T1IE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, Nu EMBER 5, 1012. 5 -t All Together, All the Time, for Everything- Electrical. People's Eledlrical Page Brilliant Illumination MJakes a City Safer, Gleaner and IBotter. "A well-lighted store is a human bee-hive" Housewife... you don't know freedom from household drudgery until you have used a Duntley Pneumatic Cleaner in your home. It cleans without labor carpets, rugs, draperies, portieres, etc. Try it once, and you will know how easy it makes housekeeping. For rent and Bale. Wilier, Stewart & Beaton 415-17 South 10th Btreet, DAILY- A quarter of a million Bell telephone calls-are "MApEIN OMAHA" Niagara Falls Soon To Be niuminated By Electric Power It Is confidently expected that within another year the falls of Niagara will be Illuminated with electricity and that the power of Its Illumination will bo tho greatest of any Illuminating project in tho world. Once, for a few weeks in 1907, tho falls were Illuminated, and It was a sight that will never be forgotten by thoeo who gazed with wonder on the mighty waters. Plans now under -consideration provide for an Illumination four times as great as this temporary Illumina tion. The plan which haa In view the per manent Illumination of tho falls of Niagara contemplates two large and powerful battorlca of projectors one to bo known as tho "Gorge" battery and tho other as the "11111" battery. , The Gorge battery will bo composed of twenty thirty-Inch projectors, together with suit able apparatus for transforming and dis tributing tho electric current. This bat tery Is to be placed In a nlcho In, the faco of tho cliff opposite tho foot of Goat island, where its rays of light can play on the face of the American" and Canadian waterfalls as well as upon tho "bridal veil" that" pours over the preci pice between Luna and Goat Island. This battery will also be abe to batho tlve gorgo below tho falls In a flood of light. The niche In which lights will be platted will be ten feet high, twelve feet lon and twetve feet deep. It will be pro tected by a set of roller doors to pro tect the machines and the operators from spray, the lights operating through glass panels when necessary. Tho Hill battery will bo composed of twelve slxty-lnoh projectors located on the elevation west of the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls park and near the trans former house of the Ontario Power com pany. These lights will play upon the upper rnplds and the upper strotches of tho river and at the same time be con verged with tho rays from the Gorge battery, Intensifying the effect upon the falls and gorgo scenery. W. d'A. Ryan, the Uumlnating engineer whose plans for the Illuminating have been practically adopted, declared recently that he had every reason to believe that the project will bo carried through during the com ing, year, and that the falls will be Il luminated by the first of July, noxt year. This expression comes from n eignr store. Roid phat a successful firm has to say: "What effect do wo think a well-lighted store, properly illuminated windows and electric signs have upon tho up-building of a progressive merchant's business? "We can say that there cannot bo too much light used. A woll-liglttod store with properly illuminated windows is a human bee-hive. It commands attontion. "As to eleotrio signs, a live wiro merchant ain't be without one. An electric sign pertaining to his particular line of mcchVandisc will increase his sales and prove to the ipublic that he is up-to-date." Let our Contract Department assist you. Omaha Electric Light & Power Company. Kleotrlc Thermometer. Tho measurement of temperature by electric means Is called Electric Py rometr. Such perfection In this respect has been attained that, It Is claimed, inch measurement 'Is applicable trom near the absolute rero some 490 degrees fahrcnhclt below tho ordinary zero to a temperature of melting platlnunv more than 3,000 degrees fahrcnhelt above icro. Among tho methods of measuring tem perature by electrical means may be mentioned that which depends on the In crease of electric resistance of a puro metal with Increase of temperature. Another method depends, on the produc tion of an electro-motive force In a circuit of two metals when one