Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Our Magazine Pago will
merest every woman who likes
food henrt-to-hoart talks with
other sympathetic womon
VOL. XL1I-N0. 116.
Vice President of the United States
Surrounded by Friends and Rehv
tives, Passes Away.
Had Been in Comatose State for Sev
eral Hours Prior to Death.
Examination by Physioians Shows
Presence of Uremic Poison.
Io Precedents Are Found to Cover
Dfth of k Candidate for Vice
President Jtmt Before the
Y Oct. 30. Vice President
James g. Sherman died at his home here
at 9:42 o'clock tonight. Members of the
Immediate family were all present.
UTICA, N. Y., Oct 3u.-9:10 p. m. Mr.
Sherman's temperature rose at 9 o'olock
nYom 101 to 1C6. The change Is Interpreted
m( Indicating a radical physiological
UTICA. Oct. 30. The afternoon bulle
tin on Vice President Sherman's condi
tion says there is no favorable symptoms.
whatever. The attending physician holds
out no hope, but says It Is Impossible to
determine when the end wilt come.
At 3:15 o'clock Dr. Peck stated that
mere wouia prouamy De no change In
iMA a unri niuii n ciiritiiiiijii i rnm hi v t
i UTICA, N. T., Oct. 20. "Vice President
Sherman's death Is a question of only a
few hours." said Dr. Peck, when he left
the Sherman residence at noon today.
The vlco president wns delirious when ho
awoke for a few minutes early this
morning. He then relapsed Into u heavy
sleep. It Is not believed Mr. Sherman will
survive the next twenty-four hours.
Dr., Peck said that Mr. Sherman's kid
neys had- refused to act since 2 o'clock
yesterday and that most of the time since
his patient had beeii'lnTi comatose condi
tion. For a few minutes early today he
was awake. bit heiwas delirious. He soon
' umijjjeu on iq sleep anu nua remaiuco
oblivions to the world -since. Ho' has not
been Rational since Mondfty.
Dr.1 Peck, expects the' end during this
afternoon or night.
information Is not given out very freely,
but the comatoEo condition -has continued
practically unbroken throughout the day
and the uremia remains unchanged.
The extremely critical condition of the
patient has caused many rumors of the
death of the vice president. Local news
paper offices have "been flooded with In
quiries. Jleasaue from President Tuft.
A message was received here this after- i
noon by 'Mrs. Sherman from President
Taft as follows:
"Mrs. Taft nnd I have been greatly
shocked and distressed to hear of the
present Illness of tho vice president, and
I seed you this messago of sympathy
I with the earnest bope that symptoms
may become more favorable and that
your dear husband may be restored to
his friends and his country."
Dr. Peck stated at 3:15 p. m. that It
was now a "matter of hours." The
physical cm lltlon of Mr. Sherman was
Bitch that IiIb strength might hold out
throughout tho night or possibly until
tomorrow afternoon. He did not think
that death would, ensue before the ex
piration of from eight to twelve hours.
JVo Other Nomination Probable.
NEW YORK, Oct. 30. No plans have
been formulated at republican national
headquarters for procedure should neces
sity ariso for withdrawing Vice President
Sherman's name from the national ticket.
Prominent members of the party feel
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Rain.
For Iowa Rain.
Temperutnre at
Omnha Yesterday.
Hours. Deg.
S a. m 22
7 a. m.'.'!.'.'!.'!!!!.'.'.' 30
8 a. ni!!!'.'.!!!!'.!'.'.l 2
3 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 in
1 p. m
2 p, in
3 p. m
4 p. m
5 p. m...
6 p. m 42
7 p. m..,. it
o v. m V)
Compnrattre Locnl Record.
Highest yesterday 70 70
lowest yesterday !9 34 45 54
Mean temperature 3d 41 58
Precipitation ;oo .08 .00 .CO
4rareratue ana PreclpitaUon depar
.tures from the normal:
normal temperature ., . ..
