Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Jeff Doesn't Use That Kind of Language
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
yaw? n 'Hlau
japp, do you tea that
LB Trad THfcM? I'Ia".N
popuusRtTv with thb Pobuc.)
OP tA6. . ,
, Ui 9 afternopu und ilepurt In the evening
1 for Minneapolis.
Injurlr A rr Nrrloun.
IOWA CITY, la , Oct. 28.-Thren men
l of the Iowa rquud came out of the Iowu-
Minnesota conteKt last Baturday with In-
Juries which mny keep them out for thr
jfrUT IN SOME TIME AT PRACTICE remainder of the season. Trlckey 1ms been
. .. ! Injured Internally and Von Lackum's lilp
Wshanr McGorern nringn DncU Some ! waa badly hurt nt the first down, While
Cnrberry, who substituted fur htm, hub.
'Others Think They Will Have a
Picnic When They Meet Illinois.
IrUri and They Are Given a Try
mt an the Pony Team,
Working- Well.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Oct. 29.-Llght
taractite was the order of tho day for
Minnesota foot ball players today. al
aoutfi ever' substitute and regular who
talnod a wrenched knee shortly after ho
went Into the game. Conaldernble fear I
expressed for Trlokey, for til it Injury li
believed to bo serious. Tho Iowa toam
will have a' two weeka' rest before It (to en
to' Dloomlngton to meet Indiana.
Aow riMyx fur I'urdiir.
!yed In the Iowa tame laat Saturday i IAKAVKTTK. Ind., Oct. M.-Blgnal
Srcnton Ujs field today with nothlnB more i pruct'ec waa the proBram for the I'urdue
than a few brulaea to deter them. The am this nfternoon and coaohea Horr
,et;ularB Went throuah alunal practice, Moll taufht the men Keverai new
whUe the pony team practiced on llllnol Mvn for uie in tne Nortnwoatem game
pUya and Chicago formatlona which were i &t Kvitnaton next Saturday.
prought back by Johnny SIcOovern, ua-,
Watant coach from the ChtcacoPurdu
Coaches and Minnesota followers, after
Rm walkover game with Iowa feel tnoro
bnfldnt, concerning the outcome of the
VJlltaoU same next BaHunlify. ! INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Oct. S9.-Httfc
Oolnsr After Mlmirniitn. Uroopa today wore recalled from the Mln-
URBAN A. III. CHI. 3.-Oaptoln UHI 8prlns race track at Porter, Ind..
Woolston. star fullback an the Illinois "J tolilKht thn grounda were reported
,leren resumed active practice tonight ,deerted, xrtV fot n few horses which
win ne wininren tnere.
Company V Indiana National guard re
State Troops Quit
the Race Track
Bellevue Squad Has
Trouble Learning
the Forward Pass
I after a layoff of a week with a, bad
! ankle and It ts now believed he will be
I able to lead the Orange and lllur agalimt
IMInneaota Saturday. Wooliton was In
lured In the Indiana game.
XJndgren and White labored long und
ard with the line, which wuh battered
by the freshmen crew, using the newest
UlliineeoU formatlona, The 'varsity men
Jkut up a uaual blue Monday exhibition.
j , j5 waa decided today to leavu Thuraduy . TerJ-lslent Advct tlsllih Is
, I-Tilng for Chicago, prattlt o there In i.oultlinalo ' ills lluslne."
turned to Bouth liend tonight and Brig
adler General (Inrrard, who has been
In charge and acting nnder orders of
tSnvrrnor Marshall to stop gambling, re
ported that he 'believes o more attempts
will be' mado to continue the meet. The
mllltla took poHsesrlon of the track ,i
week ago.
the Houd to
1 Today is a Good Time
to Get a Gillette
EVERYBODY comes round
to the Gillette sooner or
later. How much longer are
you going to keep on trying to
do without it?
You want the Gillette blade
the adjustment the angle
No stropped edge is in the same
class with the Gillette edge. And if
you can strop a razor you may know
that it lacks the Gillette steel and glass
hard temper.
Remember that fact. It may save
you from falling for all sorts of devices
that purport to get good work out of
an old-fashioned soft blade.
