Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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The Sadder Is
n the Job
Council 'Bluffs
Travelers Don't Fear StrniiRc l)Mie.
Stuart's Djjipcpslii TaMcts Knnblo
the Stontnch to Slmul Anything.
Council Bluffs
City Council Hakes Concessions De
sired by High-Priced Workmen.
Minor Mention
Council Dlnffa Office of
The Has U at 14 XOXITX
Main St. Telephone 43.
(Workmen Receive Advance De
! manded from Transfer Companies.
Cnnccllntlon of I'nrt of rirr lumir
nncc on Klre Stnllon by Coni
mtttec or Wholr Approved
lr Members.
Davis drugs. Advertisement.
Vlctrola, 16. A. llove Co. Advertise
ment. If. Hortvlck for vnll paper. Advertise,
WoodrltiK Undertaking Co. Tel. SXJ.
Corrltxnns. undertakers. Phones H3. Advertisement.
Morehouse &
The city council st ovcnlnjt passed
tho phihibers ordinance, a measure much
l doslred bv tlio nlutnh nra. An nttr.iTir in
" I . 4 .1 a I . A
attach to t ll nrnrtlpnl nltimW .. nn -""unnnu,
"lnnntn . - ...I nU.K llOOIC WORK,
, "v " .vw j cm co. Advertisement.
was defeats by the substitute offered by, Lcw,s 0ullcr. tlinorn, ,11rector. rhone97.
Alderman lioyor making tho city health Advertisement.
officer tho Inspector, without additional TO 8AVI3 Oil BORROW. SHU C. R.
nay. Investing him with nnltrn nntvr ml 'Mutual Uldjr. & Loan Asa'n. IS 1'carl.-
j authority to ko upon uny premises whore
A Box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is
Tronr Best Traveling' Companion.
"Railroads tell you about the wonder
qf Nature alone their lines, hotels de
scribe their modern accommodations;
but thoy never fall to rinc In their
'cultlim unexcelled.' The wise travolcr
know-B he Is taking pof luck when ho
leaves homo, hence a box of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets la qulto as essential
as many of the other traveling re
quisites." Thus commented a philosophical trav
eling man, speakinc of hotel life, restau
lants, Brills and junction lunch counters.
'The notations in thU world." he con
tinued, "aro tho result of one set of men
trying to compel the other set to think
and act against their own inclinations.
It Is the, same In religion, politics, and
rats. I havo learned from experience to
oat what they serve; to forget, tho food
experts, rond tho current news and Jokes
and leave the stomach to tho best expert
In the world Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
And Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act
ually do the work assigned them. They
relievo weak and overburdened stomachs
of a great portion of digestive action.
Their component parts assist the 'diges
tive fluids and secretions of the stomach
and they simply take tip tho grind and
carry on the work just tho same as a
good, strong, healthy stomach would do
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ore for sale
by all druggists, at DO cents a box, and
they aro the one article that the druggist
does not try (to Bell something in tho
place of it that'll "Just as good." Their
unqualified merit and success and the
universal demand for them has placed
them within the reach of everyone.1 Advertisement.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
1KS MOINKS, la.. Oct. SO.-lSpinlal Tel
eKram.) It was announce! hero today
that nn agreement had been reached be
tween tho teamsters and tho transfer
companies and the strike which hits been
pending two months will bo settled nt
once. Tim scttlMnrnt tv.-m rfpetod liv
Advertisement. nci-oenipnt 1rMnt t'rlow nf ilm
Tho season Is Just right. Let Horwlck -...,i,i,. .,. n
-1 ..... I.... ... , ...... I. rl.. .tr.At .v.- "--- 1 ...... ... .v..A, nnv
that is being done contrary to tho ordl- Advertisement. ! represented tho employer. Tho workmen
nance and providing for a flno of from I M'mVKlSiin on draught-The Cinuid lecoivcu uio auvnnce uiey nsucit. una
tl to f 100 for violations. lludwelser in bottles at all first-class lliere will bo n twelve-hour day, nix days
It Is not denied ilmt th. n.w r""" -"- in me wcck. wmi oxira pay tor Miinuuy
will ndd nid..rMv , ,i, f n ..rIAl'TJ0LC0PoAMh' S'.nl t There will bo no discrimination
- - . - ... i Kits HIUl WfPUiriC IIKIlin. Wl ' ,
plumbing to bo dono hereafter. Ureon. 134 lldway. Co. Bluffs, la. Ad-
A rrsol.idnn hv II, n wi -,,.. v m semont.
