, torn up tho treaty of San Stefano and evolved what is known as tho Berlin treaty. At pres ent none of the powera show -a disposi tion to lntcrvcno In Turkey's behalf as they did in J878. Tho reason la obylous. Tho lines .of self-interest are different and tho spur of envy Is pointless. Rus sla, England and France arc allies now. Germany and Austria, especially tho lat ter, aro more directly concerned than the other powers. What they will do later on remains to be Hepn. Tho tlmo Is not quite rlpo for uctlon. Should the allies succcod in shattering tho last line of Turkish defenses, and the Porte sues for peaco direct,- the terms exacted by the viotors mny bo too great to tbo tolerated Dy the powers. The probability of terrl torlal acquisitions on the Adriatic, by tho vjctors has already brought a warning note rrom Austria. The latter, backed by Germany, for years has .directed Its energies and schemed for an outlet to the Aegean sea at SaJonlkl, In further, on oo of that scheme tho Berlin treaty DEFEATED, BUT VERY MUCH ALIVE ' Some Wholesome Truths for Pessimistic Republicans. St. Louis Globe-Democrat (rqp.). The attention of pessimistic rejmb- llcans Is invited to an episode In tho career of the party which swept the country Tuesday. Ther'o wuh n far moro dangerous rupture In tho democratic party in 1SC0 than the republican party. haa encountered In 1912. With 'rival tickets, headed by Touglas and Dreckln ridge, respectively, In the field In 1SG0, the democratic party was split on a 'sec tional line, and tho feud which was started In tho rival factions of the party precipitated tho rebellion which con vulsed the country for four years, nnd which oovered the democracy with a load of discredit from' which It did not emerge for a quarter of n century. In l$6t tie democmtlo .party carried only three status! Its presidential candi date, McClellan, won only twcnty?one electoral ? votes, as. compare with 212 tor Lincoln. In 1ECS and 1372 Its voto .was so email that that !arty was never really In the contest at all. It rallied, In line, under the lead ot Its most adroit chief tain, TUden, a member of Van Burcn's old Albany regency, but it did not gain the presidency. In 18S0 It was beaten once more. In hajf a1 century It haa 'elected only one man to the presidency, and that man, In hU second term, BpUt his party HieBeeslcHcrBox An Kilncntlnnal Venture. NEW YORK. CITY, Columbia Uni versity. Nov. C-To the Editor of The Rce; Havo read your Nebraska Develop ment number and behove that It is the best educational combination of Informa tion rewarding Nebraska that has ever been published. .The. cover design is a whole feature In Itself. Several Now York students here at Columbia have borrowed my copy of tho edition to read. Although there Is Broadway and an endless host ot skyscrapers here, we cannot boast of IIS.00O.0OO In poultry resources. EDWARD 11. PERKINS, A Lot of l'nu. Spoiled. OMAHA, Nov. 8.-T0 tho Editor of The Bee: If the majority of the democrats Instead of republicans had been elected to the legislature from Douglas county, there might have been some fun when the tlmo came for electing a United States senator, provided tho vote was at all close. For some of these Douglas county democrats, being Intimate with the powers that claim to have been double-crossed by ShaUenbrgor as govornor, bear a very deep and abiding resentment for him and might have been Influenced, by that feel ing In voting for a senator regardless of any ante-elertlon pledge. Had 1 Wen elected." one of the demo cruts runnlug for senator In this county, crested the Sanjak of NovJpazar, a -narrow strip of Turkish torritory eeparallng Servla and Montenegro -and Joining Aus tria on the 'north. Hy means of this Turk' .Sh wedge Austria kept these pugnacious states apart" and maintained an outlet for promoting. its designs on the port of Salonlkl.v Should the wr eventuate. In Imperiling. Austria's cherished plans, the conoert ,of. tho powers Is likely, to expe rience a Jar before the victors get away with tho spoils. ... The Terrible Turk. I , What 'has .become of , the ' torrible Tiirjc?" Jlla reputation-as a fighting unit is not by arfy means a fiction. Too many .battlefields atteetls bravery and dogged determination to do or die. Doubtless the adjective pprang from uncounted massacre of, unarmed 'Christians, a trait so. .commonly practiced as to lcavo tho Tdrk without a friend in Europe ot Asia. Tho demornllzatlon- and. decay of jtho na tion necessarily permeates tho army. A military establishment cannot rite above Its source,, and tho source of Turkish PQver for ycure past has been, honey combed, with graft, plunder and mer cenary" sclflshncsE. So notorious nro 'those, conditions, oven under tho socalled eform administration ot the Young Turks party, that the -French -banks, in finan cing the latest Turkish loan, apotntcd agents ' to. dlsbhrsa tho money for tho objects stated In tho agreement. Most .of this loan went to pay off tho