Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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, , .
NOVEMBEtt 3, 1912.
We get lots of satisfaction and a little profit
Sampeck Overcoats with "shawl"
collars or Imperial convertible collars, luxuri
ous single or double breasted, Chinchillas, Cheviots,,
Meuntenac and Shetland fabrics, a few displayed In west window
In a price range- of S15.00 to 340.00.
Sampeck Suits these semi-English
soft roll models and flat lapel long coat styles
reflect the best efforts of America's master clothes mak
ers with inany little touches of refinement which cbst little in man
ufacture but add much in effect, uncommon suits at $15 to $35,
Don-Thor specials Suits and Overcoats are gig and 822.
If our prices suit you, our label in gold guarantees that the
clothes will.
Take a look you'll not be urged to buy.
republican ticket, was followed by W. 13.
English at the republican gathering,
while Albert J. Beverldge, candldato for
governor, end Senator Moses H Clapp of
Minnesota, wore the principal speakers
at the progressive rally. Large crowds
attended the meetings. Bach state chair
man of the three parties has Issued a
statement contending that the state will
support his candidates In the election
next Tuesday.
BOSTON, Nor. 2. Republican, demo
cratic and progressive managers repeat
edly claim success for state and. national
Governor Eugene N. Foss, who seeks
ro-electlon on the democratic ticket;
Charles S. Bird, the nominee of' the pro
gressive party, and Joseph Walker, re
publican, have been on the stump almost
Tho next legislature will be called upon
the place of United Rtalcs Senator
W. Murray Crane,' who has declined to
servo again.
Tho democrats i havo two announced
candidates for tho senatorehlp Mayor
Jokn V. Fitzgerald and former Congress
man Joseph T. O'Cdnnell. Congressman
famuel W. McCall and former Governor
Kben H. Draper art republican candid
PORTLAND, Mo., Nov. 2,-For tho
first time since tho days ot tho green
bock party, tho democrats are opposed
by a divided republican party In the con.
test for tho state's six presidential o)ect
ore. Tho republicans ,nnd progrcsslvps
worked together durlug the state cam
paign in Bepfember and won. The part
ing camo after that election, und tho
two divisions of thei republicans have
fought each other more actively than
either has attacked ths democrats.
Republican pluralities in Maine presi
dential elections during tho last thirty
years have varied from 8,000 in 1SS0, to
43,001 in 194. with an average ot about
25,001), Four years ago president Toft
was given a- plurality of 51,881.
TRtfNTON, N. J., Nov. 2.-New Jersey's
fourteen doctoral votes are claimed by
democrat, republicans and progressives
alike. Voters of the state- will express a
preference for senator and will elect the
lower hodse of the legislature and deter
mine tho political complexion of the state
Don't run
chances of
getting ,
Oct rid of your
cold now, Take
no cluncci with
your lunjrt.
(Ufa. Sure.
Reliable Bo
tocuMll !. fceli. I Mld uk. oik.,."
Mra. C Vjm, Ml Mb ESttt An., Dnraft. Mkfc.
FBI SAMPLE fc1&E!tt&
"Selling Cleanliness"
"The Function
Forget Wash Day
Just Let Us Tako All the Work and Worry I
Is Easy For Us Wc Arc Fitted For It.
Omaha's Quality Laundry
out of every season.
There's a big gp between the
trustworthy local tailors and
the cunning type of ready-to-wear
clofhiera "Sampeck"
clothes fill this gap to a T.
This store offers you
a clothing service which
compotes with tho tailor in
point of style and dependability at
pri es that Jingle dollars In your
pockets without any doubt about
your personal appearance.
We specialize clothes for young
men and men who stay "young," up
to stzo 40 chest.
senate, now republican by a. majority of
Should Governor Wilson win In the
national election, tho next president of
tho senate will succoed him as governor
upon his resignation and will continue in
office until after Uie fall election of 1913.
The president of the senate U a repub
lican. New Jersey will elect twelve rep
resentatives to congress this year Instead
of ten as heretofore. The present delega
tion from the state consists of seven dem
ocrats and Uirco republicans.
