Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    THtt HKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, XOVKM13KR 8, 1012. 3
I !: ! , - '
Sends Message of Congratulation to
His Opponent.
VI1I .Make- Xo Auavrer to SuBgestlon
thnt lie Ueconic a Member
of President tVUaon'ft
(From a Staff CorrcsDondpnf.l
LINCOLN, Nov. 7.-(Spcclal.)-3ovemor
t Hester II. Aldrloh announced thla aftr
noon that he would send a message of
congratulations to John H. Morehead,
successful ripmnrrnUn nnilliliil. f-
VJ .
gubernatorial honors.
Whllo the governor has not
made any statement Indicating that lie
was willing to concede the election of
.Morchcnd, tho congratulatory mcssago Is
taken to mean that the Aldrlch managers
have thrown up tho sponge In tho face of
tho late returns.
Governor Aldrlch waa at his officn
Thursday morning In a decidedly moro
encenu' mood than yesterday. Ho re
galed himself by relating several humor
ous Incidents of the campaign. Following
tho inauguration of Mr. Morehead liov
ernor Aldrlch will return to David City
to rcsumo tho nractlco of law.
That tho governor has not taken his
defeat as ho end of his political ambt
tlons was Indicated by the statement:
"I'll lick someone two years from now."
llrynn Will Not Tnlk.
William J. Bryan, Just prior to his de
parture for Omaha, whero he addressed
the Stato Teachers association this oven
Ing, refused to comment on press reports
concerning the "Wilson cabinet.
Mr. Bryan said that ho had nothing t6
say. The Commoner goes east for a
visit In several days, during which time
he will deliver addresses In 'several east
ern cities, before going south to spend
tho winter. Mr. Bryan has purchased a
small tract of everglades near Mlama,
Fla., and will build a log cabin, which
he will use for a winter home.
The Commoner has received hundreds
of congratulatory messages from all ports
of the country on tho democratic victory.
One of the first to wire Bryan waa John
II. Morehead, who expressed his appre
ciation for the services Mr. Bryan had
Cheyenne Ilrporli,
Cheyenne' county was tho first Nebraska.
county to return its official vote to tho
secretory of state. It showed no ma
terial change from the unofficial voter
published Wednesday. The state can
vasslng board will meet within eighteen
day and' will canvass the vote on the Btote
officials and presidential electors. The
voto on congressmen and senators will
bo canvassed by the legislature when It
convenes early next year.
Cherry County Hank,
incorporation papers for the Brownie
.Stato bank of Cherry county were filed
In the office of tho secretary of state
Thursday. Tho bank will save a capital
stock of $15,000. The Incorporators are
J. I. Fisher, Fred "WThlttemore, 11. M.
Shoe It ley and William Selonfruena,
Commission.. Makes Good.
Assistant Attorney General Frank:
Edgorton will advise V. I Maniran.
superintendent of' schools of Caladonla,
Minn., that the Nebraska Railway com-
mtsslo has made jgood. In reply to an
Inquiry by Mangon, who Is apparently
attempting to learn the success of such
bodies In tho several states, Edgerton will
tell Win that in tho matter of litigation
alone tho commission has save dconslder
able money for tho neoplo of Nebraska.
He says that many disputes which other
wise would have found ther way Into
courts liovo been decided by tho commis
sion to the satisfaction of all parties con
icrned. nenovnte Legtfslntive Hall.
fl In view of the early convening of tho
(I Nebraska legislature, the commissioner
' of lands and buildings Thursday ordered
the renovatoln and repairing of the In
terior of the house of representatives and
enate chamber at the state capitol. The
walls are being repapered and the wood
work Is receiving a fresh coat of point.
The commissioner has not yet decltfed
Scalp Eczema for About Five Yearsi
Form ef Ringworm. Thick, Rough
Scale. Entirely Well After Using
Guticura Soap and Ointment,
Iberia, Mo. "I ni troubled wtta scalp
' ecefBS. for about fire years and tried
rerytaisg I beard of but all of no ar&H.
The doctors told Bas I
would bare to hare Bay
head shared. Betas a
woman 1 bated the Idea of
"I waa told by a frleod
that the Outlcura Remedies
would do me good. This
spring I purchased two
bo sea of Outlcura Ointment
ana one cake of Outlcnra Soap. After uttttg
oaa box of Oatlcura Ointment I considered
the cure permanent, but continued to use
It to make sure and used about one-half
the other boat. Now I am entirely well.
