Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIIK WKV.i OMAHA. KDNKN1) Y, (HTOllKK M, 1912.
Stack-Palconer Co., Undertakers.
1.1 rh ting- rixtnres-Bnrg-ss-Grandsn Co.
Kt Root Print It Now Deacon Press.
Ball?, th Dtntlst, City Nat D. 2S66.
Omaha Plating- Oo. Estab. 1898. D.15J5.
O. A. Idndiusst, tailors. SSG Tax. Blk.
atom A. Idpi; ror county attorney.
Kelt Warns d Constabla Out Relte
has been appointed by the Board of
County Commissioners to mooed the late
James Casey, constable.
Automobile Holdups
J Still Elude Officers
Although the police are positive that
Hugh Major, John Murphy, Ray Davis
and Floyd Boise ore the men who held
up and robbed Dell Neville last Saturday
night In South Omaha, they are equally
sure that they are not the men who robbed
six auto loads of persons In Miller pnrlc.
At the time of, the Miller park "stick
up" the Maloy-Murphy-Davis-Bolso quar
tet were In South Omaha.
None of tho twenty vlotlms except
those who reported the robbery have
made an appearance at polloe headquar
ters and the authorities are at a loss to
understand tho reason. The Council
Bluffs police have the name of two per
sons In tho bridal party, but these have
pledged the officials to eocrecy and the
names will not be given out.
Apparently the two victims who re
ported to the Bluffs polloe still think
that It was a joke and fear to be made
"goats" for practical Jokers. Ilowevor,
the police assure all victims that It was
far from a Joke.
At the Theaters
Oiiyety : Extravagwssa.
'Hippodrome i Vaudeville.
Kruffi Bnrlesquo.
1 Orpheomt Vaudeville.
Matiaess at all thss theater today.
Trots Agent Note.
Chick Sale the comedy protean- etitei
talner at the OrDhoum thin week. snv
that the whole suoceev of hie work de
pends upon the expression of Ills face
and handH. Although he has a number
uf wigs, spectacles, bonnots and ribbons
of various kinds, he says that they aro
mere acoessorUa and of absolutely no
value without expression.
"Lot me Illustrate what I mean," said
the young man as he put on a woman's
li wig. "Now you sen I look almost the
f vame ub I did before."
t And sure enough Mr. Sale s pleasant
boyish fuco had not changed a particle
by the addition of the false hair. But
In a minute his forehead and cheeks
were wilnkled Into u thousand linen and
he was Indeed a splendid likeness of a
xcnooi ma arm. Ana so it was wltn the
Impersonations of the judge, the doctor.
the red-headed youth and the cross-eyed
ncnooi gin.
"Just look at my face." said Mr. Sale
"I am old enough to have a few lines
but you can't find a one and I never
shall have any simply because I massage
my sum every a ay ana I work every
facial muscle. The very fact that I lm.
personate children keeps me young for
I always live tho part that I am enact
ing, .no part or my race nas a cnance
to get set. If more people realized the
vulue of facial gymnastics, there would
be fewer wrlnked skins today,
A play that has been conceded the
most successful and cleanest comedy In
many eras is uenry u. moths Dig pro
duotlon of "The Country Boy," which
will be seen at the Brandels theater on
next Wednesday and Thursday, with a
special maunee on Tliurssauy. An ex
cellent company will be seen In this
pretty comedy, and a production com
plete In every detail Is promised.
"The Goddess of Liberty," the Chicago
musical success will, be the attraction
ut tho Braudele for two days, starting'
Friday. A matinee will be given on
The charuuters In "A Modern Eve,"
which comes to. the. Boyd theater Thurs
day evening, October 31, for three nights
and a Saturday matinee, all bear fancy
Kronen numos, such an Casadler, Do La
RochetaJUe and Pontglrnrd. Tho piece
was Imported by Mort II. Singer from
Berlin, however, and tho IttbretUsts bear
xucli Teutonic cognomens as Okonokow
sky and Bohoenfeld, while the composers
are well known unter don linden o Herr
Victor Hollaender and Herr Jean Gilbert.
Ono of yesterday's papers very truth
fully and considerately stated that fully
half of the vast audience w'hloh packed
tho popular Qayety last Sunday evening
was composed of ladles. Such a volun
tary statement by the press Is most grati
fying to the theater, management, us It
Is making a conscientious effort to pre
sent the bright, jlngly extravaganza en
tertainments free from offenco tt any
lady and It is apparent that the ladles of
Omaha know It. Ladles' dime matinee
dally all week.
