TUB BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1912. H OME OF COMFORTABLE STYLISH BOOT Distinctive footwear for Teachers and others to whom foot-ease is a mat ter of much consideration. Our BALCONY SHOE PARLORS arc meeting the requirements of wo men who demand shoes which combine comfort and grace. marks of refinement and comfort. Also shown in white or black Buckskin, dull or shiny leathers, cloth or leather toppings. Dull Leather at $3.00 I Patent Leathers Buckskin at $3.50 I at . . . .$3.50 and .$4 Expert shoe fitters at your service. THE YOUNG PEOPLES OWN 1518-20 FA&NAM STREET. CABINET MAKERS ACTIVE t . ... Several Groups of Names Suggested for Wilson's Advisers. SPECULATION ABOUT BRYAN Possible Advent of More Student Into the Machinery of Govern ment Open Wide Field of Choice. WASHINGTON, Nov. C-C'ftWnot mak er are already busy conjuring with names of those who will tiharo with Wll on In shaping tho policy of tho nsxt ad ministration. Necessarily this. In purely gossip, but Uie cabinet builders nrc none theirs actlce In pointing out thn persons nnd the clement available an cabinet ma terial. One of the available element embraces those who were1 conspicuous party figure at tho Baltimore convention, Including Speaker Clark, Chalrmnn Underwood of the ways and means Committee William Jennings liryan, Governor Tom of Massif chuictts. Governor Harmon of Ohio and seme, others. H Is generally assumed, however, that Speaker Clark nnd Chair man Underwood would prefer to continue their work In congress, espcclnlly now that the legislative proKrsm on tho tariff, nnd other uuestlons Is likely to meet with fewer obstacles. As to Mr, liryan. one of thn. democratic r.nators was quoteil during the campaign as definitely assigning Mr, Bryan to a cabinet place' In case of Wilson's elec tion, although tho latter stated about the iame time tluit no consideration had beon ir'vcn ' to the personnel of the cabinet Nonetheless speculation la active as to whether tho Nebraskan will have a port folio. CntuiiMlorn "Wnrrlors Considered, Another element from which cabinet material Is being suggested embraces those .who have been prominently Identi fied with the Wilson campaign, notably Chairman McoCmbs of the democratic na tional committee, Representatives Urlcson wnd Henry of Texas, Itcpresentatlvo Pal mer oi Pennsylvania, Assistant Chalrmai) iicAdoo and a number of others who bore te Irvat at the conflict at UaJtl more And during the campaign. Still .another available element Is made tup of prominent party figures In the i various states who were not consciously Identified with thn recent national con vention, while another Includes some of tho veterans of the last administration. Outride of these usual elements from which cabinets can be constructed many foresee tho entry ot a considerable new element In public affairs raado up of men like Mr. Wilson who have been Identified with tollegtate educational and tho oro nomlq aUiy ot public; questions. This opens 'a wide field ot available material. All bf this Rctlvlty of cabinet making Is necessarily confined to gossip nnd con jecture and though names are likely to be put forward from now on nothing authoritative Is expected until the president-elect himself has In his own way und Uno given mature consideration to those who will make up his official house hold. ' VIRGINIA niCJtMOND, Vn., Nov, 5-Wllion'n birthplace, Staunton. Vai, gave him 033; Taft, BI7: Roosevelt, 05. Key to tho Situation Beo Advertising, Good Overcoats made to order at. $20 and up. A made to measure coat fits better and wears longer than a ready made. Let us show you before you buy your winter overcoat. We guarantee every garment perfect in fit and style. ASK MicCartky-Wikon Tailoring C: Hwr Whs ini What U 'Wnt. 301-309 South lath