Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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A highly concentrated preparation of
Has in thousands of cases proven especially
valuable for the relief of
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Scrofula
"A And other ailments and diseases, Eczema, 'Indigestion
a. id Dyspepsia, Bolls, Ulcors, and Abscesses, Blllous
rioas and Sour Stomach, Kldnoy and Liver Complaints,
Batfache, etc., - arising from Conoral Debility and an.
Impure or Low State of the Blood
It contains not only Sarsaparilla, but also those great ALTERATIVES, Stillingia
rind -Blue Flag;, those great ANTI-BILIOUS and LIVER remedies, Mandrake
" ahd .D.fnde'lion; those great KIDNEY remedies, Uva Ursi, Juniper Berries and
pVpsiss'ewa;" those great STOMACH TONICS, Gentian Root and Wild
Cherry. Barkj and other very valuable curative agents harmoniously combined.
100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR, an unanswerable argument as to economy.
. .. Prepared or.'.y by C. I. HnH Co, LcwH Mils., U. S. A.
Rev. W. E. Clark of Chicago Sayi
Preiident Deserve. Be-election.
, Omaha 'WoTaan'a ' Ciu'b takes Up
Burden of Fallen Boy and Qirl.
V '
jJaTc-nll Judirtv 8nyi the I'oot Iloom,
Onuc Ilkll 'nil rijnr Hliorrs
"Not with' a spirit of curiosity but
with a spirit of co-operation Jo we coma
to 'Urn UlyeYijtewiehool, 'formerly known ! would vlilt tho liomes of tho wayward
mother should be made responsible for
these delinquents.
Inrriila t Mulde Child.
"Parents should accompany their chll- I
(Iron and places of amusement should hi I
provided by the city to whloh tho hoy
or Klrl might go and be under the proper
guidance of nn adult."
The "girl cases" are the most pitiful,
says Judrc Konnedy, and In many In
stances tho employer Is to blamo by not
paying the proper wago for his employe
to llvo In a decent way.
Ho suggested that tho members of tho
Woman's club mlKht do a great deal
In the way of hoi pine the Juvenile delin
quents by having representatives who
Christian association and F. C. Dcst of
the" Hoard of County Commissioners
spoke of the training or children and the
needs that the juvenile must hava to
make htm or her o. Rood cltlten.
Bulldog Beats the
Police to it and.
Gets Safeblower
boys and girls and aid the parents who.
through weakness, Ignorance, and many
times wickedness, wero responsible for
tho faults of their children.
Telia of thn WurU.
Mr, and Mrs. Thompson, who have
charge of the home, told the women or
the wofk which thoy were doing for
the boys and girls and lumentod the .fact
that '"dependant" should hava to bo
placed In tho same rooms with tho de
linquents, thoso who aro there for soma
minor crime-. Mr. Thompson told of tho
delinquent". In hls remarks ho said, "In j gardening whloh had been dona at tho
many Instances !l Von h6t the moving I borne during tho summer and what the
picture show, poolroom or danoe hall
to which the young boys und girls went
thfitt; hav'p . tho bad Inftu'cnop, hut thn
company which they" 'meet and the time
i Which- they chose to attend such place.
Parent, tn moat cases, aro responsible
for the mlitaWfcs aha. crimes of tho chll
Idren .and la mr 'Opinion tho father and
as tho Detention llomn, to hold our meet
ling," iald.' Mrs.-F.VjnirM. who Is leader
lot the social science department of tho
'Omaha Woman's club, which met at this
school Monday aflcVnoon.
"Juvenile IJellnquents,V was ' thn " su
iject'oi tile afternoon, and the different
.phases, ,of ,tho subject wire discussed
j by Judgo IioWard. Kennedy,. p. V. Dont
,son, P. C. Best and Sir, und Mrs. Thomp
son, who have charge of the sohool.