It appears i that tho American Hippo
drome Is destined to "put over" still an
other deservedly successful week, Inas
much as the bill of hytono vaudeville
offered has established a still higher
Htandard than heretofore. The lontf pro
Kiom Is given every afternoon and nt 7
and S overy evening.
The swing Bceno, which is the feature qf
Miner's Americans at the Krug this week,
has been a decided hit all over the circuit.
It is ono of the most pleading spectacles
In burlesque this season and tho approba
tion It has received from unusually largo
audlenoes has Justified the great amount
of work which has been required in per
fecting it for produotlon.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road to
Business Success.
ment and
er Makes
Wrinkles, crow's feet, lines, pimples,
blotches, blackheads, sugglnc and sallow
rklns vanish and your complexion Is made
soft, smooth, clear and tinted with the
exquisite, delicate coloring of girlhood.
Hough, red hands, neck and arms made
imooth, soft and white again.
If you only knew how old you look with
those tell-tale wrinkles, you would not
hesitate another minute. The Princess
Toklo treatment can make you youthful
looking and beautiful again wltnoui dan
ger of disagreeable consequences. Just
' n easily applied and delightful homo
treatment ' that restores old. faded.
Wotched and wrinkled skinu like magic.
. Aiy this wonderful treatment toduy
fie price Is only tl.00 at any first class
' . Igglst or department store. By mall
extra. Out-of-town orders promptly
died by the following department stores
and druggists, or sent prepaid upon re
ffclpt of prt;e by Princess Toklo Beauty
f'o., Ureoht Dldg.. Denver, Colo. For sale
In Omaha by Sherman & McConnell Dro
Co. Orkln Bros,' Dept. fUore, Branded
Dept. Stores, Beaton Drug Co. Myers &
IMlon, Merchant Drug Co,, Her Orand
vharnisti - others.-Advertisement.
solomoh scores me court
Says in Report that Conditions at
Police Court Are Deplorable.
City Council Will TnUr Up Clmrnrn
nt n .MrrtlnR of the Committee
of the Whole to lie Held
Tfext Monday.
Charges that deplorable conditions
exist In police court, a promise to fur
nish witnesses to prove a city employe
guilty of gross misconduct and recom
mendation of radical changes In tho
manner of keeping the records of the
court an contained In a report of Emmet
O. Solomon, ex-county commissioner and
deputy city and county treasurer, who,
as a special Investigator of alleged re
leases of prisoners from the county Jail
on forged documents, has made his report
to Police Commissioner" nydor.
Before the city commission yeste,r
day flydor urged a special hearing and a
thorough examination Into tho charges.
and the council In committee of the whole
next Monday will take the testimony of
witnesses who assert they can prove
how the releases wero forged and who Is
To Furnish Names at Witnesses.
"This will hit one or the men oonnooted
with police court pretty hard If the wit
nesses can prove what they have as
sertcd to me," said Solomon. In his
report the Investigator promises: "I
will furnish, you names of witnesses who
can glvo full direct Information In regatd
to the execution of these forged releases."
lie recited the following cases where
prisoners were released from Jail on
forged instruments;
Emma Coin, Soptember 90.
Harry Hennessey, October 8.
Sophia Heraoh, September 7.
Charlie Clawson, September 9. (
Mr. .Solomon reports that during tho
months of June, July, August, September
and October sixty-eight cases were re
leased on appeal bonds and up to dato
but ten of" tho sixty-eight huvo been
transcripted to the district oourt, leaving
fifty-eight ouses dormant in police court
Solomon Tiles llenort.
Mr, Solomon's report follows!
' Attached hereto Is a record of four re
leases effected by the use of a rubber
stamp signature of tho police Judge. In
throe of suoh cusea I find no appeal bond
given, in ono the bond Is approved by u
rubber stamp signature.
The police Judge disclaims all knowledge
of or authority to use his signature In
connection with these releaneH or any
Attached hereto I hand you history of
relenses from JhII for the months of June.
July, August, September and October,
1D12. From this showing It will be seen
that an effectual release has been ac
complished In sixty-eight cases by means
of filing an appeal bond, a. id up to date
but ten of tho sixty-eight cases have
been transcript to the district court,
leaving fifty-eight cases dormant In the
police court.
