Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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    11 A
Along the
Automobile Row
Charles Pickens. Dresldent of AIc.roj-.
ifJM. VZfJXZJ StmPJ (ri2Z?T)JP n-v) u v. Ulgjz jia Ik clcms Kis-hA
m. n Jt ---m rsr-r sff 3sy) psgifaigr) rgsggssr) rrss.s6g:q&. m r3iP pggmfln proprcis
Ben. received his 'W Stoddard-Day ton
from J. J. Derltfht last week. The new
machine Is a five-passenger and Is
equipped with electric lights and self
etarter. It Is of chocolate brown color
with upholstering to match.
The Cole Motor company for the second
time this season Is completely cleaned
out, not a bIdrIo wheel being In evidence
on any portion of the show, room floor.
The Cole factory has had such a de
mand for Its products during the last
twelvo months that the dealers over the
country have only been able to secure
machines In small numbers. Manager
Corkhlll will leavo soon for the factory,
where he will try to make arrangements
Tor a steady shipment.
E. II. Roth, representing the Delco Self
Starting company, was In the city last
week visiting the dealers handling ths
Hudson, Cadlllao and Cole cars. The
Delco people have a force of men, of
whom Mr. Itoth Is one, traveling over
the entire country assisting the garages
and branch houses In which the Delco
naif-starter and Ignition system Is used.
Uhe Powell Supply company was visited
by the following supply men last week:
Fred W. Kohl, representing the Zlnke
company; James Turner of tho Central
Brass Fixture company. It. U Wilkin
son,, the IClaxon horn man, and 1L E.
Xlackcnberg, treasurer of the National
Carbon company. All made deals with
tho Powell people to handle their 1S13
The 1913 Ford model T Is now being
shown on the floor of the local branoh
and Is creating considerable comment.
With the decrease In price tho Ford
product has apparently Increased In
quality, several new Ideas being brought
out this year, chief among which Is tho
new body, which Is rounded in the rear,
a style bolng adopted by many high
priced cars of the country. Tho Jones
speedometer, considered to be one of tho
foremost In Its line, la being used this
year, and an Increased equipment con
sisting of top hood and Jack form tho
principal Improvements. The rounded
body gives the Ford an exceptionally
classy appearance and this fact alone
should, make the 1913 product a much
better seller than tho car of previous
The Nebraska Cartercar company deliv
ered touring cars to the following last
week: H. V. Dorland of Humboldt, la.;
Marshall Owen, Hawley, Neb.; Antone
Bucholr, Barada, Neb.; W. "W. Moore,
Central City, Neb.; Capitol Cartercar
company of Lincoln, three; I. H. Moore
head, Barada; Ixigan Valley Land com
pany, Oakland, Neb,, and Frank Babot,
Trulman, la. Contracts were made with
Vf. 8. Schenk, Clarinda, Neb.; Bd A.
Ayers, Fairbury; Leech & Parmatero,
Creston, Neb.; Archer & Hipp, Colorado
Springs, and O. W. Westle, Dewltt, Neb.
Tho E. It. Wilson Auto company de
livered, deml-tonneau Lexingtons to
Elmer & Frey ' of Pender, J. W3 Schle
xlnger of Yutan, Frank Paup of Kjlrkman,
la.; IL C. Monahan and Aleck Ppear of
Omaha and 'William Chapell of Clifton,
la. Contracts for Studebaker cars were
mado with Sweeney Bros. of Neola, la.,
nnd Holmes & Atkins of South Omaha.
The No. 3 Maxwell, which finished vic
torious in last year's (Midden tour, went
through the present lakes-to-the-gulf tour
with a perfect score, and upon Its arrival
at New Orleans received an ovation as
the only machine that has over completed
the entire route of two Glidden tours with
n perfect score. Describing tho trip at a
banquet given In his honor at Now Or
leans, Mr. Glidden spoke of It as the
most successful of his career. He piloted
the journey in a Maxwell 40.
Tho Studebaker contracting business Is
now rapidly drawing to a close, nlthough
there aro a few desirable bits of territory
utlll open. These, however, will probably
le snapped up this week, and with the
close of tho week one of tho most suc
cessful seasons in tho opinion of the cor
poration's managers will be provided for.
The contracts themselves show that for
1313 there will be an increase of at least
10 per cent In the number of cars" to be
manufactured than were turned out last
Clarke G. Powell writes the Powell Sup
ply company from the east that' his trip
has started out very auspiciously with a
renewal of distributing arrangements on
Stewart speedometers. He reports the
Stewart factory to bo working at full
capacity so aa to bo able to supply tho
Inevitable demand for their product In
tho spring.
.The annual meeting of the Studebaker
branch mansions wjll be held in Detroit
ubout November 15. Manager L. A., Keller
of tho local house and E. R. WllBon, re
tall dealer, will represent Omaha at the
Th now rrAation of tho .Maxwell fac
tory, the 22 roadster, will arrive at the
local house some time early this week
along with a shipment of 30's. Tho 1913
Maxwell 30 roadster and touring car dem
onstrators are at present on the floor of
the United Motor company and have been
receiving a stream of admiring visitors
every day since they put In thejr appear
ance. During the week SO touring cars
have been delivered to Stratton & Hanson
at Wuhoo, B. F, Lamb of Genoa and G.
