12 with in case of real causes for Sunday Dinner Menu and Tested Recipes BREAKFAST. Orapofrult. Beet Hash (baked). Dolled Eggs, t .Hot Rolls. Coffee, DINNER. Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Fried Parsnips. Peas. . Orange Salad. Peach Ico Cream. Coffoo. SUPPER. Lobster Salad, with Mayonnaise. Olives. Sandwiches. Heavenly Food. Coffee. 'Chicken Jloauri A chicken mouwo Is a dtllcaoy In ths cold neat lino and one quit within tho scopo of th homo cook. When properly : prepared It is smooth and creamy and of I delicious flavor. Tho day beforo tho ' mousM 1 to bo served cook one cupful of rich chicken stock with tho bratcn yolks of two vges ona minute, nenton to I tasta with salt and pepper and, If tho j flavor is liked, a Uttlo celery salt; add ono cupful of pounded white meat of cold -boiled chickens, one tablespoontul of selalln dlwolved In a little cold walor. i Stir all tosethtr, wolt, Uien press throush 1 a sieve. Add a cupful of whipped cream and the dry whipped whites of three test. Beat wellvwHh an egg beater until nearly cold, then .turn Into a wotted ' mould and stand on Ico until firm. Then ; mould on a bed of mayonnaise, ixs pre fcrred. I Ten literati. I Take two ;uptuls .of sifted pastry flour, two tsaspoonfuls.ot baking: powder, one leospoonful of salt, two tablespoontul of butter, two-thirds cupful of milk. After the flour has been sifted and measured, add baking powder and salt. sift again, then rub butter In with tho td Tinker tips. Now. with, a fork combine this and tho milk, neither stir nor knead, just sea that the Ingredients are blended, then take on IlKhtty floured board. With a floured rolling pin roll Into a sheet u little mora than-an Inch, cut with a small round- cutter and bsko In greased flat tin. ; Cherry Surprl"". j A delightful dessert Is prepared thus. Hollow out as many sponge cakes as re quired were baked In Rem lan; maka a. fllllnu by putting the. crumbs Into a bowl and adding to them (for ,x fakes) halt a .cupful of whipped cream flavored wjtb halt a teaspontul of vanilla and half.. as much almond extract, one tn,blepaonful qf. sugar uud a pinch of ' salt! Chop fine clKbt maraschino cherries and add to tho mixture, fill the cakes with It and put In two cherries on top of each; servp. on small gluts or china 'plates , with a. round laco paper dolly under tho cake. This Is exceedingly pretty as weu aa good. Tlrnna .Coffer. ; To one and ayhalf cupfuls of bolilns milk add one cupful of whipped cream and pour this into ono nuart or more of strained coffee. Mutton Cntlrts, 1'rlcil. Beat the cutlets flat with tho broad sldq of a Ratchet, season with popper nnd sa.1V dip fjrst In beo.ten ret. then hi tread crumbs, fry In lard or dripping. Drain perfectly free frm fat and ar mnge them standing on end and touching one another, around a mound of rlced Votato. (Mewed Corn anil Tomatoes. Take one-half can of tomatoes, the mo of cprn. afer mixing them up well season with pepper, salt and a little .u$r. Bet on whero they will cook 'iilowly: at the end of twenty-five minutes stir In a great spoon of butter Put on th lid and atew very gently ten min utes more. Berve In a deep dish. CabUAK nnd, rieet Knlnd, Ona era art each of cabbaro and bollud Wts chopped fine, ona cupful whlto sugar, one tableepoonful salt,- one tea spoon black pepper, one-quarter( tea spoon caytntle TPPM". one cut -grated horseradish, cover with cold vinegar. This will keen for a month It kept from the air. CnsUrd Pie. I Take two eggs, halt a cup of sugar, a tablespoontul of flour, halt a toaspoonfu of salt, and one pint of boiling milk. ZJne a deep plate with cood pie crust and sprinkle nutmeg over It Add the ml'.V, I slowly to prevent puncturing crust. After cuetard is poured n, you may odd a Uttle mora putting. This pie should be hakdd In a moderato oven, llaked Potatoes. fielect potatoes all one slie, If possible. Jlake In a moderate oven from three- quarters to one hour, awarding to the tlze. Frail