Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Offer These Extra Special Bargains for
All our short lengths, odd lots and discontinued pat
terns of dcsirahlo early winter merchandise on sale at
one-third to one-half their former prices.
Five Cases of the Botany Worsted Mills
Mill Ends of Dress Goods
Lengths for suits, conts and dresses, also good pieces for
separate skirts, misses' and children's school wear at
half the original cost to make- surges, fancy suitings,
diagonals, whipcords, etc., in tho prevailing colors.
3 groat hargain lots, divided according to size and
quality of lengths on bar- QD Cf ftr Aft CA
gain squares, at each piece. .. .30C-$I.3iJ-.tJV
Broadcloth Special 50 to 54-inch all wool broadcloth, in
medium and dark colors. Owing to a largo concession
from the manufacturer we offer $1 and $1.25 Cft
broadcloths at, yard
Fine All Wool Imported
Dress Goods Samples, up
to Vi yards each many
to match up to 10 pieces of
one kind on sale Friday,
each, 10c, 25c and 35c
All Wool Chnllics and
Blazer Suitings so popu
lar tjiis season. Just 1,250
yards are going in one
grand lot worth,
yard 25c
Hundreds ot Odds and Ends in
New Dress and Waiting Silks
Also suitable for coat and dress linings and milliner
purposes. In lengths of 3 to 15 yards fqulards, nics
salines, corded silks, printed warps and pailotto do soio
black and all colors values up to 85c a yard 00
Plain and Fancy Cropo de
"at, a yard
Genuine C. J. Bonnot Lyons
Guaranteed Black Dress
Taffeta, regular prico $1.
Limit of 12 'yards at, a
yard 50c
chine in bordered effects,
oriental printings, allovor
pattorns and floral design,
worth f 1 on special bargain
squaro, at, yard 40d
40-inch Satin Oharmeuse A superb quality in street
shndos, also tho scarce navies. On account of lato de
livery wo received a concession in the prico. Wo aro t
able to offer $2.25 charmouso in main silk 6 4 CA
section nt, yard $ J.)'
Ilemnants of Bilks Hindrods of Wash Good 'Special A big lot
styles for selection In novelty of slllr and cotton fancies In a
silks, printed warps, satins, splendid lino of colors and do-
volvotn, fancy printed mousse- bIriib sultablo for street nnd
lino do solo, etc, iCg ;,Cf party frocks; at, per Qj
bargain square, ca..Iv""-.w' yard.. ,,.
Big Basement Bargains
Mottled Flannels, heavy
quality, in perfect long
lengths, 15o quality on
salo at, yard 70
Porsiau Flannelottos and
Cotton Sorgo Suitings
2YyQ would bo low prico;
special at, yard GVaC
Dress Percales,
in dnrk colorings
mill lengths
at, yard ..
Yard wide Bloa
chod Muslin, also
40-in. TJnbl'ehed
Muslin, yd
25o Yarn Morcer
ized Popl ins
new nil shades;
at, yard . . . 15c
Thousands of
yards Pink Out
ing Flannel at,
per yard . .2Vc
Cotton Chnllios
Persian nnd flor
al patterns, mill
lengths, yd 3Vc
Come at Once
We will give you credit on any
purchase you make of us. You
have tho privilege f paying for
goods as you earn the money, just
a little each week. Wo have
clothed hundreds of families
throughout Omaha on credit. Let
us furnish yours. Ours is a
confidential credit plan.
Such mensures are taken as
to make it strictly private,
and your nearest neighbor
would never know you had
an account with us unlo'ss you ygursclf informed them.
Beddeo Credit Clothing Co.
Successors to Ridgley Clothing Co.
1417 Douglas Street
Friday Sales That Insure Satisfaction and Savings
Zn th Domtitlo Boom
6 napers Toilet Pins So
papers Gold Rye Needles. .So
rolls Cotton Tape ...... .8c
6 cards Hump Hooks and
Eyes for Bo
6 spools Darning Cotton . Co
I cards Safety Pins. BO
In the Domestic Boom
3 spools 50-yd. HHk Thread. So
3 spls. JOO-yd. Sewing Thread So
S cards Darning Needles.. .So
10c Corset Clasps 4tto
10c Metal Back Combs.... 4H
Bo Val. and Linen Torchon
Laces, yard . o
A Great Clearing of Millinery Friday
Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats in remarkable assortment of picturesque, becoming
and practical styles, priced at a very small part of their usual retail worth. The
Greatest Values in New, Clean, Desirable Millinery Shown by Us or Any Other Store
This Season:
worth to
$3.00, at . . ,
worth to
$5.00, at
worth to CO Cn
$6.50, at.... OZiOU
worth to 00 OR
$7.50, at ....OO.UO
No Train Like This
St. Louis. Kansas City Special '
You Can Leave
Omaha at 4:35
P. M. and Ar
rive at ... .
