The Omaha Daily Bee Our Magazine Pago will Interest every woman who Hkos good heart-to-heart talks with other lympMhollo women THE WEATHER. Generally Fair VOL. XL1I NO. 120. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1012-TWKLVK PANES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. VICTORIOUS ALLIES INSIST ON DEALING DIRECTWITH TURKS Official Statement Says Balkan States Will Not Listen to Any Foreign Counsels. GREEKS ARE THE REAL LEADERS They Arranged Plan of Campaign and Political Procedure. PORTE APPEALS TO POWERS Turkey Practically Admits Defeat and Asks for .Intervention. ALLIES CONTINUE TO ADVANCE Greeks Ileport Additional Successes In CampnlKU, nud Other Give Ont Further Nerrs of Victories of the Week. BULLETIN. I3NDON, Nov. 4. The Turkish army occupying the lino from Tchorlu to Istrnndla was repulsed today by the Bui garlans on the eastern flank, according to a news agency dispatch from Sofia. LONDON, Nov. 4.-The Turkish ambas sador herohas been directed by the Ot toman' government to Inform Great I3rl- ta.n of Turkey.'s willingness to receive! assistance In bringing about a suspension of hostllltNs with a view of arriving at a Peace settlement. TcwXlk Pasha, immediately on receipt of the communication from Constantino ple, went to the Foreign office and con ferred with Blr Edward Grey, the British foreign minister, for two hours. The Balkan nations and Greece are per sistent In their determination that Tur key must arrange directly with them tho terms of peace without tho intervention of the European powers. This attitude Is emphasized In a statement from official sources, which says: "The Turkish proposal of peace Is satis factory Tn so far as It shows a destro to prevent further bloodshed. "As regards foreign Intervention, how ,ever, there seems to bo no chance of the Balkan states listening to any foreign counsels while treating for the arrange ment of conditions of peace. These must be settled between the Balkan states and Turkey direct. "It may at this stago be' declared 'that the whole campaign was pre-arranged and has so far been carried out entirely In accordance with tho program. For a considerable time an officer of the Greek military staff, Colonel DoUsmanls. was engaged a Sofia' preparing tho military details, while tho political program was largely if notentlrcly tno" work of Pre mier VenWlos ojf.Greece. "The union of the Balkan states at this moment Is more close, hearty and inti mate than It has ever been, for it has been welded by blood ana common sacri fice. There is not tho least danger that nny disagreement as to tho division of territory or the positions of tho rontlors will disturb It. It may be assumed that Inasmuch as the details of tho campaign were arranged with the greatest care the same procedure will be followed both at tho conclusion of hostilities and subse quent political considerations." Powers Will Not Aslt Armistice. Those powers, thus far consulted have responded to Turkey's appeal for medita tion by declaring' that they could make jhly proposals, for peace and could not approach tho Balkan nations with a request for nn armistice. Spmc of the governments have pointed out that Turkey's proposal for a cessation of hostilities In other words, an armls tico would offend the Balkan victors, Other governments take tho position that It would be an infringement of. interna tional law for the moment. The war must', therefore, continue, and the Turkish armies, which tho porte has at last admitted havo been beaten, must keep on with their unequal struggle against the victorious Invaders. It Is hoped and believed still that the powers will B0h Ilna a formula under which they can offer their good offices. The terms of peace themselves aro a (Continued on Page Two.) . The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Fair tonlcht and Tuesday; not much change In temperature- Temperature nt Omaha Hours. Dog. 6 a. m 45 6 a. m...j 43 7 a. m 41 S a. m 43 9 a. tn 44 10 a. m fiO 11 a. m 63 12 m G7 lp. ni 69 2 p. m 63 3 p. m , fit Trmpcrutnre at Omahn Yesterduy. Comparative Locnl Record. 1912. 1811. 1910. 