' Judge Kennedy spoko p the "Ilosponsl-
blllt j of a community toward tho Juvenile'
possibilities of tho grounds were. Many
things aru needed for tho placo and
among the things most noooaaary for
tho winter work Is tho Institution of a
manual 'training department for the boys,
which will keep them, busy when tho
told woollier prevents out-of-door work.
IJ. F. Donlaon of tho Young Men's
. V ' f
Dr. Hart man Invites Doctors
to Visit His Office
In my last or-
tlclo X referred!
to the foot that
many ilocloru
havo used Peru
na and haVe of
fered to witjte me
testimonials If I
would pay them
for their trouble.
The publication
of these facialis
caused some com
ment, especially
mme comment
from correspond
ents. Thedootors
IhomselYOS espec-
v jally cwpholo
B. R.XASTIfAsT, K. ZS. tno subject I
Klve an extract from a. characteristic
Jotter written by a doctor, lis says:
Dear Doctor Iiartinan: I have read
what you . say fiboul tho regular phy-
islcians using I'oruna- and their nttltudo
toward written testimonials. I thlnK
ij-ou treat them generously by not con
'demnlng then.', for' making such offers.
1 know from personal" experience that
mos' of the regular drug houses aro
wllltnc to' pay for that sort of work. I
wish, however, you had given tho names
(and addresses ' of tlfo doctors you rofer
to In your article. Tour statements
would hare been nuch xnoro convincing
.If you had done so. You will oxcuso me
llf I express noma doubt as to the good
standing of tho physicians thut you
refer to. Do 'yew mean to say that you
(have; Jn yoilr files .the letters which you
Iquoted from In your dost article? Will
you let me see thoso letters if I should
'call at your office? I am the editor of
ia medical Journal and would lie glad to
'Uko tho matter up as a news I torn in
teresting' to physician,
To this letter 'I made the following
My doar D6ctor: I am glad you are
Interested In my urtlole concerning the
doctors and tholr attitude toward I'o
runu, I assure you that I have the let
torn th'ut I quoted in tho artlolo and thut
you aro perfectly welcomo to oxamtne
them If you will coll at my office. And
at tie mono time I havo many othor let
ters qulta us Tcmarkablo as those, that
you muy examine. In fact, I will open to
you my files, which ore so arranged
that hundreds of thousands of letters
covering the last, twenty years are avail
able. You muy spend as much time aa
you pleuso In looking over tho corres
pondence. To each loiter I havo re
ceived, filed In alphabetical order, Is ap
pended a copy of the answer they re
ceived. You being an editor of a medi
cal Journal, I should especially appre
ciate if you would upend some tme lt
looking through tuy file X am sure you
will find the imnl remarkable letters
you ever looked nt They tell the atorv
of thousands of Invalids who have been
afflicted with some chronic catarrhal
disease and havo found complete relief
by taking Poruna. If I should publish
them ail they would make a library
equal in volume to any law library In
the city, '
Como right, along, doctor. You shall
not only seo the two letters referred to
In my former urtlcle, but I guarantee
that you will see scores of pthera equal.
y interesting and valuable. Hrlng
m many oinor aoctorn with you aa you
i o-ru-na, Man-a-lln and La-cu-pla,
manufactured by the Pe-ru-na Company.
Columbus, Ohio. Sold at all druir stores.
BPECIAX WOTIOB Many persons In
quire for The Old-tlnio Perunu Thoy
wont tho Peruna that tholr Fathers and
Mother used to take. The old Peruna
U now called Katarns, If your drug-or.e-er.
duoa not kD 'or lo
...w niwnni i.umpany, uoiumous,
Ohio, and thoy will toll you all about It
CHiCAQO, Oct. 29. Through the de
termlncd pursuit of a bulldog hero to
night, ono of three alleged safe blowers
was captured unaided, by the animal.
after the chase had led through a crowded
car under a freight train und through a,
hall of shots which failed to Injure the
Policemen rescued the alleged safo
blower who was shouting for help.
