Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1912, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 16

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The Omaha Sunday Beb.
Entered at Omaha postofOrf iw second,
class matter. .
Sunday Iiee, one year It-JV
Saturday Hee, one year 1-W
IVaJiy iee w.ihout Hunday. on year. 4.0
Bally Nee. and Sunday, one J'mr.. ... S.W
TJvening and Sunday. per month...... J9e
KvenlriR. without Sunday, per month..
Daily Br. Including Sunday. per mo . AM
Dai. ltee, without 8undaypw mo. .
Address all complaint or Irregularities
In Jeliveryt(vjrit J1rrultJn DWU
Ilemtt by dfaft. express or postal order,
payable 10 Ti c 1W Publishing Company.
Only 2 rent stamps received In payment
of small accounts. Personal rhsek. ex
cept on Omaha ami eastern t-xchangr, not
Omaha The Bee building. .
South Omaha-Wi N street.
Council B.ufts-14 Norm Mftlh street.
Llncoln-M Little building. , .
Chicago KM Martiuetto building.
Kansas Clty-ItMlance "building.
New York-JI Weitt Twenty-third.
St Louis-1 Frisco building.
Washington TX. Fourteenth Ht. N. W,
Toft in the Campaign,
friends nnd fooa nllko, unless
blinded by personal splto, will admit
that I'resldont Taft has grown stead
ily during tho campaign from the day
ho was renominated. During all this
trying period he has demeaned him
self with dignity befitting tho high
offlco he holds as chief executive of
the nation, and has gono about the
performance of his dutlos courage
ously and conscientiously, and with
out thought of possible effect upon
his political fortunes. He has boon
willing to lot the peoplo Judgo him by
what ho doos rather than what he
says. His few communications to
tho public on tho issue's of the camr
of tho initial steps toward a solution,
Somo of tho figures presented by the
Chicago Jurist seem to bear out this
No fair-minded percon can read
tho opinion just handed down by
tho supromo court of Nebraska In
tho recent ballot caso without ac
cepting tho reasoning as conclusive
land, and, says Losslng, "tho aspect
of present nnd futuro znado them
(Britons in America) seriously con
templato tho establishment of a new
nation. No tie of gratitude exacted
tholr allcgianco to the British gov
ernment." Tho circumstances of tho settlers
wore, of course, different from those
today in Canada, and yet It Is sig
nificant that, driven as they Tvero by
persecutions, tho New Englandera
wna l . e mi n
Iks Daw inOmak
Nov. a.
People and Events
Thirty Year Ago
Tho Paxton hotel has put up Its storm
doors and made general preparation for
nalirn linvn tinni! tinrpnlrtiniic. Mill
mlnatlng and candid to an extreme olcnr tho naturo nnd character of
degree. President -Tuft has tho sat- tno
Isfactloti of knowinc that ho has con- ,or '" -"i
rPi-A ntttnlnti M.tMnh V lltHfPlt
1UV u(jiiiiuii ttuo malign 11 """O-J I ' " ( Mi.-u-ti, r".l iu I'Mjpr
Kawcott, but unanimously concurred thought of separation only aftor they ca,0t'
editor of the popular and Influential ",el' Koo things.
in by evory ono of tho Bovon judges,' ncgan to iinn tnc sinews 01 a uunuu .. woman's Kingdom" of tho Inter Ocean,
and affirms, it should bo reraom- In tholr accumulating material ro
bored tho unanimous opinion of sources. 80 It will inevitably be with
thrco dlBtrlct Judges sitting cn banc I Canada. Without any dispute witn
in tho original hearing. r Imposition from Mother England,
her largess of wealth and resources
will in timo naturally lead hor. ta
The straw vote prophet tchleves little
honor In his own country.
Down In St. Louis bedbugs are now re
garded as vehicles of typhoid germs, and
the natives aro working tho fly-swatter
on a new tpot. t
Presently the Thanksgiving proclama
tion will absorb the attention of peoplo
Inclined to prayer and meditation and
Tho opinion of tho court makes
primary in substitution: hor .independence. And 4Laurier only
iventlons which It sup- dared express what most of his coun-
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should be addressed
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
ducted himself In tho campaign lit
such :i wnv that hn will hnvn nntlilnif
to regret or take back. Should the! 11,0 ?",co of presidential elector,
I peoplo fail to accord him tho endorse
ment that 1b his duo, it will bo thoy
who will regret.
