Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1912, Image 1

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Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
Thlr'y -Twenty -Ton Yers Aio
See GdltorUt Po of each Issue
Fair: Colder
VOL. XIII XO. 115.
Ijunstice Goff Will Today Pronounce
1 Sentence on Police Lieutenant
' Convicted of Murder.
ill Go to Sing Sing to Be Near Hus
band While He Lives.
(Confession of Shapiro Looked Upon
as the Strong Point.
IVnvlilNiMt Kipi-ctril to l'lemt t.iillty
When HroiiKHt Conrt Totlny
mill ArrnlRiifil mi (.'burnt
of Murder.
NBW YOriK, Oct. 29.-Charles Deckor.
deposed police lieutenant, will be sen
tenced tomorrow for the murder of Her
man Rosenthal, the gambler. Becker
will bo brought before Justice Goff In
tile crlrniliul courts building at 10:30
o'clock. Ho will bo told that he mum
die' In tho electric chair In Sing Sing
lrlsoii. Mrs. Decker will bo present to
liear her luiBbnnd's sentence pronounced.
"I shall certainly be in tho court room
'tomorrow," tho devoted wife said today,
alter leaving her husband behind the
bars in murders' row, In tho Tombs.
"I shall go to the train with my-hus-
band to Sing Sing. I want to stay at his
side ns long as possible. I think It Is
my duty to do that, and to be as bravo
ns I can."
1 The death house nt Sing Sing will
ilio Becker's home, beginning npt later
jthau Sunday, the state plans.
District Attorney Whitman does not
ant the responsibility of Decker's pres
ence In this city, when ho places the
punmcn on 'trlaj. The first of them prob
ably will bo tried Monday. Sheriff Har
iburger declares ho will not delay Becker's
jemoval from the Tombs.
Snnic Treatment n Other.
"The fact that Becker is rather more In
he public eye than any other convicted,
imurdtjrcr makes no difference to me,"
paid tho sheriff today. "Ho Is simply a
man who has como under my Jurisdiction
A I. -. .1. - -1. .. 1 .. I. . ...II
e treated the eiune as all others."
Whtlo state's counsel is said to be
willing to wait until Saturday before tak
ing Decker ' to Slng Sing, Sheriff Har.
iiurger said ho would start with, his
prisoner Thursday morning or possibly
toiflo! r'ov?' afternoon.
The task of tho stato In prosecuting
tho gangstors "Lefty Louis," "Whitney
.owls," "Gyp tho Blood" and "Dago"
"rank, was mado less difficult this after-
loon when William Shapiro, driver of the
'murder car," made what was purported
jto be a complete confession.
Shapiro was closeted with District At
torney Whitman for several hours. For
days his counsel, Aaron J. Levy, had
.urged his client to tell all he knew.
I.SIiapIro feared to do so, said thd lawyor,
(because he believed ho would be killed.
Thinks lie Will Convicts Other.
With Shapiro's confession and his tes-
irlmnn.. rtn (tin ylQnil nc-ulnaf Ihn mnrd...
jcrew, all In corroboration of -what the
htate already knows of tbo movements
of Itoscnthal's "alleged slayers on the
mowing tho gnmbler was killed, District
Attorney Whitman believes he will havo
no trouble convicting tho gangsters.
"If Shapiro tells a story which will help
convict his passengers In tho 'murder
car' he probably will be tried on some
less serious charge than that of murder.
(Whitman is said to bo willing to agree
(to this, but Is not prepared to grant
(.Shapiro complete immunity."
' "B-ed Phil" Davidson, slayer of "Big
pack" Zollg, Is expected to plead guilty
.either to murder In tho second degreo
lor to manslaughter when brought to trial
tomorrow. Whitman, while Dssured that
Davidson will not force tho btate to try
him, Is ready to go on with the case.
Davidson's counsel, James W. Osborn,
dt Is said, will Insist that his client be
'allowed to plead to manslaughter, which
has twenty years' maximum penalty. If
tne Htato insists on seconu uegree murocr
s tho plea, Davidson can be sentenced
to llfo Imprisonment.
iPortune in Jewels
Stolen from Safe
FORT WOUTH. Tex., Oct. 2).-Stocli3
and Jewels belonging to the late S, W.
Wilson, valued at JH6 000. were stolen
,from the safe of the Wilson Lumber
company store laatt night- The wife door
Iliad been left unlocked.