St. J mm s This Havana brown but ton boot is a favorite at $3.50 and $4.00 carries low heel, broad base, spring arch, short fore part and high toe; ear STORE DEMOCRATS MAY GET SENATE (Continued from Pago One.) led Mr. Toft's pre-election campaign. Representative Rarthpldt 01 Missouri is among the republicans who have weath ered the storm in Missouri, and General Sherwood, the democratic author of the "dollar-a-doy" pension bill of last ses sion, comes back from Ohld. The strengthening of the democratic house also marked the retirement of sev eral old-time republican leaders who have been national figures for nearly a gen eration. The greatest Interest attaches to tho result in "Undo Joe" Cannon's district, which he has represented In tho house for thirty-eight years. Illieneaer llllt Detented. "Undo Joe's" old nnd friend through the stormy days of his speakership, Kbe nexer Hill, went down to defeat In Con necticut, and Connecticut for the first time In years elected a solid democratic delegation of five to the house. Incom plete returns scm to presage the defeat of Itcpresentatlvo Crumpacker of Indiana, who as chairman of thn house census committee framed tho reapportionment bill that created the congressional dis tricts for yesterday's election. In Illinois, near the scene of former Spenker Cannon's defeat. William B. Mc- Klnley, who, managed the Taft campaign, seemed to be defeated In tho carty rei turns. .Berorto Iync, imp of the fath,eis(of JLfo i'ayne-Aiur:cii tariff Jaw, woo returned. by his New York constituents. In Chicago "Jim" Mann, floor leader of tho minority In tho present house, fought bitterly to maintain a narrow lead1 with only half of his district reported. Hut Champ Clark was returned to be speaker ot tho next house In the first returns received. With him came Oscar v. unaorwoon or Aianama, chairman or, tho house ways and means committee. which framed the tariff bills of the pres ent house. And with Underwood came a solid dembcratlo delegation from Alabama1 and tho remainder qf the south. Progressive candidates for the house reported elected in tho day's .return were, J, A. Falconer and W. J. Bryan, candl date-at-Iarge for Washington, and W. J, MaDooncU is the Twelfth Michigan dis trict. NEBRASKAllETURNS MAKE NORRIS WINNER; ALDRICH IS BEHIND (Continued from Pago One.) Washington, 1 precinct 6l7 Sioux, 1 precinct , 48 Hall. 1 precinct , 174 Nuckolls, 2 precincts 01 Cass, 3 precincts 167 Howard. 1 precinct 81 Dawes. 1 precinct,., 15 Kearney, It precincts., sat Hock. of 14 31! Ued Willow, 21 of . ,,.1,160 Blaine, 1 of 8 57 iDundy, 7 of IS.,.. US Custer, 4 precincts.,., 190 Keth, 1 ot 81 Adams, 6 of 20.,,., ., 832 Knox. 1 of a US Dawes, i of 10 ltt Grant. 3 of 8 107 Webster, 4 ot IS '349 Butler ,1,45ft Box. Butte 567 Cedar , ,1,676 Deuel , 223 Franklin ....1,103 Furnas 1,215 Nance ., , tilt Otoe 1,636 Karpy , sn Saunders , -185 Bruwn, 10 71 J Dodge, 20 , 2,1:5 151 174 73 M 73 18 90S 55 S6 2G7 45 426 W7 109 71 310 1.848 6 .1,623 135 1.38 1.17 771 2.010 915 8,130 45ft 2.134 1.&57 818 8S3 !. Johnson. IS., 1,142 , Phelps, 18 1,415 wnyne, 17 , ..1.243 387 precincts ., 26,310 WISCONSIN MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 6.-Latest I figures for Milwaukee county complete and 9U precincts outside, give Karel, democrat, for governor, 66.679. and Mo Govern, republican. 