.Deficiency for tho day 10
'Total deficiency since March 1 in
Norms l i,
Deficiency for the day 07 Inch
Total rainfall sln. e March 1..24 2" inches
Def clency since March 1 2.92 Inches
Deflc ency for cor. period. 19U..14.34 lnehes
Deficiency for cor. period. 1910..13.48 Inches
Iteporta from Stntlon at T 1. M.
Station and State Tomp. High- Rain.
vi enuicr. I p. m.
Llieyenne. snow
est. fall.
24 82 .14
48 50 .00
36 40 .07
42 4G .00
34 46 .0)
28 32 .34
38 40 .0.1
42 4J
22 4S .0)
32 34 .11
40 41 .6?
3fl 4 .X'
30 32 .14
33 42 .00
38 40 .00
Des Moines, cli
lodgs City. HaI
"uuiir. snow
onn Platte, pt
Omahs, t'outy
Pueblo, snow ..
Salt Lake City, cloudy...
Santa Fo, pt cloudy ...
RIoux City, clear ". S3
alentlne. cloudv m
U A WKLlf, Uocal Forecaster
Vice President Passes Away
Convicted -. Murderer of Rosenthal.!
lafsen to Sutf Snip;.
Wife .AcconipanlpH Prisoner from
York nnd ltriiiiilim In War
den's, Office. Curlnim
Crowd Attrncted.
SINO SING, N. Y.. Oct. 30.-Formcr
Police Lleufenant Charles Becker Is in
tho deajh' houso at Sing Sing tonight
under sentence tofdjo In the'n'lectrta chair
during tho week ending November 9, the
convicted murderer pf the gambler. Her
man Rosenthal. Ho was brought here
from New York today Immediately after
sentence was pronounced upon him by
Justlco Goff In tho court room where he
was found guilty.
Becker's execution will be- stayed, how
ever, by the filing In the Interim of' a
notice of appeal from tho verdict. In- this
lies Decker's only hope of escape from
death. His last words before, the gates
of the prison wero shut behind him this
afternoon were:
"I come here an Innocent man. I never
had a chance. "I wns railroaded. -But the
fight has only br-sun. 1 expect' a re
versal of the verdict and a new trial."
Becker, manacled to a deputy sheriff.
arrived at the prison at 1:30 o'clock, after
a twenty-minute walk through the streets
of the village surrounded by several hun
dred persons curious to see, him. With
stolid countenance and head erect Beckei
withstood the ordeal without losing his
A window o ftho warden's office framed
a woman's tear-stained faco ,as Becker
marched up the prison walls. It was that
of the convicted man's wife, who had
accompanied him from New York and
had driven ahead of him from the rail
road station. Becker' waved his hand
sadly and the woman threw a kiss.
An hour later, after the formality of
taking the prisoner's pedigree had been
dlsfiosod of, Becker was In his death
cell in solitary confinement, clad In
prison garb and entered as prisoner NO.
62,499. Ten other condemned murderers
occupy cellB In the death houso with him,
Five Plead Guilty
- to Taking Rebates
NEW YORK. Oct. 30.-Pleas of guilty
rt accepting" ren.itin' from the Baltim-)r
Si Ohio railroad weie entered In the
. al court here tci'ay by five men on
trial before United States Judge Mayer
Jules E. ilernard of the forwarding
firm of Bernard, Judae & Co., Chicago,
was given a technical sentence of a lav'
Imprisonment and fined 3,000.
Oscar F. Kcsche, August Ronteaux and
Maurice Atcher also were sentenced 'to
a day in Jail and in addition Kosche, wa
fined 3,O00 and Bonteaux and Aiclier
$1,000 each.
The Imprisonment of the men atr.ounte.l
to less than two hours, as the day was
nearly oven when their pleas of guilty
were entered. Sentence was suspended
In the case ot Albert B. Grazer, the fifth
Minnesota. Hunter Killed.
CARLTON. Minn.. Oct. 30. Olson Olson
received a telegram from Fort William.
.IMOkl., today Jnlorming him that his son,
Wjiienry aj. uison. was accidentally shot
companions- Mr Olson was 2t years old
j and an architect.
Swift Testifies of
. -Organization of
Reaper Combine
CHICAGO, Oct. SO. Rodney fa. Swift.
gave a detailed account of tho
organization of tho alleged harvester
combination In 1902 at tho hearing of the
government's 'dissolution suit against tho
International Harvester company today.
