10 A HE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 3, 1912, IS AUTQ RACING NEAR END? This Question ii Eeing Discussed with Much Interest in East. PUBLIC WANTS TO SEE SPORT Adherent of Antoraobllo ltuclnc In- lt that Large Attentinnee nt Meets n Slm Uiat People Want It. New Midland Auto Arrives in Omaha NEW TOIUC. Nov. 1 Whether auto n "Mle ractne;, particularly rood racing;. Is tn the upward move or whrthar It U Kainjr. in popularity so that the end It C o nt hand la betnff argued Just now. Ii,ro whose Interest ties In a contlnu n e of racing; sec, or profess to see. t there Is a strong public demand lor i re contests. The old story 1 being 'I and retold by them that racing de- ped Uie American Industry and still Is ii prime need. Designs and matcrtattJ t-cvr would havo reached their present (taidaxd without rndnsr, these pereoni t y; tend, and no doubt that la ao, In part, at least Furthermore, these adherents of racing lr-Jst that the f-rwxt attendance at metis, such as Elgin, Bant a Monica, Indlanapo I s Tacoma and Milwaukee, lit a sign lhat the publlo wants racing and wants to seo It Even the strongeet part'sana. however, admit that American manufac turers are not aupporttng racing any more. Unless the American car maker has suddenly lost some of the foresight and business acumen that marked his earlier activities In the automobile world he Is making a, serious error that la, If you believe what the pro-racing con tingent says. Benefits Porelfrn Rtrnls, Others may feel that the business man Is at length convinced that he does ITot wont to play the game for the benefit of tils foreign rivals, who make most of the racing machines that are taking the big events on the road. Most makers, having got as much as they think Is to be got from racing, have Quit it Those who sCo their way clear to building a reputation rapidly with good racing cars keep on supporting teams, but the factory-entered racing teams In this country can bo counted on the finger of one hand, aithout having recourse to the thumb, either. If all the rest of the world Is a "little queer," save those who want to have racing continue for the benefit of their own pockets, then racing is a prime necessity. But the strongest partisans of motor racing cannot readily point out features in recent car construction that owe their discovery on thorough tryouls to racing. The features of the past and of the coming season self-starters, elec tric lighting, small six-cylinder motors are not the fruits of racing experience. The four-cylinder is still the most used racing type and self-starters fre not ap plied to radng cars. ' Verr Changes In Cars, 1 Motor building, If the average oar maker's prospectus is to be believed, has undergone few changos save In the way of refinement those last two or three seasons. Another main point In touring car building Is toward Increased comfort of the passengers and suret comfort hatnt been a chtsf considera tion in building spood machines. Nearly every little device that Is ap plied toward lightening racing cars, such aa iteot connecting rods or rods that havo been drilled full of holes, and schemes such as removing a piston ring, leaving only one behind. Is practice avoided in preparing automobiles for tho touring car, markot To bo sura, these things havo been done right along in .racing ears, so they are not new dikooverlts. If they had been ao valuable In ordi nary motoring doubtless they would have been assimilated lone since. Such an authority aa the Journal of the Automobile Club of America rays In an editorial favorable to automobile radn that 'In looking over the list of automobiles now offered for eale on th market both foreign and domestic, it will be noted that practically every car that has attained prominence and popu larity btis done so through Its perform- atwt on the rape track." Just at pres ent there are less than half a dozen American makes that campaign in rac ing and there are several hundred dif ferent makes of automobiles in this country. Qalt Hatldlna- Hasina- Cars, The leading cars ot ttas United States, it is true, have bad a contest history ot sorts, soma of them more than others, but nearly alt the machines which are bow recognised aa the highest standard tn this country have long alno dropped from the world of contests. And nearly all are doing more business on regular business line than they did In thosu tther flush days. Iters la a little truth about raolng, as set forth In an editorial arttola In "Motor Ace." which, however, prophages that'raelng has years yet to live beaause ''the eonteett have sold cars, tin oontesti have k ndlad anthustaam, the oontesta have helped good rost.ia they hava dona good," The automobile puhtlcatlon aayst 'The year has not been