1900. Highest today 65 46 47 76 Lowest today 41 32 So 49 Mean temperature 63 39 41 62 Precipitation .00 .00 .06 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature i 43 Kxcess for the day ........ .1 Normal precipitation 06 Inch Deficiency for the day 05 Inch Total rainfall since March 1.... 24.29 inches Total precipitation since March 1 TrAinira.f inn Rince ikiarcn Deficiency since March 1 S.1S inches Deficiency cor. period in 1911. ..14.61 inches Deficiency cor. period in 1910.. ,13.71 inches Reports from Stations nt 7 P. 31. Station and 8tato , Temp. High- Raln of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall. Cheyenne, cloudy 42 Uavenport. clear -.. 63 Denver, clear 4S Des Moines, clear 62 Dodge ICty. part cloudy 64 Lander, cloudy 40 North Platte, cloudy..,. CO Omaha, clear 60 Pueblo, clear 46 Rapid City, cloudy 42 Halt Lake City, cloudy.. 28 Ranta Fe, cloudy 42 Sheridan, clear 34 flloux City, clear 62 4 60 64 62 66 A 64 66 66 66 41 41 42 68 6 valentine, c.o 'ay ... w 00 ' L. A WELSH, Local Foieuaster. CHRONOLOGY OF WAR. October S Montenegro doclarcs war against Turkey. October 12 Montenegrins Invest Tarabosch. October 14 Montenegrins take Tushl. ( Octobor 15 Turco-Itallan war ends. Octobor 17 Sorvla and Greece declare war against Turkey; Turkey declares war ngainsi Servla and Bulgaria. Octobor 19 Bulgarians capture Mutapha Pasha. October 20 Bulgarians attack Adrlanople. Octobor 21 Turkish squadron bombards Bulgarian ports. Octobor 22 Servians take Prls- tina. October 23 Servians tako Novl pazar. October 24 Bulgarians capturo Klrk-Klllsseh; Greeks capture town of Sorvla. Octobor 26 Servians tako Kiira- anova and other Turkish cities. October 26 Sorvlans capture Uskup; Montenegrins Invest Scutari. October 27 Bulgarians capture Eskl-Baba, near Adrlanople. Octobor 30 Bulgarians capture Lulo Burgas. November 1 Bulgaria occupies Demotlca, cutting communica tion botween Adrlanople and Constantinople; Greek torpedo sinks Turkish cruisor. November 2 Turks driven back in throe-day 'battlo. to Tchorlu Novembor 3 Turks In full re treat on Constantinople. Porte asks for mediation by the powers. Bodies of Marines Killed in Nicaragua Are Brought Home SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4.-Tho Pacific Mall liner San Juan Is In port here today with the bodies of seven men of tho United States navy, who were killed in the revolution In Nicaragua a month ago, Threo were killed In the engagement of Barranca 1X111 and four were boloed In Leon. . The bodies aro or Charles II. Durham. Junction City, Ky.; Clarence U. McGIll, Portland, Mo.; Harry Pollard, ledway, Mass.; Ralph B. Bohbctt, Nevada City, Cal., all marine corps men; R. G. Mor gan, turret captain United States ship Colorado, Los Angeles; ,-B. II. Bourgeois, seaman United States ship Colorado, Boerne, Tex.; John Bartcl, seaman on tho Colorado. Reports at Corinto when the San Juan left that port three veeks ago were that the revolution practically was crushed, and that the bIx United States war ves sel! would return north In about a month It wa,i 'Said that- marines w6uld remain In Nicaragua about a month. Mrs.Catt Predicts Suffrage for Women Throughout World SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Nov. 4. Votes for women tho world over and thnt soon Is the prediction made, by Miss Carrlo Chapman Cntt, president of tho Interna tional Woman's Suffrage Alliance, who arrived from the Orient today after I campaigning and Investigating conditions among women In Europe, Africa, Asia and' Polynesia. "Women are voting today in parts pf China and In Burmah, whero they ar, led by a. Buddlst woman of great ability,'' she said. "In Persia the movement toward cqunl suffrage Is strong and at tho next In ternational .congress of tho alliance It is probable a Persian delegate will bo Bent. ' "Even In Africa, Java, Sumatra and tho Phllllplnes, the tendency ot the times can be felt, even if It Is not an on rushlng river as It Is elsewhere." - On national potltlcs MJs. Catt's only comment was that she was glad to have Colonel Roosevelt's support, even If he were a late convert. Officers Take Each Other for Criminals; Both Fatally Injured HOBOKKN, N. J Nov. 4,-As a result of a fight before daylight between a Jersey City and a Hoboken policeman, each