THE BEK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1012. o o I WE MUST START TO Clear the Floors to tVlako Room for the Big Shipment of Pianos for the Holidays ake a Piano at Some Price During our Fifty-Fourth Annual November Clean-Up Sale. This is always our final sale of the year, and for quick clearance wo sacrifice all profits. They MUST move at SOME price, as new Pianos aro duo to arrive every day this week. Every Piano marked in plain figures, and we guarantee to show Pianos just as advertised. Don't miss the last "Olean-Up" Sale. Nebraska ALDRICH HOPES TO THE LAST i Governor Locks Himself Up in Man- sion and Keeps Mum. 'depression AT STATE HOUSE Was 5350 Mow $145 NO MONEY DOWN THIRTY DAYS' FREE TRIAL Free Stool Free Scarf Free Life Insuranco Tho above terms oil every Plnno Although you nr RcttitiK the lowest prices in tho history of this house. Make It a nleawvn wlnler for the children. You'll never regret It. This is tho final word socomo this week. Have You Ever Seen Such P.anos at Such Prices? $200 C. M. Steck Upright, now -. 50 $225 Leland Upright, now $ G5 $225 Hobmann Upright, now 75 $250 Boudoir Upright, now 9100 $275 Gaylord Upright, now $115 $275 Mueller- Upright, noV ..125 $275 Estey Upright, now $130 $2B0 Kimball Upright, now $135 $300 Singer Upright, now $140 $325 Davis & Son Upright, now $145 $350 Art Styl- Upright, now $155 $350 Chickerlng & Sou Upright, now $175 $350 Kurtzman Upright, now $187 $400 Steger & Sons Upright, now $108 $350 J. & G. Fischer Upright, now $105 $450 Stoger & Sons Upright, now . , $220 $425 Emerson Upright, now $275 $600 Knabe Upright, now $320 $500 Hardman Upright, now $330 800 Mohlin Grand, now $543 $700 88-Note Player Piano, now $200 In our regular stock you will find the largest selection of artistic Pianos shown under one roof, or in any piano wareroom in the country, including the Steinway, Weber, Hardman, Steger & Sons, Emerson, MoPkail, and our own Schmoller & Mueller Pianos and Player Pianos, sold from factory to home. Also the Aeolian line of Pianola Pianos, including the Steinway, Weber, Stuyvesant, Wheelock, Steck, Stroud and Technola. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY 1311-1313 FARNAM STREET Oldest and Most Reliable Piano House in the West. Established 1859. OMAHA, NEB. RESULT INJLLINOIS CLOSE Roosevelt Has Lead of Fifteen Thou sand on Face of Returns. JOB CANNON IS DEFEATED X'ormmr Speaker Loan Ilia Seat in ' llouJBft of Itepresentattves by a, Plurality of Than Seven Hundred. CHICAGO,, Nov. 6. Roosevelt, according to tho complete count in Cook county,, has u plurality over Wilson of 3S,257, which, In "7tpparontiy Qispdsca of any hopo thalWll- non adherents might have hod that their candidate would overtake Itoosevelt In tho Illinois down-state Vote. A total of 3,200 precincts, including 1,498 In Cook county, out of a total number of 4.2S6 pre cincts in Illinois, give: Roosevelt, S30,4Ki; "Wilson, 305,11)9. T'lls leaves Roosevelt a plurality, so far, of 23,277, which cannot bo overcome In the remaining 1,0S pre cincts yet to be heard from. Toft's vote Is lS5,oSi ' CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Illinois remained in the progressive column on tho vote for presidential electors by barely 15,000 'with a third of tho state yet to hear from 'at noon today. Governor Wilson gained ip.OOO on the plurality of 26,477 Colonel liloosevelt was given by Chicago. Gov- rnor Deneen apparently ran third. ' Many of tho counties whose votes have 1 not yet been received normally are dem 'ocratlo and supporters of tho colonel en tertained some apprehension about the ' fnKlllt I TTib results frnm 2.493 Drecincts out of '4.2S8 gavo Roosevelt 238,393; Wilson, 230, 189, and Toft, 141,421. ' On tho face of the first Cook county I returns tho progressive party managers predicted a plurality of at least 100,000 votes in Illinois for tho colonel. Roose- .velt's standing in 1,222 out of tho 1,498 precincts In Cook county was 135,297 to (Wilson's 109,903. In 1,271 precincts out of 2.7&S outside of Cook county Wilson's vota was 120.DS4 and Roosevelt's 108.096. There remain 