1 for tho conv
planted, and tho qualifications and 1 trymcn undoubtedly felt when ho
obligations of porty nominees for predicted it.
A !
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ssi
, Dwlght Williams, cliculatlon mannger
of The Bee IMbllshlng ocmpany, being
duly sworn. sas that the average dally
I circulation for the month of i)ctober,
Circulation Manager.
Bubucrlbed In my presence and sworn
I to before mo tn s isi aay 01 novgniuor,
The Church and the World.
All political prophets having had their
Is In the tltv for a sliort stay of rest Ea anu loa wnai win nappen. tne coun
and recreation. iiri' w'" Proceed with the formality of
A whole brlgado of workmen of the Cas,!'" the ballots,
company are im gaged In making' oonnec- Tho Bulgars did not wait for an Invita
tions ahead of the paving gang Hon to Kurnonova. Thoy did not stop
Messrs. Andren & Doleln received thelto knock but walked In and took posses
contract for the vault work lit "tho new Slon of everything in sight,
magnificent Nebraska bank. I Pathos and tragedy are linked with an
James H. Kyner has returned from election. Kond antle!ptions are blighted
Ogdcn and Mrs. Ivyner Is expected home at the ballot box and a multitude of
from Ohio today. ' . 'patriots ore denied the sweet privilege of
Judge Neville had to adjourn court on
account of sickness.
''saving? the country."
Revival of spelling
nominco for presidential elector isj Qnc Precedent.
In tho relation of a quasi officer toi The caiunB 0f tho republican na
lils party, and acceptance of another nnn nl rnmmlHon tn fill Mm vnrnnoV
conflicting and incompatible similar on the tlokot croate(1 by tho doatu fi" der. The only obstacle t9 the fun Is to
relation for an antagonizing political nf vi Pro.Wnr,t Hhorm.n hn ! ' - !??.Li Turk able to pronounce the names.
w - - ciKiiLLun mren di cut bluiir ura liiicu tur
tho hw court houso. I
1mpr fnr tvlntAr
ino comei na noany uwappcarcu ,rom amuaoment desems a boost. The
vlew 1 tongue-twisting names brought to tho
A crowd gathered at Ninth and l arnam front by the war enough
10 waicn ven powerxu. noraea unu n. material to blow up a class in short or
Notary Public.
Rnbccrltirra lenrlnir the city
temporarily should lmre The
will ! chanced si oflm sis rr-qneated.
Wo will soon begin counting; tho
do-your-shopplng-oarly days.
Tho candlo goto In tho pumpkin a
little after tho frost gets on It.
Tho San Francisco exposition
. boosters will soon speak up again.
1 What is wanted is a city of smoke
less chlmnoys, not a chimnoyless city,
It must' almost break the Italian
heart to see tho way Turkey Is got.
ting it.
Tho unexpected sometimes hap
pens, but tho oxpoctcd happons much
moro often.
When thoy speak of "making avl
ntion safer" thoy moan trying to
raako It safe.
Well, ono thing, wo may hopo to
havo fowcr liars nnd thioves after
November 5.
In this caso, Constantinople may
be considered tho Armagqddon of tho
eastern cltuaUon. V
' nlcrht.tnn h1mn fit nut fttnnn rfpaHnpfl fop i
mipIv vnnntna Mm flrot nomination. 1 t.-.. m-i .. i. . . . .... . Albania, the Turkish Province whither
Tho church's place In the world U wlth 8elf.raado vacancies, it remains ' ro an uaurDation of authority, but' A charming party was given by Mr. and lh Mn'cn?P,n Me
10 world, ,riv fnr Mm nrnnnr mithnrltv to ... . . t . 1 Mrs. Frank Baylry at their residence on r"u "- v""""": BiiooKs voted six times tor nisseii an'
. i nieroly for tho proper ntltnority to t,,,8 critlclsm ignores ono precedent) v,! Jh An American recently traveling elected."-cieveland Plain Dealer.
and needs mako BUbstItuto nominations, and in, almost d,rcctv in point. Mneteentn and Grace streets. .. rimlUve
what Uie church, not tho
makes it. The world asks
holp. Tho church's mission is to give .- ln vIew ot tho official ac-
it. Service, not creeds, is most ton of tho ropui,iicnn national or
wuntcd. Tho world may not nppre- naniraloni there was no room for
clato distinctions in doctrines, mny dlBputo where this power was prop
not readily ombraco .fine-spun theo-'orjy lodged.
