0 TUB OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: NOVEMBER 3, 11)12. 5 A TOPICS FOR A DAY OF REST OLtttheran Ohurohes Join in Celebrat lag Reforaation in Auditorium. POLITICS AT UNITY CHURCH Montnent Adherent of All lint the Prohibition Candidate to Tell WTij- They Hare Tnken Positions. 1 Several Lutheran churches will Join tu celebrating the beginning of the Luth eran reformation, A union meeting wltl be held In the Auditorium at 2:30 In the afternoon. Rev. W. H. T. Dau, professor of dogmatlo theology In Concordia sem inary, 8t. Louis, and editor of the Theo logical Quarterly, will deliver the prin cipal address, speaking In Knslish. Ilev. Dv Wolter of Fremont, will hivo .-har.e bf the German part of the service. A chorus choir will sing In English and German. Rev. EX T. Otto, pastor of the 8t Paul's German Lutheran church, will preside. On October 31, 295 yoars ago. Or. Mar tin Luther In ninety-five theses, posted on Jhe church door at Wittenberg. Sax ony, made his first public plea for what he declared to' be the two essentials of the Christian faith; the solo authority of cripture in all matters of Christian be lief and conduct and salvation by grace alone. The Sunday nearoat October 31 li celebrated as the anniversary by Lu therans each year. President Frederick M. Smith of the Reorganized church of Jews Christ of Latter Day Saints, son and associate of President Joseph Smith and grandion of the martyr, will visit Omaha Sunday, November 10, and wilt sroal: In the Omaha Reorganized Church of .lesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Twenty fourth and Ohio streets. This Is not the Mormon church, with which It often Is oontused. A symposium of tho impending cloctlon will bo the feature of a meeting of Unity fellowship of tho First Unitarian church, Seventeenth and Cass streets, tomorrow night at 7:80. W. F. Baxter will preside and remarks will be made an follows: "Why I am for Tatt" by F. M. Currle: "Why I am for Roosevelt," by Byron O. Burbank; "Why I am for Wilson," by J. W. Woodrough; "Why I am for Debs," by Dr. -Harold Glfford. The regular morning service at this church will be held at 10:30. Sunday will be "home mission day" at the Third Piesbyterian church. Twentieth and Leavenworth streets. Rev. A. B. Marshall, president of the Omaha Theo logical seminar', will preach a mission ary sermon at the morning strvtce, his theme being. "Give Yi Thsm to Bat" Fred A. Dlckason will sing. The choir of the First Congregational ohuroh 'will give Its first musical service of the season on Sunday evening, Novem ber 3, under the direction of Dr.' Fred eric C. Freemantel. The soloists will In clude Mrs. J. S. Horton, Miss Dorrett Arndt, Mlsa Laura Peterson, Miss Laura Kuhlman, Mr. J. B. Horton, Mr. Glen Fratt Mrs. Paul Rlgdon and Dr. Freo roantel, with Miss Nanoy Cunningham at the organ. Tho servtoe begins promptly at 7:C p. m. Rev. Milton B. Williams will deliver a aeries of sermons at the First Methodist church, as follows: Sunday morning topics,: November 3. "Christ, Our Master;" November 10, "A Hnl'lns Dlfclple;" November 17, "Fishers of Men." Sunday evening topics: November 3, "The Con-Mtlon of Dl clrl 8''p;" Novem ber 10, "The Obligations of Dlsc'poihlp:" November 17, "The Roward of DIsclplo Bhlp." The First German Presbyterian church. Twentieth and Spruce streets, will ob. serve the anniversary of the Lutheran reformation with a special service tomor row morning at 10:30. Rev. John F. "Muel ler of ICamrar, In., wilt preach. Though the Presbyterian ohuroh holds John Cal vin as Its originator, the German Pres byterians always honor the beginning of Martin Luther's reformation. The Presbytery of Omaha will meet Thursday, November 7, at S o'clock, In the First Presbyterian church, Omaha. The Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church will hold a series of evangelistic sorvlccs beginning Sunday evening, November 10. under the leadership of Dr. A. B. South Omaha H, S, Debaters soar? on ah a Kimball Laundry. 