Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Page 3-S, Image 41

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Mutt's Work Was a Trifle Lumpy
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
TilV'-rHe U.TTCsNT --Wtt6 SPoTcWt 40 CAfcOUWl BOTH I fOfArT'WN THGN,utt:,r J f (
' ' 'O' " J '"Ift " j
HK Baso Ball Players fraternity,
T recently organized, did not come
Into being prematurely. Events
of the last tew weeks tend to
emphasise the demand for a
players protective and defensive organ
ization. Whether this one Is laid out
on brood, aggressive grounds, we do not
bs yet know, but If not the chances are
tt will arise to the needs. David Fultz,
former star player, is president, olid
Christy Mathewaon, Ed Sweeney, Mike
Doolan, Ty Cobb, vice presidents; Jako
paubert, secretary. One of the chief
promoters of this fraternity Is Charles
Webb Murphy, albeit It Is furtherest from
his Intention to be. But Just such as
slnlty as Murphy has displayed In his
dealings with Chance, Tinker, Brown
and .others. Is the Impetus such an or
ganization needs to make It go. Why
was tt ever formed? Because the players
felt they were getting and would con
tinue to get a square deal from all the
magnates. A good deal has been sold of
the need for. stringent rules protecting
rights of owners and a good deal has
been done to provide & system of such
rules, but now the time has coma for a
Uttlo stringency the other way. And It
certain concessions are not voluntarily
mode they will be forced, for ball play
ers are not getting a square deal under
the rules when a person like Murphy
can exercise absolute authority against
Btvery wish, will and welfare of the game
at large), such as he Is exercising over
Chance and others who have made htm
In base ball. Whenever base ball law
permits owners to put and hold players
In bondage, then it Is time for base ball
law to begin to tremble for Its integrity.
The players showed onco what could bo
done by concerted action and they are
v In much better situation today to, demon
strate their power than they were then.
Let somo asslntno upstart drive thorn
hard enough and1 see what "will happen.
We cannot believe, however, that tho
other men at the head of tho game, such
as Ban Johnson, Comlskey, Herrmann,
Dreyfuss and others will sit by ancTsee
ne or two unscrupulous men get past
with this kind of conduct.
No,M says McQraw, 'Til not trade off
Bnodgrass because he muffed that J30.000
fly. He'll be right there next Tyeor; he's
a good player," Certainly. It might
have been lldrray or anybody else who
muffed tho same fly. Besides, do you
happen to recall the evolution of one
Mr. MerkleT Star ball players are not
fired for muffing flies, even at $30,000
There Is something In the argument of
Messrs. Rourke and Holland that It does'
no good to fix a salary limit and then
ignoro It. Salary limits have their strong
points, also their weak ones. Tho way
to determine the balance of power 1b not
to make a dead letter of the rule.
Compare Comlskey's giving lEd Walsh
an extra $1,500 for pitching his team to
victory In that last game with' Murphy's
treatment of Chance, Brown, Tinker,
Hoftnan, Pfelstcr, et at
Exeunt Chance, Tinker, Brown, Sheck
rd and possibly Schulto. Can't you see
those.' Chi fans storm the battlements tor
Xdmisslon to the West Side park next
The Omaha II!?h school team upheld
the reputation of the local gridiron war
riors yesterday by winning by a decisive
score from their old rivals at Lincoln.
Tinker says he turned down the Job of
managing the Cubs. In which Joe dis
played that good, hard sense for which
ho Is noted.
Judging from tho score, the Cornhusk
ers ,ran Into a harder proposition than
they wero looking for when they went
against Missouri yesterday.
Now we know winter Is coming. Herr
Stanislaus Zbyszko (every "z" In its
place) has thrqwn down the annual
gauntlet to Colonel Ootch.
Why didn't Murphy get rid of that
rubbish long ago, then he might have
had a ball team in 1906, 1906, 1509. etc?
Brother Dave says that In his quest
for corncobs some piker tried to run In
s a ringer on him with popcorn cobs.
It's a wee bit early to make predic
tions, but If you don't mind, keep your
lamps on Des Moines next year.
Nebraska City put Itself on the foot ball
map by the way Its representatives ran
ill over the South Omaha lads.
