Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Rare Opportunity
To Buy
Valuable Real Estate
In tho Center Of Knarnnv
..Th".flYe J?ta being the north half of
the block directly east of the Midway
hotel, on the principal street In Kearney
and known aa the Watson Yesldence
property, on two ot which lota there Is
a modern ten-room home, will be sold
,. ... ,"" uy me aucnir on
October 19, 1912, at 10 o'clock t, m. to
mi usiicai uiuucr. IIIO Oia Will oe Olt
fered slncly and together. This Is valua-
.iic j-.wHciLj aim in sure o incroase in
value soon. Parties desiring to buy should
jnako arrangements In advance. It they
wish to place a loan tor part of the
purchase price. I will aid parties In the
avtai 11 laicj Will WS11B
JI1V uiij
Grand Island, Neb.
Great Bargain
Two tots at 49th Ave. near Ames, two
blocks from street car line. $115 each.
One lot. 47th and Cass 8t. ad)olnln
jjuuuec, taw, inquire at hot joncs St.
TTTMTTl fnrnnp l. nt rnHu c '
S flats; nothln better; worth $3,600; must
sell at once; will sell for $2,00. Phone
D. 3697.
10 rooms, all modern, double porch, lot
40x12-1, paved street, located adlolnlnc
Field olub,. where lots are gelling for
K,w a piece; no better location In city;
$100 cash, balance $50 a month. Price only
SIOU Brandela Theater BldtT.
NEW 7-room house, strictly modern, at
auu ve pater. uarney hzi.
taken as first payment on good 7-room
Vrttle In Walnut tTI 1 1
a avuo ia f ulllUk .XIH late 1,1 i I. i. uu guvu
i corner lot, or caay tarms made. Price,
' RASP BROS.. 100 McCague Bldg.
New. strictly modern, 5 rooms and bath,
bungalow; beautiful oak finish, oak floors,
large basement, att-c, furnace, bullt-ln
bookcases and buffet; everything up-to-date
and highest grade; on Ames avenue
nciween zzu and Z3d Ets.; paving all paid;
vnce, z,m; easy terms.
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg. , Uoug. 4270.
Railroad Men
Here's Your Chance
Walking distance to depot, a six-room,
modern except heat, cottage, all on one
floor, nice large rooms, east front, built
for a home, nicely decorated, on rjaved
street, handy to school and stores, near
xun ana uorcos ist. a low hundred cash
and balance like rent wilt handle this
aoai. "or rurther information see
Douglas 1000. 307 McCagua Bids.
West Farnara
Thin Is a good first class, 2-story
-.... uuiuoj . i iiei.r dun
and Howard Sts.; 1st floor, finished. In
T'iu unn nuurs; ia noor nas i good
bedrooms and alcove; a well built house
and In a neighborhood where lota alone
of this size, 60x124 feet, have ' sold at
fron H.600 to $7,000; Investigate this at
v., w, ib id uueui, iiiiiueuiuie posses
slon, Prlco $5,960. Easy terms.
George 3: Company
TeL D. 750. 902-12 City Nat. Bank "Bldg.
Bungalow Beautiful
Located in Boulevard
Strictly modern, six-room bungalow,
ready to move Into; hag a large living
room, with beamed celling and bullt-ln
bookcase; dining room with beamed cell
ing, bullt-ln buffet, china closet, paneled
walls, plato rail and nice roomy den. All
these rooms finished In oak; large kitchen
with nice pantry and ontryway; two
bedrooms and bath on second floor with
large closets and store room; cemented
basement with guaranteed furnace and
i tank connected; also sink for laundry
purposes. On a nice 08-foot front corner
wot. Built of the very best material and
' workmanship for a home. Price $3,600.
Can be bought for $500 oush; balance like
rent. For further Information call up
or so. -
Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg.
41 ?1 M 1RTH tJT Hhnln. V ,
strictly modern bungalow; oak finish and
up-to-date in every way; fine large lot.
At a great sacrifloe. 00 cash will do.
Ra It inAav Phnn. nnn..
It VAT. If QT A WMl t, . t in
All modem, B-room cottage, hardwood
floors, east front, one block from West
Side Uanscom park car line, for sale
at a bargain, If taken at once. Small
payment down; balance like rent. Phone
owner. Harney 27G9, and he wilt show
Have you been looking for a good
house In walking distance. Ixst us show
you a nice e-room, strictly modern house
In a fine neighborhood at a price that
you can afford to pay, JSO0 cash, perhaps
Uoug. 1781 3rd Floor Ware Block.
Bungalow type house, 2 blocks from
-ar line, a nlne-mlnute ride to heart of
Omaha; well built and ready for occu
pancy; $200 down; located on Ave. C, be
tween S2d and 84th Sts.. Council Bluffs.
Day t Hess Co.. 121 Pearl St., Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
.,.DIH7Sil Columbia finest agrlcul
turai land. Nechaco valley, near Grand
Trunk; also Fort George, Cariboo. Peace
River. BulHley valley, mate -requirements.
40 acres to 100,000. Lowest prices; easy
terms. Glenn & Co., 4a Pender St'.
Vancouver. B. C.
HOMESTEAD-430 acres rich farm land
for $1.5. filing fees and all; Just over Into
Colorado good stuff, not sand hills. Land
In Kimball county $10 to $15 per acre. 'J.
A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb.
Garden and Fruit Tracts.
r.f arm.' uIiY Ju,t 6 " north of
Council Bluffs, at bargain prices. 80S
acres, known as Orchard Heights, subdl
vlded and for sale at from $50 to $100 per
acre; easy terms. Let us show you this
land. Day & Hpss Co.. 12S Pearl St.
Council Bluffs, la. '
-SIGHTY acres of land close to town
?"7rrJ;re cn be 'armed, will be sold
for $56.00 per to close partnership. Mort
gage of W.00O. balance must b -ash
JT.O. box U3. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
GOOD lW-ucre fann In Tage County.
Iowa, nil In cultivation except 12-acrc
timber pasture Just back of barn: 6-room
house In good repair; plenty of barn
room; granary ami out buildings; new
hog house and cement rave. A rood.
young orchard and an all around good
in. i rite ana terms ngnt
Sapp Blk.. Council Bluffs. I.v
TUB earnest way to find a buyer ror
your farm Is to Insert a small want ad
in inr uts Aioints uapltal. Largest dr
culatlon In the state at In imi iiniif
The : Capital Is read by and believed In
by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply
refuse to permit any other paper In their
names, naies, i cent a word a day,
11. 2J per line per month? count six ordi
nary words to the line. Addreis U.
aiomes capital. Ui Moines. la.
Bl i a home on the beautiful "Indian
" ouiu cuuniy, in me very
neart of tho Orange and Grape Fruit
belt, . The opportunity of a lifetime. Be.
liable agents wnntrd. Tivnv. jr. ni a n't
Lands adapted to the widest range of
1 money crops ot the south
Inn l(h hl. ..'
11 u vvi,.ii, .UUIlirjr, ls SOU,
w'",u '"vu "urn Kaooi aavantagea.
W. B. LEAHY. Dept. IC
General Passenger Agent.
Write for our Mlnneioia hnntri .'r.
peclnl rotes. '
103 Bankers Lire Bldg..
Lincoln. Neb.
MR. IHVRfiTfltl f 11. . t
means: For sale, 12 quarters of choice
' i.m viusb 10 oiuney, pteu., one
'tenth cash. bat. tn vHn in i.n mh.i
I'uriueiii. i-.rnesr nanum rtinney. reD.
