1 All Together, All the Time, for Every, thing Electrical. it Apollo Electric ' THE MASTER PIANO PLAYER OF ALL THE WORLD. "Thonksto Its morvelouB moans of expression, it can give the complicated pieces more life and soul than any other instrument of its kind Is able to give. Operated by electricity, It la one of the marvels of this great musical age. Through its electric opera tion It combines perfect tone -wth splendid expression, and ,pours out beautifully the master pieces of music, giving your home tho host music of the world's great est composers. Have an Apollo 'play for you at this store. A. HOSPE CO., 1518 DOUGLAS Fireproof Your household goods, valuables, private 'pa pers,, etc., are not safe unless in a fireproof storage. Our private vaults are fully pro tected against fire they are electrically fire wired; there is nothing to burn, and you can have goods placed here Storage at a small monthly charge, assured that hey will be intact when you want them. Our storage is cen trally located, so you can, get into the private storage rooms conven ' iently. ; Our moving van ser vice is the largest and moist efficient in tho city. When you move into an electrically wired house this winter be sure that we do the work. - Storage, packing and moving. Omaha Van & Storage Co. Main Office: 806 Sputh 16th Street. Branches: w . . fc'outh 17th St and 1120 North 19th St. Phone: Douglas 4163. ! fill f : r Economy in Home By Lighting with Electric Currents Tho economy of electric lighting Is very near to the hearts, and pocketbooks, of all users of electricity for lighting pur poses. It is a brood statement, and oni that will surely cause some surprise, when the electrician tells us that elec tricity is the most economical light for the home. If used right. "If used right," that Isthe secret and yet how few of ua understand enough about tho mys torlous current to use It at Its best ad' vantage. It is not vaulting over the borders of truth to say that In nearly every home now using electric light the regular monthly bills could be cut down fully 20 per cent with a llttlo caro and attention and a llttlo more knowledge about elec tricity nnd electric lights. In nearly every house there are places hero eight candle-power or oven four or two candlo-power lamps could be sub stituted for the sixteen candle-power lamps, thereby effecting a great B&vlng. These small candle-power lamps give light enough for closets, stairways, cel lars, hallways, pantries and woodsheds or store rooms. Small candle-power lamps have the double advantage of sav ing the customer money when In use and not costing blm so much when acci dentally left burning. It Is well enough to use the now high power lamps for reading or where a well-lighted room Is desired, but it is safer for the oyes and better for the pooketbook to use less brilliant lamps in rooms where a great amount of light is not necessary. Hall lamps or porch lamps which are kept burning should be of not more than two or four candle-power. Theso lamps give ample light for so small a space and really cost less than kerosene. 'lr think sa 181 ' in . - I I... ... - - II ' By pressing this button I have light instantly in every corner of the room. It v costs so little too for all its comfort and clean liness. I wish it had be,en put in before." Have your house wired now and don't lose time in enjoying the many comforts - electric -1 service affords. Omaha Electric Light . . Power Co. An advertiser on this page today, whose ad also appeared hero last week, said yesterday: "My advertisement on the People's Electrical T fie - . rage orougnt immense results cific articles that I announced know this page is a distinct acaiers ana to umaim home cause it is teaching thein to trical conveniences." T11K HEK: People's Ele&rical Page HTRY a 25 Watt Mazda - Lamp in place of the 16 candle power lamp you are now using. It will give you more and better light jfor less than half the cost. Try one. Omaha Electric Light & An Kleetrl.