Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tiffi BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2S, 1912.
Btacx-ralconer. Co, Undertakers.
Lighting rixtnres-Burg tss-arandea Oo.
Have Boot Print tt Now Deacon Press.
Bailey, the Dentist, City Nat. D. 1561
Omaha Plating Co Estab. 1893. D.263S.
O. A. Undqneit, tailors. 23S Pax. Blk.
CHorge A. Mgnjr f0r county attorney.
Choloe Potato Five bushels or more
EOo bush. Smith Grocery Co.. 1103-5 N. th
Water Board to More The Water
board's offices In the city halt are ready
nnd Water Commissioner Howell Is arranging-
to move from the Bee building
within the next three days.
Charities Get More Room The As
soclated Charities' office In tho city hall
Is being remodeled and tho Charities will
be given an additional room formerly
occupied by the Juvenile court.
Hallowe'en Social Clan Gordon will
jrlvo a Hallowe'en roclal Tuesday even
ing In Myrtle hall, Continental building.
Mimic,, refreshments.
Greater Omaha Michael Leo Is the
only candidate for the legislature on any
ticket that baa declared for Greater
Omaha, His vote will decide whether
Douglas county Is for or against the
great city. Advertisement.
MoVann Talks to Ad Man K. J. Mc
Vonn, manager of the Commercial club
traffic bureau, will talk to the Ad club
today on the "New Point of View."
The meeting will be held In the south
dining room of tho Commercial club.
To Attend rnneral W. L Klorstetod
and wife have been called to Chicago by
the death of a F. Spafford. whose widow
is the slater of Mrs. Klerstead. Mr. Staf
ford was superintendent of telegraph or
tho Rock Island system and was married
In Omaha twenty-eight years ago at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Klerstead.
Dairymen Oo to Convention U, A.
Stevens of Columbus, nnd It. S. Platte of
Fremont, C. F. Schwager, H. U Porter
field, P. C. Hyson, Charles Harding, Carl
Swanson, I Klrschbraun and George
Clarke, all of Omaha, have gone to tho
National Dairyman's convention, which Is
being: held In Chicago this week.
Special W. O. T. V. Train Through
Omaha A special train, carrying about
100 members of tho Women's Christian
Temperance union, will arrive In Omaha
Thursday morning over the Union Paclflo
and leave in tho afternoon over the
NorihweBtern for Chicago. The party is
returning from the national convention,
which has Just closed at Portland, Ore.
Bmi tot Broken En Suit for 35,000
personal Injury damages was started
against the street' railway company by
Edward Lafferty, a city salesman, In dis
trict court. Lafferty fell from a street
car at Twenty-fourth and Lake streets on
February 13 this year. His right knee
cap was fractured when he struck tho
ground and fell against the car as he
tried to alight
Tancock Conducts
Service of Thanks
Annual harvest thanksgiving waB cele
brated yesterday with special services at
Trinity cathedral. It was observed both
morning and evening, with special music
by the organist and choir. Dean James
A. Tancock; officiated at both services.
Dean Tancock took for his text In the
morning service, "They Joy Before Thee
witty the Joy of Harvest." He" Impressed
his congregation with the numerous things
for which they should be thankful. "Not
only should we be thankful' for the har
vest of corn," he said, "but for the won
derful blessings God has bestowed upon
us In every way. I would call the harvest
toy a social Joy. Our many1 blessings for
which we should be thankful come from
the hands of others. We are educated,
clothed, fed nnd comforted by the work
Df others.
"Not only does tho Lord bestow upon
us a bountiful harvest annually, but It Is
clothed most beautifully. Thoro Is a
touch of exqulsito .art and beauty In
everything on-earth. God could have sent
us timber without the beautiful green
leaves. Tfie' food of the earth could have
been brought to us without beauty. Even
pebbles, and the weeds whlah grow by
the way side are a thing of beauty. Crush
the rock and you will find veins of won
derful art. Nature is another book of
PORTLAND. Me., Oct. 28. Brigadier
General Charles Morris, U. S. A,, retired,
died at his home here tonight, aged 69
years. He was In 'command of the pre
sidio nt San Francisco at the time of
the earthquake In 1900, and was second In
command to General Funston overthe
troop stationed In the city after the disaster.
If Your Child
Needs a Physic
If Cross, FeveriBh, Tongue
Coated, Givo "Syrup of
Figs" to Clean the
Stomach, Liver
and Bowels.