Mr. Swift said tho question of organizing
tile talleged harvester combination was
first discussed with him by members of
the McCprm(ck. family early in IKK.
I-nter ho. went Jo New York with Cyrus
H. McCormlck and mfit J. P. Morgan.
George W. Porklns. Attorney F. I,. Stet
son. Attorney Cromwell and Mr. Stewart,
head of one of tho large trust companies.
The witness sold Stetson assured thom
the combination could be, formed with
out violating Uie law.
Mr. Morgan said he would flnanco tho
proposition. Attorney Cromwell Bald tho
combination could be legally formed, say
ing that nothing. could prevent ono man
from selling his property and another
from buying it.
In July, 1902, the witness made another
visit to New York with Cyrus II., Harold
and Stanley McCormlck, and '-after two
weeks' conference final plans for the or.
ganlzatlon of the Internatlpna Harvester
company was decided upon.
George W. Perkins represented J. 1
Morgan &'Co. at these conferences, said
Mr. Swift.
bwift told .of -a-process by which ho
said a bill harmful to the International
Harvester company was killed In tho
Kansas legislature.
The bill, lie sold, was introduced to
make Illegal the company's contracts.
whlcli compelled agents to handle only
machinery manufactured by the Interna
tional. A board of directors' meeting was
called, he testified, ai)d Cyrus McCor
mlck and Charles Deerlng told Hwlft tq
go to Kansas nnd "fix It up."
I went to Kansas In February of 1903,
said, Swift, "and found the legislator
who Introduced the .bill in straitened clr
cumstances, I got In touch with the law
firm of Rosslngton. Hiifflngton & Smith
of Topeka. Smith said Rosslngton was
the man I wanted, so he went to Topeka
and the bill was killed."
Grubstake Man Wins
Suit for Two Millions
Two million dollars worth of tne capital
stock the Orand L'njon Mining com
pany of Now York and Mexico will bo
awarded to Dr. J. G. Holllngsworth of
Karros City, In hui suit against Kdward
Turts whom Holllngsworth claimed he
grub-staked severul years ago if the rec
ommendatlons of Referee O. II Collins
made to the district Court here today
are carried out.
The suit has been tried In New York,
Kansas City and twlco tried in Colorado.
Holllngsworth and Tufts were boyhood
friends. Tufts, it Is alleged, obtained
$2,000 as a grub-stake fiom Holllngsworth
and located a group of mines In Mexico.
in 1900 he organized the Grand Union
Mining company In Now York with a
capitalization of J10.0O),C00. According to
Holllngsworth. Tufts received $1,000,000 of
the stock Issued and 11.000,000 was taken
by men who financed the proposition.
Referee Collins recommended that T"'t
be compelled to divide evenly with Hoi.
'Ijjy ' " D-,u ' 'j' "a '
From1 Judge.
Six Sister of Charity Burned to Death ,
at San Antonio,
All hut Two Imniiti'N of tin" Asylum
Are Tn'ken Out l- the llerolu
Women lint Three Mu
ter lcnir.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Oct. SO.-Snrrlflc-Ing
their lives to reBcuo the eighty-seven
orphan children In their charge, six cis
tern of chnrlty perished In a fire that de
stroyed St. John's Orphanage todny. One
baby fell to ItH denth, with Mury of the
Cross, mother suporlur of the Institution,
who left her place of safety. Anotner
orphan Is missing and It is fenrod It did
not escape. "
Flames broke out In the building early
this morning. Arousing from their sleep,
the nuns mnrshnlrd their charged to fire
escapes, remaining at their posts until
flames barred the way to safety. Two of
tho sister, Kostka Fnrrell nnd Monlcn
Moiitez, were killed by Jumping.
Three Ksenite,
Three sisters escaped. Instructed tn
pilot tho first column of frightened
chllron out of danger, they gullied tin'
ground In time to esnipc the crash of
falling walls.