Tho above cases Include only cases re
leased by the sheriff upon appeal bond,
and do not Include caseB where appeal
bonds are given at the tlmo of sontenco
and prisoner Is released. Of these latter
forty-three aUo llo dormant in tho police
The cash receipts of the police court
for the months of June, July, August
and September are:
FlneB , S 4,727.00
Costs 1,410.50
Appearaucu bonds forfeited C,115.a0
Total i J12.2S2.70
' Jtbcolimieiiilatlons,
a- "The facts which will be disclosed
from an examination of the witnesses
under the caption "releases" carries
It their own recommendations. Certainly
no ono connected with obtaining the re
lease of a prisoner upon a forged Instru
ment could have been acting honostly,
or Is fit to be In a position of trust. !
(b) The conditions of record.-ure do
plofuble In the ' handling of all matters
connected with tho po'leo' court aftpr con
viction "of a prisoner, but ho system can
be Inaugurated that will offer nny relief
unless It Is operated by officials who are
honestly endeavoring to do the.r duty und
willing to give sufficient tlmo to dis
charge properly the duties for which they
aro employed.
(c) Tho complaints are so hastily writ
ton that the pribr and subsequent record
of a prisoner cannot 'bo Identified with
the complaint. A system should bo
adopted mid carried out so that a novice
could go to tho records and trace the his
tory of every case. At present no ono
(d) The work Imposed upon the clerk
of tho police court is more than one per
son can do and do well, lie should bo
given an assistant.
(e) With records kept so that they
could bo understood tho police Judge
could parole many prisoners with good
effect and not he open to criticism or
misunderstanding, and with a properly
conducted system the police Judge might
favor morning and afternoon Besslnus of
court to glvo relief where deserved.
(f) The records should he kept up to
the minute, transcript filed forthwith,
speedy trial had In "tho district court,
bonds forfeited In cases of nonappearance
and suit brought on forfeited bonds at
once. A suit brought on forfeited bonds
at onco will deter respdnslblo men from
lightly signing bonds and will exposo
worthless bonds. A vigorous prosecution
after conviction In the police "court would
In a short time' eliminate practically all
uppeal cases, because no appeals would
be taken except where the defendant
felt ho had a meritorious defense, which
he wns willing and expected to put to the
test of a trial In tho district court.
(g) These suggestions and others that
could be made depend for their success
upon tho man behind their operation.
Another Joy Rider
Captured-by Police
Gerald Blackmail, JCM Iteese street, be
lieved to bo the partner of Earl Hayes In
the thefts of twenty-five automobiles
during tho lust month, was arrested at
3 o'clock yesterday aftornoon by Chief
of Detectives Stephen Moloney.
When Blackman was 'arrested he main
tained a stolid silence and would neither
admit nor deny that he Is tho partner of
Hayes. As tho result of the roundup, the
police ure receiving congratulations from
automobile owners from all over the city.
Detectives learned yesterday that 'ho
auto thieves would steul cars early In the
evening und uso them as taxlcabs and
after u hard night's use desert, them.
Both suspects are charged with the elastic
accusation of "suspects."
Aldrich to Address
Big Mass Meeting
Governor Chester H. Aldrich will be
tho principal speaker at the republican
mass meeting which Is to U held on the
top floor of the Untight building Wednes
day night. Other speakers will lie on
the program ind a large audience Is
looked for. At first it was . announced
that this meeting was to be exclusively
for the Jewish voter of Omaha, but since
then plana huvo been changed and the
mteUu will for every republican
Canulit iu the Act
und arrested by Dr. King s New Life
i Pills, bll,,)a headache quits and liver,
. sterna' h and bowels act right. Only 25c
1 1; utpn Drii- "o - lvrtliiefnent.
jfje Has Made Music Here for
the Last Twenty-Four Years
Twenty-four years of music making In
Omaha theaters has had telling effect on
A. E. Blaufuss, who leads the orchestra
at the Krug. He Is the little, fat, gray-
halrcd German who pounds the piano.
