0 Uil', UMj: x,.nxxiiAt WKDNESUAl, UG10BEB 30, 11)12. THE OMAHA DAI I, HK, u7n7T.1 UY HUWAIUl HOiiBtV ATt-.lt. Lh Bl 1LDINO. FAKNaJI AM 17TH hntete it Omaha ivetoifiee n icOomJ- Juts mat.er. "TiTT; ij iif annir'flIP'fiON. . inti'tki . - - Sunda Uee. one year -" inturJaj Bee, on ear '' Dally Bee iwttbout Sundayl, on year.JJ W Dal, Bei and Sunday. XVi7- '" LiKLIVEIlKD HV tWllRIBll. Krer.-ru and Sunday, ner month. . .... . hver.ng without Sunday. pr month..o baiiy l (Including Sunday, per mo. Mally Bee (without Sunday), per Address all .omplaints or irregularities deinery to City Circulation Dept. 11BMITTANCB8. l'.cmlt by draft, expren 01 postal oraer, ay.b.e Y? The ' I'UIns puuy. 6nly 2-cent stamps leceived of .mail account.. Personal Phck. ex tept on Omaha and sajttrn exchange, not siceptea. ORFICK8. Omaha -The life building. Bojth Omaha-Ml N at , rcl limits--14 No. Main St. ' Lincoln-M Uttle u!l1lnB I 'i.caco-lWJ Marquette bu'MihiC. Kiuiii Clt--lU)llani bulWInB. New York-M Wat Twcnty-thlid. fit. Loul-2 Frisco bul dine. y co it j i nai'oN vase b. ll.tittoni YV"--Z.,t n new. anu oramuni.non. .-- .-- ttrtdrc.d fdttorml matter r'tos'si-- HEPTBMBBU CIHCULATlON. 50.154 The U . "", hV rii !n7 "MonVh oV 'pVntr. -.rc U.J W.1M my presence and w'n 1st day ot October. UU. llOliUllT HUNT!". Circulation --- Subscribed In my praMi i, before mo this 1st day o IS.a.., "Notary Public oulisorlber. le-rlnu the temporarily . h"7 nee n.HMr.1 to them. Address "ni he ch.n...t - often . -quested. Nebraska living Irony ot plenty. Even socialists adrult that Taft la the only man for president. Uccker doubtless would favor tho rocall of at least ono decision. jt takes as long to build an Inter urbon railway as a power canal on ?apor. There Is something approaching a concession to sanity In tho 1912 woman's hat. DaltlmoroanB are busy with their buckwheat cakea and havo no tlmo ow for politics. 1 This Is tho open season for making jstimates. You can go aB fitr aB you llko. Thero Is no limit. Having bottled 'young Dlaa. Mu dero Is now considering whether ho ought to plcklo him or not. If tho Dalkan war continues It may bo difficult to discover tho sub limity of tho Bubllmo Porto. Next Tuesday tho American pooplo will uphold ''the wlso custom which limits tho president to two terms." Short ballot advocates will find much support for their causo around tho polls In Omaha on Tuesday next. That Indian summer sun molted a confession out of tho coal men that thero would not bo a famine, after all. Indian summer also helps out tho public works contractor who has dal lied during tho regular summer sea son. "Dress prqclalms tho woman, eays a femlnlno spaco writer. Yes and ofton her husband proclaims him broke. - The boarding houBO world will glory In the Jshunk of the- Chicago man who wont to Jail rathor than cat hash.- -,- Reports dt Infantile paralysis among Alaskan Eskimos suggdst tho fear of exterminating that new raco of blondes. Governor WlUon has demonstrated that ho can sew on a button, but can ho mako a ten-penny nail tako tho place ot ono? That Chicago bulldog was evi dently a visitor, as Indicated by his modesty In nqt leaving his namo and address at tho police, station. The lnterurban railroad gnmo In Omaha Is beginning to tako ou signs of life ouco more. Here Is a splendid chance to put Bomo ot Omaha's sur plus capital to work for tho city. It Is well to remombor that tho business of which, this country is so proud has been erected under rc publcan administration on the wreck f a magnificent prosperity loft by Iho democrats. Do not forget this, Another visitor In Omaha has noted tho deficiency in street car' service, which might be suppled by putting on owl cars. But what the visitor says is tamo compared to the tommont residents' of tho village have for a long time Indulged concerning this condition. Tho ebullient bull moosors havo parceled out the votes of the coun try very deftly, granting to the big bull moose not only the lion's share, but