Threo men wero arrested as safe
blowers by detectives and one of the men,
Angelo Ilobcrtl broke away from tho of
ficers and darted In an alley. The police
lost sight of him, but kept up the chaso.
The dog which had been following thi
officers, kept after tho fugitive and was
at his hoels when he boarded a car. The
car was running slowly and In a moment
tho dog leaped aboard and made for
Itobertl, who dashed through, followed
by tho animal. Itobertl Jumped from the
front end of -the car still followed by tho
dog. I In crossed tho Panhandlo railroad
tracks by climbing through a freight
train, but the dog run' under the cars
and was ready for him.
Itobertl began firing his revolver, but
failed to hit the dog. Tho noise or tho
shots dlreotcd the pursuing policemen who
came up In time to rescue the man who
was penned In a fence corner by tho
bulldog and was almost exhausted. The
police do not know to whom the bull
dog belongs. Ho resigned his captive tn
the officers and accompanied thbm to thn
station, but refused to enter.
nlr Klented Taft Delegates Oare
President Nomlnn t Ion and noose
relt'a Henchmen Laid Dovrn
When Ilraten.
"Although I am a socialist and literally
an opponent of Taft I think he has been
the most continuously misrepresented
president since Lincoln, and I for one
think he has been a consistent republican
president," said Rev. W. 12. Clark of
Chicago, who Is stopping at the Hensaw
"He hns not tried to tt the whole
United States, but there never has been a
moment when ho was not trying to carry
out the policies of his party, as he under
stood thorn, and If tho peopte of the
country stilt believe In the protective
tariff, then Taft ought to be the next
president of our country.
Tnft Notnlnntril Heunlnrlr.
"To say that Toft's nomination was tr
regular Is all bosh. It was brought about
In accordance with tho rules of tho re
publican party which has been In existence
for many years. Iloosevelt sent his agents
tn bulldose the national committee Into
seating hla political henchmen; when they
failed he camo to Chicago and called It
'Armageddon.' The duly elected Taft
delegates gave Taft the nomination, while
tho Roosevelt followers for once In thett
Uvea became quiet and refund to play,
on Instructions from Roosevelt not to
play unless tbey could also umpire the
"To my mlud the most dangerous thing
In the Iloosevelt platform la the plan to
control commercq from Washington. It
Is so dangerous that tho people have
fallod to take It seriously, not realizing
that sucn a plan would result in a
monarchy worse than anything the old
world ever saw.
Wilson Nut Untitled to Votes.
"As for Wilson, anyone who followed
the Baltimore convention must admit that
he was nominated by men who proved
they wero not democrats by their treat
ment of Champ Clark, who, after he had
received a majority of the votes, should
havo been made tho nominee of the party
and a man who will take the nomination
that was secured as Wilson's was Is not
entitled to the democratic votes of the
"To my way of thinking Taft deserves
the next presidency. lie is not a bull
dozer, he docs not try to be the whole
show, Uko hla predecessor and Is always
working for the people. IIo la a broad
minded man and one who Is loyal to hi
party and who tries to do what h
thinks will, In tho end, prove a benefit
to the pooplo of tho United States as a
Bound to Have
Board of Censors
For Omaha Theaters
Police CommlHsloner John J. Ryder was
criticised and his theater censors. Lieu
tenant Hayes and Policewoman Drummy
wero assailed for Inefficiency by James
Johnson, president of the Daraca
union, at Its quarterly rally at tho Cal
vary Baptist church, last night
Following Johnson's speech, the dele
gates to the rally unanimously voted
for a resolution empowering the execu
tive committee of the union to take steps
to Insure the immediate introduction ana
passage of the social service ordinance.
'even to initiating a referendum for a
special election at which the popular vote
niity bo registered for the measure."
The resolution was signed by A. C.
Kellcy, O, It Wiggins and O. E. Fields.
Vapor Treatment is
Fine for Catarrh
Instantly ltellcvcs K.. if fed Up Head
and lteducc Inflammation.