Police to Send Young; Girls Home
from Streets at Night.
Children I.rnre llnnil Cnr on llnr
lliiRton Mnln I.lnc, bat Trnln In
Stopped nt South Omnhn
ook at the tongue. Mother) If ooated,
it Is a sure sign that your little one's In-
eld cs, the stomach, liver and SO feet of
bowels are clogged' up with putrlfylng
waste matter and need a-gentle, thorough
cleansing at once.
When your child Is listless, drooping,
pale, doesn't sleep soundly or eat heart'
lly or Is cross. Irritable, feverish, atom-
, ach sour, breath bod; has stomach ache,
diarrhoea, sore throat, or Is full of cold.
glye a teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs, and
In a few hours all the foul, constipated
waste, undigested food and sour bile will
- gently move on and out of Its little bow
els without nausea, griping or weakness,
and you surely will have ,a well, happy
and smiling child again shortly.
With Syrup of Figs you are not drug
ging your children, being composed en
tirely of luscious figs, senna and aro
mattes It cannot be harmful besides they
dearly love Its delicious taste,
Mothers should always keep Syrup of
Figs handy. It Is the only stomach, liver
and bowel cleanser and regulator needed,
A little given today will save a sick child
Full directions for children of all ages
and for grown-ups plainly printed on the
Ask your druggist for the full name,
"Syrup of Fix and Ellxer of Senna,"
prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co.
This Is the delicious tasting, genuine old
reliable. Refuse anything else offered.
"At the ringing of tn currew, all young
girls must say good-bye," Is the lateit
version of the old English poem as
umended by Acting. Chlof of Police Henry
Elsfelder. The ruling will go Into effect
within the next few days, according to
the senior captain of the South Omaha
police, who says he Is going to break up
the practice of having young girls walk
ing the streets of the Magic City after
9 o'clock without a good reason and the
permission of their parents. Ho sold yes
terday: "This order will go Into effect
within the next few days, as soon ns i
Chief of Police John Briggs has returned
to the city. I feel that tho chief would!
endorse such an order on my part, but I
am anxious that he should be here to
carry out the program himself."
The Idea of tho acting chief nnd of most
of the policemen Is that there are en
tirely too many young girls puradlng the
streets at a late hour. Tho girls In many ,
lmtances are under eighteen. Many of
them when they attract the attention of
street roughs expect the police to arrest
the men for Insulting them. The police
assert that often tho Insults are provoked
by the behavior of the girls themselves.
It Is the Intention of tho proposed order
to have tho police accost such young
girls as are found on the street after a
reasonable hour and have them give an
account of themselves. The parents will
bo notified In some Instances.
IlepuliUoaitN KncouruKfil.
Republicans, throughout the city were
much encouraged yesterday by the re
sult of the registration Saturday. Di
visions as to the national ticket seem
to have no Influence on the republicans
at large, who are concentrating on the
Btato and county tickets. Reports from
different sections of tho city indicate
that tho county ticket especially will re
ceive heavy support at tho polls as
against the old Glllln-Tanner crowd, who
have used the laboring vote as a lever
to pry loose good things that never
reach the rank and fllo of laboring men.
The old sore spot of the laboring men
Is against tho work of tho city charter,
In which Tanner and his crowd worked
out a bunch of laws that gave power
to contractors to get big prices from tho
city on the score of un(on labor prices
and then pocket the same, leaving the
laborer to tr.ko the meager pay that was
given him by the contractors. Tanner
Is blamed for this.
Among the democrats at large, espe
cially the workers, there Is much agita
tion as to the whereabouts of the money
said to have been sent down for regis
tration purposes. It Is known lhat Jerry
Howard and his bugler were the moot
active In getting out the democratic vote.
Trnln "Wreck Averted.
Only tho prompt action of Special Offl
cer Green and Desk Sergeant Billy Corrl-
gan prevented what would probably have
been a disastrous wreck yesterday even
ing, when a crowd of boys and girls
placed a handcar on the Burlington main
line at Twenty-ninth and B streets. The
car was seen by the agent a few minutes
before No. 2. the fast eastbound train,
was. due. Quick use of the telephono and
telegraph held the passenger train at the
South Omaha station while the officers
made a hurried run to the place and re
moved tho handcar.
