TUB BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1912. TIH3 OMAHA DAILY BEE! FOUNDED UT EDWARD KOSEWATKlt VICTOR KOSKWAT1CK, BD1TOH. HER BUILDING. KAHNAMAND IiTH. Entered at Omaha postoKlce as second class matter. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Sunday Bee one year f Saturday Be, one year Daily lleo without ftumlsy. one J ear. 1.09 Dally Bee, and Sunday, one jw...... 6W DELTVKRED BY CARRIER. KvenlnR and Sunday, per month.. .. joe JCTenlntr. without Sunday, per month.. c Dally Bee, including Sunday, per mo.. . Oally Bee, without Sunday, per mo. . o Address all complnlnta or Irregularities n delivery to City Circulation Dept. RKM1TTANCKS Remit by draft, oxprn-s or postal order, paablo to The Bee Publishing tompnn. Only :-cent stnmps received In PnVmnt of small accounts. I'eronal checks, ex cept on Omaha, and eastern exchange, not iccepted. . OFFICES?. Omaha The Bee building Pouth Omaha-ZIl N street Council Bluffs-14 North Main street. Mncoln-M Little bulldlns. Chicago 10U Marquette building. Knnwia Clty-Uellancn building. New York M Went Twentythlrd. Bt Louis Ml Frliico building. WashlnRton-725 Fourteenth St. " Communications relating to news and editorial matter should bo addressed Omnha Ben, Kdltnrial Department. OCTOBER CIRCULATION 51,898 Stte of Nebraska. County of Douglas, M! Dwlrht William, circulation manager of The Bea Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the avorago dally circulation for the month i of 0btr. 1MJ, was BLfelS. DWIOHT WIL.T..IAM8, Circulation Manngor. Subscribed In my presence and worn tn Wore ma this 1st day of November, U12. ROBBttT lluNTKIl (Seal.) Notary Public Bnhacrtbera leHTlnsT h "lir temporarily should hare The Bett mailed o litem. Address will be chnnitrd often a re quested. Now for tho democratic plo coun ter! Don't crowd thoro! Porhapa anotUor trip back to old Ohio might provo restful now. Tho noxt congrcBB without "Undo" Joo" would hardly worn llko tho real thin?. Why la It thoy do not llko to ho referred to rt Bchoolma'ama? Give It up. The women won, won tho rlnht to vote at futuro olectlonB in Michigan and Kansas. Ah between tho near Bide and the for stdo, thoro aro good argument on each side. It would seem that tho number ot "repudiated bosses" has been ma terially Increased. "Roosevelt Quito Chipper" sayB a headllno. Must havo Intended "Hoosovolt Quito a Chopper." And now tho democratic World Herald in protesting against political party fusion. Can you boat It? Senator Kcnyon ot Iowa Is as sured of retention in tho upper branch of congress. Congratulations. Nebraska seems to bo converted to tho idea of a ono-torm governor, as well as to tho idea of a one-term senator. Aa It turns out, while Governor Johnson was off saving tho rest of tho country, California was going for Wilton. That atmosphere ot prosperity ex udlng from tho visiting teachers Is one ot the most satisfactory features of the meeting. South Carolina has re-eloctcd Gov ornor Bleaso. Those folks down In South Carolina don't caro what kind of a governor thoy havo, Notice that Taft and RooBovelt aro not so far apart in Douglas coiiny, and that tho two toguther have 2,000 moro votes than Wilson here. Cabinet making is now nu alluring occupation, and, while doubtful of resultB, is still free from tho dnngors and hatards ot the other building trades. The political prophets who had it all figured out that the presidential election was to be thrown Into tho house of representatives havo an other gueso. It Is certainly exasperating to be beaten by a slender mnrgin of a few votes out of many thousands. The defeated candldato would rather be beaten to a frazzle than beaten by a nose. On tho theory of tho lata Mr, Napoleon Donaparte that the Lord fights with tbo battalions, he could not have been at Armageddon fight ing with those who claimed to be thero battling for Him. The nswa dispatches say Colonel Roosevelt received the returns with "contontmony" They might evon have said "grim contentment," since in the defeat of his old friend, Roosevelt accomplished all he under took or expected to accomplish. The democratic World-Herald charge tho salvation of tho repub lican state ticket and the successful senatorial and congressional candl dates and tho legislature, up to the separation of the electoral tickets that kept Taft republicans from vol lng ltt the Wilson column. Then those who engineered this adjust