Isn't This Jut Like a Man? MOTHER BILL'. 111 ATTEND To THE (TEH POUNDS OF ) f THE QHVf ORIfllML JumiTUrE ffSSkX FHEV DELICTUS ?A I 5AV WILLIAwl DID YdU A .fof .WftlNG SELF ftSioLO I "You MM US I HAVE Al0 -EVE Mh ojjfeft Zrb , ISf TAT WHAT 111. DO ? wuSf X 7 .50NY WWr THEM p0R BABAKWr ftCO - Vou JHOUIO OF THIS TRUCK ' Yflll fed Wi Jpip li ess! (jj ( RKA1, EST TK rTV I'nOPHIlTV FOIl 9.VI 11. Brand New Homes, Bargains of the Season Bungalows and Houses 5 to 7 Rooms Completely Modern Prices $2,650 to $4,500 TERMS, ! 100 to $1,000, a liberal discount for half cash. Balance Monthly, Like Rent 4518 N. 3Cth St, 5-r Bungalow, $2,650. 2615 Docatur 8t, 5-r Bungalow, $2,750. 2103 Military Avo., 5-r Bungalow, $2,800. 2105 Military Ave., 5-r Bungalow, $2,800. 4103 No. 19th St., 6-r Bungalow, $3,850. 3911 No. 20th St. Blvd., 6-r Bungalow, $3,850. 3911 No. 20th St. Blvd., 6-r and Bleeping porch, $3,900. 3917 No. 20th St. Blvd., 6-r and sleeping porch, $3,900. 4113 No. 20th St Blvd., 6-r and sleeping porch, $3,900. 1609 Evans St., Kountzo Place, C-r arid sleeping porch, $4,000. 1611 Evnna St., Kountro Place, 6-r and sleeping porch, $4,250. 1615 EvanB St., Kountze Place, 6-r Bungalow, $3,900. 4233 Douglas St., West Farnara, 6-r and sleeping porch, $4,500. These houses are strictly fnodern, conveniently arranged and beauti fully finished. All vestibules, living rooms and dining rooms are finished in oak. Somo have built-in buffeta, window seats, beam celling and etc. All have "Just been completed and are ready to occupy. Start now to acquire a homo and stop paying rent. Open today for Inspection. PAYNE & SLATER CO. 616- Omaha National Bank Bldg. A NICE COMFORTABLE HOME 3,300 Is a mighty low pr ce for the prop erty, but the owner is compiled to sell before winter and will sacri fice. The bouse contains 7 large rooms. Is In perfect condition and Is well located, being on a south front lot, one-half block from tho car' at ittli and Spalding. It Is cer tainly a hummer for the money. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Douglas 1781. 3d Floor Ware Block. FOIt SALE By owner, grood 6-rosm bouse In good neighborhood, with plenty fruit; icduced l.60) to $2 2.0 for quick sale for next 15 days. Easy terms. S013 Franklin St. FOK SALE 6712 Florence Blvd. Nloo Vroom cottage, rast front lot. 82x207. 'On prettl st Ml. a." Kisy pavments. Phone Douglas 1SS or Webster 1070. KKAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR B A 1,11. Australia. GOVERNMENT of Victoria. Australia, wants settler. Government offering spe cial Inducement for Bcttlers. Land, water, railways, free tcliools owned by govern ment. Excellent climate, resembling Cali fornia; no extreme heat or cold. Irriga ted tracts frbm 10 to 200 acres, J30 to ?W0 per acre; 31VJ years to pay for the pur chase; lands adapted to every kind of culture; oranges and lemons grow on some farms with apples and pears. Wheat, corn and alfalfa are staple crops, dairy ing a very successful Industry. Reduced passage for approved settlers. For par ticulars write Mr. F. T. A. Frlcko, Gov ernment Representative from Victoria, 6S7 Market St., San Francisco, CaL Cauuiln, BRITISH Columbia finest agricul tural land, Nccharo valley, near Grand Trunk; also Fort George, Cariboo, Peace River, Biilkley valley. Stato requirements. 