of whom suspected that the other was a dangerous criminal, the two men are In the 'North Hudson hospital, one with a fractured skull and the other with four bullet wounds In tho breast. Both will die. In the fight one of tho policemen depended on a night Btock, and the other used his revolver at close range. The two policemen are Stephen Con stello of Jersey City and John Dietrich of West Hoboken. When they were j picked up after the fight both were un- conscious and it was not until,, several hours later that the first version of tne strange fight could be obtained from the participants. Union Pacific and Coal Trust Oases Again Postponed WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. The supreme court today again adjourned without an nouncing decisions in the hard coal trust, Union Paclflo merger or state rato cases. s WOMAN DRAGGED ALONG ELEVATED RAILROAD TRACK BOSTON, Nov. 4 Caught by an arm in the -car door of an elevated train at the South station yesterday, Miss. Mary Lesourd of Tacoma, Wash., was dragged from the platform and curried along thi elevated structure for fully fifty feet .00 : suspended forty feet ubove tho ground She was unconscious when rescued. E FREIGHT (1 1 WmOWJS ADC DmSfpn Shortage atxhis Time is Felt Mush More in the East Than in Country West of the Missouri River. CRITICAL ALONG ATLANTIC COAST Thousands of Cars Loaded With Ex port Grain in the Guf Section, LIMITED WAREHOUSE CAPACITY Boats Unable to Handle Vast Stores of Grain Ready for Shipment. ADVANCE DEMURRAGE CHARGES Itnllrnnit Men Think by Increasing This llMte Mnterlulty the Situa tion Would He Kntlrcly mrfereiiC. The action of tho Interstate Commerce commission In proposing some kind ot a drastlo plnn to relieve tho freight car shortnga Is not disturbing tho officials of the Omaha roads, they contending that the situation west ot tho Missouri river j Is but little uorso than usual at this season of tho year. According to them mej-eui critical conditions exist aiong me "Atlantic seaboard and at gulf ports. J. A. Munroe, general traffic manager of tho Union Pacific, returned yester day from tho cast, whero ho had been, and In discussing the situation, said that along tho Atlantic coast the condition of freight cars Is something, the llko of which hns never before been experienced. At Atlantic ports at this time, accord ing to Mr. Munroe. there are estimated to ba not less than lO.Oop cars loaded with stuff for export. Tho boats aro unable to handlo tho vast quantities that are rapidly accumulating nud the ware house facilities are totally Inadequate to tako care of It. Mnny Cnrs nt Gulf. Along tho gulf coast tlie situation Is equally as bad, only there tho greater portion of the shipments 'for export are grain. Whon notice wps- given some days ngo that the IStycerit per 100 pounds on wheat fcr export was to bo cancelled, grain commenced to pour Into New Or leans, Galveston and other gulf ports at the rate of hundreds of trains per day, with tho results that the elevators were soon filled to capacity and as thero were not enough boats In port to. tako caro of tho shipments, tho grain was kept Jn the cars. At this time the Missouri Pacific, alone has closo to 3,000 car tied up along the gulf, nil loaded with grain and no possibility of their being unloaded in the near future. Local roads see relief so far as cars ot coal is concerned. During the last month they have hd all thqlr Btqcfc, cars Jp: BAi?lrA' mhrlhi. ill m tin- flm) aliiMtn nff tixo -ranges to market. This week will see the end of this movement, with the exception of stock from Utatf and Colo, rado and then thousands of cars will be released for conl. The. local roads have a fairly good supply of closed cars for handling grain east and merchandise back, but none to spare. However, they are .not where they have any fear of tho result of any order that tho commission may Issue. Abbott Out Looking ' After the Interests Of Omaha Indians F. H. Abbott of the Indian department spent most of yesterday in Omahn, leav ing for tho Wlnnobago and Omaha Indian reservations during tho evening. While in Omaha Mr. Abbott met a num ber of the local Jobbers and assured them that he is doing everything