- "Kerry' Ihr Newest. An electric "ferry." capable of carrying 6C0 passengers and six vehicles. Is oper ated on the new transporter bridge at Mlddlobrough. Kngland. This bridge spans the. Ulvcr Tees, at a height of 177 feet. Tho car Is Khuntcd to nnd fro on a sort of trolley. Twelve Million Telephone! In Vnr. Slxtysoven per cont of the world's tclo pliones, of which It was estimated there wore 12,453,000 onJanuiry 1 this vrniv nr in tho United States. The Investment represented by this number was placed at Jl,72.000,000. All together. It was calcu lated, 29.50COCO miles of wjro worn in use. The growth of the telephone's popu larity and utility In tlids country owes a good deal to their adoption by railroads In dispatching trains. Since the telephono was first Introduced for that purpono more than 200 railroads In the United States have installed them along their lines, so that they have supplanted tho telegraph on ipwards of 60,000 miles of railways. Klcctrlc HluirUa. The quarter-ln-tho-slot clectrlo meter hub niaue us appearance. A cent's worth of electricity will drive iweive-incii ian lor ninety minutes. An electric light of 4,000;000,000 cindlo power .would bo necessary to signal to luurn. Thomas A. Kdlson's rnvnltie f, mnv ing picture patents total nearly J7.0M) n ween. Klght thousand passenger elovntoro in iew vorK carry more than 6.000.0M pas sengers a day. The average number of nnsspunera ar. ried dally on tho elevated railways nf Chicago Is 419.897. Television is tho latest. You tutu with a friend 100 miles awav and vou ho him as, plainly as though you were In thj BHino room. , r Officers of the new battlesh'p South Dakota, which is equipped with Ciiitl turbine engines, say there Is absolutely no vibration of tho fire control mutti, u' difficulty alwnys found In the reciprocat ing engine-driven vessels. The Visitor: "Oh, how beau- tiful your home is since you had it fixed up I And the electric lighting I That's the best .im provement of all." The Hostess: "We certainly Its so convenient J sold many of the spo as heimr in mv utr I T f-y - - - ""'J .wv benefit to Omaha electrical owners-to the latter be use electricity and eloc OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCrONKH 29, ODD USES OF ELECTRICITY. About 15,000 steam locomotives In tho United States hovo clectrlo headlights. An electrically driven mHchlno that weighs less than fifty pounds has been Invented to scrub floors. An electrio vehlclo Is on trial In Sweden for collecting garbage, and If It proves successful horses will bo entirely sup planted for this purpose. Only Blnco tho introduction of high speed clectrlo machinery into tho Industry nas it been possible to cut a diamond across tho grutn. n eieotrio elovntor In a New York office building that travels to a height of ESS feet on each trip Is believed to noid tho world's record. Throughout tho northern country dur ing tho last severo winter electricity was extensively employed to thaw out frozen water pipes, in Now York City 400 such cases wore handled In ono week. JWm tho aid of electricity tho pipes can bo mnwed without digging up the frozon ground. xactsa WJHTMI w-rm. Omaha Electrical Works xixecinc juievator Repairs and Weatinghouse Motors 100-13 W. 11th St. Phone Doug. H81. ."-,P5rfamo" Rna General Bspalrinff, Electrical. Machinery and Armature Winding' a specialty. ELBOTKIO ELEVATOR REPAIRS POWER WIRING Le Bron Electrical Works Szpert XUectrloians and Machinists Day, Boug. 8170. 813 Bouth lath Bt. Electric Supplies And Electric Wiring Bennett Electric Co. 301 Omaha National Bank Bldg. YOU are cor dially invit ed to attend a Fall exhibition of the newest and most distinctive de signs in Beautiful Electric Lamps Here you will find lamps for evory purpose at prices gen e r a 1 1 y lower than elsewhere. There is no gift moro appreciated t h a-n an Electrio I -amp and our snowing of exquisite exclu sive designs is the largest In the Mt Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co. -1 15-17 kuth Sixteenth St. npRY a 40 Watt Mazda Lamp in place of the old 16 candle power lamp you are nowuising. It will give you three times as much light for the same cost. Try one. Power Co. NiMvlnn with Kleetrlelly. The woman who sits bofjro her modern sewing machine, nnd with a gentle pres sure of tho foot starts jup tho electric motor which does nil tho haul work, forgets that It was but a few years ago that all tho sowing In this world had to bo done by hand, Ono motor-driven sowing machine In twelve hours will sew a hundred times moro than tho best hand seamstress In tho world could do in a working day. Even after tho foot-power sewing ma chine was perfected It was not until tho ilnvico could bo operated by a small olectric motor that the maximum speed ,of tho machine could bo utilized. It costs only about 4 cents for tho electricity required to operate a modem sowing ma. chlno for a wholo working day nnd this trifling sum will drive the machine faster, nnd keep it under bettor control, .than It possible In any other way. Sinn from mi Kleelrlenl Standpoint. Sonio lnvrntlvn genius has discovered that tho average man dissipates about twenty-five kilowatt hours of , energy a day In motion, muscular action, menial exertion and heat rndlstion. This is equi valent. It Is said, to a continuous