Soft finished Eng
lish Nainsook
Itomnauts, 15j
values, yd. 7lAu
Fino qual. Press
Gingham, Rem
mints, now fall
styles, yd.. . .9o
Black and Col
ored Mercerized
Satoon Rom
nants, yd. '7Vi:C
Fancy plain col
ored Jaoquard
Dross Prints at
yard 3c
All Kinds of Allover Laces
In remnants and sample pieces, also remnants of fancy
Appliques, Insertions, Edges and Medallions two big
bargain lots at each ( 15c and 25c
Fine French and German Val. Laces and Insertions,
Linen Torchons, Piatt Vals, Curtain Cluny Laces and
Insertions many to match worth up to 10c a
yard on big bargain square at yard
Sensational Basement Specials in
Men's and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats
Boys' $3.50 to $4 Overcoats
In Russian or convertible
collar styles in now grays,
blues and dark mixtures
ages 2 Mi to 8 years; extraor
dinary values 1Q
nVlchltiu Kn 7:05 A.M.
tfprinKflelil, Mo 7:0 A.M.
Joplln, Mo fl05 A.M.
Fort Smith, Ark. i:oo P.M.
JKI Ilcno, Okla ,1:MKJM.
UKiaiioma city, Okln ,(.2:10 P.M.
Memphis, Tenn .'.7:20 P.M.
f Dallas, Tex 7:53 P.M.
Fort Worth, Tex .8:20 P.M.
uuir Country '. Second Morning
South, November 5th and 19th; December
3d and. 17th.
South every day direct or diverse routes.
The increased volume of winter travel
through tho south has developed a largo
number of moderato priced stopping places
besides tho palatial hotols.
P. M., 9:15 A M. If your ticket reads
"Burlington" you will leuvo on timo and
Parlor Cars i)rouuy arrive on tunc.
Chair Cars'
Ticket, norths. Information at:
City Ticket Office, 1503 runtm St.
Bnrllngton Passenger Station, 10th and Mason Sti.
Omaha, Nebr.
Men's Overcoats Most of
them vnro long coats with
convertible collars, in the
season's newest pattorns
nnd colors well worth $10
extra good val
ues at
Change in Time Card
Commencing November 1st, 1912, cars for Bell
ovue, Fort. Crook and intermediate stations will leave
24th and "N" streets, South Omaha, as follows:
Week Days
except Sat'days
01: 45 a. m.
0:45 a. m.
7:40 a. m.
MOO a. m.
Hourly thereafter,
uatll 12 midnight.
Sntno as week
days until 13 noon.
Half-hourly tborc
'after until 7 p. ni.,
after which hourly
unUl 12 midnight.
First car 7 a. m.j
hourly therea f t e r
until 1 p. m. Half
hourly from 1 p. m.
until 7 p. m., after
which hourly until
12 midnight.
Returning, cars leave Fort Crook thirty minutes later
than above.
Omaha & Southern Interurban
Railway Company
Boys' Serviceable Suits in Russian blouse, Norfolk and
double breasted styles many of these suits aro all wool
in fall nnd winter weights values up to $5 ff ft IP
Men's Hark Mixture Suits
in heavy weights $10.00
values will go (r AA
Men's All Wool Blue Serge,
Suits Attractive styles.
$12.50 values, flQ CA
at vu.vw at v
Free land information
You can learn the facts about' any
section of the country through The Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer's Free Land Information. Bureau,
which is maintained for the benefit of our readers.
Climatic conditions, land laws-best lands for any
particular crop, best socaona for fruit growing, stock
raising and goneral fan ling all such facta may bo
had if you will simply Bend postage for reply, and
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska.
Ooer 199,000 htm famili rtaJ tt
Velvet Hats, Felt Hats,
Turbans and Street Hats,
regular values to qq
$1.50. bic: assortm't . .OUu
12 inches long, 98c values, in
green or black, on J
at, each OuU
19 inches long,' bla'cl
only, $2.50 values . . .
Worth to $12.00, in Beavers,
Silk Velvet and Plush
bhnpes, beautifully 0 AC
trimmed, choice ..vw4,pT'0
Worth to $4.50, including
a big assortment of Silk
Velvet and Plush Shapes,
very latest Oi no
styles, at, each . . . w 1 1 OU
To $7.50 values, the very
latest ideas in Velvet
Velours and Beavors, on
sale Friday, rt pn
at, each OZiOU
To $2.00 values, in black,
browns and navy, PQp
at, each OUb
Big assortment, Cfp
to close at Uu
Dress Goods Bargains Friday
You'll Not Find Equalled Elsewhere
uses to $2.50 yd., sale Friday, $1.58, $1.98
Mixtures, Hovorslbles, plaid backs and Striped
Novelties, In "big variety ot most wanted colorings,
54x56 inches wide.
