Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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i'aum .t VNt ii i.mis van sm.k.
! elirnaku.
,,. t l'RIl AOllE.
. - " - ,vj mi L it u I
V wiiFjonne county, Nebraska's choicest
farm land, where tbe crop yields for 12
including w' ahd 1911. average
with the best In the state Alfalfa. al?o
a leading; crop. ISetter soli, water and
climate cannot bo found. Write for full
'JtArliS.1!:. A""c"ts wanted everywhere.
Mil. lNVBSTOU. Mr. Man with small
means: For sale, 12 quarters of choice
farm land close to Sidney, Neb., one
tenth cash, bal. ten years. In ten equal
payments. Ernest Kaasch. Sidney. Nob.
HOMESTEAD 160 acres rich farm laud
for $1.5. filing fees and all. Just over Into
Colorado-good stuff, not sandhills. Land
wound Kimball, $15 to $25 an acre. Agents
wanted. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb.
PLATTE county. Missourl-776 acres r
276 acres bluegrass and timber pasture,
balance In corn, alfalfa, clover, ryo, oats,
etc.; S-room house, very large barn, 4
tenant houses, stubles, creamery, etc.,
etc.; 2 miles from largo town and al
most adjoining railroad station: price
$75,000; $20,000 cash, balance long Unit, S
per cent. Address Owner, Box 868, Kan
sas City, Mo.
South Dakota.
FOtt SALE 1C0 acres good farm land:
40 acres broke, balance all tillable; 7
miles from Dallas and 6 mllea from
Colorae. Price $40 per acre, payablo $1,600
cash, $2,500 March 1, lsisj latoo March 1.
1317. Address Box ISO, jiall&e, South
4S0 ACRES In Clark county. South Da
kota, four miles from county seat: 300
acres broke; a good set of Improvements.
Price $55 an aero on good terms.
E. P. THOMPSON, Lyons, Neb.
160-ACItE HOMESTEAD relinquish
ment on choice quarter section near good
town in southern South Dakota; has
spring creek bordering on land; also
gome timber.
1014 City National Bank BIdg.
CHEAP patented state school lands.
south Texas; Jl an acre cash, balance ten
years, f or run particulars write a
Connablo, trustee, 4S4 Commercial Bank
BIdg.. Houston. Tex.
640 ACRES situated In Brewster county,
ToxaB. In mining region. For quick
sale will take $3, GOO. Half cash: balance
three years at 6 per cent. Inquire of V.
G. Young. Fayette. Ia.
. Washington.
One aero that will soon be worth $1,000
xor jtsw; terms, write
Peach, Wash.
8OS0-ACUE stock ranch for half Its
value for quick sale. For further Informa
tion address owner, A. J. Johnston, Mer
chant Nat'l JJank BIdg., Springfield, Mo.
Ship live stcck to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. .Jour consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Live Stock Commission Mrrohnnta.
BYERS BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co.. 822 Exchange BIdg.
Snyder-Malone-Coffman Co., ISO Ex. BIdg
LAVERTY BROS.. 138 Exchange BIdg.
MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange BIdg.
Clay- Robinson & Co.. 200 Exchange BIdg.
Leslie M, Shaw
May Now Buila
His New Railway
Now that the election Is over, Omaha
railroad men look for early settlement of
the affairs of the Atlantic & Southwest
ern, constructed from Atlantic to Council
Bluffs, with a branch graded and partly
"laid to Tarklo, Mo.
The Atlantic road is still in tho hands
of a receiver, but Leslie M. Shaw, for
merly of Iowa, lias an option on it, hav
ing "arranged for the purchase. He has
paid $25,000 as an option and was" to have
paid the balance of tho $500,000 prior to
this, but has failed to do so. With elec
tion out of the way, local railroad men
are of tho opinion that Mr. Shaw will
now have IJttlo difficulty in securing the
money to pay all of the outstanding
debts and complete the line. When this
Is done, It Is said, it will become a cart
of the Burlington or Rock Island, both
systems .wanting It and both being will
ing to pay a good prico as soon as It Is
ready to turn over.
The visiting Nebraska teachers find
the Omaha Art Gild's exhibit in tho new
court house very attractive. They visit
it in groups.
A life-size portrait of Fred Mengedoht
by Wallace, which is painted in a
Htrlklngly. llfe-ilko resemblanco to the
man himself, as also Is an interior view
by Miss Cordelia Johnson, which portrays
the artist's mother sewing.
A study by Gay Williams, ono of tho
progressive art students of Omaha, is
one of tho hits of the exhibit. It Is a
picture of the artist herself, painted from
a looking glass reflection, showing the
subject In the act of speaking.
A, "Last Ray" of sunlight pouring
through a clump of trees on a bank )t
smoke, and a cluster of several build
ings 'is"w color sketch by George Barker,
' Jr., which has held the attention of every
person visiting tho gild.
Another canvas, an artistic handling
of a portion of tho California trail In
1912, was painted direct from nature and
shows a short cut now being used by
pedestrians between the boulevard and
Thirty-third and Cuming streets. The
painter took a late summer afternoon
for his lighting effect and shows in tho
background Crelghton university and the
Woodmen., of the World .building. One
can imagine, while looking at this picture,
the astonishment of the argonauts who
made the trail famous, beholding the
present scene.
Although married less than one month,
Edythe Elliott, nee Dawson, heir to a
small fortune and ward of William Jen
nings Bryan, made an unsuccessful at
tempt to commit suicide Wednesday at
fill South Twenty-second street. The
young woman turned on several gas Jets
In her room and closed all of the win
dows. Neighbors smelted the gas fumes and
called the police. When Detectives Kln
nelly and Dunn arrived they had to kick
in a door fo get In. When tley carried
tho semi-conscious woman to tho outer
air she sopn revived. Her motlvo for
suicide, she. said, was her husband's Infelicity-.
' Mrs. Elliott Is about 24 year
old and was married a month ago In
Lincoln. Her hUBband ia a waiter in a
Douglas street cafe.
According to the story told the, officer
by Mrs. Elliott, she Is one of five child
ren that will divide 1100.000 when the
youngest reaches the age of 21.
Wheat Trade Favors Buying Side
After Week of Decline.
Consume Pressor? Marks May llnts
llrcelpts Are Very Heavy nml
Likely u Continue Sn
for Some Time.
OMAHA. Mm 7 tall
The feeling In the wheat trade was a
little moro friendly to tho buying side ut
the close yesterday. Such Is always the
case when the market has a rebound of
1 cent or more after a week of declining
prices, important short lines wero cov.
ered on the upturn. Considerable wheat
sold on tho early break yesterday went
into rather strong hands. Oolnlons are
about evenly divided as to some further
rauy oerore a return of selling pressure
or positive bear operations on tho present
upturn. Elevator people have bought
about 600,000 bushels of Duluth wheat,
part of which Is already in Chicago. The
cash demand Is slow at present. The
situation calls for a rather careful study
of conditions. Bear leaders are confident
that the market will not advance muoh
In the face of big receipts. Cash wheat
?io to lc higher.
Tho most conservative people In the
corn trade concede that December con
tracts will be regulated largely by the
weather the .next thirty days. What rally
there was In tho market yesterday was
largely due to the strong turn in wheat
Somo of the leading bears were willing
to take profits on short lines because of
the decline under 60c for both the De
cember and May options. Others were in
clined to put out short lines on the bulges.
For May contracts the feeling Is bearish.
A few of the bears who havo been good
winners of late expressed tho belief that
prices were low enough for tho time be
ing, and they look for the corn market
to act tne way September oats iilu wnen
the movement started, and prices ad
vanced in tho face of It. Cash corn un
changed. Aside from occasional covering by shorti
mere is constant pressure, especially in
May oats. KecelDt are verv heavy and
likely to continue so. Cosh oats iviTHc
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 742,009 bu.; corn, nono; oats, 22,0(X) bu.
Liverpool closed with wheat 'dflid
hlgHer: corn. Uliid higher.
Primary wheat receipts wero 1,009,000
du ana shipments wero i.sui.uw mi.,
against receipts of 940.000 bu. and ship
ments of 338,000 bu. last year.