ruent of the ballot must be entitled to son credit,' I No Such Hurry. Wild talk is already being In duigou by mouthy bun moosers about keeping up tho fight to put tho republican party In tho scrap heap, and they are said to bo laying plans for tho future designed to con tinue and porpetuato tho spilt in the republican party, which Is the dem ocratic hopo and solace. In this the promoters will have stimulating encouragement from democratic sources, becauso tho democrats would llko nothing better. All we have to say at tho present moment Is that thoro is no such hurry for Immediate action. Tho part of wisdom would be first to take an Inventory of political stock in hand bo as to know more approx imately Just what material remains outfildo of tho democratic camp, and In whose "possession it is. This is particularly truo with reforonco to Nebraska, where, according to the returns so far In, tho republicans have done as well, It not better, this year as they did In tho presidential election four years ago. Nebraska and Illiteracy. Nebraska has boasted for many years of having, according to tho con- bub, tho lowest percentage of Illiter acy of any state In the union, and for ,thls prestige oven now It has but few closo competitors. Doubtless many factors have contributed to this most deslrablo exhibit, but several suggest themselves as moro salient. First, and foremost Is the fact that tho llttlo rod school house was practically carried along with thom by the pioneers who settled this Btnto, and tho opportunity to obtain at least tho rudlmonts of an educa tion has been constantly presented to ovcry Nebraska boy and girl. With an Intelligent population appreciat ing tho value of education, and will ing and eager that tho growing gen eration may enjoy tho benefits of good schooling, It follows that stead fast Improvement and progress havo boon witnessed In tho public bcIiooIh In this stato. Not only are tho school buildings far hotter than thoy Wore, and abreast with all modern roqulromonts, but the standards of Btudy, and tho character of Instruc tion, havo been continuously advanc ing. Tho monoy neoded to maintain tho Bchools and tho amount has boon doubled and multiplied Is con tributed by tho tux payors with good will and less dissatisfaction than any other rovonuo for support of tho gov ernment. Under thoso conditions there Is no danger of Increasing Illiteracy In Ne braska. Indeed, with compulsory school laws, truant officers, and laws against child labor, It 1b almost impossible for tho boy or girl to koop out of school, and It will not bo long until an Illiterate person hereabouts will bo regarded ob a raro curiosity. Going; It Rather Strong. Local coal dealers, acting entlroly lndepondont of ono another, yet with comploto coincidence for, of course, thoro Is no coal combine aro bctow- lng up tho prlco of hard coal for local consumption In Omaha by 50 donco. Fifty contB a month on an Justification for this boost, tho pub lio has not boon taken into confi dence. Flfly cents a month on an investment of less than $10 is equal to a monthly Interest charge of b per cent, or at tho rato of GO por cent a year, In addition to ordinary profits. This cortnlnly looks like going it rather strong. And tho surprising thing Is, not that tho con Burners who havo to burn hard coal complain about it, but that thoy do not complain louder and moro forcibly. Suffragists Making Big Plans No ono who 1b thoughtful can fall to bo Improssod by tho persistence with which American suffragists aro laying their plans of action. Evon boforo tho presont national and state campaigns closed, suffrage loaders are launching now schemes for coir tlnulng tho tight. What la particu larly Btrlklng in this movement is its militant personnel and Its modern method. One finds Instead ot mediocre, mannish freaks at tho head, aomo of tho most conspicuous women In tho public eye. Regard' less of personal preferences, the sya temattc campaign theso women are laying out must bo improsslve, as showing that thoy aro practical, not listing to tho sldo of sontimcnt en tirely. At tho outeot It may be noted that thoy have recognized the Im portance of filling their war chest. In one round-up they gathered for the Now York fight JB.B00, which, ot course, la merely a nest ogg. Other etatea bosldo New York may alBO soon expect to claim their attention. Hut lu It nil, thoy cannot lose - Nebraska. New Jersey fur nishes tho president-elect, but Ne braska tho man who made him the man behind tho gun, as It were, And wo leave It to Champ Clark It it was not a gun. The Mlssourian might oven admit that It was a whole battery ot artillery. That's a wonderful scheme for revolutionizing our public school Ays tern of education put forward by our United States commissioner ot edu- i cation In fact, it Is so wonderful that It may as well bo crossed off the list In advance as thoroughly impracticable, i Booking Backward This Day in Omaha COMPILED CHOM BEE FILM- s NOV. 8 Thirty Ycors A election results aro still In doubt owing to slow returns, and nothing dsflnlte. rile city council transacted a lot of routlno business, and in the Hloux Falls granite controversy listened to a lengthy disquisition on geology by Mr. Baker, which, however, brought the solution no nearer. C. y, Goodman has gone to Cleveland to attend tho wholesale druggists' con vention. Announcement Is mads that "Little Corrlno" and her famous merrymakers will soon appear at Boyd's In "Tho JIuglo Hllpper." and Incidentally lets the cat out of tho bag that Corlnne was born December 25, 1873. Tho benefit for Ham Gardner at the Academy of Music proved a great suc cess. On behalf of hla old friends. Colonel K. F. Smythe presented a gold-headed ebony cono suitably engraved. Judge P. C. Shannon, former chief Justice for Dakota, now member of the Hloux Indian commission, la In Omaha to see his son-in-law, Preston Wolf of the Union Pacific headquarters. A class of elocution has been organized In the Union Catholic Library association with twenty-three members to start on. The suffragist rally at the Boyd turned out to be a scolding match. Miss Cousins was particularly wrathful at tho local newspapers and threatened to send for hor big brother to take care of Messrs. Iloiewater, Hitchcock and Miller, Others who spoke were Miss Susan B. Anthony, Mrs. Llllle Deveraux Blake, Mrs. Colby, Miss Matilda lUndman, Miss Lascon, Mrs. Dlnnmorc, Mrs. Blgelow and Mrs. Nich olas. Twenty Years Ag' Early election returns showed Lorenzo A. Crounso, republican, had carried Ne braska for governor and that Harrison and Held electors won over Cleveland's. Karly returns from the nation Indicated Cleveland's election to the presidency. Voting In Omaha wa orderly. Many women cast their ballots for members of the school board. Chief Scavoy re ported to Mayor Bemls at noon that a First ward election officer had bocomo Intoxicated and asked for Instructions as to his disposition. After consulting the city attorney, tho mayor declared no other Judgo could ba substituted, but for tho sober olectlon officers to do their work and Ignore the 'drunken brother. E. L. Lomax, general pasaengor agent of tho Union Pacific, -went to Chicago oil business. So did former Mayor Cush lng. John Lalor resigned as private secre tary to Kd Dickinson, asslstunt goncral manager of tho Union Pacific, to take tho position of - chtot clerk to tho super intendent of the Now York & New Eng land railway, with headquarters In Bos ton. Ton Years Ago- Frank Dewey, acting clerk of Douglas county, selected A, C. Powers and A. J, Webb to help him canvass the vote cast In tho county at tho Tuesday election. Congressman Dave Mercer expressed considerable surprise and entered denial when shown a telegram from Washing ton to tho effect that It was rumored there he would contest the election of O. M. Hitchcock over himself. BellevUA college beat the second team of tho University of Nebraska at 'toot ball, score IS to 0. Mrs. Mary Bohllver died at her resi dence, 3114 Bauth Blovonth street, at the age of 77. Hhe was the- mother of Mrs. William F. Harte and J. O. Bohllver. Railroad men admitted they were con fronted by a serious problem In the freight car shortage. Tho Immense grain shipments added to other heavy trofflo was giving the roods all they could do. People'Talked About The merciful weather man tempers tho wind for the Hldeless bull moose. The silent vote put more steam Into Its "punch" than the necessities ot the case required, Oyster Bay will remain on tho map as long as the band plays, but' Sea Girt la doomed to shrink Into Its bathing suit. It has now been ascertained that the cockroach carries typhoid fever germs. Families should have their cockroaches tnorougniy aisinreciea nt least once a week. Three days beforo the cataclysm the