most of the share that would ordinarily fall to tho others. When they have fully sated themselves with this amusement, they may find relief by looking up what happened to "Harry Hotspur" and Mb coadjutors when they divided England among thentve. In Event of Contingency. The serious Mines of Vlco Presi dent Sherman Is natuiRlly disquiet ing, and, notwithstanding the assur anco of his physicians that his con dltlon Ih net critical, forcos people to ask tho question, what would hnppon If ho should die before tho election, or afterwards, releasing electoral vote commlttod to htm? Our history reveals Instancos where it similar exigency wbh pre sented, the votes being cast according to personal preference of presidential electors. Thls'was so .do no, however, becauso tho votos would not have determined tho result, whereas should tho victorious party lose one of ita candidates nomu moans would hnvo to bo found to bring about an agreement upon tho auccesKor, and center tho electornl votes rathor than permit thorn to bo scattered. The nominating convention could bo re convened, or the presidential, electors could bo assembled for a conference In advance of tho dato for their meet ings In tho respective states. A way out would bo (illicitly fbrthcdmUig wo may all rest assured. The Tariff Commission. HcgardlcBS of. the outcome ot tho cloctlon and tho political complexion of tho next congress, congress should continue the tariff commis sion, elaborating Its powers so ns to mako It more efficient J'resldont Taft urg'l tho creation of tho com mission and stands upon a platform committed to It. Colonel Koosovelt advocated tho principle some years ago and It would bo difficult for his party to reconollo nny opposition to It. Qovornor Wilson, on tho other hand, might go wltb. tho democrats In opposing It If ho permitted par tisanship to guldo him. t ho listened to tho domand of the pcoplo, we fool sure, ho would do what ho could to contlnuo the commission'. ' Tho country unmistakably favors sclontlflo tariff revision. How Is It posslblo oxcopt through tho commls slon plan? In New York a movo- ment hus boon sot on foot to sccuro tho permanency of this nchiovemont of tho Taft administration, This movement contemplates a forcible appeal to tho party elected not to go back to tho oh! haphazard method of tariff tlnkorlng, hut to contlnuo tho modertt, systematic plan. If this ap peal Is mado forcible enough It Will bring results, no matter who wins next Tuesday. For County Assessor. The republican noinlneo "(or as sessor, Harry O. Couhsman, should havo tho votes of all who want tho high standing, of that office main tained. Mr. Counsman Is an Omaha- bom boy, ,of ono of our pioneer families, Ho hns grown up with Omaha, nml knows every foot of ground on which It hua been built. Ho served as deputy assessor under two assessors, and has shown hlm solf painstaking, accommodating and off Iclont. His competency to perform tho work dovolvlng 6n the county as sessor will not bo questioned. Our Oil Supplies. According to prosa roports, tho Standard Oil company has notified ludustrlos In and about Chicago (doubtless olsowhero), of n discon tinuance In the supply ot oil tor fuel which will necessitate making over burners for coal and other fuol at great expense. Tho' order has been construed by some as nn Indication that our oil sources tiro beginning to wane,, but it la difficult to Justify such a construction In Iho light ot dovolopnlent going on lii some west ern states, '.particularly California, whore, in tho faco of prodigious out puts, tho oil industry is said to be only In, Its Infancy. ,Now fields are constantly being opened up and tho yield Is constantly Increasing. Call forntans will toll you, not without reason, that they have hardly tapped tholr Bourccs of BUpply. Texas Is still producing on a largo scalo and Wyoming will do so, It Is believed, as1 soon as tho time comes. Tho con- sumption ot fuel oil as well as. all other kinds, ot course, increases Miss Maud Mnionc, the fighting suf tremendously. Tho auto Induetry frngette of lirooktyn, Is to bo treated nlonn makes an immense draft unon oil; ships and trains are using It, so aro various kinds of manufactories , inomorlHl , Winchester cathe- and it is being devoted to highway drat. Erven fishermen get to b though Improvement. All this Is apparent,! of saints, when they've been dead but It Is not apparent, nor easily bo-l,onir nuh' lleved, that any approach has boon! A Cincinnati man. suing for a divorce. , , . i.. ..,!.