If you want to get relief from stuffed
Ufthead In flvo mlmjtoa;
If you want to feel re
freshed and Invigorated,
,try the followlhg Just
ibefore retiring and wake
up w(h, a, clean head In
the morning.
Into a UpwJ, three
quarters', full of boiling
water-pour a scant tea-'spAonfl-pf
.(pronoupce it Htgh-o-rue)
- o.' head and
tbavi vih a towel and
LreCth') 'or sovrat mln
lUtvs th6Iieallng, sooth
ing vapor'' that arista.
This ;apor will pene
trate lrto every nook.
Vnd crevice whra gonna
pngregato and where
soreness and tuflammatlon cannot
reached by any other remedy.
A bottle of
Jiiu.Miu costs only 50
cents, but to cure ca
tarrah or stubborn
cuugns and colds the
JIYOMEI Inhaler should
also bo used at least
four ttmee a day.
Druggists can supply
you for $1.00 with what
is called the HYOMKt
outfit which consists of
a hard rubber pocket In
haler, a bottle of IITO.
MEI and simple Instruc
tions for use: but If you
already possess a HYO
MEI Inhaler you can
purchase a bottle of
Booth's HTOMKI for
only SO cents.
Baltimore is Given
Sealed Orders to Go
PHILADELPHIA, Oct 3. Tho United
States cruiser Baltimore, attached to the
Atlantic reserve fleet at tho Philadelphia
navy yard, under orders from Washing
ton, was put In condition today to sail
on forty-eight hours' notice. Captain J.
C, Pholiw of the battleehlp Iowa was
detailed to command the Baltimore.
The probable destination of the vessel Is
not known, but rumors at the yard were
thut It would be sent to some Mexican
port or perhaps to the scene of the Turk
IsJi disturbances to protect American interests.
Prudential Office
Robbed by Burglar
NKW YORK, Oct. . Burglars entered
a branch office of the Prudential Life In
surance company In Brooklyn this after
noon, gagged the cashier, Alice Brennels
with a handkerchief saturated with
chloroform, left her lying bound upon the
floor and after looting a safe, escaped
with C0 money, which collectors of the
company had brought In during the day.
The robbery took place a block from n
station house In the most heavily policed
precinct In Brooklyn and wlthtn a few
blocks of the home of Mayor Qaynor.
MUs Brennels later recovered from the
effects of the chloroform.
J QUINCY, III . Oct. .-The body of Mrs.
Eiin ruwner was lounu eariy tooay in
the ruins of her home,
miles north of Qulnoy In Hancock county.
Sho was 72 years of age and lived alone.
The report was common that she had
much man - - -U4, about the house.
Will Try to Prove
Vallon Was the Man
Who Was Murderer
NEW YORK", Oct 2. it was learned
tonight from sources closo to the de
fense that the appeal which counsel for
Charles Becker will make for a new trial
for the farmer potloe. lloutenant. will set
forth under what will be described as new
evidence, that Harry Vallon, tho Infor
mer, fired th'o shots that ended Herman
Rosenthal's lifo; that "Bald Jack" Rose's
story was a "framo up" against Becker
that 8am Schepps, state's witness who
gave corroboration to Rose's tale, per
Jured himself when he swore ho knew
nothing of the murder plot and that
Harry Vallon also committed perjurj
when he said he did not ride from tho
Hotel Metropole In tho murder car after
the slaying of Rosenthal.
A gambler, whose name John F. Mc-
Intyre, Becker's chief counsel, Is not
ready to reveal, will swear, according
to tho appeal tho lawyer Is preparing,
that It was Vallon who killed Rosenthal
while another unknown witness Is ready
to testify that he heard Rose and Vallon
plan the murder whllo at the home of
Dora Gilbert, who wan Rosenthal's first
wife. Another prospective witness, de
scribed as a man of unimpeachable In
tegrity, Is also ready to swoar according
to Mr. Mclntyro, that Rose told him three
days before his confession to District At
torney Whitman, that Vallon was Rosen
thal's murderer.