OBEENSBOBO. N. C. Oct. 29. George
(CI. Thompson, division freight agent of
the Southern railway, was shot and
killed here today by W. It. Blair, his
private secretary, whom he had dis
missed. Blair was arrested in tho room
with the corpse, crouehed in a corner,
muttering: "I liave killed my best
Jriend." i
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair tonight and Widnea
day. For lowa Fair tonight and Wednes
day; colder tonight.
Temperature nt Oninhu Yesterday.
Hours. Dep.
a a, in.,....,.,.
U m
7 a, in
K a- m
9 a. in
10 a. m
11 a. in
1 P. in...,
: p. in
3 p. in
t p. in
6 p. in
6 p. m
7 p. m
i -3 n . ...
. s
London, England.
H. S. Hockin Gives
McNamara's Letters
To the Prosecution
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct 29.-Herbert
S. Hockin, accused of -being n, dynamiter
euually guilty with the McNnmara broth
ers, was again charged by a witness at
tho "dynamite conspiracy" trial today
with secretly having given evidence to
the government. .
Charles E. Freeman, a public account
ant, testified that during tho federal
grand Jury Investigation of alleged Illegal
shipment of explosives Hockin volun
tarily, turned over hundreds of letters
taken from J. J. McNamara's office.
Hockin, as acting socrotary of the Iron
Workers' union, was in charge of the
offico In the absence of President Hyan.
The grand Jury which examined the let
ters indicted Hockin along with the forty
four other defendants now on trial.
"W6 went to tho Iron workers' head
quarters last December," said Freeman.
"Hockin was there. He pointed out Biich
letters, books and other papers as we
wanted and then left us undisturbed to
do as wo wished."
Two other witnesses had said Hockin
aided the prosecution and District Attor
ney Charles W. Miller charged him with
having "betrayed" the other defendants.
Woman and Friend .
Charged with Her
Husband's Murder
KIBKSVILLE, Mo., Oct. 29.-Mrs. J. W.
rnvlH nml Edwnrd Ilsrenfrltz were ar
rested today on a Joint charge of mur
dering J. W. Davis, whose body was
found Sunday In the back yard of the
home occupied by Mrs. Davis here. Mrs.
Davis, who is 43 years old, collapsed when
the warrant was read. She had to be
carried to Jail.
Davis' body showed a bullet hole
through tho skull.
At tho Inquest Ilgenfrlts and Mrs.
Davis testified that they had not Keen
each other Saturday night. Other wit
nesses testified' they saw Ilgenfrltz and
Mrs. Davis together.
Mrs. Davis also testified her husband,
from whom she was separated, had told
her Saturday night, ho was going to kill
himself. Later she heard two shots, but
did not Investigate. Tho revolver which
was near Davis' body was one ho had
borrowed Saturday. Two of the chambers
were empty.
Roosevelt Saves
His Strength for,
Tonight's Speech
L OYSTER BAY, N. Y Oct. 29.-Colonel
Boosevelt rested today, by his doctors
orders, to save his strength for tomor
rnw nichi'a sneech at Madison Square
Garden, For half on hour during the
forenoon he strolled about the grounds
of his home and afterwards spent an
hour dictating letters. He was still
troubled with soreness in Ills right side
and it probably will bo several weens
before ho has full uso of his right arm.
Cblonol Roosevelt has partially re
sumed direction of the campaign and
several letters which he sent off today
wero addressed to progressive leaders In
various states. His physicians say he
probably will bo oblu to do little moro
than act In an advisory capacity during
the remaining week of the campaign.
In South the Robin
Is to be Protected,
NEW YORK, Oct. .-The sum o-.
160 000 was spent ay the Nutlonal Asso
ciation of Audubon Societies this year for
bird protection, Secretary T. Gilbert
Pearson reported nt the eighth annual
meeting today. He announced that Mrs.
Margaret HflKe had. renewed her pledge
of JS.CO) ii year for three years for the
protection of the robin in the southern
states. The sum of J7.&G0, he added, would
be rnt for bird protection In Alaska
during the coming year.
In the work for preservation of the
.i... nimrt allowed that Virginia
'had responded to the suggestion of tho
I association by pasilng a law taking the
1 robin from the list of game birds. Work
'along this line will be pushed In the fix
'other southern states where hunters now
'are permitted to shoot roblnr. secretary
Tearson stated.
Two ,"leu AIilixlned III Well.
