Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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'The Neai1yweds---a-id' seet Song
Copyright J91S, National News Assn.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
. , '. ii . i i '""I
jj P Poor um.e oxuM pssg oh; m call and L tfifltfM - jerry 1 it doeskt wofwr r A I
J 11
"- - - .. i
i i
Woman Throws loot in Furnace
After Promise to Give it Up.
Police Meek Johnson in ,. I.iiula,
TVherw It U Ilrlleved Ilr llia
Clnnv to Mret Friends--Othrra
Arc Held.
Several hundred dollars' worth of Jew
elry stolen by the band oC burglars
rounded up by Chief Moloney and his
force of detectives Bnturday night was
found In the furnace of Louise Ferris'
house at 2118 Chicago street, badly
burned, yesterday by Detective Jim
The Ferris woman was released by
Chief Maloney Hunday upon promise
that she would give up all the stolen
property cached In her Iwuse and bo-
cause sho had Identified the wounded
bandit at the hospital.
Immediately upon returning home she
throw the Jewelry In the furnace. She
denied burning the Jewelry. BHe was rear.
rested yesterday and' a serious charge
will be preferred against her.
Extradition papers to bring Cat Wrothe.
who was caught in Council Bluffs Bnt
urday night, to Omaha were received
from Lincoln Monday. He will bo brought
to Omaha today. lie refused to cross
the river without the papers.
Charges of burglary of soveral differ
ent houses have been placed against the
three men placed under arrest. Charles
Johnson, Stella Barry and TTiu Ferris
woman will be held pending the Investi
gation. What charge will be placed
against these threo persons has not been
determined' by the county attorney .
To Appraise School
Property in Omaha
A beard of appraiser! consisting of AW
- fred C. Kennedy, D. V, Sholes and 8. P,
Bostwiok has been appointed to appraise
- all school property In the district of
Omaha and report to the Board of EMu
' cation.
if The corrimtttee was appointed by the
f building and grounds committee of tho
Board of Education, following the pas
i sage of a resolution In the board direct
ing such a move. No appraisal has ever
been made by the board. The purpose Is
to determine the value of nil school
property for the use (of, the finance committee
Herman Metz Gets Birds
When All Others Fall Down
' iiiil
1 i
Bureau Has Secured Many Additional
Subscribers to It.
Victim of Holdups
Finds Robbers and
Has Them Arrested
WILL CONTINUE THE CAMPAIGN, Don Neville. S16 North Twenty-third
street. South Omaha. Qualifies for a place
Chairman Itosnwatrr Tolls ,ne hn tho ranks of detectives hy his efforts
In behalf of law and order -yesterday.
Neville was held up and robbed .of i
by two men Saturday night at Twenty-
fourth and J streets, South Omaha, and
lt nlirht n ho was on the way to
The publicity committee which la so- 0maha polce headquarters to report the
llclting funds for the maintenance of the ftffar he saw two men at Sixteenth and
publicity bureaU reports four additional Dodge streets, one of whom horecog.
subscribers at the first meeting of the nlzcd as one of the holdup men.
lie lonowea tnem uniu no mm t-airui
Mnnr Lines of Work Now Ile
itis' Curried On by the
Pnlillrlty Ilurrnu.
week In the Commercial club rooms.
Herman Met has Mr. Nlmrod or T. U.
completely overshadowed as a hunter,
according vto reports brought back by
local duck shooters who have been whll
Ing away the time on the Mets ranch at
Cody, Neb.
Gould Dletx says Met can stay home,
sit on tho front -porch and smoke and
still bring down more birds than thoso
who 'go out with automobiles and in run
Mets decided to stay homo one morn
ing. The other hunters scoured the
nelgliborlpg fields for prairie chickens.
When they returned Mett had a nice
grouse ready to serve.
"How'd you get It 7" they asked, and
Metk exnloined. The hunters agree that
he Is a truthful wan, that wlillo ho was
sitting on his porch smoking a. 2R-ccnt
Havana a fat grouso came whirring
toward the house from ncross tho field.
flew straight against a wlro and dropped
half dead on tho porch. Mets killed tho
bird with a broom handle.
All tho hnters were coming home ono
night after dark- When near the house
they heard the whirring of a duck. No
body else could have seen a South
American condor lx feet awtiy, but
Mets threw his giin to his shoulder,
banged away and right at their feet fell
a big fat mallard.