While the defenso la preparing Its ap
peal, tho state Is getting ready to place
on trial tho other principals In the Rosen
thal case.
Germany Has New
Rules for vessels
BERLIN, Oct. ID. New rules for ocean
going steamships 'worn approved and
adopted today as the basis of Ger
many's attitude at the International
Marltlmo conference to be held In Lou
don. Tbey deal with the questions of
bulkheads, life boats, wireless telegraphy
and tho reporting of Icebergs.
All passenger steamers carrying seventy-
five persons, Including the crew, and
freighters currying a crew of sixty, must
tn future be equipped with wireless
telegraphy providing radius of 100 sea
miles. These vessels must 'also carry a
oertaln proportion of skilled men to man
the life boats.
The regulations us to bulkheads have
been thoroughly amended.
GENOA. Neb., Oct .-Bpeclal.)-
Harry Erb, a former, was shot twice
last night near this town by one of
two nun whom he had ottered to let
ride Into town with him.
Persons on the west end of Main street
were startled about 7 o'clock by shouts
of "Help, I havo been shot," Issuing
from a buggy which was being drtvan
at a rapid rate Into town from the
west The occupant of the buggy proved
to be Erb, Just before he reached towri
he overtook a couple men and asked
them If they did not want to ride. As
he stopped his team they came up to
his buggy and one of them said: "Yes,
you are Just the man we are looking
for,'' and pulling a gun shot him twice.
one bullet Htrtklng Erb in the shoulder
and the other in the aide, passing en
tirely through and coming out upon the
opposite side. The ball struck the liver
and perforated hla Intestines.
Erb can give no description of his ut
sallants save that one of them wo?e .
light colored cap. He remembers hear
ing one of the men say, "We have got
It.- nun.
f toother teeth cleanser- breath
It improves appetite and aids
little ones pennies Give M
t's udMsmfr. - It gives M
yment the whole day M$
its less than a penny M
Look for the spear
The flavor lasts
Mrs. Lindloff on Trial for Murder,
Sees Spirits in Court Iloom.
Testify to llarlnir Found Mineral
1'olnnn In Hody of Denil Son and
Other nt Household Who
CHICAGO. Oct .-The state intro
duced Its principal ovldence today In
the trial here of Mrs. Loulso Lindloff,
spiritualist, chairvoyant and crystal
gacer, charged with poisoning her son,
Arthur, and whom the prosecution as
serts had foreknowledge of tho deaths
of many othor members of her own
Dr. 'Walter S. Haines, testifying as an
expert toxlcologlst, said he found be
tween three and four grains of a min
eral poison, enough to cause death. In
the body of Arthur Lindloff and that he
also found the same drug In deadly quan-
tltes In tho bodies of William Lind
loff, one of Mrs. Ltndloffs husbands,
and Alma Lindloff, her daughter.
"In my opinion all three members of
the family died from poison," said Dr.
Haines. He also testified that he had
analysed the contents of a box, said to
have been f6und In Mrs. Ltndloffs house
and found It to contain 60 per cent min
eral poison. The embalming fluid used
In the bodies, he said, contained no pois
onous substance.
Dr. Lecount, coroner's physician, cor
roborated the testimony of Dr. Haines
as to Arthur lindloff. Tho undertaker
who conducted the funeral of William
Lindloff testified that Mrs. Lindloff told
him he would have another funeral at
her house within a year. An Insurance
agent testified that the woman placed
a 12,000 policy on the boy's life a few
months before his death,
Testimony favorable to the accused
woman was given by Dr. John M. Berger,
who said Mrs. Lindloff was willing the
body of the boy should be examined and
volunteered the Information that another
physician had told her that he had symp
toms of poisoning. Accusations that tho
state's witnesses were being approached
led to a guard bejng placed about
them by detectives. A number of fortune-tellers
and alleged scientific crystal
gaiers and spiritualist mediums, some
of whom are from distant cities, are at
tending the trial, and with the defend
ant profess to see spirits hovering about
the courtroom and to receive spirit mes
sages concerning the case.
on the Derby last
thats a brand new one.