I also used the CuUcuraBoap.
"The disease began on the back of my
bead, Uld&g the term of s. ringworm only
more severe, rising to a thick, rough scale'
that would oo ma off when soaked with oil
or warm water, bringing a few halra each
!me, but In a few days would form again,
larger each time, and spreading until the
TOtlre back of the bead waa covered with
the scale. This was accompanied by a
terrible Itching and kjajralns sensation
Now my head (a completely well and mj '
Lair growing nicely." (Signed) Mrs. O.
'. Clark. Mar. 2i. 1912.
Outlcura Soap and Outlcnra Ointment an
old throughout the world. Liberal sample o
each mailed free, with 32-p. flldn Book. A A
dress port-card "Outlcura, Dept.T, Boston,'
SCTender-faoed men should use Cutlcurr
Soap Shaving Stick. 2fic. Sample fea
whether to purchase some new furniture I
for the chambers.
CInaalea s;leetixl.
University professors and students were
scored by Prof. Qrummann In convoca
tion tht smornlng for failure to attend
the classical numbers provided In the
convocation program. Prof. Qrummann
said that If Sj fife and drum corps or
foot ball rally was announced on
bulletin board, university faculty mem
bers and students would be moro liable
to attend than when classical programs
were given.
Tho comments of rrof. Orummann
were called forth by the failure of fac
ulty members And students to attend a
lecture on Greek drama given Thursday.
McKissick Will Make
Race for Speaker
. U HAT RICH. Neu.. Nov. T.-fBnoclaU-
J. W. McKissick of this city, who was
elected state represennttvo over Charles
l Bchwer of Hebron by a malorllv of
690, yestehdny announced himself as a
candidate for speaker of the houso nt the
next session of tho legislature. Mr.
McKissick la a democrat and served
Oago counts as a representative In tho
I--. i . . . i .
aevBiuu ui ino legiamiurn. lie
secured the passage of a number of Im
portant measures.
in the raco for stato senator, Jacob
Klein, democrat, defeated Peter Jun
Bon by twenty-six votes. Hugone Cobbey
was elected county attorney over F. O.
McQIrn, and A. IC Smith of Wymoro
won over W. W. Wright of this city for
county assessor. E. 13. Ellis was re-
eleoted police Judge.
The annual Inspection of tho Woman's
Jtellef Corps of this city was made
Wednesday by Mrs. Joslo Bennett of
Harvard, Nob. There War n IfiriTQ nrnwrl
In attendance and at the cIoba of thn
meeting: n, banquet was served.
Tf T ' -
amnions or crab Orohard, who
was kicked by a horse at Crab Orchard
and brought here for treatment, was to
ported considerably Improved Inst even
ing. It Is now thought ho will recover.
Assessor is Elected,
But Office in Doubt
KEAItNET, Neb.. Nov. 7.-(SDeclal Tel.
ogram.) One peculiar turn of tho oWtinn
resulted In Buffalo county, where T. N.
uarisoii was elected county assessor by
a special ballot In rostxman tn n. nntiiinn
asking that the office might be aban-
aonea. The voters decided In favor of the
petition. Opinions vary whether tho
assessor thus Will get to serve tho rm
to which ho was elected or whether tho
oinco will be abandoned next January.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Nov. 7. fRnn.
claL) The factionalism In tho republican
party carried the county tlckot down to
defeat almost without exception. Frank
Blusser, republican, who was generally
expected to head tho lmrlslntlvn HnU.f i.
tie with O'Malloy, democrat, at 2,024 votes
each and the official count may leave It
unchanged. Dr. P. C. Kellcy. demo
crat. WAS elect Pil n Dm ............
--" . i-. jciiicncii
tatlve by over 300 majority. Raymond
west or wood River, democrat, defeated
Edward Williams for
tills the only reouhlicnn .,nt,. .v.-
three Hall, Howard and Greeley. Gus
uievers,, present Incumbent and domo
cratio candidato for sheriff lii ,i,.,r.
cratio ticket, having over 700 majority.
