Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    THK OMAHA SUiAl fcOVilBEK 3, 1912.
4 A
Pays TrSkmtSi to th
TEiftl WAY
Tho World's Greatest Piano
Under date of Aug.
26ih, 1905, she
writes from Lud
low, Yonkers, New
York, as follows:
jfy&fc ePi "Tho Stein way PI an or ore Ilk
ffj&& KL- ( Uflmc belli ps, with hearts an
the world by their glorious toner.,
but they share the heart's pleas
ure! and sorrows. How ortcn d 4
I find solans and renewed courage
In troubled hours In tho" he vonly
harmonics of ray Steinway Piano!
May It flourish and prosper, an
i I Iah t tl fnl ( ti t- mart.
Madame Schumann-Holnko will be hoard In concert at Iho now
Brandels theater on November 7, whero rnuslo lovorB will have tho
boat opportunity to witness that raro co-oporatlon for satisfactory
results between artist and instrunieut. Dn not fall to take advan
tage to hosr tho world's grcatost contralto, supported by tho world s
greatest piano tho Steinway.
We carry at all times a comploto stock of Grands and Uprights
of those world renowned Instruments, and Nobraskans are no lonsor
forcod to go oast to obtain a satisfactory selection. Wo guarantou
,N'ow York prices, and axrango modorato monthly payment?, If do
slrod. i
Schnioller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Faniam Street. '
(Established 1&G9)
Kxcluslvo representatives for Htclnwnjr & Sons In Nebraska and
Western Iowa.
p. 8. Tickets for tho Schumann-Holnk concert nro now on
sale at the New Brandels Theater.
Conunisiioncr Ryder and Judge
Baker Confer with Gas Officials.
Cimipnny to Ulr Dollnr (lax for Ten
Yrnra and CMr Abolishes the
Ttvo Per CVnt Orrnpntlon
Tnx on llrnelpts.
Sinking of Cruiser
By Greeks is Marked
By Unusual Daring
ATHBNfl, Nov. 1 Lieutenant Vothlf.
commander of the torpedo boat which
In lit Might wink the Turkish battleship
Feth-I-Uutend at Salonlk, today rent lhi
following report of th Incident to thw
"The fort of Karabum were flashing
their searchlights unceasingly between
the estuary of the Karavofanarg and thii
A tentatlvo prvgram by which conaum
era will sccura dollar cu w ulunitf.l
by President Hamilton iiiid W. T. Dout-I mo"th of lb Varder rivets, but 1 pawed
. ... ' .... .) Ih imtt.r oil .tArtm U
hilt of the gna oomitany vatrd&y to To
Roosevelt Speaks
1 For Candidates on
: York State Ticket
) NEW YORK, Nov. -.-Colonel Thoodoro
U Jloosevelt for the second tlmo In three
H days tonight addressed mi immense
ii audience in Madison Bqusre Oardca
3 There hod preceded him to tho Harden
2 through the medium of Comptroller
H "William A. Prcndertruat, chairman of the
meeting-, a request that no effort bo made
by the crowd to cheer him beyond the
. limit of time accorded last nlKht In the
cams hall to Governor Wilson.
"When Colonel Iloosevelt raises his left
hand," Mrfl PrcnderHoat said,- "ha asks
you to let him proceed with Ida speech
because he desires a record next Tuesday
In the voting, rather than a record to-
night in the duration of the cheers."
Oscar 8. Btrnus, candldato for governor,
and other state npeakera had held the
stage until 9:40 o'clock when the colonel
Wyoming Convicts,
Caught After Chase,
Are Killed by Posse
RAWLINS, Wyo., Nov. 2. Richardson
and Buckatrum, two of tho convicts who
escaped from tho Wyoming penitentiary
here on October IS, wero killed by a posse
last nltrtit neur Powder Bprings, on the
Colorado-Wyoming line, according to a
telephone message received here late this
A fierce - battle took pluco when the
posse, headed by Sheriff Torrlll and
Deputy Sheriff Ogee, finally cornered the
fugitives after a chase of more than two
weeks. Iturkc, a third convict, escaped
and has not beon captured. None of the
posse was shot.
Richardson, Buckstrum and nurke, throo
of the moat desperate among the eight
convicts who escaped on October 13, kill
' Ing olio cltUon uhd stabbing another, !iJ
remained togcthor In their fight through
arrived. He was wildly cheered as he j the hills southward toward Colorado,
forced his way to the front of tho plat
form snd waved a welcome to all parts
of tho hall.