MUs Alia Albertson, daughter of John
Albertson, 4414 Parker street, and James
. Watt; son of Mrs. Emma Watt, 4316
Krsklne street, were married on Tliurs.
day last at Brooklyn. Only friends of
Uie groom and bride were present at the
wedding, which took place at Assump
tion church. A reception followed,
James Walsh of Ilonson, who has been
on the Pacific coast looking after his
business Interests there tor some months,
Is oxpcctvd to return In a few jdays, His
son, "Ward Walsh, has already returned.
Ho called at republican county head
ouartern and' said his father announced
ho would be ready to enter the flglH hfraH
heart and soul In tho Interest of the re
election of Prsldent Taft during th last
week before election.
Harry I White has gone to New York
Mrs. a Olldea left for New Tark Satur
day afternoon.
rt. J. Pollard has started for Brlnkley,
Ark., for tho benefit of his health,
Frank W. Mstteson and ndrty In their
private car "Mayflower" will arrive In
O muli A Thursday morning from Min
neapolis and leave In the evening for
tho east over the Northwestern.
John Crosby and family In their private
car will pass through Omaha this
morning on the Los Angeles limited,
bound for southern California, where
they go to spend the winter. Mr, Crosby
Is president . of the 'Wlsshburn-Orosby
wining company or .Minneapolis,
I.tfrlunir IIiiiiUhrp
to dyspepsia, liver complains and kid
ney troubles are needless, Electrlo Hit
ters Is tho guaranteed remedy, Only Wo
tleaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Joseph Fels Will
Speak Here Thursday
Joseph Fels of London, formerly ttfe
maker of an Internationally advertised
soap, probably will bo the guest of tho
Commercial club at a smoker Thursday
evening at the olub rooms.
Tho executive committee at It meet'
ni Tuesday will discuss plans for enter
taining . the visitor and having him
speak on "Taxation from the Business
Man's Viewpoint."
men Murphy and Schwnger and had them
Ministers Devote Sabbath to Talks
on Prevention of Disease. ,
nev. Harmon Points Out thnt Some
Dnr n Mnrrlnjtr of Tubercular
Person Will lie Looked.
Upon aa Crime.
It was decided that the campaign wouia arrested A few minutea later he met
bo continued Indefinitely until subscrlp- another man whom ho knew as the sec
tions amounting to $3,000 a year for a 0nd highwayman and he Immediately got
period of three years could be enlisted. Schwager and Murphy to make a Bccond
The subscribers who wero reported are arrest.
the Thomas Kelly company, Paxton & Neville was positive In his Identlflca-
aollagher company, the Midwest Tailor- tlon, but to make It stronger, he brought
Ing company and the Conservative 8av- Miss Lulu Drown and Miss Genevieve
Ings & Loan association. Smith, both of South Omaha, to head-
The members, of tho committee discussed quarters to Identify the men. The young
with the chairman. C. C. Rosewater, women saw the hoiaup rrom tne opposite
moans of getting before the prospective side of the street Saturday night and
subscribers the work of tho publicity bu- both stated that the two men pointed
reau outside tho line of bringing conven- out by Neville were tho highwaymen,
tions to Omaha, which It was stated is The men accused of the robbery are
only a small part of the bureau's work. John Murphy and Floyd Boise, both well
Mr. Roscwnter advised that the hustlers known to tno ponce. ine mira man or
mako clear to subscribers to tlie malnte- rested was P.ay Davis of 2107 Ohio
nance of the bureau that only a small Btreet, who was' charged with being a
part of their money Is expended In bring- suspicious character.
ing conventions here. While tho greater It Is belloved , these are the mon who
portion-is used In advertising the advan- neia up several auioa i htr i.n.
tages of Omaha and in securing the out- caiumny nigm.
elders' good will toward the city. Frank Mac. 845 south xwemy-secona
The committee will meet every day at street, wno was in me rar-oi ..rui..c..
the Commercial club to receive reports Dr. John Mack, with It. C. Field as
, t,,..ti.ra or, ir, w.n h mm. chauffeur, was one of the holdup victims.
tt.Uill mo ws.sfc U4v "-- - ..... , . '
..-III omnlin At miUnigm UeieCUVOS 1UUII W1U
l-IURl. Kuum J . . . ..u ,!.,
chauffeur, charging him with being a
r . -i t . T - vuspicious cnaraoior. ivccoraing 10 mo
' V P.VP.n ST. mm r fill Ufnccrs. Maloy drove the automobile
-i " . - r which carried tho highwaymen to South
after tho robbery, brought
this city. The police think
In some way connected
Arehhlshon Olennon of St. L.0UI3
preached a sermon In which he said the
church had lost none of the sanctity
associated with It In early ages.