Tapioca, Cover bottom of baking dish with tieachvs. Cover one cupful tapioca with cold, water, soak for two hours. Drain and put fnto a taurspan. add two cupfuls boll lug water aud ono-half teaspoonful THIS page contains ndvertiBoiuonts of dealers whp nro making a sincere effort to placo the commodities they sell in the hands of tho ultimate consumer in a palatable and healthful condition. There nro no lines of business in which, so much caro must be exorcised as in hand ling porishnble food stuffs. Of late years an aroused public opinion has made it doubly hard for tho dealer. lie now sells to people more or less suspicious, who nro not onlv to bo reckoned complaint, but also in numerous Milk Fed Spring Chickens, per pound, 12c Pig Pork Roast Our business has been continually growing and from week to woek wo have been forced to add now help both In our storo and for delivering purposes. Tho groat crowds that throng our store ara tho host proof of the low prices nnd quality wo glvo to our customers. Steer Pot Roast 7c and 60 Steer Steak threo pounds for 25c Young Veal Roast . .' XOc Young Veal Chops 10c Veal Stow 1 , . . . . . . '. 6V2C Sirloin Steak 12V&C Porterhouse Steak : , 15c Lamb Legs QVsC Lamb Chops threo pounds for . .' 25c Lamb Stow 8 pounds for 25c Sugar Cured Bacon 15VC No. 1 Hnnis ' 13C 20 lbs. Best Sugar. .$1.00 with any other purchase of groceries 4 lbs, rlco or tapioca OSo Uest soda or oyster crackers, per lb .. , 7Mo Buckwheat or pancake flour, sack, nt 33o Largo cans maple syrup or. honey at aso Dent prunes, peaches or flea ...lOo l'kg. raisins, oats or epagnettl, mac aroni or Jello , . .,7V6o 4 10'cont cans corn or xnrdlnos uoo 1'ot or Carnation milk, C or 3 . .300 Canned hominy, roups, .beans, peas or pumpkin ,., Vtto 2 boxes So matches or toothpicks Do 25a pkg. Cold Dust ..ISO 3 cans Old Dutch Cleanser .. .SBo Prices good all week. DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE AT 10:30 A.M. anil 3 f M We Sell You the Best Goods fev less money than any other storo In tlio city. WE CAN DO IT for tlie reason wo pay cash for our goods and soli for caah only, so we don't loose any money on bad m. counts. It pays to trade at u strictly cash ntoro like Tho Lango Grocery Co. BXTVKDKX Ilutter has advanced So per lb., but not yet with us. Idlewlld, Ideal or Purity Print, per lb ,. ,33o Ilutter Cups or Jersey, per lb. 31o Country creamery, bulk, lb 30o 1'iincy country butter, lb 39o Itutterlne, goixl, U . . . . 16a l'uictabln buttorlno . .80o and 3Bo l'qsh kkb, per dnten .80o Apples, Jutku Hen Davis, bu. ..Mo Potatoes, fancy, per bu OSo KiiKltsh walnuts, per lb. ...,18Uo HuKar, fine Ktanulated, SO lbs., 91 THE LA NGE GROCERY CO. Under Hew Management, St 3. Woolfson, irop. Pljone sonclas 1B30, BtXti and Oamlay Ri, PIG PORK SHOULDER Wo want every housekeeper to know two things are positively as sured our patrons. First Heat quality meats. Second An average 20 saving. lorterhouse ateak ISo Lamb atow, 6 lbs. for ,. . (ft5o Olrloln steak ., 13Ho I Limb roast, lb. , So Prime Rib Roust Boiled , ISo and 180 CENTRAL MARKET """t" eo 210 Horth Phones Doug. 1706 salt, cook until .transparent. Add ona half cupful sugar and ono tablespoontul lemon Juice. Pour over penches, bake twunty minutes. Servo hot or cold with sugar and crcum. Prnnh short Cake. For tho cako batter rub toether the yolks of two egge, a plecf of butter tho size of a walnut and tho same amount of lard (fresh) and a. quartur of a cup of eugar, Aua a heaping tableepoonful of flour well mixed with a teaepoonful of baking powder, beat In gradually a scant cup of milk and water. Add enough mort Hour to auow the mixture to bo thickly spread over a shallow pan, much as if you Yere preparing a sweet cake llako quickly. Beat tho whites of the eggs stiff, add a Uttle pulverized sugar, a hint of vanilla extract, and well mix. Spread over the cake when cool and cover gen erously with sliced peuches. Fold double and serve with whipped cream. Caramel Ice