"Whenever I think of a. . tWns t
write It down.''
"Dear tnel" replied the aarcasth: maiden
"And you haven't got pen palsy yet: "
Philadelphia Ledger.
"It odd Ui?.t sailors and soldiers are
so flekle In their lovo affairs."
Why Is It oddf
"Because theirs are naturally cases of
uniform affection." Baltimore American.
Jack The college girl I am engaged to
picked me up on grammar before a week
had poesed over our heads.
Tom You got off 'easy. The one t knew
corrected my Kngllsh while I was propos
ing to her. Boston Transcript.
"Wombat seems' to be Interested b red
fire and noise. But will that Kind of a
vote stlcK7"
"We rhaJI try to mako it stick. We
propose to have him preceded to tho polls
by a man shooting romon candies and
followed up by a man pounding on u
bass drum." Washington Star.
"Ho eagerly swallowed every word she
bestowed on him, he fed upon her every
look, he lived upon Our smiles she gavo
"That's what I colt an all-consuming
passion!" Judge.
"Why do you put on swinfrivolous and
even questionable plays?'1 asked tho re
proving friend.
"to mat l can get enougn 01 a oann
roll to keep up my occasional effurts in
elevato the stage,' replied the manager,
sadly. Washington Star.
"Say, ma, wo took a straw vote in our
school today."
"Did you, dear? And what was the result?"
"why. we couldn t nono of us spell tho
candidates' names right, on' so Tommy
rles or understand all that doctrln
aires say, but it generally accepts
Tho decision will, wo bollove, havo
a far-roaching oirect in preventing
practical Borvlco and co-oi)orates with' rocurrcnco of Btmllar complications
tho proper direction. Tho church
complains at tho ludlfforenco of tho
world, and not without ground. It
often deplores worldly antagonism,
but what has tho church really to
fear from anything except the oppo
sition that comos from within its
own ranks? "Tho church can bo op
pressed, but not suppressed," says a
great preacher.
Now, on the othor hand, tho world
profers a charge It la that It finds
tho distance botweou it and tho
ln othor stales and clarifying con
fused populnr notions of presidential
Bryan in the Campaign.
Unless wo miss our guoss, tho man
who will havo gotton tho most fun
out. of this cnmpalg'n is our distin
guished follow citizen, William Jen
nings Bryan. Mr. Dry an has been
campaigning continuously, talking
to as largo crowds nnd getting ns
fntirli nmilnilfin na If lin worn n rnnflt.
uuri:,, u.luu vUU rv, ov muS .u . datQ hlmolf but 1J0t uo,nB ft cand,.
a very real sense, is not this too ;dato th,8 u ,lf) hng Mc bo,ng
often true J Whore, for nstance, aro , nbU8m, or lambMtcd or cnnrfeod
Jack Johnson says ho will go to
Ilussla. Ho may if ho doos not first
havo to go to Jail.
If the, ballot wero milch longer,
election authorities would ' havo ' to
furnish stepladdors.
most of the church edifices? Aro
thoy not out In oomo qulot, pretty
residential Bection of tho city? Hut
a good portion ot tho world most ln
need of tho church romalns down
town, where BUrroundlngs aro not so
Inviting. Here, then, In tho, thick ot
life in ovory city, the church of Ood
Is surrounded on all sides with oppor
tunities for service that amount nl
moBt to Importunities. How woll is
it embracing them? Whoro do you
find tho Salvation Army, tho Volun
teers of America, tho Jorry McCnu-
ley missions? Not hidden away in
soma secluded snot. anldnm.-If nvnr.
