Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tim BEK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER. 8, 1912.
Thursday, Nov. 7, 1912.
AX IMPORTANT feature of the recent largo weddings aro the gifts re
ceived by the- members of the wedding party.
At the dinner party Wednesday evening Riven by Mr. and Mm.
Georgo L. Hammer for the members of the Prttcbott-Hammer wed
ding party Mr. Prltchett presented the bride with a beautiful platinum bar
jiln set with diamonds, and with n platinum bracelet' set with diamonds,
The brldo gave her stater. Miss Hilda Hammer, a gold bracolct, nnd the
bridesmaids, Misses Mlldrod Butler, Elizabeth Davis, Kathorino Ileeson and
Elizabeth Bruce, oach received shoo buckles set with brilliants, which they
111 wear at the wedding.
The ushers and best man received from the groom gold cuff buttons in
Queen Anno design, with the doublo monograms.
At the wedding of Miss Hattle Wurstor of Mllwaukeo and Mr. Charles
D. Beaton beautiful gifts were also exchanged at the rehearsal dinner given
Tuesday evening. Mr. Boaton's gift to his bride was a lavaller of platinum
not with sapphires and diamonds with platinum chain.
The bride gave the groom a diamond and pearl Bttckpln, and to the
young women of her wedding party Bhe gave tho now Friendship pins, sot
with pearls. Mr.' Beaton gavo the ushors and best man diamond stickpins.
Bt, Rev, Richard Scnnncll, assisted by Rev. Stephen U Doud, also of
Omaha, officiated at tho wedding.
Jut Married to Popular
Omaha Business Man
iPritchett-Hamraer Weddingr.
Rainbow tints formed a beautiful color
combination for tho appointments at the
wedding of Ml Huth Hammer, daughter
of Mr and Mm. Oeorga V. Hammer, and
Mr. Harold Prltchett, which wai cele
brated at 8:30 at the First Prosbrterion
church. Iter. EM win Hart Jenks officiat
ing. Clusters of white chrysanthemums were
ttled at th cend of each now and the altar
(iras banked with palms and ferns.
The bride, who Is a brunette of xtn
j.vmat beauty, wore white satin char
meuRo made with court train fastened at
the shoulders with pejirls. The skirt was
channeuse gracefully draped and the
sleeves and part of tho txxllc were of
real point lace richly embroidered In
jtearls. Llllen of the VAlley held the long
tullo veil In place and she carried a
Fhower bouquet bf orchids and lilies of
the valley.
Miss Hilda 'Hammer, sister of the bride,
ws maid of honor and wore pale Wuo
charmeuse draped with small pointed
train. The bodice wan handsomely em
broidered In Irdeucent beads. The sleeves
land one sldo of the bertha wnro edged
with fringe.
The four bridesmaids, who, with the
brlde, were debutantes Inst year, were
similarly gowned, but In different shades
of the rainbow. Miss Mildred Butler en
tered first and wis gowned Jn pink
charm euse. Mis Elizabeth Davis come
next, wearing tho deep pink or Amer
ican Beauty shade. Miss Katharine Beo
son wore palo green and Miss ISIzabeth.
Jlruco lavender charmeuse. The gowns
were denlgned allko, with the new diroo
' tolre stylo skirt, oponlng on the loft side
and showing the underskirt of the same
shade of chiffon. The gowns had small
pointed trains. Chiffon of the some shade
, as the sklrU formed tho bodices. They
were trimmed with shadow lace and em
broidered in rhlnestdnns.
They carried shower bouquets of button
chrysanthemums In tho different tints of
the rainbow Birds of paradlso were worn
In the hair.
Mr. Gsorge r-rltchntt, brother of the
groom, served a best man and the
ushers were Jtfeears Hal Brady, Jack
Webster, John Daugherty and Itaymond
Following tho ceremony there was a
' reception at the homo of Mr. and Mrs,
Hammer. The guests wero received by
Mr. and Mrs. Hammer, Miss Hanscom of
New York and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Prltchett. Hoses and ferns formed the
decoration for the living room and whlto
roses and lilies of the valley formed the
centerpiece for the table In the dining
Among the out-of-town guests were Mr.