Primary corn receipts wero 237,00 bu.
and shipments 304,000 bu., against re
rocclpts of 127,000 bu. and shipments ut
234,000 bu. last year.
Primary oats receipts were 1,103,000 bu.
and shipments 304,000 bu., against receipts
of 453,000 bu. and shipments of 470,000 bu .
last year.
The following cash salea wero reported
todayWheat: No. a hard winter, 13
cars, S3c No. 3 hard winter, 2 cars.
83c; 1 car, 82c; 3 cars, S2Hc. Rejected
hard winter, 1 car, 80c. No. 3 spring, 1
car, 8Sc; 3 cars, S2V4c; 1 car, 82!ic; 1 car,
S2c No. 4 spring, 4ft cars, 81Hc; 2 cars,
80c, No grade spring, 1 car, "6c. No. 2
mixed, 1 car, 8314c; 1 car, 83c. No. :l
mixed, 1 car, 83c. No. 8 mixed durum, 1
car, 79c No grade durum, 1 car, 75c.
Corn: No. 3 white, 1 car, E4c. No. 4
white, 1 car, 63V4o; 1 car, 53c. No. 3
color. 1 car, Mo, No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 60c.
No. 3 yellow, 1 car, T&Kc; 1 bulkhead, 58c.
No. 4 yellow, 2 cars (new), 47!4c No. 3
mixed, 1 car, 56c. Oats: No. 3 white, 6
cars. 30c. Rye: No. 2, 1 car, G0c.
Barley: No. 3. 1 car. GGWc. No. 4. 1 car.
Omnlin Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. Kffi&ic: No 3
hard. 8263c: No. 4 hard, 7tV47j81c: No. 3
spring, ivsqpc; no. spring. 79yt8i',6c.
CORN No. 3 white, B4c; No. 4 white,
ra63Hc; No. 2 yellow, 63c; No. 3 yellow.
OATS No. 2 white, 31c; standard. 3&.c;
No. 3 white. 30Kc; No. 4 white. SOQaOWc.
BARLEY Malting, 6&5c; No. 1 feed,
UYE-No. 2. COHc; No. 3. 60c.
Ciirlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn, Oats.
Minneapolis -
Kansas City
St. Louis ...
Winnipeg ...
49 149 509
Features of the Trading; and Closing;
Prices on Hoard of Trnile.
CHICAGO. 111., Nov. 7. Belief that a
big stock of spring wheat would be on
hand here before the closu of naviga
tion had a bearish effect today on the
market. Latest prices were down Va
to Tic net. Corn showed a decllno of
7sc to Womo from last night and oats a
loss of l-lOo to 4c. In provisions there
was an' advance of 5c to 10c.
Wheat closed heavy at the bottom
figures of the session. Prices at no
time were more than a Hraall fraction
above last night's finish. Outside of
covering by shorts, tho only substantial
support came from tho leading long In
terest and was not of an aggressive
character. On the other hand, some of
tno nig cash concerns sold tho Decem
ber option freely and were declared to
bo anticipating heavy arrivals hero from
tho northwest by way of the lakes.
Assertions that after January 1 there
would bo a period of light recelptH at
primary terminals heliwd bring about tho
one important rally In the wheat pit.
This bulge took place about midday, but
the influence had completely worn out
before the last bell. December ranged
from S8?o to K9Hc, with final transac
tions Mo net lower at SSc.
Corn turned weak owing to the fine
weather. December fluctuated between
50c and COHQSOHc, closing a under last
night nt DOg&Hfcc Cash grades were
firm on account of small offerings from
the new crop. No, 2 yellow was quoted
at 67UB68c
Arrivals of oats gave no sign of a
letup. In consequence tho market In
clined to the downward course of other
grain. Outside limits touched by De
cember were 3Uc and 31Hc. The close.
31'4c was a shade off compared with
twenty-four hours before.
Scantiness of 'tho hog supply took pro
visions higher, but Important specu
lative selling led to soma reaction. In
the end the best gatnv was In May pork,
10c even. V
Artlclel Open. I High.! Uw. Close.l Yes'y.
18 67HI
18 60
IS 10
10 77
10 60
10 52
10 20
IS W-to
18 57
18 57-60
IS 20
10 90
10 70
10 60
18 30
10 90
10 70
18 20
18 20
10 85
10 65-67
10 60
10 2754
10 60 I
10 OS
9 824
10 S7H
10 63
10 62
10 57
10 25-301
10 30
10 23
10 CO
10 06
io am
10 02
9 77
9 mm
9 SO
Cash quotations were as follows;
PLOUIl Easier: winter patents. U.Xffb
4,75: winter straights, I4.1W.50; spring
patents. M.2504.60; spring straights, $4.00
4.Zfi; bakers. w.tmj'3.b5.
RYE No. 2. 67SC.
BARLEY Feed or mixing. 4&SC3c: fair
to choice malting, 68tfI71c.
SEEDS-Timothy 13.003.S5. Clover. 113.00
PROVISIONB-Mess pork, I16.5OS'17.00.
Lard (In tierces). I10.65S10.&0. Short ribs
(loose). 10.2&8n0.75.
Total clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 742,000 bu, Primary receipts
were 1,669.000 bu., compared with 946.000
bu. the corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow were:
Wheat. 131 cars: corn. 179 cars. oats. 425
cars; hogs, 15,000' head.
Chicago casn rnces wheat: No. 3
red, I1.064J1.07; No, 3 red. 96cCll.05; No.
2 hard. 90392c; No. 3 hard, 8S9Hic; No.
1 northern. 89fi90?4c; No. 2 northern.
8789c; No. 3 northern. "587c: No. 2
spring. 87&S9c; No. 3 spring, 85087c; i'o.
4 spring, foysic; velvet chaff. 83gS3c;
durum. 85G9ic. Corn: No. 2, fififiteUc: No.
3 White. 575Sc: No. 2 yellow. 6740CSr;
No. 3. old, GS56c. No. 1, no-, 52c, No.
3 white, old. 66Mo; No. .1 white, new,
52$j53c, No, 3 yellow, oid, K.?tfl67'r4c,
S !! !
old. lfMc: No. 4 white, new. SOfiMc; No
4 yellow, old. ssmrwc: No. I ellw. new.
wwTH- u. till,-. 4Uf44C, u
3 white. Smvtttr No. 4 whlW SOfcaiWo;
standard, JtStrc
ltye: No. 2. 67v. Itnrlry, 474 Peed:
Timothy. t3.003.S5. clover. Jlioowis.w.
1I fit . n n.t.. V I.I. . 1 .. . . .
BCTTKIl Steady; creameries, 3$9c;
HBGSSteady; receipts. 2.119 casus: t
mark, cases Included, 203lc, ordinary
firsts. Sc. firsts. 26c.
CHEESE Steady, daUles, 174trl7cu
twins, nunci lounc Americas, 16 lit
we; long norns, ifkTiwc.
POTATOES Steady; receipts, 45 cars,'
Michigan, 4S(Wc; Minnesota. 47t)'Oc;
Wlteonsln, 45fc62c.
POULTRY Alive, firm; turkeys. 16c;
chickens, 11c, springs, 13c.
VEAL-Steady at 9Q14c
(Imitations of ,lhr Day on Various
NEW YORK, Nov. 7 -PUU'R-Steady:
lower; spring patents. J4.80Ot.i0, win
ter straights. $4.Ktff4.60, wlntr patents,
tt.7VKiT6.15; spring clears. tl.25UI.50' winter
extras. No. 1, $4.1004.20; winter extras. No.
2, 14.O034.10; Kansas atraWhts, JI.IMH
V 1 1 EAT Spot market, steady; No, 2
red, $M elevator and $1.07 f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 97o f. o.
b., afloat. Futures closed o net lower.
December 9S 11-16C, closed IHVVc; May
closed $1.01.
CORN Spot market, steady; export,
56io f. o. D.. afloat. December in March.
OAT.-pot market, firm: No, J. 3S
3Sc; No. 4. 37lJ3Sc; natural white, 37
!. wnne cupped. SMtlHIC
PEED Steady; western spring bran,
10Mb. sacks, $12.50: standard middling,
100-lb. sacks. $22.00.