( plumbing Is being Installed, stop work
Kej-ri for Kniiilojor Agree to
TvtcUe-iUuir Uny U'ltli Ktrn l'n
for Simdr no Ulrrlni tnn
tlou ARntimt Union,
. j At
r Tlhiff Imnrnvom.u I-. your corn cr i lumupr irom mo y
en uiurrs improcment club nt Its Inst , irllfAr i.,w mmnnnv. icvnrv ton bonnl?
9.-IC IB rrm Chicago, via
IJl A Wl Sittsourgh. A Now
i IU ill llli ,rrnlU( th0 ..oilcago
and New York Express." Drawing,
room Sleepers to Hew York. ,
jj.nn a Prom Chicago, Ma
II nil A M Wheeling. The
IIiUUMiIIIi i.woBhlngton Spo-
clal." Drawing-room Sleepers to
Washington and New Tork.
5. len Kl From Chicago, via
.40 T. Wli Slttaburgh. The
tngton-New York Limited." Drawing
room Sleepers to Pittsburgh and Now
York. Observation Care.
n.nnn a a om umeago, via
a .lllr IVi Pittsburgh. The
Drawing-room Sleepers to Pitts
Ijurgh, Wheeling and Now York,
rev particulars consult nearest Ticket
Agent or address
Edward Emery, T. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
Fat Foe,
the Full
SI Box for
Only 80o
cup coupon
Attached; It is
Worth BOc
Tat T"o the rnoM
crul Ft n4ucfT rn
tht DUkrl, k14 lor i
Tnrwhr. 1 i '"
d) klor of(a for w
crats it iaa tllp the t
Uch4 coup and 'prtsent
It with 10 toti to jonr
new hom Uttoent will
rdnt jrou te illm
iuii ot Utan !lr.
lr an ullr. No polton.
caj trot, no alttlnt, no
eienlilDX. Nature's tat
reducer riimti you from tht
iliTtrr ot dtstrcarUE rat.
Ilrarn txauty ot turret,
vibrant htalth and tlio en
Jojnent ot llte't hut gifts.
meeting calling upon tho council to crcntn
I two now wards In the west part of town,
and showing reasons was presented. Tho
j explanatory letter of General E. F. Test
I accompanying tlio document potnted out
unit tho Firth and Sixth wards cdntalned
nearly 12,000 of tho city's total population,
whllo all of the other four wards con
tained only 17.915 people. Tho com
munication afforded tho opportunity for
the other members to direct some good
natured sarcasm In the direction of
Aldermen Flood and Uoyer, representa
tives from the Fifth and Sixth wards,
nnd for Aldorman Beebo to get back with
the pleasant rejoinder to the assertion
that his ward, the Fourth, contained less
than "half the number of pcoplo living
in tho west end wards, that ho thought
one-third of tho best part of the Fifth
ward should bo detached and added to
tho Fourth.
So Action TnUen,
In the good-natured discussion of the
communication tho aldermen forgot to
take any official action and the custom
ary motion to receive nnd oluco on file
was overlooked Tho west end boosters
also requested an early report from tho
engineer concerning the proposed sewor
system for tho western part of the city,
which brought out the declaration from
Engineer Stlmson that tho protllo survey
work wns practically completed yesterday
and tho expected report would soon bo
A communication, detailing the work
of J. B. Ixjng, T. D. 'Mctcalf and Julius
TJngor In connection with soliciting funds
and otherwise financing the successful
movement to secure the extension of First
avenuo, was mado by Robert B. Wallace,
trustco for tho city of the property ac
quired. Tho report showed tho namee
of all who contributed to tho donation
fund and tho amounts they gave.
Changes In tho plaits for tho rebuilding
of the threo railway bridges of tho North
western railroad south of Broadway,
necessitating only a resolution Instead of
nh ordinance, were announced and tho
resolution was passed. The bridges are
to ho built on the txime grade now occu
pied. The action of the committee of tho
whole cancelling Jii.CCO of the flro Insur
unco carried on No. 3 fire station and
rescinding the resolution ordering tho
payment of $37.60 on two 3,000 policies,
was npproved. At tho suggestion of Al
dcrmun Stone, the fire and light com
mittee was Instructed to place $1,500 In
surance on the new auto fire truck.