LORIMKR. Ia.. Oct. S.-Jese Farran
and Chai'.es Allen were killed by damp
'gas In a well near hero yesterday. Far
!ren went Into the well to set a fuse and
1 berame un-onBClous Allen went to his
avf;ance and wai himself overcome.
, Farrcu leaves a wife
Chief Executive Analyzes Candi- j
date's Tariff Talk in Light of '
His Party's Record.
What Would Wilson Have Done Had
He Been President?
'Bill Passed by Congress Would Have '
Ruined Wool Industry.
Their .Hickriii le'lre WlUon Mire- (
Hun Mi'hiik n I'nnlc, tint Tlicy .
rr DoliiKAll 'I'lirj Tim t"
ICIrrt Him. i
WASHINGTON. Oot. 19.-"No man j
would enro to have his stale Mi him, but
whjlly apart from t-cltlJh reasons. 1 want;
tj see Ohio go republican by i largo
majority." said President Taft In u letter
to Fred A. Geler of Cincinnati, made I
publlo today. The president attacked
Governor Wilson and the democratic
party on the turlff question and said Uiat
Ohio would suffer particularly It tho
present tariff protecting tho steel, wool
and pottery business were disturbed.
"You, of course, rcallxo how disastrous
the steel bill, which I was formed to veto,
would have proved to our state," tbo let
ter says.
"In their wool bill the democrats struck
n vital blow nt tho 'wool Industry. Tho
democrats reduced tho duty on raw wool
to 2a per cent and in for tho manu
facturers of woolens thu democratic bill
would havo put them entirely out of
business, leaving farmers with no homo
market for wool and throwing hundreds
of thousands of employes out of work.
"Does It not strike you ns supremely ,
ridiculous for Governor Wilson vaguely I
to Intimate that If ho Is elected he will
make such a gentle reluctlon of tho dutleij
that business will not be Injured when
his party has so recently put Itself ojj
record as nttomptlng such reckless
changes of tho tariff that had I not
vetoed their measures wo would even now
bo confronted with a panic?
"What Would Wilson Dot
"What, think you, could Mr. Wilson do
In the W-htto House wero Uioro demo
cratic majorities In both houses of con
gress? "Of courne these facts nxo clearly real
ized by the third party, bo much so that
some of their most prominent speakors
havo' not hesitated bo declare that tho
election of Governor Wilson would mean
financial djsostet. And yet they are,
working for nothing other than tho elec
tion of Mr. Wilson and a. democratic
congi-es. From absolutely dopendablo
sources Information comes to me that
nono of the leaders of; Uio third party be
lieve Jt has the slightest' chanco of suc
cess and that they reallsso that a vote
for it means a vote for the democrats,
hut thev are. most of them, so filled with
hatred for tho republican party becaui-o I
It refused to accept their dlotatlon mat.
they aro willing to bring disaster uion
tho whole country simply to gratify their
Tnft Special In Mlnitrotn.
RUSIIFORD, Minn., Oct. 9. A plea to
"Let well enough alone" was tho keynote
of speeches mode today in southern Min
nesota, whero the "Taft special" halted.
Stops wero mode at twenty-four points.
Among tho speakers on the train uro
Dent Atkinson of Oberlln, O., and F. M.
Warner, former governor of Michigan.
Senator Norris Brown of Nebraska is
scheduled to Join the train today.
Clark Misses ChleiiKo Ilutcn.
CHICAGO. Oct. .-Speaker Champ
Clark, who was to have arrived In CM
cago at noon and to have addressed a
meeting In a downtown theater, did not,
arrive. The meeting was postponed. His j
train was several hours lato and all en- ;
gagements In the city except four meet-'
Ings In various parts of Cook county to
night were called off.
Home Defends the
N0old Storage Plant
CHICAGO, Oct. 29,-Cold storage plants
aro not factors of tho high cost of llv-
. . ..1 t . ... n.nlt-ltiiitnru tn IpHKnr
ME rainer n.ey , , fc
the dMhirnJtloi? of jnuik Horno' of
New York before the National Poultry.
Now YorK ueiore uio . uw
Butter and EgK associa io, bo tal en as a
correct view of the economics of tho too
"Cries of cornering the market In vari
ous necessities and raising prices of com
modities beyond the reach of the poor Is
utterly without fdundation," Horno said,
"Instead we keep prjees down at times
when formerly certain edibles wero un
obtainable by the poorer cluases. i
"High prices at one period of tho year
because of storage plants simply mqana
much lower prices than otherwise at
other times ofthe year."