- ' W - - 7 - ' - i
visited by tho. man of tho s,treet in
nood of mercy and dhoor. Thero is a
big field In ovcry city for big Institu
tional churches flllod with big lcud-
with selfish personal Interest. Tho
last timo ho wont out for a demo
cratic candidate for president ho had
almost directly in point.
In 1860 the democratic convention
which nominated Stephen A. Douglas
for president, nominated also, by
practically unanimous vote, Benja
min Fltzpatrlck of Alabama for vice
president. Two days later Mr. Fltz
patrlck declined to run, and tho
domocratlc national committeo sub
stituted Horschel V. Johnson of Geor
gia. Tho Douglas ticket carried elec
tbrs ln two states Missouri and Now
Jersey whoso votes wero rocorded
not only for Douglas for president,
but also for Johnson for vice presi
dent, indicating that tho action of tho
committee was accepted by the party
and the electors.
thing I saw tn It was a so-called ferry
Twenty Years Aro boat. The vessel consisted of lnflatod
It was a heyday for tho professional ehcep bladders tied together with twlno
foot racer at tho fair grounds. Many on a (frame work of sticks. On this raft
Getting Nations Acquainted.
The Carnegie Endowment for In
ternational Peaco should servo a
largo and lasting purpose In Its ca
pacity of luterlocutor for tho na
tions. Its plan of bringing them
into closer relations by a cloaror
eminent nnd oldtlme gentry were there,
including Court Thompson of Denver, the
fumous old backer ot Klttleman; Jim
Whitney of Balcm, Beddy Ross and Leon
toiler and others. Tho big event of the
day was n 100-yard sprint between W. H.
Copple of Bancroft and "Pret" A. Pulley
of Shenandoah, la. Mr, Copplo was tho
winner. His victory was a very soft
snap, in which a number of wise pro
fessionals "went broke."
Colonel Sheridan went to Washington,
D. C, on business connected with the es
tate of the late General Phil Sheridan.
Colonel Sheridan being one of tho exec
utors. Kugeno Moore of Norfolk, republican
nomlneo for state auditor, came ln for o
final roundup among tho Omaha voters.
I lay flat on my stomach, and two stark
naked mountaineers, one on each side,
swam, pushing It across the stream. This
was tho local conceptlpn of a ferryboat,
and certainly simplicity could not go far
Washington Post: Tho preacher who
says that election betting Is tho worst
form of gambling must be deeply grati
fied at tho small amount of It this year.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: A leading
preacher says sodoty white lies are as
bad as plain black oncsk This effectually
eliminates the theory that somo liars are
tho victims of color blindness.
an artesian well in Hanscom park, had
reached a depth of 060 feet and was still
boring In gray granite. Ho expected to
go another forty feet and stop.
Oliver W. Mink, comptroller of the
Union Pacific, who had been here several
knowledge of each other is a sure , B(nted t(J a rep(Jrtor for Tho Beo that he
Minneapolis Journal: About the sanest
Mr. Shaw, who was boring a hole forvlew or tho ftttltude of the church to
ward politics was that put forth by the
Rev. T. W, Stout in on address to first
voters fast Sunday evening. Sold he:
"The church must inspire; the state must
execute. Tho church must inspire not
ono party, but all: else It will foment
class strife. It must not win by wresting altiinln wnv in n rnii tn vnn wnr . . .... . .... m.
to Stultify himself With ovory word' :''"'' ' r' nn' "unu tmngs in exceuent snape. ine
il UtlUUO HUH UIUVUUI luiuiuava Bill) VL IIIO now UIHUI1 BlUUUll i;tll!lU IUI
Living ln tho awoat of another
man's brow Is not tho scriptural way
of living, you know.
No matter what happens, Thanks
giving will bo duly eolobratod tho last
Thursday in the month,
Cain was a bad boy, but ho sprung
a question that sot somo mighty
good men to thinking.
That was not a snow tho othor
day. That was Just old Father Win
ter Jockeying for a start.
Tho man who makes tho most noleo
about boas' rulo Is frequently the man
who docB not voto at all.
Unfortunately, Nebraska's eight
electoral votes do not look very big
beside Now York'B forty-five.
Considering tho fast and furious
start tho campaign of 1912 han been
retrogresalvo rather than progressive
"Belmont Near Arrost as Book
maker." says a hdadllno
Is about -as-close as' be usually come.