Templeton of Greensville, Pa.: Mr. and
Mrs. U. "W. Powell of St. Joseph, Miss
ir unicorn and Miss France of-New York.
Assisting at the reception besides the
Bridge Supper,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Klllck will en
tertain at a large bridge supper this
evening ot their home. Pink chrysanthe
mums will form the decorations and pink
shaded andlns will light the rooms.
Coven wilt be placed for
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Goodman,
Mr nnd Mm. 8. It. tlujh.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Talmage,
Mr. and Mrs, W. n. Ilhoades,
Mr and Mrs, Carmlchael,
Mr. and Mrs. K, IS. Klmberley.
Mr. and Mrs, U D. Upham,
Mr. and Mrs, A. O. Elllck.
Mr and Mrs. Paul Blrson,
Mr nnd Mrs. Joseph Polcar,
Mr and Mrs. Allan Parmer.
Mr and Mrs. Udward 1'ceau.
Mr, and Mrs. d. M. Durkee,
Mr and Mrs. Hyron Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Conrad,
Mr. and Mrs. II. D. need,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Plsley.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Peters.
Mr. and Mrs. P.oyal Miller.
Mr. and Mrs, V. C. Peckenpaugh,
Miss Pindell,
Philathea and Baraca.
T4ie 8. B. Philathea class entertained
the B. B. Baraca ctass at an evening
party at tho home of Mils Hilda Peter
son. Tim evening waa spent with games
and music and about fifty guests were
Universal, Circle Club.
The Universal Circle Card club waa en
tertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs.
D. J, Dinneen and Mrs. V. Custck at the
home of tho latter. Prizes were awarded
W. F. Dresser.
C. B. Nerglrth,
F. B. Ilogan,
F. Ousick.
J. II. Holmes,
C. Hudson.
11. Oonversy
D. J. Dlncot), l
In Honor of Debutante.
Mrs. William Tracy Burns will enter
tain atlunoheon next Tuesday at th
Omaha club, In '..compliment to Miss
Daphne Peters, who Is one of the debu
For Chloago Guest.
Mrs. A. S. Williams will entertain In
formally at luncheon Friday at her home
In honor of Mrs. Karl Powell of Chicago,
guest of Mrs. Howard Farrell. Those
present will be: Misses Irene Farrell,
bbbbbbbbbsbbbsSbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' SHslflaBHaBaH
Village on Milwaukee Boad to Be
Hade Division Point.
Work on Itonndtaouse line Been
Commenced nnd Snbstnntlnl
Machine Shops Will Be
Formerly Miss Hattle Wurster of Milwaukee.
Perry, a town of a couple of thousand
Inhabitants on the Milwaukee's Omaha
Chicago line. 125 mllea east of this city,
has euaaenly Jumped Into prominence,
due to the fact that the Milwaukee Is
apparently laying plans to make It ons
of the leading division points. Within the
Inst month material has been stored thero
by the train load and during that time
no Intimation of what was going to be
done was given out.
This week, at Perry the Milwaukee
commenced active operations. The build
ings on a large tract of ground wern
recently cleared away and the laying of
thirty-two side tracks commenced. At
the same time work was commenced on a
thirty-two-stall round house and the
grounds laid out for brick and stone
machine shops, that It Is said are to cos!
over S500.WO. Work Is progressing night
and day and It Is said that it will con
tinue during the winter and until the
buildings are all' completed.
Forces Keillor Increased,
Instead of laying off men on the grad
ing and double tracking of the Mil
waukee's line across Iowa, the forces are
constantly being increased, the com
pany making great haste to get the
tfcond track finished to the Missouri
In the bluffs at the Coon river, where
the Milwaukee's high bridge Is to be
constructed, five steam shovels are Rt
work night and day. pulling out the
earth ot the embankment and hauling it
to low places .along the line.
The ultimate plans ot the road with
reference to western business contlnu)
to remain a mystery, yet It Is guessed
by railroad men that a colossal scheme
s Involved which when put Into effect
will revolutionize transcontinental busi
Union Pacific Is Busy.