B. J. Cunningham, democrat, defeated
Arthur G. Abbott for attorney by over
300. Tho democrats' will have five of the
seven members of the county board. T.
o. i-oaioiio, sergeant-at-arms of the last
senate, waa elected osubhai. r.
Ackermann, republican, by over 200.
German lied Cross Active.
BBHL.IN, Nov. 7. Tho domar.
Cross society Is displaying great ac
tivity In furnishing aid to the sick and
wounded In the Balkan war. The cen
tral committee already has sent its fourth
expedition of physicians and nurses, win.
medical and sanitary supplies.
This expedition goes to the Tnrkiah
side In the western part of the theater
oi war. a nrth expedition in course of
preparation will Join tho Servian forces.
Previous expeditions have been sent to
Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria.
Yonnar Horse Thief Paroled.
BBWAnD. Neb.. iTov. 7. fKrwrJnl ti
gram.) Frank Rczac. atrrxl 21 von.
pleaded guilty In district court here this
morning to stealing two horses and was
given an lndetermlnato sentence of from
one to ten years. Ho was paroled by the
court to his father and Is to report onoe
a year. Sentence Is suspended during
good behavior.
T. R. Not Surprised
By Kesult of Vote
OYSTER BAT. N. Y.. Nov. 7.-ColonBi
Roosevelt surveyed the field of battle
today and gathered as much of the storv
of yesterday's defeat as ho could rJaoa
together. His lieutenants In each state
wired to him their reports, In many cases
incomplete and tonight Colonel Roose
velt was still In doubt m in 1nt wv, ...
the progressive party had" been able to
accomplish In Its first campaign.
There was" nothing of the asDect of n
beaten general and no hint of defont in
bis manner. Colonel Roosevelt said he
wants to tell his supporters everywhere
what he thinks of the outcome and th
outlook. The only reason he did not An
so tonight was that he had not the facts.
at band.
The only thing which was accented n
a settled fact at Sagamore hill today
was that the fight was to go on. What
methods Colonel Roosevelt will adopt are
unknown, even to himself.
Close friends of Colonel Roosevelt saJd
he was not surprised at Governor Wil
son's election because he was at no time
confident, they asserted, that the new
party would be able to win Its first fight
me snowing which the party made, his
friends said, had pleased rather than dis
appointed Its leader.
Colonel Roosevelt expects to dron hrV
for the winter Into the quiet life at home
which he led before the campaign, with
trips to New York once or twice a week.
A good log fire Is mighty attractive."
he said, as he gazed Into the crackling
nre on the nrarth in his library.
With his log fire and his books, his
horse and his ax'e. Colonel Roosevelt ex
rccts to have u winter of contentment.
Is not only the letter but the spirit
of the Orkin Brothers Piano Club
AT We sav. in SDeakin of and advertising this hid Orlcin Rrnthnrs Plonn
Club: "If the piano is not satisfactory after 30 days9 use we will
give you your money back. "
lf This is not a "catchpenny" scheme. This is not done as an induce
ment to get you to join the Club, then not live up to it. We "mean to
give you your, money back" if you ask for it. We have no other intention
never have had nor never will have.
CJF If you are dissatisfied with the Orkin Brothers Club Piano after 30
days' use, all you have to do is to say so, and we will send and get the
piano and return your money.
fWe will not even ask you the "whys" and "wherefores" we simply
will ive vou vour monev back.
9 J -
We know this piano we are selling to this club. - We know it
like we know our A B C's, and in order that you and the public
should know it, we hit upon this old, time honored proposition
of "Your Money Back"'--though as far as we know this is the
first time it has ever been applied to selling pianos.
Club Members get a full year's trial
CJp It is our belief that a person cannot get a satisfactory trial of any piano, either good or
bad, in 30 days. If, however, a thirty days' trial dissatisfies a Club Member, we will give
him his money back. On the other hand, we have arranged a trial for
each and every Club piano that will tell the tale that will show whether
or not this Club piano is worthy of a permanent place in your home.
F Printed right across the face of the contract is an agreement that gives
to each and every Club Member the privilege of exchanging his Club piano,
at any time within one (1) year, without one penny's loss.
IF Explain this, you say?
iF It's just like this:
IF You join1 the Club you
then, as a Club Member, be
come entitled to all its advan
tages and privileges.