HAY Quiet, prime, nominal; No. 1,
$1.1CD1.15; No. 2. tl.00Rl.05; No. 3, S5c
HIDES Steady; Central America. SMc;
Bogota. 2So.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 27fl
c; seconus, iwzic; thirds, 23024a; re
jects. 13c.
PROVISIONS Pork, barely steady:
mess, $19.0019.73: family. $23.0O4T24.0O;
mess, $18.00319.00; family, $I?2.00S 23.00; boef
hams, $2S.00$m.5O. Cut meats, easy;
pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., tl4.00314.50;
pickled hams, tH.00. Lard, firm; mid
dle west prime, tll.154Tll.25, refined
easy; continent, $11.80: South America,
$12.75; compound, $3.00tfS.25.
TALLOW Quiet, prime city, hhds.,
?c; special, 7Uc; country, 6&63ic.
BUTTER Firm; retclptp, 8,33il tubs;
creamery, extras, 33c; held, extras, Sl
32c; firsts, state, dairy, finest. 31c: fao-
tory, Juno make, firsts, 24cJ current
make, nrsts, zs'aum.
CHEEE-Steady; receipts, 5,234 boxes;
state, whole milk, hetd, colored specials,
A7Hc: skims, 415c.
EGGS Firm; receipts, 13.0V cases;
fresh gathered, extras, 37040c; nearby
hennery, browns, 41H42C
POULTRY Live, firm; western chick
ens, 13314c; fowls, 13ftl4c; turkeys, ISa.
Dressed poultry, Irregular; fresh killed
western chickens, UQiio; fowls, 14014c;
turkeys, 1623c.
St. I,o 11 Is (ienrrnl Mnrkct,
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. 7. WHEAT
Cash, strong; track. No. 2 red, tl.03;
No. 2 hard, SSHBOlc.
CORN Higher: track. No. 2. 68c: No.
2 white, R)c
OATS Firm: track. No. 2. 32Wffr-33c!
No. 2 white. 34c.
uiosmg prices or future.".
.WHEAT Iwer; December, S9T4ff90o:
May, 95&95c
CORN Lower; December. 47c; May,
OATS Weak; Dccembfl', 31Hc; May,
RYE Unchanged; 66c
FLOUR Dull: red winter patent. $4.85
fiiCOO; extra fancy and straight, $4.204.70;
nora winter clears, .i.oom3.s.
SEED-Tlmothy. tlO.00.
BRAN Weak: sacked (east track). 94
itAV l'irm: timothy, f3.wyu,w; prai
rie, tl2.0016.00.
BAGGING 10 3-16C.
TWINE Hemp, 8c
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Job
blng. JIG. 75. Lard, unchanged; prlmo
steam, tll.2211.32. Dry salt meats,
unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $11.12;
clear ribs, $11.62; short clears, $12.00.
Bacon, unchanged; toxert extra shorts,
$12.62; clear ribs, $12.62; short clears,
POULTRY Weak; chickens, 10c;
springs, 12c; turkeys, 17c; ducks, 12c;
geese, lie.
BUTTER Higher J creamery, 27f32c.
EGOS Firm; 2Cc.
Receipts. Shipments,
Flour, bbls 11,000 27,000
Wheat, bu 103.000 167,000
Corn, bu 18,000 20,000
Oats, bu 75,000 100,000
Kansas City Grain mid Provisions.
Cash unchanged to a higher; No. 2
hard, S4JS9c; No. 3, 53Cf86c; No. 2 red,
87Q9;c No. 3. 91007c.
CORN Unchanged; No. 2 mixed, old,
6556c; new, 62g63c; No. 3 old, 54c;. new,
61c; No. 2 white, old, 56f67o; now, 63j4c;
No. 3 old, 63c; new, 50c.
OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 33
33c; No. 2 mixed. 32Q32c
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT December, S3S'SV,lc; May,
CORN December. 4&H046o; May, 47t
47c; July, 4747c
OATS December, 32c; May, 33QS33.
RYE Unchanged,
HAY Unchanged.
BUTTER Creamery. 30c; firsts, 28c;
seconds, 26c; packing stock, 23c
EGGS Extras, 27c; firsts, 26c; seconds,
19c, f
POULTRY Hen, 10llc; roosters. 9o;
springs, llfll3c; young turkeys, 17c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu lO.tt0 87.000
Corn, bu 16.000 16,000
Oats, bu 10.000 8,000
.M Innenpolls Grain Market,
December, 8484?c; May, 90c; cash,
No. 1 hara, 8$o; No. 1 northern, &itf
86V4c; No. 2 northern, S2We4V4c
CORN No. 3 yellow. 04Sc.
OATS "No, 3 white, 294-29c.
RYU No. 2. 55Clc
FLOUR First patents. $4.25&4.65: sec
ond patents, $4.104.30; first clears, $3.10
M3.40; necona clears, 3.3oirz.eo.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
-No. 1 northern. 89!i91c; No. 2 north
ern. 8788V,c; No. 2 hard winter. 92
yac; uccemuer. jbc; May. ic
CORN No. 3 yellow, J6e; No. 3 white,
67c; No. 3, 55c; December, 60c; May,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. 111.. Nov. 7.-CORN-01d. lo
lower: No. 4 white, new. 47c: No. 2
yellow, 66c; No. 3 yellow, 66c; No, 2
mixea, bt,c; no. 3 mixta, tec; no. 4
mixed, 6Cc: sample, 50353c.
OATS Steady; No. 2 white. 32o:
standard. 31ic; No. 3 white. SlUc: No. 4
white, 30c.
Liverpool Grain Market,
steady: No. 1 Manitoba, 7s lOUd: No. .1
Manitoba. 8s. Futures, steady; December,
7s 6U March, 7s 6d; May, 7i 4Hd.
CORN-Spot, easy; new. American, kiln
dried, 6s Hd. Futures, firm; December,
6s ld; January, '5a lfid.
Philadelphia I'roduce Market,
Firm and unchanged.
KGGB Firm, good demand: Pennsvl.
vanla and other nearby firsts, free
cases, t1u.21ra1u.Dv per case; western
firsts, free cases, il0.2Offl0.60 per case.
vutijiot Vfuiet ana unchanged.
Dnluth Grain Market,
DULUTH. Nov. 7. WHBAT-On trunk
No. 1 hard. 8974c: No. 1 northern. fSTin:
No. 2 northern. 83ic; December, $l4c
asked: Mav. 9090c asked.
OATS 29 "4c
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Nov. 7.-SEED-Clover: Cash.
prime, tll.05; December. $11.10! March,
111.10. Alslko: Prime, $13.10; December and
March. $13.20.
Wool Market,
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov 7.-WOOI-.
Steady: territory and western mediums,
211825c; fine mediums. I820c: fine, I317c
Trading Only Moderately Large and
of Professional Kind.
Money Market Is Dull anil Weaker,
Time Rates FnllliiK ns Drumnit
for Call Money ln
rreasrs, NEW YORK, Nov 7-Nono of Hie
buoyancy which characterized yester
day's opening In stocks was manifested
today. Trading, while much under the
total of Wednesday' session, was mod
erately large, but Its professional charac
ter a doubtless a source of disappoint
ment to those who had expected thnt the
close of the political campaign might
stimulate Investment demand.
Initial prices showed some material
gains, especially In St. Paul, the cop
pers and Seurs-lloebuck. In fact, Ht
Paul later beenme tho leader In respect
of strength, with marked Improvement
in the Uarrlmans and a few minor rollers,
Including Missouri Pacific. Pressure upon
KHdlng and Steel resulted In a general
shading of prices later Thero was fur
ther marked weakness In licet 8ugar and
a sharp break In American Cotton Oil
because of the failure of on expected
dividend. St. Paul was at Its best In the
final hour, when the general list became
more Irregular.