11-3-12. THE HIGHER CIVILIZATION WE GREATER IS WE DEGREE OF ATTEN TION PAID TO PER. S0NAL CLEANLINESS In reoont years a now type of Laundry baa oome into existence. With new facilities and now Ideals its aim is to give tho most exacting service. In such a laundry you can have either all hand work that Is hand work or the highest possible standard o f machine work. It has been a fact, that there are some whose porsonal' Ideals require them to maintain the highest standard and not being able to get this service in the past, did therefore send their lin ens to some other city. The new type of laun dry has changed these conditions and with a very few exceptions is now serving this trade. The Kimball Laundry Is of this new and efficient typo. tied "WAsmvonn op THE HOME. KTHWT IAUNDRY fg BLXTB WAGONS. PHONE DOUG. OlO. I Marshall, president of the seminary On Sunday nt 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. in. Dr. Ramsay will preach his last sermons as acting pastor of the Benson Pres byterian church. llniiilit. Calvary Branch, Thirty-fourth and Sew ard Sunday, 3:30, Bible school. First, Harney and Park Avenue Preaching, morntnjr and evening by Dr. John A. Karl, president Des Mnlnes col lege; morning service, 10:30; communion service, 11:46; Sunday school, noonj young people's meeting, G:30 p. m.; evening serv ice, 7:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, 7:45. , Immanutl, Twenty-fourth and Plntt ney. Rev. J. S. Ebersole, Pastor Services, 10:30 and 7:30; Bible school at noon; young people's meeting at 6:30; Lord's supper Mn morning; evening sermon, "Twilight, Evensong, Prophecy." Last sermon on Joseph. Midweek meeting on Wednesday at 8 p. m., subject, "Mis sionary Progress In North' America." Ce.lvnry, Twenty-rifth and Hamilton, Rev. E. R. Curry, Pastor Services at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. m.: Lord's suc-per observed and hand of fellowship given new members at morning service. Even ing theme, "The Confession of a Toung Criminal," sermon to young people pver 11 a rwl In nnrnnts. Bible school at noon. young people's meeting at 0:30. Wednesday at S, midweek prayer nna uraise service. Grace, Tenth and Arbor, Rev. B. F. Fcllman, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; morning sermon at il a. m., lopiu, "God, a Consuming Fire"; young people s meeting at 7 p. m,; evening sermon, at 7.45 o'clock, topic, "When I See the Blood." The annual meeting will be held on Wednesday ovonlng at 7:40 o'clock. Reports of the year"8 work will bo given and officers elected for tho ensuing year, ri.rtstlrn. First, Twenty-Sixth and Harney. A, D. Harmon, Pastor Sermon subject. 11 a. m., "Will a Man Rob God?" Sermon sub ject, 7:30 p. m., "The Greatest Discovery." North Side, Twenty-second and Lothrop, H. J. Klrschstcin, . Minister Blblo school at 0:30 a. m; regular church services at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Christian En deavnr at 6:20 n. m.: midweek meeting, Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock. ClirHtlitii srirncr, First, St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty Fourth Bum. ay si hool at U:4j and 11 a. m. Sunday service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m Subject of lesson sermon, "Everlasting Punishment." CoiiKreffatlounl. Raj-atoen. Ames Avenue and Twenty- fifth Sunday- school at 1; stereopticon ad i dress on the llfo of Christ at 8 by Rev. F W. Lonvltt. . First. Nineteenth and Davenport, Fred ' erlck T. Rouse. Pastor Morning worship ' at 10:30, subject. "Party Strife." William Balrd will address the business men's class at 12 o'clock. The congregational vested choir, led by Dx. Frederic C. Free mantel, will give tho first monthly musical service of tho season, beginning at 7:45. Plymouth. . Twentieth and Spencer, Frederick W. Leavitt, Minister Morning worship at 10:30: Sunday school at noon; young people'B meeting at C:S0. Report of the Hastings conference at tho midweek service, Wednesday evening at 8 o clock. Kliticnpnl. St. Matthias". Tenth and Worthlngton, George Hhepard Bouthworth, Rector Holy communion, 8 a, m.; Sunday school, 10; sermon and holy communion. 11. Church of the Good Shepherd. Twentieth and Ohio. Rev. T. J. Collar. Rector-Holy communion, 8 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:46, holy communion with sermon, 11; even ing prayer with sermon. 7:30. All Saints, Twenty-sixth nnd Dewey Avenue, Rev. T. J, Mocltay, Pastor Holy communion at 7:30 u. m.; morning prayer and sermon. 11; church school and kindergarten. 