81,782, showing Karel's plurality to be 1S,K. with about half the state yet to be heard from. Thomas Konop, democrat. Eighth con gressional district, appears to have been re-elected, Chairman ' Bcott concedes Konop'a victory over Morse. ' The race for congress in the sixth dis trict between James II. Davidson, republl can, and M. IC Uellly. democrat. Is close. both claiming electton, Chairman 8cott ; says Iiellly probably Is elected. ' Scattering returns on the woman's suf. frage amendment shows that the propo. jsitlon was overwhelmingly defeated In 1 Wisconsin. ) Colds Cause Ilenderhn and Grip, I LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE removes the cause. There is only one "BKOMO QUININE." took for the signature of E. W. OIIOVE. S6c-Adverlement. jMR. WILSON IS STILL DAZED i President-Elect Says He Can Hardly Realize it is True. RECEIVES MANY TELEGRAMS CniiR-rntuUtion from liryan, I'nrker ami lienrat ffnyai It U Too r.nrlj- to Think Alto at 1'itrit Session. PRINCETON, N. J.. Nov. C-' I can't 1 realize that It Is true." Woottrow Wilson, president-elect, thus greeted forenoon visitors today, who swarmed to his house to offer congratu lations. Among them were many mem bers of the Princeton faculty. "I can't realize that It's true," repeated the governor. "It hasn't qolte dawned on me. I had been In an Impersonal at mosphere for the last three months, read ing about myslf, reading that I wan to , bo elected, and now I can hardly believe jit Is true." Mrs. Wilson and her daughters as I slated the governor in receiving callers today. Among the first, to arrive was Charltn W. McAlphln, secretary of Princeton university. Another caller was i Sell Deutschman of Han Antonio, Tsx., I who bears, a striking resemblance to Colonel Roosevelt. He had been stump ing in the east for the governor and Is now on his way home. Governor Wilson received the follow ing mcssagn this morning from President Hlbbon of Princeton: "In the name of Princeton university I extend to you Uio congratulations ' and best wishes of your alma mater upon your election to the presidency, of the United Stateu." Nothlnic to Kenr. Oovamor Wilson this afternoon issued a statement In which ho declared that "there la absolutely nothing for the hon est and enlightened business men of the country to fear" from the democratic administration. To President Taft at Washington, Mr. Wilson sent the following telegram: , I warmly appreciate your kind mefl- sage and wUh. to express my sincere per sonal regards." To Colonel Itoosevelt nt Oyster Hay he sent tho following telegram "My slncerest thanks for your kind lessage. Pray accept my cordial k.hi , message, wishes." Telegram from liryan. Among the congratulatory telegrams received were the following: William J. Bryan: "I am glad to roport that you Ivave carried my state, the city of Lincoln and my precinct. Your suc cess here adds to my enjoyment of your national victory." William nandolph Hearst nt Madrid, Spain: "Congratulations, both on ypur personal victory and on the fact that you will have a democratlo house and senate to support the policies of your ad ministration." Alton B. Parker: 'Teople are to be congratulated on tho opportunity given you to serve thorn; and nearly all, whether voting for you or not, feel this to bo (rue. Now that a calm summing up of the result of yesterday has been taken, be so good as to nccept my con gratulations." "How about un extra session of con gress?" someone aked Governor Wllnon tills ,nfteri)oqn., "I have given no thought to such mat fers as vet." was tho reply. "I'm not bh a iiair trigger. TURKS ARE IN LAST DITCH (Continued from Pago Ono.) the approaches to Constantinople to pre vent tho Ingress of fugitives. Notwithstanding theso measures and the arrival of tho forolgn war vessels tho pMbllc Is still unsettled and many families continue to leave for abroad, whllo. residents of tho suburbs aro coming Into the Innor city. The nublla Is astonished and dumb founded at the repeated Turkish re verses. It Is now recognized on all sides that tho. end hna come. The Mussulman population of tho towns along tho Dardanelles, although depressed, maintain calm. Mnlonlkl Mny Surrender. ATHENS, Nov. S.