amalgamated prophet of Butte, Senator Dixon, exclaimed for publication: "Un. less our managers are all crazy, noose velt will win In a landslide." Now for the podded cell. Thomas Adolphus Bamber Brown Au gustus lUchardson Qoscoyno Goodlatte has been appointed a member of tho school board of Passaic, N. J. Thero is danger that New Jersey -will become unbearably chesty these blooming days. A London newspaper has had a bust made ot Qovernor Wilson because he looks so much tike Joseph Chamberlain, and the busts ot the two men are to bo compared wltfc scientific thoroughness to satisfy English curiosity. It Is worth noting as a symptom ot human liberty that a clergyman cam paigning In Newark. N. J last weak "made his audience howl" by standing; on the platform and drinking a glass ot beer while the band "played a lively air." There wasn't enough beer to go around. Jfow York's "Ideal" labor shop, de signed to help workers out ot a Job, In three years spent $38,000 ot the founders' fund of $100,000 In getting this packago of experience recorded by tho manager: "Although thero are a large number of peoplo out of employment, It has been our experience that many ot them aro either Incompetent or unreliable." Hints un War N nine a. Ixjndon Chronicle. Utile difficulties of pronunciation will be worrying most people aa the war goes on and they want to talk about It. A few early hints may be useful. Hera la a list which a Slavonic scholar says may be relied on: CettlnJeTse-tln-yeh. Bcutari Skoo-ta-rl. Uskub Oos-kyuu. Balonlea Sa-Io-nl-oa. Branjo Bra-neyeh. Tlrnovo Teer-no-vo. ' PiiBhttnu-l'rUh-tln-ah. I'odgor Uu-l'od-KOtrltia. Mltrovf It -Mlt-ro-vltia, Constantinople In nusklan and Bui garlan Is Tsargrad, which means ' Em. peror'j town.' I ACTIVITIES IN 8ervice Affairs Noted by the Motor Auibnlancrs, The army medical corps has been making experiments In the matter ot motor ambulances. Pour were obtained during the last year with the commer cial truck chassis with a view to carry ing out the policy of providing a stand ard commtrclat truck on which the am bulance body might be mounted, it Is found that the department erred on the side ot strength and durability and se cured trucks which were too heavy for the apparatus contemplated. The ex perience gained by the department In this respect, however, has been of value. The next truck to be secured will be lighter, and It Is thought the tests will show more . satisfactory results. Tho first trucks purchased are of superior typo, and it Is proposed to turn them over to the quartermaster corps for use in ordinary trucking work. Lift for Hnllsted Men. The War department recently sub mitted to the comptroller of the treas ury the question as to whether or not, under the provisions of tha last army appropriation act, enlisted men of the army on discharge aro entitled to sleep ing car accommodations from the place of discharge to the place of enlistment, or to such other place wtthln the conti nental limits of the United States as they might select, tho distance not being greater than from the place ot discharge to the place of enlistment. It previously had been held by the comptroller that an enlisted man, when retired, may re ceive transportation in kind to his home and sleeping-car accommodations. Con struing the last act on .the subject, the comptroller holds that the term "trans portation In kind" Includes sleeping-car accommodations, and that the same may bo furnished under such regulations ns tho secretary of war may prescribe. Improving Army Shoe. Considerable attention has bean given during the Inst few years to the army shoo. The surgeon general of tho nrmy In his last annual report states that the army Is now fully convinced of the necessity of having tho shoes of tho sol diers made on a correct last and prop erly fitted. The lasts and Btyles have been changed from time to time, and It Is believed has resulted In a, better shoe being adopted. The tan and black gar rison shoes are considered very satis factory. There Is, however, criticism of the present marching shoe. Several sur geons have filed adverse reports with tile WASTE OF MILITAEISM Critical Analysis of General Wood's War Cry. Indianapolis News. War belnb hell, as Ueneral Sheman sold, and as all the world agrees, aro w never to get away from that condition? Ueneral Wood says no. What ground has he for saying so? At tho time lie was boosting