In his power to facilitate the shipment of good from tho Omaha Jndlan supply depot. Tho purpose ofMr. Abbott's visit to the Winnebago and Omaha Indians Is to look Into the question of taxation of the prop erty of the members of these two tribes. This is tho first time In history, that their property hns been listed for taxation and Mr.' Abbott wants to be sure .that they are getting a square deal. The listing of the Indian land for taxation gives Thurston county the revenue from close to 1,000,000 acres of land that hereto fore has not paid taxes. Bryan's Son is Elected President WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-On the eve -f a national presidential election, William Jennings Bryan, jr., today Is celebrating a victory thut his distinguished father failed to win for the son of the Ne broskan is now president, although It be only of the freshman law class of George town ynlveralty. The members of the class will meet next Saturday to elect the remainder of the class officers. No "steam roller-' methods were employed In young Bryan's election, tho electors Joining In common cause against the upper rlussmen who tried to break up tho class meeting. WHERE TO Polls Open from First Ward. District. Location. 1-1203 S. 6th. 3-809 Pacific. 3- 1930- 8. 10th. 4 915 Bancroft. 6426 Lincoln Ave. Second Ward. 1- 2424 S. 29th. 2- 2025 Vinton. 3- 16J3 Vinton. 4- 1713 Vinton. 6-2203 8. 16th. Third Ward. 1-1519 Webster. s 318 a. loth: 3- 313 N. 15th. 4- 322 8. 13th. C-50S 8. 13th. Fourlb Ward. 1 1610 Davenport 2- 1S14 Harney. C 713 8. 16th. 4- 314 8. 20th. 5 2307 Davenport. Fttth Ward. 1 3Srt4 Sherman Ave. 2- 2S25 Sherman Ave. 82601 Bherman Ave. 4 1M6 Bherman Ave. 6-1138 N. 16th. 0-4103 N. 24th. Slxtb Ward. 1- 2419 N. 24th. 2- 1902 N. 24th. 3- 2004 N. 28th. . 4- J33 N. 33d. 6 iiOC Military Ave. . Seventh Ward. 12715 Leavenworth. 2,li Georgia Ave. 3- 1338 Park Ave. 4 2108 8. 33d. 6 4S01 Leavenworth. KlKhtb Ward. 1- 1304 N. 24th. 2- 1721 Cuming. 3- 512 N. 17th, 4- 3421 Cuming. Ninth Ward. 12579 Cum ng. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. NEW RULE ONJNJUNCTIONS Supreme Court Makes Radical Change in Procedure. FULL NOTICE IS REQUIRED Other Amendments Are Intended tn Reduce the Cost of l.ttlnntloii and, to Klltnlnntc (he I,tt' Delny, 1 WASHINGTON. Nov.- 4.-Hovolutlouary changes In procedure In equity cases In federal courts throughout the Vnlloa States are effected In revised rules pro mulgated today by tho supremo court of tho United States. The object Is to re duce the cost ot litigation and to elimi nate delays. Among new rules Is one which would prohibit issue" of preliminary injunctions without notlco to the opposite party nnd also restricting Issues of temporary re straining orders. The new rules were announced by Chief Justice White from tho ixjnch. One of tho tasks undertaken by him when he was appointed chief Justice was to re form procedure lit the court's. Ho first rovlscd -the rules of tho' supreme court Itself. First' bV In Half Century. For seventeen months the chief Ju.stlc.1 and ' Justices Liirtoh ' and Vatidovntc have been Working 6n the equity mien as a 'subcommittee of the court. The present rules came down, .from tho courts of England, with .only .one or two .revi sions since the beginning of the repub lic. The last revision was about fifty years ago. The 'chief justice particularly thanked the lord chancellor of! England for sug gestions in the revision. . Chief Justice W'sf.v, explaining tho rules from tho bei.fh, grouped tho re forms under four or fvo heads. One was In regard to the exercise of power by tho federal courts In equitable matter. Another was described as being defined prlrparlly to remove all unnecersary steps In modes of pleading and to bring the parties quickly to tho Issue. Another was described as being a re striction In tho modes of taking testi mony, nirtlcularly In patent and copy right cuses. "Tho whole Intention has been," said the chief Justice, "to bring the tak ng ot testimony down to a more simplified and Inexpensive melhod." Trlnl by Court. Another reform was said by the chief Justice to be Illustrated by tho statement that the new rules as a general thing provide for trial