The improsslvonesa of Omaha's
eky lino but there isn't any when
Its atmosphere ,1s fltnoked-Burcharged.
Future of the West.
An oastorn exchange oboorvea that
many peopjo havo fallen Into tho
error of commenting on tho llvo
stock production of Texas tn tho past
tonso, when as a matter ot fact
Texas' greatness us n llVo Block state
lies ln tho futuro and nut In the past.
Tho Bamo may bo Bald of not only
TexaB, but tho entlro west, nnd no
nood olthor to restrict tho compari
son to llvo slock,
Admitting that tho old c.Utlo
rango dayo aro gono docs not moan
that tho west will Iobo Us prestlgo as
a llvo stock country. It vill Hud
ways to tako'tho placo of those eot
aside by tho ordinary development 'at
the, country and will contluuo In
creasingly tho production of llvo
stock, aa Woll as other agricultural
Tho west Is so immense both In
area and resource, as to discourage
any attempt to tunica' an oxact est!
uaio of what Ub futuro will bo, Tho
past has boon groat, the present Is
still greater and tho futuro will be
surpassingly tho groatcat, It taltes
timo to readjust to new and chanclnc
And near i conditions, and It will, therefore, not
bo posalblo to avoid som lncon
vonlenco through the passing of Its
old rango sy&tom, but tho west Is not
disturbed over tho ultimate outcome
of things.
ho uttered In his behalf, whilo this
timo ho has gono out ns a king
maker, with tho 'candidate mCroly
an ocho. Winning or losing andi
U'b generally losing Mr. Bryan
gotB moro enjoyment out ot politics
than any othor man who over played
tho game.
A Word for the Cat.
Tho United Statos Biological sur
vey has condemnad tho cat as a
nulsapco and a'rnonnco and would
rognrd Its extermination as good
vlddanco of bad rubblsht Among
tho counts In the1 ludlctihent aro
that the cat spreads disease through
Us fur und that It kills song birds
and lets rats nnd mice escape.
No doubt of tho truth of part of
theso charges. Ono Is not prepared
to deny, In defense of this old frlond,
that ho doos do somo things he
'should not do or leave undone
things ho should havo done. Wo
reluctantly admit this, and yot not
without fooling' that tho charge is
too drastic and tho proposod penalty
unjust. Think of tho cat's placo ln
tho homo. Look upon that inoffen
sive form lying languidly before tlia
flrcplaco; listen to that friendly,
trusting purr and boo him coll up In
your lap with a sorenlty of coutt
donee almost pathetic, and ask your-
solf tho question, if you caro to do
tho exterminating.
Without pleading perfection for
tho cat, wo wbuld insist' that, per
haps, It his human guardian wero to
rondor a llttlo assistance, puds might
bo loss monnclng In tho mattor ot
spreading gorma nud catching birds.
So fnr as the aspersion upon his in
togrlty Is concerned, namely, that
ho dollboratoly oats tho Innocent
llttlo songstora and passes up tho
guilty rodents, wo simply do not be-
llevo a word of It.
understandings do not go to war j discussion and tho reporter ventured to
with each other. This scheme ot I sa' that manr Omaha business men pre
ri 0r,,nintoH 'erred the foot of Farnam street t6 the
would produco mutual relations; ! ,hB TTnlnn n,imitet thi womd
thorefore, minimize tho likelihood! havo been more desirable, and Bald he
Aftor tho playing season is over,
b&so ball resta for a few weeks and
gives foot ball lis one annual breath
ot life.
A big national advertiser offors
Causes of Domestic Infelicity.
A Chicago Judgo who presides
History Repeating.
In spite of explicit, statements to
the contrary by former Pre'mler
Laurler, certain Canadians stoutly
rosontod ovory lntlmntlon durtng tho
lato reciprocity controversy ot Can
ada's Intention to separate from
of war.
Sontlment seldom ritleB tho pas
sions ot governments nowadays bo
far as to precipitate hostilities. Tho
actuating force is usually found ln
some aspect ot business. Two coun
tries doing a profitable Interchange
of commerce aro unlikely to meet
with nny difficulty In controlling
tliofr passions or to. havp any trouble
whatever with tholr sontlmonts.