40 acres to 100,000. Lowest prices; easy terms. Glenn & Co., 421 Pender St., Vancouver. B. C. Colorado. HOMEBTEAD 32u acres rich farm land for $175. filing fees and U1; Just over Into Colorado good stuff, not sand hills. Land In Kimball county 10 to J15 per acre. J A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb. Klorlrin. A FEW bargains: Bearing grape fruit and orange groves. Peace River valley, Do Soto county, Flor.da; also unimproved, Send for list. J. G. La Coste, Sterling, III. - Intra. Garden and Fruit Tracts. , Farms of any size, just S miles north of Council Bluffs, at bargain prices. SOS acres,-known at Orchard Heights, subdi vided and for sale at from WO to 1100 per acre; easy terms. Let us show you this land. Day & Ueta Co., 123 rear lit., Council Bluffs, la. EIGHTY acres of land ciohu to town; every acre can be farmed; will be sold for $66.00 per to close partnership. Mort gage ot S3.0U0. baiance must be casb. V.U box 3W. Council Bluffs. Iowa. Ulte. vurtlvit vvay to find a buyer Tor Iviir luim u to Insert a small wunt al In tht- Des Moines Cat'Kul Largeit clr culation III the state of Iowa, ti.vw dally 'i'hu Capital Is lead by und believed In I) tne vttuiUpatters of Iowa, who simply i ri uiv i-t permit uny other paper In their huir.xi liates. 1 cent a word a day, Vi 2j ir nne per month; count six orui-l-iy ivoidi tu the line. Address uu .i. ,.t .Moines. Ia tiu id reds of Men would wont tills 40-acre farm If they oould sea It. Six miles of Council Olu.ts 1,1. man. road, about twenty-eight acres 8uou land In cultivation; 4-room cottage; horn, cave, cel.or, a little fru.t. one iiua.ter mile of tchool and one mile of antull town and raliroad station. Lies In a' warm sunny valley protected on north wsk.auu eaut by hills. Fine place for t'tncrul farming, fruit growing garden l lib, chickens and bees. Worth the price at jl.OXi, tXw cash balance iong time. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 10G Pearl St. I'O YOU DO,'., i ..l l.Ni.ddlN IOWA? The Des Molncs Capital Is Iowa's most iaiv circu.aied und most influential im a aaper. Jts doily circulation exceeds) 4i.wM copies. The classified advertising rate Is 1 cent a word or 6 cents a line. You can sell your farm In Iowa or you can buy land In Iowa by the use of the Dei Moines Capitol. The rate by the month U $1.20 a in- Address The Deal Moines Capital. De Moines, la. I KKAL KSTATK CITY PnOl'KIlTY FOR HA 1.12. Phone Douglas 1016. town. FOR BALE SO-ACRID FARM. NEAR COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA.; 6-room dwell Ing; barn 40x44, double corncrtb, two wells; spring In pasture; 20 acres alfaUa, 30 acres pasture balance In corn and oats. CIIAS. T . OFFICER. Council Bluffs. Ia. Kansas. PUBLIC SALE December 4, 1912: Good Improved form. (160 Ac), near Topeko, Kan.; to tettle an estate. For Informa tlon wrlto W. L. Reld, Dacus, Tex. Minnesota 600 PER CENT profit In 2 years: 1S.000 acres rich farming and fruit land, frost proof belt, near Duluth's new rteel plant, offered quick buyers, tracts 2,000 acres up, at UL00. Very easy terms. Three rail ways through, seven shipping points on land. Tremendous development pending. For map V id particulars, write Owner, II. H. NesbTtt. Duluth. Mtnn. Montana. Send Your Son To Montana Will sell my 5 40-acre farm near Lewis town, Mont, In tho Judith ba In. Fo ty bmhels wheat, eighty oats, alfalfa, three acre trout pond, splendid bulld-ng, cattle and horses. Small paym. nt. t.n consider part tiade. Owner. Addieos Y 225. Bee. Nebraska. HAVE YOU BEEN THERE? Have you seen the display of Dawes county products. Raised on land which 1 have for sale at from $10 per acre up and on easy terms. It Is costing mo con siderable money to keep this display in Omaha for your Inspection, but costs you nothing but the effort to go and see It. Don't be a drone. Don't stand In your own light go and seo my display of prod ucts, get one of niy books of descriptions and prices, got one of my stale maps then como to Crawford and see tho land. A RAH L. HUNGERFORD, CRAWFORD. DAWEH CO., NEBR. Omaha office, 107 AlcCague Bldg,, 15th and Dodge BU., one block oast ot postofflce. M. O. BET BOLD. MANAGER. MR. INVESTOR. Mr. Man with small means: Fur sale, 11 quarters ot choice farm land close to Sldnty, Neb., on, .ciuh cash, bal. ten years' in ten equal i ayments. Krneit Haas