Dealers everywhere are displaying assortments of
Gillette Standard sets, $5: Pocket editions, $5 to $6:
Combination and Travelers' 6cts, $6 to $50. Gillette
BUkWc two sizes of Packet, 50c. and 51.00.
Doft't let another day pass. Got a Gillette Safety
Kaaor sad Blades.
j-)ot ball praotloe at Ilallavue Monday
evening wan anything but nutlHfattury
to the coach, whu had a. squud of backs
and ends on the field for over thrua
hours trying to master tho forward pons.
Although Itolsten siiocrss with the pass
of lata yearn has been remarkable, yot
for some reason the men fall to tolte to
its execution with any dogreo of ocour
ucy. Heveral of the back field are good
at getting rid of tho ball, but laok tho
liradtnwiH which Is essential to Us execu
tion, In all probability tho pass will provo u.
failure this season und liin coach will
work up a series of fast line plunging
plays for the oomlug game with the
Coyotes at' Lincoln Friday.
Tho men came through tho Tarklo game
lust Saturday In good condition and will
be In good shape for tho game, Haider
man, end, will be back In tho game, and
none of the men will be out on account
of Injuries.
Ilolste 1m doing no xmull amount of
worrying over the coming gume, as it
Is tho first of the big four curies, and a
defeut by Wefllcyan will practically end
Mellevue's chances for tho pennant. Uy
defeating Cotnor by a score of 40 to 0
the Coyotes show up many points stronger
by comparative soores, but Holsto's line.
up will be greatly Improved over the
early gumts, as was shown by the results
of tho Tarklo game last Baturday In
whloh the Indians showed themselves
many points stronger than heretofore,
Uut for unfortunate fumbiwt the Hollo
vue scoie would have been many points
luiger. An effort will bo inudu to erndl
oiitu this weakness! by next Krlday and
the loam will be III .'hupe to put up 11
Imid fluht.
Tinker May Manage
the Cincinnati Reds
CHICAGO, Out. 29. Shortstop Joe
Tinker of the Chicago Natlhnal leafcuo
base bull team and Garry Herrmann,
owner of the Cincinnati team In tho samu
league, agreed upon terms under which
Tinker will maniigo the Ohio club next
season If ho can obtain his release from
Chicago, It wns announced today.
Stiehm Not Satisfied
With theGenter Trio
MNCOL.N. Oct. !9.-(8peclnl.)-Couch
Stlchm began his preparation for Mis
sour! this afternoon with a long scrim
age at the stato farm. Despite ft long
reHt slnco tho Minnesota gamo the Corn
busker suuud Is still In a very crippled
cundltlou and Harmon, Pearson and
.Meyer will bo kept out of -scrimmage
play until Wednesday night at least.
Ilurmoil returned from Lawrence this
morning, where he witnessed the game'
between the J ay hawkers and the Kansas
Aggies. While Kansas did not suooeed
that he will be In shapo to go against
Meyer, the big guard, may be out of the
gnmo Baturday with a badly bruised
shoulder. He has not been In a foot
ball suit for four days und will probably
be kept out for the rest of the week.
If ho Is started In the Missouri game, he
will have to play without prelous prac
tice this week.
Pearson, the other cripple, Is rapidly
Improving and should be In splendid
shape for the Tigers,
Htlclim sent the vorsitv ulna lintli
the freshmen' and scrubs at the practice
this afternoon. Tho Nebraska coach
Is not at all satisfied with tho ploying
of his enter trio and has repeatedly
shiftod It, but without avail.
Tells Omaha Doctors of the Advan
tages of Emergency Institution.
KUtlty and paid hts fine of 110 and costs
Tuosday morning.
Hn- If the Con tit nrlo n Hospital Is
Made a Hue cess an Addition
Could be Added tor Ac-
cldrnt Cases.