Sentiment has a vory tanglblo rating
ln the arena of foreign commerce.
But tho Carnoglo idea, of course,
rost not ontlrely upon cammorclal
relations. It seoks through Special
personal envoys to cultivate a gen
oral Interchange of accurate infor
mation among the powers of the
earth. It proposes to provo through
Intelligent knowledge that peaceful
intercourse Is tho only kind nations
can afford. How little wo really
know, aftor nil, of each othor. It is
difficult to avoid unsympathetic, or
even hostile, feelings whoro peoples
ot different- parts of the globe have
Bitch grossly erroneous Ideas ot each
"Every big crooked corporation
In tho land la against us," sayB the
colonel. Then tho steel trust aim
tho Harvester trust aro not crookod
corporations, and tho suits against
thorn instituted by tho government
would bo withdrawn forthwith It
the colonel had tho say.
it la assortod that under tho now
ordinance a pedestrian may bo ar
rested in Omaha for cutting corners
at B.troet intersections. If wo can
not wake them walk tho straight
and narrow path ono way, wo will
another. .
held options on property there until he
found his preferences were to bo over
ridden for tho other site.
Ten Ychrs Ae
Rev. K. Comblo Smith of Leavenworth,
Kan., it became known, hod accepted a
call to the pastorate of the First Metho
dist church, Omaha, his pastorate to be
gin November 18.
The Omaha street railway company,
through Its secretary, W. V. Morse, made
Hh return for assessment purposes to
Tux Commissioner William Fleming and
tho property and franchises within the
city of Omaha was placed at J3.5O0.O0O.
Senator Millard received word from In
dian Commissioner Jones that in tho fu
turo tho Indian bureau would not require
the natural guardians of children of
Omaha and Winnebago Indians to file a
bond beforo the share of allotment made
to them would be paid.
Edward Dickinson, formerly general
manager of tho Union Pacific, left for
Kansas City to tako up his work as gen
eral manager of the Orient railroad. Tho
presence of W. 1. Park of the Wyoming
division at the general Union Faclflo
lieadQuarters Inspired a report that he
would be promoted to general superin
too much of noon thing.
TrlnU auil Tribulation of the
Country CliuVch.
Current Literature.
The latest United States religious census
reports the statistics ot 196 separate and
distinct denominations, besides more than
1,000 lndlvlduallstla nnd Independent
churches that could not find a place
within any of the regular sects. Organ
ltcd religion ln America Is a vast, con
crete and practical fact attested by 11,600.-
000,000 Invested In property with overhead
fixed charges of about HOO.OOO.OOO a year,
But these figures, observes Joseph II.
Odcll, are somewhat deceptive. Christian
ity Is not as strong as It seems to be.
Especially, continues Mr. Odell, Is the
country church) In America ln need of
new support and vitality at the present
time. The very largeness of Its plant Is
one of its chief oimewues. -from a
a victory from one crushed section of
Roclcty, but by winning all to better
Brooklyn Eagle: Dr. Mark A. Mat
thews of Seattle, moderator of the gen
eral assembly of the Presbyterian church,
said: As to elders there are more
churches standing still, marking Umo, go
ing to pieces, because of dead elderships
in them than anything else." This hits
some pretty big men. If our church
elders are to be muckraked by their paid
officials rather than by disinterested third
parties, will there not bo some criticism?
To let in the light, why not put deteo-
tlves with dictagraphs In tho business
offices of elders under suspicion to loom
it their Inmost thoughts are ln accord
with tho golden rule, or If It Is a fact
that they are living lives tnat deceive
tho very elect? General charges against
otders amount to nothing. Quilt Is per
sonal, and It an elder falls asleep during
tho sermon ho should be exposed.
Tho handbag that tho lady wore
Was wldo and deep Immense.
And in Bald bag the lady bore
Ono spool of thread,
Fourteen hairpins,
Eight perlectly good buttons,
One thimble.
Three car tickets,
One recipe tor sponge cako,
Ono manicure set, ,
Six samples,
Ono handkerchief.
Two yards of ribbon,
One powder puff.