It was twenty-flvo minutes before his
uplifted hand brought the cheering to an
When he could finally make himself
heard the colonel, declaring that He
spoke In behalf of the progressive atate
and local tickets of New York, talked for
more than an hour, hla voice atrong and
his strength apparently unimpaired by
the effort. Success In tho state, he de
clared, was eraential to the progressive
success throughout the nation.
eluding tho pursuers time after time. All
three Were armed, and they atole food
and ammunition along tho way. Several
posses have been constantly on their troll,
but they succeeded In keeping ahead ot
their pursuers until last night.
The bodies of ttin dead ovnvlcts will be
brought to Jlawltus. The pursuit of
llurke will bn continued.
Senat -Attacked as
Citadel of Privilege
By Governor Wilson
-IOCHSSTJ5R, X. T., Nov, 1-Oovwrnor
"Woodrow Wilson In his speeches hers
tonight directed an attack on the United
States senate as a "citadel of privilege."
decIsxlBjr the people had not had poasos
alon of that body for a generation.
The speaker said confusion and inces
sant coniost wouia result in tho next
four years with a postponement of leg
islatlon unless both houses of congress
as well as the presidancy wero "demo
cratic through and through."
lice Commissioner Itydrr, City Corpora
tion Counsel Uakcr, Assistant City Attor
ney Lomhort Mid City Commissioners
Uutl-r and Wlthiull.
This plan, now under advisement by
city offloiiUs. tat If the ooninany will
uoronteo dollar gas to atsunrs for a
period of ten years the city will abolish
the prMut oooupatlon tax; ot 3 per rout
on gross rooslpts, the fixed ohsrge of S
ontii par l.lOt) eubio feet, and will under
take to dhrchaigQ all taxes against th
company with, the Inoome oC 1 per cent
on grin rceelpu paid directly to the city,
and 9 ; r oent to onv-r alt taxation.
To this plan tho oompany agree with
the eaceptiou that whonever tho total of
10 per oent on the grojs Jtcelpta fails to
meet alt tax demands tho defloenay ahull
to made up by an extra clia ge to private
consumera Tho city absolutely rfused
to oonslder thin counter ofior. etandlng on the demand for dollar gas for
the full period of ten years.
i . t .i id. '
Durlnw tho conference the gas company
officials alleged that their total expendi
tures for oil taxable purposes amounted
to II cents on euch 1,0.0 feet of gas sold
to ootisumers. Tho 10 per cent on the
gromi receipts, owing to the fixed mini
mum meter charge, is equivalent to this
16 cents per 1.W0 cubic feet.
"Wo nre standing firm for dollar gas,"
said Judge Hon Dakar, following tho con
ference, "and will acr-rpt nothing thnt
does not guarantee dollar gas to con
sumers for tho entire period of ten years.
Wo nro not opposed to a ten-year con
tract, although we have discussed the
advisability of . granting such a contract
for five years only."
Ar N-nr' AftTrrment,
The olty and the company have never
before been so near to agreement and
It is now believed that a compromise If
certain and that the suit pending to en
join the enforcement of the dollar gas will ultimately be dismissed
Furth. conferences will be held and
each side will seek to agree upon some
basis. Tho gas company now asserts that
the plant is of greater value than that
fixed by the appraiser secured to ap
praise tho property. The city believes
after Its legal representatives havo gone
carefully Into the detailed report of the
sppralsnr. that his figures are nccurato,
nnd will seek to secure a compromise on
the basis ot tho valuation returned by
No matter what action is taken, in the
end tho olty will bo compelled to go be
fore tho legislature this winter and ask
for .permission to enter into the agree
ment. It will then be necessary to put
tho matter to aAvcute ot the people.
full steam fur Ha'
11:20 o'clock In the
safely In. Making
tunlkl I arrived at
"I discovered a Turkish cruiser at the
left extremity of a pier. At the right
extremity were other vre-els, Includlnn
a lliis-tan warship. I maneuvered cau
tlously and csenped detection and
launched a torpedo at a distance of luA
meters from the starboard side of in)'
vessel. Then turning slightly to the left
I launched another from Uio port aide.