In a speech before the Douglas County
aEedlcal society, lliealth Commlesloner
It. W. Connell last night told how ho
persuaded Miss Anna Wilson to give
the Emergency hospital at 912-14 Doug.,
las street to the city: told what ha beep
done there and what he expects to do,
nnd asked the support of Om&hu phy
sicians In making the Institution a suc
cess. He declared that If the hospital did not
provo a success, within two or three
years, arrangements probably can be
made to build an emergency hospital
for accident and Injury cases on the
vacant lot eaet or west of the present
Tlie use of the emergency hospital foi
contagious diseases, said he, already has
proven Its atvautages to the city. He
cited a recent Instance where u disease
had offected three roomers In a rooming
hoUffc at Twenty-fifth and Dodge Btreets
"If we had no hospital," he said, "we
would have had to quarantine sixteen
roomers there untlt the three recovered
or the roomers' clothes und effects fuml-
And even
President Fogel Is
Galled to Explain
NEW YOIIK. Oct. .-A general denial
of the charges brought by the National
leugtie agnlnst Horace Fogel, president
of the league's Phjladelphla club, In this
city October 17, are contained In n letter
received from Kogel today by President
Thomas J. Lynch.
Mr. Fogel's letter expressed defiance
of the right of the National league to try
his caso for an alleged statement re-
fleeting on National league base ball.
according to Lynch, who said the text
of Fogel's reply would not be made pub
lic until November Sfl, when the league
Will meet to glvo the Philadelphia offl
t'tal a hearing,
One of the charges brought agalnM
Fogel Is that In an article published over
his signature he stated that the National I tated sd thev could leave.
league race for 191S was crooked and that I hud they done that they would likely
President Lynch nnd certain umpires
were working In the Interest of the New
Voik club and that further It was fixed
for the New York club to win the pon
limit. In hli letter of reDlv todsv. Foci
denies he ever mudo such statements.
"How does Fogel explain the fact that
such statements appeared over his slg.
nature?'.' Mr. Lynch was asked.
He dosn t attempt to explain that at
all" was tho reply. "He merely makes n
general denial of that and the other
charges nnd then declares tho National
lenguo has no Jurisdiction In the mattor
of trying him for his otlee-eH .tor
Neighbor Woman of Oyster Bay Ho-
members Colonel on Birthday.
Wound Henllne Nicely, but a Little
Sore. Yet It la Not to Interfere
Trlth Some Talks Before
braska mado against tho Aggies, Har
mon was muoh Impressed with the Joy
hnwker aggregation. He Is still suffer
ing from his sprained anklo, but heltevea
piling up near tho score that Ne-
Jake Daubert, first baseman on the
nrooklyn National loaguo team, a playor
whose grand work throughout the season
of 1013 bus now firmly established him
In the list of the stars of the national
With the Bowlers
Mercantile I.enaiur.
Mokry ,. 176
Kranda 201
Qreen 161
Totals 37 32
1st. 2d.
Kaiser 157 161
Smith 162 187
Morton r...,. 17.1 161
Totals 4 619
A. O. U. W.
1st. 2d.
Bohlndler 193 14S
J! Jaroa.... 1S1 163
Hamlll ISO 160
3d. Total.
212 C20
1SG 5!0
SCO 1,648
3d. Total.
164 4S2
1(4 W
154 48S
472 1,483
3d. Total.
197 E43
134 US
104 403
430 1,334
Totals 4SS 471
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Corey lit 1U us CJ
L Bmlth Its 1TC ICS tsi
G. Johnson Its 183 18A WVS
Totals X 457 485
1st. 2d.
Meehan 114 140
Kechm.tster 184 1W
Totala 4S9 413
1st. 2d.
Hclple 159 162
Jackson 190 190
Hanson 117 212
Total 490 664
1st. 2d.
HollenbcVger IIS 130
Langston 1(9 ;t
Blmpson ., 145 156
Totals U3
Darrowman 133
Potter , 192
Kolanchtck 133
Totals m
441 1,434
3d. Total.
129 333
15 496
423 1,3(3
3d. Total.
194 CIS
183 C03
144 M3
Ml U
3d. Total.
1C0 JSd
141 &U
130 4S1
3d. Total.
191 CI I
165 H7
116 433
have curried the disease to as many
other different rooming houses.
"Uut wo took the three patients to the
emergency hospital Immediately and the
house and all tho occupants' rooms and
effects fumigated and the quarantine
wes ruined."