-A Greek naval squadron today occupied the Turkish Island ot Tenedos, near tho entrance to tho Dardanelles. The Investment by the Greeks of the fortress Is nearly com plote. Negotiations for tho surrender of Halonlkl wero opened last Friday between the foreign consuls and the military au thorities, but the Turkish commander de manded that his troops be allowed to rrnrch out with their arms and with all the honor ot war and tho negotiations fell through. Tho dvll governor Is said to have committed suicide. The Greek nowspapers, In discussing tho proposed armistice, say It can only bo accepted on condition that the Turk ish thronq be transferred to Asia Minor nnd that reforms for the benefit of the Christian population there must bo in troduced. WYOMING CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. e-Flgures at 11:30 a. tn. Indicate Warrert (rep.) for the senate has thirty-five and Kendrick (drm.) thirty-four members of the leg islature. Three counties yet to hear from claimed by both sides, republicans claim 1,000 majority on head of ticket. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE FOR VICE PRESIDENT. THOMAS UA1UUALU 1 -sar i jis.'rJivar'wi K. PROBABLY ELECTED TO BE NEXT GOVERNOR OF NEBRASKA. amsmsmsmsmsmBBBP 'smsmsBBsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmF oh-ix JET. IToTehead REPUBLICANSJPOR SOLONS Douglas County Legislative Ticket Goes to This Party. LOCAL RETURNS SLOW IN COMING Count Delayed hy I.onir List of Name on the KlKht-Foot Jlnllnt, Lenv Iiik Some Cloud of Doubt Over Kesnlts. Complete returns from Dougloa county' with the exception bf nine preolncts give the republicans four out of five stato sonntors and nle out of twelve represen tatives In the house. Pnncoast is prob ably low man in the senatorial race and Sugarman nnd Leo low men among the representatives. Grossman Is the only democrat who lm8 ft chance to get in the senate. Ho Iwids Pancoast by approximately 300 votes, uuiunu is aneaa or Bugurman by ICO votes. The returns from the other nine precincts may change these results. So great was the taslt that confronted the election boards of Douglas county be cause of tho 8-foot ballot, that the tabu lation must bo Incomplete for some time yet. Douglas county fell In line with the rest of the state In giving a big vote to Wilson for president. Roosevelt runs second nnd Taft third, but Taft Is much closer than ho was In tho primary race. It looks as If Wilson had carried with him the democratic candidates near the head of the ticket for majorities In this county, Including Shnllenborger for United States senator, Morehead for gov ernor, nhd possibly Lobeck for congress. On the state ticket thn race Is close enough that tho mujorttles will not be strong either way. For county attorney Maguey Is ahead of Smith and seemingly sure of the lead. For county assessor Counsman Is run-, nlng ahead of Harrington enough to In dicate Ids ejection.. ,. r,i( ,JU , , For county- jjammlsHlonur-wJille Mc-, Donald has a lead, It Is not large enough to 'make suro of t)ie results un'tw further returns ura maue. On school board tho regular republican nomlnecrs are safely elected and the .two candidates -for Water ibourd had '.no .bp-. position. No tabulation on constitutional amend ments or bond propositions havo been made, but the presumption Is that few votes were registered against them. In tho following xabls nine .South Omaha precincts are Included; PRESIDENT. (67 Pels,) Taft, (Rep) 4,r64 Wilson, (Dcm) 8,SM Roosevelt, (Prog) 5,048 UNITED STATES SENATOR (61 pets.) Norris, (Rep) 8.212 Shnllcnberger, (Dcm) 1 7.J1S GOVERNOR, (61- Pets.) Aldrlch, (Rep) 7,224 Morehead, (Dem) ., ; 9,303 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. (1 Pets.) MoKelvle, (Rep) 7,452 Dions (Dem) 7,933 SECRETARY OF STATE. (61 Pets.) Wntt, (Rep) 7,908 Kelley, (Dem) 7,43) AUDITOK. (61 Pets.) Howard. (Rep) 7,031 Richmond, (Dem) 7,673 STATE TREASURER, (61 Pets.) George, (Rep) 7.GS6 Hall, tuem) 0.SJ5 SUPERIN'NT INSTRUCTION, (60 Pets.) Delzoll, (Rep) 7.621 Clark. (Dem) .'