rtlrtney. .sb. HOMESTEAD 320 acres rich farm land for $175, filing fees and all; just over Into Colorado good stuff, not sand hills. Land In Kimball county $13 up to $25 per acre. J. A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb. tu-bUbliUL WHEAT LAND, (Z TO IU PER ACRE. We have for nale-ovur W.O0O acres ol Cheyenne county, Nebraska s cholcsat farm land, where the crop vids for U ears. Including 1110 and averagt Kith the best Id the slute. Alfalfa, also a leading crop, iisttsr so1, water and c.lniute cannot be found. Writ for fui, information. Agents wanted evrywbr. INVEalMENT CO, SIDNEY. NEU. Bargain fcl.OO Ca,h tO-ALuu BARG,Ui4, less than twenty mile trom South Omaha, Think of It $4) per acre; four-room house, 18x24. two rooms upstairs and two down, Ifr-foot studding; good well, born, corncrlba; W ucres wider cultivation, lays ood and tuu good product ve soil; crop will show tor useif; 3d acres timber and pasture. Price is EXTRA right and this Is bound to greatly enhance In vaiue. Good reasons why. Only $3,200; $700 cash, $1,000 more March 1, balance three and five years. 8 per cent Come prepared to bur. Write sr phone as to date beforehand If con venient. ORIN & MERRILL CO.. 121$-1214 City Natl Rank Bldg. Farms Farms harms Driving dUtance of Omaha; bargains. Let us show you the goods. All sizes, all prices, oil terms. ORIN 8. MERRILL, Rooms 1211-14 City Mul Bank Side THE OMAHA tKAl KSTM'l- ItKAI. KSTXTK PA KM jfc RAXCll LANDS FOR SALE. PARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. California. CALIFORNIA Do You Want a Home In One of the Most Beautiful Loca tions in California? We Are Prepared to Show You Just Such a Home We have just secured a large tract of land lying about five miles from the city of Sacramento, overlooking the beautiful American river and adjoining an other beautiful tract that has been sold and Is planted to oranges, peaches, Plums, grupes, olives, almonds and fingltsh walnuts. This will show you what the land will raise. We will not take you to a desert or a desolate place, but a beautirul spot that will appeal to vou at once. A high and sightly place. The Ideal Irrigation eystam and tho good soil Is all that could be desired. Tho tract Is subdivided Into small acreage, ranging from ten to twenty acres, and most every tract has more or less of those beautiful live oak trees scattered over It. The elevation of this tract is about This affords a magntf.cent view of good, puro air and a most healthy plaoo to live. The soil will produce all kinds of citrous and deciduous fruits, nuts, gralna and garden trucks The water supply Is an Idoal one, the water being taken from the American river and 'a pi pod by an underground system to the property for both domestlo and Irrigation purposes. Tho water is clear and pure, and there are no open Irrigation ditches on the land. , KABY I'AY bT rUAfi. We will sell this tract on the following eoav terms: One-fifth cash und the balance tl.CO per acre per month. This i.iui nome in uauionua, Excursion November 19th We will run on excursion November 19 to this tract. For full particulars as to excursion rates and for illustrated literature write uu at once. Gillespie-Burger Company 513 City National Bank Bldg. Nebraska. 644 ACRES land In Blaine county, Neb. IS.26. A. W. ttelpln. 4221 Charles BL BUY FROM OWNER. Save commission, uood level ',-4 section. Cheyenne county, where wheat made 42 bu., oa.s SO bu. per aero. Ripley, 2221 weDster hi. A GREAT BARGAIN. If you are looking for a No. 1 farm and stock ranch, here It Is. 400 acres, 12 miles trom Curtis, Neb.; (where new utato njrrifMiltllrnl irhnnl la lnrntml. 