9:45 a. m.: subject of eermon. "Saints In the Rough." Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twenty-first near Paul. Rev. John Albert Wil liams, Priest Holy communion ttt 7:30 a. tn; mnrnlnrr nr&vrr and Sunday School i9:30; holy eucharlst and sermon, U: even ing prayer ana sermon at n o ciuc. I.ntliernn. Zlon English, Magnolia hall, 2401 Ames Avenue, Rev. O. W. Snyder. Pastor Reformation services at 3,30 p. in., ub itet "The R.ire of the Heathen and the IVoloe of God:" Sunday school at 2:20. i St. Paul's, Twenty-eighth nnd Parker, Rev. E. T. Otto, Pastor Services at 10 o'clock. In tho afternoon at 2.30 the I church will Join in the Reformation an- Inlversary service at thu Auditorium; no St. Mark's English. Twentieth and Uur dette. Dr. I.. Groh, Pastor Services Sun day and Friday; 11 u. m "A Good Report. What Is YoursT Good or Great?" 7:M p. m.. "What Is Heroic? Spiritually? Phys ically?" Sunday sdhool at 9:46 a. m.t Young People's Christian Endeavor. 6: P. m.; catechlsatlon Fridays at 4 p, m. and 7:20 n. in. fit. MatheWs English, Nineteenth and Castellar, Rev. G. W. Snyder. Pastor iieiorinauon ferviutr a. " The Saving Foundation;" Sunday school at 10 a. m; The Ladles' Pastor's Aid so ciety will meet Thursday afternoon at tho rdPcnce . f Mrs N. C. Nerners, 2SU South Twentieth street. ( Kountze Memorial, Farnam and Twenty-sixth Avenue. Ro. Dr. Oliver D. PalUly. Pastor - Services for the twenty-fecond Sunuay after Trinity; Morning worship at 11, subject. "The Whirlpool of Temptation " Evening wor ship at 8 o'clock, subject, "Of Still Greater importance." tiunaay scnooi at iu a. m.j classes Friday afternoon at 4:15 and Fri day evenings at 7.-4S. HrthoclUt. First, Twentieth and Davenport, Rev, Milton B, Williams, Pastor Morning sub ject, "Christ, Our Master; evening sub ject. "Conditions of D.sclpleshlp." Norwegian and Danish, Twenty-fifth and Decatur, R. P. Petersen. Pastor Services, 11 a. m. and 3 p. m.; Sunday bcIioijI; 8:45 and young people's meeting, Walnut IU11, Forty-first and Charles. Rev. William Boyers. Pastor At 10:30 a. m. the pastor will preach on "A Clean Heart and a Right Spirit. ' and at 7.80 p. m. on "Following Christ;'' Sunday school at 12 m.; Epworth lenguu at 6:30 p. m. Dletz Memorial, Tenth and Pierce Sun day school, 9:30 a. m Dr. Franz, super intendent preaching, 10;4C a. hi., "Re ligion In Burtness;" Epworth league, 6:30 p. m.i sermon. 7;30 p. m., "Business In Religion;" prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. C. N. Dawson, minister. First Swedith, North Nineteenth and Burt, Gustav Erlckson, Minister 10 a. m., Sunday school, led by Mr. Fritz E. Sand- wall; 11 a. m preaching service, subject, "Manliness; 6:30 p. m., Epworth league, service led by Mr. Oscar Miller; 7:30 p. m lecture by the pastor on "The Prophet Jonah." McCabe, Fortieth and Farnam, W. H. Underwood, Pastor Morning services at 11; subject, "I Was Sick and Ye Visited Me;" Epworth league at C:30 p. m.; topla, "A Blind Beggar" and "One That Was Doaf;" evening service at 7:30. The adult Blblo class meets every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Fearl Memorial, Twenty-fourth and Larlmore, J. Franklin Haas, Pastor Au tumn sermon at 10:30, appropriate decora tions; Brotherhood anniversary, 7:30 p m., pastor's subject, "Signs of Hope In the Church of God;" Sunday school, 12 m.; Junior league, 3:30 p. m.; Epworth league, 6:S0 p. m. Gold Btreet Methodist Chapel, Thirty ninth and Gold, R, P. Petersen, Pastor Sunday school, 3 p. m.; preaching, 4 p. m.; preaching service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Trinity, Twenty-first and Blnney, Thomas Blthell, Pastor Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m.; morning service, 10:45; Bp wortti league, 6:30 p. m.; evening Bervlce, Prenbyterlnn. Parkvale, Thirty-first and Gold, Rev. A. E. Lehmann, Pastor Bible school, 10 ft- m.; Christian Endeavor society moot ing, 6:45 p. m.; evening song service with sermon by the pastor at 7:30. Falrview, Pratt and Fortieth Avenue, Charles II. Fleming, Pastor Bible school at 1:45 and afternon worship at 3; subject, "A Wonderful Testimony,;" Thursday nt 8 p. m. the sixth lesson In Luke. First Seventeenth and Dodge, Rev. Edwin Hart Jeuks, Pastor Publlo wor ship, 10:30 a. m.; evening worship, 7:30 p. m.; Christian Endeavor meeting, 6:15 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m. Every one is Invited to attend. Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth 9:30 a. m., Sunday school; 10:45 "a. m., publlo worship and sermon by Rev, A. B. Marshall; 6:30 p. m., prayer meeting of the Christian Endeavor society: 7:30 p. in., evening worship and sermon by Rev. A. B. Marshall. Lowe Ave, Fortieth and Nicholas. Rev. Nathaniel McGlffln. D. D Pastor Morn ing service at 10:30; subjeot, "Thy King dom Come;" Sunday school at noon; En deavor at 3:30 and 7; evening service at 7:46; subject. "Lost ahd Won," prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt, M. V. Hlgbee, Pastor Public services at 10:30 a. m. and "7:30 p. m.,; themes, "God Glorified In Paul" and "Ye Are My Witness;" Sun day school, 12 m.; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. m.; prayer meeting Wednefday evening at 7:45. Clifton Hill, Forty-fifth and Grant, Thomas G, Greenlee, Pastor Public wor ship, 10:30 a. m.. "Fellowship with Christ In Intercession;" 7:30 p. m., "Life's Three Cardinal Passions;" Bible sohool. 12 m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.; Wednes day, 8 p. m., meeting for prayer and fel lowship. Castellar Street. C. C. Meek, Minister Morning service at 10:30. text: 2 Chron.. 16:9, "The eyes of the Ixird run to and fro throughout -the whole earth to- show Himself rtrontr In behalf of them whose heart Is perfect toward Him." Evening service, 7:45; Christian Endeavor, 6:45; prayer meeting Wedneiday at 7:45. Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason, Rev. Thomas 11. McConnell. Pastor 10:30 a. m., service of worship with sermon on "The Goal of Our Election;" Sabbath school and Bible classes at noon; 3:30, Westminster chapel, Sunday school; 7, Westminster Young People's society; 8, service of praise with sermon on "The Straight Gate." First German, Twentieth and Spruce, Julius F. Bchwarz, Pastor Reformation anniversary and German preaching serv ice, 10:30 a. m.; English preaching, 8 p. m., sermon by Rev, John F. Mueller, Kamrar. Ia.; Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m.: Young People's society, 7:80 p. m.; trustee meeting Tuesday at 8 p. m.; congrega tional meeting Wednetday at 8 p. m. The Church of the Covenant, Pratt and Twenty-seventh, Charles H. Fleming, Pastor Morning worship at 10:45, subject, "A Wonderful Testimony;" Bible sohool, 12 m.; Endeavor.Vf -45 p. m.; evening wor ship at 7:K. subject. "Joy as Found In Philippines;" bring Bibles; Wednesday at Luther ltaguo si 7 p. ; C9nflnas.Ueft.ljt ji.ca.tkt UthlssMC In Lvx. ou J MlSt e Threshold HTHE approach of the gladsome, big, busy, bustling holiday season warns us we must hav'e room for holiday stock. Must with us is an absolute word, mean ing that willy-nilly room and space wit I be cleared. Hundreds of Com forts; scores upon scores of Blankets and other articles of Bedding; big, bulky articles which take up a world of room MUST GO. Mark the "must go" at'so. Monday, November 4th, we start the ball rolling. The high character of KILPATRICK merchandise makes the price-cutting genuinely noteworthy. Fine grey Cotton Bhuikeit, 11-4 size, were $1.7;"), Mon dny, nt $1.45 Ilenvy grey Cotton Blnnkots, 70x80 size, were $2.n0, Monday nt f $1.95 Grey, tmi, white nnd plnidfl, lnrgo, were $3.50, Mon day at $2.95 $6.f)0 strictly all wool plaids, made bv celebrated St. Mary's Mills $4.90 $0.50 North Star all wool, a very well known blanket, at $5.50 A Bpocinl lot of fino numbers in oxquisite Plaid Blnnkots, sold up to $10, sale price $7.95 Heavy puro Cotton Comforters, stitobod, our usunl $2.25 hotel special, on Monday $Jl.95 An assortment of fino Comforters which sold up to $(5.50, n very worthy lot, will bo sold nt, on. $3t'75 $4.50 Beacon Comforters will go at $3.? 5 $2.00 Mnttress Pnds, on Mondny $1.69 Down filled, henvy sntiuo Comforts, as sold in all first elaBs stores at $6.50, will go nt $5.00 Those notos on price-cutting aro simply indica tors which will follow nil through tho stock. This is a peculiarly timoly salo NIPPY NORTH WIND ANTIDOTE. TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE! The sale at the Dress Goods section of fine Wool Serges, Mix tures, Etc., bought from the manufacturer's direct agent, at a very low price, continues Monday and Tuesday, November 4th and 5th; and note furthermore, for these two days, the special $2.00 price for making skirts continues well tailored; measures taken and skirts fit ted by an e'xpert. We won't deliver if they fail to fit. Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. notice that Sunday evening; services are a half hour earlier. United l'renbrtcrlan. OntriU. Twitnty-fourth and Dodn. Hugh B. Speer, Paator Morning wor ship, 10:30; sermon by pastor, "Christ's worK our worKj uaDDain sonooi at noon: younff people's meetlnir. 0:50: even ing worship, 7:80. United nrrtliren. United Brethren, Nineteenth and Loth rop, Rev. At. O. McLaughlin, Pastor University sermon, 10 a. ni.; election of delegates to the annual conference; even ing service, 7:30; theme, "The Law of the Best." MlHorllnnrotm. First German Free Evangelical, Twelfth and Dorcas Publlo worship at 10:90, sub Ject of discourse, "Confessional Defini tion of Holy Communnlon. Blblo study and classes at 0 a. m. Draco United Evangelical, Camden and North Twenty-Seventh, Thomas M, Evans, Pastor Service at 11 a. m., theme, "Volunteer Service. In the evening at 7:30, evangelist Mrs. A. C. Davis will preach. Everybody welcome. People's, Itcv. Charles V. Savldgo, Pastor Morning theme, "The Miraculous Jail Delivery"; evening theme, "A Ser mon with Pictures"; Sunday school at noon; Young People's Society Christian Endeavor at 7 p, m. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Lntterday Balnts, Twenty-Fourth and Ohio Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Monthly saorament and devotional services, It a, m. Zlon's Religion and Literary society, 0:30 p. m. Preaching, 8 p. m. "Industrial or Occupational Diseases" 1 the subject before the Omaha Philoso phical society for discussion Sunday afternoon at S o'clock, In Barlght hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Dr. O. B. Atzen will deliver the address, after which tho-BUbJect will be discussed from the floor by members and leading phy. slclans. Y. W. C. A. .Voles. Rev. T. J. Mackay will be the speaker at the afternoon vesper service at !:!. There will bo special muslo, consisting of two duMs by Dr. Jenny On Kas and Miss Ethel Tost, and It A, Medlar and Lee O. Kratr. The association chorus, under the di rection of MUs Blanche Soronson, Is do ing some very enjoyable and profitable work. The lessons consist In voice exer cises and study of tones, as well as In the reading of muslo and chorus singing. For a short time new members will bo received In this class. The Hallowe'en masquerade, held last Monday evening, wus one of tho most successful of the association parties. The variety of costumes na well iu tho "stunts," furnished a great deal of amuse ment. Tho B. Q. C.'s hold their annual banquet on Tuesday evening. Fifty-five members of the club sat down to the tables in the cafe, which was decoratod with Hallowe'en pumpkin, autumn leaves, etc. Y. H. O. A. 3Vo.es. The Toung Men's Christian association la furnishing an Information bureau for the State Teachers' association. A number at young men have asked for Instruction In gasoline engineering and & class will probably be started In the near future. Fifteen men are signed for tho annual cross country run on New Year's day. They are practicing on Monday, Wednes day and FHday evenings at 7:80 o'clock. Two additional hand ball courts are to be provided In the spaco formerly oc cupied by the electric light company. Alterations are being made that will fur nish additional space for gymnasium work. A clasB In advanced Spanish has Just been organised with William J, Frost, a former Instructor In a South American college, as the teacher, The class meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock. Rev. C. W. McCasklll, the now pastor of the Honscom Park Methodist church, will speak at the Sunday afternoon meet ing at the Coung Men's Christian asso ciation at 4 o'clock. The meeting will' be followed by the fellowship luncheon In the spa. Eleotlon bulletins from a special West ern Union wire will be shown tn tho Young Men's Christian association lobby Tuesday evening, beginning at 6 o'clock. There wl!l be a Qrafanola concert from 6 to 8 o'olock and an orchestra from S to 