oxpehdl turo at a rate of about 100 watts or the rating of a one-eighth horsepower motor. In spite of his high temperature 08.8 de grees Fahrenheit and large radiating sur face, man's heat losses arc surprisingly small about fifty watthours an hour, or nhout one-half of the total oncrgy ex penditure. As a heating dovlco tho aver age man Is thus about equal to a sixteen eandlepowrr carbon filament jump. It is anticipated tlint Ilcrlln, nenneny, will soon 1k In wlrolcBs speaking distance with New York, No doubt this Is pleasing to tlmt omnlverous reader of the world's events, hoch der kaiser. He will then be nbln to onlcr his neckties nnd Ameri can beer with the'greatest dispatch, A Chicago man has Invented an elec trical device for polishing shoes. Now, watch out for an uprising among the Greeks. ) ! i - Burgess-Granden Co 1511 Howard Stree t is The Telephone Doorway of Business The architect who plans a building must first of all provide sufficient door ways facilities for en trance and egress. Con sider tho absurdity of a modern suito of office rooms with but one' door way. Nebraska Brilliant Illumination Makes a City Safer, Oloanor and Better. Not Difficult to Put Eleotrioity in the Home and Not Mar Teople owning fine old homes did not 'want them torn up and disfigured by a gang of electricians In an effort to Install electrio light. For this reason they used oil und gaa for many years, although they realised that electricity was better nnd safer. Unfortunately electricity has been with us but a few years, at most, nnd' by far tho greater number of homes In this conn try worn erected lpfore tho udvent of electric light. I Wis quite an easy matter to Install electricity In a now building In course of construction In this case the wiring Is all dona before tho plaster, floors and thn moulding are put In place. When an attempt was mado to put In, a network of concealed wiring In an old house the result was anything but pleas ing. Hut now all this Is changed and It Is posslblo to wire the largest homes without breaking the planter, nnd still liave tho wiring completely concealed. It can readily be Imagined that when cir cuits can be laid across tho floor by rais ing a stnglo boards nnd can be run In the othor direction at right angles to this simply by removing and afterwards re placing a part of tho baseboard, the floor ing need bo disturbed very little. As for the outlets for brackets and switches, baseboard outlets, etc., they are secured by "fishing" the wires up or down between tho Joist a:id the lathing which forms the wall on either side, the wires being brought out readily at any point previously selected aftor a test of the space shows It to be free of obstruc tions. Plans for a $18,000,000 tunnel between the North and South stations of the Nw Haven railroad In Iloston are about to bo approved.- Our New LINE OF LAMPS will not ho here until November 15th. Until then we will make vory low prices on all lamps we have on hand so as to make room for tho new stock. That applies to your telephono facilities. Tho telephono now-a-days is your most important door way and this door must ho Hde enough to lot ov ybody in, "Busy" ca. s kill business and cat up profits. Telephone Co. Ciiinim ' liii a li 1 The Copeman Automatic Electric Cook Stovi "The Silent Servant" Through automatic clock nrrangoniont tho Copoman Stovo boKjiifi cooking at any hour wire iIoob not nood to ho prosont. Tho clock may ho sot for 6 n, m.; It starts electrically tho hoiitlug, und tho food 1b cookod when tho family nrlBoa. Tho fobd cannot hum, nil Ib automat ically controlled. Kconomlcal, labor-saving, tlmo-Bavlng. Hpcclnl demonstration of (IiIn wonderful stovo hero now. Wolfe Electric Go. 1810 l-'nrnam Ht. Tyler 1111, "Wlro for ub nnd wo will wlro for you." Housewife... you don't know froodom from household drudgery until you have usod a Duatley Pneumatic Cleaner in your homo. It cleans without labor carpets, rugs, draperies, portieres, etc. Try it once, nnd yon will know how easy It makes housekeeping. , For rent nnd salo. Miller, Stewart & Beaton '115-17 South lOtli Street. The Cost of Living and Electric Light One costs more daily the oUt.tr costs less. In these days of no&rlnff prices It 1 a relief to find one "ne cessity" whose cost In decreas ing Instead of Increasing. Kor the past thirty years the cost of electrio lletitlng has been steadily growing less. A few years ago, ten cents' worth of current would light a 18 candle-power lamp for twenty hours. Now, ten cents' worth of current will light a 33 candle-power lamp for 25 hours. r DAILY- A quarter of a million Bell telephone calls are "MADE IN 1