One of these privileges is, A
year's trial of tht piano. In other
words tho Club Member hns one
year's full time
Orkin Brothers
Privilege of Exchange
Privilege is given to exchange
Orkin Brothers' Club Piano No...
and attached contract at any
time within one (J) year from
date of said contract for any
piano We handle at time exchange
is made (whether of equal or bet
ter grade by paying the difference
in price) and a new contract.
All payments made on above ,
mentioned piano to be credited on '
new contract.
(Signed) Orkin Brothers.
to fully satisfy himself as to the char
acter of the piano he is getting.
Suppose that year's trial is not sat
isfactory what then?
We will exchange it.
Cf The Club Member can come to our
store and make another selection. He
can select a piano of equal grade or bet
ter grade. Whatever money he has
paid, whether it is $40, $50, $60,
$100, or whatever the amount, will be
credited to the price of his new piano,
and we will take the original Club
piano back without the lost of a single
cent to him.
Honestly now have you ever seen
coTrpGnT.i9u-BY.MATi.TM-M?0AJniiCK- or neard of a fairer proposition?
These pianos are worth $550. The club price is $257.50
thus saving you $92.50. The Terms are $5 cash
and $1.25 a week, less than the regular terms
CjfThe.prico include pv'orything. There uro no extras of any kind. No interest to be ndJed. Nothing to bo added for drnvneo stcol Bcarf
absolutely no extras. Two hundred and fifty seven dollar and fifty centd is tin.- pi ice, and tie price includes everything. '
CjfTheso 500 pianos will bo sold, 5 dollars casli7 then 1 dollar and 25 cents a week. Tho 5 dollars just about covers the oartatro and doliverin
yot tho 5-dollar payment made when you join the club is credited to your account.
JJTTho piano is delivered immediately. You do not have to wait until Me club is filled. You got your piano when you ioin Tho remainder
is payablo every week. Club members do not have to pay more than 1 dollar and 25 cents a week. This gives them wooks in wliinl, f
for tho piano, and still get it at the club price of $257.50-or at a straight-out saving of $92.50. P y
For the convenience of people who cannot come in during the day appointments will be made to see the pianos evenings.
i1 onnoriy tho Dennett Uo.
Kith and Harney Streets
Omaha, Nob.
('nnvrlirllt 1017 liv Hlnn. Jt- Hf rrlu- I,...
Unauthorized use In wholo or In un'rt or yl
J colorable summaries thereof forbtiMen. v U
Chickermg, Kurtzman, vers & Pond, Auto Pianos and Player Pianos-and V.ctor Talking Machines.
Tuberculosis Cure
Found by Physician
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
I)E3 MOINES, la,, Nov. 7.-(Speclal.)-nev.
Robert D. II. Bell, rector of 8t.
raul'a Episcopal church, who resigned
his pastorate at the request of the ves
t" will be connected with the Kplscopal
I'js' school loruted ut Kearney, Neb
Ths rector Is expected to leave Des
Moines to enter upon his new charge in
the near future.
Suffragan Bishop Horry Sherman Long,
ley of Iowa will come to Des Moines the
latter part of this month and take up his
permanent reaMenco here.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 7 -(Special Tele-
gram) -Price Current oys In punt year ,
the practice has been to start a new reO
ord with the first of November for hog
slaughtering operations, this having been
recognized ns the opening of the winter
season In this tine.
I'or the week now ended the total west
ern slaughtering appears to have been
about 4fl0,W hogs, compared with 4J5.0M
the procedlng week and 40,000 a year ago,
Details for the week as to numbers aro
not deemed to be essential and aro
ojiiltted. At the close the general average
of prices of hogs at prominent markets
Is about 17.45 per 100 pounds, compared
with $7.X a week ago and 7 a year ago.
The boy's appetlt. t ovien the souroa
of amaiement. It you would have such
an appetite take Chamberlain's Tablets.
They not only create a healthy appetite,
but strengthen the stomach and enable
It to do Its work naturally, Vor sale by
all dealers. Advertisement
Ke) to tho Situation -Ueo Advertising
William Mitchell, riding a bicycle
struck and Injured Miss Mildred Wolf
of V1CC Arbor etreet at Thirteenth and
Farnam streets Wednesday evening. He
was given $5 and costs In police court.
Persistent Advertising Is th K4 w
legitimate "litg Business."