junction Is .kept at a constant temperature and the other is heated to the tempcrauro which It Is desired to measure. Muny electric pyrometers give a continuous reo ord of tho temperature on a revolving drum. - Illnmlnatlnsr the Thermometer. In winter months porchllghts are sel dom used for any purpose other than f6r Illuminating 'tho steps leading therefrom and a very practical use for It Is for the illumination of tho thermometer on the porch. It Is a decided luxury In the dark midwinter mornings to turn on tho light from Inside and read tho outside tem perature, without going out Into the cold. Two farmers of Kansas"were discussing a recent cyclone, "was your barn cam aged?" asked 81. "Wal, I dunno; I ain't 'found that bam ycU" ELECTRIC CHAFING DISH PLEASES WOMEN GREATLY The olectrlo chafing dish Is dally gain ing a firmer hold In every modern home. Not only docs Its cleahllness and con venience appeal to the housewife, but there Is a distinctively nppotlzlng relish to food prepared In an olectrlo ohaflng dish that Is not to bo had In any other way. To tho girl away at school or to the more sedate matron In the home an lectrlo chafing dish is a most highly prized possession. There Is no bother or annoyance In getting It ready; no sput tering, sooty flame,, no danger. Uy sim ply attaching a cord to any 'convenient electrlo light socket the elcctrlo chafing dish becomes ready for Instant use. Among tasty tld-blts that may bo pro pared on an electric chafing dish the fol lowing from the Boston Cooking School Cook Dook, copyright by Fannlo Men lit Farmer is particularly tempting. . "Do you think telephone operation can bo classed as u profession?" "Well, it certainly Is a calling." ;fajt V y hwHH.r.Yrar TO COOKED WHILE WO EAT Why Clean House? Buy a Tuec Stationary Vacuum Cleaner and avoid drudgery. Thirteen sizes and 264 different styles. Twice as many Tuecs made and sold as all other stationary cleaners combined. Can bo Installed in any building large or small, old or new. Tuec Cleaners Installed in W. O. W., Court House and ICeeline buildings.' Come and see a demonstration. Willard Parker, Dist. Mgr. 1902 Farnam Street Busy Men are Doing Marvelous things With Their Voices 1 Are you wasting time and energy by making trips to other towns and cities when the telephone will do just as well? Most social and business matters can be transacted by telephone. Talk out of town and save those tire some and unneces sary trips. A long dis tance call always com mands attention at once It means that your business is im portant. It demands consideration and brings results. Nebraska Telephone Co. Apollo Electric THE MASTER PIANO PLAYER OP ALL THE WORLD. "Thanks to its marvelous moans of expression, it can give the complicated pieces more life and soul than any other instrument of Its kind 1b able to give. Operated by electricity, It is one of tho marvols of this great musical ago. Through Its electric opera tion It combines perfect tone with splendid expression, and pours out beautifully , tho master pieces of, music, giving your home the host music of 'tho world's great est composers. Have an Apollo play for you at this store, A. HOSPE CO., 151.1 DOUGLAS Wlrelrsn IMrdirr .Mrnitlnir. A young Italian Inventor, Uernochl of Turin, lian Just succeeded In fending drawings, handwriting- and the llkn by a new wireless telegraph dovlco which has thus far been tried with good succens nt 100 miles distance between the wlr.u stations of Turin and Milan, which were piacoa af nis dinposal by tho minister of war. It can be adapted to any klpj-ot wireless plant and gives absolutely secret transmission. A pomt which Is well worked out Is tho synchronous runnlnir of tho sending and receiving cylinders which operate on tho principle of phono gniph oyllnderH by suitable mechanism. In many cases tho records on tho re ceiver cylinder were quite clear. Attractive Street Noticed. "When I return I shall arrange to pass through here at nlKht and seo them lighted," mentally said a traveler through Columbus, O. The now street llKhts In this city art. attractive enough oven In tho dav tn mako a person want to see them at night when thoy nrc "lit up" in all their spjen dor. Tho main thoroughfares aro plenti fully supplied with tho high lamp stand