Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1912, EXTRA, Image 1

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    Land Slide for Wilson in
EXTRA The Omaha Daily Bee EXTRA
VOL. XLII NO. 121.
3ains Plurality Over Roosevelt in
Metropolis of One Hundred
Thousand Votes.
President Runs Close to Democrat
Outside Biggest City.
Hedges Also Leads Straus, Progres
sive, by Large Vote.
llrxulU In Umpire State Give Wilson
Overwhelming Lead In Blectoral
College In Presidential
Early returns from yesterday's olectlon
point to the victory of the democratic
candidates by virtue of a landslide, which
may be charged solely to a divided re
publican party.
States hitherto reliable in tlio support
of republican candidates have split their
vote between Taft and Ilooaevclt td the
extent that Wilson Is given a plurality
sufficiently large to secure him the eleo.
toral vote.
At the hour of this writing It Is too soon
to give more than estimates op pluralities,
hut it Is conceded tha Wilson wilt have
at least 150,000 plurality In New York; In
Illinois Wilson men claim the state by
10J,CM; Maine will give Wilson a alight
plurality; Massachusetts apparently is for
Taft; oCnnectlcut and New Jersey are for
Wilson; the south has gono solidly for
-the democratic 'ticket
Returns from western states are too
fewto. gJyoi a.-jiiontlon of how they arc
going-to vote.
NEW YORK, Nov. S.-Returns from
1,0(0 election districts out of the 1,730 In
the city of Now York give: Wilson, 296,
236; Taft, 121,577; Roosevelt, 177,031. -
Returns from 1,437 election districts out
sf 3,093 In New York state outside of New
Vork City give; Taft. 100,411; Wilson, 175,
106; Roosevelt, 109,758. The same districts
In 1908 gave: Taft, 293,637; Bryan, 205,579.
Returns for governor from 763 election
district out of 3,093 In Now York state out
hide of New York City give: Hedges
(rep.), 92,821; Sulzer (dem.). 103,863; Straus,
(pro.), 68,909. The same districts in 1910
gave: Stlmson (rep.), 125,176; Dlx (dem.),
NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Qno thousand
four hundred and eighty election districts
out of the 1.730 in the city of Now York
give: Wilson, 267,742; Taft, 109,528; Roose
velt, 167,304.
Returns from 911 election districts out
of 3,093 In New York state, outside of
New York City, give: TaTt, 107.972; Wil
son, 121,848; Roosevelt, 79,048. The samo
districts In 1903 gave: Taft, 203,425; Bryan,
NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Senator Joseph
M. Dixon; progressive national chairman,
ald after scanning the returns from New
Vork, Massachusetts and several othor
astern states: "We have got to go to
the west foe tho Roosevelt vote."
NEW YORK, Nov. C. Returns from 783
election districts out of 3,093 In New York
stato outside of New York City, give Taft.
S1.6G0; Wilson, 106,000; Roosevelt, 68,4(3.
The same districts in 1908 gave Taft
177,038: Bryan, 129,809.
NEW YORK, Nov. S.-Qeorge M. Pal
mer, chairman of the democratic Btato
committee, authorized a statement at
7:15 o'clock, claiming the state of Now
York for Woodrow Wilson by 250,000 Plu
rallty. NEW YORK. Nov. 6. Fourteen hun
dred election districts out of the 1,730 in
the city of New York give: Wilson, 251,
707; Taft, 103,063; Roosevelt, 117,797.
Returns from 698 electl6n districts out
of 3,093 in New York state outside of
New York City give: Taft, 83,496; Wilson,
37,239; Roosevelt. 63,273.
The samo districts in 1908 gave: Taft.
161.876; Bryan, 119,581.
NEW YORK; Nov. 6. One thousand five
hundred and thirty election districts out
of the 1.730 in the city of New York glvo:
Wilson. 576,917: Taft, 113,452; Roosevelt,
Returns from 1.03S election districts out
of 3,f93 In New York state, outside of
New York City, give: Taft, 119,659; Wll-
ron. 134.032: Roosevelt. So.KB.
The same districts in 1908 gave: Taft,
221.499: Bryan, 161,621.