by the court Instead ot a reference of tho suit to a referee to take testimony and report back to tho court. Tho chief Justice said tho new rules would make It possible for the ap pellate court not to reverse su'ts merely because of errors not prejudicial. Tim rules will go Into effect February 1, 1913. The new anti-injunction rule Incorpo- rates Into practice several demands ot labor leaders which they sought to have recognized by the enactment of the so. called Clayton anti-Injunction bill. The new rule follows in a general way 'the rules of the federal court In tho illnth circuit, which comprises tho Pacific coast states. , It'ule on Injunctions, The new rule on injunction's provides: "No preliminary Injunction shall 'bo granted without notice Jo tho Opposite party or shall any temporary restrain ing order be granted without1" notlco to pthe opposite party, unless 'it shall clearly appear from specific facts shown by affi davit or by the verified bill, that Imme diate and Irreparable loss or dameg will (Continued on Page Two.) VOTE TODAY. 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. 2 3227 Cuming. 3 3304 Davenport. 4 2U 8. 36th. 6 2911 Farnam. Tenth Ward. 1- 1018 S. 10th. 2 1521 Leavenworth. 3- 1226 S. 22d. 4 1259 8. Uth. 6-1424 8. 13th. Eleventh' Ward. 1- 4108 Hamilton. 2 SS20 Farnam. 83422 Leavenworth, 4-705 8. 27th. 6-SS63 Leavenworth Twelfth v.'ara. 1- 6210 N. 30th. 2- 4129 Grand Ave. 3- 8524 Ames Ave. 4- 3122 N. 30th. 63110 Corby. 6- 2007 N. 24 th. 7- 31M N. 24th. 8- 4106 N. 24th, 9- 1118 N. 21th. Choosing the Wall Paper HEAD OF THE BALKAN ALLIANCE AGAINST TURKEY. TSAR FEItDINANI) OF I1U11GARIA. Salesman Says He .Bribed, Navy Yard Clerks at Seattle fUJAT.IiU. Wash.. Nov. 4.-R. II. Wheeler, snlpsman of tho IVrrlnn Ma chinery company of Senttlc, went nn the witness stand today In tho trial of Kilwln Meyer, former' chief clerk of tho gen eral storekeeper of tho Puget Sound navy yard, for alleged conspiracy to defraud thn government. Wheeler admitted the existence' of nn agreement between Meyer, J. A. Kottlo- well, chief ccrk of the nuyy pay offlco In Seattle, and hlmi-elf whereby Wheeler was to get advance .Information concern ing supplies, needed by the government and bo uwanled tho contracts nt large profit. Wheeler testified thnt of the profit made 10 per cunt went to tho ma chinery company nnd 00 per cent of tho remainder went tn Ktttlawell, Meyer, Wheeler .testified, received a -regular sti pend of $20 fx. njuntli, together with addi tional sums fromtme to time. Wheeler testified that he had entered a" plea of. guilty to tho charge of conspiracy, served a sentence of nine months In King county Jail and received a full nnd un conditional pardon from President Tuft. WOMAN WHO CONFESSED TWO MjJRDFRS IS SANE LOS ANGKLHK, Cal., Nov. 4.-Mrs Pansy Hastings Lesh, who Is In lull here nwaltlng removnl to Sedalla, Mo., whero she piobahly will be tried for the murder by polaonlng of Mrs. Kllxa Coe of that city nnd Mrs. M, A, Qualtitaucc of Grecnbrldge, Mo., a half dozen yours ago, was declared sano today by Dr James T. Flutter, a prominent alienist Threats of exposure made by Warren C Lesh, the young woman's husband, ere lieljuved by tho police to have Influenced Mrs. Lesh to surrender herself nnd con fess her crimes. In addition to her evinced deslro to "start life over nguln with a clean slate." ; "My hnhand and I nevdr agree," she said, and when I found a place as house, keeper at thn home of M. A. Junker, who Is foundry foreman fyr a machinery company, he got Jealous.' MURDER AND SUICIDE IN CLEVELAND STORE CLKVKLAND, O., Nov. 4.-Angored because she hud spumed his attentions, Antonio J, Opatto, an Italian, shot and killed Martha Jialler, u 17-year-old sales girl, In a department store today and then committed sulcldo. The store was crowded at the time of the shooting and several women fainted. Elec tion Returns The Roo will, ns usual, flash the latest election returns in front of Tho Tuesday Beo bui 1 d i ng night. TEACHERS TO BE KEPT BUSY Arc to Be Given the Glad Hand at Depots by Committees, MANY BANQUETS ARE PLANNED University tlrnds nnd Those from jVoriiiu! School nnd Various Col Ickcs Will Hold Reunions During' the Weeli, Tho !,000 or moro teacher who will at tend tho convention which opens Wednes day will bo given sSi opportunity to study every lino of school activity while thoy tire here. Omaha schools will be kept open Wednesday mid tho buildings whero manual training or nny other special work Is taught will be advertised so that thoso who arc Interested may visit those schools, Philander P. Clnxton, principal speaker during tho convention, will arrive In . , ,a . I , Z ! III nols Central. Urt will bo met uy! n . r, ....... ...... .. 