1.V) m'ra J In cultivation, balance pasture land. 75 acres moro can be piowed. Land lays nne no better anywncre. Price $16.60 per acre tor short time only. Investigate Good terms. Addieas Lock Box 47 Curtis, Neb. aouili Dakota. FOIt SALE 1C0 acres good farm land: 40 acres broke, balance all tillable; miles trom Dailaa and & mile from Colome. Price, $40 per acre, payable $1,100 cash. 12,500 March 1, 18U; $I.4W March l 1317. Addniw Box 1M, Dallas. Mi tialc 480 ACRES In Clark county, Southi Da kota, four miles from county seat. 800 ucres broke, a good set of Improvements. Pilco $55 an acre on good terms. E. P. Thompson, Lyons, Neb. HOMKo'lEAU icilnqulshment on choice quarter sect.on, near good town; school facilities, near the Nebraska line. Price, $200. & Carey, 1014 City National Bank Bldg.' Tenia. CHEAP patented stato school lands, south Texas, $1 an acre cash, balance ten years. For all particulars write F. A. Connable. trustee, 4bi Commercial Bank Bldg., Houston. Tex. WHalllllKtuU. BUY SPOICANe" PROPERTY. One aero that will auon ba worth $1,000 for $6001 terms. Write EMERY 8. BAYLEY, IVuch. Washington. Miscellaneous. FOR 8ALEOno tract of S.90O acres of I splendid southern lands, situated on two 'railroads; good t.aisaln for investment or colonisation. W. II. Fitzpatrlck, 200-201 ' Masonic Temple, Mobile, Ala. LKOAL NOTICKH NOTICH, UU' ELECTION. To the Qualified Voters of the Village of Ralston. Douglaa County, Nebraska: Notice Is hereby given that puisuaut to the provision of ordinances duly passed and published, as required by law, by the Chairman and Board of Truateea of tho Village of Italston, Douglas County, Ne braska, a special election has been called arid will be held in the Village of Ral ston, on Tuesday, the 6th day of Novem ber, 1V1Z. between tliu hours of nine (S) o'clock A. M. and seven (7) o'clock P. M at the Lumber Yurd Office in aaid Vil lage, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters ot said Village, th question and pioposltlun of issuing "WATER BONDS" In the sum of Twelve thousand ($12,000.00) Dollars, as follows: QUESTION AND PROPOSITION OF ISSUING BONDS. "Shall Bonds ot the Vlllago or Ralaton In the sum of Twelve thousand (I12.uw.u0j Dollars be Issued as may be required, for the purpose or Nrovldlng for a supply of water (or the purpose ot fire protection and pubiia use und for the use of tb Inhabitants ot the Village of Ralston, by the creation or construction ot a system Ol w'rr mains within said Village or Ralston, said bonds to become due In twenty (20) years from their date or issue, payable at the option ot said Village at any time after five year from their date, drawing Interest not exceeding six per cent (ii per annum, payable semi-annually, with n. 'terest coupons attached, said bonds to be called -WATER BOND8' and not to be sold (or less than parr' THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEED OF THE VILLAGE OF . RALSTON. By u M. uiunnkk. Chairman. .Attest: C. M. ANTHONY, Village Clerk. VllWe ot Ralston. (SEAL.) Nebraska. OctlDHt TIVK HTOI'K M IIKVT r U'KHT Hhlp live ato.'k to South Omaha. Bave mlleag and shrinkage. Your consign menu reotlve prompt and careful atten tion. Z.lve Stark rommUaloa Merchant. BXJtaS BP.OS. CO, Strong, r SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 3, 1012. Wfeet higher than the city of Sacramento. the surroundings and assures plenty of makes It easy for anyone to own a boau- Telephono Douglas 2S19. LIVE stock market ok wkst Llve Stock Commission Merchants. CL1FT1N Com. I u.. 322 Exchange Bldg Bnydnr-.Malonr-rufttrmn Co.. IM Ex, Bldg LAVEUTx BHUB.. m Exchange Illdg Martin 'trun. & Co.. Kxrhsnic Blag. Cluy, Hooiuson at Co., MO Exchange Uleg. RAILWAY TIMK CARD. l,MO.N STATION Tenth and Mason. Union Paclfl Xfeptrt. ,.a a am . 