ROCHESTER, N. Y.. Nov. 5. Complete
returns for -governor in the city of Ro
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chester: Sulzer (dem.), 14.SS7; Hedges
trep.), 14.529; Htraus (prog.), 11,990.
NEW YORK, Nov. R Twenty election
districts out of the 921 In Manhattan and
the Bronx give: Wilson, 2,711; Taft, 953;
Roosevelt, 1,045.
Twenty election districts out of the 612
In Brooklyn .give: Wilson, 2.702; Taft.
1,170; Roosevelt, 1,427.
Returns from 56 election districts out
of 3,093 In New York state outside ot
New York City give: Taft. 8.411; Wilson.
9,2251 Roosvclt. 5,170.
In 190S: Taft, 14,496; Bryan, 12.017.
NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Returns from
eighty-four districts out of 3,093 In New
York stat eoutsldo of New York City
give: Taft, 12,389; Wilson. 11,910; Roose
velt, 7,578. Samo In 1908: Taft, 21,591;
Bryan, 15.332
BUFFALO, N. Y., Nov. B.-City of Buf
fnlo gives: Taft. 13,268; Wilson, 21.238;
Roosevelt, 19,357.
NEW YORK. Nov. 3.-Returns of 230
districts out of 1.730 In New York City
give: WHson. 38,477; Taft, n.764; Roose
velt. 19,204.
NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-Slxtr districts
out of 612 In Brooklyn give. Wilson,
9,312; Taft, 3.856; Roosevelt, 4,933.
ROCHESTER, N. Y Nov. C-Flfty-four
districts out of ninety-six In tho
city give: Wilson, 7,282; Taft, 6,967; Roose
velt, 6,760. '
NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-Returns' from
seventeen election districts out of 3.033 In
New YorK state outside of ,Now York
City 'give: Taft. 2.626; Wilson, 2,79.!;
Roosevelt, 1,490. Slmo In IMS: Taft, 4.918;
Bryan, 3,818.
UTICA, N- Y., Nov. C Utlca complete
for president: Wilson, 5,380;. Taft, 4,831;
Roosevelt, 3,203.
NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-rNatlpnal Chair
man MeCombs of the .democratic national
committee Just before 7 o'clock said the
New York upstate returns exceeded their
expectations and that tho entire state
would give Wilson a vote greater than
the combined vote of Taft and Roosevelt.
Tho New York Times, In an early even
ing edition, claims the election cjf William
Sulzer for governor of Now York."
NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Six hundred and
fifty election districts out ot the 1,750 In
the city of New York give: Wilson, 113,330;
Taft, 43,730; Roosevelt, 59,731.
NEW YORK, Nov. 6. Returns from 272
election districts ouj of 3,093 in New York
state outside of New York City give:
Taft, .33.857; Wilson, 45,567; Roosevelt,
33,503. In 1908: Taft, 76,322; Bryan, 61,723.
NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Three hundred
and fifteen districts out of tho 1.730 In the
City of New York give: Wilson, 63,663;
Taft, '20,384; Roosevelt, 28,400.
Fifty election districts out of tho 149 In
the borough of Queens give: Wllsan, 8,670;
Taft, 2.681;. Roosevelt, 3,986.
SYRACUSE, N, Y., Nov. B. Forty-five
out. of seventy districts in Syracuse eive:
wlfin'n"" I! "Hr;Taft. 6.486: Roosevelf. 4.2.
NEW YORK. Nov. 5. Returns from 1.190
districts out of 1,780 in the city of New
York. give; Wilson, 212,502; Taft. 87.055;
Roosevelt 122.303.
NEW YORK. Nov. B.-Chairman Wil
liam Barnes, jr., of the republican state
committee shortly before 7 o'clock made
the statement that Governor "Wilson will
carry New York state by a pluratlty of
between 100,000 and 150,000.
NEW YORK, Nov. 5. One thousand
two hundred and fifty election districts
out of the 1,730 In the city of New York
give Wilson, 224,138; Tat, 91,669; Roose
velt. 123,617.
ncturns from 690 election districts out
of 3,033 In Now York state, outside ot
New York City, give Taft, 71,SS0 Wilson
85,068; Roosevelt, 55,032. j
Tho same districts In 1908 gave Taft.