11.. Superintendent II. IT. Ornff and President John L. Webster of tho Palimpsest club, where Dr. Clnxton speaks In the evening. All tho teachers pf Missouri Valley and Hamburg, In., havo enrolled nnd will at tend the convention in a body. Tho oxeeutlvo committee of tho ssso Clatfofi probalily will ,meet today ut the Hotel Home. It crept Inn Commit tees. Omahu High school cadets will cut as guides. They will bo under the direction nf Miss. Virginia White, principal ot Iteals school. Miss White will superin tend the corps of teachers who will inert all trains at tho Union station betweuli 7 a. m. and 11 p. in. Miss Fnunlo Forsyth will be In cJargc ot tno reception committee nt tho Bur lington. Hho Is principal of DupotiL Miss I'onrl Maciimber, principal ot Druid II III j School, will receive tho vlscltors a. tho Webster street stat'on. I K. Glfford of the Omaha Hchool of Commerce will havo charge of tUc In formation bureaus at tho Auditorium and the Homo hotel. Miss Alice K. 1 1 it to will bCKlu decor ntlng tho Auditorium Wednesday, as other meotlngB to bo held thero will prevent any decorative work being donn prior to that time. llnniiie(s nnd Nni'lnls, Home of tho banquets and social fea tures during tho convention will be: Wednesday evening at TOO, Homo hotel, bnnnuet for Peru stato normal alumni. Informal luncheon of vurlous, classes of Peru normal at Homo hotel, on Friday ut 12:15 i. in. . Kearney normal students will hold a general reception ut tho Homo on Thurs day afternoon, from 4 Jo 0. Nebraska Wcsleynn university students will have an Informal luncheon at the Home, on Friday nt 12:15. Tho University of Omaha alumni and friends will have a banquet on Thurs- duy evening nt the Commercial club, Tho Doane college clans will hold a (Continued on Page Two.) " Taft Makes Speeches on Trip Across Ohio I PAINKSVILLIC, O.. Nov. 4-CrowiU today flocked about President Tuffs prl. ate car at Westfleld, N, Y., ind Con nenut, O., and Ashtabula as he passed through on his way to Cincinnati to vote. The president mado short speeches, out declined to talk politics. "I hope all of you who have the privi lege of voting will not forget to do so," he said at Conusant. "I am not here to make a political speech your minds uro already made up one way of unother, I doubt not." In his speech bore tho president spoke of prosperity and the proposed farmers' banks. Ho said In part. "I want to congratulate you on every evidence that I see of the prosper, ty that Is spread through your entire community. "I could go Into some subjects that havo come to you recently, especially through your neighbor; Myron T- Herrlck, who has delved Into the question of In creasing the credit pf tho farming com munity with a view to enabling farmers to better equip their farms and borrow money at a rato ot from 4 to S per cent Instead of from 7 to 8 per cent. "Ono of the means ot doing so Is to enable the farmer to get the best equip ment and the best machinery. They can not do It unless they borrow money at a lower rato of interest, and If we can by banks and co-operative arrangements among them make their security suffi cient to attract capital at 4 and 6 per cent it will be a tremendous benefit not only to them, but to all the country." VOTERS' VOICE TODAY CALLS HALT TO FIGHT WAGE BY BIG THREE Taft, Wilson and Roosevelt Continuo Appeals to People Almost to Last Moment. LONG CONTROVERSY IS CLOSED Wordy War Begun in February Con- tinues Till November. DEMOCRATS AIM AT SENATORS Strong Effort Made to Take Control from Republicans. WOMAN'S INFLUENCE STRONGER Seternl Factor Indicate thnt Record Vote Will lie t'nst In Almost All Sections of the Country. NBW