fortifications on tho Paclflo coast. And he might point to Mexico and to North Africa, where Italy and Turkey raised "hell" In this way, and also to the Balkans, where a similar state Is achieved. But do these examples make ugalnst the general trend of development? Why Is It chlmorlcal to hopo for arbi tration of causes In dispute getween na tions as wo now have between Individ uals? Tho one Is ho more absurd than tho other. Ought this to bo more Impos sible than the gradual doing away with duelling between Individuals? Both ap peal to the same ancient bnrbarlsm that tho parties to an Injury must wage1 bat tle Instead ot having a power neutral andunvarylng, llko the assertion of so ciety through laws, to settlo tho wrong. It has been more than two generations since we appealed to this ancient rello ot barbarism between Individuals. Men had to fight duels tor fancied or real wrongs. But our clvUlxatlon has .out grown this. No one now thinks that un less a man stands up to be shot at his honor Is stained. That standard Is still maintained to a degreo In Germany and France. But that plainly Is a survival of the military spirit. The spirit that would have a nation armed to tho teeth ready for war demands that Individuals shall show readiness to die on what has been called "the field of honor." There Is no more sense In one than In the other. MAKING DANGER SIGNALS EFFECTIVE Further Cheoks on Human Faotor in Train Accidents. Philadelphia Bulletin. Iteprcscntatlves ot the Interstate Com merce commission are considering the practical possibilities of an electrical de vice, which automatically operates to stop a (rain at a danger signal and obviates the possible danger ot an engineer's care lessness. The human factor flgdroa largely In tho annual record of railroad disasters, and tho moat efficient block signal system has Its limitations and Is ot no avail when the locomotive engineer, for one reason or other, falls to see the red light Railroad officials and govern mental authorities ore convinced by the repeated warning of train wrecks during the last year that Uve meahanlcxl safe guards must go one step further and pro vide not only a warning, but on actual check on the fallibility of the engineer. Still, probably nine out ot ten of tho acci dents whloh are due to "running1 over" signals would havo been prevented liad EDITORIAL SNAPSHOTS. Minneapolis Journal: Nearly 100,000 lives were snuffed out In Kurope last week because Mohammedans wish to reform Christians and Christians wish to reform Mohammedans. We ought to allow our brother to be mistaken. New Tork World; A noiseless aeroplane Is promised tor military usea. If the de mands ot war can alienee gas motors In flying machine, cannot the demands of peace effect a similar reform In automo bile and motorcraft? Chicago Record-Herald: To the war news Is now added the Intelligence that thirty volcanoes are In eruption on the Itland of Nlnafoon. The new comat recently sighted can't complain that the stage U not property et tor it appear ance, Indianapolis News: Sydney, New South Wale which 1 always up to soma stunt that amiui the ret of the world ha actually sent women to Jail for wearing hatrlns ot greater lngtn than th law allows, which t something that with alt our vaunted courage we'd never dor to An. JNew Tork Sua: The Obla woman who AEMY CIRCLES Anny and Navy Register. surgeon general concerning this shoe. It Is reported that the toe of the shoe !s too low and does not properly protect the toes of the foot; that the width ot the shoo Is too great for the length, and that the instep is too low The board that conoidcred this matter at fort Leav enworth found that practically the feet of all adults are deformed from wearing shoes mode on an Improper laat. Upon recommondation of the board a command of 371) men was fitted, with shoes made on a set of lasts recommended by them. This command went on a practice march of 117 miles, occupying nine days. Aa a result of this test a Held shoe was adopted which will be made the standard for the army and will be Issued shortly. The same last will be used for all shoes, both garrison and field, black and tan. Xerr Supply Corps. The new army supply corps began Its career under the provisions of the act of August 24, on November 1. Tho consoli dation of the quartermaster's, subsistence and pay departments were prescribed In general order No. S3 from the War de