Johnny KHng clings to the Idea that a
billiard ball In the hands Is worth two
base bolls In the bush-leagues.
Perhaps If Pueblo were to break back
Into the Western league It might raise
the embargo from old Izzy.
Crelghton struck a tartar In the St
' Louis aggregation, as the score of yes
terday's game shows.
All Roger Bresnahan wishes to know
Is whether a legal contract has any
standing In court.
A ball player may be a free agent with'
out being able to cash In his freedom.
Superiors and Soldiers to Battle for
Honors at Fort Crook.
Sherman Avenue Merchant and the
Spalding Will Officially Open
Farrell Park, Near Benson,
This Afternoon,
Today the Superiors will lino up against
the soldiers at Fort Omaha. This game
ought to be a good one, as neither team
has dropped a game this season. The
soldiers have been practicing hard for
this event Every day last week they
were out on tho campus for three hours.
They figure that end runs and forward
passes will upset the Superiors and
they aro going to work them fast and
furous. Scrimmage work with tho Omaha
high school team has put them in excel
lent shnpo and as they are going into
this struggle determined to trample the
Superior colors In the dust, a hard fought
contest la predicted.
As usual, the Superiors are loaded with
strrERions. i
d. Tost n.n.1
II. Tort n.T.
Andrews .R.B.l
Konmllr UD.
Petnioa .......... ...UT.
Dllr UB.
Karnnrfxkr C.
Qu!tr Q.B.
TrcT R.II.D.
Ilu-hten UH.B.
WlllUmi F.B.
UT Dukovtkt
, Wight
... Wllmn
.. Tomnltlrm
Parka and llclmonts.
Although the Monmouth Parks were
eliminated from the championship race,
nevertheless they are going back on the
gridiron today firmly determined to show
that they deserve to rest In second placo.
They meet the Belmonts at Florence park
at 3 o'clock. To date the Belmonts have
been putting up a good game of "foot ball.
Lineup: v
Fierce R.O.
Johnson .R.T.
L.0 Watts
L.T. TloMlter
UD Doran
R.O I-rnt
For&n ......... ...R.E.
luxwso I-O.
......... Tnurber
, McDenaott
...... TVesterzin!
....U McCretry
Carlson C.
Hftuck Q.B.
W. Wllllun R.H.B.
UH.B.... Breuman
II. WUllaras UH.B. R.H.B !L McCreary
McCreur F.B ,F.B Udell
Farrell pork will make Its official bow
to Sunday foot ball this afternoon, when
the Sherman Avenue Merchants and the
Spaldlngs clash there at 3 o'clock. Thcso
two teams are approximately evenly
matched and much rivalry exists be
tween them.
The aggressive Monmouth Park Tte-
serves will gb to Papllllon today and do
their mightiest to down the huskies lo
cated there. Last Sunday Papllllon
played the Omaha Tigers to a standstill.
Neither squad was ablo to roll up a
point The reserves aro well drilled, so
the heavier Papllllonltes will have their
hands full If they handle them.
, Gridiron Notes.
Hereafter a tamo will be slaved at
Farrell park every Sunday.
Hanger, one of our deputy sheriffs.
plays on the Waterloo team.
John Byerlv Is Dioklmr ud a Bnuad to
play Valley, Neb., on election day.
Valley wants a game with the Buner-
tors. Waterloo walloped them 13 to 0.
Today the Waterloo town team plays
the town team of llostigs. Neb., at Hast
MoCormlok of the Columbians received
s fractured hip In tho Soldier-Columbian
The Clifton Hill Athletics have changed
their name to the appropriate one of
Now the Joe Smith have secured Ath.
letlo park In Council Bluffs for their
Julius rtachman umpired like a real
veteran during the Superlor-Monmouth
Pork struggle.
Thanksgiving day the Monmouth
Parks will have a special train to travel
to Valley, Neb., In.
Valley would llko to arrange a game
with the Superiors, but they don't like
to play on Omaha soil.
Next Sunday tho Superiors will tangle
with the town team from Missouri
Valley at Fort Omaha.
The Belmonts say they are going to
make the Monmouth Parks ramble to
day If they want the large end.
For games with the Columbians address
Stanley Lacey, 1003 South Thirtieth
avenue, or telephone Harney 2CM.