Two of the children were brought to
the police station and the names of eight
een children ranging In age from 10 to 16
years were taken by Probation Officer
Paul Macauley. Tho children say thoy
had taken the handcar for a ride on the
tracks, The police and the railroad men
declare that had Uie passenger train not
been held at South Omaha there would
have been a disastrous- wreck at Twenty
ninth and B streets', ulmost on the border
line of Omaha.
MA la City fJomlp.
Postmaster Lew Etter Is laid up with
Black's coal Is guaranteed. Try a ton.
There will bo a meeting of the city
council tonight.
rptfctlve John Zaloudek Is confined to
his home by an attack of Illness.
For Rent 4 rooms, modern except heat,
$18. 1408 No. 23d St. D. AdvertUe-
Max Basset of the Armour Dlant is
spending his two weeks' vacation on a
minting enp in me sanunius.
Ut Block rent It. Call So. 27. Adver
Traffic Manager Joe Snoemaner of the
Union Stock Yards will leave this week
for a business trip' to Denver.
My house Is for rent: 2621 D street.1- H.
t,. Coombs. Call South 1514. Advertisement.
Prof. R. H. Johnson of the high school
Is being felicitated upon the Initial per
formance of the Wsh school brass band.
Bee F. W. Black. 2314 N St.. for real
estate, loans, abstracts, rentals or Insur
ance. Advertisement.
Chief of Detectives James Ehehan was'
compelled to return to nis nome yester
day afternoon on account of a slight
108 No. 24th St., for Stors Triumph beer;
also wines and liquors, delivered. Phone
South 871. Advertisement.
Probation Officer Paul Macauley swore
out. warrants yesterday for a number of
boys who have been operating a era pi
game on tne ouintcina oi ine ciiy.
Miss Pauline Macauley. daughter of
Probation Officer Paul MacaUloy, Is at
home after having undergone a severe
operation In an Omaha hospital for appendicitis.
The local school department Is making
preparations for the entertainment of the
visiting ' teachers, who will come to
South Omaha next month during the
teachers' convention.
A preliminary debate to test out the
ability of ten candidates for the high
school debating team of 1912 will be held
Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 in the South
Omaha High school auditorium.
John Talbert of Thirteenth and O Btreets
complained to the police yesterday that
the lives and property of people living In
the vicinity .of the river and O street
were endangered by a crowd of boys who
make the place a target grounds for
Indiscriminate use of firearms.
Henry Murphy, Bernard Larkln and a
number of others returned yesterday even
.ng from a hunt In the sandhills, where
they report the best shooting of the sea
son. The hunters brought back a nice bag
of game. Chief of I'pltce John Briggs,
Dana Morril and Frank Dworak are ex
pected home today frpm a ten-day hunt
ing trip.
John Bly was arrested yesterday on
suspicion of having entered a private
residence at Nineteenth and O streets
Saturday night. He was found asleep
with his shoes off by the owner of the
place. Bly, who bears a good 'reputa
tion, says he entered the house by mis
take while under the Influence of lluuor.
The Bly home was across the street from
the house entered by mistake. It Is not
probable that any charge will be pressed.
I Do
I 1111
mmn i ! l l II 1 1 ml i i
You Wish to
We ire forced to offer to piano buyers the GREATEST
them in the history of the piane business. As we announced
last Sunday, our piaio warerooms oh accouit of the un
expected arrival of several carloads of pianos from New
Yrk delayed on account of the New York strike, which
were trdered for the Ak-Sar-Ben trade, and the arrival
of a few of the carloads ordered for Christmas trade, are
greatly overcrowded.
Will You Help Us Make Room?
So we may be able to show our Christmas stock to advantage, What wc need is room and to
obtain this room we are perfectly willing to
Sacrifice All Profits, Even Take a Loss
on every piano that ia now on our floor. If you aro thinking of purchasing a piano some time in tho future, ohango your mind, buy it now. "Wo will
make arrangements and terms so much to your liking, that combined with tho
Extraordinary High Qualities and Surprising Low Prices
WILL convince all, who investigate, that wo are offering tho most remarkable piano-buying opportunity ovor presented to tho public. Every
piano wo sell is guaranteed both by the factory and by Uaydon Bros. Wo also stand roady to back up any and all statements made by our piano
salesmen. When you buy a piano of Hayden Bros., you aro absolutely sure of having dolivordd lo your homo tho piano qualities as shown to you
and told you would got by our representative.