WHEELING, Vf. Vo., Nov. 2.-Wlth
Toft and Roosevelt electoral tickets nom
inated, the democrats are hopeful ot
carrying the state by a substantial
plurality, A fight for state-wide prohibi
tion haa ln a measure overshadowed the
political Issues.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., Nov. 2,-Atter o
campaign marked by little excitement,
Alabama Is expected to vote for Governor
Wilson for president Tuesday; and to re
turn every democratic, congressman.
JACltflON, Miss., Nov, 2. In all prob
ability four-fifths ot tho voto cast next
Tuesday In Mississippi will be democratic,
Of ths other parties, the progressives
made the most vigorous campaign.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. t-The 1912 election
campaign camo to a close In Missouri
tonight with sneakers of all parties
making their last appeals for votes. Tho
three leading parties covered every psrt
of the state In the last week. Demo
cratic leaders were most Inststent in
their predictions of victory. The demo
crats based their predictions largely on
the fact that tho republican party, which
for four years controlled the majority
of the stste offices, was split by the ad
vent of the progressive party, Missouri
voters will also cast their ballots on nine
constitutional amendments, ono ot which
Is for slnglo tax. The democrats expect
to exceed their present representation in
congress, which Is thirteen out of six
teen congressmen.
D1CS MOIN15S, la., Nov. 2.-Tho presl-
dontlal, stats and congressional cam
palgns In Iowa closed, tonight, with pros
pects of a heavy vote next Tuesday In
the cities and towns and a small vote In
tho rural districts. The large corn crop,
yet unharvested, s expected to keep tho
farmers at home.
Democratic leadars predict tho election
of Woodrow WlUon. Chairman N. F.
Reed ot the democratic state committee
tonight declared that about 475,000 vote
would be cast in the state. He claimed
210,000 for Wilson and conceded Roosevelt
140,000 and Taft 125,000. He also claimed
the eleotlon ot B. G. Dunn as governor
by 20,000 plurality, a Joint ballot ma
jority In tho stato legislature and 00 per
cent ot the county offices.
Chairman C. F, Franke of tho progres
slve state committee declared that the
race between Wilson and Roosevelt In
of the Laundry"
Iowa would ta olase. Ho declined to
.give figure.
I Chairman Charles A. Rawson of tho
, republican slate committee would maKn
no statement Frlonds of Oeorge V.
Clarke, republican candidate for gov-
ernor, were confident that he would lean
the republican state ticket to victory.
PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. l-The presi
dential fight Is admittedly close nl this
state. The content for United States
senator and so-called "slngls tax" Ini
tiative measure are attracting particular
attention. The senatorshlp will be dose.
At this election., alio, the question ot
equal suffrage will bo voted on. In ad
dition to thirty-one other constitutional
amendments. Initiative and referendum
measures. There are 177 candidates for
forty-three offices.
RBNO, Nev., Nov. 2. A strenuous cam
paign Is practically closed tonight In Ne
vada. The republican leaders have con
centrated forces on the senatorial and
congressional fight, subordinating ac
tivity on the rmHonni ticket The demo
crats claim a landslide. The progressives
have a complete organization and ticket
and claim the state for Roosevelt.
HELENA, Mont., Nov. 2.-Polltlcal In
dications during the last few days Indi
cate that the electoral vote of Montana.
will be cast for Woodrow Wilson, while
Theodore Roosevtlt probably will run
second and Taft a close third. In the
congressional contests It Is generally be
lieved that Thomas Stout, democratic.
will win, with tho contests for the other
seats close between Congressman Charles
Prajv republican; J. M. Evans, demo
crat, and Thomas M. Everett, progres-
TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 2. Politicians
ot all three parties, three days before
election, expressed confidence In Its out
come, both for national and state tickets.
The democrats pinned their hopes for
success on the vigorous fight wagod In
Kansas between republican and progres
sives over Roosevelt and Taft electors.