army, which had not seen a plustcr fqr two years. What must be the condition of the equip ment of tho army and of the military storehouses may bo Inferred from the ne glect and shabby treatment of the sol diers. It is not surprising that the demoralization and neglect In tho past became painfully apparent In tho disas trous rout of tho Turks at all points. Properly equipped and wisely led the Turkish soldier fights to tho end. He lacks the smartness and tho initiative of tho European soldier, but ho is doggedly fearless, for he Is taught that death for his country and creed wins tho favor of Allah. How they can fight was shown at Plevna when the famous Osman Pasha led them In a forlorn hope sortie against tho Jtusslan lines. Tho Rurelans fled be foro their tcrrlblo vengeance, and Gen eral Skobcloft began to fear for his be sieging army. "They nro born soldiers, theso Turks," ho exclaimed, as ho dashed to tho front of a battalion which was wavorlng in tho face of the killing. "Never was a sortie more -skillfully pre pared. How. I should like to be in com mand of it nnd havo my name remem bered In connection with It." This was the estimate of tho enemy It always has been the estlmnto of tho neutral who looks upon war merely ns a science. It was not, however, successful. The Turks tore holes In the- Russian lines. They cut to pieces battalion after battalion these men who had gone hungry for six weeks an'd whose clothing had been half soaked off by the t-alns and snows. Tho Russian shell fire plowed lanes through their ranks and the Russian rifle fife mowed them down as with a sythe. The slaugh ter might havo been so much felling of trees in a forest as for its influence upon tho bravery of Osman Pasha's men. They throw themselves upon a section held by a Siberian regiment, swept over their parapets, slaughtered their defenders to the j last man In a momentary hand-to- hand conflict, carried with a rush the battery in the rear, bayoneted the Bus. -Inn artillerymen and with demon fury slow ,on as If determined to cut their way through the whole Russian force. The sortie failed, but fulled with heroism. Six thousand Turks perished In tho at tack, Plevna cost Russia 40,000 men. In such a way that It has been In tho minority fory twenty years,- or until the election Tuesday. Let republicans remember that most of tho men who abandoned the party In the campaign which has Just closed will probably be back In the ranks long be foro 1916. Tho progressive party has no elements of persistency. Its platform Is too. vague, nnd too much of It Is based on platitudes which nobody combats. As Horace Greeley said of tho Knownoth Ings when in tho height of their power in 1855, tho progressives would seem to be ns destitute of chance of permanence as an anti-cholera or an anti-potato rot party would be. It has -no Inspiring creed to hold it together. Like tho liberal re publicans, who. as allies of the demo crats, fought the republican party with great enthusiasm In 1S72, and who were oil bock In the old camp before 1S76, the bolters of 1912 will be in the republican ranks again in two or three years. Thus they will follow the example. of the mug wumps of 1SS4 and the silver republicans of 1S9S. Tho republican party will make a new stride forward In the congressional campaign ot 1914, and In 1916 it will be decidedly and emphatically at the front with its old-tlmo vigor. Is quoted as saying, "I doubt If I would .have voted for Shallenberger, no matter what previous pledges had been made. 1 1 think I- could not have overcome my resentment for the man who double crossed us whenever he got the chance." Of course, there Is the "if," but it is believed by many that the defeat of theso domocrats spoils a lot of fun at Lincoln this winter But It Is just hs well that way. PERSONAL LIBERTY. In Ill-half of NflirumkH Clt- Hoys. NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. T.-To the Editor of The Bee: I beg to state that I deplore the spirit that onuses the re porter of a fool) ball game to deride a town, as It is so clearly shown In your account of the game at South Omaha last Sunday. It Is not proper, it Is not right. I feel that it Is not the Intention of The Beo to endorse or encourage such a spirit, and It Is surely not the Omaha spirit to do anything other than prabso and encourage the various towns of Ne braska. Regarding the team und Its manner of playing your account is unjust. Person ally I am acquainted with all of the boys and can vouch for their sterling worth and manhood. They have mastered tho game of foot ball in such a brilliant manner that they are entitled to com mendation. Surely as lovers of good sport they deserve better than they have received. The police ot South Omaha should be censured rather than endorsed in their action on that day. Tho writer Was pres ent und was the recipient of some of the abuse from the iwlico for merely trying to straishten out the trouble ot .the po- lie and the negro, that