140,847; B.ryan, 105,430.
Flvo hundred election districts out of
the 612 in the borough of Brooklyn give
Wilson, 88,555; Taft, 41,207; Roosevelt, 56.
302.' Returns for governor from 4G6 election
districts out of 4,033 in New York stote
outside of New York City give Hedg-a.
(rep.), 64,862; Sulzer, (dem.), 80,731; Straus,
(pro.), 51,338.
Tho samo districts fh 1910 gave Stlm.
son, (rep.), 89,060; Dlx, (dem).. 89,215.
NEW YORK. Nov. B.-Slxteen hundred
and ten election districts out of the 1.710
In the city of New York give: Wilson,
290,897; Taft, 119,424; Roosevelf 172,961.
OYSTER HAY, N. i., Nov. o. colonel
Roosevelt carried Oyster Bay, his home
town, by a plurality of 232 over Woodrow
Wilson, the vote standing, Roosevelt, 510;
Wilson, 218; Taft, 67. The colonel's own
election district voted, Roosevelt, 231;
Wilson. Sfi; Taft, 23.
BOSTON, Mass., Nov. WReturns for
president In today's election from tea
out of 1,102 voting precincts In Massachu
setts, gives:
Roosevelt' (Pr.). 837; Taft (Rep.), 1,713;
Wilson (Dem.), 973.
The same precincts In 1908 gave Bryan
(Dem.), SOI; Taft, (Rep.), 2,344
BOSTON, Nov. 6. Returns for gover
nor In today's election from eight ot
1,102 voting precincts In Massachusetts,
give: Bird (Pro.), 696; Foss (Dem.), 678;
Walker (Rep.). 1.004.
The same precincts In 1911 gave Foss
(Dem.), 711; Frothlnghnm (Rep.). 1.424.
BOSTON, Nov. 6. Returns for president
from ninety out of 1,102 voting precincts
n Massachusetts, including Sixty out of
221 precincts In Boston, give: Roosevelt,
7,339; Tt, 8,326; Wilson. 11,434. The name
precincts in 1908 gave: Bryan, U.W,
Taft. 15,424.
BOSTON, Nov. C.-Vote for pnssldeut
from eighty out of 221 precinct a In Bos
ton give: Roosevelt, 6,441; Taft, 6.212;
Wilson, U076.
BOSTON, Nov. 5. Returns for presl
dent In today's election from twenty out
of 1,101 precincts In Massachusetts give:
Roosevelt. 1.479; Taft, 2,w0; Wilson, 1,479,
Same precincts in 1908 gave; Bryan, 1,151;
Taft. 3.376,
N. Nov. E.-Returns for presl -
m 160 out of 1.102 voting. pre-J
dent from
cincts In Massachusetts, Including ll wm 10 canaioate- tor gov
out of 221 precincts In Boston give. ernor- '"n-icd the city over Deneen,
Ji ' Roosevelt. 12.706 Taft 14.633: Wilson. 21.-
f? Same precincts in 1908 gave: uryu,
63t0 960; Taft, 27 011.
M '" BOSTON. Nov. 0. Returns for governor
S from 192 out of 1102 voting precincts In
r-7 Massachusetts Including HO out of 221
pi. 1 In Boston Bird, pro- ""
..give Roosevrl v,, - ",
(Vcntlnued. on l'ftce Two.) na Debs. t.
State Goes Strong for Colonel, but
Cook County Vote Appears to
Be Very Close. v"
Combined Anti-Roosevelt Ballots
Outnumber Those for T. R.
Dunne, Democratic Candidate, With
out Doubt is Elected.
ProRremilvr X'nndldtitr for Governor
f Illinois Third in Voting, With
l.rnn Than Unit of Re
publican Vote.
CHICAGO, Nov. 5. "It seems to be
unanimously conceded that Governor Wil
son's election Is assured," Joseph 13.