The two congressional dlstrlots now rep
resented In Washington by democrats
may, according to democratic prediction,
bo Increased at the expense of the re
For governor, the race seemed a close
one between Arthur Capper, a republican
Ith avowed progressive leanings, and
George II. Hodges, democrat.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2, Instead of wind
ing up the Now York state campaign
with a rush of meetings Saturday night.
as has been customary, the candidates
for governor on the republican, demo
cratic and progressive tickets will carry
the fight through without a cessation
until lato Monday night. The three-
cornered fight or the New York gov
ernorship has drawn presidential and,
vice presidential candidates to ths politi
cal forums and has divided the vote of
the state so that predictions ot the
outcome are not as freely made as usual.
CIUCAdO, Nov. 2. Final reports from
all of ths 102 counties In Illinois Indicate
that the national election will be affected
to it largo degree by ihe fight to oontrol
the next Illinois general assembly which
Is to select two United Btates senators.
This situation has made more com
plex the Btrugglo among republicans.
democrats and progressives for victory in
the state.
Retting odds favor Governor Woodrow
Wilson on the nntlouai ticket and Gov
ernor Charles 8. Deneon, republican, on
the state ticket. This, however, Is off
set to considerable extent by reports
favoring Colonel Roosevelt and the
progressive ticket. Also an eleventh hour
tide for President Taft gave courage to
tho republican managers.
The senatorial situation was empha
sized In forecasts Issued by tho various
party managers today.
Roy O. West, republican state chair
man, said:
"Tho republicans will control the Forty.
eighth general assembly and elect two
United States senators."
Chauncey Dewey, progressive state
chairman, declared that Colonel Roose
velt would have a plurality in Illinois of
160,000. He also predicted tho success of
tho progressive state ticket.
Joseph E. Davles, director of the demo
cratic campaign In the west, declared that
the Illinois democrats would give Wilson
about 600,000 votes.
ROIBE. Idaho, Nov. 2. The Idaho cam
paign closed tamely. There Is genesl
apathy among tho voters and the sllont
vote predominates. All efforts to arrive
ai a reasonaoie forecast have uroven
futile. The republican campaign man-
agers claim the state for Taft by 7,000.
the democrats for Wilson by 6,000 and
the progressives for Roosevelt by 10.000.
SALT LAKE CITV, Nov. 2.-The po
litical campaign In Utah practically was
closed last night and the Indications are
that the republicans will carry the state.
All the campaign managers agree, how
ever, that 20 per cent of the vote In Utah
doubtful and the situation Is more
complicated than in any previous year.
DENVER. Nov. 2.-Colorado Is lust
closing one of the most hotly contested
political campaigns In its history. The
republican! have made their campaign
on the Issue ot protection for Colorado
Industries. The democrats uphold the
Wilson policies on tariff and other Is
sues, and oppose the republican conser
vation theory as detrimental to the In
terests of the west. The progressives
support the Roosevelt national platform
and policies. Thirty-two initiated and
referred bills and constitutional amend
ments are on the ballot.
BAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Nov. l-Cali-fornla
closed today tho last week of
what perhaps has been the most re
markable political campaign the state
has ever known. Estimates of the com
ing result at the polls were flatly contra
dictory and the most disinterested ob
servers agreed that the situation was
vague and puxtllng.
Progressives supporting Roosevelt and
Johnson held to their original declara
tion that the state was overwhelmingly
on their side. Wilson men asserted that
the democrats iad steadily gained
trength since the Sacramento conven
tion and the decision of ths suprwne
sale at
Women's and Misses'
$3.50 SHOES, all
tho newest
court oxcludlng Tart electors from the
ballot. Retting odds favored Roosevelt
and Johnson, with even money at Ban
Y an Cisco. Governor Johnson's managers
have assured him that his cause in his
home state is safe. Women vote for the
first time at a national election.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Nov. 2.-Wlth
three parties claiming the state, tho cam
paign in Wyoming, Just closed, was one
of tho warmest ever held in this state.
The republicans claim tho state for Taft
by 30,000.
& G. Hopkins, chairman of the state
democratic committee, claims victory for
Wilson by 20,000. The progressives de
clare Roosevelt will carry the state by
a small majority.
