Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1912, EXTRA, Page 5, Image 5

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England, France and Russia Believe
Allies Entitled to Territory.
Srrvln Wnntc LnrRer Slice of Terrl
lorr Than U Provided In Orlul
nnl Agreement HulKtirlan
lleitime h- Ailvnncp.
LONDON, Nov. 6. The water supply
of Constantinople was cut off today by
a large Utilitarian force which occupied
Derkaa, at the end of the line of Tcha.
talja, from which point the aqueduct sup
plying the Turkish capitat starts, accord
Inn to a news agency dispatch from Sofia.
The Bulgarians have occupied the ter
ritory between Tchorlu and TchataIJa,
completely surrounding the Turkish force
In that district
Another Bulgarian rolumn formed of
detachments from Drama and other cap
turned towns Is marching on the seaport
of Kavala on the Aegean sea.
An allied force consisting of Bulgarians
from Kuruk and Greeks from Tcnldje
Vardar Is proceeding by forced marches
to Halonlkl.
it was officially announced In Con
stantinople today that fighting has be
gun between tho Bulgarians and Turks
at the TchataIJa forts, according to a
special dispatch from that city. The re
sult of the fighting Is not stated.
LONDON, Nov. 6.-The great powers of
Eqrope are aligning themselves on either
side of a very sharp line regarding the
future of tho Dalkan states, iniblle opln
Ion In Kngland. France and Kussla are
that tho allies should have the territory
which they have conquered and Russia
particularly has warned Turkey that
conditions could not become worse should
further disaster occur at Tclmtalta
On the other side are Austria-Hungary,
Germany and Italy. Austria-Hungary
which after all Is the most directly In
terested, being the nearest neighbor to
the Balkan states, wilt not. It Is be
lieved, sit quietly by and see the IUlkan
league establish Itself across Its path to
the Aegean sea. In which direction Its
trade Is expanding, while at the same
time the Servians spread to the Adriatic
sea. The Austrian government points
out that the Albanians nre as much a
nation an any of the allies and that
Albania should be reserved for the Al
banians, Servln Mnken Additional Claims.
The first sign of dissension among the
Balkan atlles themselves comes then
from a dispatch from Belgrade, in whloh
It Is sold the Servians arc beginning to
declare that the "autonomous Albania"
which was agreed upon beforo the war
started, has not faded away. In the dis
patch the Mussulman Albanians who
fought against the Servian troops are
blamed for the changes In the Servian
Instead of -the twenty mile stretch of
the Adriatic coast hitherto claimed by
Bervia, the same dispatch says that
Servla now wants sixty miles, and that
In return Montenegro Is to get more than
Its allotment of the district of Novlpazar,
The correspondent adds significantly:
"The emperor of Russia will be taken
as arbitrator between Servla and Bui.
garla In regard to these conquests, which
were not foreseen In the original agree
ment between the ntlle."
lltilRRrlnn llentitiit liliKiiro,
In the meantime tho Bulgarian troops
In the vicinity of Tchorlu are preparing
to resume their advance on TchataIJa.
After four nights and four days of con
tinuous fighting around Lule-Burgas, the
Bulgarian soldiers wero given two days'
rest. This period expired today, and tho
troops by this time probably are again
on the move.
The Bulgarian army near Tchorlu is
being reinforced with troops taken from
the Investing forces around Adrianoptc,
whose places In turn have been taken
by Servians
A second Bulgarian army commanded
by General Kutintcheff Is marching along
the coast of tho sea of Mnrmora to
effect a junction with tho Bulgarian
army commanded by General Dlmltrleff
at TchataIJa,
To get on the move quickly the Bul
garian troops must hnvo worked hard,
as they have thousands or wounded Turks
and Bulgarians to care for and have had
to burn or bury a large number of killed.
It Is officially stated In a dispatch from
Belgrade that the Servians, having anni
hilated the Turkish army In Macedonia,
have been ordered to assist the Bulgar
ians, Greeks and Montenegrins.
A large force of Servians has already
passed through Sofia on tho way to
Adrlonoplc, the bombardment of whloh
continues without abatement.
Nothing was heard today of the posi
tion of tho Turks at TchataIJa, but Is
believed that part of tho army managed
to get behind the positions here.
8til(nn'i Army l.xhuu.trd.
Tho sultan's soldiers are In a bad con
dition. Besides the host of wounded,
thousands of men dropped out of tho
ranks exhausted from want of food and
most of these threw away their rifle
parts of
that the
Overwhelmingly, from all
the country comes evidence
choice of the people is for purity.
They have confidence in Uncle Sam and have endorsed
his work by showing a decided preference for the whiskey
that bears his stamp of purity, age and full measure.
They believe him when he says: This whiskey is pure. I have seen it
made. This little green stamp is proof of my vigilance it is my en
dorsement of
- Cibod olST
tnure y
Bottled In Bond
Take a bottle home
and accoutrements. However they have
had two dnys in which to rally and re
form, whllo the Bulgarians advance prob
ably will bo slower than heretofore, and
tho roads are tn a terrible cond'Uon from
the heavy rains vnd tlds will .auso dif
ficulty in brlnglnA uttillcry.