Committee Xniiiril,
Mayor Maloney said ho had forgotten
to comply with tho authorization of the
council to name a committee of three
to wait upon tho street railway company
In reard to spcurlns better service on
tho Twenty-eighth street line and last
ovening named Aldermen Boyer, Evans
jand Stone as such committee. Alderman
! Stono osUexl a.ttrztlcn to tho be, eM,ct
' tlon of a connection between .two sets ot
I concrete sidewalk contracts on Avenue
A, between Thirty-fourth and Thirty
flth streets, where an accident had oc
curred that was liable to produce a
damage suit.
, City Attorney Stuart was Instructed to
, prepare an ordinance regulattng and do
fining electric signs. The committee on
' streets and alleys was Instructed to look
! after the removal ot the city tool slieds
now occupying the site for the extension
of Vine street.
Shaw in Conference1
With Rail Creditors
Attorney J. J,
Shaw syndicate
cent counon. Tear it off and
hand It to your druggist with I
50 cents In cash, and he wills
give jrou n full $1 treatment if
PAT TOE. For nalo In Omaha G
by Sheman & McConnell L'rug Co.'a I
I stores, Beaton Drug Co.. Myers-Dll-llon
Drug Co., Merchants Drug Co.,
Bell Drug Co., Pope Drug Co., II. S.
King, Uanscom I'ark Pharmacy. Her
Grand Pharmacy B. Itoblnson, Stra
baugh's Pharmacy, Orkin Bros. Dept.
Store, also C. P. S. Tobin, So. Omaha,
and others.
union men.
of cypress will measure twelve Inches In
thickness. Advertisement.
Tim Council Bluffs dlatrlct conference
ot tho Methodist Episcopal church will bo
hold at Dttnlnp on Thursday or tins weeu,
and will be attended by clergymen nnd
members of tho local churches.
The reason our customers stay with us
Is because we treat them right. Olve us
your order for that wnll paper work. Be
one of our satisfied customers. Jensen
AVall Paper Co., Masonic Temple. Ad
vertisement A Greek named Androw Masslcat Is
being held by tho police in tho hopn
thnt a. voting woman who was accosted
nnd frightened by tho man at Uroadway
and Tenth street Saturday night, will
come forward as a complaining witness.
The women will mcot In tho First Con
gregational church parlors Tuesday
rrtorning to make vestments for the
choir. Prudential committee to meet
Wednesday evening nt 7:15. Prayer nnd
preparatory tervlco nt 7:30 o'clock. The
Chr'stlnn Endeavor society will be en
tertained nt n Hallowe'en party by Miss
Elele Pryor next Friday ovuiill.g. com
munion next Sunday morning. Tho
pastor will speak next olinday evening
on "Emerson His Spiritual Message.'
George Walker, cn route from his home
at Detroit, Mich., to Omaha, riding a
motorcycle, received serious injuries at
Twenty-suvcnth street and Broadway
yesterday afternoon when he was thrown
rrom ms wneci. ills head strucit a
tolephono pole. Inflicting Injuries that
Vondercd him unconjicilous. His Jaw
was fractured and he received severe
contusions about the Lend and chest, Tho
accident was due to Walker's attempt
to avoid collision with a grocor's delivery
Letters of administration were yester
day granted to W. 8. Balrd for the es
tate or Airs, sarnn suinKie. tho action
was taken uuon the' petition of three
fnons, Charles P., Frank and J. V. Sadow-
ski. in tno application was stitieu mat
the lirnnertv annroxlmated onlv about
J500. Under the terms of hr husband's
will Mrs. Sklnltlo was given Jio.oco Hi cash
nnd llfo interest In tho home. Owing
to the fact that the will was being con
tested sho had not entered into posses
sion of her portion of the 150,000 estate.
Church notc3 for tho week In connec
tion with the work of tlio Broadway
Methodist Episcopal church provide for
a free social to lo given by the Epworth
league at the church on Friday evening.
All young people aro Invited. Wheol No.
3 will meet with Mrs...F. 11. Orcutt. iZi
Oaklnnd avenue, on next Wednesday aft
ernoon at 2:30. There Is work on hand,
Communion service nt the church on
next Sunday morning. Tile new Indi
vidual communion service will be used.
Those wishing to Join the church will be
received nt thnt time, kove feasts during
opening service. Communications to tho
Bulletin should now reach the pastor
not later than Thursday evening.
Mrs, Florenco Gideon, wife of II. 8.