The children owe their lives to the dur
ing and self sacrifice of tho nuns. While
attaches of the drplmnage hospital hur
ried to the burning building nnd dashed
through bursts of flames to help In tho
rescue work, yet many of the orphans
(Continued on Pago Two.)
Roosevelt Engages
Burns to Watch Polls
on Election Day
OVSTBR HAY, Oct. 30.-Colonel Roose
veH announced todny that he had retailed
Wllllnm Travers Jerome and Detective
Wlllnm J. nurns to look out for frauds
nt tho polling places In New Yoik state
on election day. Mr. Burns came to Oy
ster Bay today to talto luncheon wltb
Colonel Roosevelt nnd go over with him
the plans for election day.
I told Burns," sold Colonel Roosevelt.
"that I wanted the polls watched and
that I wanted any kind of fraud stopped
If there should be any fraud on our side.
I want the guilty persons to be prosecuted
Just as vigorously as any others.
"We are not going to have any repeti
tion of the, spring primary. In this case
wo have tho law .behind us."
Colonel Roosevelt said thut two or three
other lawyers woidd work with Mr
Jerome, but they have not yet been
Burns and his men will watch for
frauds at thv polls," .the colonel con
tinued, "and tho lawyers will 1 In ac
tive consultation with them from now on.
asked that Mr. Jerome be engaged. 1
did not care whom he was supporting, I
expect that frauds will be attempted, but
want It understood that those who try
l! will do so a great peril."
Colonel Roosevelt will leave late today ;
frr New York, to vpeak In Madison Square
Carden tonight. He Is keeplnk secret his
"if rw-'i.j lw ..v?-
, . , v. . , , . , i in" iiiuunn iiroviiu e 01 neusK 'i in-
t t"t' l0rkh M h, distance thus traven-ed hy the I n-le San, 1
rival at the garden, on the advice of hU,r.,a. censlderablv short of that a- o.n-1
Warship Stewards
Are Implicated in
Extensive Frauds
WASHINGTON. Oct. 30. -A systoin of
graft In the commissary department of
the navy which may tench every ship
ill the Atlantic fleet ban henll rnve.iled
by a secret Investigation. Rear Admiral
Ostorhnus todny reported to tlin Nnvy
department that tho Investigation lm
resulted In the confession of G. T. Davis,
chief commissary steward of tho battle
ship Louisiana.
Admiral Osterliniis' report is vary brief
nnd contnlni no details, further tlmn
that Davis In his confession has Impli
cated the stownrds of other ships of tho
fleet at least six nnd soveral contrac
tors. Tho Investigation has been con
ducted with the most utmost secrecy,
It Is mid that after Davis hnd been
suspected of Illegal transactions In tho
handling of government supplies. Captain
Wells of tho battleship laid n trap In
which, officials say, Davis was caught.
Captain Wells nrrented Davis nnd pre
ferred chnrges against him to Admiral
Ostcrlmus. Th Investigation by the
court doveloped nut only tho chargp
agnlnst Davis, hut what Is said to bo a
system of Illegal dealings by commissary
stewards on many other ships.
New York Launched;
President is Present
NKW YORK. Oct. 30. Tho super-droad.
nought Now York, greatest of tho world's
sen fighters, was launched today at the
New York navy yard, Brooklyn, In the
prekonco of 40.000 persons, Including Presi
dent Taft and the secretary of the navy.
Miss Klsle (.'alder, daughter of Represen
tative William V. Culder of Brooklyn,
christened tho ship. .
President Taft sat with Secretary Meyer,
Governor DIx, Rear Admiral Ostcrlmus,
J. I. Morgun nnd others on a platform
There were no speeches, but a marine
band quickened the pulses of those as
sembled. After tho launching was over, Presi
dent Taft attended a luncheon at tho
Naval Young Men'H Chrlstlnu assoclatloa
Miss Cameron Again
Before Grand Jury
CHICAGO. Oct. 30. Six Indictments
charging violation of tho federal whlto
slave statute, none of them, howovor. In
volving Pugilist Jack Johnson, wero re
turned by tho federal grand Jury today.
Immediately afterward the Inquisitors
summoned Lucllu Cameron, whose rela
tions with Johnson brought him to the
attention ot the government officials, to
fulfill her promise to tell many moro
details of her association with the negro.