64 ACREfl land In HIaIiio rnnntv K'h
$8.25. A. W. Kelpln. 4321 Charles St.
td-BUHUKL WliKAT tuVND, TO 131
We have for ante nvnr X) (Yin ar n
t-neyenne county, Nebraska's choicest
farm land, where the crop yields for 1$
years, Including 1910 and UU, average
With the best In the state. Alfalfa. i
a leading crop. Better so1, water and
climate cannot be found; write for full
LP.ivIt; S?. Aents wanted everywhere.
North Dnkutn.
TOU can buy from owner on oron nav.
ment plan or lease, crood level lnrt.
Plowed and ready for crop. Thirty quarter
sections to select rrom, some with build
Ings. These landB are near markets, In
win nouineaBiem Dan or. iortii uaKOta.
For particulars write. Leslie S. Hacker.
nacxey uiag., oc raui, Minn.
South Dakota.
W w " " n "VJV. . 1. 1 111 1UI1U ,
10 acres broke, balance all tillable; 7
miles from- Dallas and 6 miles from
Colome. Price, $40 per acre, payable
$1,500 cash, $2,600 March 1, 1913; $2,400
Harcn i. ii7. Address uox imj, uauas.
So. Dak
HOMESTEAD relinquishment on choice
quarter section near tho Nebraska line
Close to good town. Prioe, $200. Shuler A
Cory, ioi aty wationoa uacic mag.
CHEAP natented state school lands.
south Texas, $t an acre cash, balance ten
years. For "all' particulars write F.. A.
Connable, trustee. 4S4 Commercial Bank
uidg.) Houston, itx.
CHEAP patented state school lands.
south, Texas, II an acre cash, balance ten
years. For all particulars write F. A.
Connable, trustee, 4S4 commercial uank
Bldg., Houston. Tex.
.One acre that will soon bo worth $1,000
for $600: terms. Write
Peach, Washington.
ShlD live f-k to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Ltve Stock Commission Merchant.
BYERS BROS. & CO.. Strong, reliable.
CLIFT1N Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg
8nyder-MaIone-Coffman Co., 159 Ex. Bids,
LAVERTY BllOS.. 1.13 Exchange Bldg.
Martin Bros. & Co., Exchange Bldg.
CJay. Robinson & Co., 200 Excnang Bldg.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Thomas II, Bowles et al. vs. United
Surety Company et al.
In the Circuit Court of Baltimore City.
upon the Petition of the receivers filed
In this case It is this 10th day of October,
In the year nineteen hundred and twelve,
by the circuit court of Baltimore City,
adjudged and ordered
l. Tliat . February is, 1313, la Hereby
fixed as the final day for the filing of
claims In these proceedings by the bond
holders, policy holders and creditors of
the United Surety Comuanv. and only
claims filed on or before said day par
ticipate in any distribution or tne assets
of the company to be made to tho cred
itors by tne receivers.
2. That no default under any outstand
ing bond or guaranty of said company of
any character occurring alter the uth
day of January, 1913, shall give rise to a
proveabie claim in any distribution of
the assets of the company to be made to
the creditors by the receivers.
3. That the holders of Outstanding
bonds and guarantees under which no
claim for lose Is made be and they are
hereby authoriied to file claim against
tho company for the amount of loss arls.
tng from procuring substitute bonds at
prevailing rates, or ror the unearned pre
mium. If the holders of bonds guaranteeing
the maintenance of construction or other
work for a fixed period are unable to
procure substitute bonds on such terms,
they may .claim under tne provisions or
paragraph 4 hereof.
4. That the holders of outstanding
bonds and guarantees under which claim
ror loss u maae. but such claim Is un
liquidated or not definitely ascertainable,
be and they are hereby authorized to
file for the penalty of the bond In order
that their claims may be subsequently
considered and a proper reservation of
assets mode therefor, If and when the
same are definitely established.
5. That the reselvera cause a com- of
this order to be published at least once a
week for three successive weeks prior to
November 15. 1912, In a newspaper of
general circulation In each state wherein
the United Surety Company was en
gaged In bus'ness. Bald receivers flhall
also mall printed copies of this order to
all creditors of said company, and to the
nomers or its oonas, policies and guar
antees, and to the beneficiary thereof so
far as the addresses of said creditors and
holders and beneficiaries are ascertain.
able from the company's books, also to
tne courts in cases wnere such bonds or
ruarantees were Iseued under tho dlrec.
tlon and subject to the approval of auch
courts; but the nonrecelpt of such printed
copy shall not affect the validity of this
order, CHAfl. W. HEUlSLElt.
State of Maryland, City of Baltimore, ss.:
I, William M. Carson, clerk ot the cir
cuit court ot Baltimore City, do hereby
certify that the above Is a true copy of
the original order now on file In thu
offlca In the cause therein entitled
Thomas H. Bowles et al. vs, I'nlted
Surety Company et al.
in testimony whereof I hereto set mv
hand and affix the seal of the sold cir
cuit court this 11th day of October, 1912.
WAl. U. CARSON, Clerk
run m::.
First No. 1 Duluth Cargo of Wheat
Sold Yesterday at Chicago.
Onl llrnr l.ooklun- for Lower Prices
lnleaa There la iv Mntrrlnl In
crease In thr Export
OMAHA. Oct. a. 1912.
Tho first Duluth wheat cnrRo graded
o. 1 northern was sold yesteitluy In
Chlonio under the Illinois (nsprcttun
rules. Three other Duluth "cargoes have
arrived and no doubt will tx jwssed as
contract wheat. Additional cargoes are
oatllng at Duluth and there no doubt
L1 .p.n 'av' hike movement of npnng
wheat to Chicago elevators the next few
weeks. It Is thu prospect which caused
the Dccombrr to show more weakness
thun the May yesterday. In tho absence
or any Important political news condi
tions are somewhat bearish from a com
merclal. point of view both hero urn!
abroad. Cash wheat was unohanged to
Ho lower.
The sentiment on com Is mixed and
the market Is lookec upon as a two-sided
amir. A trader who Is very careful In
forming nn opinion and who 1ms been
.i.h' afler .a trl" through tho corn belt
sold that grain short yesterday. Tho mar-
. lookcJ "Pon M largely a weather
jural r. Some of the now corn coming In
Is very good but carries a heavy percen
tage of moisture. Reports from Peoria,
ill., said the new corn thero wus 2iJ to
Si per cent of moisture. Some of tho
samples hero will run equally as high,
while others are good enough to drv Into
Iso. 3 corn. The Industrial consumers
wero tho largest buyers n tho market
yesterday. Cash corn unchanged.
Onts bears are looking for lower prices
uiilcm there Is a material Increase In the
export demand. They aro looking for
December to sell at a wider discount
under May. Bulls, however, express a
reverso opinion, and they say there are
enough oats sold to go out noxt month
to necessitate the contlnuanca ot a lib
eral movement. Cash oats unchanged.
Clearances: Wheat and and flour equal
to 431.000 bushels: corn. 300 bushels: oats.
SZ.000 bushels.
Liverpool close: Wheat, ttd to lUd
lower; corn. Vid to Hd lower.
Primary wheat rocelbts were 2.403.000 bu.
and shipments 1,037,000 bit., agnlnst re
ceipts of l.fttO.OM bu. and shipments of
Stfi.OOO bu. last year.
Primary corn lecelpts were 350,000 bu.
and shipments 243,000 bu., against receipts
of 518,000 bu. and shipments of 342,000 bu.
last year.
Primary oats receipts were 1,616.000 bu.
and .shipments 873,000 bu., against receipts
ot 610,000 bu. and shipments of 271,000 bu.
last year.
The following cash nales were reported
today: Wheat. No. 2 hard, winter. S cars.