Cardinal Farley will leave Tuesday,
evening for a visit to Ios Angelss and
other western cities.
i nl n k j. wh,ch carrle1
by Striking an Auto 1'
hnt Malnv la
O. A. Kragskow, a Western Union Tele- , ...... tha robblnl ttnd ne u being held
DVla ha beon spending 1300.000 a year graph operator, while attempting to pick ...itnout ball at headquarters, pending In
In propagating hts taxation beliefs and up speed on a motorcycle to carry mm Vestfgation.
wtu Identified with the recent Lloyd up a stiff frado at Thirty-tmra ana tan-
George campaign In England, whioli re- fornla street. Sunday, dashed Into an
automobile being driven by Dr. Ilodney
W. Bliss. Ho was thrown from Ma ma
mine and received a broken leg,
Dr. Bliss was driving Bouth on Thirty-
suited In passing tha "budget" bill.
LANDS THREE IN JAIL third street. As he attempted to cross
City Employes
uttiitju uuwu lur
California, ho saw Kragskow, but not
Promoting Paving
frt nimln 1ini1 nf rifnnrtmfnt nf
ou.v ucuausc iwu icniy o I Boon enough tO aVOId a COIllSlOn. Tno in- ,, rm.. , vonVwl hfnr
tried to aid another perfectly good friend Jured mttn waB picked up and rushed to the,r empioyer8 Btld ordered to dlscon-
"uu"" """ the Methodist nospuai. wnere nis oones tlnue tne practice of promoUng paving
pajr.iiB wis uiuiu., ur tuio ! ma n- wrt get by Dr. Bliss. KragsKow tooK an dintrlcts for private contractors.
nutmr, . ouwuri, ,r. oiuhoo unu tha biame for the accident, sawng ne was Another inntune of thla nractlce came
lAwrenca fiiei lanoea in gnu on a cnargo B0lng too fast. . to the attention pf the city commission
urn punier cmyiuyeu uy me "r"rHU DMDI IMQTQN ANNOUNCES U'" tor Pvln Cuming street from They trlodl ,,,JJrJ; m !tp enucnill c I Forty-third to Forty-eighth street was
to get Stewart across free and the con- UrlHIsUCO lis MO ObncuuubL,. ,h. nrnn.rlv ,.
Anti-tuberculosis Sunday was observed
yesterday by a number of the churches
of Omaha. One or two had held the serv
ices a week before tho regular day set
apart for the purpose and others expect
to discuss the subject In the near future.
In the churches observing the day yes
terday prevention of the plague was
taken up vigorously by the pastors. More
stress was laid on the subject of preven
tion thun on tho methods of cure.
It was pointed out by Itev. Leonard
Groh of St Mark's Lutheran church that
tuberculosis Is not contagious, but merely
Infectious. It was pointed out that the
germs may bo easily taken Into the sys
tem, but on tho other hnnd by simple
precautions can also be easily avoided.
Tho danger that germs from sputum that
dries on tho streets may be carried in
tho 'air and deposited In tho lungs of
Individuals was strongly emphasized.
SuiiKntlon la ISmphnalsed.
The value of sanitary drinking fountains
and drinking cups at publlo places was
It was generally brought out at tho
various churches that although the dis
ease was long thought to be surely fatal,
It has been found that it can be cured it
taken In time. Tho disease must bo taken
In hand immediately In Us . inception and
handled Intelligently.
Tho observance of Anti-tuberculosis
Sunday Is a part of th general movement
of tho National Society for the Htuay ana
Prevention of Tuberculosis. The part the
churches tnko In th movement Is the
part of educating the people In the mat
ter of caution for the prevention of the.
spread of the disease. Tho churches
through the observance of thlB day mako
a kind of campaign of education.
'A Curable Disease" is the title of a
lone Edison film which was shown at
the Hipp theater on Harney street Sun
day in connection with the observance of
"Anti-Tuberculosis Sunday." The film
showed views of tho sanitarium nt the
Union Printers' Home at Colorado
Springs, Colo. Trades unionists are tak
ing much Interest In the prevention of
the spread of tuberculosis. The film will
be shown at other movies this week.
ductor said there was "nothln' dolnY
The threo men began battling with Frank
Smith, the conductor, and battled them
selves Into Jail.