DKRLIN. Oct. S0.-A dispatch from II.
IS. Honeywell, pilot of the balloon 1'iiele
Ham, showed that lie landed ut Rverchlza.
j fifty miles to the northeast of Dunaburg. '
in ine Russian province or Vitebsk The
I pllshed by the French balloon Plcardte. I
u m t. w w-r
Officers Looking for Trace of Sioux
City Auto Party.
Kvldrnee tlmt All Were Drowned
Aeciilimlntlii Mia Unit Left
Oinnliu 'More Tlmn n
Month Airo.
SIOUX CITY. la.. Oct. 30.-fllnur Cltv
.1. ...... . . . - ----
............ ,n nun trying to clear up
mo mysterious disappearance of flvn
persons who are believed to hnvo perished
In tho Missouri river whjle making nn
nutoiuobilo trip from Sioux City to
Omaha. Tho officers are confident that
w.wi wicory Hint all tho members of the
pally nei in the river will soon be r.n
firmed. Tho finding df George Miller's
nun me suitcase of Frank
Stamper is taken ns nrnr
Stamper, Bertha Holbrook, Ida Hall and
.HuiniK uiso drowned. Close
."T1 " "m" ""Pt of- the river for the
.. nnu mo missing automobile,
Sllllcilae li'onn.f.
A suitcase belonging to Stamp
er has
, "" on n sandbar
Sloan, In.
West of
James Parker, a man emrairr,i in
ornment work along the river, found the
...... i0 evening of October 0,
Ho came to Sioux City tonight and re
ported the finding.
Tl... ....I. .
.uMVWa contained 11 card with the
nnino V, j. stamper, Danbtiry, la. a
alter to Stamper, written by a woman
11 Hastings, Neb., who had met Stamper
..., was round, other contents
of tho ense were four shlrta, six collars
thirteen neckties, an opera glass, a cam
cm. u gold-mount'ed stickpin nnd mis
cellanciius articles,
Chief of Detectives Richard will ask
tho aid of farmers along tho river In
dragging tho stream from above Wlnno
bngo, Neb., south for several miles in an
effort to find tho four missing. Miller's
body has already been found.
Ida Hall left Omaha with Frank
Stamper of Danbtiry. la., two days be
fore the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival and has
not iieen- More since, according to her
sister, Kmma Jones, who lives at the
Northwestern hotel. Tho Jones woman
said last night that her sister left here
for Milwaukee In an auto and the last
word alio had received was to the effect
that she had married Stamper In Wis
consin and was en route to Ploux City
In an auto.
INDIANAPOLIS, Out. 30. -Loo M. Rap
paport, an nttdmey who received U,C00 1
ns a ree or the McNamara defense fund
raised by the American Federation of
Ialor, was usked on tho witness stand
In tho "dynamite conspiracy" trial today
whether he had destroyed evidence after
John J. MoNamnra had been Indicted in
lios Angeles, Cal, Rappaport testified
that he had destroyed a checkbook fol
lowing a talk with McNamara.
It was tho private account of J. J.
McNamara. which the government
Charges showed disbursements for dyna
miting purpose made by McNamara out
or nio ii.uuu a month allowed him as sec
retary of tho International Association of
unugB anu structural iron Workers.
Rappaport sold he remembered seeing
Ortle E. McManlgat's name among the
Bridge and Structural Iroh Workers,
cancelled checks.
Road to Saloniki, Which is Only
Fifty Miles Away, is Now
Open to Invaders.
Victorious Force Probably Will Ad
vance to Seaport Soon.
Turks 'Claim Success at Three Point
of Conflict.
Humor that Thru- rimers Ilnvc
Comu to mi Understanding; Ite
unrdlnp; Progrnm of Action
In the llnlknna.
11 111,1. KTIN.
SOFIA, Oct. 31.-1:30 11. m. After twr
days'- fighting the Bulgarian army hi
gnlned a complete victory over the prin
cipal Turkish forces. Tlie Turks have te
treated In disorder.