S. Mihtan of Kearney.
For three consecutive years the Chicago
reliability run has been won by Mollne
cars, including tho run Just finished.
Both Molines entered finished with a per
fect score and were awarded the Chicago
Motor club trophies as well as the team
trophies. The Chicago newspaper repre
sentatives claim this to be the severest
test run ever made, and when It Is con
sidered that both cars were In perfect
condition at the end of it, the pride taken
by "the Mollne people In the achievement
Is more than excusable.
H. E. Sidles, general manager of the
Nebraska Bulck Auto company, spent last
Thursday with Manager Huff of the
Omaha branch, having brought over a
Marquette Model 28 to be delivered In
' Iowa. Mr. Sidles reports having sold
three of these high-grade cars during
the last week.
The Mclntyre Auto Company delivered
a big GO, seven-passenger Oakland to
C. V. McGrew, president of the Live
'Btock National bank at South Omaha, last
Marion 36-A "Bobcat" Roadster, $1,350 js
t.Mf ft n't ! t 1 MO ir ri
Marion 37--A Five-Passenger Touring Car, $1,475
30-0 horse power, 112-Inch wheel base, 34x4 quick detachable demountable rims, motor bore and
troke 4x6 Inches, selective sliding gear transmission, three speeds forward, renter control,
jBQuXFKHNT xnujjuSiiB oesi quauly monair top, lop ouov, iiurm cuniuui, pint giaii vauiuaunjr
wind shield. Disco primer for starting, with gas tank, Warner speedometer, eleotrlo generator for five
leotrlo lights, storage battery, foot rest, rob rail, tools, tire kit, pump and Jack. Lamps black enameled.
SUtal trimmings nickel plated.
30-40 horse power, 113-Inch wheel bono, 84x4 quick detachable, motor bore and stroke 4x5 inches, selec
tive sliding gear transmission, three speeds forward. i
EQtriFUCEMT XHOX.UDBB best quality mohair top, top boot, storm curtains, storm front, Blsoo primer
for starting, with gas tank, Warner Seedometer, tools, tire kit, pump and Jack. Xamps blaok enameled.
An Automobile Without a Sensational Life
, Automobile -with a perfectly upright and consistent life.
AN Automobile as nearly free from the weaknesses of existanco as can
bo found In tho Automobile world.
AN" Automobile of 1913 so nearly liko the older members of tho Marion
family of 1906 and ovory year since, that anyono readily, recognizes tho blood rela
tionship. AN Automobile not requiring numberless Modol numbers to identify it
when a part replacement Is needed. Tho essentials of tho 1906 cara aro found In
tho product of the beautiful Marlon Models of 1913. To the thoughtful buyer tho abovo
features furnish their own conclusions, 1. o., that tho owner of a Marlon will havo a good
old automobile as well as a good new automobile
FROM year to year the price has been reduced and tho car made better
on its original lines, all accomplished by rqason of no "skoloton In tho closet" of
their production plant no calamity cave into which thoy had to dump tho result of
errors, adding tho chargo to the succeeding years' production.
MARION owner of a 190(5 car is as onthusiastio na a Marion ownor of
a 1911!-each In equally satisfied tho best asBot of uny Institution.
AN invitation is extended to everybody to visit us, got catalogues and
examine tho cars.
TO dealers some good territory open our requirements aro liboral ou
Matchless Marion "48". s
Comfortable and Complete "37".
Beautiful Bobcat mile a minute Roadster.
Marion Automobile Co., 2101-2103 Farnam Street, - - Omaha, Nebraska
C. W. McDONALD, Manager
Dtogssi sgsrysJ LigesaJ tnrecsL togei Lmspaj
?zz?rX&$mr -,5s!LU2fQ&j fgRgpirj pBoxnyj pspxyggi psddit tts t
svsJ toassLl tancrsj taffssL) togessd ' junssd -1257) pjlI tr?)!
JlcSgrtggsr) psffgfriri pgrnui rjsagffsir pgtoyj gffgyjj YZtt&4gg&5f rosM
week, and a five-passenger 408 to a pur
chaser at Vllllsca, la. Both parties upon
tho arrival of the machines Immediate!)
took the opportunity of testing their Joy
riding proclivities.
D. M. Beal, manager of tho Molina
Auto company, and Thomas Dunbar,
representing the Drummond Motor com
pany, returned Tuesday from an ESO-mllo
trip through the stato In a Molina 40.
The two men went as far west as Mo
Cook and then down through the southern
part of the state. Every Imaginable kind
of road was encountered during the voy
age and despite this fact the entire trip
was made without a single mishap. Sev
eral contracts and deals were closed for
both firms.