errant. Two quarts milk, four cuptuls sugar, six eggs, half pint sweet cream. Put milk to heut In a large pall et In a kettle of water. Mult two cupfuls of surar In spider until It Is a golden brown and put In the hut milk. Btlr until It Is dissolved. Ueat the eggs, add the remainder or flour mixed In the sugar. Btlr Into the milk and cook us soft cuta,rn. Cool and Just uetore putting Into the treexer add the cream, which should bo whipped stiff. This Is enough for a four-quart freezer THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER !), 1912. imaginary, ones. 103i Best Flour $1.15 Uver.v sack guaranteed to be tho binX Larjfo 30 cans pineapples aoo Peanut butter, 2 lbs 38a 2Eo olives, 'pickles or catsup , .190 3 cans tomatopH or syrup B8o 10 bars It. K. A. soup , ,20o 8 liarH family noap ' tSa Tall Alaska salmon .,.,,,.,.,,100 Hoyal oof tee ,Mo Itest 40o coffoc, 1 lbs. for ..00o llest teax, per lb. ., so nrick or American choose . .....18o Itumford baking powder, 1 lb. . .18o Wesson oil, CrHro or Snowdrift a Bo I'kir. creamery butter Mo S-lb. roll buttcrlno OBo 2-lb. roll tablo buttering ,96a Special attention given to mall orders. tltO HAR NEY ST. rhoneaj Douglas B703 tnd. A-2147 BAKOAXKS 1'Tour, 48-lb. sticks, noyal, Cham pion or o. k. si.oa Cranberries, 3 quarts for , ....aso MEAT DEPT. Hound nteuk or sirloin, lb. 12Ho Porterhousn atealc, per lb 15o IUb roast, per lb, ,.1Bio and 100 MuttonStew. 7 lbs. for fiOo Mutton chops, per lb. loo Clood Bacon, per lb. t.l3(io to 17o Picnic Kama, per lb. ........ 19?:o No. 1 fancy hams, per lb. . .l4fo Oysters, uolld packed, par qt...8So Celery, nice tender, 3 for 10a ROAST-LB. ti 16th Stroat Intl. A-2141 You may like a sweeter cream, and If so, add sugar to taate. An EitulUh nifih. Take two pounds of lean beet and cut into thick pleees, about two Inches square. bllco ono pound of Bpanlsh onions and fry them in butter or lard to a light brown. Parboil two pounds or quarts of potatoes. Put some of tho onions at tho bottom pt a Jar, then tba meat and potatoes, soma mlxod herbs, and the rest of the onions on top. Pour In one-hslf pint of stock or water, and a glass of claret Put a pleco of greased paper on the Jar. and then the lid; tie It down, set in a pan with hot water, halt the depth of tha Jar, and place In a gentle oven for three hours. Take out, add salt and pepper to taste, and senrve, If possible, in the Jar In which It was cooked, with a serviette folded around. Peach Ice Crcum, Scald Qne quart ot cream with one cupful ot sugar and a dash of salt. Beat until cold, add one tablespoontul of a. mond extract and one pint ot peach pulp, , pack In salt and Ice, freeze and let stand j one or mwo hours to ripen. Cueuu Cake, One cud of sugar, two eggs, two table spoons at butter, onu'lwlf cup milk, two cups flour, one-half teaspoon soda, one teaspoonful cream of tartar, Put half In pan and add ether halt with one tea spoon ot cocoa. SUNDGREN'S Ideal Health Bread The Bread For Health That is what -this bread really Is. It's made of pure wholo wheat flour, milled Undor Mr. Sundgren'B per sonal supervision. It's better for tho system than or dlnary whlto bread bocauso it contains every nourishing Ingredient that wheat contains, while the ordinary re fined white flour consists mostly of starch which is a fruitful source of tyood pollution nnd the cause of the majority of our many intestinal troubles. v j & -- , " ' FOHAttiltlA' lnii These Great Saturday Specials Should bring ex)ry economical hou$wlf in Omaha i to our monayaaving PURE FOOD GROCERY BASEMENT 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00 10 Bars Diamond 0 or Beat 'Em All Soap 25c Hand,PiqkedlNavy Beans lb ." 6c Whole Japan Rice, lb. 60 New Tomatoes, h n n d packed, can 10 c Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 pkgs. for 25c 15o Seeded Raisins, lb. paokngo 10c Sour Pickles, quart. .8c Chow dhow, pint .,10c CANDY Fresh Flufrttta Chocolates, lb i 20d Oocoanut Brittle, lb. . . .20 80c Assorted Chocolate CrcaJBS. lb. . .' . . . . .20(5 VEGETABLES Fancy Ilnneotft Potatoes, bushel ..... G5d liitrgo Ited Glob Onions, 00c bu,, peck 25d Ileetfl, Turnips and Carrots, a lbs 50 Large Hubbard Squash, each ..... ...... 