LONDON, Oct. 30. The Greeks todat
occupied tho Turkish town of VcrrU
without resstnnee, according to 11 news
agency dispatch from Athens. The Groei;
army Is now within fifty miles of Salon
iki nnd It Is believed the railroad from
Cerrla to the city Is still Intact.
Illaquo Bey, who wns military attach,
nt Vlennn, nnd whoso wife formerly wan
Itabelle Knllmau ot Minneapolis, has been
appointed general ot a division In tho
Turkish army, according to a dispatch
from Constantinople.
Turku claim Victory.
The Bulgarian nrmy was defeated In
tho Turks nt Visa, Rcmll nnd Serai yes
terday, according to nn official dispatch
received by tho Ottoman embassy here.
The Turkish loss totaled tOO killed and
Mnkhtar's division of the Turkish army
repulsed tho Bulgarian troops yesterday
Inflicting severe loss on them at Teller
kcsskcctl, on tho railroad midway be
tween Constlntlnoplc and Adrlanople.
Austria unit lluaalit Agree.
VIIJNNA, Oct. 30. The, Austrian nm)
Russian governments have arrived nt nn
understanding on the Balkan question,
according to the Neuo lelo prcsse.
An official announcement on the sub
ject ,1s expected shortly to explain tha
nature or the accord and the common
policy that has been agreed upon with
refcrenco-to"t)ie- future treatment 'Ot tlm
Balkan question. "
(3 rent Ilnttle in Progress.
LONDON, Oct. 30.-A big bnttle. per
haps tho decisive ono of the war, Is pro
ceeding somewhere to tho cast of tht
linn from Constantinople to Adrlanople
between the Turkish and Bulgarian
armies, and heavy fighting also Is taking
place nround Adrlanople Itself.
Beyond the fact that a clash has come,
however, the general staffs of tho Turk
ish and Bulgarian armies are keeping the
outside world Ignqrant. No news Itnx
co 1110 from the scene of action, except
tho dispatch from Nazlm Pasha, tho
Turkish cOmmandor-ln-ohlcf, saying.
"Tho situation is favorablo to tho
Military critics are Inclined to betlevo
that tho Turkish army Is at last ready to
take the offensive and lias 11 chance of
retrieving Itself,
Tho Bulgarian troons. obviously, have
suffered a check In the vicinity ot Adrlan
ople, as dispatches from Sofia report tho
arrival of many wounded from the front,
and It Is announced that the Bulgarlali
plan ot storming the great fortress has
been delayed until reinforcements arrive
Kckkl Pushu Is gathering tho remnants
of his army at Monnstlr to meet tho ad
vancing Servians and the allied Bul
garian 'column. It Is thought ho may
make another Plevna ot Monastlr and
prepare himself for a long lege.
Tho failure of the rx-SUltuii, Abdul
Hamld to arrive at Constantinople
whither lie was being removed froir
Saloniki, seems to confirm the report
that the railroad between those two
cities also has been interrupted.
Turkish troops defeated by the Servians
and Montenegrins in tho district of Novl-
pnzar, are arriving In hundreds In Bonn'a.
having crossed the frontier.
Turkish Holdlera flhot lr Offleera.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 30, Wlreles.i
to Kustendje, Roumnnlo, Thrco hundred
Turkish officers and men have been exe
cuted In connection with the panic among
the Turklhh troops at the taking of Kir-
Klllsseh by the Bulgarians.
According to refugees from Klrk-Klll--
sell city, troops thero wero composed al
most entirely of reservists, under-ott-rered,
ill-trained nnd badly fed. Ssvcral
ot the regiments at the time ot the tight-
"Business Personals1'
This bonding of the want
ads, is full of opportunity
for the small merchant
and tho nrtfsan and the
cost is only a trifle. v
For grocerynion, carpen
ters, mechanics, plasterers,
plumbers, etc. this head
ing produces largo results.
Ono man inserted ono little
40c ad recently, advertising
carpenter and repair work, and
he obtained enough work as a
result to keop four men busy
for a week.
Try this, heading, nut your
little salesman here and let htm
work for you during tho com
ing month.
The results will please you.
Tyler 1000