Gideon of Crescent, died at tho Jennie
Edmundson Memorial hospital Sunday
night nt 11:20, after a short Illness, sho
Is survived by her husband, her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brewer of Crescent,
and flvo brothers, Willis, Richard, Itny
mond, Aland nnd Miles, all of Crescent.
Mrs. Gideon was married January .1 last.
She was horn mid raised In Crescent,
as was her husband, who Is a carpenter.
Mrs. Gideon was li gliiy respected among
the people nt Orescent, The funeral will
bo held .Tuesdav afternoon at '.' o'clock
nt the Methodist church nt Crescent.
Bov. J. M. Williams will conduct the
services and burial win be at Crescent
cemetery. The body will be taken from
Wfwlrir.B,i undpttukinx partoig ut IS: JO
today anu ue tnucn directly to tho church,
Phillip Klllan, aged 63 years, died at
9:30 o'clock Sunday evening nt hla home,
916 Avenuo A, from heart trouble and
dropsy, after an Illness of a year. He
leaves besides his widow, two daughtors,
Mrs. Dorothy Scott nnd Mrs. Marv Wil
son, and two sons, Phillip, Jr., and Her
man T, Ho had been a resident of this
city for many years, and waa connected
with the firm of Schultz & Hill. Mr.
Killan served In tho French. nnd German
war in 1&70 and 1S71, cmlgrntlng shortly
afterward to America, coming over as a
musician with a concert band. In 1872
he came to Council Bluffs and In 1874
was married to Mary Even. Besides
his family here he leaves three brothers
nnd one Bister at Pittsburgh, Pa. He
was a member of Council Bluffs lodge
No. 40 Independent Order of Odd Fellows
and nf Council camp No. U, Woodmen
of the World.
Engine Runs Into
I Car, Killing One and
Injuring Fifteen
SIOUX CITY, Oct .-Charles Kemp,
a street car conductor, was killed nprt
fifteen passengers Injured tonight nt
Fourth and Division streets when n Bur
lington cnclno struck tho car In tho ecu.
tcr. It turned over on Its sldo, nnd
Kemp, who wns standing on tho rear
platform, twos caught and his uccl;
B, W. Henderson, n Mornlngslde collegi"
student, was seriously Injured, n deep cut
being inflicted In his side. The others
received minor wounds.
Kemp, the conductor, who wns killed
went forward to signal a elenr trark
A switch engine was In view, followed by
the Burlington engine which wns on lit
way to a roundhouse. Kemp did not
see .the latter locomotive arid when the
switch englno hnd passed, signalled tlu
motorman forward, nnd started back and
bonrded tho rear end of his csr Just bo
fore the crash came.
Politioal Debate
Causes a Suicide
IOWA CITT, la. Oct. .-(Sprclal Tel-cgrnm.)-Crared
over tho xtatement by
Jchn M. Parker, mayor ot Now Orleans
In n bull mnoso speech to university stu
dents here Saturday night, that ltooscvult
was, second only to Lincoln ns an Aniorl
can president Joseph TerJInn, a farmer
committed sulcldo early this morning
His body was found by telephono work
men suspended from a rafter in a barn,
Just preceding his sulcldo he became in
volvcd in a quarrel with others who at
tended tho meeting over tho truth oi
Parker's statement nnd said he wouk1
hang before ho admitted such a thine.
Eddie Morgan Too
Clever for 0 Keef e
NEW YORK, Oct .-Eddle Morgan
the English Bantam, was loo clever for
Eddto O'Keefo of Philadelphia In a ton
round bout at Madison fiquaro Garden
tonight The Englishman used a left
Jab to good effect, outpointing O'ICcof,
In almost every round. Tho Phlladcl
phtan was cautioned 'several times for
Young Shugrue of Jersey City forced
the fight with Louis Do Ponthleu, he
French lightweight and catily won th
ten-round contest.
It was nnnounced that Eddjo McGooi Iv
or Oshkosh, Wis., and Mike Gibbons or
St. Paul, would meet In a ten-round
bout nt ir.S pounds at the Madison Square
Garden on December 3.
Toothache Giam
Hat siren perfect satisfaction for 25 firs.
All drug stores or ty tnail. 1 S c
Hess, counsel for the
I tr.rrnt ma,,..
nected with tlio plans for financing the
' Iowa Short Line Ital'.road company and
Hiking over the Atlantic Northern &
Southern railroad, went to Atlantic yoB
torday to be present at a conference with
I tormer Governor Shaw, Judge Thomas
Ai t.tur and others In relation to the np-
I plication mnile to the supreme court of
I the state for an order prohibiting Judgii
Arthur from granting any further exten
, Rlon( of the time for final payment of tin
, full purchase price ot tho Atlantic road.