ss brl 1 ant ai last yean Vkia has bean a little unkind. Unity has been lacking. The herculean effort ot the eleventh hour has baen too iwi'rpta'ous, Mskera have bean at sixes and ae en Many wanted to ra , bu hftd misgivings, 'One's afraid and the other daio not' sums up tho situation, Maaafnntarara Nut UulUd, "Manufaoturers were aiiytllng tiq( united on the s-jprert of oonteds. In (he ariy print ever day brought rumo'i a( !Ktumlng to raalneY Today on- big flamfany was building a fleet cf taslna truialilrta-, tcmarrow It wm another sent esn, Aa ppetita av way to tummts mllinlim tfava way to pfealmtam. Unity HcnU threutftt tho malls failed to bring (he loalud er aheak and tUe filled out blank, VdlUtw up Utters and nwre blanks wars suaacadtd by an om'naua -JUrtsa, Might lettergrams went rasperisa lt!, Pemnal letters, speelal solicitors to factories n fell short of a ear previous," v Ttye analyses dirafree ca the raa omi say "Baclnira dying." Others say "Tain't ," It la Urjrely a mat'er et ftplrilon, But radng has oaffertd, thhl -ear as never before from ntetnperaW poanogment and in-considered Imi Pjrentry Rtraova frcw tha control ef .porting contests men who taa a bn pes Interest In aeelng fiat tie ant fua run through rerardleaa aad f'sre w II, be a. chance ta reta'n the p-tita i!de of na?9-l! Hera t Mt, pMtlat who will Insist ea flolinf tnal-j etirty If). fP'.'e of what a rwald innartt.t vants will bslp ta stva v9tm K (a! rattan can be found pr 'f sating U weftl) (j, H never can be wait ate lint It CM be roods cafcr, ' r ret .dvtrllrlct It the Ks4 t ''-cs-iOsaU 'Vllt Steal-,'' Lost wceK jaw the deliver) Omaha of the 111 Midland, sold by the F celand Auto company. "We have great dl;fl culty," eald Mr. Frecland, "In securlnj sufficient cars for delivery. The Midland this year Is a wonderful car with Its thorough and Improved equipment There Is nothing to surpass It. Then, too, the manufartu-cra are go'ng to put out n W of fifty-horsepower, which I shall have here soon, and when one sees It there Is no wonder that he will he struck with awe." CADILLAC REPORTS BIG DEMAND FOR ENCLOSED CARS WAGONER RECEIVES HIS HANDSOME COUPE Dr. It. A. Wagoner received h's 1813 Cadillac cqupe Friday. It Is one of the most -practical as well as lu- u -lonely finished car ever delivered ho e. The windows drop down from within, the wind shlela ope s oiltiva.cl wil l i i ua i trpft of c-ntructlon Is ti"d rxrm'MnT the occupant to enter or leave from either rJde. Tho cc'llng, Inttead of the u ual cloth flnlrm. Is finished with highly pol ished walnut similar to a Ili.lman car. "The automobile Is no lcncr Mnvly a aummer pleasure vehlelc for fair days," said Oeorge Iteim. president of the Cadll -p Oma"i rompnnv "With the nHranee 1" the Industry and the perfection of the product, tlio utllltar'an value of the motor car has expanded and now a great percentage of tho motorists usa tholr earn the year around. They want a car that' will be serviceable In disagreeable weather. "For that reaton a very high grade of business Is fast developing In CadlU&o enclosed cars, becaure Poopte want the comfort and protection which cars of the enclosed type provide In rough weather." "So Vent of Mud. J. C. Bryant of Kaufman, Tex., bought a Klsel Kar "40" last July and In Its first three months of service It has cov ered 4.1W miles. Mr. 13 yant writes en thuitiactlcally of the enr, ment onlng that the roads traveled are the worst In Texas. As an uncommon ach evement, he tells of running through a mudtiole two feet deep and fifty feet long at twenty miles an hour. A Bulldog Grip Now the Favorite Winter Tire Herts g the tread which has come to outsell every other form of non-skid. It comes on a tire which also outsells every other tke in existence. Think what a combination No -Rim -.Cut tires with this Goodyaar Non-Skid tread. Any man who sees them is bound to say, "That's the winter tires for me." All Objections Ended road or pavement with a bulldog grip. Bach of these blocks widens out ft the bate, ao the strain la distributed over the fabrlo just as with smooth tread tires. So wo offer you now an endurlnr, edclent, an ideal non-skid tread. One glance will show you that no other devlco compares with It. Early non-akld treads wero made of aoit rnbber. Tho projections wero too short-lived. Otherslnvolvodbothmetal and rub ber materials that never combine. And all, until thla one, put too much train oa tho fabric, because tho strain wasn't distributed. That's why men havo used the la convenient, costly and ruinous chains. Now We Have This Now we have this thick extra tread, Vulcanized on to tho reRUlar. Soyou ?:et the endurance of a double-thick: read. This extra tread Is of very tough rubber, ao the non-skid featuro lasts. The blocks are