Tho main fight of ' the campaign has
been on the re-ejection of Senator Francis
E. Warren, the republican candidate
The democrats and progressives com
bined against Senator Warren.
RICHMOND, Va., Nov. 2.-Virglnla, a
sweeping democratic victory is predicted
In this state as the result of tho pres
idential campaign. It Is claimed tho Taft
and Roosevelt vote will be light, tholr
greatest fight being made in the ninth
RALEIGH, N. C, Nov. 2,-At the
close of North Carolina's campaign
tonight a decisive victory fon the
democratic party was predicted In the
r.v.p-r..w. .vw.. .....o
state -ticket progressives and republicans
both are claiming the , former quota ot
republican votes.
COLUMBIA, S. C, Nov. 2.-Apathy
markod the presidential campaign In
South Carolina. The usual democratic
majority is predicted.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 2. With many
political meetings throughout the state,
the democratic, republican and progres
sive parties brought active campaign
work in Kentucky to a close today. Each
of tho three state chairmen Is claiming
success for his party. The democratic
state chairman claims tho state tor Wil
son by a majority not less than 40,000.
The republicans express tho belief that
a' majority will he given President Taft.
Progressive workers hnve brought reports
to progressive headquarters here, saying
that both old parties will be surprised
election night by the returns In favor
of the progressives.
ST. PAUL. Minn.. NoV. 2,-After
vigorous presidential campaign in Minne
sota the election Is approaching with the
leaders of the three principal parties
claiming success. Minnesota Is normally
republican, the state giving Roosevelt
a plurality . of 11,4SJ in 1904 and Taft,
S4.SS4 tn 1903.
the closing ton.ght ot tho first presidential
Section enmpulgn In Now Mexico, a poll
of tho 8tote Indicates a comparatively
11n' vote noxt Tuesday. The Chairmen
, of the democratic, republican and pro
gressive parties each claim victory by a
large majority for his ticket
PHOENIX. Arls., Nov. 2,-Democrats
claim Arisona by pluralities ranging from
(00 to 2,000. Progressives assert Roose-
Your Dress Suit,
to be right must be
perfect in fit and style,
and flawlessly tailored
We have tailors
who sew nothing but
dress clothes, They
are experts, and if we
may make your dress
clothes you may be
sure they will be per
fect in every respect.
Our prices are mod
erate. ASK
Tailoring Co.
How, When and What
to Wear.
304-306 South 10th St.
Women's Cloth and Plush Coats $
Worth up to $25.00 Hundreds of tho most charming Cloth Coats in
lending style and fabric; alao splendid quality Pluah Coats, mostly
lined with guaranteed satins, neatly trimmed on sale
at 12.50 and
OF FUR SETS All our fur sets
on sale at great reductions. A
wonderful showing in all styles
and furs, at up from
$45.00 values at
ular $3.00 values. Splendid
messalines and taffetas, all
go on jn
volt will have a plurality and Taft sup
porters acknowledge that their leader will
be third In the race.
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 2. The feature
of the Washington campaign's close has
been tho savage attack mode by the re
publicans on the personal character of
Robert Iloge, progressive candidate for
governor. This attack has greatly bene-,
ntea Ernest Lister, democratic candi
date for governor. The republicans are
making a hard fight to re-elect Governor
Marlon E. Hay and to elect congressmen
In the First and Second districts and the
two congressmen at large.
creased activity of .the socialist and pro
gressive parties marked the close of the
presidential campaign. The usual heavy
democratic majority is predicted by party
MONTPBLIER, Vt, Nov. 2.-Slnce the
state election Vermont has seen compara
tively little campaigning. Progressives
and republicans have had rallies in some
cities, but the democrats have taken
practically no steps to arausa the voters.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Nov. 2,-NIghtly
rallies have been addressed by speakers
from within and without the state and
extensive advertising campaigns have
been conducted In preparation for Tues
day's election. Complete stato tickets
have been put In tho field by repub
licans, democrats and progressives.