150 Hot House lettuce, throe heads 100 Cauliflower, per lb 100 Jersey Sweet PoUtoca, throo lbs 100 Grven nud Vfnx Ucans, lb. 12W0 Michigan Oelerjr, a Btalks for 100 Items That Denote Great Savings BASEMENT HARDWARE DEPARTMENT 40c extra quality, 3 tie brooms, Saturday spooial, at 25c 40o to 65c blue lined enamel ware. Cof foo pots, tea pots, pitchers, 2 and 3-qt. pails, sauce pans, and 0-quart sauco pans. Saturday special, each ....25c 110.00 high power wash machines. Guaranteed for ono year. All parts breaking will be replaced free of charge Saturday special at , . . .87,05 $35.00 Cast Iron Rauge. complete with canopy, 16. inch oven. Fully guaranteed. Saturday special at 825.00 J2.5Q Gas Heater, will warm good slu room. Saturday special at, each 31,75 75e Gas Jet Heater, To attach to gas Jet, Satur day special at, each , . . 30 -few IL s mh : Sverr loaf la wrapped la sanitary, ffrro-proof waxed paper wrapper. 5c at All, GROCERS 1 1JUN.NETT COMPANY Crystal White Soap, 7 bars for 25c Best Soda or Pearl Oys ter Crackers, lb 7c Assorted Cookies, lb., at 12c Ginger Snaps, lb 7c Capitol Corn, 3 cans 25c Capitol Sauer Kraut, per can 10c 2-lb. Roll Premium But- terine 45c 35c Best Coffee, lb, 30c Ideal Coffee, lb.. .. 25c 48c Ass't Teas, lb., 38c 58c Ass't. Teas, lb. 48c SPECIALS Assorted Cream yafprs, lb .250 Toasted Marshmalknvs, it. -100 Assorted Mixed Condr, lb ,.100 FRUITS Ldvge Florida Grapo Fruit, 10c, 7MiC & 50 Capo Cod Cranberries, 3 quarts 25c Greening Apples, per pock 20c Fancy Jonathan Apples, peck 45c Wo have one, car of fancy Ya klma Valley Grlmea Golden and one car of Idaho Jona than Apples, bu. box 91.45 Owing to the I arse Increase In our business we wero compelled to enlarso our place. Save 30. Got Greon Stamps. Follow the Crowds. Chickens ll4o Pork 1 toasts 10.o Forcquartera Lamb Bo Hindquarters Lamb 7o 10-lb. pails Lard... $1.07 19 lbs. Cane Sugar 31.00 XXXX Best Flour 1.1Q Choice Potatoes, bu., S3o 80c 2 lb. Llpton Coffeo for ..... SOo 10 Swift's Prldo soap 35o S Borax or White Soap for 300 3 15c Salmon, Pears or Tomatoes a6o Choice BteaK ,100 Lamb Chops ....7tto . ...BVio iso ...13tfo Beef Roast . 8. C Bacon 8. C. Kan. Butterine. lb. .mho 3-tb. patla Lard . . . .330 C-lb. pslls LnnI .Mo Kail Orders t.t Sam BOSTON MEAT 113 North 10th St. Clean, pure milk in prepara tion of food means delicious and appetizing meals. Alamito milk,rperfectly pasteurized and placed in sterilized bottlea, is the clean est and purest milk that can be bought. Fer-Mil-Lac Tho satisfying summer health drink. AT FOUNTAINS ar delivered to your home, World, ILTON a sons co. 1 ( ATTKXD TIIK FUKK Orchestra Concert This Sves'lnff, 7 to O'clook Ualn Floor. (' . foro break- "YVil fr Jaat call K'jRtK Douglas HIS) mffiflfr 1 m 40c Chocolate, lb 38o 25o cans Cocoa ISo 4 lOo Cream. Corn. Peas, Hominy, Pumpkin, Baked Beans, Lye,.C3o 4 lOo Corn Flakes... 35o Eggs, dozen Sflo Creamery Butter, lb. 33o 0 lbs. beans or oatmeal for aso 4 lbs. Seedless Itnlslns for ....80o Frio. "Wrlta for Price list. & GROCERY CO. Phons S. 1089; A-1089. The safe milk j Use it In rour cooking, and give it to baby. It's the only substitute for mother's milk. Cook on a New Idea , SANITARY GAS RANGE They are heavily enameled inside and out and require no blackening-. Quick hastlnr oven construction. Safety oven lighter. A-H patented Star burners. Aluminum mica tlnlsli on burners and burner crates. Electric welded oven and broiler racks, linings of oven ara fruaranteed not to rust All valve lundles nrc poicelsln enamel. Porcelain lined dirt trays, plate. as easy o citn a a chMH Bold on Payments or for Cash, Store Open Saturday Krening. R OGERS 1515 HARNEY --a"7. pOR oarly I 'CvV'Vt morning. I delivery r 'A"! milk and I Ht 03sMV nrnnm h. H