Wo invito comparison and challenge any dealer to moot our prices. With tho largest slock, consisting of tho highest qualities to bo sold at
tho lowest prices ever quoted, and on terms that will bo made to suit the convenience of tho purchaser, wo request prospective Piano buyers to visit
our department before thoir Piano purchase. In this salo will bo offorod
Brand New, Direct from the Factory, High Grade Standard Pianos
at prices that aro quoted in tho majority of cases on second-hand or used instruments.
We are quoting bolow just ten prices on brand now, just from tho factory, Pianos, every ono ordinarily w,ould bring twico tho amount wo
are asking. If the styles in this list are not what you wanl, wo have sevoral hundrod other equally great bargains. Look them ovor.
Colonial Oak S169.00
Art Stylo Walnut , $179.00
Golden Oak $179.00
Art Stylo, Massive Mahogany 249.00
Art Stylo, Maasivo Walnut $279.00
Figured Dark Oak $169.00
Colonial Ciro. Walnut $138.00
Artistic Modol, plain mahogany. . . , .$159.00
Boudoir, plain oak '. .8179.00
Plain Golden Oak, full brass rim $179.00
REMEMBER WE aro offering tho most liberal terms. Our prices aro 50 per cent lower than you can got olBowhoro.
Must Wonderful Healing-.
Alter suffering many years with a
ore, Amos King. Port Byron, N. Y., was
curd by Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. 25a
Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Qayetyt Extravaganza,
Hippodrome: Vaudeville.
lEruf! Burlesque.
Orpheum! Vaudeville.
Matinees at all these theaters today,
"Prince of Tonlnlil" at the Iloyd.
'"The Prince, of Tonight," one of the
Hough, Adams & Howard musical comedy
output, was presented at the Boyd yes
terday afternoon and evening by a band
of wandering" minstrels under til direc
tion of Messrs. Lacombo it Flesher. The
compay is not so numerous as some that
have been seen In the piece, but It has
tho merit of having no dead wood or ex
cess baggage on the list. Each member
Is a worker, and each does something" to
make the show go. The old familiar tuneo
were) heard aealn with pleasure, and the
ong were given it snap that made them
Round very well. Tom Arnold, who Is
gathering much experience in the line, is
the Jim Sutherland of the cast, and Eva
Carey, pretty and able to sing, has the
port of Virginia Stuart. Betty Caldwell,
a romping little soubrette, Is the Bonny
Stuart, and with Oates Austin contributes
much to the bill. Oood audlencoa ap
plauded the show at both performances.
VMudevllIe at the Orphean.
It would be hard to eay which number
on the Orpheum bill for this week Is the
headllner. Each act has some new fea
ture and thu entire bill Is above the
average. One of the cleverest satires
widen has been seen on the Orpheum
stage Is the sketch, Dverywlfe," In four
acts. The story runs that "Everywlfe"
has her troubles with 'Everyhusband."
The character "Jealousy" comes to her
home and "Happiness" leaves. "Care,"
"Gamble," "Drink" and many others play
Important parts In the life of "Bvery
wife'' until "Reason" comes to "Bvery
husband." "Happiness" returns to tho
home of "Everywlfe" and "Nobody" re
members tho mistakes of "Everyhus
band." Chick Bale was given a hearty welcome
for "A Country Entertainment" which 1
unique In Its class. Kathl Oultlnl, "The
Iady Juggler," presents many new fea
ture, and some of her "stunts" are most
daring. Some of the best dancing which
has been seen on the stage this season
Is presented by the Hess 81ster8. Mildred
Gluver sings several songs and her say
ings are bright and witty. Chris JUch
arda, "the English chap," who dances and
tells funny stories, Is well worth "honor
able mention." The Bchmettans In their
classic and equllltbrlstlc feats offered
many new features.
I'lirarnimiiu nt the Gnyety.
"The Oirls of th Gay Whe Way"
opened at the Gayety yesterday after
noon for the current week. 8am
Hcam. know to Omaha, Is ono of' the
bright lights of the new creation. Ho Is
funny; he can sing, and he moves In
a manner to make .anyone laugh. The
chorus Is a beauty, with several hand
some girls who have never been 1n
Omaha before, and who seemed to please
the audience very much last night, with
their dancing and singing. The staging
of this new show Is well done. One of
the features of the show that set the
audience Into a wild stampede for more
was the violin playing of Sam Hearn
during the second acL The manner In
which this man rendered many popular
Pieces was bewitching, and made overy
one want htm to keep It up,
Vnmlrvllle nt t li - Illpiioilroni)-.