CONCORD, N. IL, Nov. ?.-The contest
for legislative control 4s attracting much
attention in the final hours of the cam
paign In New Hampshire. In the event
that none of the five candidates for gov
ernor receives a majority of the popular
vote the cholco will lay with tho legisla
ture. Party managers agree that the
vote on presidential electors will be un
usually close.
NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Nov. 2. 'Hie
closing of the campaign In Connecticut
finds both the republicans and democrats
confident ot winniug and the progressives
hopeful of polling 7&.000. Democratic
Chairman Forester predicts that Wilson
will sweep the state by at least 25,01).
Chairman Rofaback of the republicans
says Taft and the state ticket will win
by a plurality of between 10,000 and 15,000.
DETROIT. Mich., Nov. 2. Tho close of
tho Michigan campaign finds each ot
the three leading parties the republican,
democratic and progressive claiming vic
tory. The socialists, while not claiming
majorities, predict tho biggest Michigan
voto ever polled by their parti-. The
progresslvo national ticket is easily the
favorite In the betting. The democrats
claim that tho division In Uie republican
ranks -assures victory for their candi
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 2,-The race
for political supremacy In Wisconsin,
.both from a national and state bearing.
will be closely contested. State chair
men, of the republican, democratic and
progressive parties all claim that Wis
consin voters will elect presidential
electors favorable to each party's can
didates. The congressional delegation
probably will be made up of seven re
publicans, two democrats and one, If not
two, social democrats.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. Nov. 2.-The
political campaign In Pennsylvania closed
tonlKht with party rallies In many coun
ties ot the state. The republican, demo
cratic and Washington party leaders
each c!alm their candidates will carry
the state. In 1908 Taft received 74S.77S
votes in the state and Bryan 448,782. The
progressive party candidates In Penn
sylvania will be voted for principally
under the name of Washington party.
BALTIMORE, Md., Nov, 2. The presi
dential campaign Is now nearing its end,
a quiet one, all the party organizations
I complain of the lack of funds and a
j noteworthy feature of the situation is
the falling off In the registration In
Baltimore, which dropped 6.000 below the
last previous registration.
8IOVX CITY, la., Nov, 2. The South
Dakota situation is puiillng. According
; to the claims of the rival managers It Is
anybody's state on prrsldent The Roose
velt men. who are In control of the re-
publican machinery of the state, and
. who had five Roosevelt men placed on
the reirular republican ballot as electors,
profess to be confident that the Roose-
velt electors will be sleeted. The sup-
$5.00 in blues, blacks, browns,
etc. Also neat whipcordB,
WAISTS All the newest
. styles and fabrics are here for
your selection. Regu
lar $1.50 values, at. . .
porters of the president and the La
Follette men of the state, who havo no
electors in the field, are equally confi
dent that the Roosevelt electors will be
dofcated and that Woodrow Wilson will
capture the five electors.
WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. J.-Dela-ware's
political campaign practically
came to a close tonight. The managers
of the republican, democratic and pro
gressive parties each claim their forces
will elect both the national and state
GRAND FORKS, N. D., Nov. 2.-North
Dakota Is normally republican In presi
dential elections by 33,000. The campaign
Just closing is being vigorously con
tested by tho progressive, republican and
democratto parties and each is claiming
a victory at the coming election.
DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 2. Texas, an
original Wilson state, is solidly demo
cratic Republican and progressive party
campaigns have been quiet, without In
dicating which leads.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Nov. 2It is
estimated that the democratic majority
In Arkansas next Tuesday will be In
excess of CO.OOO votes.
NEW ORLEANS, La., Nor. . Al.
though political loaders of ail factions in
Louisiana concede the state to Wilson,
tho progressives are giving odds that
they will poll more votes than the re
publicans. GEORGIA
ATLANTA, Ga Nov. 2. The presi
dential campaign In Georgia, which prac
tically came to a close tonight, has been
marked by unusual quiet. Predictions on
all sides are that the progressive party
will poll a respectable vote in this state.