In 1SS8 Mr. Blaufuss came to Omaha to
play at tho Eden Museo at Eleventh and
Faroain streets. For nine years he
whanged popular airs out of an organ,
and then a piano for tho delectation of
the crowds that came for amusement. At
first he had lots of fun watching the per
formance and seeing new facts all the
And then he was In tho orchestra of
the old Orand Opera house on Capitol
avenue for four y.eurs, where he watched
tho villain pursue the heroine throughout
(four acts of exciting melodrama, or
played the opening airs for some grand
opeia singer of the day. Then he fell In
with King Ak-Sar-Ben and old-timers
about Omaha will remember him as tho
paunchy drum major who used to lead
the parades. He had his own orchestra.
Council Refuses Fay to Extra Fire
men Slipped on Roll.
Question of Annexation Drnorvcil
Into Cniupnlitn b- ? miner nrlnga
Statement of Ills Position
hy Paneonsl,
John Wallers, member of the city coun
cil, struck a blow at part of the Fire arid
Police, board last night when ho voted
against the retalnment of the three extra,
firemen who were placed uin the. depart
ment roll during a recent absence ot
Mayor Tom Hoctor from tho city.
"This council cannot be used to pay the
political debts of others," said Walters,
as he recorded his vote against the sup
port of Members Byan and . Plvonka of
the Flro and Police board, who Insist that
the council shall dig up money for the
payment of twenty-nine firemen, wldle
by mutual agreement the council and the
fire board in August decided that the
flr fund would not supply more than
twenty-five mon for the department dur
ing the year, Cuuncllmun Juy Williams
also expressed himself against uny con
cession looking to the payment of the
firemen who wero appointed over the
number spcclflod at the tlmo of the levy.
Fireman Charles Ashburn addressed tho
council In committee upon tho advisability
of allowing' himself and his two mates,
James Powers and Alitone Splvak, the
two months' sulary" now duo them. They
are good men and tho couiiollnion ox-
I pressed their regret at the Impossibility
of making provision for thoir pay.
The men wero npiolnted hy Ityan and
Plvonka at a time when Mayor Hoctor
was out of the city and after Fire Chic.
John McKale had told tho council thnt
ho could run the five fire halls with
twenty-six men. Councilman Williams said
thero were fourteen men at No. 1 fire
hall and only one team of horses.
Fire Commlsoloner Joe Plvonka ad
dressed the council In an effort to force
that body to support tho action of him
self and Ityan. Members Itlha and Alton
voted to pay tho three men, but tho rest
of the council, without any hesitation,
said no. and Mayor Hoctor declared the
motion was lost and that tho threo fire
men would therefore have to go without
Fire Hydrant's Ordered.
Bids wero called for on the construction
of a now garage and city barn In the
rear of tho Jail. "Flro hydrants were or
dered Installed on Thirty-ninth avenue ot
a point 400 feet north of P street, on X
street at a point 400 feet west of Fortieth
street and on W street at a point W0
foot west of Thirty-ninth street. The
above was tho apportionment of Council
man Harry Hartnett. For his portion
Councilman John Blha succeeded In hav
ing hydrants placed as follows: One 400
feet from tho southwest corner of Thirty
second and S streets, ono on Thirty-third
street west of Thirty-second and S streets
and one on Thirty-second street 400 feet
north from Thirty-third and S streets.
Councilman Vana seleoted one at Twenty-second
and S and another at Eight
eenth and P streets, while Councilman
Alton appointed the. localities for hydrants
In his ward at Fifteenth street 400 feet
north of Berry avenue, and one on Fif
teenth street 400 feet south of Monroe
street. Thero was also a hydrant lo
cated by Councilman Walters at Fif
teenth street 100 feet south of M street.
The following wero allotted to Council
man Itlha: A hydrant ut u point 400
feet north on Twenty-eight street from
Twenty-eight and E Btroets, one on For-
j ty-thlrd street 600 feet north of u street,
two hydrants 800 and 400 feet respectively
from the north line of U street.
Annexation Drnmued In.
Surprise was aroused yesterday at an
attempt of John M. Tanner to draw the
old annexation question into the political
campaign, particularly becauso Tanner
has been against annexation at all tlmes
The latest promise or Tanner in nis en
deavor to overcome the loss of popularity
brought about by his handling of the
city charter, 1b that If elected he will
introduce a bill looking to annexation and
provisions for deputy treasurershlps und
other things that would naturally follow
the amalgamation of tho two towns with
out special legislation.