- mado toward the exhausting ot sup - Piles. ' Lancaster county eloctlon officials are beginning to find out what their Douglaa county brethren have known for a long time that tho pay Is not enough for the work, Three dollars a day Is a good price In n country precinct whero only fifteen or twenty j votes nre cast, but in a populous city district whero several hundred voters aro preparing the eight-foot ballot, the labor of an election official Is far beyond Us present compensation. The democrats are presenting "questions for tho wagoworker." Tho real question for -the wageworker In tho present cumpaigu Is to recall what happened to him under tho last democratic national administration, and then determine whether ho cares to risk'a return to those conditions. The bothers Plnchot are going to do their best to be In on the ground floor when It falls. Amos Is running for congress and Clifford for secre Jtary of tho .Interior, ooktai Backward IksD&v Omaha j tOMPULCD )kom nt,e . .. . OCT.-flO. Thirty Vrarn Atfo A beautiful water color painting of Mrs. Langiry I exhibited in Iloipe's window. J. D. , Cook of Toledo, consulting en gineer of tho Omaha water works, is In tho city. Mr, CroWnland, a clerk In the Now York clothlruf store, Is tho happy father of a twelve-puund boy. H. N. Mello has been appointed general agent of tho tflate Mutual Aid asaoUa tloti of Columbus, O. Uy coincidence tho 'names drawn on the federal grand Jury Included Governor Dawe. cx-Ooverhor J. Hterllni- Morton and ex-Oovornor David llutler, aJona wlth other notables. " Tho question of paving Tenth street held tho boards at a sieclat meeting of tho city council, which passed a resolu tion Instructing tha Hoard of inibllc Works to let tho contract to the lowest bidder on Sioux Falls granite. The Hoard of I'ubllo Works, howsver, postponed action. ' The republican county convention in tha council chamber Is deicrlbtfd as a "po litical pundotnonuuii." The tlckot nom inated Included Charles 8. Dewey and W. J. Connell for state senators ami Fred "W. a ray, John Chrlstopherson, Ia M. Den nett, W. J. lironlcU, Henry Sussenbach, .To.cpli Taylor, J. It. Clarkson and lrank Colpetxcr for representatives. J. P. Q ileal ey was nowlhated for county cam mlssloner. THcnty Vcnrs Ago Church Howe of Auburn was In the city, stopping at the Paxton. Jlnv Mr. 'Pulton, who preached In First Itaptlst chbrch, was prevailed ipon to remain In the city And conduct a cries of nightly meetings In that church, Fifteenth and Davenport streets, Hans Albert, who had played In a church concert at Vtn Molnos a few nlghU before, was proudly exhibiting a copy of a Des Moines paper which said. "Mr. Albert was superb, as ho always Is." ltov. W, 1. Murray, the new pastor of Hanscom Park Methodist church soka at tha Young Men's Christian association 4 o'clock afternoon mooting. Itcv. Mr. Murray whs a very young man, but very tamest and Interesting. The funeral service, of Ferdinand .Schmidt was held In tho afternoon at his home, Stl Bouth Ninth street, burta) being In Iropect Hilt. Mr. Schmidt was 22 yeurs of ago and had lived most of his lle In Omaha. Ho was a veteran fire man and members of tho Veteran Fire men's association attended trio funeral. Ten Years Ago The city council unanimously approved Mayor Moores appointment of Victor Itosowater and W, J. Hunter to act with 'fax Commissioner Fleming to form tho board of review. Quy C. Itarton declined to serve as