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29, President , 8gnftis between the stntlon at Arlington,
Taft today commuted, to expire on De-1 Va., and the Eiffel tower In Paris and
cember 13. the five-year sentence of J other ISuropcan stuttons.
Otis WlUon, who pleaded guilty Juno II, Commissioner 11. H. Hough, at the In
of making a falso entry In the books of ternutlonal time conference here, de
the People's National bank of Salem, clured that tho observatory in Washing
v v nf which be was cashier. ton waif now distributing lime with
w " . . . .
Wilson went to thu penitentiary lor
act to obllga a woman friend of Ids wlfo,
. . . . .. . ..
committed with no intention io aeirauu
He will have served only a little
1 Mr. wiiscX ;:r::T.
woman of Salem, who overdrew her ac-
count. To give 1-r an i pportunlty io r.
plerlsh her deposit aim prevent mtt oi-
fleers of tho bank from knowing of the ulur iuaHtr. li-(dend of ih tr cont
overdraft, Cashier WH.on made the false .'llrefrrd itoVu 'Uy' The nH earV, -entry.
! Ingi of the corporation foi the quarter
I'nlted Htatea JUdce Hay and the dls-
ttlct attorne-, who prosecuted tho case
declared that the sentence demanded by I
,. . ,n Vpr.
the statute was too (ever.
Chorus Ver-ily, Our
From the IndlunapollK News.
Through Train Held Up by ThrceH,
Men Near Eufauln, Okl.
It la Ilcllrvcd Hevernl-',Tlnunmnl Dol
lar Wan Secured by llnmltta,
Who Uscnpril .Srrrnl
I'ossea In I'll rmi II.
MURKOqiCH, Okla., Oct, 29,-Three
youthful rpbbern held up a south-bound
Missouri, Kansas "& Texas train south
of Eufaula todu'y, compelled the engineer
to detach the express and brtgguKo cur
nnd run them abend, They then blasted
and rifled the express sufe. Company
officials said they believed tho robbers
got several thousand dollars.
By setting 'Iro to a trestle near Wliih,
tho bandits hnd no trouble In flagging
thu train to a halt.
Although thu flames threatened to
destroy the trestlo before their work was
accomplished, tho robbers moveil deliber
ately. Covering the engineer and fire
man with their revolvers they ordered
them from the locomotive cnb. J. A.
Dplan, the condurtor, leaped from a
coach nnd was lined up brsldo tho en
gine men. A porter also Ml n victim to
his curiosity and was made to Ntnnd be
side tho conductor.
Whllo ono robber held the- Hue of em
ployes, tho other two uncoupled' the en
glue, baggugo and express cur from the
coaches. They then forced the trainmen
Into the. cab and ordered tho engineer to
open the throttle. The engine, pulling the
two cars, shot across tho burning bridge.
( What remnlned of the structure fell Into
the wnter a minuto niter tne curs nao
Half n mllo on the other sldo of the
bridge the bandits ordered tho engineer
to stop. The safe In tho express enr was
dynamited nnd the robbers fled to the
woods with their plunder. Express offl
clals fear several thousand dollurs wus
Tho alarm was soon given ond poshes
wero sent from Crowder and Eufaula.
Other posses left an hour lator on special
trains from McAlestor and .Muskogee.
According to the descriptions given, each
of the bandits wns less than 25 years old.
Wltneseos claim to have seen ono of
tlm robbers twice make trips from the
! express safe, each time with his arms
f """' Images of currency.
Posses found the outer wrapper of one
packages, which had contained
conll'lBnt;(, by tho Southern National
Bank of Commerce of this city to tho
Nutlonal Bunk of Greonvllle, Tex.
Plan by Which the
Time Mav be Fixed
. FAHIrf, Oct. 88. -The exact lime at a
given moment In America and IJurope
'will bo establlehod shortly by wlieless
: telegraphy. About the- middle of next
1 week It wjll he poHHlbln for the first time
to establish with precision the longltudo.4
of America and Kuropo In the relation lo
each other by the exqhange of wireless
... ....I.. i,n..M....ui. .. ,,
. J..(-...w-n. ...... ...
'(. iii
"uu, , ... , . . , ...
can time has been established by cable,
allowances being mado for loss of tlriu -
.n .ImlnUJW .u. IK.