Lieutenant Karl Truesdell, the manager
of the Fort Omaha aggregation, expects
to put a crimp In the Superiors today.
Still Prof. William Byerly, the cap
tain of tho Superiors, Is not at all san
guine about this team winning" em all.
Sevoral 'out-of-town foot ball devotees
wandered In to see tho 6iiperlor-Mon-m"Jih
Park battle. A party of ten
came in from Valley.
George Hatreman says he never wants
to see the town of Wiener. Neb., acaln,
but he would like to have the Wlsner
crew play his Belmont eleven here.
The recently organized Omaha Tigers
and the Klmwood Parks will clash to
day at Farrell park. Their game will be
the first of a scheduled double-header.
Missouri Valley will probably come
here padded to the brim. It Is their
ambition to trim the Superiors. Madam
Rumor has it that they have secured
one man from Wlsner, Neb.
At the last moment the Missouri Valley
team cancelled a game scheduled with
the Defenders in order to take on the
fastest organization In Council Bluffs, the
Joe Smiths.
The Council Bluffs !.ds who claim they
will smother the Superiors when the op
portunity Is afforded them, will go to
Missouri Valley, la., today and do their
utmost to wipe them off of the foot
ball map. They have one of the strong
est team ever mustered In Iowa.
Sedwiok Would Have International
Race last Over Two Days.
Ilia; BOO-MUe Hare at Indianapolis
Conducted So that In Finals Only
One Car from lCncU Coun
try Competes,
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov.- 2.-lntoad
of the usual one-day affair, Indianapolis
Is to have a two-day speedway meet noxt
year. In addition to tho annual 600-mlle
race, C W, Sedwlck, the manager, hopes
to Btage an International contest.
Mr. Sedwlck's Idea Is to permit only
ono car from a country to compote and,
to pick that car by means of elimination
trials. A foreign car owned in this coun
try and driven by nn American will not
bo eligible to compete In this race. The
ontrant must bo a maker In a foreign
country and tho driver must be from tho
other sldo to get In as a foreign entry.
It is thought that tho G00-ml!e nice
Itself will' attract bona fide entries from
makers In France, acrmany, Italy and
England, and that America uIbo will bo
well represented. This would give Sod
wlck plenty of talent. Tho Pougcots,
Itenaults, Panhards and Darracqs from
France would have to fight It out In tho
I trials to see which would represent
France In tho match; tho Henz and Opel
might battle to come In from Germany;
the Flat and Isotta could put up a warm
argument as Italy's representatives. As
for tho American champion, the qualify
ing round for this honor would be ajraoo
In Itself.
After the qualifying rounds It Is" sug
gested that the four or flvo canj bo
brought togothsr In a final match, which
would ts either at 100 or 2CC miles, and
with a purse that would approach In size
tho first prize In Uie 600-mlle race. With
such a field there Is no reason why tho
match raco should not be fully as good.
If not better than the five-century grind,
which has become a' regular affair.
Tho speedway management has an
nounced that It will not receive any
entries for the C00-mlle race until Janu
ary 1, While a number of tentative en
tries havo been mode, nothing has been
booked officially. Tho raco Itself will bo
open to cars of 450 cubic Inches piston
displacement and Under, whereas up till
now tho limit has been COO. This will
encourage American makers and elim
inate such big cars as tho Flat and
Mercedes which ran last year.
NEW YORK. Nov. 2. Tho first world's
championship pool match to bo played In
New York In nearly two years will be
held at Doyle's academy, when Alfredo
Do Oro, the champion, will dofend the
title against on old rival, Frank Sher
man of Washington. Do Oro has named
the nights of November 6, 7 and 8, the
match thus beginning and ending In elec
tion week. For the first time in a chal
lenge match In this city tho new "open
break" will bo tried out Bach frame
will consist of only fourteen balls, the
fifteenth being left on tho tablo, and
not tried for until the other fourteen
are racked. Tills stylo of break removes
much of tho tedium of safety play, per
mits continuous runs, without so many
safety Interruptions, and cuts down the
time Tho match will be 600 balls each
night for tho new championship emblem
and a purse of M.