president of the Auditorium company and tho place was left between Qurdon W. Wattles and Fred A. Nash, to be set tled by" tho board of directors. Mr, and Mrs. Ocorgo V. LInlngor ar rived In Omaha from Europe, whero they hod been tw6 months. They had con templated a longer tour, but Mrs. U mu tter's 111 health did not- permit It. II. J. Heannoll, private secretary to W. A. Paxton, and MUs Hello Trumbull were united In matrimony at flt, John's Col legiate Catholic church at 8:30 a. in. A breakfast followed tho ceremony at thi home of tho bride's stater, Mr ft Lyto Caldwell, 3010 Webster street. Tho new building of the Omaha Theo logical seminary wns formally opened with special exercises, a- ery largo num ber ot friends attending. President M. H. !wrlo hud charge of the ceremonies and presented nv. Dr. William U MoEwan ot Pittsburgh, pastor of the Presbyterian church, to which the Thaws belonged. Mrs. Thaw was one! of the largo donors to tho seminary. Others on tho program were Ilav. A. H. Mar shall, D, D., ot Dcs Molnos, president or tho board of directors, and President 8. H. McCormlck of Coo college, Coditr Ilaplds, Ja... formerly pastor of tho First ire.bytortan chUrcli. Omaha. People Talked About; Tha silled '-bands of tho Balkans are furnishing Um ragtime - for tho latest Version of tho Turkey trot. , , October financial reports from' political treasuries show that the dough-dough, housh badly crippled, is not quite ex it net. Tq make tho punishment fit tho crime In tha case of General Felix Dlax, tho. court-martial should sentence him to M slapped on th wrl.t. n" cranh- whloh "p from b'" rt tho safe and sane plane of a martyr. uiiru "ii Willi ibkiiik inn iuibc w.v wl(h ,,r nllrt ,,, ,hm herself. It la smalt wonder he made, a poor mouth about It. A St. Louis company "let George do It" and Oeorge did the creditors good and plenty, A schedule of liabilities of the Ferguson-McKlmtey Dry Goods com pany filed In the bankruptcy court by George W, Adams foots up $300,000, la the asset column George lists his clothe". but reminds creditors that wearing m parel Is exempt. The daughter or former Senator Cock rcl Of Missouri, now Mme, Coromllax, wife of the acting premier of Greece, has been appointed representative of the American Itod Crosa society In caring for wounded soldiers of the Or eel an army, This Is an admirable Indication of Missouri uplift. Hitherto the state's contribution to foreign wars consisted ot mules. Tho St. Louts newsboy Julius ruth, who set out In 1R37 to .walk around the world, setms to have been walking ever since. Ha stopped at the White House the other day to have his voucher signed, and modestly claimed 97.O0O mil, to date, or about -enough to take him to the moon and back, and It has cost him fi: pairs ot shoes. Part ot his trawls have ot courto been mado by water, but he walks IS hours a day on ship board and la allowed halt the steamer's mileage, which la tlberuli BOOSTS FOR THE BEE. Callaway Queen: One of the biggest and best advertisements for the state ot Nebraska ever jirrxlm-ed. Juniata Herald: Tha Omaha life's huge Development number last Sunday was n big cyclopedia of Nebraska's greatness in every way. fltromsbiirg Hp'Oilllght: The Omaha Dec lost Sunday Issued a Nebraska Develop ment edition, whloh Is a great stroko ot enterprise and a good advertisement lor Nebraska. Hastings Tribune: Almost anything you desire to ascertain about Nebraska can b found In The Omaha He Development number, which, by tho by, Is Just llko tho Nebraska, wheat crop a bumper. Gandy I'loneer: The Omaha Hee's re view of Nebraska and Its developments In a fine magazine and contains many surprises even to old pioneers concern ing tho wealth and resources ot our great state. Hed Cloud Advertiser: The "Develop ment Edition" of the Omaha Dee was a crackerjark, and will bo worth many thousands of dollars to this stato In showing up the mnny advantages of this great commonwealth. Alma llecord: The Nebraska Develop ment