Then I steamed away at full speed to a
safe dlstauoe and again turning I dis
charged a third torpedo at the break
water. 'Then such an explosion was heard
that we thought a cannon had been fired
on land. After the first explosion wo
noticed lights moving about on the
cruiser and heard, whistles being blown.
The officers quarters were lit up by th
explosion, which occurred at a apot a
little forward of the right funnel.
"Dense volumes ot smoke poured from
tho lunnol and the vessel lurched for
ward by the bows. I then departed st
full speed, passing In front of ICarabuu.
which certainly had been apprised of th
event from Salonlkl, as the fortress
biased alt of Its searchlights.
"As we pursed unnoticed I carried out
a promise made my gunners and fired u
shot at the fortress from a range ot Z.bOO
Court Declines to
I Listen to Caruso
BAL.KM, Mass., Nov. 2. iloseph Bttor,
leader of the I.awrence textile workers
lost winter, who. with' Arturo Qlovan
nlttl and Joseph Caruso, Is on trial here
charged with responsibility for tho mur
der of Anna Lopplxu, sought to msko a
personal statement to the court today
Jutt bctoro opening remarks for the de
fense began. Ills request was denied anl
Judge Qulnn ordered counsel for the de
fendants to proceed.
After the commonwealth had closed Its
case. Judge Qulnn designated W. Scott
Vetera, attorney for aiovannlttt, and jM
II. Slsk, counsel for Caruso, to make tho
opening statements for tho defense. Ho
flist directed that but one attorney
should speak for all, but when Slsfc ex
plained that his client was charged as
principal and the others as accessories,
and that he would like to present a
separate statement, the court permitted
him to do so. J. P. B. Mohoncy, counsel
for Kttor, protested, but was overruled.
Resources of Banks
Largest in History
WASHINGTON. Nov, 7.-lwrence O.
Murray, comptroller of the currency, to
day Issued a atatement indicating that
the resources of the banks in the United
States national, state and private are
the highest In history-
Acoordlng to reports of thalr condi
tions on June 14, - the comptroller an
nounced tS.OOO of the 29,000 banks in the
country show aggregate resources of
f!Mo,C00,000, an Increase of ll.tfl.&WXW
over the Resources oft,0Q0 banks whlcn
made returns In 1911.
Tho total individual deposits amounted
to 17,013,000,000, an Increase of Jt.lOC.TOO,.
The 4,000 banks from which no reports
were received by the comptroller wore
chiefly brokerage concerns, with an es
timated aggregate capital of $79,000,000.
Orphan Girl Tells
of Her Experiences
With Counterfeiters
ST. IjOULS, Nov. i-Oillo Stevens, the
lC-yenr-old girl arrosied last night In a
raid on a houso filled with counterfeit
ing apparatus and spurious dollars and
dimes, today told ot her experiences and
expressed willingness to expose In court
tho three men arrested with her.
One of the men, Ira A, Campbell, 03
years old, posed as the father of the
girl. She said that six years ago Camp
bell took her from, an orphan asylum at
Council llluffa, la., and adopted her,
though he was unmarried. Since thon
she has accompanied him around the
Campbell nnd the girl, she said, lived
contly In Morgan county, Missouri. Six
ecks ago, while they were on a farm
near Stover, Mo., tnoy were joinea Dy
lien Soinemorand Thomas J. Johnson and
tho tour perfected dies and began to
ake dollars and dimes out ot antimony
nd tinfoil. Some ot the money was
passed in the neighborhood, but more
spent In Kansas City and here.
The girl ta a cripple and in poor health.
The police matron la taking care of her.
Clot an Awful Frtgtvt
by fear ot appendicular Take Dr. icing's
Now IJfe Pills and icon see bowel
rouble v nlsh. Q'-arsntee'. J5o. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Symptoms Are Warnings
to Wise Men.
i publication of the preecrw
3t a famed physician would
tlon o:
prove fruitless to hundreds of
con if unable to recognlxo the
necessity for Us use. It la not
the intention or desire of the
writer to mislead or frighten by
paint lug the horrors suffered by
the prematurely aged, but rather
ia it the desire to su-te plain facts.
The peculiar affliction which de
stroys ambition, organic strength,
energy and hope la accompanied
by some of the following symp
toms, It not by alts Dull sunken
yes thinness (or abnormal fat
ness), cold extremities, backache,
weakness in the spin, twitching,
pots before the eyes, pains in
back ot head, headache, trembling,
fatigue, shrinking of the skin,
flabby flesh. Impaired memory,
sleeplessness, loss of appetlts.
constipation, kidney derangements
and a general unpreparedness for
emergencies of all sorts.