1.637 down state precincts to re port. Judge Dunne, democratic gubernatorial candidate is generally conceded a plu rality of 60,000. The voto from 1,980 pre cincts gave Dunne 212,261; Funk, progres sive, 141,632, and Deneen, republican, 137, 643. In Cook county, Cunnea (soc.) ran ahead of tho republican candidate for states attorney and only about 5,000 be hind Hoyne (dem.), who was elected. Cunneas vote was estimated at 7j,00) Two socialists were elected to the legis lature. Progressives and socialist hold the bal ance of power In the legislature on Joint ballot. Nino progressives, ninety-seven democrats and ntnety-slx republicans were elected. There are 301 members with 103 necessary for a choice In the selec tion of two United States senators. Governor Deneen, it was announced, was considering an extra session of tho legislature to fill the Lorimer vacancy. It was believed today that William Mc Klnley, president Taft's campaign man ager, had been defeated to succeed him self In congress. Former Sneaker Cannon Defeated. DANVILLE, 111.. Nov. 6.-Ftank J. O' Hair, (dem.), Is victor over Former Speaker Joseph G. Cannon for congress In the Eighteenth district, by 611 plurality. Vermillion county gave Cannon 718 plur ality and Kankakee 644 plurality. Edgar county gave O'Halr 1,073 plurality; Clarke, 309 (estimated) Cumberland, 600, and Iro quois, 100 plurality. Cannon la Ile-EIecteil. DANVILLE. III., Nov. 6.-Complete re turns from, five of six counties In the Eighteenth district indicate that former Speaker Cannon will be returned by less than 100 plurality. Mr. Cannon starts this afternoon for Panama. RADICAL CHANGES IN EDUCATION PLAN (Continued from Page Ono.) To Remove Sallowness, Biotches or Wrinkles Manual training and domestic economy In rural schools. Change library law to liavo dooUh chosen from a recommended list and tho 10-cent per pupil tax compulsory. What Efficiency Demaiidn. Mr. Pate said efficiency, demanded a free high school education as orlglnully Intended by tho free high school law and that it was necessary to secure that education "which comes 'nearest tho lives of the great majority of tho people courses In domestic science, agriculture and manual training. "Most of our girls must become house keepers and homomakers, and tho educa tion they recelvo should tend to prepare them for and make them satisfied rather than dissatisfied with the life they will lead after completing their school course," declared Mr. Pnte. "Too long has tho medieval Idea of ed ucation the idea that prevailed when only the sons of the nobility were edu cated and only the daughters of tho peasantry did housework dominated In our schools. We need In our public school courses those subjects that pertain to tho life of the great mass of common people; clUldren need to bo trained to do tho things and want to do the things that the peoplo must do; and In Nebraska the great majority of our boys should become agrlculturllsts and still a greater ma 'Jortty of our girls should become home makers. "School people should urge tho legisla ture to provide such a law as was recom mended by ex-Stato Superintendent lllshop, giving state aid to certain high schools, meeting an approved standard as to teachers, buiUilngs and equipment, that maintain courses in agriculture, manual training and domestlo science. Going Into detail about this law Mr. Pato said schools fitted for tho work sug gested should have at leant five acres of land within reasonable dlgtanco and an appropriation by tho state for such schoolrf J2.G00 to each school per year, 1 Concluding ho urged the necestlty of tho next legislature appropriating enough Secretary of Stute lWnrn to lie Kervr Sent In llonac for Member Vntll They Preaent Certlfl entea of Klrctlon. (From a 8taft Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. .-(Speclal.)