number of The Dec Is a thing of beauty and will bo a Joy forever because It will be carefully preserved and handed down from generation to generation on account of Its historical value. O'Neill Indeiondcnt: Tho Omaha Deo's Nebraska Development number Is cer tainly an tho namo Implies. It is filled irom cover to cover with valuablo In formation about Nebraska and overv man should send to The Heo office In Omaha una secure a copy, Tekamnh Journal: Lust Omaha tleo Issued as a supplement what it tormed a Development nnmber. It was all tho product of The Heo office and waa thoroughly Illustrative of what Tho Heo enn put out. If you failed to get a copy you ougiu to have one. Vordlgre Citizen: The Omaha Hce pub lished a "Nebraska Development Number" In magazine form. This number Is pro fusely Illustrated and contains flno de scriptions of tho state of Nsbraska and speaks of the resources and tha future possibilities ot tho best state In tho unton. Kearney Hub: The Omaha Uee's Ne braska Development number strikes high water mark, which Is tho rulo with what ever Tho Heo touches. This beautiful magazine edition of The Heo will be pre served by all who aro Interested In Ne braska and In Omaha, the state's chief commercial city. Hebron Champion: The Omaha Bee should feel honored; tha men 'who as sisted should feel honored, and the men whose faces and manuscripts appear therein should feel doubly honored In be ing Instrumental In and having a' placa upon the pages of the greatest paper over Issued In the state. Omaha Chancellotr The magazine Is undoubtedly u great credit to Tho Heo and to the slat, nnd It wll be a great boost for this commonwealth, for - It lit being sent nil over tho country In largo numbers. It reveals the advantages of this stale so well that nono can fait to appreciate what a- great place Ne braska Is. St Paul Itepubllcah: The Nebraska Dovojopment number of Tho. Omaha Boo waa, one ot the best advertisements for Nebraska which has over been gotten out by. any nowspnihar. The Beo went, to a groat deal of pxnetiso to compile the data required in an, cdljlon of that kind and anyone who Is really Interested In the de velopment of Nebraska should send a few numbers' to their friends back. east. Fremont Trlhuno: Thn Omaha Bee did Itself proud and Its city and tho stute o notable service In tho publication last Sunday ot a Development edition of ISO pages. It was In all rospecta a highly creditable, contribution to tho fund of Information It Is necessary for Nebraska to sprciul before tho world In order to- set forth Itsolf In Its truo aspect. It was an extraordinary newspaper achievement. Goring Courier: Tho Omaha Beo has Just Issued what It termed n Nebraska "devel opment number." and It may be said that Its lep pages contain ono of.' tho most com prehensive bunches of publicity for Ne braska as H is and as it may be which has been IssUod for many years. It was creditable, Comprehensive and convinc ing, and should fi&vo a wldo circulation. Among thoso who were asked to con tribute a mite .tq. tho- contents of this Issue was . the edltdr of this, sheot. and at some later dato we will reprint It. Shelton Clipper: The Omaha Bee and the Kearney Hub each got out a special edition Sunday which was termed their "development, number." The Omah Boa was In magastne form .and waa sent to .each subscriber, and contained about Uo pages of ths progress of Nebraska and Its existing conditions It was printed In neat form and Is quits . souvenir. The Hub's edition was In newspaper form and was more for the advertising of Kearpey Itself than waa The Beo for Nebraska- In general. Both papers are to be complimented upon editing such a tiumber for'tliWr subcrlbers, Wood PJrer Sunbeam: The Omaha Beo issued' a master utroKt r . way of boom editions the best ever gotton oiit Ih 'the state. It was In .book form und , contain wl 200 or more I pages of Uluatrutlbha and matter dascrlp ttyo of .Nebraska's resources. Nearly ev. ery comnumlty lrv