11:90 o'clook. The entertainment and returns will be open to the public and woman w MixclUy Invited. G-riffith. Brings . Down Deer With a Well Thrown Stone HELENA, Mont., Nov. 2,-Charged by a wounded deer and unable to use his rifle, which hod becomo Jammed, Clark Griffith, manager of the Washington American league team, saved himself from probable serious Injury by his old time skill as a pitcher. Seizing a stono about the else of a base ball he sent one of the curves that made him the Idol of the Chicago club years ago against tho animal's head and dropped It In Its tracks. He then dispatched It with the butt of his gun. Tills was the story told by several of Griffith's friends, who returned hore yes. terday from Griffith's ranch, bringing with them the skin of tho deer, whloh Griffith Is talking of having mounted. ART EXHIBITJS NOW OPEN First Annual Exhibition of Omaha Art Gild in New Court House. EXHIBIT 18 ONE OF OEEAT MERIT Invitations Sent Ont for Ui Oprn tnr This ICTenliiff, After Whlah the Poblln Will lie Ad mitted for Tvro Weeks. The first nnual exhibition of tho Omaha Art Gild, which has been or ganised within tho last year, whh opened last evening In tho large noutheast room on tho second floor of tho Dotiglai county court house. Invitations had been sent out to a number of organizations an well ao county officials to attend the opening. The big room has beon darkened with draperies and converted into a delightful gallery, where the various works of art are artlstloally hung. The paintings and drawings are exclusively those of Omaha artists, and for the first time demon strates what Omaha contains In the way of art. In all there uro eighty-three exhibits on the walls ranging from large portraits down to cover designs. The most striking feature of tho exhibition Is the Urge number of scenes around Omaha done by Omaha artists. They clearly show tho beautiful spots that exist In this vicinity that the ordinary person does not see, but that only the artist Is able to bring out One beautiful painting In autumn color Is a scene along the old California trail with the city of Omaha In the distance. Another Is a scene In the old Mormon cemetery. The exhibits are varied and beautiful, and will no doubt attract wide attention. Last night admission to the gallery was be free, but beginning Monday and con tinuing until November 16 a small admis sion fee will bo churged. The gallery will open every afternoon and evening. The gallery has been very attractlvoly arranged, and for tilts' the gild Is In debted to a number of Omaha firms and Individuals. All the draperies were fur nished free, an were tho lighting effects. The county commissioners gave the fre use of the room for the exhibition and carpentry work wus done by friends of the guild, GULF RATE 0NGRA1N RAISED Commission Rules Rate Between This City and New Orleans Too Low. JEALOUSY AROUSED 0HI0AQC Feared Ontnhn Would Snpplant TUnt City m n Grain Center and Filed Charlies Against J Law Ilntes to South. Feeling the competition of Omaha as a grain market and realizing that It was In a way to drop out an a leader, Chicago has scored a victory over Omaha. Chicago has succeeded In knocking out the low rate on groin from Omaha to gulf ports, established by the Mis souri Pacific and Illinois Central a couple of months ago. Chicago filed com plaint with tho Intenrtato Commerce commission, ullcglng that the rate of 15H cents per 100 pounds, put in by the roads was Inadequate for the length of the haul and altogether too low as applied to wheat. The Chicago contention has beon sustained and as a result the rnto has bean cancelled and on November 16 tho old rate of 18V4 cents per 100 pounds will go Into effect. During tho pelod that the l!H-ent rate has been In effect Omn.hu has been pay ing i to e centH more per bushel for wheat than Minneapolis and most of tho time 2 and 4 cents more than Chi cago, As a result wheut from all over Nebraska, most of southwestern Minne sota und wostem Iowa has been oomlng Into Omaha, passing through the elevators nnd tlion sent on to New Orleans and Galveston, from whenoo It has been ship ped to Europe and const points on the eastern shores of Uoiith America. During October the Missouri Poclfio handled 1,204 cars of grliln out of