.... ...
NK. yoHh 0et ...T,1M riltf,.,
gtutuy rteel enryorallon ilei luied Us re
eruing nepiemi i-r wrrr wit
net Income for the uuarter. t-UtJi-lu'.. and
the surplus Ul-I.MI These rt turns
compure with earnlnjs at the end of tne
prev.ous quart, r of $i l(tt 'Xj, tu-t Jiit-rease
, prev iou iiuuru r oi i iv; ,tj, m i inr-rease I
..kuj-ji un.i n .nmiun nf twm I
The ArmaAeddou Refrain
" Roll" is Long, "Roll" is Long, "Roll"
Convict's Desire to
See Mother Leads
to His Capture
CHICAUO, Oct. !!. An escuped con
vict's efforts to get to see his mother,
reported dying, led to his capture todiiy
at Worth, ill.
Tony Landers,, one of the trio who
broke Jail at- Jollot fponltenllary Sunday
was the man capturdd. Ho told his cap
torB h.o hnd left his apai'kms i;ot rnoro.
than ten mlnute,iriWwifti4nl the posse
wont on to seek the others, William
Ultimo and Frank Thompson, Landers
wns overtaken In a com field after a
farmer hnd notified tho police.
"When we got near Chicago, 1 wanted
the others to hurry." hu said, "IJunna
ahd Thompson said they were tired.
'I had been told my mother wns dying
and I didn't wunt to lose any time. I
wanted to sen her ehforo Hhe went, oven
If It cost me my liberty, so 1 went on.
Ten minutes Intrr I wns onlcied to nur
lender." Tho police are Investigating- Landers'
story about his mother and If It Is found
to be true, he will bo allowed to visit
her before being returned to Jollet, theyi
Pipe Line Cases in
Commerce Court
WASHINGTON. Oct. 20. Arguments
were begun today boforo the commumi
court on the application nf five oil plpu
lino companies for an Injunction to ns
.strain tho Interwtato Commerce court
from enforcing ltKnrdor requiring" them
to publish their scale of charges for the
Interstate transportation of oil.
Tho court must dccldo whether the pipe
lines aro common carriers under the law.
Tho petitioners declare thoy nre not, In
asmuch .an they trunsjiort oil only for
themselves, and not for the general pub
lic. They maintain that the lines thoy
operate arc merely plant faotorles to on
nlilo them the bettor to transact their
business In i cflnlng petroleum. Those
plant facilities, they argued, the govern
ment has no control over.
The government malntaliiK that oil Is a
commodity of commerce, and Hint Its in
terstate movement through ilp lines sub
jects It to the power of congress. Con
gress has declared that companies train
pm ting oil In states through ptpo linns
are common carriers, and tho govern
ment counsel inaintnlns they therefore
must conform to the act regulating com
merce. Tho order of the commission has been
extended to make lis effective date De
cember 1. It Is expected that tho com
merce court will pass upon tho applica
tion for Injunction before that time.
Seven Balloons in
Big Race Are Down
BlillLIN. Oct. 2).-Sevcn of the twenty
balloons participating In tho International
! vnntk nf Hi. 1mH..i llu.. ...... t...i...i
,.T Tf.rst too des o n e
...., nrlanv . '
the American Million Population (John
Berry), the Italian Libia (Nino Piccolo),
tho Swiss Helvetia (Lieutenant p, Horg)
and Azurea (It. C, Mueller) and the Aus
trlan Astarto (Kdward C. Von Hleg.
inundt). The other two, thu Austrian Bus-
ley (Captain Franz Mannsbarlh) and the
i - "i""'"
, ,),,, c,out ((:a,)tun
Keldelln), le-
Hounded near Prague, Bohemia,
... . ,
The Helvetia,
I '
ret recorded, made a
enty-slx miles to the
west of Danzig, as the pilot feared to
, oross the Baltic sea
The distance from
was "W lilliinieturs
the starting
M72Vt miles).
I o'nt
l'lilli OfMfllll I'lrnil. tiiilll),
WAHHINQTON. Ot.t. Sa.-Arthur M
Ti'uvers. former acting third assistant I
uy and embezzleinerl In taking valuable
rostage stamps from thu Posfjffli e de -
partiuent today withdrew Ms plea of not
. guilty, substituted a nolle conteiidre and
li'ininiusier Kenerui. mau-ieu ror ronsiur
was ft nod ILVA
is Long, Etc., Etc.