86V40; 2 cars, 8CV4c; 'No. 3 hard, winter, 1
car, mw, cars, sco; a cars, S5Hc; No. 2
spring. 1 car. ECc: No. 3 surlnR. 1 car. Sfic:
2 cars, 85Hc; 1 car. 85c; No. 4 spring, 3
cara, 84c; 4 cars, 83V4c; no grade, spring,
1 cur, 80c; 1 car, 79c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car,
84c; 3 cars, S3Hc; No. 4 mixed, durum, 1
car, 80Hc: No. 2 durum, 1 car, SIMcl No.
S durum, 4 cars, 819ic; No. 4 Paclflo white,
l car, 90c. corn: No. 3 yellow, l car,
61Hc no grade, 1 car, 6$c. Barley: Feed,
1 car, 68c; rejected, 1 car, 46c; No. 4, 1
car, 68c, Rye: No. 2, 1 car, C7c. Oats:
No. 2 white, 1 car, SIc; No. 3 white, 1
car, (very choice), 31c; 1 car, 3tc; 6
cars, 31c; No. 4 white, 3 cars, 30?io.
Omnha Cash ITlce.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. S6087MC: No. 3
hard, SoS7c; No. 4 hard, 8140650; No. 3
spring, S6Q6c
CORN-N6. 2 white. C2ia!c: No. 3
white. 624c; No. 4 white, 000Hc; No. 2
yellow, tla; No. 8 yellow, tttto; No. 2,
SIVic; No. 3. 61o; No. 4, 69&ftiOc.
OATS No. 2 white, 3202Vio; standard,
tlU631Mc; No. 3 white, 3131ttc; No. 4
white. OTic.
BARLEY Malting, 69Cc; No. 1 feed,
RYE No. tne; ISO, 3, HOC.
Cnrlot Hrectpt".
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 204 Ml
Minneapolis Ul
Duluth M9
Omaha 1H
Kansas City 105
St. Louts 112
Winnipeg , Wl
Feature of the Trading) find Closing:
Price on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO. Oct. 20. lUlxzord conditions
exnocted to Interfere with farmers dc-
itvones noruiwest orougnt auout an up
turn today In wheat, but failed to prevent
woaknetKt later, due In the main to bear
ish cables. The close waa cosy, H'O'Via
to o under lost night.
Stormy weather In the epring crop bolt
would have good effect on tho wheat mar
ket were It not for assertions tlutt coun
try elevators were filled. Conslderablo
buying, however, resuitou irom reports
that largo quantities of wheat In North
Dakota fields would be seriously dam-
Heavy Increases of the European visible
supply counted gradually, but In a. de
cided manner agaltiBt the wheat bulls, th
total having bten lifted to nearly m
tame level as a vear ago. On tho other
hand, failure of tho Board of Trade groin
commltteo to agroo with tho state, In
spection department in approving a uig
Duluth cargo as sultabla t'or filling Bpccu
latlvo contracts hod only temporary In
fluoiujo toward helping sustain the mar
ket. December closed UiiHc net lower
at 92Hc
Unexpected weakness developed In tho
corn market. There was general unlood
ltng. In which speculators were mi p posed
to havo hod a large part. December
closed heavy, llVto net lower, at &2V&fi
62c. Cash grades wero feeble. No. 2
yellow, eiHiU'eic.
Oats Increased In activity and weak
npRH tut nithnr cereals declined. December
closod ,4c under last night at S2Vic
Declines In tho hog market carried down
nrovlnlons. May pork dropped the furthest,
The leading rutures rangen as touows-
Artlclel Open. I Hlgh.l Uw. I Close.1 Yes'y.
Wheat, I i I I
Dec. 92V4 92im 9232W 92Vi 92H
May. 97UUH 7 97H 97H8W
Oct C3 6314
Dec. 63V4 638 62Wi 52Hi 53H
May. G2H0H C2?i 62 62 62!i
Oats. 1
Dec. 32 32V4 S2Vi 32,i 32H
May. 34H0W 34H ' 3 3i.
Pork. I
Oct.. 16 21 10 10
Jan.. 10 40-45 18 47H 18 &Si 18 32H 18 17V4
May, 18 07-12 18 17H 1" 9714 17 VtVi 18 15-17
Lard, I
Oct I10 77H 10 82A
Jan. 10 67-00 10 C2V4 10 621i 10 62V 10 C24
May. 10 20 10 22 10 17& 10 17tt 19 26
Oct 10 60 10 65
Jan.. 9 S7290 9 90 9 82J4 9 82M W
May. 9 67t4 "9 70 9 C5 9 66 70
Cash a.uotutlons were as follows:
FLOUR Winter patents, $4.30S4.75: win
ter straights, $4.10-4.5O; spring patents,
S4.2&35.40; spring straights, $4.0034.25;
bakers, $3.604r3.85.
RYE No. 2. we.
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4SQ62c; fair
to choice malting, utilize.
SEEDS Timothy. 3.5M.Qo. uiover.
PROVISIONS Mess pork. $10.87ie.60.
Lard (In tlercesl. S10.7Offl0.76. Short ribs
(loose). $9.8714010.60.
Total clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 451,000 bu. Primary receipts
were 2.403,000 bu., compared with LOOO.OOO
bu. the corresponding day a year ago.
Eitlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
129 cars; corn, 178 cars; oats, 499 cars;
hogs. 20,000 head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
S1.C791.09; No. 3 red8ofr1.04: No. 2 hard,
93S95Vc: No, 3 hard. 91'4614Wc; No. 1
northern. 93ViWio: No. 2 northern, !Wf
82c; No. 3 northern, 87090c; No. 2 spring,
BOfiDlc; No. 3 spring, 8&S89c; No. 4 spring,
San Francisco, Col . Oct. 1, 1912. Sealed
proposals will be received here until 11 a.
m. Nov. 1, 1912, for furnishing forage and
straw required at Fort Huachuca and
Douglas, Ariz., during fiscal year ending
June 30, 1913. Information furnished on
application here or Quartermasters in
Seattle, Wash,, Portland, Ore., Fort
Huachuca and Douglas, Ariz. F VON
8CHRADKR, C. Q. M. O3-4-5-7-8-30-21
dm aha, avkdxksdav. orroHKii .so. vmi
KtwtWc. N 3 wiilte. UlUtHOe. Nil Vel
low. rtfM 'BV. No i new. Wtc old.
atrssc, 4 white, iftv; No. 4 yellow.
new. uc . om, WiC umv .NO. i.
Se, No. 2 white, W4l4v. No. 3, S
No. S white, M44TSvc. No. 4 white. W
c: standard, Xtt4MU'.
Hj-t: No. 2, . Imrley. Soflle.
Clover: JIJ.fOSI8.00 Timothy: tX(jN.lo.
Bl'TTMlt Steady ; creameries. JiVs4c;
dairies, jamfSTc. ,
1(RIS Steads ; receipt. S.tK3 cases; at
mark, cases Included. lPfrnV; ordinary
finite, 2le; first. He
CHKHSK-Meauy, dairies. 17ViQt7V;
twins. ItiMfl'c; young America, 17'V
17ic; long hums, l?fi;Vic
1"OTAT012S-Stpiirtv: rt.eliil. M eiir.
Michigan. 4fr45c; Minnesota. 4tfttc; Wis.
COIIHlll, 40B4&C.
POl'LTHY Alive, stenilv: tmkevs. l.V:
eken.s, lOHoj springy. ISic.
'liALSteady. at lfil4e.
.M5W Ml II 14. tllCi:itAI
M Alt KK 1'
luotn(lii of the liny on Vnrlou
ConniKiillt lea.
N13W YOR1C. Oct. M FtJItMl -Aellvn
nt.d lower; spring patents, J4.SCKS1.90; win
ter M ml eh Ik. 11 jUm it). u.,i,i.,, i,t-,,i-
t4.TOi3fft.lS: Bpring cls. Jl.25a4.50; winter
ext ras, No. 1, U04.1.2O; winter exit as. No.