3:60 m '.ali't's'im ,.all:4S pra .a 7:04 am .alt:0l am ..a 1:50 pm ,alt:80 pm .a lilt am ..a B:I0 pm ,blt:l pm Arrlta. a 7:40 pm a K pm a 1:00 am a 4:00 pm a I. to pm a!i:U am a 7;15 am a 4:00 pm a I: JO pm a 4:41 pm 10:3 am b 1.21 pm San. Fran. Overland Und., China & Japan Mall Atlantic Kiprna Portland A Puitt S. Rip..., Loa Angtlra Limited Denver special Colorado Special Colorado Bipreai , Oreon-Waihlri(ton Limited. Mmti riitte Local Orand laland Local Slromaburg Local ChlcBgro. Milwaukee C nt. Pa til a 1:11 am a 7:40 pm at! Ml pm alliti pn, a till pm all; 00 pm a 3:00 am a 1:41 pm a 1:10 pm Overland Limited., a T:M pm L'lilraco Special a 4:0 J pm Dcnver-ronland Limited a 3:00 pm Cblcaio Darillht Special a T:I0 am Colo-California Eipreia Pew Looal a 1:10 am Missouri Iacl(lr K. C. A St. Louie Eprer. ,a 1:00 am U. C. A St. Loula Bipreea.. until pm K. C, It It, Loula Limited. .alOlel am Chlcaico A North irmtrrn KOHTHDOUhD. Mlnneanolla-lt. Paul pre.,a 7:00 am Ulnneapolla-St. Paul Limited.! 1:00 pm a 1:00 am Tata U'Kr Local a lilt pm alO;!0 pm Sioux City Ltcl a l: pm a 1:11 pm Mlnneapolla & Dakota Eip..a !;00 pm a 1:15 pm Twin Cltr Limited a 1:00 pm a 7:10 ma Minnesota Uxjircaa, all:0U am KABTUOUND. Carroll Local,,.,. a 7:00 am a 4110 pa LfariUht Lhlto a T:o am Cblcaio local , UZ;Vi pm a 1:11 ClilcsKu-Uoloredo , a till Cnlcaiio Special , a l;01 pm a l:t raclllo Coaat-Chlcago a :M pm a 1 .11 Loa Anela Limited..., ia l:ld pm alJ:JJ Overland Limited la 1M pm a ;U Carroll Local a 4:10 pm alo.u Kaat Mall a l;W pm a l:U Cedar llaplde, Bloux Cltr and Omaha a J: M Ceutannlal Stat Limited ill: to am aU:l WK8TUOUND. Lonr Pine a 1:00 am, all:M Mnfolk-Dallaa al'IMam alltoo Lom pioe-Llnoola a 1:11 pm a l:M Iteellnfs-tluperlor b 1:11 pm a Deadwood-IUii, sprlnis a l:il pm 5;Ja eaiper-Lander a lite pm all):16 Frmotit. Albion ...6 Hill pm D 1;U WMbaata Omana-Kt. Lout Biprea.... I:M pm a 1:11 lull and liiprie a 7:01 am alliti Sunberrr Local (trom C B )..b l;W pm blOiU Chlcaico Orrat Western- lwlo Cltr Limited a 1:10 pm a 1:10 I'trrr Local . a i:iv tun aU:6u Twin Cltr Kxpiea a t. o am a : Lbivagj aipix a eiw put ,m (.niuugo, Hook island m i'hoIiIc KABT. Ilookj Mouaula L!!,'30 pm alOitl thlcaga Looai Paaaeager.,..olv,4 tla tiu.ig CSKago l)r aUpreaa a :a am a 4: cuuo imivm ...a eiiv pm Liu Ua Mio Local PaMuer..a l.lf pm al;U Ctuu.v.eBruaa taniluu. ...a tin pm a :w W JtdT, Lblcago-Neb. Ltd. to Liitia..a 1.01 am ;u Cuiumo-coiura4o aapi.a a l.ia pu, a w Oklaiiuma t Taxaa aUpreaa..a ;m pui ati.t IWtXI Mountain Limiw4 in alliM tlarltuarton citation Tenth A Uuon, uuriiugloa Depart. Denver k Cal.lornla a tun am Puget sound gxpreaa... a e:10 pm Nebraaaa Polala a t.xu am Black Hill a 4:10 pm Liacotn Mall b t;lu pm Itaitliweel Bxpreaa til. I. pn Mbraaka Kxpre- a a.l ua e.inu.vr-Pta.ia-'-eutB .....,,..b pm Arrive, a 1:41 pm a l:ii pm a e.lti pm a l:e pm U.U pm a 1:0 am a l:l pa bit. am kU:u am a I. Ml am l:o am Bil.L. put a t.txi am a ; pa a I.M ia, ue.t m alliM ae a :., aui :! pm Uocuia uocai , piatUiaeutB-towa a I. u am Uollevua-FUluaauUi all; 10 ,a Cbiugo speol a I.U yn Deaver Special alliU pa lalcago BUpree tiiUw LBlctge seal Cxprta......,..a l:M pus Creatoa tLM Lac. b I J pu St. Loula lpr ..... a 444 ,m Kanaa Cltj-bU Jeaepb aio.e pm Kaaaaa Cltr A Bt. Jt-Mpb a l:U am Webster Station 15th A Webster, Cblraso, Um all ik- St- I'anl, Minneapolis A Depart. Arrive J : pm lU:U am : b : pm Blo Cltr Kxprww. ...... Twla Cltr Pmaaanger gleux Cltr Paaaeager gmereaa Local r : " e: pm B ex pa ;i . Hlasoarl Pacific Aekara Leoal g.