tho state Is reproi sented' In the) exhaustlvp write-up, and our own town Is. briefly mentioned. Tho I people of Omaha and Nebraska In gen eral should appreciate this loyalty to nqrao Institutions on the part of the Hee, and should- uaco .the edition In every .schoolhouso and, publ(o library of the 'state, ' A Tlmplyi. Correction. Houston Post. Ella Wheeler , Wlloox says It Is tho love ot peace '"that causes so many mar- t V -'r w vi. Not exactly the love--of peace, Dear Mrs. i it"u. o. wui. .V t.oi.' -n1i1itp I'recedrnl. ' -' Indiuha'polia News. i j Of counw,. tho decision or the Iowa su ' preme court that the shoe shiners, and i not tha boss of the shop, get the. tips establishes a commendable precedent, but withal it li bard to believe that the shiners, will; hereafter have a cinch on the' largess. AutoaTiittlnir Swath. I St. Louis 'Globe-Democrat. Reports reaching railway pasaenger agents from rnany, points Indicate that the automobile Is cutting down railway passenger receipts In rural districts. And In the cities. It Is cutting down people who might live to pay fares. "With th railway corporations as welt as the masses against them automobiles may yet have a hard road to travA meBe&LeHerB ox An Assistant Democrat. rttSfNO CITY, Neb., Oct. 27.-To the Editor Of The nee: I see that Mr. Hoosc vclt Is stilt claiming that the republicans stole the nomination from him at Chicago. Now, I would like to know how they could steal a thing from ltlm that he never Had. ft looks to me as though Mr. Roosevelt, tho man who withdrew from 1 the republican party after he went into j its convention, and was defeated, is un- I grateful to the American people, and tho republican party, that made him great. Ho ought to name his party the New Democratic Aid society. OLD-TIME REPUBLICAN. I'lnns for Omaha. OMAHA. Oct. 23. To the Editor of The ' Beo: In The Bee I camo upon an article ' headed "Hans for Omaha" which went on to gtvo an account of a meeting ot the Commercial club and some very abla speeches by various members. But it strikes mo that In planning for a Greater Omaha that some or all of your Com mercial ctub have lost sight of some ot the small things which Impress tho stranger while stopping for a time In your city. I will mention some which struck me very forcibly. A few evenings ago t was coming cast On Union Pacttlo train No. H. We were delayed a short time a short distance west of Elkhorn and arrived a few min utes late I o'clock Instead of 12:25 o'clock, I had fallen In with a friend who resides In Omaha and he Insisted that I spend tho night at his beautiful homo In the West Farnsm district, an Invitation I gladly accepted. Together we met an acquaintance ot his who 'was preparing to leavo for Chicago. We visited for a few mlnatcs and then proceeded to my friend's home, when, lo, not an auto was to Ixj had. Bvery one had been pressed Into scrvlco to take belated passengers up town. I remarked that It was ot no con sequence; we could tako tho street car, for .he had told me the car line ran within a block of his home. I was sur prised to recclvo the reply that there waa no ear service at that- hour. "Why. certainly you have an owl car In a city of 200.000 Inhabitants?" "No, nothing dplng after 12:41 o'clock from the Union station." "But what do the people do who como In on the lato trains?" "Oh, they take cabs or wait until the cars commence to run." "What time In the morning Is that?" "Five a. m." But I continued; "How about the people who cannot afford cabs; thp train employes, for Instance?" For the conductor had told me he lived In the northwestern part of the city. "Oh, they walk, or if they llvo out too far they stay at the depot until morning." A city of 200,000 people and no car ser vice after 13 o'clock! Just affew evenings nfer this? I hav ing extended my visit over Sunday, my friend and myself repaired to the Union station to meet hla daughter who was coming In on the Chicago-Rock Island train No. , This train