The same haste that lias been adopted
by the Milwaukee Is being pursued by
the Union Pacific relative to completing
Sir Thomas Lipton
and Tom Edison
to Visit Omaha
Sir Thomas Upton, tho doughty Irish
yachtsman. Is existed soon In Omaha.
He Is now on the Pacific coast and will
go east Insldo. of two weeks, passing
through Omaha. He has cxpresed a de
sire to stop In this city between trains at
least. Union Pacific officials 'nil! take
the matter up and If Sir Thomas Is In
not too great a hurry will arrange his
itinerary so that he can remain In Omaha
tho greater part of a day and still ar
rive In Chicago In' time to keep tome
dates he has made there.
In addition to Sir Thomas Upton.
Thomas A. Edison Is another dlst'n-
ulshed personage expected to pass
Anne Robertson, and Mesdames Earl
Powell, Howard' Farrell, Vonuurcn Lady
and A. S. Williams.
For the Future.
The West End Dancing club will give
Its first formal dancing party this sea
son, Saturday evening, at Chambers.
Dinner Party.
Mrs. John Burke was hostess at a
beautiful appointed dinner party Wednes
day evening at her homo In honor of
Miss Pauline Burko, who will bo one ot
the debutantes. Pink chrysanthemums
formed the decorations for, the table and
covers were placed for twelve.
wedding party were:
Mesdames k
V, 11. Davis,
A. O, Becson,
J, it. Butler,
A. J. Love,
C. B. Keller.
J, C Fronoh,
Pauline Burke.
Jtuth Hitchcock,
Carolyn Congdon.'
Daphne Peters,
Ellen Crelghton.
C. N. Robinson,
T. C. Byrne,
F, N. Connor,
J. U Kennedy,
Myles tttandlsh,
Dorothy Stevens.
Esther Byrne,
Mary Burktey,
Mario.. Holllnger.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. 'Earl Powell of Chicago, formerly
of Omaha, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Farrell. '
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Blokeley have as
their guests, Miss Mary Beasley and
Miss Hannah McLaln of Sun Antonio,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrell returned
the first of the week from their wedding
trip to Chicago and other paints of the
rnlddlo west.
Mr. Edward Cornish returned to New
York City on AWdnesday evening. Mr,
Cornish was accompanied by his sister,
Mrs J. M. Metcalf, who will spend
Thanksgiving with Mr. nnd Mrs. Cornish.
Before roturnlng Mrs. Metcalf will visit
In Atlantic City, Philadelphia and Chi
cago. .
Judge Foster is
a Joker Himself
Aw, I .was only rooting, Judge," ex
plained James Burns In police court
when asked to explain why he was
fighting with a friend-at Fifteenth and
Howard streets.
"Only looting, etvT well, I'm some
what of a jester myself, so take your
hat and get out of here," replied Judge
James didn't hesitate to take advantage
of the freedom offered.
through Omaha In the near future. Some
J time this month the Oregon Short Line
will open ten miles of electric road con
necting Shoshone and Twin Falls, Idaho.
The cars on this line will be operated by
storage batteries, said to be the only ones
of their kind In the world nnd so anxious
Is Mr. Edison to study the plan that he
proposes the trip Jtjst for the purpose
of learning more concerning them.
The plan as now outlined Is to have
Mr. Edison stop over In Omaha at least
one day, either going or coming. If he
will do so, he Is to be the guest of the
Union Pacific while here.
Is your husband crosaT An Irritable,
fault finding disposition Is often due to
a disordered stomnoh. A man wtlh good
digestion Is nearly always good natured.
A great many have been permanently
cured of stomach trouble by taking
Chamberlain's Tablets. For sale by all
dealers. Advertisement.
Morehead Will Talk
in Omaha on Nov. 14
Governor-elect John H. Morehead will
make his first speech after the election
before the manufacturers of Nebraska
In Omaha. He has accepted an Invitation
to addres the manufacturers when they
come here November 14 to organize a
state association.