Broad shank, broad
heel, drop toe. A
real man's shoe
I aa9KJ10
North AMngtoB, Mass.
HAYDENs Exclusive Agents for Omaha
1 Full Quart Whiskey FREE
Try It Al our Expense
Tst MftJaM-K
"is Hit!
i ill?
There are alT sorts of claims for superiority among distillers and Mall
Order Whiskey Houses, andwhuewefe! sure that our Fete a. Star Whiskey
can t be Deal, or even cquura in quftii&j, or price, nun -nn ' a nvbKuiujc w
uk anyone to risk their money on our Judgment; therefore, we are going to
5 We absolutely free, one full quart bottle to test We want you to prove by
rinsing it thut Fels 8-8Ur Whlikey Is pure, wholesome, full aged, mellow
as can be and above all has real whiskey strength. Add half water to It If
you like and we say that you wiiistui bavesirongera&a peiierwrniKCTinaa
should we Just send out bottles of whUkey free that we would be flooded with
requests by some unscrupulous iioopi. mna oemtars hw hi uuiw,uutn mi
1 onsuugnb inis we cannot aa, uui cotkuwmws, am wua
a. fearf u
U free to honest
W. wtll uAif ni an. f i
slona with jora- Bnt ordn tor B fuU gawt
qusrt iwttli cfTtij l-5tr WhWtrr sbMlaUb; tn.
n doums i rui air vv uutr tar
Frightful alna
tn the stomach, torpid liver, lame back
and weak kidneys are soon relieved by
Klectric Bitters. Guaranteed. COc Bti
ton Drug Co Advertisement
uu .... w ra . umH kwr.. ivu w , u, m .uu uwu. mum
eats an of (boa. lot It anway Ya like and Ifaot antlralr aatUf acUrj, roe
hanUttprlrfln of rrtuntfa to aa tba rroalnbia-1 bottlaj and tb Dot extra
bottl. tou roaylMp frM and w. wUJJmmMllatalr ntora roar tt.4 . Or ai of
K.W for four fuU ajaart botUaa of Fala t-Star Whiiktr. cicnai nr. pa Id. and
. -ill liiwiu; ttit Ctt . fna Teat tba f rc. bottl. and U not aWlaUlr
satiif actory.and tt
to os tfc. i LcttUa
ths taft whJakt? rra .tat tasted at ahr price, JuM rttora
ana kmp ui iroe pouie ana wo wui raxuna yenr ai
without qwtlon er arruramt. wlta each order we si., rree. valuable
earubeitM, Gold Tipped w uay uiaaa ana uracn. ittnumner, wo per tn
eiprew chars"! look cleee barer rou eermlt some of the lew pilceaef Uul
nnu llmt.. , wt vour erAet and malt. ou tu the eacnaa chare-aa.
We mean to prere upenorltr ia the rbi ty buatneui and at eurj tipent,
far sinac sfree tat batlla, that FaU t-Star WhltW baa M equal. Osr quart
tetuc are full tt-ounee Quart, and not abort poena and w meraate. rrrrr
statement we make an4 back then wilS ear paid up capital of HW.06O.
U IN want rea waieser anq not waea. watcrr owwcwwi, .ana
fWmKUnce on ear froe teat precoeittoa. .The taete It the
teat, and wtUproramor. than we ran write. Uae cswpoa and
i lvrrTwrrmvT .sa
nek. rwaloaneai ljgfsfcio to A. rete. r4cr. or
.FclsBUCCo. iwr cla lal4i. Ka&saa City.Me.
nxstsrnixiNG ce!, '
isMrcia sitaa-e tisnsss urjr, mo.
OearuTlie S-Btar Whraaer. UrnreM roaJd.aMaaj oju
The Verslstent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.