Davles, manager of tho democratic cam
paign. In tho west, raid at 8 o'clock to
nlghti "Now it is rather a quostlon of
what' states will not be for Wilson In
stead of what states arc for him. Illinois
promises to bo close, but from tho returns
at tills tlmo I am not prepared to con
cedo the state to Colonel Roosevelt."
Returns from 222 precincts out of 2.7SS
In Illinois, outside of Cook county, giv;
Taft. 13.37S; Wilson, 17,780; Roosovelt,
26.618. The same precincts in 1908 gave:
Taft, 39.3S4; Bryan, 20,2t8.
Reports from thirteen counties outside
of Cook Indicated Dunne had carried nine.
Funk threo and Dlneen one, Dunno con
tinued to lead in Cook county, 149 pre
cincts giving him 63,651; Dcneen, 23,900;
Funk, 26,954.
CHICAGO, Nov. B.-Inldlcatlons at 7:20
1). m. are that Roosevelt will carry tho
Htato outside of Cook county by 90,000
plurality lr tho returns continue In the
present ratio,
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Complete returns
from thirteen precincts in the city of
Chicago give:
Roosovelt, 959; Wilson, 899; Taft, 434;
Debs, 311.
CHICAGO, Nov. 5. The first proclnct
returns outside of Cook county was the
secqnd precinct of tho Third ward, olty
of riockford, WlpneiSago county, which
oX,i ' . - . eyJ
gavc 'Mur
Trtft, 52; Wilson, 65; Roosevelt. 182.
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Fifth .precinct. Sec
ond ward, city of Rockford. gave:
Taft, SI; Wilson. 13; Roosevelt, 97.
Tho first precinct, Fifth ward, city of
Rockford gave:
Taft 621 Wilson. 90: Ko6sovelt, 145.
CHICAGO, Nov. 5. Complete returns
from twcn,ty-seven out of 1,949 precincts
In the city of Chicago give: Roosevelt,
l.lkw; Wilson, 1,803; Taft, 1.187; Dobs, 983.
CHICAGO, Nov. 5. The city news bu
reau, which Is gathering tho election re
turns In Cook county at 6 o'clock, said
Roosevelt appeared to have carried Chi
cago by more than 15,006. plurality.
At 0 o'clock Dunne, democratic candl-'
date for governor, appeared to have car
ried Chicago over Deenen, republican,
by a about 15,000.
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Two hundred and
thirty precincts out of 1.498 in Cook
county give Roosevelt. 20.463; Wilson, 19,-
41; Taft, 11, 756. Five hunderd and
eleven precincts out of 2,788 in Illinois
outsldo of Cook county give Roosevelt.
1,499; Wilson. 897; Taft, 722.
Samo precincts In 1908 gave Taft, 2,015;
Bryan, 935.
One hundred and eighteen precincts
out. of 1,438 In Cook county give Dunn,
democrat, 12,964; Deneen, republican, 7,330;
Funk, progressive, 7,038.
CHICAGO, HI., Nov. 5. Early returns
Indicate that tho race between Roosevelt
and Wilson in Chicago Is close. Roose
velt Is leading by a slight margin.
Thirty-nine precincts out of 1,498 In Cook
county give: Roosevelt, 3,033; Wilson,
2,809; Taft, 1,767.
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Four precincts out
of 2.78S precincts in Illinois outside of
Cook county give: Taft, 181; Wilson,
299; Roosevelt, 670.
In 1908: Taft, 823; Bryan, 320.
CHICAGO, Nov. cVElghty-one pre
cincts out of 1,498 In Cook county give:
Roosevelt, 7,498; Wilson, 6.323; Taft, 3,836;
Debs, 2,954.
CHICAGO, Nov. C Thirty-five pre
cincts out of 1.198 in Cook county give:
Dunne (D.), 3,238; Deneen (R.), 2,081;
Funk (Pio.), 1,898.
CHICAGO, III., Nov. 5. Twenty-two
precincts out of 2,788 in Illinois, outside
of Cook county, give Taft, 1,175; Wilson.
1,591; Roofeelt, 2,361.
Tho sacr-precincts In 1908 gave Taft,
i. 531; Bryan, 1,678,
The city news bureau says:
"Returns from the first 150 preclnts In
dicate that the plurality of Dunne, demo
crat, for governor, over Deneen, republi
can, In Chicago, may reach over CO.000."