It Is rwted today tho the Greeks
made remature attack on Salonlkt and
were . alsed, but this lacks confir
mation. A combined attack on that city
by Greeks, Servians and Bulgarians is
expected shortly.
Another report, which Is both unlikely
and unconfirmed, comos from Vlonna to
the effect that Great Britain has warned
Bulgaria against entering Constantinople.
Great Britain's chief Interest In that city
at present Is to prevent massacres.
It is said that Turkey probably will
ask the powers each to send a warship
to Constantinople.
Dispatches from the Turkish capital say
the Ottoman press is taking the situation
calmly with the exception of the-Hllallos-
man. edited by the notorious Shlek 8ha
wlsh, which prints a violent article
against tho powers. The newspaper Is
being eagerly bought by the public.
British Attitude IJipUlnrd.
The British attitude in the Balkan
situation Is explained today In the House
of Commons by 8lr Edward Gray, the
foreign secretary, who was loudly cheered
when In reply to a question, he sold:
"No one In view, of tho result of tho
war tip to date will be disposed to dis
pute tho rights of tho Balkan states to
formtilato tho terms on which tnoy are
prepared to conclude pence.
"Do not think that the great powers nro
more slow than other people to adjust
their known views to tho march of
events. Tho powers are exchanging views
In regard to the position in tho near east,
but it must be n very delicate matter for
them to interfere between two belli
gerents unless thoy do so at tho request
of both."
Asked whether Great Britain could not
follow tho precedent of Mr. Roosevelt In
tho Russo-Jnpaneso war, Mr rctiwaru
Grey did not reply.
Sir Edward denied that Great Britain
had given a warning of any kind to
Bulgaria. Tho movements of lhitlsh
ships and their Intentions ho said, were
precisely slmllor to those- of the other
nnwwrs. namely to protect Uvea. The
steps had been taken as a result of com
munlcntlons which had passed between
tho powers.
Anstrlnn Position ISxplnlnrtl.
VIENNA, Nov. 5. Tho attitude of the
Austro-Hungarlan government In regard
to tho proposal of Premier l'olncure for
the adjustment of the Balkan situation
Is clearly stated today In the Neue Krelo
Prcsse, which says:
"Tho present military situation in tho
Balkans cannot be decisive for the sofu
flnn of tlm whole eastern question. Pre
mier Polncarc gives to the Balkan states
moro than they have themselves de
manded. "Tho proposal, which Is a most radical
expression of Pan-Slavlst tendencies, is
so one-sided that It can hardly find tho
approval of all tho powers and particu
larly of Austrla-Hungarj-, tho less so as
nothing Is said regarding the futuro of
Albania. This Is a question which Is of
the greatest lmportanco both to Austria
Hungary and Italy."
Tho anxiety of Austria-Hungary that
Sorvla shall not occupy Albania, and thus
seouro that outlet on the Adriatic tea
which the Servians are bo desirous of,
probably will provide a great bone of
contention. Servla has neen warned al
ready from Vienna that her armies have
gone far enough to the west. This warn
ing Is repeated today by the semi-official
Premdenblat After praising the Servian
soldiers for their humanity, the news
paper says:
"Tho Servians having approached tlm
frontier of a territory occupied without
exception by Albanians It Is hoped and
expected now that Servla will avoid the
raising of those difficulties which tha
historic character of tho Albanians mako
Insurmountable. Tho most elementary
Justice demands that the principle of 'the
Balkans for tho Balkan people shall also
be to the advantage of the Albanians."
Prince Ghlrks, the president of the Al
banian national commission, It Is said, is
to bo proclaimed klnff of Albania.
Austrian fleet StulU Kant vriirri.
Tho first division of tho Austria-Hungarian
fleet consisting of the three bat
tleships, ono cruiser and two torpedo
boat destroyers, left tho naval station at
Pola for tho east last night. The exact
destination Is not known, but tho com
mander of the division has been ordered
to report to th Austro-HungarUn am
bassador at Constantinople, from whom
he will ascertain where the vessels can
best b employed.
Greece Kxienda Dloolmde.
WASHINGTON, Nov. C-Mlnlster Schur
mon at Athens cabled today that the
Greek government had extended the
blockade of the coast of tho Eplrus as far
as Santa Quarnnta and hod rained thj
blockade of Castro on the Island of Lorn
nos. Turkish Archives Hent tn Ilrnsn.
SOFIA, Bulgarlo, Nov. 5.-The Turkish
harems In Constontlnopo have been
transferred to Brusa, In Asia Minor,
which was nt one time the capital of the
Turkish sultans, and lies about fifty
seven miles southwest of Constantinople.
The archives of the city also have been
Bent there.
Tho Turkish government has sent an
urgent request to tho powers to at least
prevent the Bulgarians from entering the
Letter Tells How
To Sell Paintings
LONDON? Nov 6. -The sale to ex
Senator William A. Clark fcf Montana
of a collection of old masters for $7
POO by Sir George Donaldson Is the sub
ject of a suit which began today In tho
lord chief Justice's court here.