One chamois skin,
Threu headache powders,
Onu flock of keys,
One package of chewing gum,
Ono Ynlrror,
Two pustugo stamps,
Flfty-soven varieties of dingbats.
And 7 cents. Milwaukee Sentinel.
Baltimore Sun.
The moro I think of who 1 am, and where
I am, and what I am.
The moro I feel the gods must laugh at
what a little spot i am;
An ant, a crawling thing, a tiny moving
molecule I am,
And ln my most exalted wisdom, what an
arrant tool i ami
What finite things to infinite, the dents
of Earth to sunspots are
What timo Is to eternity, a candle flicker
to a star
So ln my little puny soul to that great
first Inthlllg6nco
That brought me here, and In Its time,
shall turn tho glass and send me
hence. t
What plans I have what work I do what
mountains I essay to movo
What thoughts I think, what arguments-
what thlngB 1 labor so to provo;
Whak grandeur I may dream, and what
ns grnndeur may delight my eyes
Are tawdry trash a rubbish heap. My
greatest truths are halting lies I
Could I create a singing bird? a blush or
odor for tho rose?
Or add a single glory to the corner where
the violet grows? , j .
O you who boost! what Is your boast?-
What wortny labor havo you dono
That 1s not killed by wintry blasta nor
withered by an angry sun? ,
And so. tho more I think. I seo my. true
proportions in tho glass
And Btand aside uncovered, so to let some
winding cortege pass;
And so within my heart I pray for cour
age in -tho strife and stress.
And seeking strength 1 Und it when 1
loon tor it in nurauieiiuso.
Heroines Sncrlflcu Their Llvca In
Savin Other.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Martyrs to their duty, six Sisters of
Charity sacrificed their lives yesterday
In-a tire that destroyed St. John's, orphan
age at San Antonio, Tex., to save eighty
seven children intrusted to their care.
Thanks to their heroic devotion, eighty
five ot the llttlo ones aro safe. One ot
tho two that died In the flames was a
year-old babe that died ln the arms of
tho mother suporlor, as she strove In vain
to carry it to safety. Tho other sisters
lost their lives because they did not leave
their posts until the children had been led
to safety.
Theirs was a heroism that stands forth
like a shining light from the pages of tho
day's news. Theirs was a martyrdom ot
love and devotion which must cause a
husy nation to pause a moment ln Its
haste to pay tribute.
No blare of trumpet or noise ot drum,
no ecstasy of battle led them on to die
In a triumphant cause. They saw their
duty and they did it.
Our clients who arc large
manufacturers of low
priced motor curs aud who
are establishing distribut
ing houses, wish to secure
the services of a branch
manager in this territory.
Applicants must be well
recommended and of fi
nancial standing.
Address by letter only
to Henry Decker, Ltd.,
Fuller Building, New York
Oity, N. Y.
over tho court ot domestic relations I Mother England nnd sot up a ills-
has kept a card Index ot tho causes
assigned for tho cases of domestic
to deliver his goods "express troe j infelicity coming beforo hlra and ho
cast of Omaha." Thanks for small
Still, there Is nothing In that con
tract for tearing down tho old court
house, that requires the wreckers to
kick up such a dust.
"Bowaro ot tho Creeks bearing
Blfts," said the ancient oracle. "lie
ware ot the Greeks bearing arms,"
ays the modern oraclo.
tlnct government. Even now this
samo fooling ot resentment finds ex
pression wheuever separation Is
On November 8 next it will bo Just
eight years that tho colonel, thon
newly-elected president, made the
public declaration:
Under no circumstances will i bo a
candidate for, or accept, another nomination.
finds these iobuUs: Young nnd hasty t hinted at. Yot tho words of Laurler
marriages cause 15 per cont ot tho! still ring with the emphatto asscr-
dleagrcomonts between husbands and
wives; hidden diseases cause 25 per
cont; Intorforeuco by mothors-In-law,
25 per cent; Interference by children
ln second marriage, 15 per cont; un
governable temper and whisky, each
1 10 por cont.
That Is getting dowu to something
The closest resemblance discovered
to "Abe" Lincoln Is that each ot them
had a man named Johnson running
with him for second place.
tton that Canadian Independence Is
sure and not far off,
Our histories tell us that neither
did the colonists thluk of separation
at first. Washington, Jefferson and
even tho sapient Franklin disclaimed
all thought ot it up to a certain time.