was without suf ficient cause arrested. They handled our team's coach in a shameful manner, and your reporter's statement of the occur rence was absolutely wrong. JOHN U.'STEINHART. SUNNY OEMS. "A great many women want the name of my dressmaker," wheezed the blonde lady, "but I won't give it to any of them." "Your dressmaker? I had always sup posed you patronized an upholsterer," responded the brunette dame. Ioulsvllle Courier-Journal. "Why did she divorce, her first hus band T' "lie couldn't keep his money.' "And why Is she suing her present hus band for divorce?" "He's such a tightwad." Chicago News. , "There must be a good deal of same ness about a hosiery manufactory." "Why so?" "Because It can have nothing but stocking departments." Baltimore American. "There are two sides to every argu ment," sold the ready-made philosopher. "Yes." replied the gloomy person; "but It makes a difference which sd you choose. There aro two sides to a piece of fly-paper." Washington Star. Regstaff Sometimes I Ho awake half the night. Aro you never troubled with Insomnia? Percollum Never. When I'm wakeful I begin to repeat to myself somo of my early poems, and I fall asleep In no time. Chicago Tribune. "It is queer that what is extremely reprehensible In the city Is highly com mendable In the country." "What's that?" "Watering the stock." Baltimore Amer ican. "Next thing I knew ho hit his father with un ax; the old man chase him for miles, firing at him with a blunderbuss all tho while. Then tho neighbors Joined In 'Hold on. Are you telling me about BakincPowoer Adds Heallhful fjualllleslolheffaar Prof. Prescott, of the Univers ity of Michigan, explains why Royal Baking Powder adds healthful qualities to the food, 1 Testifying before the Pure Food Com-' mittee of Congress, the Professor stated that fruit acids wore excellent articles of food and that of these creafn of .tar tar, the acid of grapes, held rank with the highest both in itself and its effect in the process of leavening and baking. He regarded the results from cream of tartar baking powder as favor able to health. Scientists and hygien ists are in accord with this opinion. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar. WRITE US WHAT YOUR NEEDS ARE FOR COOKING OR HEATING The experts of our Domestic Economy Depart ment will then select suitable sizes and styles to exactly meet your requirements, write you full descriptions and send you photo engravings you will then be pre pared to use your own judgment, based on knowledge. We will see to It, that you get what you want at a reason able price and with Our Guarantee. AN.tt FURNACES Please address your Inquiry to the DOMESTIC ECONOMY DEPARTMENT Charter Oak Stove and Range Co., St. Louts, Mo. Winter Trips to Summer Lands If you aro contemplating a trip to Florida, Cuba, Contral America, the "West Indies, South America or tho Mediterranean and Orient, wo shall be pleased to arrange all the details of your trip and start you BIGHT, via the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY Winter tourist tickets to Florida, Now Orleans and the South, circuit tours via New York to New Orleans and Galveston, delight ful crises to tho Mediterranean, Orient, West Indlas and South America. Reservations made "via all railroad and steamship lines. Information and folders free. TICKET OPPIOE-1317 Farnam St., Omaha. W. E. BOOK, City Passenger Agent. a nightmare or a mo mg plttnr, -t 'v Kansas Cltv Journal. "Tw, I was once tnttaged to a dukt "And what obstacle rattlf between tw-i loving hearts?" "Oh, nothing In tmrtlwilar. He Just let the option expire." Judge. Judge (sternly) To What do you at tribute your downfall? Culprit Thd-first drink I ever took was oho you bought me when you were trying to get my vote. Puck. Mrs. Hardin Can you lend me a cup of sugar, an egg, a piece of butter and a. Mrs. Testy Yes, and It's too bd you can't take home some of our gas to cook things with Kansas City Journal. BLOWING HOT AND COLD. Denver Republican. (With due amends to tho Most Parodied Author.) I went into a city 'all when 'lection day , was o'er Tho politician up nn' sez; "You rummies make mo sore." The men be'ind the desks nil grinned I thought they sure would die; I turns again unto the street and to my self says I: O It's Voter this and Voter that, and . Voter douso your pipe. But it's "Thank you Mister Voter" when the ballot crop Is rlpq, Tho ballot crop Is ripe, my boys, tho ballot crop is ripe, O It's "Thank you Mister Voter," When tho ballot crop is ripe. I walked Into a capltol and asked 'cm fcr a Job; They Bald: "You stew, git out o' hero be fore wo nick your nob." They threw mo down tho polished stairs, and finished mo with a club, But when It comes to votin', Lordl I ain't a pesky dub, For It's Voter this and Voter that! and Voter wnlt without. But It's honey for the. Voter when the candidate's about. The candidate's ubout, my boys, the candidate's about. It's honey for the voter when tho candidate's about.