-a pm w.U am Ul taUx. (II iail xms4 Sua, w tZLr, Drawn BOMB IN DEMOCRATIC CAMP Letter Against Repealing: 8 O'clock Law Creates Consternation. REPUBLICAN STOCK GOES UP Epistle Was Written uy MorrhenU in Answer to n Decor Letter Asking; a Statement of Ills Position, A sharp turn liu taken placo In local politics with a material rise In repub lican stock and depress on of demooratlo hopes in Douglas county. It has all come about over tho dis tribution In foe simile form of a letter written by Cundldate-tor-Governor More head, who tops the democratic ticket, putting hlmtelf down unconditionally against the ropeal of the 8 o'clock closing law. The letter Is addressed to a Rev. Mr. Douglas, evidently In answer to a decoy, but Its authenticity Is not denied. Candidates for local offices on the dem ooratlo ticket are naturally very much put out. especially as one of the pet planks In their platform pledges their best effort, If elocted, to repeal the 8 o'clock law. One of them was vont-ng Ids opinion forcibly today: "If we are beaten we can blame It to that fool letter which has tipped the whole bucket as far as Douglas county Is concerned. We had tho republicans beaten to a frassle, from top to bottom, until they sprung this thing on us, And now I wouldn't be surprised If even Al drlch carried the Third ward, which he lost by 1.C00 two years ago when ho was running on a county option platform." Golden Amulet of King Menes is Recovered CHICAGO, Nov. 2. The golden amulet or King Menes has been recovered by the Haskell Orlmital museum ot the Univers ity of Chicago, It was announced tonight, but defaced so as to make Its authen ticity questionable. The priceless relic, 8,600 years old. which wns stolen f roii the museum last January, was round burled under a stono near the university build ings. An anonymous letter told the detec tives where to dig and a few moments search brought to II' ht a battored bit of gold, that later Prof. Jaraes II. Brest. ' curator or tho museum, pronounced to be I the stolen .amulet, but so mutilated as to maku It valuoloss as a relic The tiler I ogplyphlcs representing the king's namn I and tho picture writings on the aumulet have been pounded Into Illegibility, ac cord' ng to Prof. Breasted. John C. Hartsel) wns convicted on ringer print of stealing the amulet. He Is await Ing a new trial. GREAT CATHOLIC CHURCH GIFT OF THOMAS F. RYAN NEW YORK, Nov. t. The new church edifice of St. Jean Bnptlste. now nearlng completion In this city at a cost ot $l,000,(jrv, is the girt or Thomas F. Ityan to the Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament. This announcement wns msde today by , Father Lettelller, superior or the ordor. I The old church or Bt. Jean Baptlste, lo cated on East Sixth street,. Is widely known an the church, ot miraculous cures. To Its shrine thousnnds or crip ple! and suffering Catholics made pil grimages and tho crutches end surgical , appliances- abandoned by thnm form a i large collection, which Is exhibited at the church. The announcement today says the new church nt Soventy-slxth street and Lex ington avenue will be one of tho largest and most imposing Roman Cathollo structures In America. It will accommo date 8,0fO persons and will be built In 'the shape of a Latin cross with throe naves, two twin towers and a groat dome. Tho towers will be 160 teet in height and the domo will ba 180 feet. BANK R0BW SUSPECTS WILL BE RELEASED COLUMBUB, O,, Nov. J.-H. E. Camp bell and Joseph G, Gavin, who were ar- rested here yesterday In connection with the bank robbery at New Westminster, Canada, several months ago probably ' will be released within a day or two as neither the Chicago nor the local police can Identify them as tho men wanted for tho nobbery. Gavin was ar. rested In Chicago several weeks ngo, but was soon released, Hnw"rr -".n under arrest hero know "Big Charley" Montague for whom tho po ice . ,ne country are searching. Montague Is said to have been one of the men who robbed tho Now Westminster bank and later . attempted to kill a Chicago policeman whon, about to be placed under arrest "OMAN IS ACCIDENTALLY SHOT dv i,PR HUSBANr SIOUX FA LI A B D Nov. t-Rpe-o'al.) Mrs. Axel Anderson, wife of a well known farmer living near the vlt lage of Gnodwln, Is In a critical condition as the result of accidentally being shot by her