"Wouldn't It be fine If all Omaha streets
were as well lighted as Farnam and
Sixteenth," said Manager Llndsey of the
Velie Auto company In speaking of the
now flaming arc lights which Illuminate
these thoroughfares. "With the new
lamps, the dazzling headlights of the
automobile aro of little use, and for my
part I thlhk they are "dangerous and
should bo turned off by drivers, when
using these streets. With four or five
pa'r of such lights shining In a
pedestrian's eyes while crossing the stroot
ho is apt to become confused and walk
Into danger. For some tlmo I have thought
of. proposing a city ordinance prohibiting
autolsts the use of these lights on Far
nam and Sixteenth, and If I can gain the
support of several other dealers I will
put It before the commission."
The Nebraska-Bulck Auto company
made the following .deliveries of 1913
Bulck Models last week: Model 31 to
Cnzad & Wise. Vllllsca, la.; Model 31 to!
W. B. Elliott, Atlantic, Ia.r Model 31 to!
John Anderson, Corning, la.; Model 23
to H. M. Scott, Norfolk; Model 23 to C. It
Burgeson, Holdrege; Model 25 to John
Burgeson, Holdrege; Model 25 to Guy
Butler, Holbrook; Model 25 to J. B
Romans & Co., Denlson. la.; Model 40
to William Cries. Loup City, la.; Model
25 to George Menklng, Kennard, Neb.'.
Model 25 to BTOckelsby, Vail. Ia.; Modol
31 to Llnderman Bros., Palmer, Neb.;
Model 31 to C. A. Lambert, Carns, Neb.
These cars, together with the cars de
livered from the Lincoln, Sioux City and
Pes Moines floors, make a total of
seventy-two Bulck cars delivered by the
Nebraska-Bulck company In , the last seven
A. W. Wey of the Wayne Auto com
pany of Wayne. Neb., was In the city
lust week and drove home In an Apper-
son 45.
W, E. Foshler of the Nebraska Carter-
rnr rnmndnv Imvm fnr Hnnvir enrtv
this week, where he goes to confer with I
II. TL Radford of the Colorado Cartercar
Car of Mncli Service.
There is a 1910 Kissel Kar "60" in the
service of an Omaha livery that has
traveled, in Its three years of service
more than 57,872 miles without a replace
ment until a week ago. At that tlmo'
George W, Moore, the owner, wired for a
differential pinion and took occasion to
add: "For the best care in Omaha."
Motor Track In Calm.
Cuba has been found a profitable field
of endeavor by the Gramm Motor Truck
company of Lima, O., and contracts were
recently signed for the delivery of a half
I dozen cars to Havana.
You Need Have No Fear
of Skidding With
N-o-ii S-k-i-d
IF YOU have any doubts
drive your car to our
Branch. We will gladly
put on a set of Fire
stone JNon-Skid Tires
and demonstrate to your entire
satisfaction that your car cannot
skid under the most exacting
They afford a secure road grip
with sharp edges, abrupt angles
and deep vacuum creating hol
lows forming, the extra heavy
"name" tread.
Whatever the weather, or road
condition,skid or slip cannot occur.
The security of Firestone Non
Skid Tires exceeds that of me
chanical devices and obviates the
tire and road damage sure to go
with metal appliances.
In addition to their security, Fire
stone Non-Skid Tires give extra
mileage, reduce gasoline con
sumption, assure fullest comfort
and greatest economy of car
The Firestone Tire & Rubber Go,
"America's Largest Exclusiva Tire
and Rim Makers."
2220 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Home Office and Factory, AkroH, 0.
Branches in all Large Cities
lires i
Straw votes? Poll the high
ways! Every third car a
Ford! Already the Ford is
elected and by a tremen
dous majority. It's the pop
ular favorite for the very
good reason that iti worth
can't be measured by dollars
and cents.
Ono hundrod and seventy thousand Fords
In service and ovory Ford usor a Ford
"booster." Now prices runabout SB2B
touring car $800 dollvory car S025
town car $800 with all oqulpment, (. o.
b. Dotrolt. Got particulars from Ford
Motor Company. 1010 Ilarnoy St., Omaha,
or direct from Detroit factory.
Omaha bees
fOf Automobiles and Accessories
Welsh Cars...
r.i..i. a..h. 13th and 9 Btl. X. S. SZBXiSS. CUn'l MrT.
" " ' Omltu Branch, mi3-14-lfl jrnaja BtXBH JTBTT, Mr.
Nebraska Buick Auto. Company
VanBrunt Automobile Co.
Ovtrland and Pop.
Council Bluffs I.
Omaha. Jftbr.
Salesroom Cor. Tenth and Howard Sis.
Omaha, Nebraska.
HUDSON . 2205-2207 Farnam Street
Wallace Automobile Co.
2203 Farnam Street
Marion Automobile Co.
Marton and Marmon
Oa Car, Ohio and
Standard Bis a t rtra
D 1 t r 1 b utora for,
wcaUrn Iowa and
01013 Parnani St.
Is tho Leading Agricultural Journal of the west. Its columns are
filled with tho best thought of the day In matters pertaining to
the farm, the ranch and the orchard, and It Is a factor In the
development of the great weatern country.