PEltU, Neb., Nov. i Special Tele
gram.) Grand Island college defeated
Peru State normal on Normal field in
a stubbornly-contested game, 18 to 0. Two
touchdowns were made In the frist quar
ter and one In the second, and the visit
ors with a substantial advantage In
weight gained consistently on line plays
and forward passes.
Carlson and Menlk were the chief
ground gainers. Peru put up a scrappy
defense and prevented the collegians from
scoring In the second half, though the
fourth quarter opened with the ball on
Peru's one-yard line.
Captain Hoc! I Sims of Peru played a
star gome, carrying the ball for good
gains and executing a number of brilliant
tackles., Karns of Omaha refereed the
SHERIDAN, Wwo., Nov. !.-(Bpeclal
Telegram.) Sheridan High school, trl
state champions last year, today won
hteir third strlght victory of the sea
son by defeating tho Cheyenne squad
by, a score of 33 to 0. The superior speed
and greater weight of their opponents
contributed to the defeat of the Indians.
The Sheridan eleven, coached by Lieu
tenant Wler of the Eighteenth Infantry,
a former West Point star, was not one
defeated last season, and has yet to meet
defeat this year.
Vnlley Drfrntu Niiprrliiia.
VALLEY, Neb.. Nov 2 (Special Tfle
gram ) The Valley High school foot ball
team this afternoon defeated the Su
perbas of Omaha, 13 to 0.
Local Tennis Cracks
English Heavyweight Champion to
Sail for America Soon.
lie Hopes to Strengthen the Impres
sion Followers of lloxln- on
Tlala Side Have of Ills
NEJW YORK, Nov. 2. Bombardier' Wells,
England's heavyweight champion, has an
nounced that ho Is to sail In a week or
two for this country. Ho hopes to be
ablo to strengthen the Impression follow
ers of boxing on this side of tho water
have of his prowess, and, of course,
gather In some money. Waen he makes
his appearance hero ho will find plenty
of work to do, provided he does not de
mand more than his services arn worth:
On the eve of his departure for. this
country Wells was given a royal send
off, which Included a banquet at which
he was lauded In glowing terms for his
skill and sportsmanship. Quito possibly
his opinion of his worth was considerably
enhanced by all this praise, and ho may
be disposed to make capital of It when
negotiating for, matches over here.
But while England's champion Is a fine
boxer he Is not likely to work much havoo
among the men he will be called upon to
meet Unless he has gained In stamina
to a surprising degree during his stay In
England he will not be a good bet with
any one of several of our burly white
hopes who can take a punch as well as
give one, even If they can't box much.
Many Ulir Battle.
This winter will see many battles be
tween big fellows known as "whits
hopes." The various heavies wlHTIiave at
tained prominence are laying plnns to
come to this city fon the coming season.
Perhaps by next spring one will havo
outdistanced all his fellows and be wor
thy of a championship match.
AI Palzer, who heads Uio band at pres
ent, Is back In training. Apparently the
big fellow viewed with alarm the rapid
strides- taken by his rival, Luther Mc
Carthy, lately, and made haste to smooth
things over with his manotfer bo that he
could resume action. Now that Palzer
Is back in the ring again an opportunity
may soon bo hod to finally classify him.
His manager plans to advance his stand
ard with a rush as soon as he has had
a chance to get hts hand In again with
a few easy matches. All restrictions ore
to be taken off tho hitherto proscribed
list of opponents, and he, will be open to
meet even the champion himself. Such Is
the announced policy that Is to bo fol
lowed, and If It Is adhered to some In
teresting bouts are sure to result.
CRE8TON, Is., Nov, .-(Special Tele
gram.) The East High school foot ball
team of Des Moines and Creston played
an exciting game here resulting 7 to GO
In favor of Des Moines, Byers, Des
Moines' left half, virtually won the game
Creston showed superior strength, but
lacked In team work,
gsla. uk.lRiz menSoft.yestery q a d
Sioux HI Kb. School Wins.
LEMAR8, la., Nov. 2 -(Speo'al Tele
gram.) Sioux City, 21; Lemars, 11
Cripples frwn Aggie Sohool Win Dif
ficult Contest, 10 to 3.
MnrnlnRslde Has Fine Offense, and
All ThrotiKU First llnlf lilts Hue
laffectlvely Held Twice
Near (loal Line.