The program of business and enter
tainment for the visiting factory owner
Is being made and the announcement of
the full proceedings will be made thla
Harold Blackman, who accidentally
lost the thumb and forefinger of his
right hand whUe operating' a circular
saw for the AVestern Electrlo company,
was given a verdict for 13,000 by a dis
trict court Jury. Being a minor, he had
brought the suit through1 his mother,
Mrs. Flora X. Blackman.
Elks Club Dance.
The Elka' second dancing party waa
given nt the club rooms Wednesday
, evening. Tho following were present:
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Bochr.
Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Bralloy.
Mr. and Mrs. Challls.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Eokonnan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Ltllte.
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Mlttlebach.
Mr and Mrs. J. J. McMahon.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Nlppel.
Mr. and Mrs. A- C. Heed.
' Mr and Mrs. Ike Miner.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Stein.
Mr, and Mrs. Allen Falconer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. llossen.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duttmant.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Oouldlng.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cloutd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jso Halt.
Mr. and Mrs, Guy O. Hale.
Mr and Mrs. Peter Jensen.
Mr rind Mrs. Albert Krug.
.Mr. and Mrs. John Noble.
Mr, and Mrs. Georgo W. Paddock.
.Mr. and Mrs. Gorge W. Shields.
' Mr. and Mrs, B. E. Stcricker.
f Mr and Mrs. II. F. Trumble.
Str and Mrs. Walter Strlngfollow.
' Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Bruoning.
Mrs. Kuhlmnn, Chicago.
Mrs. Gray. Chicago.
Stella Beselln,
Irene lUgbee.
, 'Otferman.
STfettle Schooler.
Vharlotte Head-
fjtthol Lot sen.
i Meosrs.-
. am Crazier.
f Karl Bock.
S Jerome Latsch,
Howard Cronk.
F J Of ferman,
George Bowles,
Charles Go ft
Nancy Haze,
Stella Jensen,
Bertha Mers,
Anna Neble,
Fay V, Tliorne.
Robert Shields.
Dr. J. F. Anson,
Bert Miner,
Otto Nielsen,
Claude. Rife,
erphcum Matinee Party.
fr n t. Ynuntr save & matinee party
today at the Orpheura for her son, W11-
'JJam Young, and hl school friends. Tnose
.present were;
Katherlne Goes, Charlotte Rosewater,
Elizabeth Robertson, Angellne uusn,
uertruoe iioeiuK, uurum
I.viUk Burnett.
Jasmine Stone.
"Warren Qgge,
Frances Gerhart.
James Wyjnan,
James Love,
Frank Campbell,
MuriAn Jones.
Esther MoVann.
lUchsrd Morris.
Donald MeVann,
Herbert Negle,
William Young.
Ralph Campbell,
lunckeoR for Sride.
Mrs, Frank Campbell was hostess at
luncheon today at her home In honor of
Miss Kola Dollecker. who will be a No
vember bride, and for Mrs. J P But
tcr of Florence, Covers were placed, for
Items oi Interest for Friday
From Kilpatrick's The Home Store
In these days of brass band methods it is refreshing
to find ONE STORE whioh does business along plain,
truthful, old-fashioned lines. It is a mnttor of genuine
satisfaction to find thnt the number is constantly increas
ing, of those who refuse to be stampeded or attracted by
fake and humbug. Vs
Friday we will sell over 1,000 yards of Silk Orepe
all colore and some printed worth 85o and $1.00, all
at, tho yard 49c
Special glove sale for the benefit of our teaohers and
out-of-town friouds, as well as all thoso who appreciate
genuine glove bargains lG-button length white and
tan, instead of $3.00 a pair $1.98
A large assortment of Real Kid short gloves all colors
-instead of $1.00 and $1.25 79c
Teachers! We charge $1.98 for cloakings which
should sell at $3.25 '(iZcbclines). Wo will make
skirts to your measure, guaranteo a fit, and ship to you
free of charge.
WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR. Our buyer, Mrs. Jones,
on a rejynt trip to tho New York market, got hold of
a splendid lot of coats. They embody tho very latest
features in style infinitely more dosirable than coats
purchased two months or moro ago. An advantage for
you Friday and Saturday, for tho goods aro all in ready
for sale.