Party Whioh Left Sioux City for
Omaha Month Ago Missing.
Corpm- I'n ii ml Nrnr WlniioliUKO la
lilentirieil n Oi'orao Mlllrr, n
Cuntrntitoi-, Who Wnn Mem
ber uf I'nrty.
BIOUX- -CITYt In. i Oct. Poslttva
Identification of the body found In tho
Missouri river near Wlhnnbago, ' Nek,
Saturday night, ns Hint of Oeorgn Miller
of Hlohx City, n sewer contractor, was
mnd'e lust night. Tho authorities bellovo
that four others, who accnmpunlcd Miller
when hu left Hloux City for Omaha in an
nutomobllc, may have perished hi tho
Tim theory Is that the nutoinobllo
plpunged Into thu river, carrying all Its
Tho list of others supposed to be dent!
Berthu Holbrook of Hloux City, Frank
Stumper of Danbury, la,; Ida Hall of
Omuhu, Iiwli Metwlg of Danbury, la.
The entire party has been missing since
October 1. Detectives In Hloux City and
Omaha have been uimhlo to find any
trace of the missing persons. Money
found In Miller's pocket Indicates ho was
not a victim of foul play.
Tho authorities along tho Missouri river
down stream from Hloux City havo been
ifsked lo keep a lookout for other bodies
uml thu automobile.
Mm. IIiiII'm Sinter In .Srnrvh.
Mrs, llolen Jouus, sister of tho missing
Hull woman, Is expected to-uitIvo from
Omaha today, Hlio wiis expected to meet
tho Miller party nt.Oiuuhu. Hhe came to
Hloux City a week ago In company with
J.ih Jeunette ailmoro In search of her
sister- Hho bucaino worried when her
letters and cards mailed to her sister n
mouth ago wern unonswured. Hho qn
listed the aid of tho police In tho search
for her sl.'itor at that time, but no clue
to her whereabouts could bo found and
sho returned to Omaha.
"Helen and I camo to Hloux City a
week ago to look for Idu," said Miss
ailmoro today. "Tho lust letlur Helen
got from hor wns over n month ago.
In that letter she stated thut.sho hnd
married Frank Stamper and to send her
letters to 215 Sixth struut, Hloux City.
When wo camo hero we found tho letters,
which hud never been opened."
W. K. Holms of Hloux City, who Identi
fied Miller's body, said: "My theory Is
that tho entire party was drownod. I
don't think they tried to get rid of George
Miller. I could not see any signs of vio
lelice. There was fi slight wound on the
right hand, which probably wns caused
by brush In tho river, llortha Holbroka's
IKickethook wns found In Miller's posses
sion. They hud about an equal amount
The money In tho two pocketboaks had
nut boon touched."
Ida Hall Is said to have been a waitress
In Omuhu. Frank Htampau nnd Louis
Mutwlg lived on it farm near Danbury,
la. Bertha Holbrook kept house for
No Libel in Sermon
Is Ruling of Court
MAUIHON. Wis., Oct. a.-Tho WIscon
i.o 1 1 court toduy doeldetl that former Dis
trict Attorney Fred A. Arnold of Kau
Cbilro could not recover Inmages from
Hmv. M. (Irunvllle, Hobs llko or Orln H.
Ingraham for an alleged libelous sermon
preached In Kail Clulre In 190b, when Ar
nold was a cundldiito for ro-electlon. The
court hiild that the occasion wus one of
qualified pilvllegn" and that the publica
tion whs made In good fulth und without
ill the nnnnon Arnold wus charged with
I '""Ing to pi-osecute lol.itlons of the law
1 Ingraham wus i barged with hnvlng d
ilvcred conies of the sermon tn tho n.w
1 B 1 1 ltrn,on t0 tno "ew
Capture of This Point, Which is Kc;
to Snloniki, is Matter of
Few Hours.
Forces at Monastir Will Be Unable tc
Communicate with Capital.
Montenegrins Occupy Heights Over
looking the City.
II N (ii nrrnllj Heller nl (lint ( ll.v
(nn llnlil Out hut Short Tlmu
Ulur Turkish Army
linn Vanished.