AMES, la., Nov. 2.-(8peclal Telegram.)
Ames' cripples defeated Mornlngsido, 18
to 3, In a florosly contested game. Tho
first half was ecoreloss. Mornlngstde,
howover, caused a lot of trouble. Twico
they were held under tho shadow of
Aanes goal. In tho third quarter, Ames
took a braco, Add Burge scoring via the
air line. Fumbles, however, offset this
advantage and Ktffert tied up the sooro
for Mornlngstde with a field goal. Ames
then opened up all that they had ana
scored two touchdowns by straight foot
Uren nan's work featured. Weyrauoh
also made a sensational run of thlrty-flv
yards for a touchdown. Mornlngstde had
a good offenBo and all through tho flmt
half hit the right side of Amos' line ef
fectively. Falling In this later they re
sorted to long open forward passes, sev
eral of which Vernon gathered In. The
loss of Montgomery In tho last quarter
broko up the teamwork.
The lineup: ,
AMBL iloIlNiMriHinn
McDouM UE..E Mr.Klnni.
rtvui UT. U.T Knou-t
Criwford L.Olt.U lecurdr
"wot e.,U... Wlckun
Cowtn R.O.iL.0 Ptyu
R H.T. UT Wlnurtnur
ll.U.iUi: Vroon
IIUUl U.ILlU.ll Ui)Slionrr
Hurt Ull.llt.ll , CobU
mrriuca ....Jt.ll Eltfart
Vincent K.U.r.D . ubrt
Touchdowns: Weyrauch, Hrrnnan. Goal:
Burge. Held goals: Burge. Klffert. nef
ereo: Btewart. L'mplro: Beymour. Head
linesman. VanMeter. flubntJtutos: nich
ling for Crawford, Bninnnn for Burge,
Burge for Vincent. Pfund for Nude, Kolu
for Cobbs, Oobba for Montgomery-
Omaha Uni Meets
Creighton Saturday
Coach Morgenthaler Jtpent the last week
In getting the Omaha university men In
shapo for the Crelghton game which will
be played naxt Baturday, Novomber , on
the Crelghton field. While irforgenthaler
does not expect to win from tho blue and
white he Is determined that his protogea
will put up a fight of which nona need
be ashamed.
' The managements at both the Univer
sity of Omaha and Crelghton are working
hard to bring out one of the biggest
crowds of the year at this game. It will
be tho only time that the two local uni
versities meet In an athletio contest.
Aside from this It will be the only game
of the season where there Is a strong
probability of making any money. All
of the games to date have been well sup
ported, but tho expenses have been un
usually large, and as a result the ath
letlcs have not been on a paying basis,
llanquet for Yerkes.
Becond Baseman Yerkes of the world's
cnampion ilea aox was tendered a ban
uuent by his friends and admirers at
Jenklntown, Pa., night of October 7A. In
his speech Yerkes gave Manager Mack
of the Athletics cred t for much of Hed
Box triumph over the Olanta, by reason
oi me auvico no guvo to too ilea hox
Methodists Trim PrcsLytcrian Eleven j
Twenty to Seven. !
Ilellevtie Takes llrnee In Second
Qunrter nn it Oh in mi Huns Sixty
Yards After Forward I'nss
for Toucluloivn.
LINCOLN, Nov. 2,-pecall Telegram.)
In a hard fought battio yesterday Ne
braska Wesloywn eliminated Bellevue for
honors In tho "Big Four," by downing
them by a soore of ) to 7. Westeyan
conllncd its attack to tho old stylo
formations and hardly used the olmi
The Wesleyan lino outweighed Bellevue
by at least ten pounds to tho man, but
despite this advantage tho visitors put up
a wonderful defenza. In tho second half
Unllovuo used the forward pnss nineteen
times and worked It succesafully ten
Wcsloyan mado the fhst touchdown
after five minutes of play. Bellevue
kicked to Wesleyan nnd after many lino
plunges and shift formations carried tho
ball to tho ten-yard line, where Chamber
lain wss shoved over the line. McCand
Iris kicked goal. The second touchdown
came at the closo of tho quarter, Keener
dodging lnft end for a twenty-y,-rd run.
McCandless again kicked goal.