husband. Anderson was engaged 1 In cleaning a gun when the weapon was , areldentally discharged. The entire ! change passed through the fleshy portion of his wife's leg Just below the knee Sfverng tho arteries. Circulation hav ing stopped gangrene set In. and In onlor I to save her life physicians amputated the Injured limb. At present she Is verv weak from loss of blood and It Is reared she will be unable to survive the shock for The Bee by Final Plans for the Big Convention Pinal details ot the program or bust ness and entertainment ror the teachers who como to the annual convention ot tho Nebraska Stale Teachers' association Wednesday were made at the Commercial club nt noon. The elm rman of the various committees which havo been preparing .or the con vention mot with the chairman ot the committee of the whole, Superintendent II IT. draff or the Omaha sohoola, and dlscuased the plans. It wan said all the arrangements havo been made and each oommltteo has done Its port In the prep arations. Girl Mistaken for Marauder is Shot LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. l.-MIss Mabol Dunne, aged 30, daughter or W, Dunne, president or the Citizens' National bank or Noblesvlllo, Intl., was shot and prob ably fatally Injured early today while with a party of young folks coon hunt ing near Maysvllle, Ky. The party was passing through the farm or Best Qalt and thinking they were Hallowe'en marauders, ho fired on them, STREET CAR EMPLOYES GET MORE PAY THAN CLERGYMEN CHICAGO, Nov. L Btreot car employes In CHIcntfo aro more highly paid than clergymen, tlv.Hr average pay about equals that or college professors and exceeds that or bank clerks. This was the opening ntatement today of N, G. faoore, rnprcventlng the Chicago Railways company In tho controversy bc foro a board of arbitration over the sub ject of tho street car men's wages. In ternational Prntldent W. D. Malion of the street car men's union had argued that a family or flvo In Chicago must havo an annual Inoomo or $1,131.44 to make ends meet "Preachers average only $350 a year," said Mr. Moore. "They work for God, though, and not for a Btreot railroad company," said Cir cuit Judgo Klckham Hcanlan, arbitrator for the men on tho board of throe. SPECIAL SERVICE FOR FARLEY AT MORMON TABERNACLE SALT LAKE1 CITY, Nov. l.-CSxrdlnal Farley lett Salt Lako City over the Western Pncirio railroad at 4:20 this utternoon for Ban Francisco. He was the gueot of Bishop Lawrence Bcanlan while here, but ho received many attentions from prominent laymen. Including a spe cial organ oervlce at tho Mormon taber nacle. Visits to several Cathollo Insti tutions occdpled Uie forenoon. FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT NEAR HUMBOLDT, IOWA HUMBOLDT. Ta., Nov. 2.-Whlle at tempting to pass anothor automobile op a road near hero today Charles Kennlnt was pitched from his machine and In stsntly killed. Three other occupants ol the machlno wero slightly Injured. Commercial Club Members Proud of the New Quarters TlxxyitX. ?RPrm vixfmk&m. ii Wj V l too cutie-t 1lsr . , , "Is It cold enough for youT" Is one question whose trite syntax and thought will shine with a lUHter of newness to attaches of the Commercial club, when compared with any certain sot ot ques tions and remarks which now are des tine to be listed among the archaic up the o on the eighteenth iloor or the Wood men or the Word building. The new quarters and by the way, can' sujr.e t a -e I a Ion for the placo besides "new quarters" the new quarters probably ever will reverberate the same sounds In strangers' voices on their walks through the club rooms, re marks eleclted by the various sights to be seen there. Since the rooms were opened about two weeks ago the ears of the club attache have become bores moly a tuned to a list of conventional exclamations of