ATI I UN H, Oct. 39, Tho slums TurMs
forties of Vcrrlii has been placed ub
solutely at tho morcy of tho Invading
Hi coll uriny, which has onpturcd tin
Tiipotumos defiles forming tho key to
the situation. The enpturo of tho town
of Vert la Illicit Is only a question o
Tho wholo of tho Turkish army aroum.
.Mtmastlr will bo cut off when Vernu
falls and will bo uuublo to cnmmunlcati
either wild Halonlkl or Constantinople
Verrln lien to the north of tho town
of Hervln", on tho wuy to Halonlkl, t"
which city a railroad runs.
Monleitr-rjrliiN Mfitnop itt'iilnrl.
VIICNNA, Oct. M.-Tho Montenegrin
troops havo cut off supplies from the
Turkish otrccs In Hcutarl, whero provi
sions already wero scarce, according to n
dispatch to the Hclchsposl from Hcuin'i
by way of Alesslo.
Tho Montenegrins occupy the holghts o
Dusutc, ltugame and Cazutaiil, till ut
which overlook Hctitall, and they hav
entrenched themselves thero with u stromi
force of artillery.
Tho Miillssort tribesmen again attnekee
the Turks td tho enst of Scutari Frlda
but were repused after ten Iiouib' fight
Ing, Thu Turkish commander a( Scutau
Is trying to Induce tho Mlrdllo trlbeenu'
to attack tho Montenegrin troops Hon
tho south, so that tho road to thu port ot
Alesslo could ho used as a lino ot retreat
for the Turkish army In case of necessity
Ailrlmitiple Must Yield.
LONUON, Oct. 29. Tho Dully Mall cor
respondent sends thu following from
Tchorlut ,
"Saturday nlRht wo encamped here. W
oo tho troops arriving and departing In
long processions, but uro nllowed to know
nothing whatever of thn progress cf the
fighting. Wo nrcf rorbldflen toMcavo cam?
and uio held at tho absolute disposal
tho ynllltary authorities who brought Us
hero from Soldier. Abdullah Pasha and
tho goncrnl stuff uio nitld to bo here, bin
wohuvo not Been thorn."
A dispatch from Sofia to the Mull savi
tho liulgiirluu detachment utter destroy
ing tho railway for some distance around
Kskl-Babii withdrew to that village
Adrhinoplo Is surrounded and Its fall
almost Immediately Is vonsldnred certain
A s:l m Hoy, governor ot Klrk-lCHIssih,
who Is said to hnvo been rcspounlbU' lo"
the paiilo thero has been exeruted nc
cording to a Constantinople dlsputch 1 1
the Mall.
An Interesting question ut tho present
moment Is tho whereuboutH of tho Turk
lull army, of which nothing definite Is
known, Thu nows thut Kskl-lluba has
been taken by tho Bulgarian cavalry, ap
parently without resistance, bIionyh that
Nuzlm Puslui's army Is not where It was
supposed to havo been on tho lino be
tween Kulutl Burgas and Lule Burgus. 1
may bo farther west In tho direction ot
Demotlcii, but it Is generally supposed It
has retired from tho line at the railway
and entrenched Itself on tho long lln
from Hemotlcu to Tehorlu.
l'liiii'rn Arc .V t-uot Intluu;.
Active diplomatic negotiations arc go
Ing on Vmoug tho powers. Tho Drill- t
minister nt Cot tin Jo, In company with t'
Montenegrin foreign minister, visited
King Nicholas yesterday ut IUeka, un l
tills Is reganlod as undoubtedly In c u
uectlnn with conversations hold with t
ambassadors of the ixiwers in Louciuu In
Hlr Kdwnrd Uiey, the British foreign ni'li
Intel-. Tim diplomuls uio still hopeful of
avoiding nuy complications between tli
A well informed correspondent In
Vienna telegraphs that Austria does not
contemplate any active Intervention, an 1
that thero exists in tho Austrlun cupllm
a wull-foundtHl Iioik) of an Improvement
In Auslro-Hervlati relations. If this is so
tho dangers always expected to urlce in
Kuropo from a Halknn war may I .
LOB A NOBLES, Oct. 29.-A Judgment
of f 100,000 for tho alienation of a wlfe s
affections, one of the largest Judgments
of tliat character ever awarded In Los
Angeles, Is on record hero today. It was
given by Judge Walter Bordwell of the
superior court to BC, Reusch, an electric
railway employe, who testified that Mn
Heusch had eloped last summer with I.
Hommervllle, a Pomona orchardlst
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