The following changes on the Burling
ton, to take effect November 8, have been
announced. This Is the regular winter .. Comm,gsIOer Ttyder.
given the property owners.
The practice was' censured by the last
grand Jury. N
I have called two of my men on the
"and told them they would either quit
change, made for the purpose of allowing
the trains a llttlo additional time In com- . s.mJ
entertained at a musical and tea Satur- P'eting tnoir scneuuie. ine cnarnes are: commissioner McGovern haa made
day afternoon at the studio of MIb Fltoh. , wo' "e""r " p-'"' similar order and will put It into force
lor their pupils. Tea was poured by Mlsi pnaioaa 01 i. m. w"ucu at once. Several city hall Job holders are
Portia Sweet and Mrs. George Melster, earl,er Rl " " ' ' "" affected.
a " I m n Amnlin t that train I
Easy Positive Method
Gives Luxuriant Hair
Never use soap on the hair, the
alkali produces scaly scalp. Injured
roots and stringy, discolored hair.
You can discard aIl,tonlcs and "grow
cra" If tho follow'lng treatment is
persistently adhered to. This is from
a hair dresser of national reputation
and one trial proves Its remarkable
value: "Dissolve a teaspoonful of
Coconlde in a cup of hot water. Sham
poo with this and rinse out well. Do
this once or twice a. week." That Is
all; absolutely nothing more. The
hair becomes fluffy, wavy and silken.
The scalp wonderfully refreshed and
all dandruff disappears. But the best
port is the after-effect Tho scalp
is healed, the hair roots aro Invigor
ated and falling hair Immediately
stopped. Use this treatment a few
times and you will become enthusias
tic and want to tell all your friends.
This wonderful Coconlde In mode
from the cocoanut and other vege
table oils. A fifty-cent package is
sufficient for ten or more delightful
shampoos. You can get Coconlde from
any druggist. If ho does not have it
in stock he will quickly get it from
his wholesale house. But If you care
anything about your hair don't be
talked Into taking something else in
stead of the Coconlde. There Is noth
ing else even similar to It. This you
will agree at the first test. It Is
equally as beneficial tor men's and
children's hair.
BO&S mXT, Corns, Callouses, Bun
ions, Frost Bites, Aching and Sweaty
Feet. A spoonful of Caloclde In the foot,
bath gives Instant relief. Get a 25c box
at any drug store. Advertisement.
Denver Cathedral
Dedicated by Farley
DENVElC Colo.. Oct. 2S.-Cardlnal
Farley of New York dedicated the new
Catholic cathedral here today.
The dedication was attended by prel
ates from all parts of the Unttid States.
Archbishop Pltaval of Santa Fe, N.
M., celebrated pontlflclol high mass, as
sisted by three, Colorado pioneer priests.
Tti Tot, te moit me
..fui 7t Rrlucor or
th mtrtet, ol4 tor It
Tirrwhtrt. U for a
dira bolnt ((rtd for M
ranti If nu clip tb at-
tichl cot poo and prent
It with M Mnta t your
droutrt. tmi Miicntiui
mw homo tmtmont will
rwlue tov to tllm !-
noM of f leur tanir.
ly BJil illr. ta polaon
ou srui. no dltUnt, ne
steroidal. Natara'a tat
r4uoer nirau you from tht
alarorr bt aWtrtnlng tat
TlMtnru h.utv of enrvM.
Attached I It Im tI brant health aaa th a-
VTCTtn BOO. Jormul at UK'a beat girt.
Fat Foe,
the Full
Si Bex for
Only 50c
oup uoupon
cent coupon. Tear Jt off and
hand it to your drugclst with
60 cents In cash, and he will
give you a full $1 treatment of
FAT TOO, For sale In Omaha
by ahem an & McConnell Drug Co.'a 4
stores. Beaton Drug Co., Myers-Dll-Hon
Drug Co., Merchants Drug Co.,
Bell Drug Co., Pope Drug Co., H. S.
Klnv, n&nsoom Park Pharmaay, Her
Grand Pharmacy B. Robinson, Btroa
baugh's Pharmacy, Orkin Bros.. Dept.
Store, also C P. S. Tobln, So. Omaha,
and other.
By MELLIFIOIA. Monday, October 28.