2, Sl.aWMO; Kaiukm atralghta, Sl.U1jvl.SS.
UlT Spat market eu.iy. No. 2 red,
M.Oi, elevator, and J1.0S, f. o. b. ivfloat;
No. I northern Duluth. SMtWo, f. o. b.
afloat. Futures closed ?c not lower. Do
ceinber. PS 16-Wc; May, tl.03 11-10.
CORN Spot market easy; export, r3c,
f. o. b. afloat, December to March.
OATS-Spot. steady; No. 4, 38c; white
cUiukhI. 39iiNlHc.
FJiBD atoady: western spring bran,
iw-iu, sacKs, izi.K; otaiuiara muiaiiiig,
100-lb. socks, $23.83; city, llXv-lb. sacks,
HAY Quiet: prime, iionilnat; No. 1. $1.10
(01.15; No. 2. S1.004T1.IC; No. 3, 85c,
IIIDKS-nnn; Central America, 3ic;
Bogotit, 274Hi2Mic.
LRATHHR l-Mrm; hemlock firsts, 2701
SSc; seconds, lf27c; thirds, 23JT21C; re
jects. ISc.
PROVlHION8-lork. barely nteady;
mess, $19.00 19.76; family, $23.00((24.;
short oleais, $22.0(it24.50. Beef, strong;
mess, $18.(KHffl9.00; family, $22.00CTe3.00; beef
hams, $3S.aV3jitriO. Cut meats, quiet;
pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., Sll.OOStlt.U;
pickled hams, $14.00. Iard, weak; middle
west prime. ttl.0TiArU.15; refined, easy;
continent, $11.96; South America, $12.76;
compound, $S.O0Cf.25.
TALI .OW Barely steady: prime rtty,
hhds. frHct spocJal, 7V4o: oountrj'. Gtrtiic
HUOAll Raw, quiet; Muscovado, 89 lest,
3.66c; centrifugal, W teat, 4.05c. molasses
sugar, 89 test. 8.30c; rerined, quiet.
BUlTKlt Firm; receipts, 7,600 tubs;
oreamery extras, 3Io; firsts, 294J304o;
creamery luJd nxtrns, 30tjtT31c; state
dairy, finest, CfrffSOc; process, extras, ZIMtp
28c; factory, June make, firsts, HHyao;
current makes, first, 24o: packing stock,
current make. No. 2, 23.tp23V4o.
CHEESU liay; receipts. 2,000 boxes;
state, whole milk, held, colored specials,
lTKlBc; white specials, 17m79c; skims,
Eaas-Flrm; receipts, 13.424 cases; fresh
gathered extras, 33fl$6c; refrigerator spe
cial marks, fancy, 24Ho; nearby hennery
whltcB, fonoy large, new laid, Glfttoc;
western gathered whltos, 32it3Rc.
l'OULTRY-Dressed, steady; fresh killed
western chickens, 12(ifl9a; fowls, 16918c;
turkeys, springs, lOtflSc; old, lVQl'c.
St. Louis General Mnrkrt.
ST. IX)UI8, Oct 91 WHEAT-Cash
weak; track. No. 2 red, S1.07V45J1.10V4; No.
S hard, 90if05c
CORN-Steady; track. No. 2 old, 64c;
now, C3c; No. 2 white, 63o.
OATS-Lower; track, No. 2, 32J?33Vic;
No. 2 whlto, 33V4S4'.4c.
RYUJ-Unchanged at C9c.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT Lower: Decembor, 9311c: May.
CORN Lower; December, 495to; May,
OATS Lower; December, 32',4'H32Vic;
May. 34V4c.
POULTRY Weak; chickens, 11c;
springs, 12V4c; turkeys, l5o,i ducks, 18o;
geese. 11c.
BUTT13R Steady, creamery, 26fi30c.
KGOS Lower at 23Vt.
FIXUR Dull; rod wtntor patents, $4.W
05.15; extra fancy and BtraJght, $4.4vJi)
4.85; hard winter clears, $3.55tf3.90.
811KD Tlmothv. $10.00.
BRAN Weak, sacked, enst track, $9Sc
!.. - .. ......
1IAV ixwer; umouiy, jiiwauniu; prai
rie. $15.004jM(!.00.
PROVISIONS lArd and pork un
changed, Dry salt meats, lower; boxed
oxtia shorts, $U.C2V4! clear ritm. $lt-K114i
short clearn, $12 00. Bacon, lower: boxed
extra shorts, $12.02V4; clear ribs, $12.02V4i
short clours, $13.00.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bhls 13 000 18,000
Wheat, bu..., 1310 0 97,000
Corn, bu 23.0OJ 27,0"
UatS, UU IB.VW li,VW
KiuiKiia City flrnln mid Provlaluns.
CaBh, unchanged to .4o hlghor; Jo. 2
hanl, BOOfllc; No. 3, SV4n9o; No. 2 red,
1.0.KM.0C: No. 3, 9SV4cG$i.03V4.
CORN Blow, unchnnged; No. 2 mixed,
old, 5767Vlc; new, 60c; No. 3 old, 6te;
now, 6ifi66c; No. 2 whlto, old, 674Jt8c;
now, 6GO7c; No. 3, 6ftIrt6V4o: new. etflWo.
OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 34V4C
Wic, No. 2 mixed, 33fl33V4a
Closing prices of futures:
WHKAT December. 80Vlc; May, 91V40
CORN-Docember, 484c; May, 4WJM9Vc;
July, 49Hc
OATB-December, 32c; May. SIH03474O.
HAY Steady; choice timothy, SI2.MHP
13.00; chqlce prairie, $12.76tlJ.2r.
BUTTKR'-Creamery, 28cl firsts. ICc;
seconds, 24o; packing stock 22V4tr23Vie.
EQOS lSxtrus, 25V4o; firsts, 24V4c; sec
onds, 18c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 111.000
Corn, bu .
Oats, bu 19.000
Mlmieiipolla (frnin Market.
cember. 87 Vo; May, WUi)2hic. Cash: No.
1 hard, 8Dc; No. 1 northern, 8788T4c;
No. 2 northern, MViOSOHc: No. 8, 824fl
CORN NO. 3 yenow, lonnivtc
OATS No. 3 whlto, 30V430ie.
RYI4-NO. 2, C0Q3C.
RRAN-In 100-lb, sacks, $18.ROitl9.00.
FIXJUR First patents, $4.354.66.; second
patents, $4.2004.45; first clears, $3.203.30;
second clears, $2.4032.70.
BARLKY 4iqcgc.
MllwnnUer Orsln Mnrket.
northern. 92fi03c: No, 2 northern. 9OVi0fllc;
No, 2 hard winter, 928D3c: December, 89Vic;
May. Mt4c
CORN No. 3 yellow, KWqc; No. 3
white, Cfic: No. 3, 65c: December. 62Hc;
May, C2c
OATS-Standard, 1&SVSWto.
BARLEY Malting, 67668c.
Liverpool (1m In Murket.
steady; No. 3 Manitoba, 8s 2d. Futures,
weak: October, 7s 9d; December, 7sSdi
Mr.rch, 7s7id.
CORN Spot, easy; new American kiln
dried, "s. Futures, easy; October, 6s4Vd;
December, 5sSd.
t'eorla Markel.
PEORIA. Oct. 29.-CORN-V4C lower; No.
2 white, 63c; No. 2 yellow, '4o; No. 3
yellow, 63c; No. 4 yellow, 61?4c; No. I
mixed, 63c.
OATH Easy: No. 2 white, S3c;, No. S
white. J2V4Q2V4c
Vlalhlr Supply of Ornln.
NIJW YORK, Oct. S9. Tim visible sup
ply of wheat In Canada Saturday, Octo
ber lfi. was 14.228,000 bushels, an Increase
of 2.EOO.000 bushels.