The money market was dull and
weaker, time rates falling as demand
for call money increased, .Most call loans
today were nuulo at 6 per cent.
llonds wero again firm, with activity In
St. l'aul and Atchison Issues. Total
sales, par value, $2,S13,O00. United States
government bonds wero unchanged on
Number of sales and leading quotations
on siocks toaay were as follows:
BsIm. Hlnti. Lmr Clo
H, 0Q ITU. 8 HS4
tOO M tit S
,S00 S1 It Hi
U.MX) MH 4H S'i
too i:js ia inv.
1.100 i eoi eos
4,700 (7 M K
4. UK l4 14
I.Ji-1 4t 45H 5t,
I, too mh m4
tOO lt )0 107H
407) 1U 1V 13
00 I4SH Kit 1U
too 117 tI4 t74
II. (00 43 (IS 4H
8,00 109 Vi 10$
too lOt 101 1, 101 W
Jul K0S 140 14(1
1,300 ICS 10TV4 107
S.SO0 4 44'; f.i
1,000 1U 1 W'i
K.000 2(7 U 2th tfi
1.600 11W II 12
S.4O0 U S5 M so us 1114
ll.tM 1UH US 1HU
1,900 141 140H 140S
J, 500 IHVi 3? SI
1.S00 14SM 14SV 14Mi
1,(00 IS 11 17W
S.400 171 H 170 no
I, (00 41H 40H ll
700 SSS J1 7
7,400 SI SiS 14
em (ivi M ti
300 44 44 4SU
100 1ISH ItSU 1U
1,500 14IU 140. HOli
1.800 415, 4SH 4i
400 130 1S9W KSli
S.S00 11 tOH tO s7 evi 4
poo usu 11114 its
400 JU4 S0V 0Si
700 us ie 11
MO 4U !(i 24(4
eoo :ss s :
S1.S0O 17474 17H4 1TSH
MT0 ICS 151H 1S04
Arailimtfil Cojpr ..
Anirrlrsn Airlcultunl .
Aratiictn Dit Sunr. .
American Csn
Amtrlcan n pta.. . .
American t' V
American Cotton Oil ..
Am, Ire Bwurltlra.
American L,lntt)
American Locomotive .
American 8. & K
Am. 8. A It pt.l
Am, Sujnr Refining....
American T & T
American Tohaeco . .
Anaconda Mining Co...
Atchison pti
Atlantlo CoaM I.lnc...
Ilaltlmor A Ohio
Ufthlcbtm Stoel ,
llruoklrn tlapld Tr
Canadian Iacltle
Central Luthrr
heaicakB Jk Ohio....
Chlcajo II. W
Chicago, M. A St. T...
ITilcago t N. W
Colorado K. A I J, 500
I'onaolldaiad oaa
t'oru Products
Delaware & Hudaon
rxmrnr A Itlo Clrniil....
Denver & It. O, ftd
DItl!Inf gecurltlw ....
Erie 1st pfd
Rri td r'J
(feneral Electric
Great Northern pfd
(Irrat Northern Ors ct(..
Illinois Central
Interborouili Mat
Inter, Met, pfd
International Harveater..
lnter-Marlne. pfl
International Paper
tntrrnatlonol Pump .....
Kaniaa CTtjr Eouthera....
Laclede da
Lehigh Valeay
Louisville . Naahvllle..
II., St. V. & S. S. II ...
MInHiuli, K. & T
Mlsaourt Taclflo
IXatlonal Ulacult
National Lud
N. It It of M. 34 pfd..
NVw Vork Central
N. V.. O. & V
Norfolk & WeeUrn
North American ,,
Mirtheru Pacific
raclflc Mall
People's On
1'.. C, t A St. L
Plltaburgh Coal
rreawtl Steal Car ,
Pullman ralaco Cat
Jlepubllc I. 8
Itepubllc I. & 8. ptd....
llock laland Co
llock laland Co. pfd
Ht. L. & 8. F. Id ptd...
Seaboard Air Line
Seaboard A. U. pfd
Hloei-Shatflelil fl. ic I. ...
Southern Parlflo
Southern Railway
So. Hallway pfd
Tannaaaeo Copper
Teaa & 1'aclflo
Union 1'sclflc
Union Pacific pfd
United titelc Ilea It y...
United States Rubber
Wi 144K 1431. 1431.
1.101 Wi J9', 2i
:.1W 44S it 45'
00 133 1S3H Ul'4
300 I44 (IU (414
100 :: S7S nvi
l.ZW 1174 1KH 118
i,400 ii(
114 H5;
... 84
127H 1271,;
... . 33'i
isss i:s
litis 11S
24 H ?HJ
3S tSVl
1C7 144
173!, 17J?i
33 33
113 J
27 27
C34 s:
8,100 1:1
1.S00 33
noo 3u
S00 1(7
27 ti
21 Vi
. S.300 11314 ItlS. 11 1;
. 3,300 30S 0Vi SOii
. 1,200 USi HVn
. 100 42H 41U 4J.
. 2,100 :oi4 :sv4
. 76,000 I7SS lUSt 174H
. 1.700 3 SlVi SIS
109 33 11 Vi
Ml) bXV 6 1 c
.117,900 7IH 77H Hi
. 1.000 111', 113 113
Uulted Htatea Steal...
V. 8. 8tMl pfd
Utah Copper
Vu.-Carollna Chemical
Wabaah pfd
Wtttern Maryland ...
Wcatern Union
Weattnghouaa Ulectrlo
WhMlIng ft L. B
MOO 6C4I 64 Vi 4V4
41. 41V4 41
4S 4i 4U
UK lSVt 15V4
7H S7(l
79 7S',4 7
64 H 34 41(4
Total sales for tho day, 714.900 sharaa.
New York Money Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-MONJ3Y-On call,
steady, at 4tti per cent; ruling rate, o
per cent; closing bid, 4V per cent; offerod
at i per cent. Time loans, weaker:
sixty days, C per oont; ninety aays, tJitNj
per cent; six months. Bid iter cent,
HTijnUNO I2XCHANUI5-Eaay, wltli
actual business In .bankers' bills at $4.N17d
lor sixty-day bills and at $1.8550 for de
mand: commercial bills, $I.M.
KIUVEIl Oar, t?2?ic; Mexican dollurH,
UONDS Qovernmcnt, steady; railroad
Closing quotations on Ponds today were
at follows:
U. 8. ret. li, reg....l01 ,,K. c. Bo. ref. Cs. JH
do coupon 101 L. s, dob. 4a Hit., im
V. B. It, reg lOiiiL. A N. unl. 4i tll
do coupon 10JWM. K, A T. 1st 4a,. tt
V. B. 4a, reg 1134 . Uu gen. 4lji ...
do coupon U3..Mo. pacific 4 . . 7li
Panama I', coupon. .lulls io cunv. Ca mhi.
A.-C. lit Sa cua.... (3W..,N 11 11 of M 4H W
Amer. Ag. 6a 1Q114N. Y. C. g. 3Hi ... IIK
A T. A T. e. 4s. .112 do dab. 41 j
Am. Tobacco ...lSlVt1. Y. N. II. Is II.
Armour t Co. 4H-. 1H cv 1H M
Atchison gen. Is.... 7ii.. & W, Ut 0. 4s.. 4714
do cr. 4a 1950 lOIVi do cr 4s Ill
do cv. ta lOSViNo Tactile 4a 5n
A. C. L. lt 44 S do 3a n
Brook. Tr. cv. 4a... H4renu. nr. Ia Ull.. (
On. Leather Sa 3H Heading gen. 4a HS
Oiei. Ohio 4Via.. MS 8. L. A B. K. fg a 74
do fonv 4'4i.... . WW do gan. Is jtz
..Chicago ft A. SUa U 8t. L. S. W. c. 4a. to
C. II. & Q. 1. is... IKB. A. L. adj. U... 764
do gan. Is ISHSo. Pas col. Is 19V
C M B P cv H4a..lOH do r. 4a MH
C. H. I. & P. 0. ta. (IU do 1st rcf. 4s .... sgu
do rfg. '4a I7V4BO. Itallway ( JO&t
C. 8. r ac 0 4Ha. WV4 do gen. 4a 7114
, ,D, & II. ev. 4a... 67V4 Union Paclflo 4a.... 100
,.D. 3c It. O. ref. Sa S3 Mi do cv. 4a 1034
Distillers' Sa 13 do lat ref. 4s .... KK
Kris p. I. U S!4U. 8. Ilubber a . loj gan. 4a. 754 U. 8. Steel 3d Sa .102
do or. 4a, sr. D. 7S'4 Va.-Cir. Chern. Is.. S
III. Can. Ut ref. is CW Wabash lat & .1. 4. 17
Inter. Mat 4Ha SlUWeatem Md. 4a giii
Inter. M. M. 4'a.. MHWeat. Elao, cv.