partment, amplified by Instructions gov erning the procedure of supplies, en gagement of services and pav ot the army, embodied In a circular Issued by tho chief of the quartermaster corps this week. There are some details to be ad justed concerning the work outside of Washington, but the off loo organization was in working order, as prescribe.! by law on November 1. That organization consists of five general iivl lions devoted respectively to administration, flnnnce and accounting, supplied, construction .and repair, and transportation. An In teresting featuro of the no a- Instructions relates to the payment of officers rnd enlisted men. Under section 3 of the act approved August 24, 1312, It Is pro vided that such duty or duties as aro now required by law to bo performed by such officer or officers of the quarter master corps as the secretary of war may designate for the purpose. Therefore, thp quartermaster corps will have charge tho supply and distribution ot and nc counting for funds for tho payment of the army. The chief quartermastpr of a command, under the direction of his commander, will be responsible for tho payment of troops of the command, In accordance with tho. provisions ot army regulations 1277, 1910. Troops will be ru'd as soon aa practicable after the close of each month unless circumstances pro vent. The recent death of General Nogl In Japan showed the survival ot an ancient custom that demanded suicide on. such occasions. But even Japan Is far enough along to sot Us face against It, while tho world simply looks at it for what It Is a notion no further civilized than sim ilar ones that dictate death and torture among African tribes. If Japan can out grow, as It Is outgrowing, tho notion of suicide on special occasions, and If Eng land and this country can outgrow duel ling, what will prevent the whole world from oUtgrowlng tho notion that It Is necessary to lntorrupt the peaceful course of development, destroy lives, ruin prop' erty, devastate the work ot generations of- toll. Instead of submitting the cause of It all to a tribunal which shall appor tion blame and praise between tho two in dispute and make the awards tuat reason and not passion, fairness and not force,-shall find to be Just? It seems to us that the advocates of perpetual war find themselves harder orlven each year. Tho logic of human development Is against their position. Na tlons will reach tho stage In time that Individuals In the most enlightened na tions have reached that It Is worse than folly to kill one because two differ on a subject.- Those that plead for universal peace may not live to see it. But the realization grows clearer, and as surely as human development expands, as It has done on the whole, so surely the time will come when tho thought of war will pass away, and the enormous and crush' lng waste of Industry that Is lost in pro paring for It will be conserved to make prosperity greater and more general. thoro been some means' ot surely flaslUng the "rod beforo tho eyes ot the engineer, It Is concelvablo that the warning sema phore may at times bo missed, whether through carelessness or a momentary In distinctness ot vision. In the gloom of a fog, the thickness of a storm or In the rush of the train at a mile a minuto. But If at tho moment such a warning) signal were passed, an electrical contact were automatically made, flashing too danger sign In the engine cab, the chances' that It would bo unheeded would bo reduced to a minimum. Tho automatio danger stop may bo practicable and possibly at hand, for Inventive genius knows no obstacles, but the transmission of the danger signal from the semaphore to the cab would be a matter .ot easier achievement and would serve every purpose In nearly every In stance where the automatic stop would be effective. on recovering her sight after four years of blindness said. "What awful frights the women are making of themselves In tho new styles!" experienced the s&mt sensations that assail the student who examines a family portrait album of a score of years ago. Pittsburgh Dispatch: Axis Pasha, com mander or tha Turkish army that was defeated at Kirk Klllsseh. has been sen tenced to be shot a a penalty. This encouragement to the others will be likely to make them careful about getting Into battle unless they ore dead sure to win. Boston Transcript. These are the Joy of war. If you were a common BOldler