. 7,145 ATTORNEY GENERAL, (00 Pets.) Martin, (Rep) 7.7S4 Morrlssey, (Dem) 7,04$ COMM'R. LANDS & BLDGB.. (OOTctjil Beckmann, (Rep) 7,700 Eastham, (Dem) , 1.. 7,123 RAILWAY COMMISSIONER, (60 Pets.) Taylor, (Rep) 7,334 Hnnnan. (Dem) . 7,334 CONGRESSMAN 2D DIST., (57 Pets.) Baldrlge. (itep) , 7.131 Lobeck, (Dem) 7,429 STATE SENATOR. Dodge. (Itep) 6,511 Haarmann. (Rep.) 7,227 Macfarland, (Rep) 7,004 Pancoast, (Rep) 6,592 Suunders, (Rep) .. 6,607 Grossmann, (Dem) 7, IS I Morton, (Dem) 6,624 Howell, (Dem) 6.700 Reagan, (Dcm) ,. 7,049 Tanner, (Dem) 7,081 REPRESENTATIVE, 10th Dlst., (66 pets.) Anderson. (Rep) 6,931 Brain. (Rep) , 6.793 Davis, (Rep) 6,413 Drucsdow, (Rep) 6,793 Flanagan, (Rep) 6.903 Foster, (Rep) 6,677 Hoff, (Rep) 7.0.W Leu, (Rep) 6.405 Simon. (Rep) 7.021 Smith, (Rep) 6.787 BUKarman, (Rep) ; ,33 Yates, (Rep) v 6,720 Roland, (Dem) 7.150 Bulla, (Dem) 6.817 Butt. (Dem) 6,651 Pleharty, (Dem) .., 6.831 Ford, (Dem) , 7.044 Holmei, George, (Dem),.... 6,890 Holmes. Robert. (Dem) , 6,665 Howard, tDem) , 1.... .50 Kaplan, (Dem) .- , 6.799 Morgan, (Dem) 6,500 MortartV. (Dem) ,. 6.S&3 Shoemaker, (Dem) , 6,193 COUNTY ATTORNEY. Smith. (Rep) 6.642 Magney. (Dm) 7,726 COUNTY, ASSESSOR. Counsman, (Rep) ...,.. &.00t Harrington. (Dem) 6.111 COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1ST DI6T. McDonald. (Rep) , 7,751 Elsaer. (Dem) 6.623 Vnnnar Alan Killed, MASON CITY. Ia.. Nov. 6. (Boeclal , Telegram.) I. 8. Ryan, a brakeman on the Milwaukee, was Killed at Pexton last night- He was run over by an engine. He was 19 years old and In the employ of the company but six weeks. He lived her .3 WILSON-MARSHALL SLATE HAS NEARLY FOUR HUNDRED YOTES (Continued from I'sge One.) legislature which Is to select two sena tors; In Colorado, where two senators are to be choson. the democrats are In ap parent control; and In other states later returns may show a shift of Uie legisla tive power from republican to democratlo I hands. Governor Wilson not only carried his own state. New Jersey, by a large ma- Jorlty, but he carried also the states of ! his opponents, Uie state of his own run ning male, Indiana, and the state ot Col onel Boosevelt's running mate, Califor nia, Control of tho legislature In New Jersey assures to the democrats the choico of Govcror Wilson's successor In tho gubernatorial chair; and the choice ot William Hughes as stnator to succeed Eenator Brlggs. republican. Taft Makes Humorous Remark About Ride Down the Avenue CINCINNATI, O., Nov. C.-Evcn In tho moments when It became apparent that Governor Wilson was going to aweep tho country ITcsldent Taft did not forget his philosophy and good humor. Here ts a story of how the president looked nt tho situation at that time, told by a friend today: "We've got to find somo comfort In this," tho president Is reported to have said. "I'll be very glad to ride down Pennsylvania avenue with Governor Wil son. It wouldn't havo beon so easy If things had been different, but I would ftavc taken the ride just the same." The president wns up early today. He took breakfast at the homo of his brother and shortly before 10 o'clock started for tho Cincinnati Country club to play golf. He hail Intended to play yesterday, but the weather Interfered, and with electton returns out of the way today's gamo was arranged. WASHINGTON SEATTLE, AVasti., Nov. 5. Roosetelt lias carried Washington by probably 30.000 plurality over JVllson. ,The progressive state chairman claims 45,000. Tho demo, emtio chairman concedes 20,000. Roose velt has carried with him to victory the two progresslvo candidates for