Cotton Market,
NEW YORK, Oct. 29,-COTTON-Spot
closed steady; middling uplands, 11. Sic;
middling gulf, 11.60c; no sales.
Futures closed steady; October and No
vember. 10.61c; Deoamber, 10.89c; January.
10.92c; February, lie; March. 11.09c; May,
ll,13o; Juno, 11.14c: July, 11.16c; August,
U.Oko: September. 10.89c.
Spot, steady, V4c up; middling, U 1-lEo.
COO bales. Sales, 15,780 bales; stuck, llS.GOS
Knvar Mnrket,
NEW YORK. Oct 29. Sl'OAR Raw.
quiet, muscovado, 89 test, Stic, centri
fugal, 96 tent. 4.05c, molasses. 89 test. 2'HV.
WlLHit. UUUt,,
, t , - n tti t-l i i t i
I Receipts of Cattle Liberal, but Best
Grades SteRdy.
Itrorlpta of .Mirrp mid I.nmha I.nrae,
tun Demand Holds V Very
Well nnd I'rlera Minn hut
l.lttlc (linnnr,
SOfTIt OMAHA, Ort , t12.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday .... 13.316 4.4t 61.3.
listlmato Tuesday .. . S.000 7 AO 4J,tw
Two days thla week.. 21,91 11.412 M.995
Saint- dOs Inst week. J1.4W WW 8,8iM
Sitnm 2 weeks ago... . ,3l 9.9tl 49,Ml
Sanlo 3 weeks ago 31.957 n.SRO fxW
SAtnn 4 weeks ago 18.WI 12,VU 94.S77
Same days last year...l7,77y 9,574 64,347
The following tables shows tho receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for tho year to date as compared with
last year: mis. inn. lno Dec.
last year:
Cattle ....
Cattle ...... St3,0:6 74,73i5 .. . 131..10
Hogs 2.470.504 1.W1.S4S 479.318
Sheep 2,405,133 2,191,711 26,621
The following table shows the ranee ot
prices for hogs al South Omnha (or the
last lew anys with eouiparlNans
Date. I Ml. 11911. M0.IW0.19OS.lO7.JlKi.
SOI 8 37 7 411 6 22
7 411 6 221 I
1 7 HI 5 2 6 PM
i 7 62 S 43 6 87
t 11
( 1
6 12
6 13
6 16
8 13
6 15
Oct. 21
8 2it 0 351 8 31
Oct. 23.
8 4SH
1 S 44
Oct. 23.
OCt. 24.
Oct, 25.
Oct. 28.
Oct. 27.
Oct 2S.
Oct. 21.
8 384
8 4J
8 4iS
351 I
7 63
7 68
6 41
6 70
6 47
6 39
6 2S 8 60)
& 41
6 61
6 21
8 47
6 19
S 26
8 36
S 90
8 13
7 69
5 45
8 0SH
7 64
7 65
C 60
6 13
6 67
6 60
6 65:
5 4S
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at tho Union Block yards for twenty
four hours ending yesterday at 3 o'clock:
Cattle, lions. Sheen. U'rs.
-'., .M. & til. i s 1
Wabash Railway 4
Union Pnciric W 21
C. .t N. W east.. 0 R
C. & N. W.. west.. Ti 17
C. HU P., M. & O.. ti S
C, lk & Q east.. 2 X
C., 11. & Q west.,172 70
C, H. L & 1'., nasU 1 0 .. ..
C, R. I. & P., west. .. 2
Illinois Central 1 .. ,.
Chi. Ureat Western .. 2
TOtal receipts..,. 312 US Mil 3
Cattle, Hogs. Sheep
Morris & Co 454 1,113 2,701
Swift & Co 1,013 1.843 3,1184
Cudahy Packing Co.... 934 2,121 7,200
Armour & Co 1,277 1,99$ 4,799
Morreii 4
W. B. Y'"nt Co 147
Benton, Vnnsunt & L, 93
Hill & Bon
F. B, Lowls
Huston & Co
J, 11, Root & Co
J. 11. Bulla.
Rosenstock Bros
McCrcary A Kellogg.. 3IS
Worthelmcr & Degeu,. 192
II. F. Hamilton 273
Sullivan Bros 10
Rothsuhltd A Krehs..
Mo. A Kun.-Cnlt Co
Cllnn A Chrlstlo
. SO
. 187
Other buyers 1,060 .... 0.909
Totals 8,927 7,079 4,300
CATi LEwCnttlo recnliits were liberal
todnv. making tho total fur thn two days
21,916 head, about the samo as for tho
corresponding period lust week and lnrgor
than a year ago by over 4.WJ0 head. Tito
liberal receipts following tho largo run
of yesterday naturally hnd tho eftect of
malting mo trade a llltio slow this morn
ing. In addition to that advices from
other selling points were, not very re
assuring, ho that tho market opened slow
and weak, and tho morning was far ad
vanced hcruri) nnything iiko a cioiuauco
had been effected.
Tho market on beef stocrs wns slow and
weak from start to finish. Sellers who
wero fortunuto In having such citttlo as
buyers happened to want wero generally
quoting tho mnrket as steady, but tho
less ilcs. riibli! kinds wero anywlicro from
wenx to ns much as loo lower.
'What has been said regarding boot
steers wool apply equally as well to
cows nnd hulteis. Homo of tho better
grades were probably steady, with tho
lees desirable kinds weak to lfto lower.
Strictly good to cholco feudem wero
steady, but thero were very few of that
kind on sale. The less dcslraulu kinds,
running from common to medium alld
even protty fair grades, wero slow and
wean to as much 'as loo lower in miny
uuotatlons an native cattle: uood to
cholco beef steers, M.SftflO.OO; fair to good
beef steers, $7. 25HJ 8. 25; common to fair
beet steers, $o.76ti7,2S; good to choice
heifers, $5,8OiH,40; good to choice cows,
S5.4Oii6.90; fair to good cows, Si.SOft&.aO;
common to fair cows, $3.00014. 30; good to
cholco stockers and feeders, $6.25rf7,85;
fide to good stockers uml feeders, $5.75
6.25; common to fair stockers and feeders,
$4.6036.16; stock cows and hcllorH, jl.outf
6.60; veal calves, $4,754(8.75; bulls, stags,
etc, $l.4OU0.40.
Quotations on range cuttle: Uood to
cholco beef steers, $8.6038.30; fair to good
beef steers, $0.00&t).!0; common to fair
beef steers, 16.268-6. 00.
HOUS Yesterday's slump In hogs was
followed by another this morning equally
us big if not greater. At the outset tho
Jobbers comuieiioud operating on a blsls
anywhere from a nickel to 20o lower
tnuii tho general market yesterday. Com
paratively few hogs woru bought on
spuctilutlvo account, the big bulk ot the
hogs being left to the disposition ot tho
packers. This afforded the pocking In
terests another good opportunity to pound
the market, which they did largely to
their cwn satisfaction, filling most of
their orders around $7.76 or about 25U30a
below the cost ot their purchases yester
day. On tho whole, trade could not be
described us uny better thun fairly active
at tho decline, u clearance of a liberal
supply being made In very fair season,
Tho best hogs on sale sold as high us
$8.00, which Is fully a quarter lower than
the top prlco yesterday.
Receipts foot up about 103 loads or
around 7,000 head, us agulnst 6.860 head
lust rueeaay and e.u.u nr.uu on tnu corre
sponding day a year ugo. The general
quality was considered us a little batter
thun on yesterday, the top hogs weighing
uround 310 pounds being very choice.