Alfred O. Temple, expert and director
of the art gallery of the corporation of
Iondon, Is suing Kir George Donaldson
for $100,000 commission on tho sale.
Temple, today through his counsel,
argued that owing to his friendship to
the late Kdwln A. Abbey, the pointer, he
was able to Introduce Mr. Clark to Sir
George Donaldson At first Clark bought
pictures of tho value of only $170,000 and
Temple received his commission on that
transaction. Later Clark purchased the
remainder of he collection and Temple
Is now suing for the commission on that.
The late Mr. Abbey, It was explained,
refused to accept n commission and would
not allow Sir Georgo Donaldson to give
his wife n present.
A letter was read from Sir George Don
aldson to Temple, complaining that the
latter was acting too qtilokly. In It iSlr
Georgo says:
"Walt until your hare Is on the field.
Then start tho dogs. Oh, you Innocent
lamb! Ko of Old Bond street has his
measure and Is trying to get him to
mako an offer for a portrait, but 1 an
tlclpatn failure and If your tetters have
gone at this Inopportune moment the
game has been given away. Renniiber
the blne buyer only wants to buy vhen
the holder of fine things doesn't want
to sell. Put a pinch of that salt on
your bird's tall."
The case was adjourned.
An 1'pitv (Uh
should bo covered with clean bandages,
saturated with Bucklen's Arnica Satve
Heals burns, wounds, sores, piles. 36a
Por sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertise
Key to the Situation-tleo Advertllng.
Students Declare
Election Day Strike
hundred students of tho University of
North Dakota declared a strike today
because President MoVcy ordered that
the regular classes should bo held on
election day. Tho class rooms, tho
students say, will be entirely deserted
tomorrow. Plans were laid by tho lead
ers to conduct the walkout In regular
sttlkc fashion.
James Brltt, brother of, Charles Brltt,
a tocnl attorney, was painfully hurl last
night when ho fell down nn entire flight
of steps at the Aetna hotel. Thirteenth
and Dodge streets. His face was badly
cut and when tho police surgeou arrived,
ho was unconscious.
Cashier for Trust
Embezzles $84,000
BAN PRANCIBCO, Nov. 6. Ambition to
become the moving picture magnate of
the Pacific, coast Is alleged to have led
Wallace J, Poland, until three weeks ago
cashier of the San Francisco oftloe of the
International Harvester company, to em
bezzle i&i.OOO of his employer's money.
Judge It M. Greene, attorney for the
International Harvester company, caused
Poland's arrest today on the speclfio
charge of having embezzled $1,K)0 on Octo
ber S. Judge Greene said Poland luul ad
mitted this peculation and that admissions
of other thefts brought the total up to
The peculations are alleged to have be
gun early in 1911 and continued until early
ln October, when Aubrey E. Ambrose,
traveling auditor for the company, ar
rived In San Francisco and began an in
vestigation of Poland's accounts. Poland
is held at the dty prison In default of
$0,000 ball.
The accused cashier was first employed
by the International Harvester company
In Chicago five years ago In a minor po
sition and rose rapidly. He came to San
Francisco In 1909.
Attend the grand opening of Orktn
Bros, new department store this evening.
Open until 9:39. No merchandise will be
sold. Orchestra music on every floor.
What Doctors Order
For HJieumatism
Sciatica, Catarrh
Stomach Troubles
ICidney and
Liver Affections,
For Scrofula, Eczema
Skin Diseases
Blood Poisons
Boils, Ulcers
Jill Eruptions
Loss of J p petite, General Debility, That Tired Feeling
And other difficulties arising from or promoted by Impure Blood or
Low State of the System, are happily and harmoniously combined in
Hood's Sarsaparilla
A highly concentrated preparation of
Roots, Barks and. Herbs
Tt contains not only Sarsaparllln, but nlso
those great ALTERATIVES, Stllltngla nnd
Blun Flag; thoBe great ANTI-DILIOUS nnd
LIVER remedies, Mandrake and Dandelion;
thoso great KIDNEY remedies, Uva Urnl,
Juniper Berries and Plpirlnse.rva; those
great 8TOMACH TONICS, Gentian Root
and Wild Cherry Dark; and other great
curatlvo agents harmoniously combined.
Prepared under the personal supervision
of Mr. Hood, assisted by a graduate of
tho Massachusetts Collego of Pharmnoy,
by the most modern pharmaceutical meth
ods In one of the best equipped laborato
ries in the world, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is In
fact moro me.dlctnal, more effective, and
much more, economical than the common
prescription of tho physician. The familiar
lino, 100 D08E8 ONE DOLLAR, Is origin,
with and truo only of Hood's Snrsaparllla.
Ding, ding, dang
ff Or whiz, whiz, whiz,
Or sew, sew, sew
-all day long.
Have you monotonous work?
Make minutes fly faster make days
seem brighter make dullness dis
appear. Enjoy this digestion-aider I
this mouth - refresher, ' this spirit -strengthener
Buy it Try it Enjoy it YouTl buy this
smallest-cost, longest-last pastime again.1
-of any dealer. It costs little by
the package but less by the box.
Look for the spear
The flavor laattt