-Unwlll-Ing to admit th defeat t Governor Ald rlch up until late today, campaign man agers and political advisors of the ex ecutive gave out a statement that pri vate advices received at the governor's"1 office Indicate his. posslblo election. This statement was given out by Chief Clerk Flesenbaum, following a meeting at which all the members of tho gov ernor's official staff attended at the ex ecutive offices at tho stato hoUso Wednesday afternoon. The governor himself remained clos eted at tho mansion, refusing to see newspaper men. He made it known that ho had nothing to say In connection with tho result of tho election In Ne braska. Hopo was pinned to tho slender possi bility that the latest returns from ob scure districts of the state will glva tho governor sufficient votes to overcome John H. Morchead's apparent lead. At this meeting were Secretary Fulter, Rev. J. II. Prcsson, Food Commissioner Nets Hansen, the governor's Bon and several minor appointees, Mr. Flegenbaum, spokesman for the governor, made public tho advices, which ho said that ho had. Indicating tho gov ernor's election when all of tho returns are In. The general depression which has en veloped tho state house since a few days preceding election lifted somewhat lato today when it became generally believed that the present Incumbents of tho state house, excepting tho governor, who were running for re-election, woro proD abty successful. No Seats Kraervcd Yet. Secretary of State Wait today refused to reservo scats In the house of repre sentatives for tho Douglas county repre sentatives until the said representatives havo produced their certificates of elec tion. Hopresentatlve-elect Butt of Omaha had written a letter to Secretary Walt, which tho latter received early Tuesday, asking the secretary to reserve Mr. Uutt a seat In a particularly favorable location In tho representative chamber. Mr. Butt also said Uutt ho won certain that tho remaining members of his legis lative ticket had been elected In Douglas county and he asked that the secretary also reservo scats for his colleagues noar the desired location. Mr. Walt said later that he would make no seat reservations until the applicants liad a made a proper showing of their election. This information will be con veyed to, Mr. Butt, ltepresentntlvcs of tho Rock Inland rail road conferred today with mombcra of tho State Railway commission in connec tion with tho order of the commission regurdlng the Improvement of the track conditions on a branch lino' from Hansen to the stats line. State. Engineers Garber and Ifurd had The people have spoken For four years thoy havo boon speaking about our quality clothes, our bountiful store, our superb storo sorvieo and our rea sonable prices. They'vo been telling their friends, of this storo, giving it unstinted prniso and urging them to trade here. Those who have followed tho advice aro hotter off than thoso who haven't. Great lino of Suits and Overcoats roady now. Suits $10 U $40 Overcoats $10 to $75 Omaha's Only Mod era Clothing Btora. no. THUHmvAmrnraoTiKS F.S.KI CK -.J recommended that a number of ties on thin lino bo replaced and pointed out other features of an Improvement pro gram. Tho conference toitaw ouno fol lowing the desire of the company to learn Just what the commission wanted. Nmt Hoard of Control. With the election of More-head as gov ernor seemingly certain, politicians at the Btato houst today began to spoculato an to whom Uio now oxecutlvo will appoint to tho membership of tho board of control of the stato Institutions. Tills now executive body, which, It Is said, will wield a powerful Influence, as It will control tho regulation of stato In stitutions and tho appointment of Instltu. tlon heads oa well, was authorised by tho voters at tho election Tuesday. Governor-elect Momhead will appoint tho threo members, his only limitation be ing that ono member shall bo a member of tho minority party and tho two remain ing members of the majority party. I llartllnu; Likely to knnil. PLATT8MOUTH. Neb., Nov. 6.-(8po.