While tho hog market at this point 1
breaking down vary rapidly It might bu
well for shippers to take noto of the fact
that the break Is no greater hero than
ut other market points, In fact not so
great. A comparison between this and
other selling points will show that tho
top of $4 Paid here was reached by only
one other Missouri river market and was
only to lower than Chicago, That being
tho case shippers can savo nothing by
sending their hogs to any other market.
SHEEP The sheep market was liber
ally supplied again today, tho receipts
being about the samo us on lust Tuesday,
more thun two weeks ago and less than
on tho same day a year ugo, The propor
tion of dealrublo killers was relatively
small, though there was about enough of
that kind of sheep and lambs to satisfy
the present denund. While early advices
indicated u stronger tone to the general
trade at other live stock centers the
eastern trado In dressed mutton lomulns
In a very weak condition, The packers
seemed to have a fair outlet for most of
the stuff on tho fut order, though not
much business waa done early In the
morning. Some of tho best offerings
were a little late In arriving at the burn.
Among the early sales was a load of
ewes that brought $3.60 and about three
decks of range lambs with 100 head out,
which sold at $6.10.
Once the irreuter Dart of the aunnlv wi.
sorted up Into selling shape a moro ac
tive movrmunt took place at prices loiilio
higher on lambs und strong to a dime
higher on the majority oT sheep offering.
Two strings of prime killing lambs
changed hands at $6.75, while another
bunch which was not qulto so good
brought $6.60. A couple of bunches ot fut
ewes went to the buyers at $3.00 and oth
ers at $3.60, A shipment of wethers sold
at $4.15.
Quotations on shcup und Iambs Lambs,
good to choice, $0.6006.90; lambs, fair to
good, $e.2O0.6O; lambs, feeders, $5.35i.25;
yearlings, light, $4.35tre.iO; yearlings,
heavy, $4.3034.70; yearlings, feeders, $3.75
3G.00; wethers, good to choice. $3. KM t. JO;
wethers, fair to good, $3,354(2.85; wethers,
feeders, $3.V4I4.35; ewes, good to choice,
$?.3&g3.&5; ewes, fair to good. $3.10ira.36,
ewes, feeders. $3.10r3.45, ewes, yearling
breeders, $4.605.00, ewes, aged. V'iiW.'M,
cull sheep and bucks, 12 fry 'UO.
Representative sales
hi, Joseph Llvr Mock .Mnrket,
vc JOSJtvu , Oct 29. CATTLE Re
ceipts, .UM head, mnrket, slow; steers,
$ti.75rlO.Mj cows and heifers. $3.205,76;
calves. $4.OOU.00.
, HOllH-RceeJpts. 7.000 head; market, 2o
tower; top, $8.00; bulk of sales. $7 7Mf7.P6.
SHUKP AND LAMBS-Recelpls. 6.500
head, market, slow; lambs, $O.0OU7.36.
Receipts Fnlr to llrnvy nnd Prices
n 1. title l.orvrr.
ceUts, 7.MO head; market, slow, steady,
shade off; beeves, $5.26011.00; Texas
steers, RKHTCTO; western steers, $S.503r
!.; stockers and feeders, $l.2fif7.50: cows
and heifers. $3.7.Vlf7.25; calves, $6.7510.6O.
I IOUS -Receipts. 23,000 head; markot,
20UN0a lower, light, $7.25JJ7,?0; mlved, $7.46
m.PO; heavy. $?.20tr7.!i0; rough. $7.tr7.45;
pigs, $4.96jLVI: hulk ot sales, $7. COM 85.
SHEEP AND 1MMHS-Recclpt, 25,000
head, market, strong to steady; natlvn,
$3.!U4W: western, Urefli.W; yearlings,
$4.50jrR,75, lambs, native, $5.00ij-7.00; west
ern, $&.!) 7.00.
Knnana City l.lrr stock Mnrket.
Receipts, 21,000 head, Including 900 south
erns; steers, steady to lOo lower; other
CAtllo, steady, dressed boef and export
steers, $X.2W10.75; fair to good, $6.MV1J.00:
western steers. IVOOdtKM): atne.kera nnd
feeders, $4.5tVtf7.(i0; southern steers, $4.25ir
6.00; southern rows, $3.10(16.10; native
rows, $S.40tr7.W; native holfers, $s.0Otf.O0i
bulls, $4.(XVQ.25: calve. $0ftitS.75.
HOOH Receipts. 17.000 head; market,
ISHfSOo lower, bulk of sales, $7,601f7.PO;
heavy, $7.0Mf7.Ki; packers and butchers,
r.MWf.W; IlKht. $TMrr7 75; Pigs. $5.50H;.50,
SHEEP AND IiAM US-Receipts, 13,000
head: market, steady to weak; lambs,
$2ftf7.00; yearlings, $4.6004.60; wethers,
$4.00.00; ewes. $i.6ftif4.Wi stockers and
feeders, t3.C04i4.00.
fit. I.nula t.lvr Stock Murkrl,
RT, I.OUIS. Oct. tfl.-CATTLI-llo-onlpts,
CIOO head. Including 2,600 Texaus;
market, 15ffS5a higher; native shipping
and exporting steers, $8.OOtri0.85; dressed
and butcher steers. $5,40it(t,6Ki Blockers
and feeders, S1.751l7.O0: cows and helfors,
SVC6fl.90; runners. $3.7M4.00; bulls, $4.00
M0.50; calves, $0.0Wll.S5; Texan and In
dian steers, SI.FiO&I.SA; cows and heifers,
$3. 254.16.00.
HOOH-lteoelpts, 7.600 head; market, ttia
lower; ptg and lights, M.60tr7.W; mixed
and butchers, $7.(4iTA.O0; good heavy, $7,30
SHEEP AND TAM8-Reeelpts, 6.O0O
head; market, steady; muttons, $4 OOtf
4.30: lambs, $A.OOiir7.30; culls and bucks,
S2.00ijra.25; stockers. $1763.60.
Htoek In .MIBh.
Receipts of Uvo stoelt at tho llvo pr!n
clpul markots yesturday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
South Omaha 8,000 6,000 4,700
Chicago 7,600 I.rOO 25,000
Kansas City 21.000 17.010 13.000
St. IOlll 6,200 7,r00 600
St. Joseph 3,000 7,000 6,600
Total 4Vro3 1A600 nTwO
Metnl Market.
tier. Mlnniluril Mttit nnd flptultnr. 110.75
bid; November and December, $l0.57ji'
17.OT eloctroiytlo and lake., S17.624JIT.8I!
castings, $17. 25(917.37. Tin, weak) sK)t,
October and November, $50.20(1150.02. Lead,
quiet, nt $5.00 bid, Spelter, quiet, at $7.40
M.W. Antimony, steoily; Cookson's,
$l0.r0. Iron, strong and unchanged.
Copper arrivals nt Now York, 320 tons,
exports this month, 21,453 tuns.i London
copyor, quiet; spot, 75 6s: futures, 76
17s 6d. Local exchango sales of till, 125
tons, London tin, easy; spot, 230; fu
tures, 220 6s. Imdoii lead, 19 7s 6d.
Ixidon HeHer, 37 7s 6d. Iron, Cleveland
warrants, 00s 6d.
ST. IXIUIS, Oct. 29. MISTAtiS-Loail,
dull nt $4.90. Spelter, quiet at $7.35417.40.
Wool Mnrket.
BOSTON, Oct. 29. Domestic wool buy
ing by manufacturers continued with
values unchanged. Sains of Ohio flcoces
havo been somewhat curtailed, although
a fnlr amount of washed dolnluo has
changed hands at 34c Tho demand for
Michigan flocces Is narrowing, but u fair
Inquiry Is reported In Kentucky nnd Mis
souri, Territory wools sell freely with
original Montana bringing -llpiT.c, und
other territory stock a trlflo less. In
graded Moutunns flue staples sell for
24c. Rather morn Texns wool has changed
hands lately, with twelve months bring
ing 2U(24c. Other1 products nro dull.