deep-cut. They present to the road surface countless edges and angles. They grasp the Motor-car owners have tested out over 200,000 ot these treads. As a re sult, the demand today la enormous. And this winter will treble It, prob ably. Come aee what It means to havo overalte tires, tlres. that can't rim cut and tires that can't skid. The Goody ear Tire Book-bated aa IS years of Mr maklas U flllad with faota yea should know. AV im to mall It to you, llOODYEAR AKKON.OHIO No-Rim-Cut Tire With or Without Non-Skid TraaJt THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio 3bla Cnmpanr mw no connection whaterer with nnr other rubber eouoern which uhi tha Umdrriar nama raont OMAHA BRANCH 2212VAENAM ST. Phono Douglas 4190 A White Truck is Only Possible to the Merchant Who Plans for the . Future Any old made-over Touring Car or light de livery wagon will do your work for the next five or Bix months. WHITE TRUCKS offer you n rollnblo dollvory Borvioo for yours to ooino. No ono yoHirtH over boon ablo to vronr ono out. WHITE TRUCKS nro ooonomlonl A fow pon iiIob nro Baved enoli dny on RfiBollno tmtl oil bills; dollars uro Bavod enoli month on repnlr bllUj nnd In tho long run, Wlilto Borvioo mnliou u oliow lng on tho right sldo of your lodfjor, Made In 4 slzos i 0 and B ton, to cult any moi chant 'b noodB. Bettor phone Douglas 3301 for a dcanon-stratlon. H,PELTCN,sas. I L!neo4a Hepriisatiti? -Mckilt Auto Co. 1913 D AND 1913 SELF-STARTIMQ ELECTRIC LIGHTMO H. P.-FULLY EQUIPPED A Car of-Sterling Worth . 1913 Models Now Ready for Delivery Record Breaking; Record Making "Trans-Continental" Flyer" Midland Font Time To the Coast IN a recent oross continent run to San Francisco the Midland broko all previous records for such a trip through and over tho Rocky Mountains and tho Desert. The most difficult trip imaginable a gruelling test. Yet the car made this 2,645 miles in 124 hours and 37 minutes. 9.000 Miles Without a Rmolacement The Midland made tho trip and baok a distance of 9,000 miles without a broken, renewed or replaced part, and was in as perfect running order as when leaving tho factory. That's tho kind of car wo offer you a, car of proven worth. New Midland To Trade for Old Car WE are interested in other lines of business be sides tho automobile. Through these other con nections we have distribution facilities for handling USED cars as quickly as we acquire them. For this M-eason, we are perfectly willing to consider taking your old car on a purchase Of a Midland provided your price is right. We could place at least nine used automobiles today; if wo had them. No other dealer is so fortunate as to" have suoh ideal connections for handling used cars and because wo readily turn them into cash we can allow more than you will get else where for your old model. WBXTS rOB OATALOQUE AHO X.IBKSAI. OITES TO 70B TXSUBXTOST SOW OPV. Midland Motor Co., Molino, 111. FREELAND AUTO CO., Twelfth and Farnam Streets, Omaha. Distributors Comfort, Luxury and Practicability . Tho Cadillno doupo is a worthy companion of the Ca Tho body is mado of aluminum by tho latest improvod methods. Thoro arc accommodations for four passongors, two alonjrsido tho drivor nnd ono on drop scat in front. Tho drlvor'n Boat is hinged, permitting entrance at and oxlt from tho right Bldo of tho car, Tho upholrrtorlng is In hand buffod blnolc loath or, trlmmod with broad nnd nnrrow Inco, Tho ootl ing1, enghoB, hool board, hood helvoa nnd flnlah moulding nro Amorlonn blnolc wnlnut, Tho Hide windows nnd door wlndowo drop Into pofketui tho roar nnd front qunrtor windows nro ptntlonnry, Glnea la fl-10-lneli eoloetod flryfltnl pinto, without bevol, Ourtnlno hro hlffli prndo ollk rlth olllt tnbo, oporatlnrf on nntomntlo rollora, Boors nro fitted with atop hlngoa of lateat , Fro noli doalgn, ponnlttlng door to open at angla of 100 dogreoa nnd equlppd with Unproved looka, dillao Limousine. It is the leading car of its type. Tho lower portion of windshield is stationary, oloar vision tho upper portion Bwings outward. Thoro io a compartment for email parcelB back of tho drivor's Boat and Epace for suit case, tools, oto., undor roar dock, whioh ban hinged door on roar, with look. The oquipment IneludoB . tho improvod Delco oloctrlcnl Hyutom, embodying nutomatio self-cranking devlco, olootido lighting and ignition. Tho oleotrlo lighting oqulpmont consists of two 'head lights,' two sldo lights, and tail light, also domo light nnd Bpoodomotor light. . J Cadlllfto Borvioo, si rsndorod by tho Cadillno Co, of Omaha, added to theio apodal foaturoB of tho Cadlllao Ooupo, maker It tho most popular onoloBd oar ta the olty. Boa tho Coupo on db play In our gkowroomi, ' ' Cadillac Company of Omaha Fhono, 33oug, tlSDO, Geo, I?, JUoTOi Tree, XJ54-fi6 Farnam.