ards, ench ono surmounted with several large, white dowIb In which nro enclosed the Mazda Incandescent lamps. ' This stylo of lighting gives an aristo cratic nppearance to tho streets, both day and night. At 10 cents per kilowatt hour a cent's worth of eloetriclty will keep tho dentist's hammer und drill running for ninety mlnutcH. No Long Waits for Election Reports in the Present Age Wo cannot vo:ry well Imagine our first staid, dignified and unconcerned nrml. dents In tho throes of a present ia.v presidential canopnlgn. When presidents. waited ror tho tt.ll of their country, thoy w nllrd. likewise, for news from the fmni for thero was no particular way of hurry. Ing a galloping horse excepting by the spur of tho' ribs. The red tape complalnnl ot so much Ih In reality merely the strings which tho old tlmo keeps tied to tlio present tlmo. Washington uivl Adams waited In tho quiet of their homes whlln a horseman consumed dayn In lessening snaoe i-nmiiri, to deliver his messago of nomination or .election. Today tho committee, which walti upon tho "lucky men" Is merely n machine for courtesy. Tho "news" which they de. liver has been tho knowledge, of tho rc clplont ever since It happenrd. It tins truvcled every tolograph line, or telephone tho world over, and overy nook and cor ner of the globe knows the glad (sad) tidings practically simultaneously. Election tlmo tn tho time when long distance Is busy, it is tho time when every envious minded man wants a tele phone; especially Is this true of those living In wideawake cltlos such as Clove land, whero the largxi telophone companies maKo arrangement for the election ro turns to bo In the possession of the oper ators at tho earliest posslblolmoment, so that each girl may serve as an Informa. tlon bureau to nnyono taking down the receiver nnd asking for Information about tho election. Telephone. In Jeriinnlein. Tho latest bit of cntornrlsn in h Tti. I,and Is tho beginning of a telephone system over the city of Jerusalem. For the flrBt tlmo In all Its long history, tho Holy City hears tho tlnklo of thn oi. phone bell. Tho new court house at Jerusalem ban been connected with tho old sornl, nnd tho System Is ,to bo ox tended until first all official points, nnd then business houses nnd residences, nro supplied with telephones. An Electric Iron Free At tho Country Store of the KRUG THEATER . FRIDAY NIGHT' NOV.. 8 Tho Wolfe Electric Co., 1808 Pnrnnm street, has donated mi electric iron to tho popular Krug Country Store. It is guaranteed. Western Electric Iron taken from the largo Wolfe stock of olottric appliancos.. You will stand a olinnco of getting it free if you witness tho performance of 'The Rosebuds' at tho Krug Friday night. Fifty other valuable prizes, too. . EXTJtA TUESDAY NIGHT BIG DOUBLE BILL 7 p. m. to 2 a. m. Continuous show and. full elec tion rotuiTis over special western union wire. Oome Early-Stay as Long as You Like. See a good show and get a good electric iron; in other words' bo up-to-the-minuto at homo lind in amusement. Prices Cut Low ox Electric Irons J4.B0 nnd $G.OO Western Kleotrlc Irons tho Irons Hint stay hot whllo you keen cool (or $5.00 This Week-All Guaranteed Full stock of oloctrlc ap pliances toasters, wnshors, hentorB, curling IronB, etc. Modest prices on nil. Put In tho electric conven iences now. Tho oloctrlc light company furnishes p, sopnrnto motor nnd charges only a C cent rnto for elec tric hcntlng convonlencos. Boo us now for oloctrlo bargnliiB. WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. 1HOH 1WKNAM 8T. Tyler 1-114. "Wire for uh and wo will wlro for yon." fhis Page is Growing, Are You! Omaha Electrical Works Electric Elevator Repairs and Westinghouse Motors 108-13 W, 11th St. Fhona DOUff. 11B1. Motor, Dynamos and Qintral Repairing, SUctrtcal Machinery ana Armatur Winding- a specialty. S&EOTXXO SXiSVATOB XEFAIBS power wxxnret Le BroR Electrical Works Zxport xietrleia&s and Xaohinlsts Day, Sou. 3l?0, ai3 Ronta lath St. Electric Supplies And Electric Wiring Bennett Electric Co. SOI Omaha National Bank BldK. 1 J Our New LINE OF LAMPS will not bo hero until November 15 th. Until then wo will mako very low prices on all lamps wo havo on hand so as to mako room for the new stock. Burgess-Granden Co, 1511 Howard Streo t