YORK. Nov. 4. Tho most vigor ous presidential fight In recent yearn came to an end tonight with tho leading candidates for the nation's chief offlco continuing their ixVsonal appeal to votern almost to tho last moment. President Taft, spcoklng from his train In Ohio on his trip to Cincinnati; Colonel Roosevelt: addressing voters at Ix)ng Island points closo to Oyster Hay nnd Governor Wllsoii addressing mvtliiBS at Fnssale and Pat-, ctson, gavo to the conclusion of the lontf rampntKM n touch of personal activity that emplmMxcd tho Interest In tomorrow a balloting. More than the presidency is at stnko In, the elections tomorrow. Tho republican forces hovo concentrated their efforts In doubtful states to prevent ah overturning of local organisations or a capturo of tho leglsloturcs In states heretofore safely roi publican. The tlcmocrnts have mado an organised assault upon n number of states to control tho legislatures so that tho majority In tho United States senato may be swung to the democratic column. Against republican predictions that thn seuiitn will remuln republican democratic! national loaders today claimed enough states to give them tho senate and to swell greatly tholr majority In the houso of representatives, which they captured tn 1010. LoiiKt'iliupiilitii ICiiiIk. Few American campaigns have run through a longer pcrod of heated contro- Vfy- Tl, ."R'" for t"e Presidency to .. ,',i. i....i, ..,. . i terminate nt tho ballot boxes tomorrow wns under way early In February ami Iuih scarcely lagged slnco that time. Of tho eight men who wcro active cundl dates for presidential nominations early In tho summer, three .loading candidates, representing' three parties whoso rula tlve strciiKth Is still a matter of con jecture, still rqmuln to solicit the voters1 support tomorrow, Tho Influence of women In the cam paign 'will probably be ger&ter than In nny previous election. lCach national headquarters has had nn orgunlxcil bureau to appeal to women workers, pre sided over by women well known In pllhllo and soclul life. In tho six west ern stntes, where women will vote -Wyoming. I'tnh. Colorado, California, Idaho and Washington tholr ballots will bo nn Important factor In thn results. In fve other states Arizona. Michigan, ITaui sas, Oregon and Wisconsin the right o women to voto will bo an issue at tho polls. Fnlr wontlier is predicted for tho major ity of states. Tho uncertainty caused by tho third party ticket, tho moro than or dlniuily urgent appeal of party managers to all voters to "go to tho polls" and. mo local interest cnusen uy iik"13 wr stato offices and control of state machin ery, Indicated a record voto In almost alt sections of tho country and a popular presidential voto of huge proportions. FIT 1,1. VtlTH AVI1.L IIM CAST Indications Hint llnllodnir Will lie. llenvlest In History. NEW YORK, Nov. 4. The vote cast for president-at tomorrow's olectlon through out the tlnllcd States will exceed all previous records, If today's predictions uro fulfilled. Reports from all states In dicate Intenso partisanship as tho election draws neurj an unusual activity by cam palgn leaders to "got out tho vote," and i developments In thtf three-cornered proBl-- J dentist contest which Indicate a detennt nation to bring every voter to the polls. Colonel Roosevelt, In a statement from' Oyster Bay today, mado the direct chargo that In New York republican leaders aro urging voters to support Wilson, to maka the defeat of Roosevelt certain. This (Continued on Pago Two.) The lawyer can find many uses for Bee Want Ads both in connec tion with his profession and in his private affairs Want Ada are often a valuable medium for collecting evidence or for obtaining witnesses to accidents in damago suits. The lawyer also finds Deo want ads Invaluable in procuring reliable stenographic and other offlco help. Dut the lawyer's greatest opportunity is in ap plying his knowledgo of civic and realty law for his own profit in real estate and busi ness transactions. The wise man employs tho wonderful efficiency of theso little nda to locato his prospects for him. There is scarcely any thing thoy cannot sell, and hnrdly a trade thoy can not arrange. Tyler 1000