$1.25 AND $1.50 SUITINGS AT 98c
Handsome. Diagonals, Serges, Broadcloths,
Scotch Mixtures, Mannish Stripes and Homespuns,
50 and 54 Inches wide.
$1.00 and $1.25 WOOL DRESS GOODS 68c
Herringbone Stripes, Fancy Prunnellas, Im
ported Wool Taffetas, Hairline Stripe Serges, 42
and 44 inches wide, broken lines from reg. stock.
50c and 75c WOOL DRESS GOODS, 38c
Hundreds of Remnants In lengths from lb to
5 yards, Serges, Panamas, Cheviots, Serges, etc.,
big assortment of weaves and colorings.
New Silks Greatly Underpriced
Assortments and Values Very Superior .
75c and $1.00 DRESS SILKS, 38c and 48c
Both plain and novolty weaves in a great var
iety of colorings, 20 and 27 in., over 3,000 yards,
included in this lot.
Beautiful Imperial Dress Messalines
All Silk 36 Inches wide In ovory new fall color
ing, special at 88i a yard.
$2.00 SATIN OHARMEUSE, $1.68
40 inches wide, In a fine line of street and Eve
ning Shades, values you cannot duplicate in Omaha.
Taffetas, Messalines and Peau de Soles, 36 inches
wide, $1.00 and $1.25 a yard values.
27 Inches wide, pretty border styles on sale, at,
yard, 28i.
Friday Linen Bargains
Mercerized Satin Damask, assort
ed patterns, 59c values, yd. 39
Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths,
size 8x4, assorted, $1.25 values,
each 85 &
Hemmed Huck Towels, extra large
and heavy, 15c values, ea. lOd
Mixed Lot Pure Linen Huck und
Heavy Bath Towels, 39c values,
at, each 19d
Specials Wash Goods Dopt,
A handsome assortment of Com
forts, silk comforts, fancy BaWen
comforts with down filling, at,
each ....$10.00 and 5.50
Amoskeag Outing Flannel In fancy
stripes, checks and plaids, light
and dark colors, strictly fast, at,
per yard 12 'i and 0&
New and complete line of Galatea
Cloth for children's suits and
dresses, at, per yard 15i
Friday wo will place on sale
a big line of beautiful laces
greatest values over offered. Vnl.
Lnccs, Torchon Laces, Kion City
Laces, Point do Paris La es, Ven
ice LnceN, Hands, Edges, Gnlloons
anil Inserting qualities that sell
regularly to 25c a yard.; all at one
price, Friday, per yard ...5
's and Men's Cloth
ing Station
Domestic Room
Boys Knickerbocker Corduroy
Pants, good heavy weights, 75c
values for 49
Doys' Suits with knlckerbocke
pants, asBortedf c6lors and sizes,
values to $3.60, at $1.05
Men's All Wool Suits, well made,
good fall style, assorted sizes,
values to $10.00, for ..$6.00
Some Startling Values in Curiains and Drap
eries for Friday's Selling
big assortment, pair . . . .9&i
$2.50 Curtains, plain Swiss or
net centers with cluny edge and
Inserting, pair $1.35
-Colored Sateens for comforters,
25c values, pretty patterns, on
,ealo, at, yard . . .15e
12V6c Sflkollnes, at. yard . 9J
Bungalow Nets, 45 In. wide, to
75c values, yard 35 & 49t
25c Colored Scrims, reversible,
great values, yard 15d
Fish Nets, worth to 25c yard,
white or ecru, on salo at, par
yard 12 d and 15d
12 c Curtain Swls. at, yd. 8d
Remnants of Draperies, qualities that sell regularly to 50c yard, 5
Domestic RoiM-Friday Remnants and Seasonable Merchandise From the Bolt at Special Low Prices
Outing Flannels, light and
dark colors. 9o vals., Co
Unbleached Muslin. 36 In.