..Japan 4Ua II Wla. Central 4s... . S3
Uld. Offered.
Host on
stocks were:
Amal. Copper
A. Z. U S
Arizona CAm
II. & C. C. ft S. M,
rut. & Arltona
Stock Market.
7. Closing quotations on
41 MohawK
S(V4 Nevada Con
S3 Mplittnc Mlnea .
4Hrth I(ult
SUINorth Lake ,
7IViOld Dominion
S7S Osceola
SIS Shannon
ISH Superior
I00H Superior ft D. M
4H Tamarack
Mt4U. 8. 8. It. ft II.
IU da pfd
ItliUtlh Con
SKUtah fopper Co...
SO'.i Winona
S Wolverine
21 VI
. S
. 3
. S
. u
. 2
. 4t
. 47V4
. Wt
. IS
. 77
Cal. & llacla
Cep. Kange C. C...
Kut Putts C. M...
Ulroui Con
Prenby Con. .. .
rireena Cananea.
lals Hoyale Copper.
Km Lake
Lake Copper
La fills Copper.....
Miami Copper
Ilank of Entrland Htatrmrnl.
IyONDON. Nov. 7. Tho weeklv sfnts-
ment of the Hank of England shows the
following changes: Total reserve, de
creased &S5.000: Circulation. Increase
148,000: bullion, decreased 787,071; other
securities, decreased 023,00); other de
posits, increasea iso.ow; public deposits,
deireased il.M7.vXX), notes reserve, de
creased fi!M,tXX. Uovernmut securities
unchanged. The proportion of the bank's
reserve to liability this week Is 47 4 per
cent; last week It was HM per cent.
London Mock Market.
LONDON, Nov ".American MiMirltles
opened firm and a fraction higher today.
Prices ossed off after the opening, but
tho market was firmer on covering dur
ing the second hour. At noon values
ranged from unchanged to N higher than
jeatertlay's New York closing.
london closing storks:
Consols, meney.. 7l lulavtlle ,C N Is
do aeeonst .... 'It 1M.. K . T 3V4
Araal. lpper sN Y Ontrnl llV
Anseonda .. . . H Norfolk & W 1IV
AtchltOfi .u-S do rid II
do pfd ... IWVtOntsrlo W 17W
Malttmore Ohio 1114 Penniylvnnla I4V4
Canadian Picltlc 171V, Haml Mlnea 4i,
ChesaprnVe A O. . SIS Heading SS
Chleagn O. W, . JV Sonthern lly StJ
Chi., Mil. ft St. P. tilt, do pfd W
r Heera t0scuthern raeltlc 1U1,
lenver ft Itlo O. . MH Union Paclfl 1114,
do pfd 41 do pfd 1 4
Srle HSU S. steel SOU
do lit pfd SIH dn pfd ttllS
do 4 Ptd.... 4ViVVagash , 4V,
Grand Trunk ttvt do pfd U
Illinois Central.. .. 1MV,
SILVMH nar, sternly at 2W per ounce.
MONUY 2tMU per cent.
Tho rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 1 15-IGfTC per cent; for
three months' hills. '(M ins jhvt cent.
1'orrlan Nlook Markets,
LONDON, Nov. ".Money was plenti
ful today despite large rrpnynients to
tho Ilank of Kngland. Discount rates
wero easy.
There was a further general advance
on the stock exchange owing to the
growing belief that tho powers will nr
ilvo at a satisfactory agreement regard
ing tho near eastern tiuestlon. Conti
nental buying later helped tho Improve
ment In which American rails nnd cop
per and Peruvian shares vvcie prominent
Profit taking caused 11 set buck In the
lute trading and prices closed below the
American securities opened higher, but
reiitlitng caused most of tho list to fall
, below purity during tho first hour. Later
continental and local buying again oat
! vanced prices. Tho Improvement was
, maintained until tho late trading, when
j New York's offerings depressed values.
The closing vvus steady.
I'Aiuo, inov. The nourso opened
firm but closed heavy today.
UKULIN. Nov. 7.-Prlncos closed
slightly higher on tho bourse today.
Treasury .Statement.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. The condi
tion of thn United Stales treasury at
the beginning of business today was:
Working balance, $9.1,468,700, In baliHs
and Philippines treasury, $10,(riO,327. Total
of general fund. $149,P03,M.t. Hecelpts
yesterday, $1.$74.T97. Disbursements, M,
876,115. Deficit this fiscal year, J1.U8.23I,
as ngalust a deficit of $20,ZM).m last
year. The figures for rerelptH. disburse
ments and deficit excliido 1'itnamiv
canal and public debt transactions.
Hank of I'rniHM- Hlnlement,
PA III 3, Nov. 7,-The weekly statement
of tho Hank of Kronen shows the follow
ing changes: Notes In circulation, de
creased 40,375,000 francs; treasury depos
its, decreased 4d,C25,O0O francs; general de
posits, increased 1,600,000 francs; gold In
hand, decreased a.'.tiO.ftX) francs; silver In
hand, Increancd 1,103.000 francs; bills dis
counted, decreased 2fS.10o,O00 francs; nd
vnnced, Increased 8.1,228,000 francs.
rYrvv York Mlnlntr fltnoks,
NHW YORK, Nov. 7. Closing quota
tions on mining stocks:
Cum. Tunnel stock.. 9 Mexican f40
do bonds U Ontario too
Con, Cel, ft Va SO Ophlr SO
Iron Silver 140 standard 100
Leadvllla Con Yellow Jacket ,15
Little Chief 4
Price of Crndo Oil Advnnocil.
INDEPKNDI5NCI0. Kan., Nov, 7,-An
advnncc of 3 cents In the price of mid
continent crude oil jvas announced today
by tho Prairie OH uud Cms company, to
73 cents a barrel.
HUTTi:it--No. 1, l-lb. cartons, 33c; No.
1, in tlO-lb, tubH, 30c, No. 2, 2Uo.
CHICESK-Imported Swiss, a3o: Ameri
can KwiMH, Z'tc. black Hwlss, Sic; twins,
20c; daisies, :: trlplots, 20c; Y'oung
AinoiicaH. He; blua label brlcK Slcr.lim
borgcr, 2-lb., 21o; l-lb., 22e; TftHv? Ybrk
white. 21c
niiKV CIITS-No. 1 rlhs. 21c; No. 2
ribs, 14V4.c: No. 3 ribs, lOVic; No. 1 loins,
aw. rvo, -j 101ns, law, rvo. 3 loini, 11540;
3 uhuclls. VAc; No. 1 rounds, 13Vicj No. 2
rounds, 10o; No. 3 rounds, So; No, 1
plates. 8'ic; No. 2 plates, 7',io; No. i
plittef, OVic.
i'Ol lritY-Hrollcrs; $3 per dor.; hens,
ISa; cocks, 11c; ducks, 16c; geese, lOo;
turkeys, 2&c; plgeoiiK. per doc, $1.20. Allvo,
broilers, He; hens, 8iitf10Vic; old roosters,
7o; duoks, full feathered, 1354c; gueso,
full feathered, 10c, turkeys. 15c; pigeons,
per doz., OOo; homers, $2.30; squabs, No. 1,
1.X0; No. 2, (ms.