In the second quarter Bellevua took a
braco and after throe minutes of play
Oilman received a forward pass and ran
sixty yards for a touchdown. Dowdcn
kicked goal, Wssleynn came back strong
nnd on repeated attacks on the Bellevue
II no t an led the boll to (he Uiroe-yard
Una whoro Banditti wns puihod'aorons for
tho Inst sooro of the game. MaCandless
failed to negotiate the goal, In tho last
quarter Bellevue opened up with a string
of forward paxnes and carried the ball
ta Weslcyan's two-yard line, whern the
Coyotes held for downs and punted out
of danger. Tho lineup:
Durham L. 1.
Bandall UT,
II. 12 Htookoy
it. T Bonderson
IU O Brandt
C Knmanskl
L. O. IJchtenwnlner
L. T P. Ohnian
L. ft 11. Oilman
Q. B Johnson
L. H Jonos
IL H Altschuler
Johnson L. a.
Ward U.
Fawell It. a,
Btowell It. T.
Qarey It, K,
Keester O. It.
Chamberlain .11. 11.
McCandless ...L. H.
Aden F. U.
F. B Dowdon
Officials! riofereal Duklnv. Umnlrat
Matters, Head linesman: Kaarns. Bub.
stltutes: For Wesleyan. Hudson for
Qarey for Bellevue, Johnson for It.
Oh man, Halderman for Btookey, Max
well for Johnson: Ohman for Jnni-u
Jones for Dowdun.
ANNAPOLIS, Md Nov. i-Just now
ovorythlng Is foot ball at Annapolis, and
a series of class games Is bolng con
duotod as well as the regular schedule
of games with othor elevens. Basket ball
follows foot ball very closely. Tho sched
ule has not yet bean announced, but
there will be match games every Satur
day in January, February and March,
and there also will be a scrim of clas
games. The navy has boon doing ex
cellently at this game for the last three
years, and this year the schedule has been
so arrangod as to test out tho midship-
inon against tho strongest fives of the
The other fall and winter Bjxirts In
which the midshipmen will compete with
outside teams are gymnastics, wrestling,
swimming and fencing. In gymnastics
and wreutllng the showing of the mid
shipmen during the last threo seasons
has been remarkable, and it can bo fairly
claimed for them that their record along
thfse lines exceeds that of any othor
Institution, Fencing Is a sport In which
the midshipmen naturally desire to excel,
and they have a splendid record, having
a number of ttinos won first team or In
dividual honors at the annual tourna
ment of the intercollegiate Fencing as
sociation. The midshipmen only took
up swimming as a competitive sport last
year and have done poorly In It so far,
but they expect to make a better show
ing this year.
ASHLAND, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) In a hard fought game this aft
ernoon the Ashland High sohool foot ball
team defeated the Temple High school
eleven from Lincoln, 7 to 0.
Although the locals wero outweighed
ten pounds to the man, tha ball was In'
Temple school's territory most of tha
time. Straight foot ball wss played, tha
foward piss being unsuocesful. Ullstrom
and MoCurtney starred for Ashland. Ull
strom made a touchdown and Intercepted
five forward passes by Lincoln. Pllger
and Wilson were stars for ths visitors.
The lineup:
Morris L. K.
Woolen L.T.
Johnson L. O.
IUiBsell C.
Peterson R. a.
Hall , It. T.
dranger R. K.
Moss (c) Q. B.
Ullstrom ....L.H.H.
Holme ,,.,n. H. II.
McCartney ,...F. II.
U. K Bowers
R-T Arterbln
n. a Welt
C Read
L. O... Chamberlain
UT Harper
L. B. Ohlelsher
Q. II (c) Temple
H. H. B White
L. ir. B.. B. Wilson
F B Pllger
Persistant Advertising Is the Road to
Big IUturoa
Annual Session of Mn&n&tes is
boneauiea lor flovemoer iu.
(Intlierliia Will lie Held Tvro Daya
llt'fore Convention ut National
Aosoelntlon , of Minor
Norrls I (Tip) ONell, president of th
Western lragun has called the annual
meeting of tho league for November IX
at Chicago. The meeting Is Just two
days livfore the convention of tha
National Association of Minor league
flihi nt MllwAiikeA and th Wsirn
Irnnuc magnates will go In ft body from
Chicago to Mllwnukce.