Shaw cumc from Philadelphia for the
purpose. Tho conference was held In the
i office of Receiver Harlan and was at
tended by representatives of the con
tractors who made the appeal to the su
preme court.
Judge Arthur has been finally advised
of tho situation from the moment he
confirmed the snle'rif the road morft tliar
a year ago, and has been convinced that
his grant of additional time nt Intervals
to permit Shaw to mature his plans was
wholly In the Interests of a large major
ity of the creditors and the stockholders.
The possibility of the supreme court
granting the order sought presented a
real danger to the enterprise, and Gover
nor Shaw wired the representatives of
Shugart & Barnes, contractors, who hold
J71.11S.33, and the Robert Abeles com
pany, which holds t5t.671.97 worth ot
claims on construction account, to meet
him with power to turn over the claims
upon payment or satisfactory arrange
ments to care for them. It was decided
tn bo J''p pin pose of Governor Shaw to
take up these claims from personal f'riidJ.
and thus permit another short time ox
tension. It Is said that the J5.W0.001 bond
; Issue of the Iowa 8hort I.I no has been
1 practically effected, but cannot be closed
until affr Section. It Is said that if
Taft s ro-clectrd the money r tor the
whole bond Issue, will be Immediately
j Torthcoming
Recovers Quickly
After Being Shot
Selmer, E. Swaney, who was shot a
week ago by Mrs. Alice E. Coyle, 123
North Twelfth street, when she mistook
hltn for a burglar trying to forest a
window at her home at midnight, has
made a recovery that has astounded City
Physician Tubbs. The ,38-callbec bullet
entered the man's right side and went
diagonally through his body, lodging just
under the skin near tho lower cud of
the spine. Its course- Indicated that It
had gone directly through tho liver and
might liuvo passed through some ot
the anterior folds of the vlcera. At
the time the surgeons said the man hac
about one chance in 100 for recovery.
Yesterday he was walking about the
hospital ward fully dressed, and, wltn
the exception of complaining of a lit
tle weakness, apparently fully recovered,
and f nxlous to make all of the amends;
possible for the unfortunate mistake that
resulted In the shooting. Swaney has
convinced everybody, that he had no
intention ot any wrong-doing when he
was .fumbling at the window. He had
been drinking heavily throughout the
evening and had become lost in his
search for the hotel ha was seeking.
The recovery ot awaney nas ueen tne
source of much satisfaction to Mrs,
Coyle, who was distressed at tho thought
that sho might have been the cause of
the sacrifice of a human life. Thero s
no probability that Swaney will be prose
cuted, and will be permitted to leave
the hospital In a few days.
Pianos In all the latest fancy veneers
of the very boat makes pr&ourable nt A.
Hospe Co., 407 W. Broadway, Council
Bluffs. Ja. Easy payments. Advertise
ment. Key to the Situation-Bee Advertling.
Potter Marries Two
Catherine Rileys
CHICAGO, Oct. 29,Two women, cath
named Catherine Riley, each ot them,
also believing herself tho only wife of
Charles M. Potter, alias Nowhurno
Brown, went from Assistant Chief ot
Police SchUetler'a office today to the
municipal court, where they Jointly
signed a complaint against Potter, charg-t
ing him with blgmay.
Potter Is in St. Louis. Final com
plaint was made by the father ot th
second Catherine Riley, with whom Pot
ter Is said to have faced the altar, Hu
learned that Potter's name was not
Brown and started an Investigation.
Publication ot the circumstances brought
forth the first Catherine Rlley, also a
Chicago girl.
Hassssa wsv
CHADRONVNeb., Oct. 29,-fSpeclal Tel
egram.) Ben A. Brewster, oandldute for
state senator on the democratic ticket,
today filed suit for J20.0C0 ngalne. Ernest
Blattery, County Judge W. A. Blrdsall,
Sheriff Alva 8lattery. chairman of tho
progressive county committee, and Arthur
Bartlett, chairman of the republican
oounty committee, because of a circular
letter published In tho Chadron Journal
last week giving reasons why Brewstet
should be defeated at the coming election.
Culled from the Wire
Edward Tinel. the Belgian composer
and director of the Royal Conservatory of
Music at Brussels, died yesterday, aged
58 years.