Kent's seals pulled off some clever
tricks at the Hippodrome and aro good
entertainment. Alward, who plays the
xylophone as few men today play It, is
a good entertainer and the applause
given his act Sunday shows that every
body likes It. Gates & Blake, who ap
pear In a comedy skit, "Tho Traveling
Man and the Hebrew," aro good. Allle
Islle Hassan, In Juvenile Impersona
tions, offered twenty minutes of pleas
ure. She has studied h?r work and Is
precisely fine In points that boost her
total act high.' Neville & Remmlngton
sing duets In a way to elicit nu
merous encores. Some enjoyed this act
more than any other on the bill. Both
sing well and both are good looking,
so if one does not like musto he can gaze
upn the face beautiful and be pleased.
pnttiotlo lovo story Is of cspoclal Interest
to tho young; tho adventures of the
country lud In his struggle to establish
himuolf In thu city, cuusos the business
mart of today to grow reminiscent; the
depiction of life and characters of the
Bohemian atmosphere of New York City,
tnuko tho gay bachelor contingent sit up
and take notice, and the parental element
of tho audience Is Interested all the way
through, through tho beautiful specimen
of motherhood which tho country's boy's
mother presants, which Is especially
touching. The cast Includes Charlotte
Langdon, Elaine Pudley, Lizzie McCali,
Churlottn Downing, Mario Port, Marlon
Btephunson, Alfred Cooper, Hobert Dud
ley, William Marron, Charles Hondeau,
William Ievls and Jason Bobards.
Hnrlesqne at the ICrasrt
The recognition which tho Krug Is re
celvlng for producing excellent burlesque
shows this season Is reinforced this week
by "Miner's Americans." The entertain
ment Is crowded with many new novelties
Including a swing scene that is surely
among the topnotch efforts of the
burlesque stage designing. The grand
close of the final act Is another big hit
of the show. The chorus, probably one
of the most beautiful on the burlesque
stage, Is seen In twenty songs, each num.
ber presenting a new array of costumes
There aro four acts. The third presents a
realistic scene on board an airship. The
fourth Is a minstrel scene, with two splen
did back drops. Miss Margaret Flavin
leads the women principals. Three
comedians furnish a bunch of laughter
throughout the entertainment. The show
Impressed yesterday's audiences as one
of the best of the fall.
Coming to the Ilraiidrta,
Edgar Belwyn's comedy of New York
City life. "The Country Boy," which
Henry B. Harris brings to the Branded
theater on Thursday la the kind of a play
whleh la universal In Its appeal. The
Small Boys7 Bonfire
Causes Costly Blaze
A bonfire started by small boys In
tho rear of a barn owned by Israel
Beher at Wi North Twcnty-ioventh street
early last night spread to another barn
and a small house, causing tho death of
a horse and a lofs Is estimated at )900,
Tho blaze was fanned by a brisk
southeast wind and for a time the entire
neighborhood of Twenty-seventh and
Cuming streets waa thrcutenod.
Tho wind carried ombers from the
twonflre to tho Beber barn jind unnoticed,
It was not long hefor&.the wooden
structuro was ablazo. JWhlle flromen
wore at work there, thai wind carried
sparks to the barn owned by Mrs", Mary
Altschuler, 023 North Twenty-eighth
street and a washhouse at !2 Twenty
eighth street.
nro companies from outlying stations
wero called In by Chief Bolter and the
blaze was confined to three buildings.
The Beber barn Is a total low. In It
was a horso, no vera I sets, of harness and
a large quantity of hay,
According to neighbors, a party of
tmall boys raked together a huge pile
of dried eaves and sol them afire early
In the evening,
Great Grpwtli in This Industry in
tho united States.
1803,....,,. 12J,X!,707
1MM ?32,12b9,0LO
iWU ,Uift.2CO,0W
1W8 1,153,097,000
19(9 1.HO3.07A.UW
1010 , 1,370,788,000
1811 1,610,003,000
KlKurra HIiimv llemnrknbles Change In
Condition mm io Manufacture of
a Stupid Article) of Coin merer
In This Country.