ST, IX3UI8, Oct. 29. WOOI-Steady;
territory und western mediums, 21U23o;
fine medium, 18f(20c; fine, 13ffl7c
Wool Mnrket,
BOSTON, Oct. 29. WOOITho demand
for domcstlo wool was In fair voluhio.
Values urn steady and trading Is along
broad lines and heaviest In territory
stock. Rathor moro Texas wool has
changed linnds during tho last few days.
Michigan fleeces uro 111 niodemto de
mand, line washed Ohio delalna sells
steadily and brings top figures. Missouri,
three-eights- blood, 29o; quarter-blood,
2V4WWo. Territory, flno staple, tWfl7oj
flnn medium staple, 04(Cai fl"o clothing,
OWKo: flno medium clothing, 67MKos
half-blood combing, C2W4o; threo-olghths-three-elghths-blood,
29o; quarturVblood,
combing, MJi 05c ; pulled, flno A, COa; su
pers, DOfdWo.
New York Money Mnrkrt,
call, strong, ut 4WS'&H Ir cent; ruling
rate, 6V4 Pr cunt; closing bid, 4 per
cent; offered at 0 per cent Time loans,
strong; sixty duys, fiCtO" per cent: ninety
days, 6 per cent; six months, 5V44i per
actual business In bunkers' bins at $4.8175
for sixty-day bills and $1,8590 for demunU;
commercial bills, $4.81.
SILVER Bur, C3Vic; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, ctcady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
U. 8. rtf. t, K. C. Ho. rf. U., M
o coupon 101 U. B. dtb. it mi,. II
U. B. . st.i"""'"Vl K. unl. 4a im
do cnupoa 101HM. K. A T, lat 4a., tS
V. D. 4i, rf ill 'do fa. 4Ua i
dn cuupoo lHKMo, I'acKlo 4a II
Panama , coupon, .lOlK du conr, ta a
A.-C. lat t Ut ... N R It (i 11 4lia I
Atner. A. t JJJ f, Y. U. . 1(4"... H
A. T. i T. ar. 4i..imi da dab. ti
Ara. ToIjotco Ca.... ill K, Y. K, II, & II.
Armour ft Co. 4Ha. IIS cv, SH wf
Ateblaaa sen. 4a,... IJfcN. W. lit a. 4a. mu
do ct. 4 l4g.... 1W do cr. 4t US
do ov. ta I0HNi. I'acinc 4a SkU
A. C, I Ut 4a 14 da S m
Dal. b. Ohio 4a IT4 O. B, L rtdc 4a... 92U
do JHu itt,,,nn' y. !.. 4S
Ilrook. Tr. cr. M4 do con. 4a loiu
o. of Oa, fra. ...MWIUaclln tan. 4... . HU
Can. Iatli WHB, I & H. K, f. 4a TIM
Caiaa. Il Ohtu da ten. U . . uti
do conr 4 Ha W Bt. I B. W. r. 4a, 0K
eCblcato A. . S fl. A L adj. Bi,... 71
C. U. A Q. i. 4a."i.. HEo. Pac. col. 4 nil
do tan. 4a i do er. 4a j
O M & B f T 4U..10Jtt do l,t ref, 4,
C. 1U I. P. e. MFo. JUtlwar t 104
do rtf. 4a V4 do gen, 4i 7m
A A B. r afc e 4Ha H Union I-aelfto 4,,.. 9Z
I. & II. CT, 4a M(4 do ot. 4f IM
D. b. II. 0. nt. I:, UVi da let A nt, i, mv
Watlllnr ta 7'?rW. B. Uubhar I.,101H
Brie p. I. 4 HU. B. Steal M Ia..,10
do tan. 4a . JJ '-Car. Cham. ta. MU
do ov 4, r. II. TTHwabaah l.t t et. 4a 17
III, Cen. Ut raf, 4a 4 Weatarn Md. 4 UK
Inter. Met. 4Ha. . . IMi Weal. Klae. ct. Ba.. Ui
Inter, M. I. 4Hi,. MHWla. Central 4,
ejepan 4e l
Bid. eeotfered
lloslnn Block Market,
BOSTON. Oct. 29. Closing quotations on
stocks were:
Allouei " Hlami Cbpper avi
Amsl. dapper U Slotuwk It
A. Z, U 38 Nevada Con. tl
Arltona Com iKIttpleatnr Sllaea .... I
p. a C. & B, M. ( North Itatle i:
Oil, t Arliooa TSV4 North Uk 3
Cal. lloola,.
.et uia uominion 61
. 1 Oaoaola joi
Centennial .
Con. lUnt C. O .. M Qtilner
Fat Butta t' kl .. 11 shannon
Olroui Con, -.
Oraoby Con. .
10 Superior ,, 31
4U8upertor n. M... UM
M Tajnarack J)
V. S. 8. It. c- M .. uu.
Orvena Cananea
jaia jwraie wu . u &q
Kerr Lake .......... IS Utah Con 11
LeJia Copper ,., 7rm'Ub Cbpper 0,.,, UU
La Salle Copper.,.. 4i Wolverine 71
Did. Aakad.
Nfw YorU Btlnlnar nteeka,
NEW YORK. Oct. 29,-Closlng quota
tlona on mining stocks:
. . . I . -All . ..
Com. Tunnel elotk., 10 Meilcan
do liondi .. ...14 Ontario
Ton fal. A. Va V oplilr
Iron gllrar
IW 8tandlrd .. .
Yellow Jacket ,
LeadTllla Coo
Ullle Chief
The I'crslsteut am judicious Cue ot
Newspaper Adertlslng f-'puce Is the Best
Road Into tJi ' Big Uuslncat,' Clajn.
Scries of Bear Attnoka Send Prices
Moving Down the Slide.
Rending nnd Copper Arc l'lchcd
for Short Srlllnir, While Slcel
Is Unlondeit Very
NI5W YORK, Oct. 33. -After sovintl
days of twmparntlvo calm today's sto. k
market was subjected to another wave
of liquidation nnd a series of bear at
tarks, which sent prices to tho lowest
level of tho current movement. Tho scl.
Ine derived much of Its Impetus from
conditions abroad. Undoubtedly, however,
tho dcvllno was materially assisted by
tho aggressive attlttWo of a bear faction
which has become emboldened, not onlv
by the tension across tho water, but by
such homo factors as money und politics
Canadian Pnclflc was thn weaker of
tho International group, declining over
'1 points In London bofore our opening
Its maximum dccllno hero was 7 point,
from which It mado but slight recovers
Tho settlements In London progressed
without great strain. Thero wero pi
slstvnt reffbrts of some Impending troubla
In llirls, but locnl bankers with ronne
tions at tho Krunch cnpltaJ professed lg
norattco ot any weakness there.
Reading und Amalgamated Copper also
were singled out for short selling, and
other coppers reflected the change,
which Is said to havo coma out us tho
condition ot that Industry.
Lnlted States Steel was tho objectlvo
nt henr sales, with resultant substantial
declines. Tho statement of the steel
corporation for the third quarter of tho
year, Issued after tho clnsn of the Innr
ket, disclosed total earnings of $30,06.1,513
nnd net earnings of $aX777,44o, compared;
with $M,10:,Wfi nnd $l4J3,2M In tho pre
ceding quarter. The statement by
months shows that August business wu.i
vastly better than that of July anV
slightly hotter than Soptombor.
Bonds wero lower, but rolattvoly'
stronger than stoclts. Total sales put
valuo woro $1.W,000. Unltod States bond
wero unchanged on call.
Number ot sales and leading quotations
n stocks ware as follows!