- clal,) Election returns camo In very slowly, KOino of tho precincts not finish ing their counts until late this morning. Out of eighteen precincts hoard from, Toft received 771, Wilson 1,53 and Rooso- vclt 843 votes. Out of seventeen precincts reporting, Norrls received 1,637 and Bhallcnbcrgrr 1,457; Aldrlch, 1,352, and Mnrehcad, 1,699; Clark, 1,450, and McGulre, 1,00?. For stale senator for Otoe and Cass, Battling re ceived In this county 1,424, as against 1,53 for Banning, Indicating Bnrtllng's elec tion by probably 100 mujority In the two counties. Rlcliey, republican candidate for representative, so far has received 1,352 votes, a against 1,590 for Oimtln, his democratic opponent. Dovoy, republican, for float representative, rcectvert 1,33 and Buschc, democrat, 1.624. Tho democrats elected their county commissioner and county assessor. NOTES FROM SEWARD AND SEWARD COUNTY BEWAUD, Neb., Nov. C.-(Spoclal.)-A district meeting of Rcbokah lodgus will be held In Soward Thursday afternoon ami evening, tho members of tho lodgo of that outer being the hostesses, ifcilo. gates will attend from Lincoln, Uni versity Place, Hfcvelock, Greenwood, Ash land, ISIinwood, Mllford, Valparaiso and Ulysses. A school of Instruction und tho exemplification of the work by a degree staff from University llaco will bo the feature of the meeting. The marrlngo of Miss llaicl Holhind, daughter of iMr. and Mrs. ISrncst Hol land, to A. Raymond Dodd occurred nt tho homo of tho bride at 4 o'clock today. Itov. Oscar Whltflbld Reynolds of tho Methodist Episcopal church officiating. Clayton Morgan, who for threo yVars ho been In the hospital sorvloo In tho navy, Is at his homo here. Ills time, of enlistment having expired. Ha was In China during the revolution thcro. ' Postmaster Roycr met with a savoro accident last Friday by falling from a ladder In his bnrn and fracturing throu ribs. air. and Mrs. John Sawyer were thrown from their carriage when their homo ran away. Mr. Sawyer sustained a broken arm and Mrs. rlawyor had her shoulderhlado broken, her face cut, her Up so badly cut that a surgeon had to take many stitches In It. teriml Injuries, lie was taken to u Beatrice hospital this evening for mi operation, Mr. Kmmoiis Is 35 years of ngo and has a wlfr and two children, H. B. EMMONS OF CRAB ORCHARD BADLY HURT TICCUMSISH, Nob.. Nov. 6.-(8poclnl Telegram.) H. B. Kuunons, manager of the telephone oxchnngo at Crab Orchard, was kicked, in tho abdomen by a vicious horse and his oondltlon Is such ttmt tho attending physician holds out llttlo hope for his recovery. Ho suffered serious In- Canvass is Delayed by Slow Counting Blow counting of the voto at Tuesday s election In Douglas county will dclnv tho beginning of thn official canvass of Iho returns until Friday, according to County Clerk Frank Lwey. Tho canvnsi will bo commenced as soon ns returns from nil precincts In tho county have been made. "Wo havo returns from only nbout half tho pioeinots," wild Mr. Dewey. "Th" count Is slow nud 1 don't expect all thn returns to bo. In before Friday, mays not then. I want to begin the chuva tho mlntito thoy are all In, and gv, through with It." Mr. Dewey will nutno Chillies Kult as ropiibllcnn member of the canvanslr; board. Ho probably will appoint Rnlr' West, attorney, democratic member. Pointed I'ii rn Kirn pha, A muslcul hit Is a piece uf good luck A Judgo lays down tho law when he quits tho bench. Thero uro ntsn ns good compliments ns over woro fished for. To a man, man ngo seems far more Important before than after. Tho common people Include all tho mvn who do not shavo every day. It tnkos a man' to manufacture llr.u out of wholn cloth. A woman uses rem nants. Tho way of tho transgressor would not nucm hard If ho could afford pneumatic tires. It might bo well for soino wives t remember that nagging doesn't malo the nag go. Nothing makes tho woman feel so In significant ns tho refusal of a mun to arguu with her. A mnn doesn't havo til bo very pfoml nent In order to attract people who ale willing to Impose on him. Chicago News. baggage is being transferred free of charge. , On a special Burlington train 250 of the Lincoln teachers arrived yesterday at 0:15 o'clock, to remain during tho state teachers' convention. At the station the Lincoln teachers boarded special street cars and proceeded up Farnam street. their cars being switched to other lines and sent out to city schools, where visits were paid during the