Declares that Some Dar "White
I'lague Will Be n Crime.
Marriage of tuberculosis persons will
be made a crlnvi by statute some time In
the near future, In the opinion of Hev,
A. D. Harmon, pastor of the Prist Chris
tian church, expressed last night In the
course of a sermon Inspired by the words
crt the psalmist, "What Is man, that
Thou are mindful of him?"
Hev. Mr. Harmon analyzed man, find
ing him a physical, intellectual and
spiritual being. Whllo recognizing man's
power to climb to Intellectual and spirit
ual heights even though hampered by
physical limitations and weaknonse. the
minister declared Ihut a good body l
almost a requisite and every human be
ing Is entitled to a good body as the
foundation of his equipment for the battle
of life.
WASHINGTON, Oct. -Tho passing of
tin pluto from an artlolo of Importation
to un Important staple of exportation In
tho foreign trado of the United States Is
Illustrated by figures compiled by tho
statistical division of the Bureau of For
eign nnd Domcstlo Commorco, which
show that In tho nine months onded with
September exports of tin and terne plates
wvrn more than forty-four times ,a much
as ImportB of like products,
Thn preponderance of exports over Im
ports of till plate. Is observed In figures
covering the nine months ended with
September of the current year, tin plato
exportatlona having amounted to about
160,000,000 pounds, valued at $5,000,000, wlille
Importations of like products were but
3,000,000 pounds, valued at $101,000. A large
proportion of the tin plate now Imported
Is used In tho manufacture of can and
other articles for use In exportation, sub
ject, upon such exportation, to a "draw
back" or refund of the duties paid upon
the material from which they are manu
factured. Where Import Come I'rom,
Practically all of the tin plate Imported
comes from the United Kingdom, to
whloh was credited 2.M3.674 pounds out
of a, total of 3,SC3,M0 pounds Imported dur
ing the nine months ended with Septem
ber. Of the tin Plato exported, over one-
half Is credited to Canada. Of tlni 119,
4&7,& pounds exported during the, nlno
months ended with September, 1912, S3,
317,407 pounds wont to Canada, 13.9S3.09Z
pounds went to China, 8,137,870 pounds to
British Indlu, approximately C.COO.000
pounds each to Hongkong and Brazil,
8,600,000 pounds to Argentina, nearly
pounds each to Hongkong and Brazil,
2,275,000 pounds to Cuba and the remaining"
U.000,000 pounds to various other coun
The following table shows the produc
tion, Importation and exportation of tin
plates at various dates from 1691 to 1912:
Produo- Import a- Ex porta
Year tlon (lbs.) tlou (lbs.) Hon (lbs.)
1891 5,000,000 1,038.489 07
m: 42.U9.193 42,176,203
11,411 101
Etlmatn based unon actual flcrurn fnr
last six monthH of the calendnr yar 1S00.
Production figures In each euao relate to
cnlcndor year preceding the fiscal yeuf
AT. JOSEPH, Mo Oct. 23,-After a
chase In nil niltomoblte over' country roadu
at an early hour this morning the police
arrested Wllllarii O. Bowcn, who later ad
in! t ted shooting Wilbur Thomas, u a-
bonkeeper, In a feed yard near the latter'?
aloon laHt night. f
Thomas was shot four times and In-
stantly killed. His clothes were on fir
when officers arrived from the police sta
tion a block away, After the shooting
Bowen Jumped Into his buggy and ma le
toward IiIb homo near Dental, Mo. He
admitted the shooting, but would make no
further statement. The men are said tn
havo quarreled ovor trouble which Bowen
had with a liveryman.
Only "Cascarets"
If Constipated
Baits, Calomel nnd Cathartic Pill!
Aro Violent Tlicy Act on Howcls
As Pvpncr Acta lu Nostrils.
Take a Cascoret tonight and thoroughly
cleanse your .Liver, Stomach and Bowels,
and you will surely feel great by morn
ing. You men and women who have head
ache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are bil
ious, nervous und upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
have backacho and feel all worn out.
Are you keeping your bowels clean with1
Cascarets or merely forcing a passage
way every few days with salts, cathartic
pills or caster oil, This Is Important.
Cascarets Immediately cleanse and Reg
ulate tho stomach, remove the sour, un
digested und fermenting food and foul
gases) take tho excess bile from thu
Uver and carry off the constipated waste
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