Complete returns from 135 preclnts out
of 1,498 In Cook county clve Dunne, II,
816; Deneen. 8,548; Funk, S.222; and Ken
nedy, 4,587.
Twenty-two precincts out of 2,788 In
Illinois, outside .of Cook county, glvo
Roosevelt. 2.364; Wilson. "l,691j Taft,' 1.473.
The same precincts In 1908 gave Taft,
2,534; Bryan, 1.578.
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Three hundred and
seventy-nine precincts out of 1,133 in
Cook county give: Roosevelt, 37,738; Wil
son. 33.160;' Taft. 19,771.
CHICAGO. Nov. B.-TIie city news
! UurBau tl,at rtun fr'n half of
''a rc"'3 " Chicago Indicate that
' ' iun..sun. u w 10 lu.wv piunuiiy.
Funk U-running th'rd with nbout 10 per
! -nt of ,(he-n.publljan vote.
Nlri,t-enirrrtnftH in Illinois outride of
Co.)k o..onty iriv: Funk. 2,J; Dunne,
tH- t"in- IS-1-
H"' -Nov ,5-?n ''"d"d and
President Cheered as He Drives to
Polling Place.
' 1
("iiiulldnti- Snr He linn llnrd.Tlme
Klndlnjf the l)cinooriitl? ICIer
tiirn Hoowevflt CniiU
HI Ballot.
CINCINNATI. Nov. .S. President 'Tuft
took tho full alloted five minutes -when
ho voted shortly aftor noon. He vpted'
each ot the six separate ballots, five of
which are devoted to local affairs. Before
visiting the polling booth, the president
visited with a number of" Cincinnati
friends. Including Congressman Nloho
las Longworth, son-in-law 6t Colonel
Roosevelt. President Taft wns cheered
by a number as he drove through the
streets on his way to vote.
WlUnn Voti-H Htrniitlit TlcUrt.
PRINCETON. N. J Nov. 5.-Governor
Woodrow Wilton voted the straight
democratic ticket at 10:15 o'clock In the
Interior of an engine house.. He was In
the voting booth four minutes and re
marked sfc he came out that the ballot
was so big he "had a hard time (hiding
tho democratic presidential electors."
When the nominee' arrived at the poll.
Ing place he was greeted by a grpup of
photographers and spectators.
A half dozen photographers had perched
their camerai In tho Interior of the
little engine house, v
"I'll enforce the law If you like and
(Continued on Page Eleven.)
NEW HAVEN. Conn., Nov. 6. Twenty
towns In Connecticut give: Wilson, 31,670;
Taft. 27,283: Roosevelt. 13.651.
Same towns In 1S03 gave: Taft, 11.762;
Bryan, 29.765.
Baldwin, democrat.. Is leading all
' candidates for governor.
j NEW HAVEN Conn., ,Nov. 5.-FIrl
Connecticut town to be heard from. wax
Wett Hartford, which gave: Wltsen,
:2i0; Taft. K; Roosovelt, 194.
Taft. .V: Hr Hn JJ1
I NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov.. 6.-K01 ty-
. .. I .. rAnM.iA... itrii....
'47,477; Taft. 40,513: Ittxwovtlt. !I,K.
, Ham towns In 1908 gave Taft. 63.68J
Bryan. 43.520.
fame town" gUc fo. govotnor
win (dem ), 4S,:.8. Studlev (reo.V
I Smith, (wo.). 16.728.
V. y -. it s.
Clark Re-elected
to National House
ST, 1H'IS, No; 5,-ln the'. Ninth dis
trict Hpeaker Champ ClurC, demoorut, Is
re-elettcd to congress. " '
DER MOINES, Ia Nov. 6.-Spoa"l Tele-gram-.)
Because, very few straight tickets
were voted In the Stato electldn Judges
We're- slow In making reports on today's
balloting,' and the 'fapt that tickets con
tained five full party lilts and all state
and local offices were to bo filled made
the count of the vote slow. " , .