Still, readers of Collier's, without
auy othor Bourco of Information, aro
not nwnro that tho Standard Oil let
ters, which It pronounced forgeries,
havo been admitted to bo genuine
by tho man who wroto them.
Young Mr. McCormlck will be old
Mr, McCormlck beforo ho convinces
the people that ho, Perkins, Fllnn,
llnimn nnil Munsev nro ulvlne all
and yet, unconsciously, to somo, no thu Bhl8U fum, jut for the Bako or
like a tanglblo basis of action. Tho; doubt, that very thought began to fa, , d , M princlpi0.
Old Doe Cook says wo will all bo
Eskimos In 1.000 years, It Doc
comes no nearer to that than ho did
to tho North Polo wo need not worry
first thing n, doctor does In caso ot i take shape In tho minds ot Puritans
sickness Is to make a diagnosis. Hav-Uf early as 1041, when old England
ing dotormlned the cause, ho Is able was rent with civil war and Now Eng
to prescrlbo the euro. So lu ossay-Jland, numbering more than 20,000
ing to solve this problem' ot marital j souls, could survey Its fields ot pros
Infelicity, It wo over make any head-' porlty and promise with enough com-
Arizona and Nw Moil win vntn i way. we must first get at tne primal piacency to restrain tne impulse to Well, if alter an tins strenuous
tor president this year for the first! causes. Perhaps tho discoveries ot fly to tho aid of tho mother country talk the country Is not Bavod, then
time. The original states are vot- this Judgo. who Is brought Into dally from a sonso of dependence. Now the Armageddon Job may have to
Ing for 'tho thirty-second time. I contact with the conditions, may I England had fifty villages,- forty , be left for tho Lord alone.
prove valuable. churches, an already expanaing com-
And a certain prophot used to tell It Is qulto agreed that the problem morco and manufactures ot cotton) r. Lyman Abbott quits the cam-
us that so long as we had tho gold ot dtvorco orten has Its beginning , from the Darbadoea Islands, all ot palgn with an open lotter to doubt
ltandard it would be useless to try at tho altar and that a sort of cen- which, as a mattor ot fact, mado It Ing thlrd-torraers. So thero really
to solve any ot our other problems, aorshtp as to tho right to wod Is one Independent materially ot old Eng- aro somo doubters.
. i i... it nr. oll ml.tM 1
us, 11 is aavamuKoous 10 nuvu ui" nmwi
spire of a church ln even landscape; I
from a practical point ot view. It Is
a financial ana spiritual crime. xen
churches may dismally fall where one
would be conspicuously successful. When j
you overmultlply prophets they become
Mr. Odell takes a typical case that ot
Lake township, In Wayne county, Penn-I
sylvanla. Lake township has a. population I
of L2W. the people being representauve
American cltliens. They have three post-
offices, seven school houses, one bank and
one saloon. Tho church figures are as
Ten church buildings.
Fourteen congregations (two of them I
meeting ln school homes).
Ten denominations.
TWttv thousand dollars Invested In
church property.
Four thousand one hundred and eighty I
dollars raised by churohes per year.
Five hundred dollars sent Into the town
ship by denominational home mission
Four hundred and five church members
-Vtt.T per cent of the population.
TwMtv.nlne average membership ofl
Ten dollars and 7 cents average annual
contribution per member.
Forty average attendance at Sunday
worship ot each church. .
Ten ministers engaged In preaching.
Seven hundred and fifty dollars maxi
mum paid to rolnUter.
One minister with regular tollege and
theological training
Seven ministers wun nuio mure inan.ui
high ichool UsJiUuav J s:
We are now making gigantic preparations
eason's Introductory Display
In connection, with a sweeping
and astonishing deal which we
closed last September with the big
gest manufacturing house of quality
jewelry in New York City.
In the Omaha newspapors of Sunday, November
the 10th; we will make an announcement that will both
surprise and please the people as far as the influence
of this great Metropolis reaches.
It is going to be a big event, pregnant with bene
fits and happiness for all of us. Watch for it.