was a few min utes late and we waited in the station until It arrived at 1:20 o'clock, and waa confronted with the Information that there was no elevator running to the street. "We still have tho stairs," I Jokingly remarked, whon I was informed that hot so; we were compelled tq stum ble through the dark and mud together with some thirty other belated people to the roadway In the rear of the building. nnd this a Union station in a city ot 200,000, oil on account of some official putting out the order to lock the front doors after 1:30 o'clock In the morning. Now ( wUh to ask If these are not . conditions which your Commercial club should look Into? No night cars, a Union station closed against the people who may come to It when not Informed on thp exact schedule ot trains, and the stranger goos away with no very favor able Impression of your city and Its commercial management. AN OBSERVER. HOW EDITORS SEE THINGS. St. Louis Globe-DcmQcrat: The fact stands out clearer and clearer, the far ther tho investigation goes, that the har vester trust has never contributed any thing toward an election of William II. Taft. Indianapolis News: It didn't take Can ada long to discover that the United Shoo Machinery company was a bad trust, and perhaps If wp were to con centrate our attention on It wo might, do as well. Houston Post.' Even It 15,000 republican postmasters have been barricaded In of fice by President Taft's recent executive order, they can not llvo always, and democratic babiea aro already bom who will f.nally rescue these offices from the clutches of the enemy. Cleveland Plain Dealer: The old Ford theater In Washington has been con. demned as unsafe and unsanitary. It Is suggested that un effort be made to pre. servo It the suggestion coming, no doubt i from persona who would find It difficult !to give any good reason for perpetuating this grewsomo reminder ot tho great ' tragedy. I It t .burgh Dispatch: Amos Plnchot de clares: "Our great corporations hold the balance of power." Mr. Plnchot should bo more specific. Which coriiorations j hold the balance ot power, the Standard . groups, or tho Morgan Interests, of which Mr. Herbert Knoi Smith made that Ids- , torlo remark? When did they hold lt?i Was It by any chance during the years I from 1M1 to V, In which Mr. Plnchot wns supposed to have most acquaintance with government matters? Baltimore American i The American farmer Is buying automobiles, he has all the latest labor-saving devices to do his work, his home Is a model of comfort i and convenience, and his sons and daugh ters go .to college. Being human he Is protty likely to set up a kick once in a while at the co.t of things, but nevel before did he experience such prosperity and a moment's thought will remind him that his prosperity has coma under tht republican party. Will he rote to change? He will not! Philadelphia Record: While our Greek fellow-countrymen are taking tempo rar leave of as to go off on a trip to hunt Turks, our Servian fotlow-countryroen are raising money to help their native land In the Balkan region fight against the Moslems. Tha pecuniary enthusiasm however. Is rather restricted. At a meet ing In New York recently Ili.oOO was raised, but 110,000 came from Prof. Pupln jot Columbia, 15,000 from a Servian farmer In Montana, who gave the savings of a lifetime, and the rest of the audience, gave J1.0W. MIRTHFUL REMARKS. "Columbus," salrf tho boy who Is study. Ing history, discovered America." lea," replied his father, who Is In finance; "he discovered it. Dot It took a number of cojlo like myself to put the proposition on a paying basis." Wash ington Star. "There is ono thing queer In British politics," What's that?" 