It Is now almost certain that there wilt
bo no limit placed on tha salaries of tha
various clubs. Pa Itourka nnd Jack Hol
land of the St. Joaeph olub, who formerly
were In favor of u salary limit, have -come
tq tho conclusion that to voto for
such a rule nnd then have It disregarded,
as It certainly would be, would be worse
than not to have any.
The queition of tho length of tha
schedule will also coma In for Us share
of attention at tho meeting. There Is
hardly any doubt howover that tho length
of tho schedule will be changed. Tha
lM-gamn plan Is too short, while the 163
Kiinip sohedulo If but three swings around
the circuit ore mado Is favorable to tha
owners. A chcdule of ICS games with
four swings around the loop would In
volve too much expense.
Nebraska's Squad
of Cross-Country
Runners Picked
LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. i-(Bpeclal.)
Nebraska cross-country squad was
picked at tryouts held early this week,
by Quy Herd, assistant coach at the
University of Nebraska. An entirely
now plan was used In the selection of
cross-country men this year, Coach Itee4
taking the first ten runners In the try
out ns members of the squad, which wl'
Inter furnish the members of the teams.
The Cornhuskor cross-country men
proved to be the speediest bunch ever
assembled at Nebraska, the first ten com
pleting the flye-and-a-half-mtle course In.'
tnirty minutes, me ten nnistung in tha
lead were McMasters, Captain Bogga,
ICubllk, Dters, CutWTlght, Kratz, Zun
wlnkel, Hudson, V. Bmlth and Anderson.
dutitmilivvi in at nyi until Ui UAWJkiuil I
ability, but Is being used in long dla
tancu running In order that he may pre
pare to represent the Cornhuskers In ths
quarter-mil? dash next spring in track
work, Anderson Is a brother of Louis
Anderson, Nebraska's representative In
long distance running at the Olymplo
games last summer.
Altogether the squad Is tho most prom
T M1...1 Is n a. I . -u . I I 1
ising in years ana uoacn lieca is expect-
lnr sn sxcnntlnnAl shnwlnir In th lv
meets In which. Nebraska will par-'
tlclpate. Next Saturday, November
the Cornhuskers will send a team of flvs
men to Columbia, Mo., to enter the Mis
souri vallry cros-c, ntrv rif ' "nd
perhaps seven schools will have entries
In thn meet. Missouri, Kansas, NebVdgnu,
Ames, Drake, Washington university,
nnd possibly Oklahoma, will be repre
sented. The Cornhuskers will also send a team;
of six men to Chicago to enter tho West
ern Intercollegiate cross-country run ob
'November 2J. All of the Big Eight conV
ference members, Including Wisconsin
Minnesota, Chicago, Indiana, nilnots
Michigan, Northwestern and Purdue will
be represented, togother with teams from"
eight or ten other colleges. Tho Corn
huskers have lost tho western meet thf
last three years after running Off with
first honors for three successive meets,
but Ileed Is determined to regain lost
honors. If possible.
York Will Remain
in Nebraska League
YORK. Neb., Nov. 2.-(Speclal.) At a
mass meeting Tuesday evening It was de
cided that York would havo a team In
the Btate league next year. The follow
ing board of managers were elected: J.
N, Klldow, W. O, Liggett and William
Overstreet They wero empowered ta
name the officers.
Champions do Hunting?.
Joe Wood, Trls Speaker and Jake Stahl
of thn Bed Box, and Frank Laporte ot
the Washlngtons. will in a short time go
to the Ileelfoot lake region In Tennessee
to shoot ducks. After three weeks In tho
Tennessee lowlands Speaker will go to
h'n home In Hubbard City, Tex., for a
rousing welcome. Then he will go to his
cotton plantation at Brownsville. Tex.
From his hunting trip Joe Wood will visit
Kansas City before ictumtng to his farm
life at Parker's Glen. Pa.
TORONTO, Ont, Nor. 1 Mabel Barrt.
son, a comedienne who starred In "Tip
Blun Mouse" and in vaudcvllU, and a
number of musical comedies, died at ho
sister's homo here tonight after a linger
ing Illness, Her husband, Joseph ja
Howard, is a vaudavUU performer.