The right kind of medical treat
ment will effectually overcome
such warning symptoms and re
store normal conditions if persist
ently used for a few short weeaa.
Any one can buy the Ingredi
ents and rr.ix the medicines ot this
prescription at home as it contains
no poisonous opiates whatever.
The Instructions for mixing at
home secretly so that no embar
rassment may be felt, as are fol
lows: Tlrst gst three ounces of
yrup sarsaparllla compound and
one ounce compound fluid balm
wort; mix and let stand two
hours. Then add one ounce com
pound essence csrdlol and one
ounce tincture cadomene com
pound (not cardamom), and mix
all together. The directions are
to take one teaapoonful after each
meal and qn when retiring, until
bounding health and full strength
are restored. Even a few weeks
will witness moot wonderful re
OlTimiE. Okl., Nov. ..-Special Telo-
gram.) Governor Herbert Hadley ot
Missouri Is the choice of Notional Com
mitteeman J. A. E, Harris of Guthrie.
the Taft manager in Oklahoma, for vice
president to aucceed tho lata JsmeB 8.
Sherman on tho republican ticket. Hnr
, ria said tonight he will attend tho com-
, mlttee meeting In Chicago.
I "I believe Governor Hadley would bo
'the choice of both the progressive and
I regular republicans In Oklahoma it left
to a vote," said Mr. Harris tonight, but
the time Is too short tor a vote to be
! taken. We no longer have a split In tha
i republicans In this state. Indications are
good for the election of the entire re-
I publican ticket next Tuesday and the st
lection ot Hadley will tend still further
. to cement au me republicans.
I "The large number ot Mlssourlans In
Oklahoma ta another excellent reason for
Oklahoma to be for Hadley and the
! strong republican showing made by Mis
sourt In the past entitles that state to
this recognition ot her favorite aon.
OZARK. Ark., Nov. I Ferdinand
Qlaubllts, aged M, was hanged hers to
day for the murder of his wtf at All
Ark., last August, Olaubltta'a trial came
to a asnsatlonal close when he suddenly
took his case out of the handa of hla at
torney and, addressing tha jury, pleaded
with them to gtvs him tha maximum
aentence, saying that h believed in the
law of "An eyo for an eye and a tooth
for a tooth," In killing hla wife Qlaub
lits used a knife, a pistol and an axe.
Home Cure
for Piles
Trial Package Absolutely Freo Will
ou Hnoml n Post-Card for It?
If you are suffering fnem piles instant
relief is yours tor the asking, and a
speedy, permanent cur will follow.
The Pyramid Drug Co., 403 Pyramid
IllAg., Marshall, Mich., will etnd you tree.
In a plain wrapper, a trial package of
Port of Acapulco
. Destroyed by Storm
SAN JUAN DEIi SUIt, Nicaragua, Nov.
l.The seaport of Acapulco on the Ta
olflo coast of Mexico was virtually de
stroyed W a sovere hurricane on Wednes.
day nlsht, according to wireless dis
patches received here. Four-fifths of
the town was shattered and tho Ameri
can consulato was unroofed, the consular
reoords being damaged by rain. No Uvea
were lost, but a numbor of natives wero
Several small craft In the harbor wero
wrecked, but the United States cruiser
Maryland, which was lying thero, was
not Injured. Tho United States cruiser
Cleveland, which was In tho vicinity, did
not suffer.
Telegraphic communication with Aca
pulco is Interrupted.
Acapulco Is the chief port of call for
steamers plying between San Francisco
and South American ports, Tho outer
bay Is unprotected and is occasionally
swept by fierce storms.
Grabow Riot Case
Soon to Go to Jury
UAKE CHARtJCS, La., Nov. 1. "It you
doubt that the union men were prepared
tor trouble," said Congressman Arscno P.
Pujo in his argument for the state today
in the Orutxm murder trial, "oonsldcr the
117 bullet holea In the sides ot tho mill
He also contended that oil the attend
ant circumstances proved that the union
men were the aggressors In the battlo.