surprise announcement or discoveries and state ments or opinion. It already has become customary for them either (o give answers to the ques 5 C H. B. Martin Sixteen Are Hurt in Wreck at Kansas City KANSAS CITY, Mo" Nov. L-Slxtecn persons were Injured several of them seriously early today when an open switch caused two west-bound Atohlson, Tnpcka & Santa Fe passongor trains to collide In the railroad yards here. A chair car and a buffet car on train No. 11 practically were demolished. That none was kilted was bellaved due to the tact that both trains were running slowly when No. 9 entered the open switch and crashed Into the sldo ot th other train. Atnrng the moro serlous'y Injured woro: Joseph V, Croiler, Minneapolis 8. O. Davis. St. Joseph, Mo.; V, M, Spool, Oelwoln, In.; McConkey Etdle, Salt Lak City, and Mrs. Suite MoKlnney, Hutchin son, Kan. ARMY OFFICERS TRANSFERRED AT THEIR OWN REQUESTS WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. The follow. Ing transrers at the request of the of ficers concerned are ordered by the "War department: Pint Lieutenant Fred erick E. Wilson from the Seventh In fantry to the Sixth Infantry. First Lieu tenant James G. Taylor from the Sixth Infantry to the Seventh infantry. First Lieutenant Harry Hawley, Second In fantry, Is transferred to the Ninth In fantry. Kxploalon In Dubuque Foundry. DUBUQUE. Ia., Nov. 2. Three, em ployes of the McDonal foundry here were Injured, one of them probably fatally, In an oxploslnn of molten metal today. Oscar Steecher was the most seriously Injured and Is not expected to live. Woman Ends Life. KIMBALL. H. D., Nov. i-Mrs. John Thull. aged 40, was found hanging to a tree In a rasture near Gann Valley this morning. She hod left home during tho night. The woman had been ill for six; months. Wealthy Fnrtner Killed. ABERDEEN, B. D.. Nov. J. Ed Pearr eon, a wealthy farmer living near Hecln, today fell from the top of a grain wagon, lils Ife was crushed out beneath tho wheels. He leaves a widow and eight' children. Daniel Cnmtnlns Dies of Wound, SIOUX CITY. Ia,. Nov. J.-Danlel Cum mins, shot at thhe home of James Chlnn near here Thursday afternoon, died today, Chlnn, who Is In custody, claims the uhootlng was accidental, Tho men had been the beat of friends. Movement Port. BOSTflM r ' Oxran Steamers. Arrived. Balled. Datavla ....OofUman. ,,, Krapresa ot Imtl Volturno. Crmbrlo. ..Ancona Due d Qenov follllclaa. Arteml Btrathord... C'tlc , Ifendoia. ritnceaa Irene Beono Arree. 1 t M. Washington Canada. Mongolian....... ANTWERP 1IOKO KONO..,.. It 1TTB11DAM QUimKWTOWW. . UMNOA PUUTA AIIKNAS SYDNEY TOUT PIHAE.i, prAPLKS Maples valfiwia rAI.BUMXl A I.M Bill A HALIFAX Nh. YOitK BAN FIIANCISCO TAPOMA ATOniA. VI TOIIIA HKATTLB NHW YOIIK QURIIKC ROTTEHDAM. . flllAwVOIIAI ; Campinello...... Roma. Bant Rita, Taconu Mam,,. Taur. Maru, Keemua. Ortrrlo . Celtlo Victorian IlolUnlom.. .... l'enla tions before they are asked, to concurr li opinions before they are given or strike a-t attitude denoting great surprise before tho visitor In the club gets to that point of Impression which Invariably provokes tho outburst. If a stranger now should come to tho place, look out a window In the north west corner of either floor and not excitedly declare, "My gracious, doesn't Famam street look flat." his clserono would swoon from disappointment. Likewise. If he should pass comment on the furniture and no remark. "The furniture Is simple, but I like simple, furniture," his guide would be heavily stricken with a wonderment whether he was a human being, for everyone who comes to the Commercial club liken "simple furniture," no matter If he has his home flled with spiral chairs and chiffoniers Inlaid with jade and glnger bread. And. of course there Is the ubiquitous young lady who things It alt "Just too cute for anything-." 1