It appears according to those who claim
to know that Tanner did Introduce Just
Buch a bill at the last legislature for
the purpotie of placating the men who
wero for annexation. He allowed tho
bill to die in committee.
Said Mr, Pancoast Ust n'ght, speak
ing on the annexation quostlon: "I urn
for what all the people want. If they
want (innovation In South Omaha and
Instruct mo at. sjute senator to work
for such u purpose I shall see to It
I that the provisions for protecting every
I right and privilege now enjoyed by South
j Omaha people shall bo written Into tho
law If they, the people of South Omaha
i are opposed to annexation I shall rcimm
i i 'but t w t !. !. ,i the j
it l
too, for a time, but '.ater lie qlut his
"foollshments" and went to playing tho
piano for tho Orpheum. He stayed there
for two years and then went to tho Krug,
where he has been for the Inst eleven
In his dsy Mr. Blaufuss has seen thorn
all come and go. He Is nn old style Ger
manand ns ho sits at tho piano at the
Krug, grinding out "Down on the Ivee,
T Said on tho lAJVee," to tho ac
companiment of some hlgh-klcklng bur
lesque girl's song, ono cannot help hut
Imagine that ho would a great deal rather
be sitting In some seoluded spot gating
on a foaming stein of lager beer and
smoking one of thne great long pipes
that nro seen In Hollandeso pictures.
If one Is of an Imaginative turn of
mind, that "old stuff expression on his
face can easily bo seen and no Joke eve
cracked at tho Krug or nny other theater
In the last decade has ever been known
to ovoke a smile from Blaufuss. And
he's a good fellow, too.
representative of tho people and no one
Mnitlr City (lonalp.
D. J. Swanson left Saturday for an
extended trip In tho west.
Mrs. N. I. Nelson spent the weekend
with relatives at Beatrice, Kelt.
For Rent moms, modern except heat,
J1S. 140S No. 23d St. D. Advertise
ment. Tho young people of the First Chris
tlan church will give a social at the
church this evening.
For Sale 6-rooni, niodorn house, with
sleeping porch, oak finish first floor, yel
low pine second floor, ror prices and
terms phone South 19SI. Advertisement.
Call National Wine nnd Liquor Co., lor,
10S No. !lth St, for Storz Triumph beei
also wines and liquors, delivered. Phono
South S71.
S. 8. Neutoff left yesterday on a busi
ness trip to Loup City, Ashton und St.
ratil. Ho will visit with relatives be
fore returning.
A Snap For sale S-room. modern house,
with garage and stable, In a very line
location. For prlco and teinis phone
South 19S1. Advertisement.
Tho women of the New Century club
will give n card party this .evening at
the home of Mrs. Dan Hunnon, Twenty
fifth and F streets.
Tho Willing Workers of the First
Chrlstlun church will meet Wednesday
at the church, Twenty-third nnd 1 streets.
A cordial Imitation Is extended to the
Tho Ladles' Aid of the Lcfler Memorial
church will serve dinner at tho residence
of I. G. Hopkins, Fifteenth and Wash
.liiKtou streets, Thursday from 11 a, in.
to 2 p. m.
For Sale 3 houses on 24th nnd It streets
now complete. Ilavo sleeping porches,
closed In; oak finish on first floor, yellow
Pine on second floor. These houses aro
built of No. 1 umteiiul, with flrst-ctaus
workmanship. For prices and terms
phono South 1DS1. Advertisement.
The Stalwart llepubllcnn club will give
a rally and smoker Thursday evening at
O'Neill's hall, Sixteenth and Cuming
streets. Ixical candidates will speak.
Persistent Advertising Is the Hood to
Legitimate "Big BusIjh-ks,"
at $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00
The New Havana Browns so popular in New York
are here in a great variety of styles in suits and overcoats.
We invite your inspection.
Police Capture Last of Bold High
waymen in Omaha.
lloliliers Were on the Way to Knn-iTV-t.'lty
with the l'luuilrr When
They Were CHimtit by
Detectives Nntiinln),
With the arrest of Harry Johnson, tho
member of the gang of bandits who
eluded the officers at Council Bluffs last
Hatitrdny night, following a running duel
with detectives yesterday at Thlrtj'.
third and Lake streets, Chief Maloney
says he has broken up the most daring
and clever crowd of highwaymen that
tho police have had to deal with for many
Chief Maloney says that hn will have
the entire loot of the thieves, whloh
amounts to pructlcally (3,000 In dlnmonds,
jowclry, clothing and other priceless ar
ticles, safe In his office at the poltco sta
tion hy toJay. Bo far but ptt of the
stolen property has been rocovered.