Woodrow Wilson Is expected to get the
largost vote ever cast for the democratic
ticket In Georgia,
CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 2. Leaders of
each of tho three larger political parties
at tho close of the ' campaign tonight
were ready with claims of victory. The
republicans and the progressives brought
their speaking campaign to a close to
night, while the democrats will main
tain their activity right up to the dawn
of election day, ending with a rally in
Toledo Monday night
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 2. A warm
three-cornered campaign for the gover
shlp has occupied the center ot tho stage
in Tennessee during the present cam
paign. The progressives declare that a
democratic factional contest will favor
tho Roosevelt national ticket, but the
democratic leaders assert that the usual
democratic majority for the presidential
candidate will be forthcoming next Tues.
OKLAHOMA CITT, Okl., Nov. 2.
Democratic leaders estimate that Okla
homa, normally democratic, will elect
Where do the Best
Clothes Come From?
That's an easy ono "Browning, King & Co." "When
you start out for a suit or overcoat you go in the direc
tion of a clothing house that has a reputation for selling
only "Good Clothes" and that resolution will undoubted
ly bring you to the right store
Browning, King (i Co.
And it you don't exactly know just what you want in a suit or an
overcoat we shall he pleased to assist you with the best of service
in fitting you perfectly with Just the set of garments you ought to
wear, '
Suits All our own make S15.00 to $40.00
Overcoatu All our own make 20.00 $50.00
Browning, King & Co.
Geo. T. Wilson, Mgr.
SKIRTS Worth up to
Women's 69o. Heavy Ribbed
Union Suits at 39c
Women's $1.25 Heavy Wool
Fleeced Union SuitB at. .79c
Women's "Montor" Union Suits
at 98c
Women's and Chil
dren's Flannelette
Gowns, worth mn
79o;on sale at.
Wilson-Marshall electors by a majority
ot 15,000, and the state ticket by practi
cally the same figures. The republican
situation Is admittedly complicated. Pro
gressive party electors were dented a
place on the ticket through court action,
and recently several of those nominated
as republican electors have been quoted
as asjorttng that they will vote for
Mitchell in Lin e
For State Honors
KEARNET. Neb., Nov. 2.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Of special importance to
Kearney's business Interests and the
convenience of the traveling men making
the territory along the Kearney and
Black Hills branch between this city and
'Stapleton la the announcement made to
day by"General Manager Charles Waro
of tho Union Pacific that motor service
would be reinstated soon. A passenger
and a freight train dally, both running
In the some direction, has proved very
unsatisfactory for the last six weeks, and
the action of the railroad Is a direct
outgrowth of the efforts of a special
committee of the local commercial club
which met Mr. Ware in conference this
week, presenting their side of the case.
From the meeting it is thought that
the motor will leave Stapleton In the
morning and leave Kearney in the after
noon on the return trip.
Assaults on Workers
Preceded Explosions
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Nov. !. Varlouj
assault, alleged to have been made on
nonunion workmen, were described by
witnesses at tho "dynamite conspiracy"
'trial today as a form of violence which
preceded the use of explosives.
Frank Denk, Cleveland, testified that
one of his assailants was Peter J. Smith,
now a defendant charged with complicity
in a dynamite conspiracy. When the as
saults failed to induoe the men to quit
work, Denk testified, explosions took
place in Cleveland.
Government attorneys read more letters
which were alled to show that J. J.
McNamar&'s dynamiting campaign was
a development of a system of violence.
CHICAGO, Nov. 2.-Shortage of tur
keys for Thanksgiving markeU Is re
ported here and an increase in the price
of the birds over the SI and 23 cents n
pound (wholesale) mark of last year Is
Cranberries are reported slightly
cheaper. Geeso will be higher, as will .
be chickens. Live turkeys were quoted
at 17 cents a pound today.
(Inartet to Meet.
PERU, Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special) The
Adelphlan quartet of Crete, which was
well known In the state about twenty ,
years ago, when the T. K. quartet of(
Omaha was In existence. Is to have a
reunion at the Doane college banquet
during the meeting of the Teachers' as
sociation. The members are Homer C.
House and Ross H. House of Peru,
tenors: Q. H. Aller of Wesleyan uni
versity, and Cord L. Aller of Crete,
Key to the Situation Bee Advertllng.
15th at Douglas