Omaha to New Orleans and Galveston; the Illi nois Central, 298, nnd the Burlington and Itook Island each nearly us many more. With Uio old rato In erfect the grain will bo diverted to Chicago and will uguln put Minneapolis on the grain market map of tho country. The old ruta will enable Minneapolis to competo with Omaha and penult the dealorH there to pay us much for wheat us those of this city. With tho rulslng of the gulf rate' on grain comes another ordor on elevation charges. This order purmltn tlm Omaha roads to continue paying elevation charges of 'i cent par 100 pounds until January 1, which Is considered as some thing of a concession In favor of the Omaha market. Tho old order provided that elevation charges should be abol ished November 1. Would a local newspaper, sent free for two months, giving advantages nnd .dis advantages of the I'pper Burramento Val ley, Interest you If so, address The River Rambler, Lot Molinos, Cal Advertisement. Woman Socialist to Close Campaign Miss Caroline A. Lowe of Chicago, will he the speaker Sunday at the soclullat meeting at the Lyric theater. Mies Lowe was for a number of yearn tho correspondent of the Woman's Na tional committee of the socialist party. Prior to that she was a teacher In the schools of Kansas City. Her years of publlo life have not marred the charm of Miss Lowe's femininity, and she la oua of tho most popular spenkers on the Amorlcan platform. Music will be fur nished by the socialist orchestra and the workers of Omaha and vicinity are In vited to attend and bring th?lr families with them. Thero will be no charge for udml'Blon. This meeting wl.l bcglu promptly at 3 o'clock us the speaker leaves at 6 o'clook: for VremQU Old Fiddlers Show How They Performed in the Days Gone By Tho old tunes, played years ago at the quaint country dances, to which aged and bont elders danced with gleo In the hob nailed boots and tlght-itttlng store clotho.t, In company with blushing young and protty girls, were greeted last night with olieors and applause by 300 iaks as thu aged fiddlers reeled them off In tho club rooms contesting for first place In tho old fiddlers' contest "Tho Fisher's Hornpipe," "Tho Virginia Reel" and many other old-fashioned alra were played by the aged contestants. Unaware of the large audlcnoo, the Con testants lived In tho years gone by when thoy played thesa samo pieces at tlm country danoco. Jess McCarthy, who was Introduced na tho first mayor of Bellovue, provod to Ixj not only a good violinist, but also a howl ing suooess as a comedian. Dan Butler, olmlrman of tho social session, calling, on MoCarthy, said tliat Jess told him beforo the contest that a teakettle never sings until It Is full of water and that Jess In stated that ho was not a teakettle. Jeea certainly did sing on his violin. The contestants wero: K. A. Gallup, O. R. Rathbum, IL E. Gladwin. N. Tlscher, J. S. Sllcott, Joe Magher, Pam Iloff, W. M. Bellfour, Jess McCarthy, William Worthy and Homer Kirk. Tho judges were: Prof. Henry Cox, Judge Scars, "Dad" Weaver, Oscar Lelben, W. T, Canada and M. N. Plynn. Georgo E. Begerow wus chairman of the judges' committee. Persistent Advertising la the Road tat Big Returns. YouNg MOTHE No young woman, in the joy ot coming motborbood, should neglect to prcparo her system for the physi cal ortloal she is to undergo. The health of both herself and the coming child doponds largely upon the care she bestows upon herself during tha waiting months. Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's sys tem for tho coming event, and its use makos her comfortable during all the torm. It works with and for nature, and by gradually expanding all tla sues, muscles and tendons. Involved, and keeping tho breasts ia good con dition, brings tho woman to tho crisis In splendid physical condition. Tbij' baby, too, is more apt to bo pertept and strong wbero tho mother has thua prepared herself for nature's suprema function. No better advice could ba given a young expectant mother tbaa that she use Mother's Friend; It is n medicine that has proven Its value in thousands of casos. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for free book for expect ant mothers which contains aauch valuable information, and many tug. gestions of a helpful nature. RIE