morning sessions. Pinna of Kntertotiuueiit. Every effort has been expended In the nretuirnttnn for a comfortable, convenient. pleasant and profitable convention. The I money to. Insuro all school children of tho first program was given at the High .state at least seven months of school, school auditorium yesterday morning Mr. Martin urged nn attempt at greater when the Superintendents' and Principals' efficiency of teachers, in order that tho association convened. ' Dubllc Bcho0' ma do u!1 that 11 18 ex' W. R. Pate of Alliance and S. II. Mar-)ec'e(i to d0- Scholarship Is only a good tin of Broken Bow were the principal bcBlnnlng. but success wll como, to thp speakers. Miss Blancho Sorenson song tettcher wno 8tudlcs no clllld w" "On the Shore" and Mrs. R. a Allen oc- mu ' ' I Special Attractions at Kilpatric As a Sort of a Celebration of the Many Very Important Doings in Omaha ON NOVEMBER 7TH We Will Present Some Addod Attractions to Make the Day More Notable. ipram VAmllv Phvslclan.) Do you realize that Just beneath that coarse, muddy or discolored -comp exlon nn ovnitltltfllv beautiful skin of .... .,! tint nnrt ripltcnCV? If VOU COUld. IVUUUU, .. - . . only nnng mis cumiJi:.iu i discarding the old ono! You can-n the easiest simplest, most natuial manner imaginable. Just get an ounce of oidlnary mercollxed wax at any drug store, apply nightly like cold cream, removing It mornings with warm water. The wax as sists Nature by gradually taking off the lingering particles of dead and half-dead surface skin, causing no discomfort w at aver. Ordinarily It takes from a week to Tten days td complete the transformation, ''utaneous defects like pimples, blotches, liver spots, moth patches, freckles of course disappear with the old sk!n. Noth ing else that I know of will ac omi'lish such wonderful results In so short a time. Fine linei and even te deeper wr'nkles often appear at an early age. In such cases nothing Is better than a face bull made by dl-solVrg 1 oz. w.e ed axo llte In V4 Pt. witch hazel. Tbis Is remark ably effective, Advertl 'ement; A Landslide! companled. Mr. Pate discussed "Needed School Legislation" and Mr. Martin talked on the subject of "Raising the Educational Standard of Teachers." Fred M, Hunter, superintendent of the Lincoln schools, closed the discussion with a motion that a committee bo ap pointed to draft laws looking toward the creation of greater efficiency In rural schools. , "If I wasn't from Lincoln," he Bald, "I would say that we should be inter ested In rural education more than any thing else because wo have only one metropolitan city." Itnrnl Education Committee, President A. E. Fisher of Aurora named tho following on this committee? R. E. Cavlness of Falrbury, W. R. Pate of Al liance, Fred M. Hunter of Lincoln, J. E. Delzell of Lincoln, Alice Florer of York, F. A. Stech. Mr. Pate said he had written and re ceived answers from thirteen county su perintendents and ten city superintend ents, who recommended changes in edu cational laws. Among some of the changes recommended were: Change In free high school law. Take superintendency out of politics, county and state. Subsidize agriculture in high schools. A new law for consjlldatlon of districts. More definite certification laws. Clerk hire for county superintendents. Send teachers to state meetings on pay. Rural school houses to be approved by county or state superintendent. State aid for seven months' school in 'ail distilcis. lies qf long assignments, devote more con scientious study to each pupil, and reel: earnestly to make tho standard of teach ers more efficient. GATHERING KItOM MANY POINTS Home Visitors Arc Iimpect lnir ((iiiiiliu Schools, From the school house in the sandhllta In the extreme western part of the state to the high schools of the larger cities In Nebraska and the western part of Iowa, teachers are signing tho enroll ment book at the Omaha High school, where the meetings of the State Teach ers' association are being held. The profound professor, the dainty llt tlo klndergartner, tho vivacious grade teacher, tho dignified principal und the sweet faced