The case ot tho nino defendant menv
bere of the Brotherhood of Timber Work-
era la expected to go io tho Jury to
morrow afternoon. Four arguments were
completed today, cne by the state and
three by the defense, leaving for tomor
row only one concluding argument for
each side and the charge to the Jury by
Judge Overton
BUFFALO. N, T Nov, l.That while
In a boastful mood, Governor Wilson,
speaking last night in Madison Square
Garden, made a confession which clarified
the positions of himself end the Wall
street Interests in the present campaign
was the assertion of Governor Johnson
Pyramid Pile Cure, the wonderful sure ' ln Pcch at Convention hall tonight,
and certain cure for the tortures ot this "l wm rt&A Governor Wilson's re-
arcau unease, rnousanos nave already a rpon-u m me tiros, ue siwa.
taken advantage of this offer, thousands
know for the first time ln years what it
la to bs free from the pains, the Itching,
the awful agony of piles.
Pyramid ltle Cure relieves the pain
and itching Immediately, The Inflamma
tion goes down, the swelling Is reduced
and soon the disease Is gone absolutely.
No matter how desperate you think
your care Is, write in today tor the free
trial treatment. Then, when you have
used It in the privacy ot your own home
and found out tor yourself how etflca
'He spoke as follows;
'"The gentlemen In Wall street don't
bet five to one on their destruction and
they don't go to their buelness smiling
and complacent when tuey expect a
deluge next week.' '
Political Notes
Is Just
Liko Out.
(Peoples rami tare ft Carpet Co.)
The Rocker
Bolov.' Has
Seat and
This Is She "Union's" Idea of
America's Greatest Rocker Value
Mind you, the rocker Is NOT a cheap, flashy one, but a magnificent piece ln the prevailing FUMED
OAK, OOLDKN OAK or ln a rarely beautiful MAHOGANY finish. Frames In genuine quarter-sawed oak.
and the upholstered neat Is done ln OBNUINE BPANI8H or BLACK LKATHEH. Itocker Is 40 Inches high,
ha- Jtx20 scat, broad back, has highly tompercd elect eprlngB under the seat upholstery, and Is as com
fortable as can be. It is one of those rich, tony, porfectly plain pieces without a lot of ordinary carvings;
It's a piece that may bo Bet In the richest parlor In Omaha and receive cpmn.tmt on its boeuty. Again wo
say, "It's upholstered In GENUINE leather." lluy It and pay down only. $1 make the rest in 50o a week
payments If you will. Bearch tho stocks of every storo within thousands of miles and you will NOT find
as choice a piece of furnlturo under S 30.
Specialed at only
But Worth
Fully $20
I 1 I'll I - ml n
Shop at
at Only
$1 Cash, 50c Weekly $1175
An $8.50 Grade Soft I The Union's $35 Grade
Coal Heater, should
attract many
when offered at
DON'T be at all un
easy because of the
price, for the heater
will heat, use Its fuel
economically and last
indefinitely. It has cast
Iron baee, top and front.
It has also a neat nickel
foot rest and nickel top
ring. A screw draft air
regulator assures a
K roper maintenance of
eat. It is undoubtedly
a stove world wonder at
the price.
Steel Range is a
thoroigh trade
convincer when
ofiered at
434.S0 doesn't seem
enough of a. price to
bur a OOO D ateel range,
but tho "Union" Is al
ways an exception. The
Union's J24.50 , Steel
Banga bos full riveted
steel body, asbestos
lined, baa guaranteed
bsJiiog oven with six S
tnch lids and is com
plete with upper warm
ing closet. Don't buy a.
steel range until you
see It.
$1 or
so a
unfitting Cs
(Peonies Furniture ft Carpet Oo.)
Contributions amounting to S93.974.tM
were received by progressive national
headauartera in New York durlnc tli
t wlr r.nk- . t C 11am . V. . 4 ftfVl
, ,4 . . . , , , , ..., w. .u w . . ,v"r
u" l uu c" sov nui-si-e imcs.- subscribers made up the aum.
age at any drug store ror co cents, every ' Governor Johnaon'a atopa yesterday
day you suffer after reading this notice wars for brief rear platform talks. Meet-
you suffer needlessly. Simply flit out today will be heia in ten towns anu
- Mirnn -nri m-ll tvtv 'M between Dunkirk and Buffalo,
free coupon and man toaay. I .v,.. . ih, i. ui,iiM
I The aucreme court ot Utah has refused , maintain hla office In Omaha.