'They bring out their whips for their own party when they want to beat the other one." Baltimore American. "What kind of a fellow Is this Charlte Gibson you'vo been talking about?" He's one of -these fellows who cs.n even shavo oft their mustaches without attracting attention." Charleston News, "And what la your occuiwtlon?" asked tho accident insurance agent. "I'm a woodsman. During the hunting season I act as a guide." "I'm sorry, but my company won't write a policy on your class." "Why not? Surely I'm a good risk." "Sty dear sir, you're not a risk; you're a certainty." Detroit Free Press. "Truth crushed to earth will rise again," nut nine times out of tn the automobile gets away first. Lipplncott's Magazine. We roused the audience to great en thusiasm." said Mr. Stormlngton Barnes. "Did they give you an ovation? "They did more than that. Tnei aot so Interested that they Insisted on breaking In with original dl&lotrue, and some of them even tried to climb on the stage and take part in the battle scene." Washing ton Star. it Baking tfr 1 Powder W Jm Absolutely Pure m. Washington Crisps iTw sjBCK fcUjrveToife rurarw amcvka The SUPREME quality ot Wathlagtsa Crisps Is absolately beyond quettioo. TboroBgUy steam coofeed, toasted, delickxuly criip, ready to serve. Oa every packjje taennquaUfltd GUARANTEE that every Ingredient la of as HIGH QUALITY as tha Ingredients la ctresl foods ot ANY other make REGARD LESS OF COST j and GUARANTEE that Washington Crisps are made under MOST PERFECT SANITARY CONDITIONS possible to create In SPOTLESSLY CLEAN MILLS, by high-cUs. workmen. Washington Crisp., from fitld to home, sever loach bomta bauds crerrtalsg dewj by automatic machinery. I'"""" -SM !-- W.raa. n mn.mmj Washlagtoa Crisps CUT OFP ONE-THIRD HIGH COST OF LIVING, Is cereal food, and both Grocer aad Consamer instantly recognlied this hence our big sales of SUPREME quality WasaJsgtoa Crisps to. millions and millions of Americans. ' llr'iSiSlS la America-Two superb portraits of George I 0M) "FirttiH.tkHQMES'cf his Countrymen" wmmmm. Tirmilljewrrr vr s uut orp High cost of living ( itblij Lf aft Words mean something ot nothing depending on who uses them. We have a Quality License Issued by the people. In do rued by fear generations, renewed annually for 65 years. The Leading Stove Dealers sell them. If no dealer In your vicinity does, write to us. CHARTER OAK STOVE AND RANGE CO. ST. I THE D00 UNDER THE WAGON. An Old Favorite. "Come, wife." said good old farmer Gror. "Put on your things, tls market day; And well be off to the nearest town. There and back ere the sun goes down. Spot? No we ll leave- old Spot behind." But Spot he barked and Spot he whined, And soon made up his doggish mind To follow under tho wagon. Away they went at a good round pace, And Joy came Into the farmer's face. "Poor Spot," said he, "did wnnt to come, But I'm awful glod he's left at home He'll guard tho barn, and guard the colt. And keep the cattle out of the,lotr t'l'm not so sure of that." thought Spot. The dog under tho wugon. The farmer all his produce sold Anil pnt hla nnv In vellaw cold. Home through the lonely forest. Hark' A robber springs from behind n tree "Your money or else your me, says The moon was up. but he didn't sec The dog under tho wagon. Spot ne'er barked and Snot ne'er whined nut qutrkly caught the thlf behind; Ho dragged him down in the mire And tore his coat ami tore his shirt, Then held him fast on the mirv ground; The robber utte-ed not a sound, While ' hands and feet the farmer bound And tumbled him Into the wagon. So Spot he saved tho farmer's life. The farmer's money, tho farmer's wire, And now a hero grand and gay, A silver collar be wrars today: imnnir his friend", amontr his foes And everywhere his master goes He follows on his horny toes, The dog under the wagon. tmstw cosh, ruutc. w mmtaoamsm '"pHERE Is not a more over worked or abused word than "QUALITY." NO ONE should be allowed to use it without a license. LOUIS J DRS. MACH & MACH 2 THE DENTISTS Successors to Ballsjr fc Kach The largest and best equipped dental office In Omaha. Experts In charge of all work, moderate prices. Porcelain fillings 'ust like the tooth. All instru menu sterilised after using. 3d noar Paxton BIocX Omaha, arsb. "lsaBggM he r