congress-mon-at-large, J. A. Falconer and J. W. Bryan. One hundred nni twenty-six precincts out of 1,903 In tho state give: Roosevelt, 10.143; Wilson, 6,930: Toft, 6,574. For governor fifty-five precincts give: Lister (dcm.), 1,897; Hodges (pro.), 1,893; Hay (rep.), 1,885. SEATTLE. Nov. D. Progressive State Chairman Snyder, - with returns from moro than seventy-five precincts and re ports from tho county chairmen of the big progresslvo counties, says Roosevelt's plurality In Washington will bo 45,000, nnd that the Immense Roosevelt vote JELT" VCt:Z Jilt J!l!0i! ticket and two congressmeu-at-largo. Seventy-six of .1,903 precincts In the state give Roosevelt, C.S03; Wilson, 3,799; Taft, 3,032. For governor tw-enty-two preplncts give Hay (rep.), 1,130; Hodge (pro.), ,1,075; Lleter (dem.),94. . , . ILLINOIS CHICAGO. Nov. 6.-WIU1 1.224 precincts 'In Illinois to hear from Roosevelt led Wilson by 14,015 votes. The plurality of 26,477 given Rooievelt in Cook county probably has carried tho state for him, but If the subsequent returns from the Free Offer to Ladies One Full-Sized 50c Package of Miller's Won ' derful Home Treatment Sent Free to. Every Lady Suffering With Any Kind of Female Trouble or Piles., SWPJHBJJHPjBsaV If you suffer from pains in the head, sDlne. breast, bfcek. groin, hips, thighs. or lower body this 60-cent free package will bring you Instant and wonderful re lief. If you suffer from itching, burning, throbbing, sore, heavy and bearing down sensations this 50-cent free package will prove to be Just what you were search ing for. If you suffer from unnatural drains on the system, displacements, periodic pain, and Irregularity, nervousness, languor, weakness, nausea, falutness. hot spells, lack ot vitality and ambition, sleepless ness. Inability or aversion to performing natural duties or any other Indication of female trouble or plies this wonder ful free 50-cent package will brace you up. make you feel tine. 10 you can again enjoy every day ot your life. We will send you entirely free in a plsic wrapper by mall a full 60-cent 1 package ot the same wonderful remedy we have sent to thousands and thousands of other women, nimply nil out the I mail it, you win re- celve by return mall free of charge the full H-cent package or our ramous noine treatment. Our lady adviser wll gladly 508-10 South 16th St. I Is for Ideal Which should al ways be high The Benjamin Stan dard la close to the aky. Mall 333 SOUTH BXXTSBXTTK 8TKSST $Q buys O and To ehoe our patrons correctly and ono end accomplished In our new are unlimited in variety and Include all ot the many styles and matorlals in demand... Bo one ot Get yours now for 8tookxzks rasa No Charges No Deliveries On Thursday, with evsry pair bf tadies' $3.00 shoes. Colors to ma tea aoosa. OE AVES 1 JPt M 1 393 BOTTTK SIXTEENTH country show the consistent Wilson gain, Roosevelt's plurality Will be small. PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6. With the vote of approximately half of the elec tion districts In Pennsylvania counted, Intnntlnna nA tllfli Y!rnflVlt'R I Plurality In the state will be from 25, 000 to 36,000. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6. Returns from 2.8SI election districts out of 6,593 In Pennsylvania gave: Taft, 149.63S; Wilson. mm. n'ooscvelt ,,m The missing 'districts' In Philadelphia are expected to odd materially to Roose velt's strength In this oltyt- In the state the Roosevelt strongholds llkeulso remains to be heard from. Under the returns In hand Indicate that Roose velt has probably carried the state. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 0.