1 , n wtt a M.nil.mllB oalfflul TAP . - ,H a..a ...J . V. I . M
by the democratlo and progressive party Mi. rr.wfnrrt wm .P-,mnnv Mr Craw,
campatgi managers, to compel the count" Mr- crawrord wm acempany Mr. traw
commissioners to supply Australian bal- , ford,
lots at ail the polling places in Salt Lake ! .
county, to be used In conjunction with thel n,,!! J,,rtw n WJ,mn
Pyramid IUdg., Marshall Mich. Kindly
send me a sample or Pyramid Pile
Cure, at once by mall, FnulO. In plain
City State.
Staek-Fatooaer Co-, Ucdsrtaksrs.
Lighting- rixtares-Sargess-Oraadaa Oo.
Xavs &Oot Print It Now Beacon Press
alley, the Dsntiat, City Nat D. 2501
O. A. Unfigusst, tailors. 235, Pax. Blk
Oeorffe Xagney ror oounty attorney
Rarry Counsman for county assessor.
See Koacoe for tow rates on diamond
and watch loans. 153 Dodge. Advertise.
Crawford Xseps O fries Hare Itanlt
Crawford, who has large interests in
Vancouver, B. C, will spend a large por
tion of his ttme during the next two or
I three years in that country, but will still
He win
regulation of waterpower rights on pub
lie domain will be given an opportunity
to air their views at a. hesrinir lipfnr
Secretary of the Interior Fisher.
Henry Lane Wilson, ambassador to
Mexico, came to Washington today to
take luncheon with President Tntt and
talk over the Mexican situation.
Just returned from his trip to Hawaii,
Secretary or the Interior Fisher discussed
with President Taft Hawal nn conditions
and western economto problems.
voting machines,
Goveor Johnson ot Caj fornla yesterday
addressed hull more meeting" n rcen.
burg. Morrtatnwn. Theresa, Philadelphia,
Watertown. Carthage. Low "VUle, Boon
vllls. Remsen and OneUo, N Y Meet-
Inrm .f4ii!A f ru T'Hra md nther rltlra
In tha Twentieth Congressional district lena, Sonora, by
vera canceled on account ot tne aestn or I men.
Vice President Bherman.
Body of Woman
in Auto Party is
Found in River
SIOUX CITY, lu., Nor, 2.-The body ot
a woman answering the description of
Bertha Holbrook, one of the members ot
the missing Miller automobllo party, was
taken from the Missouri river south of
Winnebago, Neb., today. Chlff of P.
tectlves niohnrds says there is no doubt
but the body' Is , that ot the Holhroot
woman. He sold It proves the theory
of the polloo that the party, which in
cluded Ida Hall of Omaha, Bertha Hol
brook nnd Ororz Miller of Sioux City.
Cardinal Respighi
Resigns Vicariate
PARIS. Nov. S.-The Matin says thaJ
Cardinal Respighi. vicar general to popj
Plus, has reelgned, following an Inquiry
ordered by tha pope Into the admlnlstra.
tion of the chancellor of the
iMonslgnor Faberi, which it Is alleKcd.
established favoritism. The perdlnal, uc.
cording to the Matin, deemed h!mU
responsible for his subordinate's actl
and tendered Jils resignation.
wora was receivea in hojwm, nnil TVnlt J Ri.mtwr un.l Tiulo"
r.t th ,-.rttir- nf hnd of enunti'i. na rTann j. ursmper una iouie
fetters who have been making American 'wig of Danhury. la., were drowned whllo
money In tho mountalna west of Mania- lon tnf)r waj. from gjOUx City to Omaha
on the n'ght of OctcKr I- Jljller's bo'Jy
All parties interested 1n the government w lou,,a w" ui-gl
w uinnon cafo
1B17 Paraom Street,
l'roro 12:00 to 3:00 O'clwsk.
, , Oyster Cockail -
Wafers CelcrJ
c,,rr Olives
Itadlshcs Assorted Nuts
nocst Prime R'.b of Beef bu Jur!
, . f? 5P rlnK Chicken fomtli- ntyle
Baked oung Pig, Chestnut muffing
, u L.f. Uu,,h v"tl1 Cranberry Jelly
Msched Potatoes iny June f,e3,
Baked hweet Potatn.ii
,New Pplnarb with esg
Combination Salad
Hot Rolls
Lemon Merln8u ri
Pitted Cherry Pie
Pineapple Ice Cream
Ansel Fvo4 Oak.
- iuu ji jxri jusi i"r I"-- '