K1SH (fresli)-rickeiel, lie; whlto. lCc;
trout, 12c; largo orapples, lie; HpnnlHli
mackurc), lCc; eel, ldc; haddock, 14c;
fiuundure, Uc; green cutflsh, 14c; shad,
iuO fucli; nhnd roij, per Pair, 10c; sulmon,
t(,, liallbut, 11 Vic; buffalo, he; bullheads,
llKUK-No. 1 rilw. 200; No, 2 ribs, 1.1ic:
No. 3 ribs, 10V4c; No. 1 loins. 22c; No. 2
loins, Uc; No. 3 loins. ll'4c; No. 1
chucki, Dc; No. 2 chucks. 7-fic; No. 3
chucks, 7Uc; No. 1 rounds, 12c; No. 2
rounds. 'Jhc; No. 3 rounds, Oc: No. 1
plates, 7fto; No. 2 plutcb, 7c; No, 3 plates,
KllUITH, IiTC. -Missouri apples. In
bbls., $3,0014.00; Now York Ornoiilngs and
Ilaldwtns, $3.2S. apanlsli onions, per case,
II. W. Oanatias. fancy select, por bunch,
$2.2ya2,EO; Jumbo, per bunch, 751(3.71.
Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30 l-lb. pkgs.
in box, per box, $2.25; Dromedary brand,
new. 0 l-lb, pkgs. In box, per box, $3,00
Figs, California, per cuso of 12 No. 12
pkgs,, ISc; per case of .13 No. 12 pkgs,,
iZM; per case of CO No. C pkgs., 12. ou;
bulk. In 23 and BO-lb. boxes, per lb., CV4o;
mf TiirUUh 5-crown, In 20-lb. boxes, per
lb., lSc; 0-crown, In 20-11). boxes, per lb.,
IGc; 7-crown, In 30-lb, boxes, jier lb., 17u.
Lemons, Llmonelra, selected brand, extra
fsncy, 3O0-3CO sires, per box, $7.00; Ivonia
Llmonelra, fancy, 300-300 slzos, per box,
240-420 sizes. Wo por box less; Cali
fornia, choice, 300-300 sizes, per box, $5.00.
Oranges, California, Ited (C) brand, extra
fancy, 96-128 sUes, per box, $4 23; oxtrn
fancy, all sizes, per box. $1.76. Peurs,
Krlfer, pr bbl, $3.60. Florida grape fruit,
all sizes, $1.00. Cranberries, per bbl., $S.0t;
per box, $2.76.
VEOKTAIILIW - Cabbage, Wisconsin,
per lb lc Culery, Michigan, pr doz.,
55c. Cucumbers, hothouse, per dor., $1.26
Eggplant, fancy Florida, per doz., $1.60!
Garlic, extra fnncy white, per doz., lSc.
Lettuce, extra fancy, per doz., 15. Ontonv,
white. In crate, $1; yellow, per lb., lV4c.
Parsley, fancy southern, per doz. bunches,
fiOJ76c Potatoes. Early Ohio, per bu., ffic.
Tomatoes, home-grown, per basket, 75c
Wax beans, per basket, $1; green boans,
per basket. $1. Sweet potatoes, Jersey,
por bbl., $1.25. Virginia, per bbl., $3. Hutn
bugas, per lb., ltio.
Metal Market.
NHW YORK. Nov, 7METAL&-Con-per,
(julet; standard, spot. $17.00Q'17.M;
November, $17.04717.35; December and
January. $17.0017.35; electrolytic, $17.37W
17,lf7V4; lalto, $17.C24?17.87V4; casting. $17.23
17.37V4. Tin, nulet; spot, $50.10000.40; No
vomber, $50.1010). 30; December, f5O.05("J
60.4J. Ieail. tUlet; $4.7ftJH.SO. KjMilter,
quiet; $7.3.Vfi7.45, Antimony steady; Cook
son's $10.50. Iron, firm and unchanged.
Copper arrivals, 2,410 tons, Exports this
month, 3,48 tons, London copper, dull;
spot, 170 12h 6d; futures, 177 6s. Local
oxchango sales tin, 25 tons.. London
tin, steady; spot and futures, ISO. ln
dan lead, IIS 6. Indon spelter, 127 7
6d, Iron, Cleveland warrants, CGa 4',-id In
ST. IMVH. Mo.. Nov. 7.-METAI-U-nd,
dull ot i.W(4.r; spelter, dull at
Coffro 4larket,
NEW YOItK, Nov 7.-COKI''I5K Ki.
tures market opened steady at un
changed prices to un advance of 3 nolnts
and cloerd steadv at u net advance of
10 to 15 points. Halts, K.w sacks. No
vember. 13.91c. December, 13.Wo; Janu
ary, 13.80c; February, 13.76c: March,
H.OSc; April, H.12c; Muy, 14.16c; June,
14.17c; July. 14.20c; August, 14.21c: Sep
tember ami October, 11.22c. Boot, quint;
Illo 7s, 14Hc; Hantos 4s, I6S0. Mild,
quiet; Cordova, HHiC'lSc,
HiiKnr .Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7.Ht'OAH-Uaw.
steady; muscovado, 83 t'Ft, 3.65c; cen
trifugal, M test. 4.05c: molasces. 80 test.
3.30c. Itcfined, steady
Cattle Receipts Larger Than Usual
for a Thursday.
Liberal Him of Niirrp nml l.ntntin lor
This l.ntr. In tin -Vck Total
llecriptn for llir AVeck
Very l.laht.
SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 7. 19.
Jteceliita weir: Cattle, llogs. Sheep.
Official .Monday 4.DS7 2.911 19.K0
Official Tuesday 7C a.400 14,10.
Official Wednesday... 1.905 ,M! Jt,!?!
KMImato Thurmlay.... 2.0U0 4.20J 9,C0rt
Four days this week. 9.177 75.743 S4.723
Ha tllu duH last WDek.SO.SSM 23,441 144,051
Haino days 3 wks ago.. 31.M1 22,873 141,961
Sanio days 3 wks ngo..SS.5 21,463 tS.tei
Ssino days 4 wks ago. .JS.4M 17,lf6 14J.200
Satno days latt jear .29,810 1S.733 96,773
Tlum following tnblo show the receipts
of cattle, hogs and shicp at South Omaha
for the year to date as compared with
last year: 1913, inn. ine. Dec.
nttln R.-J.S6S I.OIS.IW? 1S4.7W
I''Ka 2,fWB,04t 2.CC7.0C.7 476.US4
Slwtp 2,651.913 2,tSB,709 101,796
The following tnblo shows tho rango at
prices for hogs nt South Omaha for the
last few days with comparlHona:
Drttll. I 191$. IJ9I1 U910.I1W9 1 1908. 1907 11906.
7 78HI I 8 131 1 G5I 6 00
5 481 C li
Oct ;v
Oct. 31
Nov. 1.
Nov. 2.
Nov. 3.
Nov. 4.
Nov. 6,
Nov, 6.
Nov. 7.
T 6i f If 7 701 6 CO,
5 Wl 0 W
It 89 0 01
7 6 12 8 01 1 6
7 7ll 6 041 7 87;
1 1 -1
5 01 G 03
7 74)i 101 7 91
7 05
7 CM
7 74
5 Mi
8 8l
5 as
fi 10 8 l
7 81U 6 131 8 07
R Ml
7 S3
7 90
6 87 S $9) S 98
ft 79 5 18 ft M
5 7S 4 90 S W
7 72S
tl 14
7 70
7 P0
Hecelpts and disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for
twonty.four houra ending at 3 p. m. yes
terday: mCi:ilTK-CAILS.
cattle. liogH.siieop.H'r s.
C. M. .&
Wa bash
St. r.
l'aclflc .. 1
union Piu'irio l
C. A N. W.. oast.. 4
C. N, W west.. 21
C Ht. V., M. fk ().. 3
C, It. ft (.. east.. 1
V.. It. ,i g., west.. 41
C. K. I. ,i V., east 3
C. It, I. & 1'., west ..
Illinois Cvntrul
Total receipts ,. 90
Cuttle. Hogs, fiheop.