nun from the convent are gathered to hear tho words of wisdom. The giaclousness of Omnha is not only apparent In the teachers of the high school, but the pupils themselves ore proving tho fact that they are the hosts at this building where the convention Is being held. Many of the teachers who are here from out of the city are visiting the schools as well as attending the, meet ings and the blue badges are seen every where. In several cases where tho badges are worn a second look must be taken to see that beyond the bright, happy face of the young wiman who wears the blue ribbon It is possible for that face to havo a sterner look for the school room. 600 Yards of Costume Cord Made in England 27 Inches wide in bluck, while, creum, brown, gray hoiiic times called battleship gray London smoke, elephant's breath, taupe, etc., now so fashionable; wisteria, purple, navy, etc(; good values nt $1.00, somo -would say $1.25; as a sort of Teacher's Special, at, yard 79c Here's Another Plain costume velvots, all colors, 24 inches wide, Worrall Dye. Value $1.25, some sell at $1.50, A Schumann-Heink Special at 98c a Yard. In honor of Mrs. Stewart, who speaks at tho Auditor ium, wo will place on sale 2 specials in kid and lamb gloves lG-button, white lamb gloves, nt, pair, $1.98 Vnstend of $3.00 a pair. A large assortment, all colors. Genuine kid gloves, worth $1.25, nt pair 79c Our Stock of Heavy Oloakings is Now Complete All colors, nil the popular weaves; many imported and con fined exclusively to our store. Beautiful curly bouclcs in red, gray, black) brown, etc. Plaid backs, two tones that is ono color outside and another color inside. As a special, 0 pieces of 56-inch Zebelino cloaking, elegant goods worth $3.50, will be offered at $1.98 Children's Section Dolls of different races from many countries ready for the littlo folks'. "Why not buy them nowt Children's heavy Galatea dresses, Thursday $1.19 Wool serge dresses, Thursday $3.50 Just a few Junior suits for young ladies of 15 to 17 years, sold at $15 to $18, Thursday, each $9.75 New Chinchilla Coats New diagonal boucles, chil dren's and young women's fur sots. Complete stock now on snle. Shipment after Shipment of Hosiery and Underwear crowds us for room; stock room jammed; fixtures crowded, preparing for tho biggest holiday business over known in Omaha. Thursday, just as a starter, and to relieve tho congestion, will sell pure thread silk hoso, our new dollar number, nt a pair 85c Underwear Business Booming As a reward for Thursday buyers, wo will sell on that day our $1 fleeced, at per garment 79c The Great Room Making Sale in Our Basement Salesroom Now in Full Blast Heavy gray cotton blankets, instead of $1.50, at ,$1.19 The plaid beauties, a $5 blanket, at pair $3.95 Handsome silk covered comforters, instead of $0.50, at $3.75 Holiday showing of handsome down and wool filled, silk and satin comforters Gems of artistic printing from 5 to 25-That is dollars. Indian Robes Well named Tho colorings are typical and the designs suggest tho lied Man. Chauffeurs' Joys Needed auto robes for very cold weather. Look at these. Visitors Who desiro to show their remembrance of "Tho Homo Folks" do not forget Balduff's candy bon bous, chocolate, etc. No other quito so good. Very Important A purchase of real Scotch madras white and ecru bought away below regulur price; worth up to 75c u yard; 2 prices Thuresdny, at a yard 19c, 39c Industi'al director in each county. Irfiw providing a standard for granting f?AT'cJ Alili OVER CITV, COUXTV AND "f degrees. KTATR T.'OK DHESHEn DUOS., Make examining board permanent. nnv TLinVEnS AND OVKlfS. Drop smo Junior normals. Mrtul SInrket. NEW YORK. Nov. 6.-MKTA US-Firm: standard spat, 16.75c bid; November, 18.&' unnvi' TYI.EIt 315 FOR, WAGO.N. j State rural school Inspector. December. 1C80Q17.12V4; electro, lytic. I1T.J7WM7.87',: lake, W.62'.17.' i casting. $17.2MrlT.37l4, Tin, easy; spot and November D.75ot; December, H9.824 ItiOO.00. Iead. quiet. lUWj-t.H). Spelter, quiet, t7.-Mj7.41. Antimony, quiet. Cook, sous, fip.uO, Iron, firm and unchanged. Th Thomas Kilpatrick Co. K mmm0