Col Wrothn, who whs caught In the
Bluffs Saturday night, wim brought to
Omaha yesterday morning, lie shows
sings of weakening.
Chtel Moloney says that most ot the
plundor was cached In Omaha.
Wns Not Armed,
Johnson was caught by Detectives Dunn
and Kennelly yesterday mnrnliiK at 10
after a short chase. Johnson came to
Omaha Sunday night and stopped for a
short time with the Ferris woman nt 2118
Chicago street. Tho same man who
"tipped" Maloney off Friday about the
gang nnd which resulted In the Imme
diate nrrost of five of the members, told
him about the fugitive's visit. Maloney
Manufactured by
Laspber, Skinner & Co.
Su Piul
rFsHE average man of today
requires to be fashionably
at the same time economic
ally dressed.
We are prepared to supply
your needs. Never before
have we shown a more comp
rehensive line of
Men's Suits and Overcoats
had detectives shadow the hou, but )
Johnson had gotm before iwy arrived.
Monday night he heard that Johnson i
would pi to K. IMIIpV house at Thirty
third and Lake streets yesterday morn
lug. Detectives Dunn and Kennelly were de
tailed to watch the house. When a block
awny Johnson snw them opproaohlng and
Jumped from k second-story window.
Drawing their guns Dunn and Kennelly
shouted In unison, "Stop. Johnson, or wo
will shoot you in your tracks," and John
son stopped. Ho wa unarmed and of
fered no resistance.
Munnlng up and down stairs, sweeping
nd bending over making beds will not
make a woman healthy or beatlful. She
must get out of doors, walk a mllo or
two every day and take Chamberlain's
Tablets to Iniprova her digestion and
regulate her bowels. For sale by all
dealers. Advertisement.
Key to the Situation Be Advertising
Your Hair is fluffy, Beautiful
And Lustrous in a Few Moments
i i
Girls! Got ii '25 cent bottle of " Dtuiderino" and try this. Also
Stops falling hair; destroys dandruff.
Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy,
nhundant und nppenrn as soft, lustrous
and beuullful ns a young girl's after
a "Danderlne ht cleanse." Just try
thin moisten a cloth with a llttlo
Danderlne and carefully draw It
through your -linlr, taking one small
strand at a time. This will cleausa the
hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil
and In Just a few moments you havo
doubled the beauty of your hair.
Besides beautifying tho hulr at once,
Danderlno dissolves every purtlclo of
You know the value of a fur
garment after wearing it
not before
Buyers should select furs which
bear the brand of a manufacturer
that is a guarantee of their
Lanpher Furs have been made for
37 years by expert designers and
furriers, whose product combines
style, beauty and reliability.
you are contemplating the purchase of furs be careful to see
Lanpher Furs. The Lanpher Fur Book will assist you in your
selection of pleasing styles and models. Leading merchants show
them. No furs sold under misleading trade nams.
Sandstrom Scalped
By Moving Elevator
Sculped completely ns though th Job
hud been done by Chief "Look-At-My-Face,"
Arthur Hiindstrom. 1001 California
street, mado his way to the Omaha Gen
eral hospital yesterday for assistance,
as tho result of nn accident at tho new
Flatlron building, Hoveuteonth nnd How
ard streets,
Sandstrom, who Is employed by the Ex
pressmen's Delivery company,, was deliv
ering somn trunks tu tho building. He
looked down the freight olevator shaft
to see whoro tho car was, Just ns it
defended from nn upper floor. Surgeons
ut tho hospital sewed the skill back In
place, but say Hint when tho expressman
recoveiie, ho will havo a circular near
for the rest ot his Ufa by which to re
member his experience.
dandruff; cleanses, purifies and Invig
orates tho scalp, forever stopping Itch
ing nnd fulling hair.
But what will plcaso you most will
be after a fow weeks' use when you
will actually son new hulr tine and
downy at first yes but really new
hulr growing all over tho sculp, I(
you euro for pretty, soft hair and lott
of It surely got a 25 cent bottle ol
Knuwlton's Dandorlno from uny drug
gist or toilet counter, and Just try lt.