The' surprise of the day, at leaBt ill tint
cities, was the rapidity of tho voting, ds
ballots' were cost at least on tho machines
much faster than at other elections. -
In the city for' the first tlmo many
woman appeared' to take part 'n tho carp.
pnlgn. ..'
POflTIND. Me., Nov. 5.-Retums for
president today from twenty out of 521
cities and towns comprising forty-four
out of 63l election precincts giro! ltooe1
velt, Tail, 2.200; Wilson, 3,701. The
same places' In 1&0S gave. 'Bryan, 2.1.S0;
Taft,- 1.7CI. ' '
PORTLAND, Me., Nov. 5.-llcturrts foe
president' (oduy from. 119 out df 6.11 elec
tion districts give: llootevelt, 11.915; Taft,
7.1U; VVHson. 11.063. - flame places' 1901
gave Bryan, 9,701 ;raft. 17,67,7. ' '
PORTLAND. Meu NoV. 5.-Returns for
president today from 140 out of - 521 clt es
and towns, comprising COG out of tin elec
tion prrctnrts, glvo Hoosovelt, SO.kOg;
Taft, 11,301; Wilson, 24,818.
Fame places In 1908 pave Uryun, 17,117;
Taft. 1,S09.
' ATLANTA. Oa., Nov. t.-Crtnplnte .1 frntn th flral tliri conrlM In tli
kfte heard from give plurality far Roixt-
velt. The 'countios are Pauldlini. Ilarul. j
ffcon and Colquitt. ;
ATI4ANTA. iia.. Nov.- Jiicemplete re-
turns from rirteen oit of tn mh oounlles
I'.. II, tnf Itwl'rntf. hh M'llfian U'lll
I.. .Inla Itwl'onto Ihiit Wllaan will'
lutve a ar'ge
majority, ivllli Roosevelt
rutin'nr recond
ATIANTA. Oa , Nov 5,-f .mpleti rv
i;.i 1 ' tl "is-ftom Fulton coi.nn, Iim tuning At
U.12'., Ilanta, give Wilson, 7,302, Tuft, DCS; Ilooic.
v-Jt, 1.703. ChAfin. V), Debs. U2.
Extensive Plot to Steal Old Brass and
' Copper Uncovered.
I'lftj- 'I'liiiuimnd I'uunda of Old Slrtnl
-" Titkrn ' rrom- Mnrc Inlund .Yard
' Ik ItiM'ovrreri Nrn'r - City -of
CltrCAOO, Nov. 5.-A carldad of navnl
supplies said by the police, to hnvrf been
stolen from the Mare Island' navy yard
at Ban Francisco, valued dt about M5.000,
wus'tfelzed "by federal 'nuthorlt'es In th'i
Chicago, Burlington & Qulnry railroad
yards near Hawthorne, III., today. '
The, .supplies were taken on a writ Issued
by United Htates Judge, ICenesaw M, Lun.
dlH, The car wns billed to a smelting
and'reflnln'g company wltll a pl'antihero.
OoVernmetit Invest gators said thero
luld.exlHted a blind. of thieves which. has
been robbing United Htates naval -yards
of 'supplies aggregating several hundred
thousands pt dollars.
The governmcnUngents have been work
ing for Heveral months, attempting to Io
ctt.e .shlpjnents of 'stoleji .materials. It
Is believed that today's discovery .will re
sult In d scjoslng further cases. Tho car
load cqnslsted ofmorn than 00,000 pounds
of copper1 and brass used In tfvi construc
tion of 'batllesliiua.
Thi'.rar wisr.oonslgned to tho smelting
and refining company by a Han Francisco
agent. It left Sun Francisco October 11
uSjd.urrlved Jn tho Hawthorne yards last
Sunday. Federal, of floors ordered the rail
road company to hold the cur until court
notion could bo laKen.
BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 5.-FIIBI re
tuint from Baltimore, coming from two
ldely separated precincts, give: Tuft,
71; Wilson, 006; Roosevelt, .57. Kumo In
KK6: . Taft. 311; Bryan, 204. Voting mn
cIiiiihh wt rn usod n tlue prec nets for
the flrtt time In "this city but In no
other preolnets In the state.