Snow fell throughout western North
Dakota yesterday following a. twenty
four Ivourx' rain. The temperature Is
comparatively mild.
The condition of Crown Trlnce Alexis
continues to Improve, according to In
formation from Bala. Temperature and
pulse only slightly above normal.
An alleged Imbecllo boy of 14 years Is
blamed for the death of tlio 2-year-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. Brudel of Leipzig.
N. p., by setting lire to me ciotnes ot i
tho baby. t
Most of the persons whoso sight was
attotifA hv a brlelit and Der ullar llxht of
an apparatus used for welding n trolley
wire Saturday night nt Anderson. Ind.. '
have ii'OWril. Specialists believe that
ino Injurious" results will follow.
Jarob Bfennon. automobile dealer, a'- .
rested In San Francisco recently on a 1
warrant Issued In New York, charging 1
wife abandonment, ts fighting ex t null
tlon. Brennon suys he and ids wife rcpa I
rated In New York In 1907 under an agree
merit uy wnun no turnea over to ucr nan
of his property, giving her 100,009,
Omaha't Greatest Clothing Houte
A Allegation Made Daily
in Other Stores Is:
This does not only pertain to tho Stoin
Bloch make, but KUPPENHEIMER,
and SCHLOSS BROS. CLOTHES as es well. Wc
invite you to look those lines ovor first, then go
olsowhero and comparo prices, quality, stylo and
workmanship, wo are con fidont you will return
to us as many othors do every day thoy are
bettor satisfiod and also convinced that our
makes of clothes aro tho best in America sold
only by us in Omaha. Suits and Overcoats
I.. .
rf u mt."
y s18 to
for young men many now
English patterns and mod
ols, at ?15.00 to $25.00
Other good makes $10, $12 and $15.
"Dry-Sox" tho ideal wot weather shoes
keep feet dry and warm. Notice the sturdy
construction of these wonderful shoes. Heavy
oak tanned puter soles; cork inner soles; special
oiled silk lining between upper leather and inner
lining; rubber welt sewed in with leather welt;
double layer of leather oyer toes; extra long oak
tanned counters; steel sliank to strengthen and
hold the shape; extra high quality uppers; leather
lined throughout; rubber heels.
For Men Women C! WtJk m JCT
Mayer "Dry-Sox" Shoes are ideal wet weather
shoes. They afford complete protection against
snow, slush, rain, cold or dampness. They are solid
throughout and as stylish looking as any up-to-date
dress shoes. This is another striking illustration of
the quality of Mayer Honorbilt Shoes. No better
values are obtainable anywhere.
Ask your dealer Tor Honorbilt Shoes, Knot obtainable, write to us,
WARNING Bo sura and look for tho
Mayer name and trade mark on tho sole.
Wc moke Mayer Honorbilt Shoes in nil styles for men;
women nnd children; Ycrtnn Cushion Shoes and Martha
Washington Comfort .Shoes.
F. Mayer Boot & Shoo Co., Milwaukee
Oil ills Malar
Iwmh lalld. ill
ll.Urand vsnf
trull Irother
KM Hub
osk tanned
atta as srch
1 1 os4:sVsssssissssssssssssssnw;? Xi'it a
six! shank
Solid oak
tanned best
U wlla UUbsr wilt
vaswproexs skt
tanned sola
To Get the Worlds'
Best Magazines
NO. 1
MeClure'n Msgszlna. re
Cosmopolitan. UentS
Woman's Horns n t.
Companion, fa MOntU.
The Ladies' World, j
NO. 2
Woman's Home
Pictorial rteviewt
The Ladles' World,
0 Cents
NO. 3
The Ladles' World.
Modem Prlscllla.
22 Cents
j a Month.
Avoid Blends! Send us your order for
Hayner BOTTLED -IN -BOND Whiskey
You KNOW it is good and pure the Government's
Green Stamp over tho cork is your protection.
W3 WANT you to
TRY thl3 whiskey
others may promise
-no matter how
templing their offers may
6ccm tee if they offer
Dottled-in-Dond whiskey
and remember there
is only one way you can
be sure of Retting pure,
straight whiskey and
that is to insist on
That's what wc offer you Hay
ner Private Stock Bottled-in.
Bond Whiskey rich, pure
and delicious chipped in
sealed case Direct from Dis
tilleryand all it costs you Is
$3.20 for FOUR full quarts
express charges paid.
There's no question about a
whiskey like this the Gov
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