Morris $1 Co 3X1-
Swlft nntl Company.... N
Ctidnhy Packing Co.... TiOO
Armour & Co 2M
Morrell 31
Kroy racking Co
H. (). 1'uck Co 12
Ilvntou, Vnnsant & L. 11
Illll A Hon M
V. n. IiwIh l
Huston & Co 0
J. 11. Hoot . Co 75
j. u. nulla 20
McCroary f: Kellogg.. 11
11. V. Hamilton 13
ltotschlld & Krebs 131
Mo, & Kan, Calf Co.. 72
CHno & Chrlstlo 15
Other buyorM X12
Totals 2,053 4.801 11,223
CATTLli-Cattlo receipts wore nulte
liberal for a Thursday, but the total for
tho week has been tho smallest of any
week slnco the opening of the rnngn
season. As a matter of course tho small
sum has been due largely to thn Intorost
Uikon In the election, which kept ship
pern at home. At the sauio tlmo there
Is a fi-allne that considerable of the
shortitfvi Is due to tho fact that tho range
season Is ncnrlng its end, Whllo thero
nin undoubtedly a good many cattle still
to collie tim reeling is tnai 1110 oig ro
celpts are over with and that a very
marked slirlnkago In tho run may bo an
ticipated from now to tho close of the
runuo season, ,,
Thero was qulto a llttlo splnkllng 6f
beef steers In tho yards till morning,
but tho market did not show any very
niutorlul chango as compared with yes
terday's prices, for tho most part being
just about steadv.
Cows and heifers wero In notlvo de
mand and they met with qulto ready salo
at a llttlo stronger prices even than
yesterday. Trutty much everything In tho
wuy of doslncblo killers wait cleaned up In
a veil' short true,
Thorn were only a few stock came ana
feeders In tho yards, hut at tho same
tlmo thero was considerable Inquiry and
tho offerings sold pretty freely at good
steady pilceB, at least. Tho fact Is tho
fooder market has been slowly crawling
up this wcok.
quotations on Natlvo Cattle Good to
choice bruf steers. I8.2Ctfl0.UO; fair to good
beet steers, $7.25Q8.25; common to fair
beef steers, $0.00417.25; good to choice
heifers, tS.80a3tJ.4O; good lo choice cows,
$5.4020.25; fair to good grados, $1.400 5.40;
common to fair grades, $3.OOjJ4.40; good
to choice Blockers and feeders, $6,254(17.25:
fair to good stackers and foedors, $5.75
G0.25; common to fair Blockers and feed
era, $5.00416,76; stook cows and heifers,
$I.25HT5.&0; veal calves, $1,7518.75; bulls,
stags, etc., $l.00Jj0.60.
Quotations 011 Hango Cattlo Good to
choice beef steers, tG.6OU8.30; fair to good
beef steers, $.00tfJ.60 common to fair
beef stoeiu. $5.2530.00.
HcprcKuntutlvn sales:
. Ml
, 112
. SS4
. 404
. 0
rr. No. Av. Ir.
S CO 20 1112 t SO
S tS 4 SI7 t. 25
4 2S 1 101S S SO
4 SO 17 IIS 5 40
4 CO .....' 107S 6 0
4 90 1( 10S4 00
I 10 21 1011 S 20
4 (S S 71J S 75
t 00 ( ll ( SS
ft 00 27 S70 I 00
5 40 21 A... SSI 25
6 40 S , 4S0 1 00
4 44 1 10 5 00
4 H 4 405 5 SI
t 00
00 :: 4!j 7 00
s 75 1 100 s u
5 75 S I7S S SO
t 00 1 ISO S TS
C 25 1 200 S 75
25 1 160 t 00
50 1 ISO 00
5 SO S 100 (00
5 75 I I0 e IS
, 240
. 742
.715 t 00
C. A. Hpougler Mont.
3 steers.... 1193 7 40 2 steers. ...152 8 00
6 steers ...lilt 7 30
5 steers.. ..not 0 w
12 oows 10S3 C 90
6 sleers... KiOl 2,.
4 cows 1000 C 10
Hnydcr &
6 ateors....l4'JG 8 00
Show Mont.
25 steers.. .1298 7 40
24 steers.. ..1247 7 30
26 steers.. ..1257 C CO
15 steer-M.. .ma C 25
36 steers.. ..lKi
17 steers.. ..1258
21 steers.. ..1224
3 steerM. ...1030
7 S3
6 CO
S 25
6 CO
Westnolt Mont.
7 40 6 steers.. ,.1I.V 0 00
6 35 2 cows 9t) 5 90
I 10
A. T.
. .2400
4 steers.
3 cows, .
When It was time for the mar
ket to open this morning the fueling was
actually wuaa an compared with yester
day, and no one wati talking better than
steady prlcen. Tho feeling, however,
gradually Improved, and w ion buvors
could get price that wero a little stronger
tnan yusicruay uiey uegan Honing, and
at the name time the market hugun ad
vancing. It continued upward, uniting
stronger at every turn, flnully closing Icq
higher than yesterday, and In some spots
possibly a big 10c higher. The general
market might be described at MllOa h gher
than yesterday' market. Tho trade wan
very active at the advance and everything
In sight sold before 10 o'clock In tho
morning. The more desirable loads, sold
largely from $7.76 up to $7.85. with a top
at $7.90. The lighter and trashier loads
ranged from $7.70 down, thero being
among the offerings quite n number of
under weight hogs and pigs.
While the receipts today were far from
large they wero nevertheless the heaviest
for the week to date, but they still leave
tho total for thu four days way below any
recent week and decidedly snort ot last
year's record.
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
M. ...... .141 ISO 7 50 77 221 200 T 7714
av. ...... ,tv ,
tl 200 ... 7 4i II...
21 1SS 40 115 II...
C 211 ... 7 70 54...
24....... .210 ... 7 70 S4 .
50 247 110 1 15 It. .
SI .. .221 40 7 15 It..
IS. , . . .122 SO 7 75 15. ,
5 . 220 . 7 75 It
40 7 50
. .22
. ,2)5
... 7 SO
50 7 10
4 7 50
120 7 50
7 SO
2S3 310 7 so
297 80 7 SO
71 ... HO 41 t 71 55... . MS to 7 to
S-t-5 ... 1 T 4 II 40 7 M
5 W 4 7 1 41 Ml HI i SO
71 ill IK IK 7 Ht 1 S I
m . .m m 7 1$ t m mo 7 m
SS . ..IW tl) 7 75 It Ill 40 'j li",
2 117 HO 1 t t Ml KV) 7
ll IN IA M....'....rS 7 74
147 1W 1 75 51 Ml ltO 7 5
m 44 7 71 n 2S W0 7 Vi
.. . 274 M 7 71 (7 MS 1W 7 (
. . ..MS M 7 75 7 Me 140 T It
St MS M0 7 75 75 7 ... 7 S
SI S01 ... 7 75 :j io 0 7 S5
S Ill ... "75 e........tM ISO 7 5
54 ... .JH SO 7 75 61 270 ISO 7 AS
00 7S 11X1 7 771, 70 1(5 200 7 US
S . Ml 240 7 77H SJ IK . .. 7 SR
1 ....J07 ... 7 77H 57 155 ... 7 0
II... . IM 900 7 tm
4S ....ill ... 7 14 I 107 . . t -5
27 1S1 ... 7 15 41 ft . . iH
17 Ill ... 75 75 105 ... 7
14 -.14S ... 7 M
SHUUr lleeelpts of sheep were light
this morning even for a Thursday, only
forty cars being reported In. This tcaveir
the total for tho four doys this week
only a llttlo over Bl.OtX) head, being less
than half the run for the corresponding
period last week and smnller thnn a year
ago by over 30.000 head. Among the re
ceipts was quite a sprinkling of wnrmodi
up fed stuff, nnd the quality of the of
ferings as a whole was not overly good,
although thero wero soma right good
Thero seemed to be a very fair demand
on tho part of packers, but tha trade,
locked the snap characteristic of yestcr
day 's market. It was In fact slow anH
barely steady on the better grades, with,
less desirable kinds weak, Tho Klnncv
lambs that brought tho top ycslorday sold
at $7.40, tho same price today, but with
a llttln heavier cut There wero both
rnngo nntl fed wethers good enough lo
bring $1.55. While the trndo was alow"
moat of tho morning tho big bulk of the
receipts changed hands. In fair season.