BALTIMORE. Nov. i.-Th Ilaltlmore
1 Htar (republican) concedeji Maryland to
i Wilson, but gives no flgurt.
WI'hoii it o'tctlon also conceded.
BALTIMORE. Nov. S.-The Sun.denip
crat. c'a ins Maryluud for WIUou bv
10 00) plurality.
BALTIMORE Ml , Nov 5.- Forty pre
duets out of 238 1 1 llaJt'moie olty give
Wiieon, 1,637, Rjvvvelt, S.12' Taft, 1,081,
Republicans Divide Their Strength,
While Democrats Stiok Close to
the Party's Candidate.
Total Will Probably Be Up to that of
Four Years Ago.
Long Ballot and Late Closing Hold
Back the Count.
Division in Republican Ranks Makes
Result Certain.
linn- for ftnvrrnnr Mny He Clone, hut
Knrly Itcnorta Indicate the KIco
tlnn of ncninrrntlc Cnndl
dntc to Office.
Nebraska apparently cast as large a
number of votcB this year as at the clec
tlon Tour years ago, when Mr. Brynn wnd
1 mining. Only a few precincts hvo been
reported on at tho hour of going to press,
tho usual difficulties occasioned by lato
closing f tho polls and a long ballot hold
ing back the results.
From the figures received so far It Is
apparent that Wilson has received about
tho same vote as was cast for Bryan four
years ago. The republican vote. Is spilt
between Tnft and Roosevelt, with tho In
titrations that Roosovelt will have tho
larger number.
Returns on governor show that the race
between Aldrloh and Morehead may be
close, nllhntigh Indicating that Morehead,
will be elected.
Ten precincts in Onmlm, South Onmlia
and Douglas county give: Taft, 677, Wil
son, l.US; Roosevelt, 801.
IfU4pUK, Nrty. B.-Nonnul precinct
(Bryan's. voting lrcclneOojltldt Lincoln,
glyrsi. Wilson, 77; ltooKevfi'TVTSf't, ii.
Hnmii In 1U0S: Bryan. Ml; Taft. 62.
CENTRA I. CITY, Nob., Nov. B.-(Sp-J-oUJ
Telegram.) Midland precinct glveii
fahjso; Wilson. 70; Roosevelt, 40; Aldilch,
63; Morehead, 83; Nouis, 86; Shulleu
beiger, 58,
The flBtiiVH up to 9 o'clock are:
1912 -190S -
Tnft. Wilson. Rsvlt. Bryan.
Custer.l of 31. 87 13 SO MO
Ha II tic, :i of 2.'. 218 12.' 128 41
Snd'ra, lor 2? 21 hi ya 110
Furnas, 1 of so 47 117 101 m
('helps, of 18. 118 162 239
Madison, 3 of 25 181 4110 231 .125
York, 1 of 21.. 61 . 99 63 13J
I.atia's'r. 2 of 67 379 ISW- 236 Utta
Dodge, I of 21.. 151 151) 109 143
Sallnu, 1 of 22.. 65 77 29 103
16 precincts.. 1,323 2,415 1,331 2,66l
' tSovernor.
Pet. Aid. Mhd.
Butler, 1 of 20. 108 47
York; 1 ot 21,. 96 H2
Aldh. Cahlu.
107 48
132 1U5
Two precnts. 204
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov, C Twenty-seven
precincts out ot 3,172 In Indiana give)
Tnft, 2,033; Wilson, 3,987; Roosovelt, 2.3H.
Bnmo precincts In 1998 gave: Taft. 6,132;
Brynn, 4.4U0.
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 5. Twenty-three
election precincts out of 3,172 In Indiana,
for g6'orrior give: Durbln (rep.), 1.641;
Ralston (dem.), 3,443; Boveridge (pro.),
2,211. Hame In 1908 gtivo: Walston (rep.),
1,4'.5J Marshall (dem.). 4.401.
DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 6. Partial re
turns from fifteen out of 177 precmcts
give: Tnft, 587; Wilson, 429; Roosevelt, 203.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 5.-Retuins
the first flye Ohio precincts give:
477; Wilson, 391; Roosevelt, 1C3.
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Are you watching The
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