HE TONGA dance is supplanting the popular "Boston" in society
and enlivened the dancing party glvon by the membora of the
Omaha Junior club Saturday evening; at the Country club.
This dance, which la unusually gracotul, Is quite dKflouu, but
'I the younger members of the Country club hare become quite expert.
Mils Cranmer of Denver, guest or Mrs. Qlenn Wharton, dances the
Tonga exceptionally well, aa does her hostess and Mrs, Den Cotton. Mies
Mildrod Butler, Miss Katherine Bo&aon and MIbs Elizabeth Davis are also
very graceful dancers. Robert Dinning, Robert Burns and Cuthbert Pot
ter were among the first men to learn the dance and they hare beea kept
busy teaching their friends.
The ypunger set at the Country club are remarkably good dancers.
and at one of the large benefit performances for charity have given some
excellent Russian dances, which are considered the most difficult of any of
the fancy dances.
Mss Frances Nash, who appeared last whiter in solo dancing in re
citals aad who has gone to Berlin to study, music, will also continue her
work la the" tenwehorean art.
and about fieventy-flve wero present cl'm; of time nt Omaha, but the train After near-ng proIerty owners on the
Debuntarrte -Bridge Club.
Miss Mary Burkley was hostess today
will arrive In Chicago-at 9 Instead of deglrej on cumlng street the
;io p. m. council selected brick.
No. 9, leaving uiucago aa now, win ar
rive In Omaha at 11:30 p. m. It will leave
at the first meeting of the Debutante . . :
Hrldgo club, Miss Carmellta Chase, who
(has been 111, will Join the- olub after the
holidays. The olub will meet every Mon
day and will alternate with bridge and
sewing. The members of the club ares
Daphne Toters,
Bertha Dloke
Margaret Greer
Pauline Uourk
Jurier Clftb Hallowe'en Party.
Members of the Junior olub v an en
joy&Me UalloweSm dancing party at the
Couattrr club Saturday vnlnT.
Those present wer:
Oar. Bull of
Pasadena. CaLS
Dorothy Stevens,
loulae Dinning,
Dorothy Mntn,
Katherina Beeson.
MlMred Butler.
-u Wnlllrurar.
WlltemAin Cranmgr Mary Itlngwalt.
Km ftnyth.
Ruth Hammer.
Carolyn Ou .
Martha ZXOs,
Daphne Peters,
r. Dx.Lt.l.
Marruerite Schneider
or jrremoni.
larton Uaorae
of Council Bluffs,
Irene rarrell.
Tate Murphy,
Wiltord Butlsr,
Jack Webster,
lial Brady,
Alexander loomls,
John Daug harty,
Raymond 1x5 w,
Robert Dlnnlnr,
'Frank Keogh.
K4 Paters.
H&aiRS Youer.
Aibert fHbberMn,
Harry Xftoh,
War Hail.
UartMri. fWnch,
tiA Taraii Inn
J. Lord.
latiflkard BaUM.
1 . ' .
I pnn so.m(
4i jar. itnd ra.
Alice Carter,
Dorothy lull,
Mary Burkley.
Katherine Thummell,
at Dnver at 1:15 p. m. Instead of 1 p. m.
No. 303 will leave Denver at 7:20 p. m
Insend of 7:30 p. m
Nos. II and i will be discontinued west
of lied Cloud.
No. 189 will leave Orleans at 8:30 a. m.,
and No, 1D0 will leave St. Francis at 3:33
p. m,
No. S3 will arrive at Omahaat C:M or
t:65 o. m
best household aid
Qui Vive Pa
The members of the Qui e Dancing PROFESSORS GRUMMANN
oluD will give the I first of thlr series of
parties Friday evening, November I. at
Wedding Aanounoement.
Cards have been received announcing
the wedding of Miss Magd'alena. Wright,
daughter of Mrs. Mary Wright of Bui-
This vegetable-oil soap,
in powdered form, is a
marvelous cleanser. It
AND FLING LECTURE HERE does more work, more
It 1 1 J Ut-
Prof. Paul H. Grummann. director of the JCinaS OI WUTJS., UU UCL-
sctiool flue arts at the University of Ne- x onrl nillplfPr WOrk
braska, and Dr. Fred Morrow Fling, head ier UU qiUCRCl.
professor of European lilstory at the Unl- than flnV Otlier CieSnSer.