-RetUrns from 2,538 election districts out of 6,593 In Pennsylvania gave Taft, 129,273; Wit son, 152,430; Roosevelt, 166.245. answer all letters asking for Information. I Full-slxed boxes ot Miller's Home ' Treatment are for sale at leading drug gists, $1.00 a box. Free 50c Box Coupon Tills coupon is goodr for a full clsed regular 50-cent package of our Home Treaiment and most valuable Illus trated book you ever read, Just fill In your name and address on dotted lines below and mall at once to Tho Miller Co., 12SS Miller Hldg.. Kokomo, lnd.. and you will receive the remedy In plain package by return mall. Name , - Street , City.. State This free box can onl be liad by sending this coupon direct. No free boxes at druggists. 1 .aimers noroe treatment is tar sale and recommended In Omaha at Sherman 1 & Mcconneu urug stores ana teuton I Drug Co. Advertisement. Don' bo an "Hour- Glass!" The More TIME It Takes, the More Its "SAND Runs Out! Today, ,thls morning. this minute creep Inside of a Ban Jamtn Overcoat and. you'll almost wish you could sleep Inside uf It, so woolly-warm it feels. Most Overcoats, you know, are bulky and 'bunchy." but not n Benjamin, It sheds ever)' ounce or needlssa wslgfet, while preserv ing every ounce of needful warmth. It's so soit In fabric and so unstlffened in tailoring, that you could squeeze it Into a ball and not crumple It at Wear a Benjamin , And "Winter" at The South Pole! Overcoats and Suits $18 to $30 P RAY 508-10 South 16th St. For Men 6rdtrs Given Cartful Attention, 1 smart fall footwear saves you money yet differently from others la fall and winter designs. They our pleasod wearers. $3.00 RUB TBKB r, with evsrjr pair No Charges 00 shoes. Colors No Deliveries ta. MARKET I O N E Y J gTBEKTH 8TBaET"mjmy Heavy Vote! FOIt DKESIIER BROS., CLEANERS AND DYERS. REST MAN WNS IN DRV CLEANING AS AVELL AS IN POLITICS. PHONE TYLER B4H. Omaha Art Gil i , Exiiiy on Open "Sally Bxoept Sunday Pr"om ' Wocn io ioioo i?, at, oy. a to le. County Court House Admission 10 Cents. -J : The Persistent and Judicious Use ot Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Business 8ucccss. ABIUSEStEXTS. 'luaiusl ajuij wa.jc ABORN ENGLISH GRAND OPERA CO. TONIGHT LA BOHEME ThUrs. Z,UCIA Vxi. LOHENUB1N Sat. Mat. KAXTSBE, & QRETEZ, Sat- Hight XX TKOVATOKE Prices GOc, 75c, 81.00 and 81.50. rOUS STZOHTS COMMENCIWr Next Sunday SeWolf Booper Blanche Dutfleld, Eageno Cowls?, Qo. MaoParlane, Xate Condon, Ar thur Aldriage, Viola Gillette, Arthur Cunningham and lionise Barthel In. a revival festival of GILBERT & SULLIVAN'S Greatest Operas. Snn. and Wed. Bight THE Ml2U.no Monday "The Pirates of Penxance." Tuesday PATIEKCE Wed. Mat. PIWAPOHE. Seats on Sale. "OMAHA'S rOK CBBTBH." Dally Mat, lO-38-BOo EVffS, 1S.25-S0-73C AM 8IDMAN. UIOTIIIPPI nin ennui TSM COYfli ft flHOIinOO DID iltlUlY XXTBAVASANZA A1TD VAUDEVILLE Funniest musical show In town. Gor geous Electrical Ballet of the Season. Rollicking Reauty Chorus. Laughs Uj lore. Convention attendants can't Hlfoul to miss seeing It. Ladles1 BUne Matinee Every Week Say. On Soaglaa street, at 18th. KTTOBS VAUDEVILLE Includes ?f,at SNlchols-Nelson Troupa: Terusc OH. TOU 1IILL CLIMB IB O SCHOOL lows; Mile. Lewis; Ponte & Christopher; Hlpposcope Pictures, TEACHEHSI Conttnnons 3 to 8, at find a p. m. Daily. BRANDEIS THEATER WELCOME SCHOOL TEACHERS Matinee Today, as0, 6O0 Tonight, 36o, Oo, 7fic, 91X0 The Comedy HU of Hew Tori; and Chicago THE FORTUNE HUNTER Prlday and Saturday Matin. Bat Charles Prohmi PV.sent. BOW ALB BRIAN in THE SIREN The Musical Succsss. Stats SsUlng. Mat. Brary Bay SilS; Bvery Jflght, 8:16. U1 ADVAWCEB VAUDEVILLE, mill "n"1!.' w r 'el(1 Tl10" French Qlrli. Pnllu Moran, M.rtU JohM' Trine lesuM, ArmitroBf A Clirt, U VUr. Falbt i WMklr Rolav ot U Wrli EtcdU. rrlc Utlln, Other?, 10c, UH mU, :5c txcpt Saiyrdtr nd Suadt. Nl(hu, 10c u! 40c. Tic. Krug Theater MATINEE TODAY MO-NIGHT 8:30 BEST SEATS 50c ROSEBUDS Prlday Bight COUBTRT STORE Ladles' Daily Blme Matinee. J t