Special offering in Tailored Suits staple, sensible gar
ments modish and possessing intrinsio morit instead
of $35 and $40, we think this lot is specially attractive
at $25.00
Winter Dresses for growing girls-?a problem we have
successfully solved if wo do say it. Serges, Panamas,
Whipcords, Etc, snappy iu style in a word "girlish."
Ages 13, 15 and 17 years.
Hats for Girls and Small Boys Popular colors and right
materials 50c, 75c andjjil
The room-making sale of Blankets and Bedding is
drawing' wonderfully. Notwithstanding balmy weather,
we remembqr some fearfully cold and stormy days around
Thanksgiving and that's not so remote, now is it!
Note Bedding Bargains for Friday Our T. K. Special,
pure, laminated cotton, silkoline covered comfortables
clean, "fluffy and warm, each $2.75
(Laminated means the fluffy cotton is laid layer upon
layer in long, wide strips.)
A wool plaid blanket, usually $6, Friday, pair, $4.29
, Handsomely embroidered pillow cases, in holly covered
box, for use or presentation, pair 69c
If you contemplate making your own comforts, ask the
man we mean any of our salesmen to explain "KUM
FORTER KOTTON." Odd, phonetic spelling just to at
tract, that '8 all. .
TEAOHERS! Take a look at our Stationery and Book
Section not a big stock of books, but the goo'd kind.
Nothing trashy. Every man's library in itself is an
Before you leave Omaha, you will think of the "Home
Folks," Wo bavo propared Bomo speoial boxes of candy
and bon bons "The Balduff kind" the kind that tastes
like moro. Sample it and you'll bo glad to know of one
place where tilings aro always sanitary and hygienic.
You'll send us your mail orders afterward.
If you have a room to fix up at home if you need
curtains or draperies, an odd piece of tapestry, or some
thing of that kind you will be glad to take a peep at our
new, greatly enlarged upholstery section.
Thomas Kilpatrick Co.
The Butteri
This unusual little scarf shows How
designers are getting away from the old
Ideas. It is made of the dainty Fleisher's
Shetland Floss, with a deep border of soft,
exquisite colors. From the shoulders to
the waist, the back hangs loose, giving
ample protection, while the long, narrow
ends may be disposed of in a dozen charm
ing way. Every feature is new, and al
most every woman will want one. Mail
the coup'on below for complete directions. B
Fleisher s Shetland Floss is one pf the
th'e softest, prettiest, most 'durable yarns
made. .Their fine qualities and great durability
mean garments that will stand long, hard,
constant wear. 'Always insist on the Fleisher,
I iYarns look for trademark on every; skein.
Kullllas Warstt
Dresses Sxr
Ssaalsk Worste
Sketlar 1 Floss
Gersaajitonia Zephyr
(4- sad S-foId)
Saperlsr lee Wol
Shetland Zephyr
Spiral Yarn
Pamela Shetland
IUKklaad Wsol
Cashmere Yara
Anarora WmI
Golf Yara
A Mail tbi Coupon to S. B. & B. W. FLEISHER, PhiUJrlphU 77
Strtti .
It. il li? M it .. r
iff .V ' m vj
Is Better
Tt la tint alone the wonderful raisin?
nt. iiii.nrinr rrruimvui rcauua.ur
. ' j .
thr nuritv. or the uniformity, or the
. r v. - ..." , ,
economyyjtnat is rapiaiy inaKtng
Calumet the most popular Baking
ruiracr. 11 la llic pencil wwuimiiuu
of all of these things.
You need only to use Calumet
once to make vou a
constant user. Ask
your grocer today
test it in your next
baking. Insist oa
World'. Pura Food Expedition.
Ckiaaco. I1L. FarU Expou-
Training Omaha Telephone Operators
Wo place no girl at a tele
phone switchboard until she
completes tho work In our op
erators' school, and satisfies the
principal that she Is qualified to
do work in a Central office and'
to handle calls of any character.
Every girl who is accepted by
the operators' school must have
good health, good eyesight, good
hearing, natural intelligence and
mental alertness. Only 12 per
cent of tho applicants are ac
cepted as Btudents and many
more are found unsatisfactory
before they complete the course.
- -