verslty of Nebraska. Will give a scries of -T j xl.a ii. 1,
the Omaha public library. ViO WOBUCr IUHI 1L UttO m
Mr. 'and Mrs. Ben Cottonf
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilson Austin,
Surprise Party.
a surprise party was given Friday
vontng in honor or Mli Marie Noone
at her home, 3S5 Franklln'street. Those
present were:
IfHiturea at
llngton, W. Va,. to Mr. William Strelt Prof. Qrumann will give tlx lectures be- rff Q1 ft,fln oil he
Woodworth of this city, which took place LWM Novenber U and the first of the greater 8816 111311 BU Uia
eany in octooer- air. ana Mrs. wood- yar, when Dr. Fling will deliver sir. ntherS DUt tOgetner.
worth will make their noma in Omaha These lectures are made possible through e B
the generosity of C. N. Dleta, president "Xri,a.4-V.f TfM1 Hfk Vrttlf
Tf UUU1U1 J vrv J
and are expected to return from an ex
tended wedding trip today.
(Mann Wharton.
Mu ad Mr. tttMi. Mrkalow.
Cecelia Noon.
Gertrude Hill.
Marlt Noone,
Oolda Hayes,
Julia Kenny.
Frank "Weber.
Illchard Brlsner,
Patrick Hayes,
Mary Hayes,
Cora Mcllenry,
Klla Noone.
Marie Shields,
lloyal De Vol,
Kdward Bchuett,
Thomas Noone,
ubarlea Noon.
William Budeuberg, lurry Kenny,
Monday Bridge Club Ueeets.
Mrs. Jeroma 11 a ere waa hostess today
for the metting of the Monday Bridge
olub. Auotlon bridgq was played and all
of the mtmbtrs were present including
two tables of players.
Ia and Out of the Bee Hive.
aKfldio Tea.
Miss lut))a Alien and Miss Lillian Fitch Beatou Drug Co.-Advrtlsectent
of the library board, who bears the ex
The dates of the lectures and the sub-1
II, M. Browning haa gone to New Tork I iects are:
for a stay of several weeks. prof. paul H. Orummunn November 11,
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Welter have taken Modernism and literature" (August
apartmsnts at the New Hamilton. cttrlndberg), November IS, 'The Apprecla-
Harry O'Neill, who has been spending tlon of Art and Literature;" November 25,
a week at the Omaha club returned Bun- I "The Novel with a Purpose" (Bertha von
day evening to hla ranch In western Ne- I Suttner, "Ground Arms"); December t,
braska. "Primitive Christianity In Modern Life"
Mrs. Mary Murrln of Des Moines Is I (Qerhart Hauptmonn," A Fool In Christ")
vlsltlnff at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Decoinber 8. "The Economic Novel" (Ou-
J. Kden, M Fowler avenuu. I tav Freiwsen, "Jorn Uhl"); Deconxbsr K.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whttmore have re- I "Our Educational Problem.'
turned from a vilt to New Tork. Miss I Dr. Fred Morrow FlingJanuary IS.
Eugenie wniimore win remain in the
east for a few wfeks visiting friends.
Ilradlv Krlukt
possesses surrerers rrom lung trouoie
till they learn Dr. King's New Dlscov-
ery will help them, Price Wo and Sf.00. 1 Europe;"
own work or hire a ser
vant, buy a package of
Gold DUSt today and test
it. You 11 never be
Cut off ont'third HIGH cost of living for cermlftod.
Handsomest Food Package in America Two
superb . portraits of George Washington on
every package, handsome enough to frame, or
use unframed, to decorate your "Den" or
Living Room.
(i Fir it in th HOMES of Ms Countrymtn "
4 More
"T Nineteenth Century;" January . Aas. "fta lar
package eaeana
tt again. frKB4et Parties
Ahvara rveiccwe .
GeU Dust is
aU ia SO aba
auad large pack-
The PolUtcal Uf of the States of
Europa;" January W, "The International
nelatlons of tha European States;" Feb
ruary I. "Europe and 1U Colonies,-"
February 10, "Industrial Democracy In
Fbruary 17, "The Religious
Problem In Europe."
a v .-f r T
H D 1J H b-il
"Utth COUP BUST rHWS Jm far m-tk'
extend to you a special invitation to
attend the opening of oar 2 new stores.
2S57Farnam St. 1519 Dodge St.
Friday, November Saturday, Nov. 2.
9 A. M. to 9 P. M.
I SI rx
rt bl as.
"-""laMf, n nhnsf