In the Balkan army and hod shed your blood defeating the Turk wouldn't yon ba grateful to a committee of diplomat of the European powers for deciding whether the victory wfatctt roa risked your Ufa to help win was to bet allowed to "oountr After flajatfcar yosr -way tn the wall of CoostaoUaopla tie -powers would decide wbetfecr or not. la View or their piopeil tetercstc tiey txmld af ford U let iw nCex- tl? fmftal. Tt "be gins to ts rntHTteTMa -vtgr -mi are told so oftea that w b x. jora In Which the mils sad Iwsfliir naxcm taa 3urwus -and & fighters 3KT Om 3!lk. THESE GIRLS OF OURS. Mr. Verl vane These bills are awful. I don't spend a tenth as much on my clothes. Mrs. Verlvane But, my dear. It's so easy to make you look attractive. Chi cago News. "My dear." said Adanl. as ho and Eve were discussing tho fall fashions In the Garden of (Men, "which system of dress making do you favor?" Well." replied Kve. thoughtfully "they all have their merits, but the loose-leaf system Is good enough for me." Judge. "She Is a confirmed gossip." said the woman who always speaks her mind. I Know it. renllcd tha woman who doesn't. Then why do you SDend in much time visiting her?" "Because I know when she la talking to me she Isn't talking about me." Phllodejphla Ledger. Her Father What are the vminir man' business prospects? daughter I don't know that. na. All I know Is that he means business. Boston Transcript. "There's something aueer about her di vorce." She got it nil right, didn't she? What's queer about It?" "She doesn t seem to have another man picked out to marry." Washington Her ald. "Women do not always observe the THE PEGTOE The man who canrt walk right, can't think right. The man who can't think right, can't work right. Poor shoes are responsible for many failures good shoes for much success. If Stetson Shoes fit better, look better, and are really cheaper, why are they not the shoes for you? They are! . Let us put a pair of Stetson Shoes on your feet, and we believe your feet will be "Stetsonized for life. The RED DIAMOND is the high sign of Shoe Merit HAYDEN BROS. Sixteenth and Dodge Sts, Omaha "Stetsons cost more by the pair but less by the year" The After Hours Salesmaiil jTflT jKll i 1 MANY concerns lose money every night by not attracting the attention of the crowds on the streets In the evening. On the other hand many other concerns prosper because they employ the after hours salesman Electric Light. You can readily pick out these stores on the busiest thoroughfares their show windows pouring a brilliant flood of light upward, outward and downward thereby adding an attraction to the goods displayed not obtainable in any other way. Few people can resist a glance at the beautiful effect most people stop and admire It. The proprietors of these big shops are well, versed In all modern methods which make for success In developing trade. Tb,ey know that the lavish use of electric light pays, and use Ellison Mazda Lamps to ob tain it at a minimum cost. Our Lamp Experts will gladly assist your artistic window dressers In making your store and shop windows as attractive as the best in town. Omaha Electric Light (L Power Co. Washington Crisps Cut eff otuJUri jitgit tut f living for ctrtal fnd 11 11 it ff?PH9 Golden Rule among themselves, " ven tured the candid person. "No." replied Miss Cayenne. "I am In clined to think the Golden Rule would get more attenUon If It were something you got at a Jewelry store. Washington Star. THE GOLDEN DAYS. Baltimore American. Free from the heat of the summer days, 4 Free from the winter chill, i Bright with the sun and the soft blue skies And the color pictures still. The days of the Indian summer come, Tne choice time or tne year. When the fret and the stress and the press are gone. And the golden quiet's here. These are tho days of the woodland strolls. In peaceful easo and Joy, Not fierce delights of tho summer's glow. Which but the sooner cloy, But pleased content which the longer stays For Its sweet placidity, When the hours stretch golden lengths along, In a restful poesy. In the brilliant woods are the chestnuts brown. And the merry bands go out From the city's dust to the country's green. To wander all about. And gather nuts In a frolic mood, Irt a glad and gleesome toll, Then come back In a pleased fatigue. With October's rich ripe spoil. "Ftrtt in it HOMES CnuUrytun HEACKASE CAflMMMSWsjSsaC, ferlCN 4