Asks I'll yslcln lis Help.
Dr. Connell asked the physicians to
help make jthe new hospital a success
by sending their contagious disease
cases there. He announced that private
cases could bo cared for there as they
could be In private homes, such patients
being allowed the services of their fam
ily physician.
The hospital will bo entirely ready
for use November 1. It was opened
October 5 to threo patients with diph
theria because there was no other place
for them," Dr. Connell said.
He combated the opinions of laymen
and physicians who have contended that
the hospital should be used for accident
cases by telling of tho facilities now af
forded the city at a nominal price by
the at. Joseph hospital. A hospital for
the two kinds or cases, lie nam, was
Impossible because thede Is no way of
Isolating the contagious diseases from
the accident cases.
"The need of a hospital for the care
of contagious diseases," he declared,'
ts self evident, when you stop to realize
that In tho past there has been no placo
In the city, either hospital or private
home, where a contagious cuso could be
taken and anyone so afflicted lias had
to be kept whero ho contracted the dlB.
ease until he recovered or died, .even
If he was In a Pullman, emigrant sleeper,
boarding house, hotel or depot. They
were there when takken sick and there
they must romaln regardless of danger
to the health of those living In the place
where the sickness occurs."
OV8TJ2R BAY, N. Y Oct. 29. "I don't
feel a bit as though 1 had been shot,"
said Colonel Roosevelt tonight. The colo
nel was so much better that his physl
duns gave him permission to re-establish
communication, through tho correspond
ents at OyBter Day, with the outside
world. It was the first Interview ha hao.
given since hut return to Sagamore Hill
and he talked for twenty minutes without
a sign of fatigue.
When he shook hands, however, he gave
the first indications that he was stlU
feeling the effects ot the wounds, In
stinctively he held out his right nana.
His face twitched with pain, which he
sought to conceal, and he thrust his hand
Into the pocket of his riding coat and put
out his left. "I haven't much use of my
light fist yet," he exclaimed. "I'm feel
ing surprisingly well, but I suppose there
are always some small complications.
"The chest muscles on tho light side are
sole. The broken rib seems to have
knitted, and I feel no puln from It unless
I breathe deeplv."
Colonel Iloosevelt said he felt well
enough to make a few other speeches
before election day. The hardest prob
lem, he said, was to keep out of crowds.
Precautions are being taken to keep him
out of the crowd In Madison Square
A birthday- gift which Interested him
came today from Mrs, IUchard Jordan ot
Oyster Duy. It was a cake six feet In
diameter. Heglnnlng In the-mlddle, where
half a dozen four-leaf clovers were set In
the Icing, n road wound in and out over
the top, with electric lights on poles, one
for each state, along tho way. The tiny
Incandescent lamps were lighted by a
storage batters concealed In the cake.
At the end of tho road Is the White
House. At the front door Is an eight-Inch
Mitomoblle, containing a figure of Colonel
Itooseevlt, Just about to enter.
Omaha Atorney Victorious in One
End of Double-Barrled Case.
JuilKinent Taken In South Umahn
Justice Court While DtudMiil
la Appaarlnsr to Testify In
Omaha Police Coirl.
In polUe
what b )
ig Jnds-
c court
Key to the 81tuatlon-Hee Advertising. 4
Government Order Suits Filed.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 28,-Thlrty-sIi
suits to recover penalties aggregating
i:0.)0 for alleged violations of thi cor- wix mws were mea against cor
poraUoiw In tho United States district
court today on behulf of the federnJ mr.
ernment. The defendants are charged
with falling to file accounts of tho amount
of their builnesa with the collector of
Internal revenue.
II. W. Yates, president of the Nebraska
National bank, fwent hunting, Monday
morning ho stepped off a train at the
Union depot. Deputy Qame Warden
Frank Williams looked In Mr. Yates' bag
and found sixteen nlco big grouse, or six
more than tho law allows. Yates was ar
raigned In Justice Urltt's court, pleaded
Pollen Judge ChorUs Footer round:
court yesterday morning for
called sharp practice In securing
ment In a South Omaha. Justlcs
against a woman who at the time the
caso won called was appearing aa com
plainant against the man in the case In
the Omaha, police court.