Balaa. 11! th. Low. Clou.
Amalcamated Opper .... U,000 1H liti
Atnerlean Atrlcullura.1 ... 00
Amartcan DeH Butar,... LtOO
American Cnn 11,400
17 H IT U
41 40.
American tain pM,,,
American (X A V
American Cotton Oil.....
Am, Ira Securltlea
American Llnaeed ......
American Looontotlro ...
American B. 4k It .,.
Am, B. A It. prd
Am, Burar lU-flnlnt.....
AruerlcAn T, & T.....
American Totacco .......
Aneronda, Mlnlsg Co,...
Atchleon ,
too ijiu K04 nou
1,100 tH mu (
100 1M 10i 10ttr
iw 111 IM l.e
1,000 143 1I1H 1'4J
K) 37U lit !7St
(.004 41H 41U 41',
4,100 10!t UTi 107'.
Aic111p.n1 pill ,,,',.... ...... .,.
Atlantla Onaat Lino WO lit ill 11!
Ilalllmnre & Ohio ,,. J,H lWi lCHi; lot';
iieinleimn Kteel . ..v too
11 rook! j n luplil Tr...... 1,(00
48U 4JU 45H
HVi D'k
Canadian Paclflo ....
dotral Leather .....
t'lireapeake ft Ohio...
Chlrnto tl. W.,
:i,eoo !ovk s&tu ssi t
700 Si I1K 3 IS
3,500 81Va 0 HIT
1.600 lVi II H 1
L'hlrato, M. & BU 1'.... 1,100 ltO't 108W 10',i
C1ilca A M W,
Ml 1J3H li U'
,100 MH ItH 4,
l.tM 144H Ul UJJ'i
tolorado F ft 1
Consolidated Uaa .......
Corn Products
Delaware .t Hudeon.....
ii,iuu l7 ll ll
14 li
Denver & Itlo Urande.... 100 11
Denver & 1U O, prd..... 400 JSli
Dletlllrra' 8ecurltlcs .... 1,100 17
Krte , 4,000 31
Kris Ut pM 700 US
l:rlo M pM , 1C0 43
Drncral Klrclrlo too 110
llrrst .orlhern prj...i,.
(Irrat Northern Oic cUa..
4,104 UJ!l 134K 134,
tot) 4IH 4ii
Illinois CcAtral 300 127'i
ln'i im,
Interlwrouth Met 3,000 201)
tiller. Met. prd 7,000 (H
iniernatlunal llartreter,, 1,300 ut
Intrr-Marlne Ufa
100 i
300 15
300 sriH
International Paper
Intrrnntlonal I'uinp ,,,,
KwMi city Boulhern,,,
Iclnlo (lea , ,,,
1,00 18 VI
300 106 V. 106Va 10.V
1-c-hllll Valley SO.SOO 17Vi 1TIK 173'4
lAtilarllln ft uVuhTllle.. 1,100 utv 1HM, 147
M HI. 1'. as B. M. Al..,.
MlMwnrl, K. ft T
Mlisourl l-iulllo
rational IlUcult
National Lead
N. It. It. or M. lit pfd..
(New York Central,
N1. V., t), & V.
Norfolk &. Western..,.,,
600 140S4. 13DS 133
1.700 17 74. S7Va
4,000 4SH 43 41
100 131 131 130
300 UU CUi ct;
:7 37
3,:0O 116!i U3i lltU'
1 17
8,000 113K 11414 HI!,
100 11(4 8IH 83
1,700 181)4 1 193
North American
fsurUiern Paclflo ,.
Pacific Mall ,,,
l'ennavlvanla ,
Pnula's Ona ,
3. Doc) 124
IMS lhi
uVO lll lit
I'., C, C, ft St. L . .
I'lttebiirth Cual
l'reeeeil Steal Car
Pullman 1'alnre Car..
..... 158
1WU Wi
llendlnt. fl-JIv IS J, 100 171
Itepuhllu I, & B 1,000 31
Hepubllo I. & H. pfd., 100 lit;
Hock laland Co i
llnck Island Co. pfd 300 tl
Bt. L- ft b, Pi id prd... :oo st
Beacotrd Air Line,., 300 10
BeatmaxU A. L pfd...... too 4U
lH 3141'
Slona-Slialllelil S. ct I.,
Houtheni l'aelflo .
Boulhern Railway
.. 3. soo iook 104 ios;
.. l.wo :sn :sn,'
Bo, Hallwar pfd. too
Tenneaae Copper 100
14 '1
idih a iiciuc.......
Union Tactile
41,400 1UH 1(711 1CXV
Union racltlo prd
United BUtea lleally..,, soo
United BUtea Rubber..., 1,100
United States Bteel 117,600
11 to?i ko(,
tm w. tuij
7IV4 7IS 71S
V. B, Steal pfd 2,100 1UV4 113H lllli
Utah Copper 4,oo
V.. Carolina Chemical .. M0
Wahaah , ,,,,,,
Wabaah prd
Wiataro Varland too
Wentern Union 10(1
eatln(hvuae Klectrlo .. 1.1M)
wneeunt & u. u ,. 800
Tout Kile (or tho dar, l,10O atiaraa.
Turpentine- and llnnln,
Hplrlta, flfnii 33c. Bales, 412 bbls., re
ceipts, 679 bbls.; shipments, 371 bbls.!
stock, 29,1130 bbls.
ROSIN Firm. SiUes, 2,430 bbls.; re-.
celpts, 3,977 bbls,; shipments, 1.30X bbls.t
stock, 10C,0K bbls. Quoto: A, B. C. $8.10:
D, $0.15; V. SS.20; O, SO. 25; II, $8.27-4): U
$1.30: K, $6.35; M, $6.95; N, 7.70j WO, $S.S0;
WW, $8.56,
Wmrranfm atmSHraSm ttUm Uftu,
Caustic Balsam
Has Inititers Bit Ki CsMjaalilors.
Bate, Speedy and PotNiro Curo for
VbA, aat ail Uaiaaeu frea Bearla,
jUsfses aa4 other basy tvnan.
ouxa ali akla alitaaaa ar rarasitas,
Tkroak, BifhtharU. Hewerea au
Scvhaa freea Kane ar Cattle.
per battle. Ball ar lnit(Uta, or Mat aVai.
rireea, akArvee paid, wllu rail dlreeMoiia (or
la . ,(J-8aMl for tfeeartptlrs etrouUra,
teettmoalala, sto. Addree
IhsLiwrtnca-vrilllint C.,Clerlltnd, 0.
-ssk- a
ralnful.Knuttod.hnullrii Velue.MUM
Leg.Maiuinltla, UldHorea Uleers. IS
la healing, aoothlcg, alrentilienlrt and InQ
Tlgoratlog - allaya pain and toflamniatlun 1
promptly. Oenulcldaand antlteptic. .
Mrs, II. M. llemlar. 1U I). No. 1. Federal
Kan., had enlarged velna that Bnallr hroti
cautlng oontlderoule lota of blouf.'
1 umiu.iuiuiinit, ju. aim reported
Mot. ft. llilu. veins entirely healed;
tweltlbtf and dlacolaratlon vane nni
U, . imu ,iu iiuuum ivi.ii luuu iidgo JUIT IMX
AllSOHIIINK.JH.UInTaluableaa o. general hou-V,
hold liniment, for tha culeand brultea tbat Ihe cUl
dreo sal. croup, deep-aealed oolda etln-ncca, lore
Ihroal llemoTea tatty buncbea, golire. enlarged
Uiide, wena, cyate. weeping alnaws, ale. It DO aoj
tUODerbattlsatilnurirtatsordellTariad. aukiLtu.
V.F.Y0UNQ ro 104 Teatle St., SiriaeC-U. Maaa,
13!l "
i 1