The supply of sheep and Inmbs wa
very moderate, thero not being vory muclt "
In sight to Interest buyers or make all
active trade. As a result tho market wns
of a rather Indifferent chnrncter, with
prices nt tho liest barely steady with
Quotations on Sheep nnd Lambs-
Lnmh. good to choice. $7.00417.40; lambs,
fair to good, $il.50(IJ7,C0; lambs, feeders',
$S. 25 4J0. 25; yearlings, good to choice,
light. $5.COIT6.40: yearlings, heavy. $W
5.00; yearlings, feeders, feeders, ll.WVf! -5.15;
wcthrrs, good to choice. $I.OOJf4.50
wrthers, fair to good, $3.GO?4.00: wethers,
feeders, $1764T4.25: ewes, good to choice
$1.0094.25; ewss. fair to good. $3.KWjM.00
ewes, feeders. $1003t.S: ewes yearling
breeders, J4.MVOC.00; culls, sheep and
bucks, 12.503.00.
No, Av. Pr.
M fed ewes .. 75 4 CO
M fed ewes 83 4 25
121 fed yearlings 83 6 25
IU fed yearling 93 5 15
40 native lambs 44 0 00
33 natlvo ewes 108 4 00
IS natlvo owes, culls 102 3 00 '
21 fed lambpi 4 BOO
03 fed lambs C 0 50
35t Wyoming lambs, feeders.... M B 70
2M9 fed ewes 81 7 00
5 fed owes TO COO
DrmniDl for Caltlr Slow IIoks anil
Sheep 8lronu.
CHICAOO. Nov. 7,-C-VTTU'V-nocrlpts,
8,000 head: market slow, gonerttlly stendyt
beovos, $.l,20iJl,llC: Texan Hton). HAW
0,Ki: western steern. $5.60410.2.". itocKora
nnd femlerH, $4.1641716: cows and heifers,
2.76i"T7.40; calves. $0.75J10.75. . . t
IIOOS lleeelpts, 19.000 head: market
strong, largely 15c ldghor; HbM, $7 4Bi
8.15; mixed, $7.5(trS.r0j heavy. $7,r41S.30:
rotiKh$U.70j pigs, $6.0007.10; bulk ot
"Vllblii"1 AND IAMH&-Uecelpls, 20.000
hend; market strong to a shftdn lugher;
native, iii.40fM.fiO; western, $3.00tf4.50i yw
lings, $l.50iuiss; lambs, natlvo, $G.W4i7,G0;
western, $5.764T7.0.
ICnnsus C'llj- Llvo Hlock Market.
1.- K'U AQ CITV Vm. T T?AT"PT.ia Tie
eclpts, 4,500 luend. Including 1,100 south-
einiHi market sicnay: cows anu iiptiom
strong to lOo hlghor; dressed beet and ex
port steers, s.wuiv.w; ,Br k, .""
S17.75; western stoers, $5.0007.16; stockern
and feeders, $4.60dP7.25; southern steors,
$4.2rxi30.25i Moutliorn cows. $3.26RC.cjo; natlVB
bulls' $4,00i6.DO! calves, $5.60(1(10.00. .
I IOUCS Iveocipia, o.vvw iieoit; inivrivuv vi
higher: bulk of sales. $7.6.VIj7.Ul; bcavy.
$7MIi7,WI; iMtrkers and butphers, $7,5lp
7.90: light. $7.rAii7.8T.: pigs. $8.00417.00.
flllBlilP AND iAMllti-necelpts, 11.000
head, market 10a to 15o higher: lambs,
$0.00f7,60; yearlings. $5.0030.25; wethers,
$1.50(16.25; owes. $1.(W4.C0; Mockers tuid
feedert, $3.Cj03il.H).
HI. I.onls Live fllook Mnrkc4.
HT. IOIJIB. Nov. 7.-CATTOI--7lecilpts,
m tnn 1. .1 i.nlit,4lnti O nV TuYnna' 11m plfAf!
'JtUW iUUU iMViiuuiih niiw i.Mt. ...... ..w vs
. I.,.. -I.liinlni' n wi vnnrll ll 1
Btcnf, tH.ootfilO.H); (IreBiMnl and buteher
$3.76di7.0O; cows and helfera. J3.40q8.7C;
canners, I3.7T4I4.00s bulls, i.00.W; calves.
itsvmi in. Mi.vnu nurt Indian Htnnm. tl.istJ
4J7.K; cows and holfers. $3.23470.00.
llUUo lU.'CCipts, o,w iimuj nun mil. ut
to 10o higher; pigs and llglits. 6.76tre.06:
mlxed nnd butohers, $7.75(8.16; gooti
heavy. $8.0iV0.l6.
HHKKI AND L.AMnB-Itecelpts. D.70t
head; market steady: muttons, 7.101.35j
lambM, $(l.00tf7,25; culls nnd bucks, $2.0)
3,25; Blockers. $2.75t3.60.
Hi, Joaoph Lire Stock M,urket.
HT. JoaKPII. Mo.. Nov. 7.-CATTLB
Itccelpts, 1,800 head! market slow: steerM.
$6,754710.50; cows nnd heifers, $3.60478.50;'
calves. $4.&Od'9.W.
HOU8 Itecolpm, 5,200 hood; market IV
lOo higher; top, $7.00; bulk ot sales, $7.704
7.8G. . .
BIIDEP AND UAMllB lloceipts, s.utAS
head; market steady; lambs, $0.25(37.50.
Hlock In SlKkt.
lleeelpts of llvo stock at tho flvo prlrr-'
clpal western inurkets yesterday:
Cattle Hogs. Shcpa.
BottUi Omaha 2,000 4,200 9.000,
Kt. Joseph.. K 1.800 C.2C0
Kansas City .60) 8.0(0
Ht. IyJUls B.500 ,4(iO
Chicago COOO WWO
ToUls ....20,800 07.800 47,7091
' t
Turpentine nud llosln,
SAVANNAH. Oa,. Nov. 7.-TUttPErt-
TINH-Mrm, 4sW3SMc Sales, 207 bblsi;'
receipts. 407 bbls.; shipments, 680 bbls.;
stock, 33.UII bbls.
IIOSIN Klrm. Sales, 3,040 bbls.: rc
celpts, 2,021 bins.; snipments, 1 puis.;
celpts, z.wi Pius.; smpmenw, 1 uuia.;
docks, 121, OS I bbls. quotations: A, It
md c, $5.-Hv41io.oo; D, $a.oo47t;o6; is. $4.02;.-,
06.05; 'f, $0.05.rifi,10; O, $0.O7V4! H, $6.12v
4)8.15; 1, $0.15; k, $6.15; M. $7.00; N, $7.60;
wu, .iEu; w w, .oo.
Collon ainrkrl.
NEW YOItK, Nov. 7. COTTON-Spofc
closed steady: middling uplands, 12c; mid
dling gulf. 12.25c; no sales.
good business done; prices steady; Amer
ican, middling, fair, 7.22d; good middling,
6.98d; middling, ti.7Sd; low middling, 6.0d
good ordinary, 6.141 ; ordinary B.GOd, Sulos,
12.000 bales.
llry llowds Murkel,
Cotton goods and yarns ruled very firm,
with iitllla supplied fully with buslnesa
for tho balance of the year. No cancel
lations of orders for woolen goods havo
followed the election. Jobbers reported
a fair trade for tho season.
AVool Market.
KT. 1AVIB. Mo., Nov. 7.-WOOL-
flteady; medium grades combing and,
clothing. 23rifcCtic; light fine, I9!lc;
heavy fine, U'olSc; tubwashe.d, 27Q'3tk:.
Tinker Will Not
Manage the Reds
CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 7.-FolIowln-t n.
conference here today, between Prii
dent August Herrmann of tha Cincinnati
club and President Murphy of the Chi
cago Nationals, the deal for Joe Tinker,
ti act as manager of the Cincinnati team
next season, wai declared off.
Herrmann declared Murphy demanded
that nob licachcr, outfielder of the local
team, bo Included with other players In
tho trade, uud that he could not accedo
to the demand.
The Iliilinnlr l'limue
destroys fewer llvi-s than stomach, liver
nnd kidney diseases, for which Klectrto
Hitters Is the guaranteed remedy 60c
Kor sale by lieu ton Drug Co. Advertise-,