The defendant In the ault in South
Omaha waa Alary Smith and the plaintiff
waa Theodora Gallagher, while In pollc
court their positions were, reversed. The
Smith woman had Gallagher arrested for
the alleged theft of a 3100 fur overcoat
belonging to her. Gallagher had the coar
attached through Kain's Justice court In
South Omaha and started suit agalnrt
Mary' Smith for 350 damages, sustained
when she left his house, where she wa
rooming, taking with her part of Ou
household belongings.
In some manner the caae in Sout'i
Omaha and the case in police court were
set for tho same da' and hour. Tint
Smith woman, not being familiar with
court procedure, through she could ap
pear In police court and afterword ap
pear in the Justice court, and did not en
gage nn attorney. aGllagher, on tho
other hand, employed Rapp to defend him
and while he (Gallagher) appeared In
police court his attorney secured Judg
ment on tho Smith woman for nonappear
ance In the Justice court.
Judge. Foster dlsmlssod the oaso against
Gallagher, but not until he had severely
reprimanded Rtapp and Gallagher for
their action In the South Omaha Justlcs
court. (
That Rapp knew what he was doing
might be guessed from the following nu
tlve which he sent to the Omaha news
papers OMAHA, Oct. 29.-To the Kdltor ot
Dear sir: xou are nereoy nou-
Rival Leaders
Get Together to
Settle Troubles
HAVANA, Oct. 29. The leaders of the
rival parties having signed an agreement
to suspend all political meetings and hav
ing requested tho partisan press to ab
stain from citing utterances. It appears
reasonably probablo that no further po
litical disorders will occur. The election
will be held November 1 and the govern
ment Is not relaxing its precautions to
crush any outbreak In the bud. j
The cavalry patrols were doubled to
night. Troopers, fully armed, are riding In
pairs In th6 principal streets, but there
la no sign ot trouble.
Alfred Zayas, with various liberal lead
ers, had a conference of several hours to
night with President Gomez and Secre
tary of HUite Sangullly. Senor Zayoa
sold afterword that the conference re
lated solely to complaints received from
various parts of the Island that rural
guards were behaving unfairly toward
the llberali, with the apparent' Intent to
Intimidate' them and deter them from
going to the polls.
Senor Zayoa also said the president had
given assurances that he would see to It
that absolute Impartiality waa obierved
by the rural guard and police.
The Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
liuslness Success.
General Wood Proposes a Plan.
EL PASO, Tex.. Oct. 28. The granting
of temporary commissions as army of
ficers to graduates ot military academies
Is tho solution of the problem caused
by the lack of officers for the army,
declared General Wood, chief of staff of
tho United States urmy here today. Gen
eral Wood Intends to place his plan be
fore the department in Washington at
the completion ot his present tour ot the
Pacific coast and the Mexican frontier.
til 1,398 .aaaattaaaaaaHBa
6i3 46i 1.469 jwissmwm
Lt.c 5- .xs,iBEt Tar. aai
UAr mrcr-ER Brooklyn s foremost pnviihu.
fled that If you publish anything in your
newspaper of a conversation made from
the bench by Chnrles E. Foster, police
magistrate of Omaha, Neb., on October
19, 1913, between the houm of 10:30 and
12 o'clock, the folkuwimr language being
used: "I consider this sharp practice,"'
or using any other language that might
be given the some construction, that I
M-in utiirt suit neainst your newspaper.
because that statement has not been
proven in Justloe, polico or district court
of Douglas county. Nebraska. Youih
truly, jOBurii Jtrtj-i-, jr.
The police get the im
pression of your thumb.
Others get their impres
sion from your appearance.
Why not impress them fav
orably? Our KENSINGTON
suits and overcoats never
fail to create favorable im
pressions stylish, d i a -tinctive
garments that fit.
Here's one tangible rea
son why Kensingtons im
press you in this way:
They are built with
painstaking care by skilU
ful craftsmen whose ambi
tion is to create the finest
ready - to - wear garments
We believe you'll enjoy
seeing some of our new $20
and $25 models.
Omaha Lincoln