wide,, 1c values ...8o
Serpentine Crepe, good
patterns, ISo values. 100
60 Inch Mercerized Table
Damask. 39c values, 33o
Indlffo Hlue Apron Check
QlnKhaip, 7c values. So
Bleached Mualln, 36 Inch
Wide, 7o valuea ...Bo
Flannelette, Uood Tat-
terns. 10c valued ,.7Wo
Uleachcd Shaker Flannels,
36 In. wide, 15c val.. 100
Uood Glnpliams. Kood pat
terns. 12 Mo values, ,7c
Curtain ricrim, light nnd
dark colors, 15c val
ues for loo
Percales, good patterns,
light and dark colorn,
15c values for 7$c
Heatherbloom, assorted
colors, 35c values, 25c
Wash Goods, well assorted
lot, worth to 15c ...,8o
72x90 Ready Made tiklrU,
50c values for 39o
Sllkollne, good patterns',
36 Inch wide, black, 800
Furnishing Bargains for Ladies', Men & Children
Ladies'. Men's and Hoys' and Girls' Rood heavy Outlrnf
Flannel Gowns. In all sites, regular 1 values at 49o
Boys' good heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers.
worth 36c, all sUes, at V
Men's extra, heavy Fleece Lined Hhrts and Drawers, all
sizes from 30 to 4, nt 35
Men's 31.50 Fleeced Lined Union Suits at 7So
Ladles' $1.00 and 1.50 Union Suits, samples of the
Stratford Brand, all sizes, at.... 69e and 19o
Girls' and Boys' il.00 Unlqn Suits, ull sizes and kinds,
at .J... , . 49c
Children's good heavy Fleece Lined Vests and Fnnts,
worth to 50c. at . . r. ....,, -30c, 25 and aoo
Men's 31.15 Wool Shirts and Drawers, all sixes, at 75o
Men's 25o Leather Faced Gauntlet Gloves, pntr ....16o
' Women's Suits, Cloaks and Skirts Department
Women's Long Caracul and Plush Coats, well made
and lined, new Kail styles, 316.00 values "7.03
Women's New, Fall Tailored Suits, assorted colors and
sizes, values to 316.00, at $8.93
W6n.en's One-piece Dresses, Serges and Corduroys, all
good styles, values to 310. 00; at 33.08
Misses' Long Cloth Coats, assorted colors, values
37.60, at, each ,. .84.98
Women's Black Satin and Heatherbloom Petticoats,
values to JL98, at 98 o
Children's Fall and Winter Coats, assorted lot of many
Samples, worth to J5.00. at $3.98
Wrappers and llouso Dresses, well made, good styles,
worth to 31-00. at , , 69 o
Women's Silk Waists, an assorted lot of colors und
styles, values to 32.50, at fl.45
Read Haydei's Mammoth Novembtr Grocery Opening Sale
19 lbs. Best Qrnolatd Hogar for 9Bo
48 lb. sacks nest nign uraue
n.xn'id II Flour, made .from the fin
est selected wheat, makes the whit
est bread,' and nothing finer for pies
or cakes, pr sck 3180
10 bars Beat-'Ein-All. Diamond C or
Lenox Soap for .V'V80
llaskln Bros.' Omaha Family Soap,
per bar '
10 lbs. Best While or Yellow Corn
meal for .- 17Ko
4 lbs. Fmcy Japan Rice. Pearl or
Fine Tapioca for 05c
1-lb cans Assorted Soups .... . .7H
J-lb. cans Ftancy Wax, String. Green
or Lima Beans or for .-TH
3-lh. c4 Golden Pumpkjn. Htnlny
or Squash for VA
3 lb. cans Baked Beans for . ,..8Vo
8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. .85o
New Honey, rack 150
The Best Crisp Pretzels or Ginger
snaps, per pound ee
Toasted Corn Flukes, pise". 0ic
Peter's Breakfast Cocoa lb aso
The Best Bulk Peanut Butter, per
pound . ,' lavto
Jello or Jellycon. pkg. , A 7Mo
The Best Tea Bif tings, lb loo
Golden Santos Coffee, lb 83o
The best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, lb 34o
The best Country Butter, lb 30o
The best No.,) Dairy Butter . ...3o
3 lbs. Good Butterlne SSo
The best No. 1 Eggs, per dozen,. 34o
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o
New York or Wisconsin Cream
Cheese, per lb 32o
Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb ....18o
2 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5o
Fresh Spinach, per peck 7o
6 bunches Fresh ltadlshes , .so
6 bunches Fresh Onions .,3o
Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Parsnips.
at. per lb m0
3 large Heads Cabbage loo
3 large Soup Bunches loo
4 bunches Fresh Parsley ....Bo
miicy v iu or ureen ueans, lb. ..8;4o
Fancy Ctullflower. per lb, ioo
4 bunches Fresh Beets ... .Co
Fancy Head Lettuce, per head ,.7Ho
( Don't fall to see the beautiful dem
, onstratlon of Delft Peanut Oil and
lAdvo Jell, now being served In Groc
ery Dept. Something to be seen to be
appreciated. Free Samples all day.
I 111
Pays !